2 more questions.... - A7 General

When i go in to settings and try to open up my display settings itforce closes. Any one else havingthat probbem? I HAVE THE LATEST DEXTER ROM
2. are there any movie down loading apps that allow you to rent movies? I have blockbuster on my evo and I can rent movies like iTunes.

Please go back and read dexmod there this has been stated alreadt there in the orignal post, there is a patch
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

The second question, I dont think there is anything avaiable yet for these device yet that will allow you to rent movies.
This link may help: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=990805
Sent from my Mynized EVo 4G

Thanks all...

Not to bash anyone but do people install thinks without reading anypart of it

rombold said:
Not to bash anyone but do people install thinks without reading anypart of it
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I don't think its bashing if its the truth seen over and over lol

I remember reading a forum whare someone said they had honeycomb or gingerbread for a certain phone just flash it with that .zip and you have it. Two responses later (Thanks for the Brick)

Look, i hear what you guys are saying about not doing your homework before asking a question but that thread is huge and I really don't understand a lot of it to be honest with you so I figured I would ask.. A friend of mine actually did the dexter rom on my a7 and i wasn't there when he did it. He was going to walk me through it before he went back to Afghanistan but we never got a chance to so here i am.
I am trying to read as much as i can so I don't have to ask you all. But for now I am a noob so you can get on me all you want but i am sure this isn't the last time i will ask a dumb question about something that was discussed somewhere else so please have some patients with me and the rest of the non-enlightened folk...
the A7 was very disappointing out of the box... i just want a better functioning tablet... same as you all.. and i am happy with it now.. I just need to figure out how to do the patch. I wouldn't suppose there a "for dummies" version of how to do this anywhere is there?

try out some video streaming sites thru the skyfire browser. if you cant find it on the market i could post a link for you.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

Yes, there are some know it all butt heads in this forum that leave yo guessing and having to ask again. Ignore those idiots-some of us do care.

The SofaKing said:
I am trying to read as much as i can so I don't have to ask you all. But for now I am a noob so you can get on me all you want but i am sure this isn't the last time i will ask a dumb question about something that was discussed somewhere else so please have some patients with me and the rest of the non-enlightened folk...
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You can always PM people that you see that are frequent posting, because when you ask a question about something that has been covered it drowns the important information, then we have other be lost, but me and others here would be glad to help, seeing as the community has started to grow
Sent from my Mynized EVo 4G


help with android/rom?

hey guys, i think i am trying to to install a new rom. what i am trying to do is dual boot wm 6.5 and android, if thats possible, i have tried searching for stuff, but i get not enough info in some places, and too much in others, here are some links to stuff i have found so far:
can anyone help me out with this? its a lot of info for me, and i dont know what to do/ look at
i have read all the newbie and noob posts out there, so dont tell me to go read them
id like someone to tell me exactly what to download and how to run it to effectivly get android running on my device, dual boot if possible, id like to keep wm 6.5 but also have android. id also like to have a back up rom that is completly "stock" unless a hard reset will erase everything and put it back to "stock" incase i need to sell the device, or just go back.
im sure i am missing a few things, so any help would be greatly appreciated, i really need to get this done, because as of right now, i am not to happy with my device with just wm 6.5 and i cant afford to take a loss and sell it back...
i also may be wrong with some of my terminology, so what i understand is with dual booting i can run wm 6.5 just like i have now and use CHT and stuff, or i can run an android UI like the real android devices?
like i said, any help would be greatly appreciated, and i really need to get this accomplished,
come on, now one knows how to get android running on their device?
please, i need help with this!
also, how or where can i get a registry editor? preferably a .cab file?
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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wow, you expect us to solve all your problems in 24 hours, on the weekend no less? How much do you think we are getting paid for this?
Glad you got it figured out. Next time, you could try posting in the regular hd2 section as well, seems to be more traffic there.
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
sirphunkee said:
So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
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i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
There's nothing weird you just don't have enough patience to wait for replies. Anyways, good to see that you actually utilized the search function. There's a dedicated android on hd2 forum here on xda. You should have posted your question there.
pbleonidus said:
i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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sent from android on hd2 using xda app
pbleonidus said:
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
donkeypunch85 said:
We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
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haha, very funny, i know it was sarcasm, i just gave a serious answer...
i didnt expect anyone to hold my hand or give me an answer, i just would have thought some one would have something about something, like i said before, a lot of times people say good luck, or id be intersted in this too... i found it weird that no one said anything. i know you guys are mad because you couldnt understand my sarcasm, and that i was able to figure it out for myself. how come when i needed help no one said anything, but now that i have it figured out, you guys rant about me wanting everything handed to me, when thats not the case?
mods, please close thread, i got the problem fixed, and there is no need for this thread anymore...
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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and i didnt mean anything negative by this, i wasnt mad at anyone, i was just trying to be a little funny by throwing some sarcasm in there...
i am terribly sorry that you guys have no sense of humor and couldnt understand that... i though forums where supposed to be friendly, and people were supposed to be able to say funny and or sarcastic things without somone jumping on their back...
once again, please close thread.
it's all good in here man. We all just get a little bit of newbieitis where the only cure is to lash out at the newbs.
There is a lot to learn on this forum and by the time you learn it all, your device is out of date.
It seems you wanted to figure it all out in a night. Been using WinMo for about 2-3years now and I still don't have a clue most of the time.
pbleonidus, if that comment was just tongue-in-cheek, then it's all good, no harm no foul. Those types of comments are near-impossible to tell the difference between light-hearted and just disrespectful....and believe me, we get FAR more of the latter type in here...and that does tend to strike a bit of a raw nerve with those here who go to a lot of effort to help others.
So, a lesson in this for all of us: you're apparently not the type of snarky jerk that we run across so often, and we're not always able to generate answers as quickly as you might expect. Cool? Cool.
I'll get this thread closed for you.
Thread closed as requested.

