[Q] How to access Phone Memmory!! - Galaxy 3 General

Can anyone please let me know, how to access the phone memory in Galaxy 3. There is My files folder in Applications which constitutes Memory Card. Do I need to root the phone to access phone memory?

vijay.gupta said:
Can anyone please let me know, how to access the phone memory in Galaxy 3. There is My files folder in Applications which constitutes Memory Card. Do I need to root the phone to access phone memory?
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yeps...!! basically that's d definition of rooting..!! ha ha...

Thanks Fido for the reply. Why is the phone memory inaccessible in android phones for normal users? Is there any specific reason for this?
It doesn't happens in other platforms such as Symbian, Blackberry etc.

they do d ryt thing.. Coz, if u r a newbie.. U may mess wid ur system... So it s a way to protect system files frm newbies..
Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

Just curious that if you have access to phone memory, what mess you can create?
You have access to phone memory freely in all the other platforms without rooting. Do you mean to say that the creators of those platforms are not doing right thing?

Android doesn't use the phone memory to save things, only for system stuff and installed apps. You cannot put music on your phone memory for example.
How to access your phone memory? You don't have to be rooted to view, only to change... You can just use bluetooth file manager or astro file manager to view (and copy). But you have to use another program to change things...

vijay.gupta said:
Just curious that if you have access to phone memory, what mess you can create?
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If you can access it, any application you install and run can access it without any limitation. This is good, if you know what you are doing, but it can be very harmful if you are not careful.

Humpie said:
You can just use bluetooth file manager or astro file manager to view (and copy). But you have to use another program to change things...
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There is no way you can access the phone memory without rooting. Rooting is "the program" that changes things.

Thanks all,
I have mtorrent insalled on my phone. when i go to the option to add torrent, it shows me the directories that are not visible when I go to My Files folder. I have not rooted my phone. Are these directories the phone memory directories?
How can I determine if they are directories for accessing phone memory?
Shall I give out the name for the few?
One thing more: I am not getting e-mail notifications only for this thread even though I am subscribed to this thread whereas I am getting for all others. What may be the problem for this?

vijay.gupta said:
I have mtorrent insalled on my phone. when i go to the option to add torrent, it shows me the directories that are not visible when I go to My Files folder. I have not rooted my phone. Are these directories the phone memory directories?
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Which directories are those? On the memory card there are hidden files and folders whose name starts with a dot (.). The My Files app won't list these by default, but in the Settings menu you can enable it, and it is possible that in mtorrent this is the default setting.

The name of the directories are:
sdcard - This is my SD Card folder that shows the contents of my memory card

This is the root directory. Can you copy or create files here?

what do you mean by root directory? are you referring to this phone memory by this term...no, i can only access them...dont create or copy any file here..

vijay.gupta said:
what do you mean by root directory?
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This is the root of the entire file system, without rooting you can't modify its contents (except the /mnt/sdcard folder and subfolders ofcourse).

So just confirming that without rooting the phone, one can access the phone memory but cannot modify its contents. Am i correct?

yes, that's correct

so, why i am able to access this directory (phone memory) only from some apps and not from all the apps?
Also, is there any other way that I can access (not modify anything) phone memory if my phone is not rooted?
Also, if anyone has rooted his phone, what may be the purpose that is solved? As far as I know, such users can install some apps that need root access for the phone?
I mean to say, what may be the reason for which the user may want modify permission to phone memory apart from installing apps that require root access?

Use astro , u can access ur phone memory even if unrooted (atleast see those foldres )

Thanks only4omkar. I am able to do that already using ttorrent app. But my query is different...can anyone please respond to that?

vijay.gupta said:
Can anyone please let me know, how to access the phone memory in Galaxy 3. There is My files folder in Applications which constitutes Memory Card. Do I need to root the phone to access phone memory?
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Wen u install applicATIONS, it gets installed in teh internal memory by default


[Q] apk file issue!!

