[Q] Nexus 4 on AT&T - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Setting aside legality issues, what is the procedure for a person on AT&T network to get a Nexus 4 to work on the network? Do I need to call AT&T and give them the IMEI, should I ask for a phony IMEI, or just not do anything and switch sim cards?
Thanks in advance.

just pop your sim card in and that's it.

Thanks for the help. I get mine tonight, and can't wait to try it out. :good:

What legality reasons are you talking about?

Search the N4 forums. There's countless threads regarding ATT. From imei to APN settings and everything in between.
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moldovanos said:
What legality reasons are you talking about?
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T-Mobile phone, I thought Congress passed a law saying you can't use phone cross-carrier?
eep2378 said:
Search the N4 forums. There's countless threads regarding ATT. From imei to APN settings and everything in between.
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I will check again. I only came across threads regarding AT&T LTE mods. I'll try using other search words or something.

Or is the Nexus 4 already an "unlocked device?"

adefeatedman said:
Or is the Nexus 4 already an "unlocked device?"
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Correct, unlocked. It is not a TMO branded phone.

grubbster said:
Correct, unlocked. It is not a TMO branded phone.
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Interesting, I didn't know that. Even better!

To answer your questions: No, No, Yes.

Ha! Thanks!


i can unlocked nexsus one?

i can unlocked nexsus one and Open the network to run on any telecommunications company ?
think you
Read the FAQ, question 13.
think you
I mean open sim
I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard
abo7oor said:
I mean open sim
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cymru said:
I was under the impression all Nexus Ones are SIM unlocked as standard
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As Jack stated, the answers to both of these can be found in the wiki if you actually bothered to read it. He even gave you the question number.
Oooo neckasus one soo awsum
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Unlocked Trophy to work on AT&T?

I apologize for posting this in this forum especially if a question has already been answered similar to what I'm asking but I can't seem to find a solution specifically to the problem that I am facing so I come to you all for help.
I have HTC Trophy on Verizon. I took this phone with me overseas and I requested the unlock PIN from Verizon. I got the PIN. The Phone is unlocked.
Now I got a free upgrade to HTC 8X. I have the WP8 device and I like it. I have another line from AT&T that I want to use on my unlocked HTC trophy. Both support GSM and the phone is unlocked, but it still connects to Verizon.
I've downloaded connection manager and I chose to manually select AT&T and it reverts it back to Verizon.
Any ideas how to fix that?
Hmm nvm mind them
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trilaxx said:
Hmm nvm mind them
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Hey, thanks for your reply! Can you please elaborate more? What do you mean by nvm mind them?

Bought a Sprint S4 today but...

I have T-Mobile service. I had hoped to be able to flash a recovery and then a T-Mobile ROM but so far it looks like this isn't possible. Or is it?
Nope. I don't think it will work.
Sprint is cdma and tmobile is gsm.
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Sprint's Galaxy S4 has T-Mobile's HSPA+ GSM bands so technically it COULD work, only problem is the sim slot is locked to international providers only so until someone finds away to unlock it, no go.
Must be troll
dev_man77 said:
Must be troll
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Mm probably not
Noobs can be quite nooby
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why the h e dubble hockey stick would you buy a Sprint s4 if u have tmobile service??
P.Mobile said:
why the h e dubble hockey stick would you buy a tmobile s4 if u have sprint service??
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You have that backwards, but still a valid question.
metalfan78 said:
You have that backwards, but still a valid question.
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just caught that.. lol
I bought a sprint s4, and have att service which I prefer.. I also have boost service which is what I'm using on it now, until I sort out the blocked domestic gsm carriers issue..
Why buy sprint s4 when I want it on att? Right deal right time..
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The right deal for a phone you can't use?
metalfan78 said:
The right deal for a phone you can't use?
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Well, each to his/her own, seems like it would be easier just to buy a model that can be used. That's just my opinion though.
itsmillertime said:
I have T-Mobile service. I had hoped to be able to flash a recovery and then a T-Mobile ROM but so far it looks like this isn't possible. Or is it?
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Three major problems with this scheme:
1. Domestic GSM lock. Who known when or if this will ever be worked around.
2. Lack of LTE support for TMO (or AT&T) LTE.
3. Lack of support for AWS HSPA while TMO's HSPA 1900 deployment is still poor in many areas.
metalfan78 said:
The right deal for a phone you can't use?
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as I said.. I have it on my boost account right now and using it.. but I'm pretty handy with phones, and I'm working with a few of the best android guys around to get the domestic block removed..
and tell me you wouldnt buy a bad esn jfltespr for 100?
Chris41g is a boss, if you haven't heard of him around here yet, you will.
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chris41g said:
as I said.. I have it on my boost account right now and using it.. but I'm pretty handy with phones, and I'm working with a few of the best android guys around to get the domestic block removed..
and tell me you wouldnt buy a bad esn jfltespr for 100?
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I wouldn't buy any phone with a bad esn, but maybe that's just me.
metalfan78 said:
I wouldn't buy any phone with a bad esn, but maybe that's just me.
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Well I have 12 devices, and no contracts.. So I pay full price for devices.. And most I just develop on..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using xda premium
If I were more of a developer then I would probably buy devices with bad esn just to mess around with.

