dock with spare battery port... - Nexus One General

i saw this in the google videos that came out some months ago, but i have recently come into a spare battery and i want an easier way to charge it. anyone know if this dock has hit production or if a company has maybe taken it upon themselves to offer it? thank you.

zachthemaster said:
i saw this in the google videos that came out some months ago, but i have recently come into a spare battery and i want an easier way to charge it. anyone know if this dock has hit production or if a company has maybe taken it upon themselves to offer it? thank you.
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This might not be the answer your looking for but i'll give it a shot anyway. There is this that charges your N1 and your spare battery.
I hope that helps

ChillRays said:
This might not be the answer your looking for but i'll give it a shot anyway. There is this that charges your N1 and your spare battery.
I hope that helps
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wow. thats actually exactly what i was looking for, what do you think about this?

zachthemaster said:
wow. thats actually exactly what i was looking for, what do you think about this?
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Well its half of what google is charging for their dock (obviously). I have read a ton of reviews on both devices and you can't go wrong with either one. One pro is that it has a much bigger lip to hold your phone in. One con is that you can't hook it up to a speaker system like the google one can, at least thats what i've been told. I'm ordering the google dock later this week but if I was in your situation, i'd probably go with the one on ebay. I hope this helps.

ChillRays said:
Well its half of what google is charging for their dock (obviously). I have read a ton of reviews on both devices and you can't go wrong with either one. One pro is that it has a much bigger lip to hold your phone in. One con is that you can't hook it up to a speaker system like the google one can, at least thats what i've been told. I'm ordering the google dock later this week but if I was in your situation, i'd probably go with the one on ebay. I hope this helps.
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ya man because i have two batteries. the google dock doesnt have a separate port for a spare battery right?
and im not looking to really connect this to a stereo i just need a method of charging two batteries at once.

zachthemaster said:
ya man because i have two batteries. the google dock doesnt have a separate port for a spare battery right?
and im not looking to really connect this to a stereo i just need a method of charging two batteries at once.
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Yeah the google dock only charges the battery in your phone. Judging by your second statement, the non-google charger is the way to go. Let us know how it works out for you, i've heard nothing but good things about it.

ChillRays said:
Yeah the google dock only charges the battery in your phone. Judging by your second statement, the non-google charger is the way to go. Let us know how it works out for you, i've heard nothing but good things about it.
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i will man thanks


Any faulty charmers?

If you have a faulty charmer, i would like to buy it, please either reply to this or send me a message, thanks
i have one, just dont seem to power up any more, shame as i was gonna pass it on to my son, interested?
has battery and krussell case
jonajuna said:
i have one, just dont seem to power up any more, shame as i was gonna pass it on to my son, interested?
has battery and krussell case
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yeah sure, how much do you want for it? thanks
Thanasie said:
yeah sure, how much do you want for it? thanks
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well enviropfone will give me £30, so make me an offer
i have paypal
jonajuna said:
well enviropfone will give me £30, so make me an offer
i have paypal
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right, i personaly wouldnt pay more than 10-15 for it, iv checked it out and envirofone will give you £30.90 on the basis that it is in full working order with no faults at all otherwise they will give you up to 90% of the £30.90 which for a phone which doesnt turn on, you may get around £5-10
Thanasie said:
right, i personaly wouldnt pay more than 10-15 for it, iv checked it out and envirofone will give you £30.90 on the basis that it is in full working order with no faults at all otherwise they will give you up to 90% of the £30.90 which for a phone which doesnt turn on, you may get around £5-10
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£15 for the fone then done
did you want the krussell case too?
jonajuna said:
£15 for the fone then done
did you want the krussell case too?
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if there is any extra cost for it, no, does it come with charger and battery?
Thanasie said:
if there is any extra cost for it, no, does it come with charger and battery?
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battery inside, think i have a spare somewhere, if i can find it will chuck it in too, sure i have the origional packing in the loft, will dig it out.
dont think it came with a charger as such, have always plugged it into pc based usb mini-plug
if still want it, best pm me so we can exchange details and item/money
jonajuna said:
battery inside, think i have a spare somewhere, if i can find it will chuck it in too, sure i have the origional packing in the loft, will dig it out.
dont think it came with a charger as such, have always plugged it into pc based usb mini-plug
if still want it, best pm me so we can exchange details and item/money
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i PM'd you, thanks
Any One else that is looking to sell a faulty or working charmers?

Any1 have a Tilt for parts???

