Any1 have a Tilt for parts??? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Accessories

I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!

not the most fun solution, but there are chargers for the tilt battery standalone.
I ordered one from but it was broken. Waiting 3 weeks for a replacement.

buying a spare battery and stand alone charger is a great idea! thanks!

replacement mini usb
for $15 you can get one from ebay.|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:3|294:50:):)

already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too

crbarnes7900 said:
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
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I can't check the ebay link here, but I'd still consider both solutions. I can charge the battery in my phone, but I still bought a separate charger and battery. I'm going to be using the USB charger to charge from my car computer ;-)

crbarnes7900 said:
I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
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if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.

rodeS730 said:
if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
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I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.

breakx said:
I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
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you can have it all. the device is fully functional with no major problems or scratches. what´s your offer?

Why to destroy a fully funtional device for making another to looks better? I tought your device is broken or it have major problems ...I'm searching for a device with crashed display, motherboard broken or something like that.

the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?

rodeS730 said:
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
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Is your phone a TILT, or a TyTN II? If it is a TyTN II, I am very interested in it. Heck, if it is TILT (from AT&T), I would be interested still I guess.
What are you looking for, for it?

any1 having back cover?? mine broken


Car vs Trinity - Car wins

Yes, it's true. My precious was run over by a car last night. I left it on the roof of my car
It was pretty well destroyed but the battery, SIM, mem card and stylus are all still ok. The stylus and mem card were still in it after being run over twice! HAH.
Spilt milk - new phone time. I can't justify getting a black one because of the ongoing coating issue. They are still shipping junk. HTC recently replaced my bezel and the new one peeled within 2 weeks. Question: white Trinity or alternative? Can anyone suggest a better device? I don't need GPS, BT or Wifi. HSDPA is a must and I won't buy Eten.
Any info would be great to get me started on my search. Also, I am in Chicago for business but I have a couple of afternoons to kill. Does anyone stock phones there?
Get the white one!
It's still the best PDA-phone around (if no H/W keyboard needed)
Anyone have any stories where their trinity beats the car? Heard of a legend once of an unbreakable pre-production trinity where the dude ran it over and it still worked flawlessly. Anyway sorry to hear about your trinity guess it isn't the chosen one.
vanydotk said:
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So much for an stupid link!
Nobody told you time is money?
Please don't waste mine!
Looking Glass said:
So much for an stupid link!
Nobody told you time is money?
Please don't waste mine!
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so when are you going to have the surgery done to get that stick out of your ass?
vanydotk said:
so when are you going to have the surgery done to get that stick out of your ass?
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Why your'e not in the Paris Hilton blog instead of a savvy, polite and technically interesting forum as this one?
Never mind, I already know the answer... no signature, no references... closed thread.
Looking Glass said:
Why your'e not in the Paris Hilton blog instead of a savvy, polite and technically interesting forum as this one?
Never mind, I already know the answer... no signature, no references... closed thread.
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Oh was that a shot at me being stupid? I was being polite until you came along and left your little comment.
I didn't know I needed a signature and references to post on forums or otherwise be creditable. *roll eyes*
Anyway Baxter, it's really a shame to hear about your phone. When you get back home you've got to take pictures and post them if you still have the phone and have not thrown it away yet. (Yes Looking Glass, that's what the picture was implying, to post pictures. Stop being such a negitive Nancy, a man just ran over his 500 dollar phone.)
Don't know about the trinity but I ran over my mio A701 (fell out of my pocket outside mates house and I didn't realize). Smashed the screen and put a few kinks in the casing but it still rang ( mates neighbour picked it up after I'd been ringing it for 10 mins or so). Replaced lcd and its working fine but will be changing to a trinity or a eten x800 end of July when contract expires.
petest said:
Don't know about the trinity but I ran over my mio A701 (fell out of my pocket outside mates house and I didn't realize). Smashed the screen and put a few kinks in the casing but it still rang ( mates neighbour picked it up after I'd been ringing it for 10 mins or so). Replaced lcd and its working fine but will be changing to a trinity or a eten x800 end of July when contract expires.
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Nice choice.
I'm using my Torq P120 (Eten M600) for now. Maybe they have improved the build quality but their customer service is non-existent. I posted my experience on Eten Users forum last year. People are contacting me to figure out how I was able to get service from them. Evidently just getting a response is difficult now.
I think it's time for a white Trinity. Anyone know what ROM is shipping now? When they service my black one, they shipped it back with the original ROM. Is there a particular brand to look for in the US? My last one was HTC branded.
Heh. Had some time to revive my trinity. It works! Well, a little. It booted and I was able to sync & browse via PC. I couldn't get the phone to work. Atleast I can get all of my data & backup one last time.
Screen is toast
Camera glass is broken
Phone doesn't work
Probably not worth the repair even though it would make a good backup device.
Finally remembered...
It makes a nice charger for my backup battery!!

