[Q] Screen freezes, Power Menu not working - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello everyone,
As a lot of you, I also enjoy Android on my phone. Last weeks I've ran the Typhoon rom and it worked very smoothly. Now, last week I tried some other roms, Just Out of Curiosity. After that I restored my Typhoon rom again. But since then the phone became very buggy. For example, I cannot choose an item from the Power Menu (when you hold the power button). It just doesn't respond at all. when I push the 'previous' hardware button, my homescreen is also frozen. When i turn the screen off and on again the screen is responding again.. Sometimes it doesn't respond anymore so I have to pull the battery and restart. I thought it was because of maybe a bad restore or so, so I installed the BOYPPC rom, but still the same problem! I also emptied my SD card, so what else could it be?


Erratic/laggy touchscreen performance

I've been getting very strange/unwanted touchscreen issues for a while now. It seems to happen randomly and for hours at a time. When I press the power button to wake the phone and turn the screen on, I can't even drag the unlock slider to unlock the phone. It takes numerous wake/sleep power button presses until I can get the screen to respond to my finger. Sometimes I'll be typing and it will go crazy and highlight buttons back and forth quickly, usually two or three letters almost always off to the left side of the screen. When this happens I am unable to get it to stop or register any other screen presses. I have to press the power button and then press it again to wake it and I'm stuck at the unlockable lock screen. Only after repeated attempts does it finally get through and the problem will go away for a while, only to come back later.
I have used the program 'Dotty' to track the touch points and I noticed that it will sometimes show a multicolored touch point off to the left of the screen and it will jump around, and it won't detect any other new touch points.
Soooo I think my screen touch sensor is messed up somehow. Does anyone else have this happen? Seems to have started when I flashed the kernel to get rid of the 30 fps cap. I have recently flashed Fresh and still have this problem, different kernel with that rom correct? I'll try to get a video up sometime to show this in action...
Yes, I've been having the exact same issue. I even did a hard reset, with the assumption that it was an app. My plan was to add them back slowly until I got the issue, the problem was it happened as soon as the phone rebooted on the reflash. I have no idea what the issue is, but its very frustrating.
I'm running 2.2 stock...
Some people have reported touch screen problems with netarchy's kernel. There is usually a revision to correct this problem for people who are experiencing it. I suggest you carefully read over the OP in that thread and determine what kernel is right for you. There is usually a version specifically for Fresh users also.
MIGHT i ask what widgets are you running??
i talked about it before when running the pre-official ota rom.
it was my htc music widget (half sized one) i had running on the home screen.. caused lag like a mofo, couldnt swipe most of the time, capacitive buttons wouldnt react, pressing the app drawer button wouldnt respond till 5 seconds later...
im running fresh + latest kernel + music widget on home screen.. LAAAGGG like before. removing it makes things snappier again.
YEP. Its happening again.
when i ran the STOCK Official rooted rom, with music widget on home screen didnt produce this lag and poor touch input, even with kernel it didnt produce this problem.
Mine is fine, no screen problems!!! stock rooted rom!!

[Q] Serious Touchscreen Lag Issue [UPDATED]

