[Q] Write Protection - HD2 General

I have a problem with my device, looked at all relevant threads with no success and am hoping someone will be able to help me out.
My device is running all my programs as normal and everything is fine. I want to uninstall some programs I no longer need, but it fails. I tried reinstalling the cab over the installation to see if that helps, but that fails also.
I then thought about just deleting the program's folder and its contents using the standard file explorer. I get an error message saying "cannot remove X: access is denied......be certain the folder is not write protected and not in use"
This message appears on anything I want to do like copy/paste my personal files, notes. I cant rename anything either.
Is there a registry entry to fix this? I'm afraid of a hard reset not solving the problem and then having no registry editor and not being able to install anything on the device.
I hope I have made sense in my post. If you can offer any help,thanks.


IIWPO uninstall problem

I have installed the IIWPO (theft protection) program manually (not in ROM) for testing purposes. After uninstall an error message appeared periodicaly. The error txt is "Cannot execute \windows\IIWPO_main.exe". Also I can not find any reference to this file in the registry (maybe faulty registry editor, PHM ?) or in the startup folder. Also tried searching in the file contents on entire device. No success. Please, help, this error message is pissing me off
might be late, but...
I had the same problem. It seems that the IIWPO_startup.exe writes an additional string somewhere (*.dll?) which forces the program to start. Btw. this means that it is not necessary to put it into the AutoStart directory, it should be enough to open it just one time after the installation.
Until someone finds the destination of this string there is a simple work around: just put a program file you always like to execute at startup (e.g. ClearTemp.exe) into your windows directory and rename it to IIWPO_main.exe. This will help :wink:
p.s. hexediting of the startup and main.exe does not solve the above mentioned problem but gives your iiwpo files and registry settings the desired personal touch to remain undiscovered
I uninstall my IIWPO easily. All you need is to reverse all the steps you followed during installation.
Remember to delete the line from config file in extended rom followed by a hard reset
Of course a HARD RESET will also solve the problem :lol:
I'm having this same problem....any solution yet??????
The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also
The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also
Thanks for the advice.........
unfortunately.............I tried memaid...........but it didn't solve the problem.....
anyone else?
Registry key location would be somewhere like HKLM to startup applications. Hard reset will definitely solve your problem.
Do check out www.cartystudios.com

Hangs opening Notes

Just recently when I try to open Notes the 'egg timer' comes on and effectively hangs the Universal.
I am sure I read a cure for this somewhere just cant seem to find it. It either related to deleting a file or recreating a file (*.vol) perhaps?
Does the pim.vol file contain info on Notes or is there another database that might need to be rebuilt.

Replace files in ROM via CAB installer

Please help me someone how to make CABs which can replace system files in ROM (e.g. gwes.exe etc.). I know that there are many users who know how to do these CAB files...
BTW I have searched all available WM5 forums and found nothing
You can't actually replace ROM files using a cab. What you can do is overwrite any ROM file once, with a file that has the same name. The actual file will be stored in the normal storage memory and referenced instead of the original ROM file by anyone trying to access it.
If you hard reset (format) the device the original file will be back.
There are no special actions required to do this. Create a cab as usual with the files you want.
Note two things: 1)You really don't want to mess with gwes.exe because you are likely to crash your device. 2) On some devices, replacing system files may require changing security settings first. If your cab fails because of permission issues, search for 'Application unlock' for your device.
Thanx very much for your reply I want to mess with system files because I'm going to make translation of my device I tryed to make CAB file but it seems my device (Mio A701) is locked so you say I must search for "application unlock" specially created for my device? Isn't there any universal unlock for WM5 devices?

Unable to delete files under 'My Documents'

Hello all!
Sorry for this newbie question, but I couldn't find any answer in here to this strange situation.
I have put couple of files under 'My Documents' and now I cannot delete them (or move/rename etc.). Also I cannot add any files into this folder (or any sub-folders).
Cannot delete 'xxx.mp3': Access is denied.
Makes sure the disk is not full or write-protected and the file is not currently in use.
And no, they are not write-protected or in use, so what is the problem?
WM5 (5.1.195)
Storage mem.: 56.96/37.03 (free)
Thanks in advance!
[email protected] so happy with this brick.
Have you tried soft reset and then try again?
click and hold the folder and/or files and make sure you havent set them to read only in properties.
unwired4 said:
click and hold the folder and/or files and make sure you havent set them to read only in properties.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nah thought had forgotten something.
* I have tried both soft and hard reset - no result,
* of course I mark the file first and no they're not read-only.
If you read my description than I'm unable to add any files under my documents as well, not only with deleting them.
I can create a 'New folder' and delete this, but while creating it I can not name it - get an instant error...
Seems to be the typical joy of Microsoft.
Jannes said:
Nah thought had forgotten something.
* I have tried both soft and hard reset - no result,
* of course I mark the file first and no they're not read-only.
If you read my description than I'm unable to add any files under my documents as well, not only with deleting them.
I can create a 'New folder' and delete this, but while creating it I can not name it - get an instant error...
Seems to be the typical joy of Microsoft.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've exactly the same problem since yesterday.
But with Totalcommander I can delete and rename all.
I've restored an old backup, but the error is allways there.
Now I tried an Hardreset and replayed the backup. The error is away.
I'm having the same problem. But I don't have a backup copy.
Also I'm beeing unable to connect thru ActiveSync. Maybe the problems are related. No problems when connecting with W2003, though. I think I will have to downgrade and live with it for the moment beeing..
Any ideas??
scorpio16v said:
I've exactly the same problem since yesterday.
But with Totalcommander I can delete and rename all.
I've restored an old backup, but the error is allways there.
Now I tried an Hardreset and replayed the backup. The error is away.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

cant delete file!

hi all
Just getting used to my new Diamond 2 and ive got a problem. I was adding a few cab files last night and was not paying attention and copied a 52mb zip file across to the phone! Obviously i want to remove this large file but i cant delete it. It just gives me an error - i have tried deleting it through the pc but get same problem?
Any ideas guys?
Have you tried Total Commander?
A last ditch would be to use PIM or similar to backup all of your data to a MicroSD and hard reset.
The file is probably being used by either the PC or the device. Just restart the phone to make sure that no running programs have a lock on that file.
What is written in the error message it gives you?
all sorted. It turns out winzip was running in the background everytime i selected the file. Once i had closed that down it allowed me to delete the zip file.
Thanks for your help guys!
