htc s 310 registry change - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I changed registry file per exe file.Word "exefile" I changed with "jpgpicture".My telefone now is blocked !Active sync no work! How change again registry?
Thanks! My telephone is htc s 310.

Why did you do this???
If activesync is not working (did you try soft reset?) you must have changed more than just a file reference.
In any case you can try this:
Download PHM Registry Editor as cab installation
Copy to SD/mini/micro using card reader.
Install to device and use the program to change registry back.
If tis does not work your only choice is hard reset but you will loose all your data.

I have install regedit in my mobile.
I did this because not could download file with extension wich not have program for open this,
For example... no could download file zip if not have unzip program install in my mobile!
How do soft reset? Because when push button(taste) frontale for shown my mobile show:
"There is no application associated with "fexplore".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
Or when push Start taste shown:
"There is no application associated with "appman".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
Or when push button for camera,mobile shown:
"There is no application associated with "Camera".Run the application first and then open this file inside the application"
And sometimes shown "Cannot execute repplog.exe"
Thanks and forgive for my bad language!

Again thanks!

There should be a hardware button combination to preform hard reset.
Unfortunately I don't know what it is for your device. I recommend you check the manual or look in the WiKi.

Make sure you repost your q to . I'm not moving the thread because there may be other S310 users lurking here too.


IIWPO uninstall problem

I have installed the IIWPO (theft protection) program manually (not in ROM) for testing purposes. After uninstall an error message appeared periodicaly. The error txt is "Cannot execute \windows\IIWPO_main.exe". Also I can not find any reference to this file in the registry (maybe faulty registry editor, PHM ?) or in the startup folder. Also tried searching in the file contents on entire device. No success. Please, help, this error message is pissing me off
might be late, but...
I had the same problem. It seems that the IIWPO_startup.exe writes an additional string somewhere (*.dll?) which forces the program to start. Btw. this means that it is not necessary to put it into the AutoStart directory, it should be enough to open it just one time after the installation.
Until someone finds the destination of this string there is a simple work around: just put a program file you always like to execute at startup (e.g. ClearTemp.exe) into your windows directory and rename it to IIWPO_main.exe. This will help :wink:
p.s. hexediting of the startup and main.exe does not solve the above mentioned problem but gives your iiwpo files and registry settings the desired personal touch to remain undiscovered
I uninstall my IIWPO easily. All you need is to reverse all the steps you followed during installation.
Remember to delete the line from config file in extended rom followed by a hard reset
Of course a HARD RESET will also solve the problem :lol:
I'm having this same problem....any solution yet??????
The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also
The reason for this is in the windows registry there is still a link to the program causing it to start. Use a program such as memaid which will find all dead links and delete them i had a problem similar to this with another program. Memaid solved it for me, hope it works for you also
Thanks for the advice.........
unfortunately.............I tried memaid...........but it didn't solve the problem.....
anyone else?
Registry key location would be somewhere like HKLM to startup applications. Hard reset will definitely solve your problem.
Do check out

Big storage rom upgrade

I have just installed this on I-jam. Thank you for the rom. I now seem to be missing the program which allowed me to assign photos and backgrounds to contacts. Is there any way of getting this back or can you recommend another program I can use in its place?
The advantage of the Big Storage hack is that the storage area is now accessible for other purposes and that you can select which softare to install from the Extended ROM. You'll find various Extended ROM versions in the ftp server. The cab file that you are looking for is called Caller ID.
I am trying to install the phone dialler software but is comes up with iacaller.dll in use, how do i install it, any help appreciated..
can anyone tell me how to uninstall this please
in order to remove the iacaller.dll from use, try removing it from your \windows\startup folder, then soft-reset. Then you should be able to run the cab file. However there will be several other *.dll that need to be replaced but are read-only. What you have to do is manually rename those to something else (I just put a OLD_ in front of the name). Do this either through the the activesync explorer or you can select to "view all files" from your pocket pc file explorer. I don't remember the ones that need to be renamed, I had a list but who knows where it is now... So you'll have to rename them one by one as the device prompts you. so for example it'll say name.dll is in use cannot copy - remember the name of the file, exit the installer (or most likely the installer will exit itself) then go into the \windows folder, locate the file, rename it to OLD_XXX.dll then run the cab again. Repeat as necessary. Good luck.