[Q] Just Wondering

Hey guys , its almost September and I just wanted to know how is the Nand project coming along ? I havent seen any post about it the past week and was just wondering how close are we to Nand?
Man you are going to get flamed for that question...
Believe me.. if there's news on it.. it WILL be announced..
i would quickly delete your thread if i were you..
Hahaha, to the guy above me, funny post.. so gonna get your arse burned..
In any case, rumour has it that it'll be somewhere round Semptember..
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
No one here will be able to answer that one...
And in case you hadn't noticed, there's now an HD2 Android general forum...this one is just for build development.
cant delete ur own threads unless ur a mod lol... but u can delete what u typed in that very 1st post there..
before u guys keep going , NO I cannot delete my own thread.
I asked because I havent heard anything. Also I set HD2 Android DEV. as a fav SO I really didnt see a "NEW" section. To the first guy who said I would get flamed , why would I get flamed ? XDA is for people to flame people or help each other ? I think it was meant to share knowlege and information. I didnt know so I asked. If anyone feel like flaming then go right ahead . Sorry for posting in the wrong section also , wont happen again.
Yea, the new General forum is hard to spot if you have this one as a bookmark...no announcement or anything makes it difficult to know...
And regarding NAND...we havent heard anything because there's obviously nothing new to report...I'm quite sure we'll all hear about it as soon as anything crops up.
the_scotsman said:
Yea, the new General forum is hard to spot if you have this one as a bookmark...no announcement or anything makes it difficult to know...
And regarding NAND...we havent heard anything because there's obviously nothing new to report...I'm quite sure we'll all hear about it as soon as anything crops up.
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Thanks for being one of the few mature ones on here I check this forum everyday and didnt see anything new so I thought I missed something but guess
not. Thanks though
it wasn't meant to be an attack on yourself at all mate..
just i know how people have been treated before on the forum...
Was more a word of warning to be honest..
Check those links for the latest developments.
Also, you have to realize that none of the developers are going to search the forums to try and answer your question about their progress. Try going in the IRC chat for some info.
I'm allergic to thread titles like this
thisguyeh said:
Hey guys , its almost September and I just wanted to know how is the Nand project coming along ? I havent seen any post about it the past week and was just wondering how close are we to Nand?
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Not your typical rant.......

