Disconnect device from mac? - Focus General

Hi guys,
How am I supposed to safely disconnect my Samsung Focus from my iMac? There's no icon of the device in the finder windows or in windows phone 7 connector.

Just unplug it. It is not connected as a USB mass storage. Hence there is no need for safely disconnect. It is always safe to disconnect as long as you are not in the middle of syncing.

Is it true for Zune on the PC as well? or do I have to safely remove it when i'm using windows?

Yes, same on the pc side.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

This is... unreal.
Doesn't it ruin the internal memory or something? I never heard of a similar storage device.

One more time, it does not show up as a storage device. So there is nothing an OS can ruin.
On PC, even most flash drives are automatically recognized and configured in a way that can be removed anytime without fearing of ruining of the storage device.

Got it. okay, thanks!
One more question: if I delete all the AT&T apps, where can I find them if I want to reinstall them?


[Q] Connecting to a computer?

Is there any way to get the phone to show as a simple USB storage device when plugging into the computer so that I can simply save files to the card etc? I know I can do this by using the Sony software, but what if I don’t want to use this and I am in an internet cafe etc? I know I can take the card out and put it in a usb reader, however that is not the point. Is there anyway to get this to work like my MP3 player, Phone etc. without resorting to special software or taking the card out?
Just plug via usb cable 0o and enable usb mass storage
Sent from my rooted 026 x10i using XDA App
Sorry any idea how to do this with a mini?

How to Sync MT4G with Mac?

Please post question in Q&A section.
How do you sync up the myTouch 4G with a Mac? I have a 13 inch MacBook Pro if that helps.
If you're talking about syncing with your itunes content, use the doubletwist software that is included on the sd card and install the app from the market.
I want to view the contents of my phones SD Card
I think I know what you're talking about. I had an issue with my computer not recognizing my phone when I plugged it in as well. Try use a different cable and usb port (this seemed to have worked for me). If that doesn't work, trying choosing the charging only option with your phone connected and then switch back to mass storage. If neither of those 2 work, then install the usb tethering drivers (I believe they should be on the sd card). Hope this helps.
Please post question in Q&A section.
should show up as long as u have disk drive selected in settings under connect to pc
I'm on a Mac guys, do does everything still work the same?
It should work the same.
I have a 13" Macbook from a couple of years ago and didn't do anything special, just plugged in the usb cable and it showed up as a disk drive in Finder. Just make sure your phone is showing the connection type as usb drive.
Btw, if you want to sync with iTunes, check out iSync available in the Market.
Sent from my ROOTED HTC Glacier using XDA App
waiaung1 said:
If you're talking about syncing with your itunes content, use the doubletwist software that is included on the sd card and install the app from the market.
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I tried doubletwist and hated it. Try isync instead

how to force charge only mode in Nexus s

I have a nexus s and whenever I connect the phone to pc usb, the usb storage automatically gets switched on but all I want is to charge my phone. even if I do not select 'Turn on USB Storage', it automatically gets turned on. This is really frustrating. Please help me in this regard.
Thanks and let me know for any questions
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Bharath.gct said:
I have a nexus s and whenever I connect the phone to pc usb, the usb storage automatically gets switched on but all I want is to charge my phone. even if I do not select 'Turn on USB Storage', it automatically gets turned on. This is really frustrating. Please help me in this regard.
Thanks and let me know for any questions
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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This is very odd. I've heard of some people having trouble getting it to connect as USB storage (even experienced it on a few occasions) but never having it automatically connect. First off, I have to ask the stupid question: Are you sure it is connected as USB storage and not just connected to the PC? Meaning does the drive show up on your computer? Second, do you have any apps installed like widgetsoid or any other automation apps (there is a chance something you have installed is forcing it to connect automagically)? Third, are you running any custom roms or kernels? And finally, the ****ty question, have you tried a factory reset/full phone wipe?
Are you using a custom rom?
I've never had this happen when I was on stock or CM7, but I was trying out Modaco it was auto turning on usb storage for some reason. Just from my experience though.

Well, this is embarrassing....