First of all, sorry if this thread is out of place, but I'm not sure where else to turn.
My HD2 worked terrifically with FroyoStone 3.2, Hastarin 7.6 up until last Wednesday (5 days) ago. Then I started to experience, and have not been able to fix, serious TS lag issues.
Symptoms: I hit the unlock button, swipe to unlock, and the touchscreen will be responsive if I KEEP using it...if I pause for up to 3 seconds, the screen is no longer responsive. I have to relock the phone, unlock, and then swipe again to get it to work.
The touchscreen works perfectly fine in Windows Mobile 6.5. (Energy 2361X)
Attempts to fix: I've formatted the SD Card inbetween trying all of the following items-
1) Switch to MDJ ROM with MDJ kernel
2) Switch to Bluetopia ROM (0.5, 0.6 & 0.6.1) with Hastarin 8.0 OR 8.1
3) Switch back to FroyoStone 3.2 with kernel that comes with it
4) Update Radio ROM
5) Update to new Energy WinMo ROM -- after running Task 29 first.
Today, I purchased a new SD Card, loaded it with a clean install of Android, still have issues.
Also tried:
1) Turning off all LED notifications
2) Disabling Auto brightness in WinMo and Android
3) Disabled Screen Auto-Rotate
Honestly, I'm all out of ideas, and I hope someone in the community has a way to help out. I find it so odd that the touchscreen works great right after a "wake-up" as long as I keep it constantly stimulated...then fails to respond if I let it sit for more than three seconds. Is this a polling issue?
All ideas are appreciated. Thank you
Followed another thread that suggests using the exact same WinMo ROM as the Builder -- matched my ROM with cmylxgo's WinMo ROM (author of Bluetopia) after another Task 29...no fix.
More Information
Also tried 32K clusters and 64K clusters when formatting the card. Problem exists with either size.
There are G-Scripts to disable the G-Sensor and then re-enable it without rebooting.
If you want to jump to the extreme and want to remove all the sensors entirely.
rm -rf /system/lib/hw/*.sensors.so
Thanks for your quick reply.
Unfortunately, I'm not the best with working with Linux/Terminal commands -- I tried typing in your code, and it returned that there was no such file/folder as -rf, and then I removed that section, and it said that it could not find the system/...
So obviously, there's something I'm missing, or an error in the syntax, that I cannot debug.
Any help is appreciated.
Are you having any data freezes or are you on an area with poor to no signal? I get really bad system lag when I loose signal while my phone is trying to download. Ppp will freeze and the phone will be unresponsive till reboot. Only way I avoid this is to turn off data if I got into a building I know I will loose connection in.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Thank you for your reply --
I checked into the disconnects being an issue by enabling Airplane Mode and seeing if I still had the same results, and unfortunately I do. I tried by disabling the Wifi and Mobile network separately, and still same issues.
But, here's an update on the issues:
Installed TYTUNG's NexusHD2-FRG83 V1.6, and this thing is very, very lightweight. Great battery life, great data (went to sleep, woke up, and not only was my phone still on...but I didn't have to reset data to check email...nice). The issues still remain. These are the newest things I've tried:
1) Remove Boxwave screen protector
2) Run from Airplane Mode.
I did however notice something really, really important: when the screen freezes, if I simulate a multi-touch gesture (pinch to zoom, etc), sometimes it wakes up! This is not a guaranteed thing (like 60%), but definitely something to work with.
Also, I noticed that one time that the touchscreen stopped responding, I tried the multitouch, no help...but I stayed on it. Multitouch tapped like crazy for a solid 6 seconds...then tried to shut the screen off -- and that button didn't respond. It was as if I saturated some bus of some sort that it had to clear out before it could finally shut the screen off.
Finally, I've noticed that the screen just needs to shut off for the touchscreen to unfreeze -- not go into a full lock situation. So, if the screen goes black, and I hit the lock key immediately, it'll unfreeze the TS.
Thanks to everyone who is trying to think of an idea!
i seem to be having the same issues as you right after i wake the phone up to unlock it. locking the phone is a habit for me to try and save as much battery as possible and also to not press any buttons while in my pocket.
im running a cyanogen rom and i changed the setting to allow me to unlock the phone by pressing the center windows key. i noticed that when the phone will not allow me to unlock it i can press the menu key and unlock it but i cannot use the touchscreen at all until i relock and unlock.
sometimes i have to do this a few times before the touchscreen comes back. i was thinking it could be my sd card but this started to happen today. i have been using android on my hd2 daily for the past 12 days without any problems. its weird that it started all of a sudden.
so it seems we still dont have a fix for the touchscreen freeze yet, right ?
Same problem here
Hi, I am experiencing the same problem.
Tried few versions of Android, The same problem repeated itself.
So I had to return to WM6.5 - there it works good. Only I have to reset the phone twice a day :-(
Hope someone will find brilliant solution for the sad problem that prevents using Android...