Change Installation Directory

i want to install the programs to a directory on the mmc card.
But if i do so, it installs in the root.
Now, thats not looking nice, and its hard to find anything there then.
I want create a directory for games and programms on the card.
How can i do that?
I can only choose between, Memory Card, Storage and Main Memory.
And that sucks!
Maybe u can user WinCE CAB Manager and edit the *.cab installation directory to any directory u prefer.
You can use the freeware CabInstall and install program directly from the SD.
Yes, but on the on hand this would be a lot of work, changing every single files directory in the cab and on the other hand it wouldn´t work out with Progs, that have an exe intallation, like the game AoE.
Thos Progs, first install on the PC and then on the PPC, and there are no editable CABs at all.
I thougt about changing the installation interface inactive sync , but i´m not a coder.
But maybe, there is somebody out there, who had the same idea like me and realised it already.
The Best solution ever: have a look at the attached files, open the TXT file first (the instructions)
You will not need any additional Software (except e Regestry editor like PHM Regedit), just follow the instructions and use the attached files.
Workes great I am having this now for 4 months!
if you install the programmes to the SD/MMC card, and they make their own folder, put the SD/MM card into a card reader on the pc and select the entire folder as hidden. this means that the programme still works, but does not show up when you explore the card. this does not work if u are using your phone as a card reader.
Sorry DerliebeWolf, The BEST solution is the follow (Tested on WM2003Se):
- Download a registry editor 4 Ur PPC
- Open AskDir_ON.reg with the program
- Reset your PPC
- Go to \HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer\fAskDest
- Change DWORD value (dec) from 0 to 1
- Reset your PPC
If you install a cab file or an exe file from the pc (that copy the cab into your ppc and then execute it), Windows Mobile will ask you in wich folder you want to install the sw.
Note that you can have problems with some applications (because they're not installed in their own directory)
Check out Nonentity's File System Tweak
Cabinstaller is the best and easy software i could recommend for this. Run the cab installer software once and set it to run for all installations, the whenever u try to install a cab file, it will prompt you for the path of installation. It also has an option to disable deleting of cab file after installation. Do you want anything more than this? and to the max, it is free ware! Its easy to get, if you can't find,I have it in my site' software section.
oh yes, i've forget that cabinstall associes .cab files to it (and then, when you execute an exe from the pc, in the ppc will be opened always with cabinstall in auto)
They're the 2 Best Solutions

Deny or restrain installation of applications WM5

I want to deny or restrain installation of applications on the fly as an service/process or by making changes in the registry on WM5 devices. Any ideas? The app preferely in C++/C#
CAB files are installed by wceload.exe in the windows directory.
You can overwrite this file with a blank exe, or remove the CAB extension reference to it in registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Deny or restrain inst. of apps
Thanks, yes I've thought about this - but this isn't a very dynamic solution. When a person run a CAB I want to check if app is okay to install from a "List" - then show a popup with a message saying something like "Sorry, you are not allowed to install this application. Please contact your company IT Admin for more info".
Is the .CAB association in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT linked to wceload - so I could run an app to validate CAB, and if ok execute wceload..?
levenum said:
CAB files are installed by wceload.exe in the windows directory.
You can overwrite this file with a blank exe, or remove the CAB extension reference to it in registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Write up a registry entry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT to associate .CAB files with your custom file. Then, when the user taps on a CAB file, your program reads it, compares it against its list and, if it's approved, calls WceLoad with the appropriate parameters.
The key would probably look something like this:
(default) = "<path to your app>" "%1"
(%1 will be replaced with the path to the CAB file).
Then, if the CAB was approved, call WceLoad with the following parameters:
\windows\wceload.exe "<path to cab file>" /nodelete
Note that some apps, may call wceload.exe directly. I am not sure if Activesync does it, but I know a couple of custom installers that do.
If you really want to secure the device against unothorized software do the following:
Rename wceload.exe to something else like wceload1.exe.
Create you own wceload.exe, but make sure you capture and preserve all command line parameters in case you need to transfer them to the original file for proper installation.
This way you can be sure no one will install anything without your permission.
Olso, keep in mind wceload is used to switch themes as well. (It handles *.tsk files).
Very much..
Thank You all!!

SOLUTION: Touch Flo appliation not signed with a trusted certificate

This was user error. But since I saw other people have had the same problem I decided to admit it and maybe this post will help them out.
Problem: Anytime I changed the mapping of the application buttons in Touch Flo I'd then get an error when I tried to use the remapped button. The error stated:
"The file XXXX cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file."
Where XXXX is whatever I had set the button to be.
The problem turns out to be that in Cube Config I had used the drop down box "Shortcut Path" and just picked the application I wanted. This, for me at least, does NOT work. I had to use the "Browse..." choice and then navigate to the actual executable file.
For example:
I COULD NOT choose "Audio Manager" from the "Shortcut Path" drop down box.
However I COULD choose "Browse..." Then navigate to:
"\Storage Card\Program Files\HTC Audio Manager"
And finally select: "AudioManager.exe"
It is NOT significant that the example I'm posting was on the Storage Card. I had the same problem with programs installed in internal memory.
Hopefully this will help others out.
Please follow this link:
The problem is 100% solved with Security Configuration Manager
SlavKor said:
Please follow this link:
The problem is 100% solved with Security Configuration Manager
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It does not solve the problem!! Any other solutions???
uta77 said:
It does not solve the problem!! Any other solutions???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found the solution Special THANKS to JZ SmartMort
Following simple steps:
1) Download following file:
From archive we need only SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe
It allows Registry to be edited from PC.
Run it with working Activesync connection
2) Download Mobile Registry Editor:
Also run with working Activesync connection
3) and modify the following keys to the values listed.
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","0000101b","1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001005","4 0")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","0000101a","1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001001","1 ")
("HKLM","Security\Policies\Policies","00001017","2 4")
It perfectly worked with HD2, but I guess it should work with all WM devices.
FYI, here are some other useful software packages that relax the security. --- the first file in this article.
4) Restart
P.S. Special THANKS to JZ SmartMort
Thread moved to General.