For Pete's fookin sake.....
I mussa flashed 20 friggin ROMS to my WinMo Omnia....and I CAN'T EVEN GET THE DAMN DROID TO BE RECOGNIZED ON MY PC.
For cripes sake
So I loaded the USB driver.....on my XP PC. Plug in the droid. "USB Device Not Recognized...." OK....google....read....read...read... ah HAH...I'd set the USB Debugging mode to ON so I could root. Need to shut that back off. Done.
"USB Device Not Recognized...." .... again. Really? REALLY???? So....here I sit....unable to connect my REALLY nice Droid to my GODDAAMMMMMM PC
So...would somebody hold my hand here? Lill' help?
Have you tried switching different modes? Charge only, mass storage, pc mode. One of them might work.
Well I tried Usb and pc I wasn't sure about the other 2. When I was reinstalling the driver I noticed 1 choice was" remove", but I just picked repair. I'll try removing it tonight and then reinstalling it. I was hoping somebody might have an alternate driver to suggest
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
It ain't working worth a shiite. Ugraded to the moto 4.90 driver ...nada.
At least now the pc recognizes my device,and I geta drive in my explorer but I see no data. My wifes fone hook s up to her laptop &says its dismounting the sd card...im not getting that here on my pc ....its like the phone won't let go ofthe sd er sumpin ...very annoying.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
when you plug your phone into your computer, look at the notifications bar on your phone. Does it say that usb is connected?
Sometimes it helps to switch the USB port you plug in to.
So to see the data, are you switching the phone to Mass Storage mode? I know it's an obvious question, but just wanted to make sure...
Also some people had success hooking up to different computers.
I thank u all very much. My phone hooks right up to my wifes W7 laptop but no joy in any port, any storage setting, any gender of dead chicken being swung overhead while chanting in various states of undress. I did get it to rain,so that's sumpin. I quit.
I'm not gonna theme because I don't want to load the pc stuff on her computer (and listen to her complain that I'm "using up her memory"....u married guys recognize the die-on-this-hill avoidance) for the off-chance that things don't go right &I need to sob or abp or whatever that whole thing is.
I'm rooted,deodexed,de-bloatwared, and happy as a pig in **** with stock.
I might theme down the line if I can figure out how much crap id have to reload ... I'm frequently incapasitated by laziness and am tired of longpress deleting and longpress adding ...plus...I just bought power amp & don't wanna lose my license.
But its still fookin annoying that the goddam thing won't load on my desktop.
Peace out.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
before you quit, could you try one simple thing?
have the phone on when you plug it into your computer. Once done, go to the notifications bar. If the phone recognizes the computer, it should say "USB connection".
Click USB connection and make sure its not on charge only.
To access the sd card, click on USB Mass Storage.
Man that's a good thing you and I go back so far. Is it was anybody else I'd say no forget it. I can tell you that the phone says usb connection. And I'm trying to find the sd card on the windows explorer
... are you saying there is somewhere else is the windows environment to click that I can determine if it's on mass storage or charge only?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Ok, here da deal:
Phone sees PC
Phone in mass storage mode
PC say "looky dere, m810,or sumtynes motorola.bla bla
Error occurred during bla bla
Bottom line: no removable drive in win explorer.
On the wifey's laptop it asks to scan, then poof! Dialog to do 5 or 6 things includir browse.
So thx y'all, but I'm satisfied for now with root,dedodex,de-bloated, running ADW Launch on stock.
Seriously, this is everything I always wanted my winmo to do...32gb sd & running pwr amp & I've retired my ipod micro (cuz the power cord gave up the ghost & ****in Apple wont let it work without their proprietary $20 cord ....on a $39 unit that holds 1gb? Heh..fuk dat....I digress. ) ...bookmarks to my cyber-haunts in short cuts that I can TALK THREADS INTO! Nah, im gold baby.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Well you can get dropbox and use that to push stuff or get andftp to ftp stuff. The motor drivers are finicky I grabbed the android sdk and used those drivers.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

Can't connect to a PC?

Hey y'all!
So far I'm loving this device but I have recently learned something that is quite irksome. I have done some quick Google-fu and haven't found a solution to this problem so hopefully you guys can help me out!
When I connect my 6P to my desktop, it installs the drivers, but it won't show up on my computer. I can't access any of the data. It charges but no actual transfer. I have changed the setting to MTP, tried installing new drivers, Android Debugging toggled (adb push works oddly enough), installing Google drivers, but nothing seems to work!
Also to note: My brother's Nexus 6 won't connect, and neither will my other brother's OnePlus One. It makes me think it has something to do with standard Android devices? I'm not sure.
I'm on Windows 8.1 FYI. Lemme know if you guys need anymore information!
Thanks in advance!
Try another PC, may be your PC has some issues.
Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Sounds computer related. I would uninstall all your Google, android, and whatever looks obvious drivers them restart your computer. Then reinstall Twrp drivers. Best of luck
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
It may be PC related but on marshmallow (6p at least) it asks you if you want to use it as file transfer device ,transferring pictures ,charging and all that jazz. Maybe you didn't see that screen on the phone?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Pull down the notification bar, and click on the notification which says something like, "38%, charging" or somesuch.. that will allow you to the change the USB mode to allow file transfers.
The default option is to charge, make sure you change it to MTP. This is a thorn in my side as I want the default option to be file transfer!
Can not connect nexus 6p to computer
I have turned on de bugging and set by usb connectuon to MTP from the default charge selection but I still can not get my computer to see the phone storage. When I plug into my computer it will install the drives even make the tone that its connected but I can not see the device under my explore? HELPPPPPP
I had to change it to PTP then back to MTP and disconnect and reconnect it to get MTP to work at all, just FYI.
I had to use my laptop just to be able to access files on the phone. For some reason my main desktop does not want to recognize the 6p, even after troubleshooting drivers etc.
You might want to check out this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6p/help/usb-storage-windows-t3244905/page2#post63750876, discussion has already been progressing.
Great Advice. Pulling down the notification bar. Mega cool
rohandhruva said:
Pull down the notification bar, and click on the notification which says something like, "38%, charging" or somesuch.. that will allow you to the change the USB mode to allow file transfers.
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Click to collapse
This post helped me figure out what I needed to do. Many thanks:highfive:
I had this problem and just needed to quickly transfer a couple of movie files to my laptop. Without getting too deep into what is obviously some sort of Marshmallow compatibility thing, here's what worked for me...
Switched to PTP and another set of drivers installed after which "Internal Storage" was recognized and I was able to access all contents of both "DCIM" and "Pictures" folders.
Then, using Explorer I simply moved the files I wanted to transfer to the "Pictures" folder and proceeded with my original intent. Problem Solved
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