dock with spare battery port...

i saw this in the google videos that came out some months ago, but i have recently come into a spare battery and i want an easier way to charge it. anyone know if this dock has hit production or if a company has maybe taken it upon themselves to offer it? thank you.
zachthemaster said:
i saw this in the google videos that came out some months ago, but i have recently come into a spare battery and i want an easier way to charge it. anyone know if this dock has hit production or if a company has maybe taken it upon themselves to offer it? thank you.
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This might not be the answer your looking for but i'll give it a shot anyway. There is this that charges your N1 and your spare battery.
I hope that helps
ChillRays said:
This might not be the answer your looking for but i'll give it a shot anyway. There is this that charges your N1 and your spare battery.
I hope that helps
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wow. thats actually exactly what i was looking for, what do you think about this?
zachthemaster said:
wow. thats actually exactly what i was looking for, what do you think about this?
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Well its half of what google is charging for their dock (obviously). I have read a ton of reviews on both devices and you can't go wrong with either one. One pro is that it has a much bigger lip to hold your phone in. One con is that you can't hook it up to a speaker system like the google one can, at least thats what i've been told. I'm ordering the google dock later this week but if I was in your situation, i'd probably go with the one on ebay. I hope this helps.
ChillRays said:
Well its half of what google is charging for their dock (obviously). I have read a ton of reviews on both devices and you can't go wrong with either one. One pro is that it has a much bigger lip to hold your phone in. One con is that you can't hook it up to a speaker system like the google one can, at least thats what i've been told. I'm ordering the google dock later this week but if I was in your situation, i'd probably go with the one on ebay. I hope this helps.
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ya man because i have two batteries. the google dock doesnt have a separate port for a spare battery right?
and im not looking to really connect this to a stereo i just need a method of charging two batteries at once.
zachthemaster said:
ya man because i have two batteries. the google dock doesnt have a separate port for a spare battery right?
and im not looking to really connect this to a stereo i just need a method of charging two batteries at once.
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Yeah the google dock only charges the battery in your phone. Judging by your second statement, the non-google charger is the way to go. Let us know how it works out for you, i've heard nothing but good things about it.
ChillRays said:
Yeah the google dock only charges the battery in your phone. Judging by your second statement, the non-google charger is the way to go. Let us know how it works out for you, i've heard nothing but good things about it.
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i will man thanks

Need to find replacement ear pc. receiver. Help Please.