I have a confusion regarding android. this is very general query.
In Computer, first we have to have exe file to install anything and then we click on it to install the app on windows computer generally. when the app is installed on computer, we have installed app files in program files and then a dump (that is exe file) which we keep to install this app on any other computer.
Now, please let me know if this is applicable in android phones also?
I know that in android, there is .apk file instead of .exe file in computer. I observed that after installation apk file disappears. Is this true?
Not sure if in understood well, did you mean if instal anything from SD card? If you are asking that the answer is yes, i install everything from SD card and the apk file stay there after installation.
What if u install any app from Market?
vijay.gupta said:
I have a confusion regarding android. this is very general query.
In Computer, first we have to have exe file to install anything and then we click on it to install the app on windows computer generally. when the app is installed on computer, we have installed app files in program files and then a dump (that is exe file) which we keep to install this app on any other computer.
Now, please let me know if this is applicable in android phones also?
I know that in android, there is .apk file instead of .exe file in computer. I observed that after installation apk file disappears. Is this true?
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Even in Android you can see the .apk files under /system/app. Also applications installed by you can be backed up & later restored using software available on market.
"Normally" these apks dissapear when you download from.market, but all of.your apks are stored in your phone, the thing is that you have to hav permission to do that, when you download an apk (the single file) and store it in sd card to install it, the apk is copied to the phone.
Sent from my GT-I5801 using XDA App
But if u back up ur apps as .apk and install them later using softwares (with exception of Titanium backup) u will loose connection between the app and android market (that means no updates)
the best option is to backup ur apps with titanium backup along with user data and restore it using the same
how do i access /system/app? Do I need to root the phone in order to see this directory?
vijay.gupta said:
how do i access /system/app? Do I need to root the phone in order to see this directory?
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Download Terminal emulator from market & you are ready to go to /system/app !!!!
You can also download Root Explorer and so the same
Thank all. Can you please confirm what I am writing below:
Suppose I buy a android phone (with android 2.1 so you cannot install apps from SD card) in which I installed an application named XYZ from Market. Now, there is a apk file for XYZ which gets downloaded somewhere in the phone memory and then it gets installed automatically.
Now, I just want to know, where does this apk file go after XYZ is installed? Does it stay in phone memory with the installed files of XYZ.
If it goes to phone memory and not deleted from there, then phone memory
if u install .apk from market it will be stored and installed in /data/app in phone memory. i do not think it is stored twice in the phone.
Do u mean to say that only the installed file gets stored and. apk. File got deleted automatically after getting installed?
vijay.gupta said:
Do u mean to say that only the installed file gets stored and. apk. File got deleted automatically after getting installed?
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Remember that an .apk file its a variant of the .jar files when you install an .apk this file gets stored inside the phone along with its necesary dependencies when the app starts, the os reads this file line by line while the app is executed.
In short terms the .apk file its the application itself that need a proper interpreter to run, in that way when you install and app to the phone, it copies this file and links the dependencies, so the .apks downloaded from makret are stored directly inside the app folder, in that way you can extract them from this folder and use it in another android phone.
You are relying too much on the windows ways of things. You see an exe file installion in windows essentially unpacking everything (other things aside) where it is needed and you then often see a bunch of files and folders. This is not what happens in android, the apk file is conserved when installed and can be found in the root part of your phone. Its data/app/ if installed on your phone, mnt/asec. (or something like asec) if installed on your sd card. You can copy that file to your sd card or send it to another device and install it again. I did just that today (I sent an apk to a friend)
anyway i dont think its same if i delete .apk + odex files from /data/app as i uninstall it with titanium backup. i think TB will be delete also data stored by the app inside the database (its the place where the apps are saving data, settings, etc...)