First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Couldn't agree more. I've been a longtime member with a very low post count. Unless you're the first or second person to download a rom and notice a secific bug to report, the community is large enough that very rarely do you need to post as someone else already has.
Not to mention its a self perpetuating problem. If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
Typical rant.
You opened a new thread, clogging the front page just like those you hate.
The words you speak will never truly reach those who don't read before posting... by definition.
Waste of time and space, get over yourself.
Why does this bother people so much. Ignore the threads/questions if you have an issue with them. Some people aren't aware of the resources. Being a prick about it doesn't help. These same rants have been done over and over and over...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
What a SHOCKER! Another typical "non-typical" rant.
But, you know, you're right. No one should be allowed to post until they've read all 3000+ posts in this forum. No one is allowed to ask other's opinions on the best ROM. No one is allowed to think differently than you.
Wanna know why the HTC side is so good? It's not because HTC releases source code (You should have seen the community in the early days before anyone released code). It's because the users are helpful. They contribute. They don't rant.
You, and users like you, are the reason the community is falling apart. Get in there and answer some questions. Contribute. Post to the useful threads so they stay close to the top. Add to the Wiki. Don't sit around and complain. These forums are for everyone, not just you.
You have only 12 posts, and the only thing you can contribute is "restart your phone" or "use a different USB cable?"
Here's my plea for the mods to lock this thread before we spiral out of control. What do you mean, it's too late?
compuw22c said:
If less people were posting the same thing 10 times, there would only be 1/10th the amount of posts to read through to find your answer to begin with.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Or, you could post a like to the wiki, pointing the noobs in the right direction. Answer the question and the thread falls to the bottom, and useful stuff with high post counts rise to the top.
Here's an example:
"Hey man, totally get where you're coming from. Rooting seems tricky, but it's not. Here's the guides in the wiki. It's got most of your questions answered. The search is useful if you can't find it there. Glad to have you on XDA.
But I guess it's much more useful to post inane responses on useless threads. Crap floats.
ms79723 said:
A lot of people say that, and yeah, people need to do some research first or something...but for some people..they really aren't being lazy or anything, they just really dont know that thats what they are supposed to do.
Let me put it like this..I saw this on my facebook yesterday. Someone I know was asking how somebody got their phone to look they way it did (the guy took a screenshot of his Vibrant with a Gingerbread theme). The guy told him to either ask me or to come to xda. Now, the guy who asked had a Hero and doesnt know what rooting is...he probably doesnt even know how a forum (or really, how this forum) works. So when he gets here, the first thing he'll do is register and make a thread asking that question. Since he'd be a new user, he wouldn't know how many times the question has been asked, hell, he wouldnt even really know where to look. It'd be his only question and to him, he thinks that he'll be able to get the answer and leave and its done.
Now, thats the only time I say we should tolerate such behavior. but for users that have been on here a while and have been posting and contributing, there's no excuse.
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I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
I'm also one of those old members with years of lurking experience, because i know to search. But, at the same time, i don't tell people to do it. He'll i barley give advice... Mainly because i just come here, give rep, and get what info I need and then leave.
Let the forums grow i say... the more questions are asked, the easier they can be answered later, because of the keywords aspect. If someone doesnt know the keywords, they will ask a question with wrong ones, and then get corrected. and later down the line, someone searching with the same wrong keywords can find the answer... At least i hope it works out like that, i would like to think it does to some degree...
Anyways... my 2c
The only problem I have with searching is this: my laptop crashed a while back so I haver to search with the phone and xda app. The xda app search sucks. It brings up irrelevant posts. So since i can't use the search feature, unless I go to the site through the web browser, I just read the wiki and search post by post lol. I am for the side that says, if you don't like the post don't read it. Be helpful, not insane. Some attitudes on here are equivalent to some one coming up to you on a street, new to the town, and asking where mcdonalds is, and some of your responses would be: Look up in the sky for the big f?%#ing golden arches before I shot you in the head with my glock. That is a little over board. I say search, but if the didn't don't get mad.