I work in a machine shop and there are a lot of very fine steel chips everywhere. When I put my phone in my pocket all of the fine chips get sucked into the phone from the external speaker magnet and the ear pc receiver magnet. The same thing was happening to me when I had a NexTel phone that had a much more powerful external speaker so, it was kind of understandable. But, at any rate I took the phone completely apart and cleaned the external speaker and that sounds fine now. I also cleaned the ear pc speaker but, I think some steel chips are too far in because the speaker still sounds like **** or it blew from having the chips on it too long. I would rather just replace the speaker myself instead of getting a re-furbished replacement from t-mobile. I looked all over but can't find a replacement ear pc. at all. It would be really cool if anybody know a place to get these type of pcs. Thanks in advance.
Come on guys. You mean to tell me that nobody on this forum knows where to get replacement parts. I find that hard to believe.
Thanks for the help. Lol
If nobody has replied, then I guarantee you that nobody who has read your question knows where to find that part.
Now, there are a number of places that sell some types of replacement parts for the HD2...things like digitizers/screens, outer shells, buttons, etc, but I've never seen an item like the speaker you need sold through any distributor. That's the kind of part that rarely finds it's way into normal distribution channels, and so your best bet is to find a junked HD2 that doesn't work for some other reason, but has no problem with the earpiece, and then it would just be up to you to extract the component you need and pop it into your unit.
You can just do a regular google search for "HD2 replacement parts" to find the standard outlets for that type of thing, but I honestly doubt any of them will have exactly what you're looking for.
a few weeks ago I remember seeing a bricked hd2 for sale on ebay for parts. perhaps you can check ebay.
Sent from Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
UncleMike1 said:
Thanks for the help. Lol
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whoa, slow down UncleMike. At least 48 before getting excited. Im trying to fine the tiny LED cover for the back of my phone or just a whole rear plastic. So far this guy tells me he can get whatever. Cellular Parts USA. Give it a shot. Best of luck.
techboydino said:
whoa, slow down UncleMike. At least 48 before getting excited. Im trying to fine the tiny LED cover for the back of my phone or just a whole rear plastic. So far this guy tells me he can get whatever. Cellular Parts USA. Give it a shot. Best of luck.
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yeah that will be ideal if that guy can get he earpiece for it...he's got some for other models anyway. I note that he's got the pic and the title messed up for the HD2, it's listed as the "Touch HD2", with a pic of a TouchHD...and he's using the HD2 pic for the HD Mini lol.
Thanks everyone. I'll try the cell parts website that was mentioned and if that doesn't work I'll just do a claim on my insurance and get a functional refurbished one. It sucks, but what are you gonna do. I frown uppon refurbished phones. Lol. Thanks again guys for the responses.
www dot htcrepairparts dot com/internal-speaker-front-for-htc-hd-p-3043.html

HTC HD2 Main-board - Where to buy?

The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
mooooooa said:
The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
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Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
Ahmun_Ra said:
Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
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To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
It's sad
mooooooa said:
To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
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To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
I've always been afraid of something like this happening. That's why as soon as I found out powermat made wireless charging for the HD2 I ordered it. It really sucks for everything to depend on one little port.
You might try this solution for now and just use wifi to transfer files. It makes flashing tough but at least it'll be working, and you can take your time looking for a new board.
Here's a 10% off coupon code too BZPM10
Ahmun_Ra said:
To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
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I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
mooooooa said:
I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
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Damn $550? Thats a new phone... They asked me €180 and i though they were crasy lolol. The 2nd battery n the charger for it i have one what really needed is something to replace the USB connection...
Try :
Can ask them on the part# for them to search.
Similar problem here. The Micro USB doesn't get inserted properly, seems like it's sticking out a mm too much, resulting in a very bad connection, whereas a few month ago the micro usb would stick in completely.
It now only charges, transfering content with a pc isn't possible anymore.
My thoughts were: if I buy a cradle, chances are that it would connect better due to the gravity (don't laugh ). Today I received the cradle but no result. It only charges, and I have a feeling the charging will stop in the near future.
I have the HTC HD2 for exactly two years and I found it very frustrating being confronted with what is in my thought a construction problem.
I've seen the link for dealxtreme, the external loader, but the comment posted below it, doesn't really encourage me to buy the item (high temperature)
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
If you know anyone that can solder. They can detach it, and re solder it back onto the main-board. Shouldn't be too hard. I think? Should be possible.
Might help out some of you who have the same issues like I did. I used a toothpick to remove dust from the micro usb port. Although the connector still doesn't fit entirely, I now am able to transfer files again to my phone using the cable. Connenction still isn't that good, but might help.
htc broken port
Dear all. If you experience problems with changing your connector i can help.I have the equipment and will do the job for 20$ only (the price includes the brand new connector) Only problem is that you must ship it to Bulgaria so i can do the job. If anyone is interested can pm me.
mobile shop
thank you
Is there a way to change the partition size witout USB?
EDIT: Is it possible to feed the power directly to the battery connector, and if so how? I could solder a simple circuit if this would be necessary to use a USB adapter as power source
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
I think the accessories will cost more than a new HD2... I think you can´t do it by yourself because its to tiny
Bad idea!
Kelvir said:
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
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If you're not a master of soldering, don't even think to!
Any "Masters of Soldering" out there? I would pay for it...
i6amokk doesn´t answer to my PM
EDIT: I bought a second HD2 with damged, but working screen... Now I change the Mainboard, that I have a completly OK HD2 an one with damaged Screen and broken USB. Now how can I stabilize the USB Port to prevent that the new Mainboard get broken too?
And i6amokk anserwed, I sent him Pictures but I,ve not much hope, because the top Layer of the MB is damaged...

