[Q] USB Port - HD2 General

My big bulky phone with the big bulky extended battery dropped to the floor as I got up from my chair, not realising that the usb cord had decided to entangle me. Next thing I know, my precious hd2 is lying on the floor, screen faced down, and the usb cord "ripped".
Everything seemed to be working fine, but when I tried plugging it into my dock, it wouldn't charge, so I tried holding it at angles - it worked, but whenever i let go, it would stop charging.
Does anyone know how to fix this without having to take the whole thing apart?

Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.

T-Macgnolia said:
Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.
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I was really hoping not to hear that .... but ty for the reply, I'm just going to go to the side and sob for a bit because I can't afford to get mobo replaced, I can't afford much right nw.

As a temporary solution you could buy a wall charger and an extra battery off ebay for a couple of bucks, changing and charging batteries on the go works for me!
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

se1988 said:
As a temporary solution you could buy a wall charger and an extra battery off ebay for a couple of bucks, changing and charging batteries on the go works for me!
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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ty, but I'm worried that it'll get worse in the long term (long being anything over a couple of days), ie. completely stop working, and data transfer? I'd have to use wireless adb to do transferring.

Is it still under warranty? You might get lucky
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

se1988 said:
Is it still under warranty? You might get lucky
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I looked at the warranty terms and conditions, and it says that anything that has to do with the usb port area will not be considered as being part of the warranty, and I don't have the receipt because I got it 2nd hand. :'(

it could be fixed, but the port must be resoldered to the motherboard. In case some circuit tracks were broken in the incident, they will have to be remade, a good service center could handle it.
Most of them aren't too fond of using real electronic measurements and algorithms in order to track corresponding usb port pins to various points on the motherboard but it's not impossible. If my hd2 would have been damaged in this way i won't hesitate to crack it open and get my hands dirty

If I wanted to, how much do you think I'd be able to sell it for? Thinking of selling it, and mybe getting a used tmous, if I can afford it.

I've managed to find some tmous on sale, so, what do you guys reckon I could sell mine for?

When I broke my first LEO512 by thinking I could repair it, I took the individual components (Case, chassis, motherboard) out and sold them on ebay. I got about £119 in total for it all

You could always sell it for full price and let the buyer find out themselves what's wrong with it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Skellyyy said:
You could always sell it for full price and let the buyer find out themselves what's wrong with it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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lol.. sry mate, but I don't want to cheat anyone. I might try the marketplace as well then.

aiden120000 said:
When I broke my first LEO512 by thinking I could repair it, I took the individual components (Case, chassis, motherboard) out and sold them on ebay. I got about £119 in total for it all
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Great suggestion. This is what I would do.

se1988 said:
Great suggestion. This is what I would do.
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I'm just too scared that I'll mess it up and just make it even worse, thinking of selling it, getting what I can for it, and getting another second hand.

I have this problem my micro usb port has completely broke, and the circuit lines on the mother board are screwed up, HTC will not touch it
gone the route of a wall charger for now came with another battery for £8 delivered so im happy i can still use my phone, while looking on Evilbay for a new hd2

facdemol said:
it could be fixed, but the port must be resoldered to the motherboard. In case some circuit tracks were broken in the incident, they will have to be remade, a good service center could handle it.
Most of them aren't too fond of using real electronic measurements and algorithms in order to track corresponding usb port pins to various points on the motherboard but it's not impossible. If my hd2 would have been damaged in this way i won't hesitate to crack it open and get my hands dirty
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Finally had the courage to open it, and as you said, the connections are more or less broken off, and I've got shaky hands (without nerves) and can't handle soldering it, so I'm thinking of patching it up with some blue tack

T-Macgnolia said:
Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.
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hi T-macgnolia ....(dont take this as an argument... just curious ) i just saw a replacement micro usb port for hd2 on ebay.... so is that usb port on ebay just to fool us or can it actually be replaced

Ok, short story - nt gnna work, does anyone have the bottom part of the motherboard up for sale?

Just got even better, looks like the lcd's broken now


Any1 have a Tilt for parts???