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic http://mobilepi.wordpress.com/
JettMartinez said:
I don't buy that at all. If you've been on the internet more than 10 minutes, searching should always be your first instinct.
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Man, more people are familiar with school than the internet...and in school you usually ask the teachers questions before you whip out your book to find the answer. Most people also try to act like themselves online like they do in real life...and since in a real life situation there more likely to ask a question than search for the answer...so first instinct would probably be asking that question, that is, if you arent used to forums (specifically this one).
Very serious business.
warrior420 said:
flat out, most people just dont even know what to search for, keywords will get you the right information, but also knowing the key words is what is troubling the new people.
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When you see question, give an answer. At least point them to the wiki so they can learn the things to search for.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
RushAOZ said:
I have more of a problem with the **** stains that walk in and flame you than with noobies posting the same questions again and again. In fact im pretty sure there are more posts accumulated bashing noobs than there are noob question posts. Swing that pendelum the other way. Your the problem. Stfu and contribute or don't enter the post. Better yet log out. Usually the ones that ***** are the ones that spend way too much time on here. Only ones that get to complain are devs cuz we owe it to them
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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This is just about the most typical rant you can find on this board.. 1000 miles away from non typical
Elite11b said:
First off let me say that this is not against Sprint or Samsung (shocker). I know my way around a computer but am no way a developer. Before I ever loaded a rom I read and did my research it took me betweem 24 to 48 hours before I felt confident enough to root and flash and if I had any questions I searched the forums for a solution. Its not hard. Now here comes the complaint. I know they say there are no stupid questions but damn, I see the same question over and over again when there are easily found answers right in front of your face. Don't be lazy and read, no one one here gets paid to answer your questions that have already been answered. I'm not saying there aren't legitimate questions because there are plenty of them and that's not what is bothering me at all. I guess what I'm trying to get at is do the effing research take your time and you will figure it out, and stop asking what is the best rom it is the most worthless question on here because no one can give you the right answer. One more thing if you do run into a problem try and figure it out before running to the computer and then maybe you could actually contribute. That's all sorry for such a long post.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Can a brother get a carriage return?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Failing to search occurs in ANY forum out there. The difference with the Epic scene is we have more self-proclaimed moderators than any board I am a member of. There are simply too many people trigger happy to call out a “noob” who may or may not know what it is that they are looking for.
It’s a shame that we are so quick to assume that someone is lazy.
I am here several times a day. More often than not, you will see folks spending more time correcting other’s forum posting etiquette than actually helping or contributing. In the other forums I frequent (mostly cars), the members actually help one another and asking questions, regardless of them previously posted, is no problem at all.
Go figure, the forums where mistakes cost A LOT more money in damages is stress-free compared to one that can almost always be fixed with a good old odin.
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Elite11b said:
I definitly feel like an ass for posting this in the first place. I guess I should have been more specific when I posted. I apologize to anyone I offended. I have no problem helping anyone that needs help it just aggravates me when people ask a question one a thread that was answered on the previous page. But whatever I honestly don't give two squirts what people think about me.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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I think you were saying what you felt and there is no harm in that. You were not out of line in the way you said it. It was simply something you felt like expressing.
I don’t believe your last sentence though. It contradicts your first sentence.
No it's true I just regret not being more specific about what I was saying. Anyway life is full of contradictions
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Stop being so freaking mean