[Q] USB Port

My big bulky phone with the big bulky extended battery dropped to the floor as I got up from my chair, not realising that the usb cord had decided to entangle me. Next thing I know, my precious hd2 is lying on the floor, screen faced down, and the usb cord "ripped".
Everything seemed to be working fine, but when I tried plugging it into my dock, it wouldn't charge, so I tried holding it at angles - it worked, but whenever i let go, it would stop charging.
Does anyone know how to fix this without having to take the whole thing apart?
Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.
T-Macgnolia said:
Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.
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I was really hoping not to hear that .... but ty for the reply, I'm just going to go to the side and sob for a bit because I can't afford to get mobo replaced, I can't afford much right nw.
As a temporary solution you could buy a wall charger and an extra battery off ebay for a couple of bucks, changing and charging batteries on the go works for me!
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
se1988 said:
As a temporary solution you could buy a wall charger and an extra battery off ebay for a couple of bucks, changing and charging batteries on the go works for me!
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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ty, but I'm worried that it'll get worse in the long term (long being anything over a couple of days), ie. completely stop working, and data transfer? I'd have to use wireless adb to do transferring.
Is it still under warranty? You might get lucky
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
se1988 said:
Is it still under warranty? You might get lucky
Sent from my HD2 with WP7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I looked at the warranty terms and conditions, and it says that anything that has to do with the usb port area will not be considered as being part of the warranty, and I don't have the receipt because I got it 2nd hand. :'(
it could be fixed, but the port must be resoldered to the motherboard. In case some circuit tracks were broken in the incident, they will have to be remade, a good service center could handle it.
Most of them aren't too fond of using real electronic measurements and algorithms in order to track corresponding usb port pins to various points on the motherboard but it's not impossible. If my hd2 would have been damaged in this way i won't hesitate to crack it open and get my hands dirty
If I wanted to, how much do you think I'd be able to sell it for? Thinking of selling it, and mybe getting a used tmous, if I can afford it.
I've managed to find some tmous on sale, so, what do you guys reckon I could sell mine for?
When I broke my first LEO512 by thinking I could repair it, I took the individual components (Case, chassis, motherboard) out and sold them on ebay. I got about £119 in total for it all
You could always sell it for full price and let the buyer find out themselves what's wrong with it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Skellyyy said:
You could always sell it for full price and let the buyer find out themselves what's wrong with it.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
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lol.. sry mate, but I don't want to cheat anyone. I might try the marketplace as well then.
aiden120000 said:
When I broke my first LEO512 by thinking I could repair it, I took the individual components (Case, chassis, motherboard) out and sold them on ebay. I got about £119 in total for it all
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Great suggestion. This is what I would do.
se1988 said:
Great suggestion. This is what I would do.
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I'm just too scared that I'll mess it up and just make it even worse, thinking of selling it, getting what I can for it, and getting another second hand.
I have this problem my micro usb port has completely broke, and the circuit lines on the mother board are screwed up, HTC will not touch it
gone the route of a wall charger for now came with another battery for £8 delivered so im happy i can still use my phone, while looking on Evilbay for a new hd2
facdemol said:
it could be fixed, but the port must be resoldered to the motherboard. In case some circuit tracks were broken in the incident, they will have to be remade, a good service center could handle it.
Most of them aren't too fond of using real electronic measurements and algorithms in order to track corresponding usb port pins to various points on the motherboard but it's not impossible. If my hd2 would have been damaged in this way i won't hesitate to crack it open and get my hands dirty
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Finally had the courage to open it, and as you said, the connections are more or less broken off, and I've got shaky hands (without nerves) and can't handle soldering it, so I'm thinking of patching it up with some blue tack
T-Macgnolia said:
Sorry friend but you will have to take the phone apart to fix this problem. Might even have to replacecthe mainbosrd as the USB port is attachedcto the mainboard and can not be replaced seperately.
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hi T-macgnolia ....(dont take this as an argument... just curious ) i just saw a replacement micro usb port for hd2 on ebay.... so is that usb port on ebay just to fool us or can it actually be replaced
Ok, short story - nt gnna work, does anyone have the bottom part of the motherboard up for sale?
Just got even better, looks like the lcd's broken now