I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
not the most fun solution, but there are chargers for the tilt battery standalone.
I ordered one from seidioonline.com.donotlinkmeautomaticallyxda but it was broken. Waiting 3 weeks for a replacement.
buying a spare battery and stand alone charger is a great idea! thanks!
replacement mini usb
for $15 you can get one from ebay.
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
crbarnes7900 said:
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
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I can't check the ebay link here, but I'd still consider both solutions. I can charge the battery in my phone, but I still bought a separate charger and battery. I'm going to be using the USB charger to charge from my car computer ;-)
crbarnes7900 said:
I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
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if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
rodeS730 said:
if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
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I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
breakx said:
I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
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you can have it all. the device is fully functional with no major problems or scratches. what´s your offer?
Why to destroy a fully funtional device for making another to looks better? I tought your device is broken or it have major problems ...I'm searching for a device with crashed display, motherboard broken or something like that.
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
rodeS730 said:
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
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Is your phone a TILT, or a TyTN II? If it is a TyTN II, I am very interested in it. Heck, if it is TILT (from AT&T), I would be interested still I guess.
What are you looking for, for it?
any1 having back cover?? mine broken

HTC HD2 Main-board - Where to buy?

The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
mooooooa said:
The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
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Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
Ahmun_Ra said:
Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
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To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
It's sad
mooooooa said:
To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
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To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
I've always been afraid of something like this happening. That's why as soon as I found out powermat made wireless charging for the HD2 I ordered it. It really sucks for everything to depend on one little port.
You might try this solution for now and just use wifi to transfer files. It makes flashing tough but at least it'll be working, and you can take your time looking for a new board.
Here's a 10% off coupon code too BZPM10
Try: http://www.mpt-pda.com/
Ahmun_Ra said:
To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
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I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.40593... So i can charge the battery external.
mooooooa said:
I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.40593... So i can charge the battery external.
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Damn $550? Thats a new phone... They asked me €180 and i though they were crasy lolol. The 2nd battery n the charger for it i have one what really needed is something to replace the USB connection...
Try : http://www.globaldirectparts.com/HTC-HD2-Replacement-Repair-Parts-s/6112.htm
Can ask them on the part# for them to search.
Similar problem here. The Micro USB doesn't get inserted properly, seems like it's sticking out a mm too much, resulting in a very bad connection, whereas a few month ago the micro usb would stick in completely.
It now only charges, transfering content with a pc isn't possible anymore.
My thoughts were: if I buy a cradle, chances are that it would connect better due to the gravity (don't laugh ). Today I received the cradle but no result. It only charges, and I have a feeling the charging will stop in the near future.
I have the HTC HD2 for exactly two years and I found it very frustrating being confronted with what is in my thought a construction problem.
I've seen the link for dealxtreme, the external loader, but the comment posted below it, doesn't really encourage me to buy the item (high temperature)
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
If you know anyone that can solder. They can detach it, and re solder it back onto the main-board. Shouldn't be too hard. I think? Should be possible.
Might help out some of you who have the same issues like I did. I used a toothpick to remove dust from the micro usb port. Although the connector still doesn't fit entirely, I now am able to transfer files again to my phone using the cable. Connenction still isn't that good, but might help.
htc broken port
Dear all. If you experience problems with changing your connector i can help.I have the equipment and will do the job for 20$ only (the price includes the brand new connector) Only problem is that you must ship it to Bulgaria so i can do the job. If anyone is interested can pm me.
mobile shop
thank you
Is there a way to change the partition size witout USB?
EDIT: Is it possible to feed the power directly to the battery connector, and if so how? I could solder a simple circuit if this would be necessary to use a USB adapter as power source
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
I think the accessories will cost more than a new HD2... I think you can´t do it by yourself because its to tiny
Bad idea!
Kelvir said:
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
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If you're not a master of soldering, don't even think to!
Any "Masters of Soldering" out there? I would pay for it...
i6amokk doesn´t answer to my PM
EDIT: I bought a second HD2 with damged, but working screen... Now I change the Mainboard, that I have a completly OK HD2 an one with damaged Screen and broken USB. Now how can I stabilize the USB Port to prevent that the new Mainboard get broken too?
And i6amokk anserwed, I sent him Pictures but I,ve not much hope, because the top Layer of the MB is damaged...

Broken USB port fixable?