[Q] CM10 v.0.9.1 - wake up impossible

I recently installed CM10 and v.0.9.1 made by Koshu and I really find it very nice, however, I have a few small problems, which may be of interest:
- If the tablet goes in Stand-by mode, I cannot wake it up anymore. I Need to press the power button for a quite long time and then it boots up from "Zero". I have also activated "wake up mode by Volume Buttons" but this also did not help. If I press the power button several times within a few seconds it even reboots too.
- Screen rotating doesn't work always. Sometimes the Screen just sticks.
- Have had some "hangings", which disappear after I return to home button.
Did anybody realized similar Problems or en has a solution?
Pleased to hear.
Best Regards
AhLoui said:
- If the tablet goes in Stand-by mode, I cannot wake it up anymore. I Need to press the power button for a quite long time and then it boots up from "Zero". I have also activated "wake up mode by Volume Buttons" but this also did not help. If I press the power button several times within a few seconds it even reboots too.
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I had this issue to a few days ago but i was still on stock rooted rom.Power button was responding only to long press and even then it did a full restart of the tablet.
When i wanted to do a wipe in recovery i realize that the power button was not working in recovery either.
So it was not a rom related problem for me.
After some time i found the out that the problem was only there when i was charging the tablet.
Somehow one(just one) of my wall sockets is causing this sort of behavior.Maybe something wrong with the socket, do not know.The other sockets are working just fine.
I realized this when i unplugged the charger the problem went away.
- If the tablet goes in Stand-by mode, I cannot wake it up anymore. I Need to press the power button for a quite long time and then it boots up from "Zero". I have also activated "wake up mode by Volume Buttons" but this also did not help. If I press the power button several times within a few seconds it even reboots too.
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I have the very same problem since I did the first install of the CM10 KOSHU ROM (8.1).
It isn't relative to the button hardware; it works perfectly during normal operation and with the original firmware, and it happens also when disconnected from the charger.
If I leave the tablet without using it for a longer time it remains stuck into a screen-off-impossible-to-wake state and the only way out is to reset (stylus push into the reset hole) or long power button press to force off and reboot.
It sometimes reboots without any reason.
The WiFi setting is "always on", as suggested by the Koshu ROM thread.
in fact, both bugs appear to my device with v0.9.0 and 0,9.1, not with 0.8.1.
0.8.1 works perfectly to me, except the known issues with WiFi and Tethering.
I hope, Koshu will recover soo from New Years Party ... :laugh:
AhLoui said:
in fact, both bugs appear to my device with v0.9.0 and 0,9.1, not with 0.8.1.
0.8.1 works perfectly to me, except the known issues with WiFi and Tethering.
I hope, Koshu will recover soo from New Years Party ... :laugh:
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I hope he didn't destroy too much brain cells during the Party, it would be a great loss without his excellent modding work .
By the way, I tried the wifi tethering today and it was functioning perfectly (given that you switch off the wpa protection before you try to connect to the tablet) on the 0.91 ROM.
Sent from Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet on Koshu CM10 ROM 0.9.1
AhLoui said:
in fact, both bugs appear to my device with v0.9.0 and 0,9.1, not with 0.8.1.
0.8.1 works perfectly to me, except the known issues with WiFi and Tethering.
I hope, Koshu will recover soo from New Years Party ... :laugh:
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i had CM10 KOSHU ROM 8.1 on my TPT, i see the power issue(TPT turing off by itself if not used for a longtime) and the Screen toggle issue too

[Q] Unresponsive home button (software & hardware) upon unlock

I have an issue regarding my OP2 which is original Oxygen OS 2.0.0 (I have not updated it considering several persons mentionned heavier battery drain after update and I just love the amount of battery life I got so far).
My issue is that, whenever I unlock the phone after leaving it locked for more than 5 seconds, 9 times out of 10, my first click on the home button (software or hardware, the same issue happens) is unresponsive.
I can see the button being touched (grey circle around it) but it does not do anything else than that.
This is really annoying as each time I unlock my phone and go into an app, I have to press the home button twice to leave this app.
This bug only occures on the first press, after that, until next unlock, button is fully responsive.
Does anyone know what it might be linked to?
Thank you very much !!!
Same issue. I'm on rooted oxygen 2.2.0. First press on home button after an unlock does nothing.

Can't turn off

Hi there!!
Three days ago I bought a used xrn 7. I realized I had a ROM installed but I still bought it although I figured it might have an account ... And so it was.Thanks to my experience, I was able to unlock it, and I installed the "official" ROM, but these days I realized that there are some errors like I can't turn off the device. When I press the button to turn off it only vibrates but the menu does not appear to turn it off and if I keep it pressed longer the phone restarts. Also sometimes the phone freezes and restarts itself. Could someone help me and tell me if it is the ROM? if so... What ROM do you recommend? Thanks for your help. It should be noted that I am from Mexico.