Dudes, I'm all for arguing but your going a bit too far.
Recently I've seen more than plenty of people getting pissed at newbies because they ask a commonly asked question.
They don't call them newbies because they know everything I just want you to take it a bit easier on them.
Who knows that newbie might be the next Dev that amazes us.
I'm sure most of you weren't treated like **** when you first joined and asked a question or made a error...
Just calm down and remember their new and they will learn.
P.s. I hope I don't sound like a hippie.
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
it's not really new. it's been like that in the vibrant section since i started coming to it back in like june....
but i agree.
You have some good points! At the same time some of the frustration people have on here is that people or newbies don't use yhe search option.
They go and asked the same question that was asked a page back or so!
The newbies are getting more and more lazy and aren't doing enough research before they ask a question!
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, but when I got started with all this flashing stuff last year I did my homework are researched everything I could before I did my first flash!
If I had a question or even today when I have a question I make sure I browse the tread to see if I find the answer or use the search option before I go posting it for the 100th time!
Just my 2¢!
Rockin that Bionix V 1.2 w/ Androdena V4
funeralthirst said:
it's not really new. it's been like that in the vibrant section since i started coming to it back in like june....
but i agree.
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The interwebz has always been this way. You should of seen the G1 forums back on the day. I have noticed recently though that this happens when the natives get restless... aka: there are no new Roms or updates to flash and/or ppl check the forums way tooooo much and so it turns into the state we have now.
This will never end just to let you know. PMs and reporting post work wonders.
Know this. It isnt just these threads for this forum.
Its Apart of life and people get very fustrated with it. Case in point I had a guy call me at work and ask me how to work his computer.
Its people like this customer that make my head hurt.
He then proceed's to ask me how to get internet.
I say sir you must call att or timewarner or who ever can provide internet to you.
He then says " cant I just sign up over the internet with a credit card"
I think to myself "how in the hell are you going to sign up for internet over the internet when you do not have internet.
point of this is 1) its funny! 2) I get how you feel I use to get very fustrated with this sight. Some people just do not read or comprehend what we do. Other times I am just as dumb as they are.
xriderx66 said:
Dudes, I'm all for arguing but your going a bit too far.
Recently I've seen more than plenty of people getting pissed at newbies because they ask a commonly asked question.
They don't call them newbies because they know everything I just want you to take it a bit easier on them.
Who knows that newbie might be the next Dev that amazes us.
I'm sure most of you weren't treated like **** when you first joined and asked a question or made a error...
Just calm down and remember their new and they will learn.
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htc2364 said:
You have some good points! At the same time some of the frustration people have on here is that people or newbies don't use yhe search option.
They go and asked the same question that was asked a page back or so!
The newbies are getting more and more lazy and aren't doing enough research before they ask a question!
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, but when I got started with all this flashing stuff last year I did my homework are researched everything I could before I did my first flash!
If I had a question or even today when I have a question I make sure I browse the tread to see if I find the answer or use the search option before I go posting it for the 100th time!
Just my 2¢!
Rockin that Bionix V 1.2 w/ Androdena V4
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Both points, have hit the marks!
I started to search for the newbie's and just post them as answers to people that are new to this.
But if i don't have the time of my life (I have a family too, and i'm damn old for this, lol), then I would just answer but with a courteous and politely tell them to search next time.
All~G1 said:
The interwebz has always been this way. You should of seen the G1 forums back on the day. I have noticed recently though that this happens when the natives get restless... aka: there are no new Roms or updates to flash and/or ppl check the forums way tooooo much and so it turns into the state we have now.
This will never end just to let you know. PMs and reporting post work wonders.
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LOL, yeah, G1 days was...umm... let's just say, it was 'busy'. Shoot, the Symbian forums in the olden days was the same. People pester me with updates and crap, and making this change, and do that.... Oy.
I agree with All~G1, sometimes there are 'certain users' who can't take a joke, or too serious, or just plain jerk. So those I do report to Mods and it does work wonders...
The problem is that people expect everyone else to take time to help them but don't take anytime to help themselves (ie, searching for a solution before asking for one)
Ill admit I'm a noob to the android bit but to the tech or fourm world but iv learned in my years the google and forum search are your best friends when learnong something new that's how I found this site. However I have noticed that some threads on here may have 1000+ replys and the forum search here as with most boards don't always put you close to the answer you need so and I can see how other noobs who really arnt familuar with forums like this could find it overwhelimg trying to go through that amount of posts
Sent from my hero running froyo with the XDA APP
Like any forum, search is your friend. You have a problem? First search and check stickies before asking. Them are the laws of the internets plain and simple. I'm not the most educated when it comes to android, but I try and answer questions the best I can to help out. When I see pages 1,2 and three of general chat all asking for help about kies update to 2.2, I get pissed too.
I think vibrant members are on the nicer side of the spectrum.
I understand using search isn't that hard, but new users may not be familiar to vbulletin forums and search feautures, but yes most of them don't even bother.
i went from stock 2.1 to rooted 2.2 flagship v4 just by using the search button. getting pissed might be going a bit far, but they do deserve a good jerkin!
I highly doubt a newbie or n00b who expects everything handed to him and his phone to be automagically rooted and flashed with roms will be the next greatest developer and i haven't even heard anyone be called a newbie ever in any forum but i get where your coming from
whatever5 said:
I highly doubt a newbie or n00b who expects everything handed to him and his phone to be automagically rooted and flashed with roms will be the next greatest developer and i haven't even heard anyone be called a newbie ever in any forum but i get where your coming from
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Lol automagically... i'm writing that one down
Sent from Bionix powered vibrant! If I helped, hit the thanks button!
xriderx66 said:
P.s. I hope I don't sound like a hippie.
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A little bit but you are right, I don't know why but the Vibrant crowd get REALLY rough and terse...... people need to show some compassion.........we were all newbies at one time........ good post
Search really isn't that hard. I've been flashing roms on here since Bionix 4 for 2.1 and I never did so until I read the stickies and did research. It's sad that they're not used as much as they should be and it's even sadder that in this day and age, searching key phrases for specific information is still comparable to college level calculus for many internet users.
Sent from my Bionix-V powered Samsung Vibrant that I customized by actually using search intelligently and never cluttering threads. Imagine that!
i haven't been around here for so long but i already know how devs and the experienced get so easily pissed at noob questions. i refrain myself from asking questions AT LEAST in dev threads unless it's absolutely necessary and my googling and searching forums wouldn't give me any clues.
i think devs must have been pretty passionate and must have offered to help, but with growing number of noobs-not all noobs- throwing dumb questions, making threads run hundreds of pages, i understand being passionate no longer is possible
Is there a newbie or beginner section? I think I looked at the xda forum a year ago and it just overwhelmed me at one point where I just didn't care about rooting. Then I met the samsung vibrant and it frustrated me to no end where I had to start reading up a little bit.