Hi guys,
I've got a problem with the USB port on my DHD. It charges fine - no problems there - but it refuses to transfer data! I've tried different cables, different ports on the PC, a different PC and a different OS and still the same problem. The PC(s) don't recognise anything has been plugged in and the phone doesn't ask me what type of connection I want. I've cleared the defaults and set it to 'ask every time' but still nothing. Therefore I summise that the USB port on the phone is dead (despite the fact that it transfers power just fine).
My question is; do you think it's fixable without returning to the manufacturer? It's out of warranty by a few months now and I bought it SIM free so I can't go crawling to my network with it. Do you think this is within the capabilities/resources of high street repair shops? The reason I'm asking here instead of in said shops is because I live miles away from the nearest one that I know of and don't fancy making the trip for nothing!
Basically I really, REALLY want to root my phone and start messing around with custom ROMs - but obviously I can't if I have no USB connection :'(
Thanks guys.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
Have you tried cleaning the port out with something like a paperclip or a sewing needle? I had the same problem as you and after doing that it works perfectly. It just had a load of fluff from my pocket stuck in it. I went through 3 cables before I realised this :/
chris.daf said:
Have you tried cleaning the port out with something like a paperclip or a sewing needle? I had the same problem as you and after doing that it works perfectly. It just had a load of fluff from my pocket stuck in it. I went through 3 cables before I realised this :/
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Yeah I tried a sewing needle and an air duster. As far as I can tell it's dust free now but still having the same problem.
Might give it another go though and see what happens.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
SunjinSak said:
Hi guys,
I've got a problem with the USB port on my DHD. It charges fine - no problems there - but it refuses to transfer data! I've tried different cables, different ports on the PC, a different PC and a different OS and still the same problem. The PC(s) don't recognise anything has been plugged in and the phone doesn't ask me what type of connection I want. I've cleared the defaults and set it to 'ask every time' but still nothing. Therefore I summise that the USB port on the phone is dead (despite the fact that it transfers power just fine).
My question is; do you think it's fixable without returning to the manufacturer? It's out of warranty by a few months now and I bought it SIM free so I can't go crawling to my network with it. Do you think this is within the capabilities/resources of high street repair shops? The reason I'm asking here instead of in said shops is because I live miles away from the nearest one that I know of and don't fancy making the trip for nothing!
Basically I really, REALLY want to root my phone and start messing around with custom ROMs - but obviously I can't if I have no USB connection :'(
Thanks guys.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
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I have the same issue as you. How did you get on about fixing it? I can't send back to HTC yet as i am S-Off and need be S-ON to be able to send back to HTC.
SunjinSak said:
It's out of warranty by a few months now and I bought it SIM free so I can't go crawling to my network with it. Do you think this is within the capabilities/resources of high street repair shops? The reason I'm asking here instead of in said shops is because I live miles away from the nearest one that I know of and don't fancy making the trip for nothing!
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You sure it's out of Warranty? Certainly in the UK warranty is two years and the phone was released here October 2010 thus all UK phones are still well within warranty
Use a magnifying glass or equivalent, and carefully inspect the contacts inside the connector. You might need to clean them up by scraping them down a little. It is very possible they might have some debris stuck on them. If the port is very loose, take the phone apart and using needle nose pliers, squeeze the connector housing together a little to tighten it up. Had to do this on my TP2 port after a while(mini USB) and it worked like a charm.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using XDA
I asked in a rapair shop and the guy there seemed to think it was likely a problem with the traces on the charging block. Although that was just his opinion from experience - he didn't actually look at it. I declined his offer to open it up and have a gander.
I wasn't aware it was a 2 year warranty. I might send it back then.
Has anyone had any experience with HTC's service centres?
Are they likely to also flash the phone with the latest firmware whilst they're at it? AFAIK (though do correct me if I'm wrong as admittedly I haven't checked in a while) there's no known way to gain root for the latest firmware.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2
I've used the UK service centre last month for my proximity sensor fault they flash it with the latest firmware for your carrier I rooted after that using ace hack kit hope that helps
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA
I had the same problem few months back,but cleaning the port with dust cleaner now It's doing good.
I had the same problem, but when I clean carefully slowly with needle I solved the problem.
Chiefybob said:
I've used the UK service centre last month for my proximity sensor fault they flash it with the latest firmware for your carrier I rooted after that using ace hack kit hope that helps
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA
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I assume they'd flash a Sim free model with stock manufacturer firmware? I hope so anyway.
So is the latest stock firmware rootable with aahk? Last I checked it wasn't.
kocis_p said:
I had the same problem, but when I clean carefully slowly with needle I solved the problem.
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I might try this before attempting the service centre then.
Did you just use a needle or did you use any kind of cleaning solution or air duster etc?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2

