IIWPO uninstall problem - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I have installed the IIWPO (theft protection) program manually (not in ROM) for testing purposes. After uninstall an error message appeared periodicaly. The error txt is "Cannot execute \windows\IIWPO_main.exe". Also I can not find any reference to this file in the registry (maybe faulty registry editor, PHM ?) or in the startup folder. Also tried searching in the file contents on entire device. No success. Please, help, this error message is pissing me off

might be late, but...
I had the same problem. It seems that the IIWPO_startup.exe writes an additional string somewhere (*.dll?) which forces the program to start. Btw. this means that it is not necessary to put it into the AutoStart directory, it should be enough to open it just one time after the installation.
Until someone finds the destination of this string there is a simple work around: just put a program file you always like to execute at startup (e.g. ClearTemp.exe) into your windows directory and rename it to IIWPO_main.exe. This will help :wink:
p.s. hexediting of the startup and main.exe does not solve the above mentioned problem but gives your iiwpo files and registry settings the desired personal touch to remain undiscovered

I uninstall my IIWPO easily. All you need is to reverse all the steps you followed during installation.
Remember to delete the line from config file in extended rom followed by a hard reset

Of course a HARD RESET will also solve the problem :lol:

I'm having this same problem....any solution yet??????

The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also

The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also

Thanks for the advice.........
unfortunately.............I tried memaid...........but it didn't solve the problem.....
anyone else?

Registry key location would be somewhere like HKLM to startup applications. Hard reset will definitely solve your problem.
Do check out www.cartystudios.com


Please help with this registry entry

Somehow when I uninstalled a program it deleted my inbox/messaging registry setting for the today screen?. Can someone browse to hkeylocalmachine/software/microsoft/today/items and give me all the details for "Messaging" or is it "Inbox" with all the reg keys for it.
I'm attaching a screen shot of the "Messaging" entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items\ hope this helps.
Thank you so much bnycastro Now I don't have to hard reset just to get back my messasing.
glad I could help :wink:
Please help me out here!
I installed PHM reg software but can't find it on the phone at all or get access to the registry, i've been looking through the foum because i didn't want ask about something thats discussed already but can't find what i need.
Please help!!
its in the programs folder
PHM Reg EDIT sometimes does not gfet installed if you download the msi file and install the same using active sync. In Active Sync, it points to the file as already installed but you will not find it under programs
Instead download the CAB file and install using cabInstal. You can find the CAB file also in the same place as when you found the msi file in Phillippe's web site
Hope this helps
Change directory for messages?
Is it possible to change the default directory for saved messages to a directory on an SD card instead of the default directory in windows/messaging?

Finaly found a way to change/ delete romfiles

Thanks to DriveTheory who posted a threat in the " larger dialerpad" post.
The trick is to kill the "cprog.exe" process. After that you can delete or change any rom file.
Please watch out and know what you are doing
To kill the "cprog.exe" process I use a Taskmanager for smartphones.
Like orneta taskmanager.
First soft reset, than open the taskmanager and kill the process.
After changing/deleting files, restart you device.
It worked on my Qtek with an I-mate rom, hope it will work on yours.
If you try this it is at your own risk!!!
When you want to change the startup screen look for welcomehead.96.png
If people know more files to play with please post them here
How to do it? I use PHM task manager, but cannot turn the "cprog.exe' down, How can I do it? I try to fix the qwertz problem in my Wizard, but I just cannot delete or change the rom file in my PPC!
might be useful to kill the cprog.exe.
today i have try to copy the kEYBDDR.DLL from the windows directory.
I have kill the cprog.exe and when i try with to copy, the Device
hangs and only reset brings the system up.
I also rename the KEYBDDR.DLL in the registry, then i make
an reset and then i try to copy the KEYBDDR.DLL, again the
device (XDA Mini S) hangs.
On which Way i can copy the KEYBDDR.DLL ???
Regards, Peter
PS: I'm searching also for an GERMAN QTEK 9100 Rom !!!!!! PLEASE !!!
Hello Peter,
Today I had the same problem with a dll file.
The trick probably won't work with dll files.
I'm not a computer genius so i don't no the answer or why it should work.
All my trick are just from playing around

STK returns to program folder after every soft reset

After every softreset the link to the Sim Toolkit is recreated in the startmenu -> programs folder. This is really annoying as I just don't use this program. Is there any way maybe in the registry to prevent it from being created? I am using the newest official T-Mobile GER ROM but i already had this problem with the first ROM that was installed.
I have the same problem!
i want to disable the stk menu from WM5
Did anyone tell me how to do?
Ok, I got an idea. Might sound stupid and is not the most ellegant solution but it will work: Why don't we put together a little program that deletes the shortcut and we put this program in the startup folder? This way the icon won't reappear after each soft-reset.
Can anybody here do this for me? Just a simple little program to delete the file. The one which needs to be deleted is:
Thank you so much!
there is no stk.lnk shortcut in my windows\startup folder
but my stk menu is automatic start! why?
Hi there,
I'm having the same problem, in that there is a link to the STK appearing in my programs folder on each reset. I have tried deleting and moving the icon, setting it to 'hidden', and altering the registry setting (\\Windows\Startmenu\Programmes\O2.lnk (it's slightly different to the example in an above post, but it does link to STK)) to place it in a sub-folder called Phone (i.e. \\Windows\Startmenu\Programmes\Phone\O2.lnk), but on each reset my changes are removed.
Has anyone got any ideas how to permanently remove this - or at least how it is being recreated each reset? Is it installed as part of the O2 Active software?
Cheers all

htc s 310 registry change

I changed registry file per exe file.Word "exefile" I changed with "jpgpicture".My telefone now is blocked !Active sync no work! How change again registry?
Thanks! My telephone is htc s 310.
Why did you do this???
If activesync is not working (did you try soft reset?) you must have changed more than just a file reference.
In any case you can try this:
Download PHM Registry Editor as cab installation
Copy to SD/mini/micro using card reader.
Install to device and use the program to change registry back.
If tis does not work your only choice is hard reset but you will loose all your data.
I have install regedit in my mobile.
I did this because not could download file with extension wich not have program for open this,
For example... no could download file zip if not have unzip program install in my mobile!
How do soft reset? Because when push button(taste) frontale for shown my mobile show:
"There is no application associated with "fexplore".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
Or when push Start taste shown:
"There is no application associated with "appman".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
Or when push button for camera,mobile shown:
"There is no application associated with "Camera".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
And sometimes shown "Cannot execute repplog.exe"
Thanks and forgive for my bad language!
Again thanks!
There should be a hardware button combination to preform hard reset.
Unfortunately I don't know what it is for your device. I recommend you check the manual or look in the WiKi.
Make sure you repost your q to http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=341 . I'm not moving the thread because there may be other S310 users lurking here too.

[Q] Write Protection

I have a problem with my device, looked at all relevant threads with no success and am hoping someone will be able to help me out.
My device is running all my programs as normal and everything is fine. I want to uninstall some programs I no longer need, but it fails. I tried reinstalling the cab over the installation to see if that helps, but that fails also.
I then thought about just deleting the program's folder and its contents using the standard file explorer. I get an error message saying "cannot remove X: access is denied......be certain the folder is not write protected and not in use"
This message appears on anything I want to do like copy/paste my personal files, notes. I cant rename anything either.
Is there a registry entry to fix this? I'm afraid of a hard reset not solving the problem and then having no registry editor and not being able to install anything on the device.
I hope I have made sense in my post. If you can offer any help,thanks.