In case you are installing from Android Market:
1. When you are at market, it doesn't ask you to download. You will only get option either to install or update the existing app.
2. If you are a normal user, after installing, you won't be able to see the apk file anywhere on your memory card. But if you are a root user or with the help of special file managers and specific apps like root explorer and terminal emulators, you can locate those spk files in the phone's hidden memory.
3. If you are a root user, or with the help above mentioned type of apps, you can locate the apk files in phone memory and copy it on your memory card and distribute it to your wish.
4. If you are worried for paid apps and losing your phone or apps because of resetting or any other reason then stop worrying. A record of your paid apps is stored in google servers. So, even if you reset your phone or lose your phone, once you log in to a your new android device with the same google account, it will automatically show your paid apps. You don't have to pay for it again. Just need to install it again. This is applicable only if you are paying for the app through android market and you are logging into your android device with the same google account you had before losing your apps.
In case of installing via your SD card:
1. apk files are just like java files (.jad or .jar). You can download it on your PC from various sources and transfer it to your SD card or any of your friends' via USB, bluetooth or any other way.
2. After transfering the apk file to your SD card, it doesn't get automatically installed. You have to click it or open it to install, just like how we double click the exe file in windows.
3. Whether installed or not installed, the apk file you transfer to your SD card will always remain there unless and untill you or someone else delete it or you format your memory card.
4. Once installed, a copy of the same apk file would also be there in your phone's hidden memory, which you can access using special apps.
If you worried about losing your apps, try searching for other apps which backups apk... you can do so at android market. Moreover, also search on the net about having root access on your android device.. it'll let you access files in your phone's memory.
I hope, this would solve down all your queries !!!
Thanks next2 devil. Very gud explanation. It cleared almost all confusions. I have some more confusions that i want to clear out.
1) just a general query that just like exe file got unpacked after double clicking on it and install its files in c: genrally, does the same happen with apk, jad and jar files?
2) just want to clear out that phone memory which is hidden for normal users contains the copy of only those apk files that are currently installed on the phone and not the ones that are uninstalled or not installed at all?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks next2 devil. Very gud explanation. It cleared almost all confusions. I have some more confusions that i want to clear out.
1) just a general query that just like exe file got unpacked after double clicking on it and install its files in c: genrally, does the same happen with apk, jad and jar files?
2) just want to clear out that phone memory which is hidden for normal users contains the copy of only those apk files that are currently installed on the phone and not the ones that are uninstalled or not installed at all?
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1. I am not sure about JAD and JAR files, but yes, APK files unpack itself to get installed. You can come to know the exact size/space that would be taken by the app directly from the android market. Details would be given there.
2. Yes, the phone memory would be having copy of files only which is installed. There would be no copy of any apk file which in not installed.
Thanks next2devil. Your response give rise to one more query.
if i compare unpacking logic from windows, there is no need for original exe file to remain in existence after it has been installed and user can delete exe file after installing it. Deleting exe file has no negative impact on the working of installed app. Please let me know if this is also the case with apk files? If yes, then what is the need of apk file to remain in phone memory after it has been installed?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks next2devil. Your response give rise to one more query.
if i compare unpacking logic from windows, there is no need for original exe file to remain in existence after it has been installed and user can delete exe file after installing it. Deleting exe file has no negative impact on the working of installed app. Please let me know if this is also the case with apk files? If yes, then what is the need of apk file to remain in phone memory after it has been installed?
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Short and simple. Deleting the apk file from /data/app removes the app.
Sent from my Lestatious v1.4.5.5 Galaxy 3 FROYO

