Phone Crashes - Have to take out/in battery - Galaxy S II General

Hey All,
Im runing KE2 rooted, ive noticed 3 times now going to use my phone and the screen is blank, non of the buttons do anything even holding the power button.
Only way to get it going again is to take the battery out and back in and power up the phone.
Am I alone? Ive seen posts about overheating etc? if im on my own im going to get a replacment just wanted to confirm before i ring up my provider!
Cheers, Alex.

Mine crashed twice before KE1 & 2, but since then it has been fine.
Same thing, black screen, first time I took the battery out and second time it recovered by holding down the power button for about 10 seconds.

Happened to me last night/this morning. The alarm didn't sound, nearly late for work. When I woke up look at my phone it was completely blank. Nothing, nada, had to pull the battery but still nothing so I plugged the charger in after a couple of minutes the battery icon came up.
It seems the phone lost discharged the battery completely from 78% when I went to sleep doing nothing for 8 hours.

zen123 said:
Happened to me last night/this morning. The alarm didn't sound, nearly late for work. When I woke up look at my phone it was completely blank. Nothing, nada, had to pull the battery but still nothing so I plugged the charger in after a couple of minutes the battery icon came up.
It seems the phone lost discharged the battery completely from 78% when I went to sleep doing nothing for 8 hours.
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Differnt issue, on inserting the battery back in i still have charge

Yep, I also had this problem but it only happened twice. Once before when I was on the stock firmware, and once after I updated to the first firmware. Now I am on the second firmware, it hasn't happened since but only time will tell.
I made a thread yesterday:

what did say? (im with them also)

alexroborock said:
what did say? (im with them also)
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I'm going to see if it happens again with the latest firmware before I ring them. I did the troubleshooting thing on Samsung's site too and it says to wipe the battery pins and phone pins with a damp cloth.


To return or not to return? That is the question!

Had my Exec on battery power from about 7:30am yesterday, casual use all day long, got home for had something to eat, went to go out, grabbed my exec which I had used about 40mins earlier to check msg's and noticed the base was very hot. LED's were still flashing, screen was off. Pressed power and nothing happened, tried a few more times still nothing, hmmm. Hit soft reset, waited, nothing, tried again, nothing. Opened the back and removed the battery, still felt hot as did the inside of the phone, not sure which was hotter. Let both cool for 2 mins, refitted and switched on. Phone reported very low battery, placed it on charge and checked battery status, 0%, I have never had 0% before! Left it alone on charge, battery came up to 100% about 1 hour later. My exec has been fine since.
Should I phone for a replacement phone and battery, or just one or the other, or see how it goes?
I think I'd see how it goes - any sign of further trouble though, and the whole lot would go back.
I had a similar problem. It was a faulty camera - if I left the cam app running it would drain my battery and heat-up my Exec. Got it repaired and seems okay now.

HELPPPPP !!!!!!!! o2 NEO DEAD ????

This is crazy. I made a few calls before I slept and my battery was at 40% level. When I woke up and saw my phone wouldnt come out from standby mode. I saw none of the lights on my phone were blinking. I assumed that the phone shut down by itself. I pushed the power button it started and in 3 seconds it shut down by itself. I assumed that its battery is dead so I connected it to my computer but I did not see any orange charging light. So I connected it to the wall charger. This is really shocking I saw a red indicator light it stayed there for 2 seconds and went away. I am really scared my phone is not starting please help !!!
...same issue here! -> solved!
Hi! I own a XDA Neo for one week now and this morning this happened to me: I did set an alarm the evening before to wake me up, battery was at 82%, so I did not connect the device to external power. I woke up in time, but not by the alarm. Instead the XDA was off and when I presses the 'on' button it did a soft reset... The reset reached the Windows screen (after the provider logo screen) and the alarm went on. I disabled the alarm and the XDA froze. I did two more soft resets, both with the same result. When I tried to 'reanimate' the device the fourth time, nothing happened at all. No soft reset, no hard reset, no boot loader, no indicator LED when connecting it to the charger
I removed the battery, the SD and the SIM and tried several times to reset the damn thing - no fu..... way! Does anyone know the 'magic trick' or should I send the device in for exchange/repair (it's one week old!)???
Thanks for helping a newbie :wink:
I don't believe it, the battery was simply discharged completely! From 82% at 10pm the evening before to 0% at 7am the next morning. With BT and WiFi off, excellent signal from provider, no other progs running in the background and screen shut off as well... What a crappy little piece of sh..! Guess I have to get a more powerfull one from Ebay.
Same problem here, damn it!
brainbanger said:
I don't believe it, the battery was simply discharged completely! From 82% at 10pm the evening before to 0% at 7am the next morning. With BT and WiFi off, excellent signal from provider, no other progs running in the background and screen shut off as well... What a crappy little piece of sh..! Guess I have to get a more powerfull one from Ebay.
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How did you figure out that the battery discharged completely?
My XDA Neo was fine this morning with 22% battery and just after lunch (without using it) it stopped working! And it's one week old!!
I have the same thing, have no idea what to do!
First time it happened i exchanged my device, but the problem was still there and i thought the battery were dead. i bought the new one- and it work!!! But now it happened again!!