I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
not the most fun solution, but there are chargers for the tilt battery standalone.
I ordered one from but it was broken. Waiting 3 weeks for a replacement.
buying a spare battery and stand alone charger is a great idea! thanks!
replacement mini usb
for $15 you can get one from ebay.|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:3|294:50:):)
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
crbarnes7900 said:
already bought a stand alone charger with included battery for real cheap on ebay, but thats exactly what i was looking for! kudos for you! maybe ill buy that too
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I can't check the ebay link here, but I'd still consider both solutions. I can charge the battery in my phone, but I still bought a separate charger and battery. I'm going to be using the USB charger to charge from my car computer ;-)
crbarnes7900 said:
I broke the charger inlet/mini USB plug!
To make a long story short, i was trying to put the stylus in it.
I was hoping someone has a spare Tilt i could try to re-solder another one in place.
lmk! ty!
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if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
rodeS730 said:
if you are still interested i have one that i can spare for parts so drop me a message.
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I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
breakx said:
I'm interested ....I need the keyboard, the faceplate (if it looks good), and maybe the outer keypad ...but especially I need the keyboard.
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you can have it all. the device is fully functional with no major problems or scratches. what´s your offer?
Why to destroy a fully funtional device for making another to looks better? I tought your device is broken or it have major problems ...I'm searching for a device with crashed display, motherboard broken or something like that.
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
rodeS730 said:
the device actually ha a problem on the mainboard. it only works in 3g mode. if you switch to gsm you are unable to make or receive calls. this is the reason why we are discussing this subject. still interested?
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Is your phone a TILT, or a TyTN II? If it is a TyTN II, I am very interested in it. Heck, if it is TILT (from AT&T), I would be interested still I guess.
What are you looking for, for it?
any1 having back cover?? mine broken

Motorola Power Pack Micro with Bluetooth

A power pack that has Bluetooth? I was thinking WTH? But this thing is awesome. When I ordered my DT it was called the "employees bundle" I got several goodies with it and one was this Motorola power pack micro that goes on your key chain. I didn't really think a lot of it I've had several backup power packs in the past. I hadn't really even looked at it till today because the battery on this thing is so powerful I haven't needed it. So I got to looking at it today and I noticed there was a little button and a blue light. Turns out this thing connects to your turbo by bluetooth through the "Moto Connect" app and you can use it to find your phone and you can also use your phone to find the power pack. also your phone will tell you how much power is left in your backup power pack. pretty damn cool if you ask me
It certainly sounds like a neat accessory. However, do you think it is worth the $39.99 as advertised on their site. I have been looking to get a battery pack but $39.99 seems like alot for 1,500mAh. The "Power Bank" OnePlus is going to release will be $14.99 for 10,000 mAh
I must say though. Having a power pack in a key chain form factor is awesome. Always have it on you and 1500mAH is enough to give you a little boost. I guess its really a toss up for what I need it for.
Got a link?
SirBindy said:
Got a link?
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Harry44 said:
It certainly sounds like a neat accessory. However, do you think it is worth the $39.99 as advertised on their site. I have been looking to get a battery pack but $39.99 seems like alot for 1,500mAh. The "Power Bank" OnePlus is going to release will be $14.99 for 10,000 mAh
I must say though. Having a power pack in a key chain form factor is awesome. Always have it on you and 1500mAH is enough to give you a little boost. I guess its really a toss up for what I need it for.
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Well for its size it does pretty good. I have some bigger ones that dont do as good as this one. But I really think your paying for the one other technology in the device. But honestly if I had not gotten it free I probably wouldn't have given it a second look and realized it had the Bluetooth function. I probably would have just thought it was just an over priced battery pack because it has the Motorola name on it. LOL I never "loose" a phone but I do misplace it around the house all the time and for that I love it. plus I love the fact that the phone tells you how much charge it has as where other battery packs its just a guessing game.