[Q]How to install apps manually??

My question is.. what happens when an app is installed..
(i.e.) what all files are placed where and with what permission??
It would be nice if someone gives me a small mechanism..
Thanks in advance.
What are you trying to do ?
19.nvv.11 said:
My question is.. what happens when an app is installed..
(i.e.) what all files are placed where and with what permission??
It would be nice if someone gives me a small mechanism..
Thanks in advance.
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The files needed to run the app go into the internal memory of the phone.. On eclair devices it all goes in internal i.e the phone memory but in froyo you have the option to move it to the sd card..a part of it still remain in the phone memory though..
And regarding the permissions, they are showed in market when you are about to install the app...
Rapier07 said:
The files needed to run the app go into the internal memory of the phone.. On eclair devices it all goes in internal i.e the phone memory but in froyo you have the option to move it to the sd card..a part of it still remain in the phone memory though..
And regarding the permissions, they are showed in market when you are about to install the app...
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nice.. but what i asked was.. for example
.apk goes to /system/app
classes.dex goes to /data/dalvik-cache
and the database,cache,libraries and preferences files go to /data/com.example.apk/
is that all or any other modifications need to be made..
i want the app shown in the app drawer..
also what are the permissions for each file..
BUBBLE said:
what are you trying to do..
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just learning a few things..

get files from internal memore Xperia Arc

Hi friends
i need to know how can i get files from internal memory as i used many program but when i want to access to system/bin/
files and want to copy some files its say permission access deniy and for also i cant brows folder data in memory of phone
can any one help me plz?
root explorer.
husmanafper3 said:
Hi friends
i need to know how can i get files from internal memory as i used many program but when i want to access to system/bin/
files and want to copy some files its say permission access deniy and for also i cant brows folder data in memory of phone
can any one help me plz?
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i used all apps that deal with root explorer evenmount write read to change permission but unfortuantly not work too
I use Root Explorer (paid version) you need a rooted device and give it permission when it asks.
In the top left corner it should say " Mounted as r/w" (read/write) so you can delete and what not
I have xperia arc
i tried to make it root but all method will make it flash and earse data from mobile and i dont want it..
i have files in the system files i want to get it without earse anything
help plz
What rom/kernel are you using?
kernal version is
android version is 2.3.4
build is 4.0.2A.0.62_R1B
thanks in advance

what is /storage/emulated/legacy etc. and /storage/emulated/0 etc.