I Need A MotherBoard W/Working Charging Port

The kids f-ed up the charging port on the Fire I let them have since I got my N7. If anyone has a mother board that works I'll gladly pay a fair value for it. Post here or hit me up on pm. Thanks.
Josepho1997 said:
Any site that sells a KF Motherboard is out of stock. And I need mine. When my usb port got messed up, I sent it in for a new one. Maybe you could get a new one...
You could also try to find a bricked Kindle Fire and use it's motherboard.
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Most bricked Kindles will be failed flashes of the "no more bootloader" variety, meaning problem is inside the mobo and you need some serious SMT soldering mojo to bring it back to life. That's why everyone seems to be stocking every single goddamn part EXCEPT the motherboard.
Speaking of soldering, that's probably the route you'll have to take. IIRC the microUSB port is SMT with some nice big leads, if you've done through-hole and have a steady hand you'll have no problem swapping a whole new one on there, or just soldering wires to the board.
roothorick said:
Most bricked Kindles will be failed flashes of the "no more bootloader" variety, meaning problem is inside the mobo and you need some serious SMT soldering mojo to bring it back to life. That's why everyone seems to be stocking every single goddamn part EXCEPT the motherboard.
Speaking of soldering, that's probably the route you'll have to take. IIRC the microUSB port is SMT with some nice big leads, if you've done through-hole and have a steady hand you'll have no problem swapping a whole new one on there, or just soldering wires to the board.
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Yeah my soldering skills aren't the greatest, I drink ALOT lol, so my hands aren't that steady but I'll give it a shot.
+1 for honesty
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
So I hope I don't jinx it by saying so but as of right now it is charging like it should. Either my soldering skills have improved or I got lucky. New rule in the house... I'm the only one to plug and unplug the charger from now on and absolutely no one plays with it while its charging.
When my charging port got messed up, i just flashed the stock rom back and shiped it to amazon. They gladly replaced it.but im guessing your fire is not in warrenty
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda app-developers app
powerpoint45 said:
When my charging port got messed up, i just flashed the stock rom back and shiped it to amazon. They gladly replaced it.but im guessing your fire is not in warrenty
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda app-developers app
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No warranty for me... bought second hand.
neilrl79 said:
No warranty for me... bought second hand.
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Where did you purchase replacement usb port, part number etc. I have one failing now, exact same cause.