[Q] Recovery on MF3

EDIT: Problem Resolved
Hello, after reading for hours, I now realize that I was wrong. Not totally new to rooting, etc. but this one caught me off guard. I updated to the latest MF3 OTA from ATT.
My problem is I tried to install TWRP from the goo manager, and now the recovery doesn't work on the phone at all. For the longest time it just kept rebooting the phone endlessly, and I could make it get into download mode.
I managed to get the phone to boot up by flashing the stock rom with odin in the bootloader section (did this by accident trying to recover the phone), and then went into download mode, and clicked cancel. It booted up fine.
If I try to enter recovery at all, it goes back into the endless boot cycle till I do some playing around with odin.
How to do I get the normal recovery working again? I would like to factory reset this and sell it for a GPE phone.
Thank you for your time.
Is there a downloadable mf3 ROM out there I can use to flash it with Odin?
agent929 said:
Is there a downloadable mf3 ROM out there I can use to flash it with Odin?
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---------- Post added at 06:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 AM ----------
agent929 said:
Hello, after reading for hours, I now realize that I was wrong. Not totally new to rooting, etc. but this one caught me off guard. I updated to the latest MF3 OTA from ATT.
My problem is I tried to install TWRP from the goo manager, and now the recovery doesn't work on the phone at all. For the longest time it just kept rebooting the phone endlessly, and I could make it get into download mode.
I managed to get the phone to boot up by flashing the stock rom with odin in the bootloader section (did this by accident trying to recover the phone), and then went into download mode, and clicked cancel. It booted up fine.
If I try to enter recovery at all, it goes back into the endless boot cycle till I do some playing around with odin.
How to do I get the normal recovery working again? I would like to factory reset this and sell it for a GPE phone.
Thank you for your time.
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There is a method, you'll have to search for it, because I can't find it right now and link you to it.
It's your luck day . http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43512474
---------- Post added at 06:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------
Both of you should do a lot more reading before you mess with your phones. There are good stickies in the general forum which would be good starting points. If you had read them you might not be posting here now.
jd1639 said:
Both of you should do a lot more reading before you mess with your phones. There are good stickies in the general forum which would be good starting points. If you had read them you might not be posting here now.
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Not to be a stickler but it's the same person.
And not to be disrespectful, but the galaxyroot website says installing a custom recovery is fine but it must be rooted first - if not rooted go here - you go here and it shows the mf3 root method. Never said much else about it. I rarely use XDA to ask for information. The post always turns into a flame war with people who are extremely disrespectful. To me this forum is extremely mixed up with post, and other times the information isn't clear. I agree totally that I made the mistake, but I admit to my failure and now I'm trying to learn from it. I'll never understand why the people on this forum and I mean especially this forum love to bash others.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Edit: I see the post I was mainly referring to is now gone.
agent929 said:
And not to be disrespectful, but the galaxyroot website says installing a custom recovery is fine but it must be rooted first - if not rooted go here - you go here and it shows the mf3 root method. Never said much else about it. I rarely use XDA to ask for information. The post always turns into a flame war with people who are extremely disrespectful. To me this forum is extremely mixed up with post, and other times the information isn't clear. I agree totally that I made the mistake, but I admit to my failure and now I'm trying to learn from it. I'll never understand why the people on this forum and I mean especially this forum love to bash others.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Edit: I see the post I was mainly referring to is now gone.
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The reason people are annoyed is because people are constantly coming here with little knowledge, ignoring all the useful guides stickied at the top of the forums to try and help these exact same people, then rushing into an advanced procedure without a proper idea of what they're doing. Then they make a brand new thread to ask a question/beg for help, when it's already been answered 100 times, rather than searching for the answer first.
It's not something to get upset about because it's going to keep happening no matter what...but it is laughably annoying.
Anyways, I don't know what website galaxyroot is, but you need to get your info/guides/procedures/research right here at XDA...not at some random website with crappy information. That was your first mistake.
jeffreii said:
The reason people are annoyed is because people are constantly coming here with little knowledge, ignoring all the useful guides stickied at the top of the forums to try and help these exact same people, then rushing into an advanced procedure without a proper idea of what they're doing. Then they make a brand new thread to ask a question/beg for help, when it's already been answered 100 times, rather than searching for the answer first.
