[Q] More Honycomb - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

more and more devices are getting a honeycomb sdk port and nothing for our
HD2's even thought ine looks like honeycomb would like to taste the sdk port.
Does any one had the honeycomb Bootanimation?

Another Device with Honey and HD2 to still wating eating giger


sony rachael ui

Would it be possible to port over to the nexus one.
i dont see why not. the specs i saw are the same cept for the camera
the problem is rachael ui is currently running on 1.6 version of android. maybe if a 2.1 version comes out, then it is more probable.

[Q] Honeycomb v4--PhireMod--???

I have a nook that currently has the Honeycomb v4 ROM running on eMMc...and for what it is I've been pretty happy with it. However, I've hoped that fairly soon there would be a full-fledged working Honeycomb version for the Nook since Xoom is out, etc...but I'm a little concerned that it seems all Honeycomb versions and development seems to have stalled, if not died. I haven't seen anything new in a long time.
Maybe we're still waiting for the AOSP to be released, but I would like to eventually have Flash and anything else that would run by default on a full-fledged Android 3 tablet, if the genius developers would grace us all with such a ROM. In a worst case, I don't want to be orphaned with what I have now and have to give up and drop back to the latest Nook 1.2 version if I can avoid it.
So, does anyone have any news about Android 3 on the Nook---is anyone still working toward this---if so/when?
Also, I'm curious about what other ROM's may be out there that are as good as the recent 1.2 update...have Flash, etc...if any. I've looked at the 4/29 Phiremod 6.2/ CM 7.0.2 which sounds pretty slick, so I'd appreciate any comments about it and how it looks or compares to the Honeycomb version, etc. I'm up for any suggestions.
Devs can't do anything with honeycomb till the Source is Released, and google has not stated when that will be
Its like this:
-Google hasn't released Honeycomb source, and said they won't until it is integrated with the cellphone branch (which will be a new version - Ice Cream Sandwich)
-The CM7 developers can't work on a Android OS without a source code to modify for the Nook Color
-Much work was done on CM7 (Gingerbread) to give it some of the best parts of Honeycomb- softkeys on the status bar
-Once the source for a tablet Android OS is released the large community of the Nook Color almost guarantees a port, as much work has been done to leave that option open
-We will know a better timeline after this:
-There is work on a newer SDK port:
jttraverse said:
I have a nook that currently has the Honeycomb v4 ROM running on eMMc...and for what it is I've been pretty happy with it. However, I've hoped that fairly soon there would be a full-fledged working Honeycomb version for the Nook since Xoom is out, etc...but I'm a little concerned that it seems all Honeycomb versions and development seems to have stalled, if not died. I haven't seen anything new in a long time.
Maybe we're still waiting for the AOSP to be released, but I would like to eventually have Flash and anything else that would run by default on a full-fledged Android 3 tablet, if the genius developers would grace us all with such a ROM. In a worst case, I don't want to be orphaned with what I have now and have to give up and drop back to the latest Nook 1.2 version if I can avoid it.
So, does anyone have any news about Android 3 on the Nook---is anyone still working toward this---if so/when?
Also, I'm curious about what other ROM's may be out there that are as good as the recent 1.2 update...have Flash, etc...if any. I've looked at the 4/29 Phiremod 6.2/ CM 7.0.2 which sounds pretty slick, so I'd appreciate any comments about it and how it looks or compares to the Honeycomb version, etc. I'm up for any suggestions.
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I was in the same boat so I installed Phiremod (CM7 with a cool theme) which is awesome.
The thing I originally didn't like about CM7 compared to Honeycomb was the location of the soft back button. HC made much more sense because it was designed for tablets without buttons. CM7 now includes "tablet tweaks" which is switched on by default. This tweaks move the status bar to the bottom and add good soft buttons on the left side of the bottom (by default...they can be moved around). The tweaks along with Flash support and the fact that Google announced it will be a while before HC is added to AOSP tipped the scale to CM7 for me.
Pros of Honeycomb:
New interface that is more like a PC than a phone (contrary to Steve Job's "tablets are post-PC devices" lol)
Great email client and widget
Awesome native browser
Everybody thinks you are cool because you have HC running on an eReader (women were just throwing themselves at me so my wife made me switch lol)
Pros of CM7
99.9% of everything works. Most problems with HC for the Nook were problems that HC has on other devices but they are still problems. Gingerbread is much more mature.
Bluetooth is working. People say it only works for short distances. I never wander too far from my keyboard so I am not sure.
Tablet tweaks allow most of the cool UI functionality that is included with honeycomb.
I am not sure if HC v4 includes hardware acceleration but Flash and other videos work better on CM7.
I recommend using both. Flash CM7 to your primary partition and if you want to use Honeycomb, set up dual boot and flash HC to your second partition or run HC from an SD card.
I also recommend trying the Stock 1.2 ROM. You won't be happy with it after using honeycomb and CM7 but it is worth a look because it is quite nice for somebody with no technical knowledge like my mother.
Activity is definitely picking up on the new port. I would keep an eye on the post and I'm betting within a couple of days, it will be fairly stable and worth flashing.
SDK Honeycomb New Port
Thanks to all...I'll take the advice..
Thanks all, these were some very thought-out and helpful responses...even if I have to decide whether I want the women throwing them at me over having HC4 on my Nook, or whether I want to have my Nook do the most that it can for now
(...I just know I'll have to do a dual boot since it's all about the nook..er, or is that nookie..oh nevermind...
Thanks for the info on Google and the AOSP as well...
you make having HC on your NC sound like driving a porsche... I wish it were that easy!