Nexus 4 (used on ATT previously) not working on T-Mobile

Hi All, I seem to be having a unique problem. I've searched the Web, gone to a T-Mobile store (A bunch of useless idiots), called Google Nexus support, called LG (Equally as stupid as the T-Mobile employees) They could not help me in any way whatsoever. As the title suggests, my Nexus 4 is not getting any signal with a T-Mobile SIM inserted. I used the phone on AT&T for 2 months with no problems at all. I've tried multiple T-Mobile SIMs and AT&T SIMs and the results are always the same. The phone is pure stock. No modifications. If anyone has any sort of knowledge or experience with this issue, your comments will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Bad esn.
Sent from my Nexus 4
are you using the tmobile apn settings?
Wireless and Networking -> More... -> Mobile Networks ->
Check Access Point Names (to verify using a Tmobile APN)
Also check Network Operators to select automatic or T-Mobile.
AIDAKU said:
Bad esn.
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I thought GSM phones don't have ESN?
AIDAKU said:
Bad esn.
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Tchen811 said:
I thought GSM phones don't have ESN?
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right. cdma phones have a esn. the nexus 4 is a gsm phone.
Tchen811 said:
I thought GSM phones don't have ESN?
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He meant it was blacklisted by tmobile.
Did you buy it used?
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Teo032 said:
He meant it was blacklisted by tmobile.
Did you buy it used?
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Yes I did. How would a phone be blacklisted? And is it possible to get it unblacklisted? Haha. And to reply to the rest of you, I have checked APN and Network operator.
There seem to be a lot of n4's that have issues connecting to or staying connected to t mobile service. As for a fix, dunno.
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simms22 said:
right. cdma phones have a esn. the nexus 4 is a gsm phone.
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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
jordanishere said:
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right again, imei.
but if he checked imei, and its fine, then its not disabled.
my next question, have you tried to factory reset it, then boot it up with a good tmobile sim in it?
Exodian said:
There seem to be a lot of n4's that have issues connecting to or staying connected to t mobile service. As for a fix, dunno.
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Been fine on my Nexus, course I've only used T-Mobile with mine, I haven't been on AT&T with it.
Also Phone companies don't seem to be in the habit of blacklisting phones, In fact there's been quite a few people pushing for them to blacklist IMEI and such in the cases of say stolen phones and such, but many just simply don't have a database in place for it.
JRed13 said:
Yes I did. How would a phone be blacklisted? And is it possible to get it unblacklisted? Haha. And to reply to the rest of you, I have checked APN and Network operator.
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There is a chance that the former user was a tmobile user who has tmobile insurance which uses asurion. There's a good chance that he committed insurance fraud and reported the nexus 4 lost or stolen. Asurion will then blacklist that phone for that carrier. Tmobile themselves don't blacklist the phone, but asurion does.
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Teo032 said:
There is a chance that the former user was a tmobile user who has tmobile insurance which uses asurion. There's a good chance that he committed insurance fraud and reported the nexus 4 lost or stolen. Asurion will then blacklist that phone for that carrier. Tmobile themselves don't blacklist the phone, but asurion does.
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Man that would suck if that was the case, I wonder if there's a way he can check.

Not registered on T-Mobile

Hey, I just ordered a Note 3 on eBay and I received it today and it doesn't work at all. I put the tmobile sim in and it just says searching for service. I have gone through the network settings and not of that seems to work/register. Any idea why this might be happening? I can only think of one thing which is it was not fully paid off when they were selling the phone. Any help would be great thank!
Maybe the region lock. Do a search.
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mintie said:
Maybe the region lock. Do a search.
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Doubt it is the region lock because, as I understand it, the phone should be asking for an unlock code.
Workout knowing more about the particular model of phone, at a guess I'd say that the Note the OP has purchased doesn't support TMo's radio bands for either 3g or LTE.
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foxmeister said:
Doubt it is the region lock because, as I understand it, the phone should be asking for an unlock code.
Workout knowing more about the particular model of phone, at a guess I'd say that the Note the OP has purchased doesn't support TMo's radio bands for either 3g or LTE.
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Wow forgot the most important part lol, it's a tmobile branded Note 3. See what happens when you type at 3am!
phoneman09 said:
Wow forgot the most important part lol, it's a tmobile branded Note 3. See what happens when you type at 3am!
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Would've been useful!
In that case, blacklisted IMEI sounds likely.
If you try to search for networks, does it slow any networks at all?
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foxmeister said:
Would've been useful!
In that case, blacklisted IMEI sounds likely.
If you try to search for networks, does it slow any networks at all?
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It showed networks, just didn't connect. It was blacklisted, I just checked this morning. Thanks for the help.