Won't turn on! :(

So last night at kickball, I sent a text to my wife. The next game, I wanted to see if she texted back, and my phone was off. I didn't remember the battery being low, but thought that perhaps it might have been. When I got home I plugged it in and got nothing. I tried to do the Power/Camera/Reset to see if it would go into bootloader; again nothing. I left the battery out all night, put it back in this morning, still nothing. I've tried usb charging and wall charging as well, with and without the battery. Nothing turns it on... is it done for?
Same thing happened to mine recently. I know the battery was low, and it turned off because of that. Never got it to turn on again.
The only sign of life mine shows is that the red led will turn on if you have it plugged into a charge with the battery out. Other than that, it's a paperweight.
Never got mine working again.
I took mine apart, and somehow got it to turn on again... it was a messy process.. something must be shorted out. Going to have to get something new soon.
i have just the same issue with moto milestone ... i am sure that the battery is fully charged, cause ive charged it with another milestone ... but that one simply won't turn on ... tried different combinations of sd/simcard/battery on and off .. still the same ... Any help would be highly appreciated.
same issue here, mine just stopped working yesterday, battery was fine, i did a soft reset randomly, and then it wouldn't turn back on. Both the talk and end lights are on, that's it..
Mine does the same thing since it was dropped in water. It had'nt been turned on for 2 years since I decided it would work! It still does the red light thing sometimes, but all I got to do is remove battery, try power button and repeat the process until it works. Try it out!

Won't turn on D:

So today I left my tablet to charge, it was at like 25% left, while I went to out to my practice. When I returned about 2 hours later, it wouldn't turn on. Before I had left, it was charging so it's not that it ran out of power because the outlet didn't work. I switched the outlets, plugged it into a computer, pressed the power button a bunch of times; nothing. Perhaps I got a defected unit or downloaded a bad app? I don't know :/; ideas?
guih said:
So today I left my tablet to charge, it was at like 25% left, while I went to out to my practice. When I returned about 2 hours later, it wouldn't turn on. Before I had left, it was charging so it's not that it ran out of power because the outlet didn't work. I switched the outlets, plugged it into a computer, pressed the power button a bunch of times; nothing. Perhaps I got a defected unit or downloaded a bad app? I don't know :/; ideas?
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try holding down the power button for 15 seconds
Hold the power button 15 seconds, let go, then try again for another 7 seconds.
Wow, that actually worked, thank you so much (held it till it turned on, about 10-15 seconds). Would you happen to know why it had just turned off like that? I'm at 81% battery now, so it turned off at some point on its own, and why did I have to do such a long power button press?
guih said:
Wow, that actually worked, thank you so much (held it till it turned on, about 10-15 seconds). Would you happen to know why it had just turned off like that? I'm at 81% battery now, so it turned off at some point on its own, and why did I have to do such a long power button press?
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i believe there is a sleep mode/lock hiccup sometimes. I experience it with my media dock but not my keyboard dock. its weird and sometimes annoying but not too much to kill my day lol
Yeah this happened to me too. Just a small quirk.
Oh, ok, thanks guys lol I had like freaked out.
I got my Tab yesterday. Used it then set it charging overnight. Won't power on this morning. The back does get warm though. I tried holding down the power button for at least a minute and also tried the 15 then 7 approach. Nothing.
I also tried an idea from a different forum (referencing a Froyo glitch) and tried touching the screen while holding the power button.
Does this sound like a hardware fail?
I had the same problem. Held the power button for 15 seconds and then 7 and nothing happened. Held the power button for a long time. What do I do next?
Mine didnt turn on today. Tried the 15 second press procedure and nothing happened. I grabbed my wall charger and plugged it in and left it sitting there for a minute. I tried the 15 second procedure again and this time the screen lit up and was showing that the battery was charging because it was in red. After about a minute the tab booted itself and all is normal now. I guess my battery went dead since i hadnt charged it and completley turned off my tab. Thats why it rebooted itself. Nothing to worry about.
happened to me too
looks like there is a glitch ... mine was left charging today ... and it did charge but did not want to start... i did leave it on.
I connected to PC and press Power ON + Volume Up + VOlume down all at the same time and it did seem to restart ... worried there is something wrong with it though.
I bought it in USA and Im in UK I wonder if things go wrong if Samsung UK would repair it.
I've had it for about 9 days and have used it every single day. Last night I downloaded 2 movies onto it and everything was fine. Today it would not power on one bit! I charged it over night so the battery shouldn't have drained. I ended up fixing my problem by doing the following:
Held the power button.
At the same time, placed a finger on the screen.
Held it down for 15 seconds or more and it booted up!
Not sure why it only worked when I put my finger on the screen.
I ended up exchanging it either way just in case.
lost2030 said:
I've had it for about 9 days and have used it every single day. Last night I downloaded 2 movies onto it and everything was fine. Today it would not power on one bit! I charged it over night so the battery shouldn't have drained. I ended up fixing my problem by doing the following:
Held the power button.
At the same time, placed a finger on the screen.
Held it down for 15 seconds or more and it booted up!
Not sure why it only worked when I put my finger on the screen.
I ended up exchanging it either way just in case.
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For some reason this keeps happening to me when I leave it to charge over night.
jspookss said:
For some reason this keeps happening to me when I leave it to charge over night.
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Every night?? I charge it every night and it only happened once. Hopefully my new one is fine.
jspookss said:
For some reason this keeps happening to me when I leave it to charge over night.
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this also happened to me for the first time this morning from leaving it on charge overnight.
however i was able to start it by removing cable and holding power for 15secs.
what could be causing this? I hope it doesn't happen every night.
I had this problem as well a few weeks ago. Samsung sent me a shipping label and told me to ship it back. I got it back in just under 10 days. They never did tell me what was wrong but they shipped back my original Tab.
Is this happening when you leave it booted up and charging overnight or is the unit powered off and charging?
I will say that this issue has only happened to me one time and it happened under the following conditions (Ive had a Tab sense launch day):
- Battery was at 35%.
- While booted, I plugged it in to charge overnight.
- The next day at 09:00 I attempted to use it and had to hold the power button for 15 sec to get it to boot.
So, It *might* only happen if its booted with low battery and you charge it overnight. Powering it off and charging doesnt appear to cause it at all in my case.
Yes it happened while powered on and left to charge overnight. Battery was probably around 30-40% as you said.
Still doesn't explain why it would happen regardless of the % of battery left. Hence the reason it's meant to be charging.
I've had it happen very quickly. High level of charge, plug it in, walk off, come back, unplug, and it's dead, need the 15 second press to power back on.
Not a huge deal, but annoying. And a bit scary, since mine went into the "sleep of death" once already, took four days for the battery to drain enough to break the nvflash loop it was in.

Phone died then came back to life

I wonder what the hell happened to my phone this morning, I thought it was dead. This morning at 4am, I pressed the home button, the clock and date were there as usual on the lockscreen. But there was no lockscreen, just a completely black background. I tried swiping it, nothing. Pressed the power button and the phone became completely dead, nothing happening, couldn't even get the time and date back. Connected to mains charger, nothing, no icon. Left it overnight till just now. Pressed power button, nothing. Connected to USB, nothing. Took battery cover off, removed sim card ready to put back in my old phone. Removed battery which was firmly in and then put battery back in after a few seconds. Everything fired up fine and it said 100% battery charge since obviously charging overnight.
Something up with the battery connection? It's not like the battery was loose in the compartment, it was slotted in as it should be as far as I could tell since I installed it when the phone was new 2 weeks ago. Yet removing the battery and putting it back seemed to cure the issue.
Seems it was a crash my phone experienced. Normal to have crashes or faulty phone? Only have launcher pro installed, no rooting, no drops, knocks or shocks to the phone.
Strange problem you had. I've had several crashes already, but all the ones that involved the phone itself crashing resulted in automatic reboots. I have a lot of stuff installed, but most of the time it's a game that'll crash it.
you could have solved this problem much earlier honestly.
in such cases it is very common to first take out the battery, wait a while and reinsert it. would have brought you the same solution in probably 10 minutes
v1rtu4l said:
you could have solved this problem much earlier honestly.
in such cases it is very common to first take out the battery, wait a while and reinsert it. would have brought you the same solution in probably 10 minutes
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Well if I'd known to do that straight away, don't you think I would have done?
now you know
Proof? The sgsll really IS the son of god ! )