I am not rooted.
I have researched and every time someone talks about this topic they start refering to doing things in root. I am a Linux user specifically a Linux Mint 13 KDE. However! I don't work with the terminal and have not since my DOS days, nor do I want to. IMO I'm too old to bother with it.
Now I use ES File Explorer as my file browser and I see there seems to be a duplication of almost everything on my device yet there is not enough room on the Nexus 4 16GB to hold 2 of everything I have loaded onto it.
So I assume the extra stuff I see are sym-links (I don't realy understand what they are just that they are not real). Am I correct?
Why when an app looks for duplicates does it show the stuff in /storage/emulated/legacy etc. and in /storage/emulated/0 etc. and report them as the same size?
Why am I allowed to create a folder in /storage/emulated/0 or /storage/emulated/legacy if they just contain sym-links? IMO I should not have access to those folders without being rooted.
Why when I add a folder in /storage/emulated/0 or /storage/emulated/legacy does it show up in /sdcard?
donec said:
I use ES File Explorer as my file browser and I see there seems to be a duplication of almost everything on my device yet there is not enough room on the Nexus 4 16GB to hold 2 of everything I have loaded onto it.
So I assume the extra stuff I see are sym-links (I don't realy understand what they are just that they are not real). Am I correct?
Why when an app looks for duplicates does it show the stuff in /storage/emulated/legacy etc. and in /storage/emulated/0 etc. and report them as the same size?
Why am I allowed to create a folder in /storage/emulated/0 or /storage/emulated/legacy if they just contain sym-links? IMO I should not have access to those folders without being rooted.
Why when I add a folder in /storage/emulated/0 or /storage/emulated/legacy does it show up in /sdcard?
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I was going to post a simpler version of this question: Why do I have [Android 4.2.2 on a Nexus 7] /storage/emulated/0/, /storage/emulated/legacy/, and /storage/sdcard0/ when they seem to have exactly the same contents? When, if I create something in /storage/emulated/0/ it's duplicated in the other two locations?
But I noticed this thread and decided to check it out. I am shocked that it'' gotten no response in five months.
Eric Weir said:
I was going to post a simpler version of this question: Why do I have [Android 4.2.2 on a Nexus 7] /storage/emulated/0/, /storage/emulated/legacy/, and /storage/sdcard0/ when they seem to have exactly the same contents? When, if I create something in /storage/emulated/0/ it's duplicated in the other two locations?
But I noticed this thread and decided to check it out. I am shocked that it'' gotten no response in five months.
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They are basically the same thing. 2 mount points pointing to the same storage device and partition.
If you create something in one folder, it will show up in the other. Same applies for deleting stuff.
They do not take away more storage space, as it is only available once but shown twice.
You also don't need to worry about it in any way because file browsers normally set their default directory to one of these locations.
As far as i know, Google changed the mount points in Android 4.2 to /storage/emulated/0/ due to them switching to MTP and EXT4(?) for the sdcard. The other mount points are still there for compatibility.
Don't quote me on that, though.
They changed it for multi-user feature
Sent from my Nexus 4
Can I delete "legacy"
Nuu~ said:
They are basically the same thing. 2 mount points pointing to the same storage device and partition.
If you create something in one folder, it will show up in the other. Same applies for deleting stuff.
They do not take away more storage space, as it is only available once but shown twice.
You also don't need to worry about it in any way because file browsers normally set their default directory to one of these locations.
As far as i know, Google changed the mount points in Android 4.2 to /storage/emulated/0/ due to them switching to MTP and EXT4(?) for the sdcard. The other mount points are still there for compatibility.
Don't quote me on that, though.
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Can I delete the legacy folder without harming anything?
DEFI4NT said:
Can I delete the legacy folder without harming anything?
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Did you read the post that you quoted ?
"If you create something in one folder, it will show up in the other. Same applies for deleting stuff."
DEFI4NT said:
Can I delete the legacy folder without harming anything?
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Why would you even want to delete it in the first place? You wouldn't be gaining anything is just another mount point.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
/storage, /sdcard are sym linked folders,that means when you open one of those, it redirects to the original(/data/media/0), as for the 0 is just a multi user feature implemented in android 4.2, but only enabled on tablet androids.
Why do this Sym-Link?: simple so it dosent break apps(not only file explorer type of app, but all apps).
Still dont get, why it would break?.Simple. android api have lots of ways to write/read files from folders, u can do manually,u can get the data path, u can get the sdcard path, etc,etc. so to not break that they just does these sym links, thats why in one app the storage contentents are listed on /sdcard but on others, is /storage, etc,etc. one example of an app that broke because of these changes to android is titanium backup, u need to change the internal storage on it, so it work.
Are they really symlinks?
I want to make sure that they are sym linked files/ folders and not additional copies as it will directly impact the storage.
Emulated storage is the only reason i have not upgraded yet to Android 4.4 yet, despite ROMs being available ages ago..
1. Please let me know for confirmation, if there is no impact on storage space.
2. Can Link2SD be used in 4.4 with emulated storage?