It's not something to get upset about because it's going to keep happening no matter what...but it is laughably annoying.
Anyways, I don't know what website galaxyroot is, but you need to get your info/guides/procedures/research right here at XDA...not at some random website with crappy information. That was your first mistake.
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And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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The funny thing is: often the people who are accused of being mean/rude/unfriendly are people who spend an exceptional amount of time, each and every day, helping people in these forums! It's FREE tech support. You get "mean" when you deserve it and you are not entitled to complain about it, in my opinion.
sense of entitlement
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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well said... I'd say part of my good luck is reading everything in here... whether I grasp it or not... initial exposure is the opening of a door...explanation falls on deaf ears, that have never entertained the sound in the first place!
scott14719 said:
And I might add...
Asking questions (regardless of how many times they have already been asked) is NOT learning. Learning IS searching and reading available information, no matter how much time it takes, until a person has complete knowledge about their device and what it is they are going to be doing to it. It is called "being responsible for your own actions":. People that keep asking the same questions over and over again are NOT trying to learn anything. They are just trying to get someone else that usually did take the time necessary to learn about their phone to get them out of a situation that they got themselves into while putting a minimum of their own effort into it. Just so they can go back and screw something up again.
People who ask valid questions AFTER they have searched, read, and learned are generally handled in a very friendly manner because they have displayed a willingness to actually learn about what they are doing. I've already said this in several other posts but it comes down to people that do things correctly versus people that are lazy, have a sense of entitlement, or feel as if their time is more valuable than others...it's just that simple.
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I agree with that. In my case it was a few hours of researching with no clear answer to me.
The website is galaxys4root.com and it is referenced in this forum quite a bit.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
jeffreii said:
The funny thing is: often the people who are accused of being mean/rude/unfriendly are people who spend an exceptional amount of time, each and every day, helping people in these forums! It's FREE tech support. You get "mean" when you deserve it and you are not entitled to complain about it, in my opinion.
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He had like 7 post...I'm not thinking so.
Nevertheless people will ask everyday a question that has already been answered. If somebody is going to call me stupid along with other names I don't want their help, I'll eventually figure it out myself. I was just hoping to significantly speed up the process by asking a question I didn't see asked yet on the forum. (Or if it was I didn't see it and yes I did look)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Simple as opening up your web browser and googling it. All you have to do is sort through the posts and READ through it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
[email protected] said:
Simple as opening up your web browser and googling it. All you have to do is sort through the posts and READ through it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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.......I did...nevermind about the post...I don't think I'm going to get any help here. I'll check another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet. Thanks for your guys time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Finally figured it out with the help of a few friends. Again for those who helped thanks for your time!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
agent929 said:
.......I did...nevermind about the post...I don't think I'm going to get any help here. I'll check another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet. Thanks for your guys time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
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I'm not quite understanding you. Instead of "checking another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet", why didn't you take the time to read what has been posted about it in this forum (as suggested)? People (here) even gave you a screenshot and instructions on how to find the EXACT links that would have helped. Was that not enough? I think you are being difficult just to be difficult...or do you really think that you shouldn't have to take the time to research and learn about something even when the links are handed to you? Maybe you should take a little of YOUR time to read and learn a little bit instead of expecting people to take THEIR time to answer your questions that have already been answered multiple times elsewhere, especially when people are nice enough to show you the way. What is your definition of "help"?