Is this the end at gingerbread?

Well guys i was thinking about it. Also thinking about other sense devices that may come with ICS and thinking about if it can run with a sense 3.5 on it or sense 4.0 or something. So I was thinking that eventually our devices cant be upped to the higher sense versions eventually. So I was wondering about the life of AOSP. When will our devices stop being able to run straight android?
When I say run I refer to the ability to be usable. None of this constant reboots or all to common issues, radio network, wifi drops, reboots etc.
I predict a year until our devices can not fully support the next sense version if 3.5 can be run reliably. I give straight Android till the next update. I am still unsure of how ICS will run on our devices very well but I do think it will be and will have the people from major AOSP makers/flavor teams out there getting it to work.
This update brings duel core in a year it will be quad core etc. and follow suit.
What are you peoples ideas? How long can our device stay breathing?
I have none of those problems with aosp?
Sense already should not be run on our phones because of the hog it is. I don't think Google will be outing all these phones next year.
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
That is why I think AOSP will be the only way to go further.
Our Devices Running sense are pretty much maxed out if we ever get 3.5 to run correctly.
I've been running cm7 nightlies exclusively for almost a year
Now and i think i only had rebooted with a really old nightly and the GPS issue that's now fixes with a driver flash. I don't know what could cause the issues you have. He'll I TRY to break my phone to make sure it'll run all the time. Still haven't really been able to do much more than slow it down massively for a few minutes.
I love how sense 3.0 looks but not how piggishly fat it is
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I would run sense 24/7 if it had features I need
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
Sense is great I love it how it feels the keyboard the widgets etc. It's just I realize our hardware is well outdated now. I think ics will run fine but a port of a ics sense ROM might be a bit much. If.It's got Sie 3.5 it might run but sense 4.0 won't run great i can just tell.
I tried aosp way back when but like sense ink if ics brags a lot of functionality and a reasons o glad aosp I might do that but till then sense it is.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Not sure what others are doing for the EVO but as soon as ics hits ill be working on it for the EVO. Remember salvagemod was one of the first gb Rome for the EVO. We will be bringing android updates to the EVO for as long as we can. Shot even the g1 and mytouch run gb. I'm sure the EVO will keep up for a while. We hope.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I hope ICS will support my EVO. I hope as many phones as possible get ICS love, especially considering hwa which should theoretically improve the performance of every phone it runs on.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
lithid-cm said:
Not sure what others are doing for the EVO but as soon as ics hits ill be working on it for the EVO. Remember salvagemod was one of the first gb Rome for the EVO. We will be bringing android updates to the EVO for as long as we can. Shot even the g1 and mytouch run gb. I'm sure the EVO will keep up for a while. We hope.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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I believe our phones can run the future updates for android its the sense part that I think will limit our ability to keep progressing with sense. And I appreciate the developers who constantly work on our devices and do donate to them.
All things aside Android doesn't take many system resources but sense can be a pain to get to work correctly if our devices can handle sense 4.0....
Maybe a hyrbid but my theory is sense 4.0 + 3.5 hybrid is the end of sense for us. maybe a update beyond ICS as well. maybe a 2.4-2.5
cmsjr123 said:
Sense is great I love it how it feels the keyboard the widgets etc. It's just I realize our hardware is well outdated now. I think ics will run fine but a port of a ics sense ROM might be a bit much. If.It's got Sie 3.5 it might run but sense 4.0 won't run great i can just tell.
I tried aosp way back when but like sense ink if ics brags a lot of functionality and a reasons o glad aosp I might do that but till then sense it is.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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I agree. Sense has some great widgets and integration into parts of the system like the gallery app with Facebook and flickr. I have run AOSP ROMs, some for quite a while (and I'm a bit of a flashahaulic) they run super smooth and they are quite stable now as well, but I always try different sense ROMs when I see then posted so I can try to get the best of both worlds.
Currently I'm running Salvage-Mod-Sense which is a 2.1 port from Barnacles. It's the best I've found for sense ROMs that includes some minor features from Sense 3.x (ie. lock screen, camera app) but for the most part is stock sense 2.1 which runs beautifully on my phone. This with the chop suey SBC kernel gives me great battery life and all the best of sense. So much faster than Synergy or Kingdom because it leaves out all the Sense 3.x stuff.
All this rambling on my part comes to this, I agree that ICS will be awesome on our phones, but I doubt a sense based version will be feasible. Sense 3.x already runs terrible on our devices (at least in my experience, but maybe I'm just a performance whore, lol).
The new Sense 3.5 ROMs are exciting and running smoothly as well. I believe if there is a way to remove all the bloat and strip the ROMs down these devices can go for another 2yrs with decent performance.
azteccrew5 said:
The new Sense 3.5 ROMs are exciting and running smoothly as well. I believe if there is a way to remove all the bloat and strip the ROMs down these devices can go for another 2yrs with decent performance.
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That's my feeling at this moment. Especially as devs get ICS releases to tweak.