3. If there is a file and its sym link/ copy; are the rights equally assigned to both files/ folders?
I mean to ask if there is a provision to have root previlege on the original file and read only rights on the sym link ? Is it possible??
the main reason for this question is that, if by mistake i do something on the sym lilnk, it should not affect the original file.
and whatever change i wish to operate on, i can do it on the original file itself.
opssemnik said:
/storage, /sdcard are sym linked folders,that means when you open one of those, it redirects to the original(/data/media/0), as for the 0 is just a multi user feature implemented in android 4.2, but only enabled on tablet androids.
Why do this Sym-Link?: simple so it dosent break apps(not only file explorer type of app, but all apps).
Still dont get, why it would break?.Simple. android api have lots of ways to write/read files from folders, u can do manually,u can get the data path, u can get the sdcard path, etc,etc. so to not break that they just does these sym links, thats why in one app the storage contentents are listed on /sdcard but on others, is /storage, etc,etc. one example of an app that broke because of these changes to android is titanium backup, u need to change the internal storage on it, so it work.
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dwipen said:
I want to make sure that they are sym linked files/ folders and not additional copies as it will directly impact the storage.
Emulated storage is the only reason i have not upgraded yet to Android 4.4 yet, despite ROMs being available ages ago..
1. Please let me know for confirmation, if there is no impact on storage space.
2. Can Link2SD be used in 4.4 with emulated storage?
3. If there is a file and its sym link/ copy; are the rights equally assigned to both files/ folders?
I mean to ask if there is a provision to have root previlege on the original file and read only rights on the sym link ? Is it possible??
the main reason for this question is that, if by mistake i do something on the sym lilnk, it should not affect the original file.
and whatever change i wish to operate on, i can do it on the original file itself.
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1- impact? no they are like .ink files in windows
2- yes link2sd works
3- the permissions are the same
maybe someone here can explain whats going on
So my phone seems to have two systems (or probably more) running and it IS using up my memory. See attached photos. I own a 32gb Optimus G pro. Rooted and custom recovery. Beeen trying out a few ROMs. Well somehow I noticed that there is some kind of ghost app/system using up my memory. I only use 7.36 of my sd card (internal). Yet I only have 6gb of memory left. And I just noticed my calendar has double the entries.
Is there a fix??? Or do I have to reflash stock kitkat???
What happened? The only irregular thing that happened is when I was restoring a nandroid backup I fell asleep and woke up 3 hours later and noticed that somehow the phone was making another backup. Could that be the cause. Restoring doesn't fix this. What can I do?
I can't rfactory reset since I have a custom recovery. Doing it in the custom recovery has no effect.
Oh and I did flash freegee's cwm over hoangnova's cwm. Someone told me to update cwm through freegee because I couldn't flash any custom roms.
I have similar problem.
liovag said:
I have order Meizu m1 note 32 gb version blue color from fastcardtech.com and i have received a couple of days ago. Today i notice that in storage menu, the file system holds 17.13GB
The phone is unrooted.
How is this possible, I am very disappointed, and frustrated.
This is a big thing. I have pay for 32GB version and i suspect that they fraud me.
Also i have connect the phone via usb to my pc and i saw that the total size is only 11,9GB and not 32.
Also i have install to the phone the ES File Explorer to check the storage capacity and i saw that the phone have 11.94 GB Total capacity and not 32 i suspect that you have change something to the phone software. to look 32gb but actually is only 16GB version. This is fraud.
I have make factory reset with erasing data and upgrade the system but remains the same. :/
Please give me your advice.
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Imagine a HOUSE. The house = the storage location. Everything in it is your data... furniture etc. These are your files.
storage location \legacy = the back door.
storage location \0 = the front door.
If you delete a file = take your chair and throw it in the yard. Its gone from the house no matter if you entered the front door or back door.
yes, it consumes double storage!
I also have the same observation. Whatever the explaination from previous replies, it consumes my storage double! And it hurts if you only have 8 GB internal storage in my Moto G.
X-plore app can show the storage mapping in my root folder.
What we need now is a solution how to avoid this double storage consumption.
So, we have two identical houses, instead of one house with two doors!
Why2 said:
I also have the same observation. Whatever the explaination from previous replies, it consumes my storage double! And it hurts if you only have 8 GB internal storage in my Moto G.
X-plore app can show the storage mapping in my root folder.
What we need now is a solution how to avoid this double storage consumption.
So, we have two identical houses, instead of one house with two doors!
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I completely understood the analogy about the house and furniture but it does not answer the above question.
Why does it reflect as double the amount of storage being used if it is technically one spot. Its not like its one spot with different files, its one spot with duplicate paths of ONE file that are somehow reflecting as double files, using double the amount of space.
Sorry I'm trying my best to explain and work logic into this lol
II've been trying to change the destination file for utorrent on my android from storage/emulated/legacy to storage/external_SD, for some reason when I do this utorrent says "file not found", and will only download to storage/emulated/legacy, can anyone help with this? It would be greatly appreciated