Also like that you can use your phone to find it also especially if it is on your key ring
X_man. said:
Also like that you can use your phone to find it also especially if it is on your key ring
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Thanks brother. I am going to get one of these for me and one for my wife. I really wanted one of those damn moto keylinks but could never find them in stock. Here's a couple of other options I found if anyone else is interested.
Amazon (White) - 31.99 -
MobileFun (Black)- 24.99 + 2.99 Shipping -
I just bought 2 from MobileFun. Total price: $52.97. Pretty good deal!
kwyrt said:
Thanks brother. I am going to get one of these for me and one for my wife. I really wanted one of those damn moto keylinks but could never find them in stock. Here's a couple of other options I found if anyone else is interested.
Amazon (White) - 31.99 -
MobileFun (Black)- 24.99 + 2.99 Shipping -
I just bought 2 from MobileFun. Total price: $52.97. Pretty good deal!
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No prob. from what I understand this does about the same thing as the moto keylink plus its a battery pack
I figured you could get it cheaper somewhere else. I just shared the link to the official Moto site cause I figured it would have the most info about it .
I don't know if any of you follow, but they have daily/weekly deals and oftentimes powerbanks roll through.
As a matter of fact, they have a page for it right now. I'll keep an eye out for a keychain version. That sounds very handy.
Im Saint said:
I don't know if any of you follow, but they have daily/weekly deals and oftentimes powerbanks roll through.
As a matter of fact, they have a page for it right now. I'll keep an eye out for a keychain version. That sounds very handy.
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Pretty kewl site! I'm gonna put that in my bookmarks
X_man. said:
No prob. from what I understand this does about the same thing as the moto keylink plus its a battery pack
I figured you could get it cheaper somewhere else. I just shared the link to the official Moto site cause I figured it would have the most info about it .
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Exactly. Kind of glad I didn't get the keylink now. This appears to have the same functionality PLUS a battery pack for close to the same price as the keylink. :good:
To be honest get a bigger battery for the money and use moto voice to find your phone, if that doesn't work then ring your phone from: Motorola connect chrome extension, Android device manager, or qpair if you have a tablet
Diego1751 said:
To be honest get a bigger battery for the money and use moto voice to find your phone, if that doesn't work then ring your phone from: Motorola connect chrome extension, Android device manager, or qpair if you have a tablet
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True. But this device will also let you use your phone to find your keys also. It works both ways I think it's really meant to be a "finding device" first and it happens to be a battery pack for tight situations in case you need it.
X_man. said:
True. But this device will also let you use your phone to find your keys also. It works both ways I think it's really meant to be a "finding device" first and it happens to be a battery pack for tight situations in case you need it.
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I agree its nice to have both. If I had like an iPhone sized battery
I have never ever had this phone die on me(except when I wake up next morning and didn't plug it in. And then I have a turbo charger
I haven't looked but I'd be surprised if there weren't cheaper/better key finders.
Its nice I just think for the money and with the battery in this phone there are better alternatives. Just my .02¢
Diego1751 said:
I agree its nice to have both. If I had like an iPhone sized battery
I have never ever had this phone die on me(except when I wake up next morning and didn't plug it in. And then I have a turbo charger
I haven't looked but I'd be surprised if there weren't cheaper/better key finders.
Its nice I just think for the money and with the battery in this phone there are better alternatives. Just my .02¢
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Probably so. But mine came free with my phone so you can't beat that price LOL
Sent from my XT1254 using XDA Free mobile app
Don't forget, if you can find one, the Motorola Keylink. Wife and I both love ours.