[Q] Multi-tasking like honeycomb?

i have a nook color and i love it
when i first got it, i flashed cm7 on it, a few weeks later i tried honeycomb
now, i know honeycomb isn't very good so i switched back to cm7. but i stil want honeycomb for 2 main reasons:
1 its nice design
2. multi-tasking
i can easily get the design with launchers, but i want a good multi-task option like on honeycomb. one where, at any time, i can easily switch back and forth between apps.
is there a way i can do this??? ANY help would be appreciated
you should try the ice cream sandwich roms in the android development section. the unofficial nightly builds have become quite stable and i do believe it has the multitasking that you desire and the design too. plus its 4.0 which is newer than honeycomb. so good luck to ya!
jgore43 said:
you should try the ice cream sandwich roms in the android development section. the unofficial nightly builds have become quite stable and i do believe it has the multitasking that you desire and the design too. plus its 4.0 which is newer than honeycomb. so good luck to ya!
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i will flash it...after i finish my homework

[Q] Xperia S or Sense 4 port?

wondered if the possibility of sense 4 or xperia s rom in my defy the green lens?
sorry for bad english
... the entire ROM is impossible Android is divided into layers and the lowest is directly related to the hardware, no matter what manufacturer, which adopts similar projects between the devices themselves but the hardware is always different.
There is a rom (out of XDA) that may be what you are looking for is called Jboogie 3 - Liquid ARC is not a Sony rom, only the visual changes to look like an Xperia ...
wondered if the possibility of sense 4 or xperia s rom in my defy the green lens?
sorry for bad english
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I don't think it is impossible, but it won't happen, at least not now for a few reasons.
Sense 4.0 is extremely difficult, there is a lot of trouble porting it to HTC devices because of the newer kernel and the general action of taking it to ICS. It took ages for DefyFroyoSense (a really old sense 2.0 + 2.2.1 rom for defy) to come together, and now it's been virtually abandoned because it is too hard to dev.
Plus, there aren't really a lot of people who are interested in Sense 4.0 in the defy forums at the moment. If it is a great hassle to port stock vanilla ICS (cm9, aokp and codename android), then you can bet it will be beyond a pain in the ass for sense. Sense in general is pretty much limited to HTC devices.
For Xperia, it isn't easy either. I guess you can port the UI and framework and all that **** but the whole rom... well let's not think about that. Again, it's ICS again, so yeah.
So.... yeah u get my point.
Oh yeah and your defy being a green lens isn't good either, especially if a GB motorola rom will be involved in a possible port. GG.