Any way to get file from non-rooted G5 Plus using PC?

There's a file I need from my phone, but I cannot access it as it requires root and my device is not rooted and never has been. When I read rooting guides they all state to do a wipe. Is there any way to get the file from my phone using my PC even if my phone isn't rooted?
Not sure by your vague description, but do a search of QPST and its sub program QFIL as it is Qualcomm's set of tools for development and working with their chipsets.
[email protected] said:
Not sure by your vague description, but do a search of QPST and its sub program QFIL as it is Qualcomm's set of tools for development and working with their chipsets.
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Vague description?
- There is a file on my phone that I want to copy to my computer
- I am unable to access the file on my phone because it is in a location that requires root
- My phone is not rooted
My question is, is there a method using my pc to access the file even if my phone is not rooted? And if so, what is that method? I'm asking if my PC can get root access to files on my phone even if my phone is not rooted.
devvshukla said:
Is the "file" in [root]/data/ or [root]/system/ or it's in your internal storage and your device is locked down?
If internal then there is no way as it is encrypted.
You can copy some of them from system storage, try some file managers eg FX. I could copy the system apps with their lib from /System/apps to my SD Card.
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I'm not sure where it's located. I was given this info from Roboform support. It's a password manager.
"By default it would be RoboForm/_user-data.rfo on your device if you have root access, the folder location itself varies from device to device."
With FX File Manager I can find two Roboform related folders, but access to both is denied without having root. Their locations are:
If you're looking for wifi passwords, and it sounds like that's what you're after, you're not going to be able to get them without root access.
Sent from my Acer Chromebook R11 (CB5-132T / C738T) using Tapatalk
riggerman0421 said:
If you're looking for wifi passwords, and it sounds like that's what you're after, you're not going to be able to get them without root access.
Sent from my Acer Chromebook R11 (CB5-132T / C738T) using Tapatalk
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I already stated what the file is. It's my own user data from the password manager app Roboform. I need the file to import the data into the PC version, as my user data was lost. As long as I don't sync the phone app, I still have all of my 211 site logins/passwords saved... but there is no way to recover the data to the PC app without getting that file.
Isn't there a PC app that can create a 1:1 image of everything on my phone, and then another that can open the image to view the files? Or a way to root without having to lose the data in the process?
I'm just trying to avoid having to manually input every single one of my logins & passwords manually, but will if there's no other way. I've gotten about 40 done so far but quit until I got an answer here.
maybe you can use adb to pull the files
plastic_green_head said:
Vague description?
- There is a file on my phone that I want to copy to my computer
- I am unable to access the file on my phone because it is in a location that requires root
- My phone is not rooted
My question is, is there a method using my pc to access the file even if my phone is not rooted? And if so, what is that method? I'm asking if my PC can get root access to files on my phone even if my phone is not rooted.
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Vague in that you did not say it was in
in your first post. As I posted, QFIL can dump the whole chipset, but getting it to work, and then extracting right file with a hex editor, is pretty involved.
Another option is to try using ADB backup. If the app allows itself to be backed up, then you may be able to extract the relevant files from the backup.
plastic_green_head said:
There's a file I need from my phone, but I cannot access it as it requires root and my device is not rooted and never has been. When I read rooting guides they all state to do a wipe. Is there any way to get the file from my phone using my PC even if my phone isn't rooted?
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Hey, just use Moto lenovo software assistant and back up the file into pc and then access with your computer.
riyan65 said:
Hey, just use Moto lenovo software assistant and back up the file into pc and then access with your computer.
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That won't work as it doesn't provide root access.
42o247 said:
maybe you can use adb to pull the files
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[email protected] said:
Vague in that you did not say it was in