You don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to, I actually rather you didn't.
scott14719 said:
I'm not quite understanding you. Instead of "checking another forum out to see if we have any solutions as of yet", why didn't you take the time to read what has been posted about it in this forum (as suggested)? People (here) even gave you a screenshot and instructions on how to find the EXACT links that would have helped. Was that not enough? I think you are being difficult just to be difficult...or do you really think that you shouldn't have to take the time to research and learn about something even when the links are handed to you? Maybe you should take a little of YOUR time to read and learn a little bit instead of expecting people to take THEIR time to answer your questions that have already been answered multiple times elsewhere, especially when people are nice enough to show you the way. What is your definition of "help"?
You don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to, I actually rather you didn't.
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I'm not even going to fight with you. I'd suggest sticking on topic. Anyways I did thank those that helped so don't complain at me for not reading something you know about.
Nevertheless my recovery is working again now. Something that XDA doesn't have posted on it (at least for the mf3). Maybe I could be more of a nerd and explain things in more detail like I should have. I have been pretty sick these last few weeks. I'm a disabled veteran and have quite a lot of problems. You don't freaking know me. Don't tell me what I'm trying to be. Just because I'm not as familiar with this forum like you doesn't mean I didn't freaking try.
I am TRUELY sorry for the inconvenience I have put you through. I won't ask anymore questions here again. I'll go where I should have in the first place.
P.S. - read ALL my post before you decide to play God and tell me what I am. A post I referee to earlier was deleted so it kinda makes me look like a you know what.
Please don't try to bash me here anymore as I really never meant to offend anyone here. Its just really depressing to me that just because you found something and I didn't I'm the idiot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
agent929 said:
I'm not even going to fight with you. I'd suggest sticking on topic. Anyways I did thank those that helped so don't complain at me for not reading something you know about.
Nevertheless my recovery is working again now. Something that XDA doesn't have posted on it (at least for the mf3). Maybe I could be more of a nerd and explain things in more detail like I should have. I have been pretty sick these last few weeks. I'm a disabled veteran and have quite a lot of problems. You don't freaking know me. Don't tell me what I'm trying to be. Just because I'm not as familiar with this forum like you doesn't mean I didn't freaking try.
I am TRUELY sorry for the inconvenience I have put you through. I won't ask anymore questions here again. I'll go where I should have in the first place.
P.S. - read ALL my post before you decide to play God and tell me what I am. A post I referee to earlier was deleted so it kinda makes me look like a you know what.
Please don't try to bash me here anymore as I really never meant to offend anyone here. Its just really depressing to me that just because you found something and I didn't I'm the idiot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
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You don't have to listen to the suggestions of people that are trying to help you, It's nothing personal. Good luck and I hope your health improves.
scott14719 said:
You don't have to listen to the suggestions of people that are trying to help you, It's nothing personal. Good luck and I hope your health improves.
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Thanks. It does make me feel better that we can end on a good note .
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using XDA Premium HD app
Wow - 1 question and 2 pages of beating this poor guy senseless.
No disrespect but you guys/gals with 1000+ posts, try to remember when you where single digit posts.
Some people dont "haunt" this forum day and night and know "common" issues/symptoms and their fixes.
I see lots of threads with what appear to be valid questions and just about all say "this has been covered - do some research".
I hope I never go to a Doctor and say "I dont feel well, my nose is running and feel itchy" and they respond "this has been covered - do some research".
Again no disrespect but WOW!!!!
atari800 said:
Wow - 1 question and 2 pages of beating this poor guy senseless.
No disrespect but you guys/gals with 1000+ posts, try to remember when you where single digit posts.
Some people dont "haunt" this forum day and night and know "common" issues/symptoms and their fixes.
I see lots of threads with what appear to be valid questions and just about all say "this has been covered - do some research".
I hope I never go to a Doctor and say "I dont feel well, my nose is running and feel itchy" and they respond "this has been covered - do some research".
Again no disrespect but WOW!!!!
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If you find a doctor who provides around the clock support for free, let me know!
If that doctor posts the answers to most of your ailments right on the door when you walk in with a big READ THIS FIRST sign...and you walk right past it and ask him a question that's on the door, do you think that might get annoying?
Ok, I'm tired of this analogy!