Samsung Announced Recall [Update AT&T info]

************************Update 3****************************
*************************Update 2***************************
Samsung announces recall. We should hear from AT&T this weekend likely will be a swap out process at the store.
It may be a bit more than that. Looks like an actual recall is coming. We may all be getting a second run of the device.
Also it is already taking a big hit in the value of the company
Has anyone seen anything more about these phones exploding while charging?
It looks like there may be a recall coming, a Korean new organization is reporting that Samsung has stopped shipping devices.
Thought we could use a thread to collaborate news stories and follow and recall that is coming.
Just found another article about it:
And Another:
Two more articles this afternoon:
quit buying cheap cables, and spend the money on a Samsung USB-C cord. problem solved.
My phone doesn't even get all that warm while charging. I used 3rd party wireless chargers, and either Samsung or good quality cables. Always use the Samsung AC bricks, or a certified Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 one. I wonder if this is either user fault or certain models. I'd blame poor quality 3rd party batteries, but we can't get access to the battery (that i know of).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
timmyhawk1983 said:
quit buying cheap cables, and spend the money on a Samsung USB-C cord. problem solved.
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holywhitebread said:
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sorry lol ... plain and simple understanding of the article, was caused by cheap wiring in 3rd party USBs until further looking into
timmyhawk1983 said:
sorry lol ... plain and simple understanding of the article, was caused by cheap wiring in 3rd party USBs until further looking into
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Same **** happens with Apple if you use a 3rd party charger/cable.
timmyhawk1983 said:
quit buying cheap cables, and spend the money on a Samsung USB-C cord. problem solved.
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Do they make a 6ft one?
freakinbock said:
Do they make a 6ft one?
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only place i would trust is if i went with a side business to get a cable, other then Samsung itself if you dont feel like spending $18 for a cable
timmyhawk1983 said:
only place i would trust is if i went with a side business to get a cable, other then Samsung itself if you dont feel like spending $18 for a cable
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I picked up a few extra cables from Samsung with the 30% off promo code they sent me.
Cost me about $9 per cable after the discount.
Other then the actual Samsung charger and cable a couple of times, we nightly charge with a Tylt Vu and once with a micro usb cable with the little adapter they included in the box. Didn't notice any excessive heating in any situation. Hopefully it stays that way.
All the reports I've read on this are pointing to the same issue that the iPhone was having, aftermarket USB-C cables
Android police says the global recall is IMMINENT
well, I will get the V20 since I sold my Note5 already.
timmyhawk1983 said:
quit buying cheap cables, and spend the money on a Samsung USB-C cord. problem solved.
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holywhitebread said:
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timmyhawk1983 said:
sorry lol ... plain and simple understanding of the article, was caused by cheap wiring in 3rd party USBs until further looking into
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Actually Samsung has admitted that the issue is with a small percentage of the batteries. It may be a bit more than that. Looks like an actual recall is coming. We may all be getting a second run of the device. Seems Samsung is going to make an official announcement Friday or over the weekend and is working out the details with the Cell providers to make the exchange process easier. Time to make a backup and get ready for a new phone.
Also it is already taking a big hit in the value of the company
ShrekOpher said:
Actually Samsung has admitted that the issue is with a small percentage of the batteries. It may be a bit more than that. Looks like an actual recall is coming. We may all be getting a second run of the device. Seems Samsung is going to make an official announcement Friday or over the weekend and is working out the details with the Cell providers to make the exchange process easier. Time to make a backup and get ready for a new phone.
Also it is already taking a big hit in the value of the company
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I thought it was just the Korean market/devices?
If it's all of them, that sucks. I don't have recovery haha.
From what I read in a few different articles it was less then 1% of sold n7 in the Korean market. Maybe they will recall globally just for safety concerns across the board?
If the recall does truly take place that blows, that means a new phone with a possible whole new set of potential issues like dead pixels and speaker issues. It especially sucks if the unit you got in the first place has none of the above potential issues. Hopefully they can nail down the model or serial of units that have the bad battery and exclude most of us from recall. I dont see how the recall process could be convenient by any means and a lot of people will probably have to go without a phone for a bit if they don't have a backup
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 04:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------
I should also not I have never had any charging issues or Heating issues while charging with the provided quick charger or the wireless quick charger... of course they are both Samsung branded
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using Tapatalk
Johnny424 said:
From what I read in a few different articles it was less then 1% of sold n7 in the Korean market. Maybe they will recall globally just for safety concerns across the board?
If the recall does truly take place that blows, that means a new phone with a possible whole new set of potential issues like dead pixels and speaker issues. It especially sucks if the unit you got in the first place has none of the above potential issues. Hopefully they can nail down the model or serial of units that have the bad battery and exclude most of us from recall. I dont see how the recall process could be convenient by any means and a lot of people will probably have to go without a phone for a bit if they don't have a backup
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I for one installed my screen protector perfectly and would like to avoid having to redo it.
done12many2 said:
I for one installed my screen protector perfectly and would like to avoid having to redo it.
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Lol. So true.

OnePlus sent me a survey

I suggest anyone whom received this survey email to check their email addresses and fill out the survey. Do it for my one greedy intention.
Full out everything as you'd like to of course, but when you're done at the bottom write in a comment that says you'd love OnePlus to make a dash charging power bank. Tell them you'd but it in a heartbeat. I have the feeling of they did it would sell out in an hour or less anyway so ask for it and ask hard!!!
OcazPrime said:
I suggest anyone whom received this survey email to check their email addresses and fill out the survey. Do it for my one greedy intention.
Full out everything as you'd like to of course, but when you're done at the bottom write in a comment that says you'd love OnePlus to make a dash charging power bank. Tell them you'd but it in a heartbeat. I have the feeling of they did it would sell out in an hour or less anyway so ask for it and ask hard!!!
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Don't they already sell a Powerbank at their store?
^Yes, but it's not a Dash charger. (It charges slowly.)
This Is Strange
It's worth doing to ask for something lots of folks want. If love to dash charge on the go. I use my phone a lot myself. Let's face it, they're our companions. I'd like to keep mine alive all around the clock.
OcazPrime said:
It's worth doing to ask for something lots of folks want. If love to dash charge on the go. I use my phone a lot myself. Let's face it, they're our companions. I'd like to keep mine alive all around the clock.
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Tbh my phone lasts me over 2 days... I rarely need to charge on the go. I just charge at home if I'm sub 50% in the evening.
I asked for you none the less :good:
domsch1988 said:
Tbh my phone lasts me over 2 days... I rarely need to charge on the go. I just charge at home if I'm sub 50% in the evening.
I asked for you none the less :good:
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Thanks man. I just try to keep up on work doing some photo editing and audio editing. If im gonna be out a while i throw my current audio work on my phone and sound correct it and clean it up. Apps like those take battery like mad.