in your first post. As I posted, QFIL can dump the whole chipset, but getting it to work, and then extracting right file with a hex editor, is pretty involved.
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NZedPred said:
Another option is to try using ADB backup. If the app allows itself to be backed up, then you may be able to extract the relevant files from the backup.
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Thanks. I don't think I'll mess with QFIL but will give ADB backup a go.
plastic_green_head said:
That won't work as it doesn't provide root access.
Vague in that you did not say it was in
Thanks. I don't think I'll mess with QFIL but will give ADB backup a go.
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You are not vague... simply wrong!
You need the data belonging to an app so if the phone is not rooted and the app isn't a system app their data is under /data/data/APPNAME/
The Lenovo Assistant does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less.
nicolap8 said:
You are not vague... simply wrong!
You need the data belonging to an app so if the phone is not rooted and the app isn't a system app their data is under /data/data/APPNAME/
The Lenovo Assistant does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less.
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Zero idea what you're trying to say there. You also quoted me as saying something that another poster said. What exactly am I "simply wrong!" about? I stated that I can see the location of the folders on my phone, but that I cannot enter into the folders because I do not have root access. "Access Denied". Someone told me to use Lenovo MOTO Smart Assistant, so I figured they were telling me to simply use it to browse my phones directory and copy the file to my computer. Naturally, if I browse my phone with the app it does not give me root access, thus I am unable to even see data/app/APPNAME or data/data/APPNAME. The person who suggested it did not mention anything about using it to create a backup. You stated that it "does an adb backup,nothing more and nothing less." which is completely incorrect. You're the one that's wrong here. The assistant does NOT do a complete adb backup. In fact the only things you can backup using it are contacts, sms, pics, music, video, and apps. Plus it does much more. Not "nothing more and nothing less" as you stated.
Roboform creates folders in the system partition. Are you telling me I'm wrong about where the folders are located? Wrong that the assistant app doesn't even let me see system folders? Wrong that it can't be used to create a full backup? Wrong that it does more than let you back up non-system files? Because I'm not wrong about a single one of those things.
Soooooooo. That brings me to having a full backup using adb command line, but no way to extract it's contents. I tried this but the unpack feature does absolutely nothing & the main interface doesn't even see my phone. Not to mention the install is bug ridden. It creates folders in the wrong locations & with the wrong names, so I needed to manually rename & move files because the app would crash trying to find files needed to run. https://github.com/camalot/droidexplorer
Is there any way to easily unpack the backup? If not I'll just give up on this and manually input the remaining 100+ passwords one by one from my phones screen to my PC. LoL.
plastic_green_head said:
Roboform creates folders in the system partition.
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I don't think so! No app modifies /system, it requires root access to do.
Your data is in /data/data/roboform folder.
Do the backup:
Unpack the data:
nicolap8 said:
I don't think so! No app modifies /system, it requires root access to do.
Your data is in /data/data/roboform folder.
Do the backup:
Unpack the data:
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Didn't need the first link. I said I already have an adb backup. You still didn't tell me what I was previously wrong about. The file locations? I'm going by where FX File Manager tells me it's located, which says System/data/app. Does it really matter anyway? I see them, I just can't open them without rooting & once I get the extracting stuff set up I will know where to look for them. A 100% technically (in)accurate location name was irrelevant to even point out as being "not vague, just wrong".
plastic_green_head said:
Didn't need the first link. I said I already have an adb backup. You still didn't tell me what I was previously wrong about. The file locations? I'm going by where FX File Manager tells me it's located, which says System/data/app. Does it really matter anyway? I see them, I just can't open them without rooting & once I get the extracting stuff set up I will know where to look for them. A 100% technically (in)accurate location name was irrelevant to even point out as being "not vague, just wrong".
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This is relevant, the Roboform app
a) was installed by you
b) it's an app that already was on phone