HTC Repair Centre

Has anyone any experience sending their phone to the HTC repair centre after bricking their phone?
Long story short but i flashed the wrong boot animation and completely wiped the phone and despite several attempts to get a ROM on it again (spent days) I was unable to do so so brought it back to the shops where I bought it (was locked to o2 but I got it unlocked)
They sent it to company here called Fonemenders, i got a text today saying it has to be sent for level 3 repairs and mentioned something about the motherboard, now that has scared me a bit, it's bad enough I have to wait another 7 to 10 days but does anyone think I'll get charged given they'll see that it says tampered on it, i fail to see how it could be a problem with the motherboard too.
Has anyone any experience sending their phone to the HTC repair centre and what was the process.
Seriously contemplating never flashing anything again on my phone after this nightmare
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I don't have any experience with HTC's repair centers, but I've sent in several rooted Samsung devices and a bricked Asus Transformer for repair. My experience has been that the people in the repair centers really don't give a crap. Relax and hope for the best :good:
Samsung phones are seriously easy to modify compared to HTC, I'm no noob and read extensively on here and followed instructions to a t but still couldnt manage to get a stock or custom ROM back on my phone after that bad flash and me wiping it, no matter what I done.
Feel like I'm missing a limb here have gone over a week without it and now have another week wait, i won't rest easy until I have a fully working phone again.
Hope you are right my friend.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I don't think HTC phones are difficult to flash, sure, not as easy as Samsung, but on the other hand, much harder to brick.
BenPope said:
I don't think HTC phones are difficult to flash, sure, not as easy as Samsung, but on the other hand, much harder to brick.
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I'm a bit concerned though why they mentioned the motherboard (see attached) there was nothing wrong with the motherboard all that needed to be done is for stock ROM to be flashed back on it.
I'm reading some reports of people being charged a lot when they are informed the motherboard has to be replaced, i should have just sent it into a repair shop in town for €25.
Well the flash ROM is soldered to the motherboard, if it is bricked, it would require a new motherboard.
It's probably not bricked, but in order to maintain your warranty, sometimes they say they must return it in "factory condition", which means unlocked. Which means a new motherboard. That's probably not really true in most cases, but once it's been unlocked, it's possible to overvoltage and overclock, which has the potential, however slight, to cause hardware damage.
BenPope said:
I don't think HTC phones are difficult to flash, sure, not as easy as Samsung, but on the other hand, much harder to brick.
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they r very easy to flash
I'm very curious to see how HTC will replace the motherboard without causing dents in white polymer or screen damage, as we saw in ifix only with heat and a scalpel can be open the ONE.
Unless HTC repair center have an opening method that we dont know, they should give you a new device.
pack21 said:
I'm very curious to see how HTC will replace the motherboard without causing dents in white polymer or screen damage, as we saw in ifix only with heat and a scalpel can be open the ONE.
Unless HTC repair center have an opening method that we dont know, they should give you a new device.
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I sincerely hope you are right mate, I'd snap up a new device now.
I will report back anyway, if they come up with obscene charges I'll have to just leave it into a mobile repair shop here, i already went there and they said it would take a week and I thought that was too long but in retrospect I should have just left it with them.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
BenPope said:
Well the flash ROM is soldered to the motherboard, if it is bricked, it would require a new motherboard.
It's probably not bricked, but in order to maintain your warranty, sometimes they say they must return it in "factory condition", which means unlocked. Which means a new motherboard. That's probably not really true in most cases, but once it's been unlocked, it's possible to overvoltage and overclock, which has the potential, however slight, to cause hardware damage.
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Sorry when I said bricked it's just a term, i could get into recovery and I even relocked the bootloader so i tried all the various commands but i simply could not get anything to work, can't they just flash a ruu.exe for my device, i tried that myself but the ruu.exe in question was not compatible with my phone (earlier version)
What happens in an event that they fix it and then try and charge me and I refuse to pay or is it likely they'll be contact me first to inform me of this, and if i refuse to pay they'll just give me back the phone as it is?
I'm skint and haven't really got the money to pay for repairs, can afford a few quid but not over €100
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
pack21 said:
I'm very curious to see how HTC will replace the motherboard without causing dents in white polymer or screen damage, as we saw in ifix only with heat and a scalpel can be open the ONE.
Unless HTC repair center have an opening method that we dont know, they should give you a new device.
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iFixits teardown was flawed. If you pop the two speaker enclosures off there are screws that allow you to open the device.
Acetherockr said:
iFixits teardown was flawed. If you pop the two speaker enclosures off there are screws that allow you to open the device.
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Oh lord...... I hope that is true, in that case the chances of choosing the ONE increase to 95%, because I'd really like to have one.
Even i will not have the need to open it, I get psychologically rested with this subject.
pack21 said:
Oh lord...... I hope that is true, in that case the chances of choosing the ONE increase to 95%, because I'd really like to have one.
Even i will not have the need to open it, I get psychologically rested with this subject.
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Yup. The detachable speaker covers are the last seal in the assembly but iFixit acted under the assumption it's fully zero gap, so they broke it
Check the anandtech review discussing assembly :good:
is it possible to buy the speaker covers, i dented one of them :crying:
ant78 said:
is it possible to buy the speaker covers, i dented one of them :crying:
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I haven't been able to find just the speaker covers But you can buy a ton of other parts here.
I'd bookmark it, they might add the speaker covers eventually. And who knows, if you're feeling adventurous maybe you can just do a color swap
Acetherockr said:
Yup. The detachable speaker covers are the last seal in the assembly but iFixit acted under the assumption it's fully zero gap, so they broke it
Check the anandtech review discussing assembly :good:
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Could you show me the path to that discussion, already searched on google and can't find.
If they have identified an issue with hardware then thats good for you as you'll get a new device and your flashing has not been identified as they issue..... Your lucky they're doing it under warranty.
Mate don't worry about sending it off I've done it before sometimes its delivered earlier than expected and had my screen replaced before and there was nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned...I was happy with the service some people may have different experiences
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
HTC repair centres vary by country. HTC usually employ a company to look at them. So each experience will be different.
ste1164 said:
HTC repair centres vary by country. HTC usually employ a company to look at them. So each experience will be different.
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Apparently they are
Who are the HTC repair authorised people here
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
JDR0iD said:
If they have identified an issue with hardware then thats good for you as you'll get a new device and your flashing has not been identified as they issue..... Your lucky they're doing it under warranty.
Mate don't worry about sending it off I've done it before sometimes its delivered earlier than expected and had my screen replaced before and there was nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned...I was happy with the service some people may have different experiences
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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Hope you are right mate
Fingers crossed
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