Moderators??? - Atrix 4G General

Where are you guys? I have known XDA to be a place of organization... a place to be used as a top-notch resource... but 3/4 of the threads in this Atrix forum are rediculous! It is non-stop, people posting each and every little issue or question in a brand new, seperate thread! Please help clean up this forum, myself, and a ton of other people are counting on this place as a main source of information for our device!
Thank you very much.
And to the trolling posters out there:
-It doesn't matter which phone you came from! It doesn't need to be a thread!
-If you really don't like the Atrix and are returning it - go for it! Nobody cares what you are going back to. This is a place for people who have, and plan on keeping the device!
-If you dislike an aspect of the device, you don't need to make a thread about it!
-If you have a very general question, use the search function first please!
-If the search function fails, try google!
-If you don't own the device, please don't post your trolls here!
-If you are thinking about getting the device, read the Engadget review, it is helpful.
-If you are posting a comment that seems to be very general, chances are - it is! Try attaching that comment to a thread already in existence (ie, if you want to talk about a particular case under the accessory forum, post it to case thread, instead of asking a specific question on a specific case in a new thread.
-Please read the OP! Chances are, your question's answer is in that post...

Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP

joewoo said:
Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP
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And to break my own rules, I am coming from the Inspire forums... which are completely moderated, organized (and de-*****ed). It's enough already - this is a place for people who plan on having the Atrix for some time and want to discuss and make their experiences better.

So much *****ing and fanatism! I agree. Some moderation is needed urgently!
By the way, Atrix is a great phone as well as many other Android devices. 1,000 posts of comparison are not enpugh for people to understand what the phone is and how it works?

joewoo said:
Lots of whiny little *****es lately... +1 OP
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Completely agree with this. Another +1

well said OP!
I'm sat here using a wildfire, waiting (not so) patiently for the Atrix to be launched in the UK. I assumed that the wildfire board was so bad because it was a cheap phone, but no, this board is going the same way!
hopefully it will get sorted out before I get mine, and the fan boy agitators move back to their own turf


Hero CDMA General - What's the point?

We have a general section where we can post general stuff about general things, but yet all sorts of threads get moved around for seemingly no reason? Why can't we have a place to actually be a community, instead of just business 24/7 with no play? I mean, yeah there's an off topic thread but that doesn't even come close to suiting the actual need for this section to be left alone.
Other forums have way more of a sense of community than here. I applied to become a mod for this CDMA Hero section and got denied, so I am no longer going to attempt to try to keep the little bit of community and friendship we have left, here. I personally got very sick of seeing too many things get moved around, too much ****-swinging from the moderators here that I was willing to take on the load of this section to try to calm the tensions and everything, but it's just getting out of hand again. There's many other places for people to go to not have to deal with this sort of mess. XDA will learn from the self destruction that the mods are bringing on to it.
Watch, this thread will be deleted and I'll be banned before the end of the day for rebelling against a dictatorship.
It's called the "general" section for a reason. Even if it's to agree that we all like our hero's better than iCraps that DOES pertain to the hero. I understood the OFF-TOPIC thread to be a place we could go to "play". I never thought the rest of the General Section was to be for discussion about the hero and the hero only.
No disrespect Timmymarsh but I have to ask: Did you merge all those threads because people were complaining about them?
If not then I don't get it...
I mean we're behaving in the other sections right?
on a positive note, the only reason we care so much is because we like this place..
nebenezer said:
It's called the "general" section for a reason.
on a positive note, the only reason we care so much is because we like this place..
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Have to quote this for truth. Thanks for your voice, neb.
There is the general off-topic forum in the general section of these forums.
Yes it is nice to have the Hero users as one community but you need to realize we are part of the bigger community of xda-developers.
centran said:
There is the general off-topic forum in the general section of these forums.
Yes it is nice to have the Hero users as one community but you need to realize we are part of the bigger community of xda-developers.
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I expect mixed feelings on my protest, and of course, I won't be listened to because I am one person, and it wouldnt bother xda if I was here or not, but as long as I am able to, I will call it as i see it.
Who wants to leave the hero area to go surf through too much junk in off topic when us hero people could have our own simple general discussion forum, instead of cramming 1000 threads into one. Pointless to me. But then again I dont have any say so here because this is what's called a dictatorship. Unfortunately I am not a blind sheep that follows whatever someone else decides.
Sounds to me like you got denied to become a mod and now you're all butthurt that the mods are doing their job. Sounds to me like they were right for denying you, if you couldn't step down and take it gracefully. XDA has an off-topic forum. Hero subsection has an offtopic thread. You have to understand, the Admins have to take into consideration amount of bandwidth used, total amount of space, making backups, needing space for backups. There's alot more going on behind the scenes then just "mods are fags."
They're volunteers, and do what needs to be done to insure the forum runs smoothly.
I see everyones point! And Jerry by repeating that you aren't getting heard does make it sound like your vaj-j does have some sand in it. But, I see how you would want a hero community, off topic, bs, section...just for us. But we are part of a bigger community (like someone said) and if we have our own little section in here...we will never go be part of the bigger community. we would be our own cliq. Then turn into a gang and probably go kill everyone in the G1 section for trying to take over our section. Then it would be gang wars not XDA.
East side. Hero for life.
abcdfv said:
Sounds to me like you got denied to become a mod and now you're all butthurt that the mods are doing their job. Sounds to me like they were right for denying you, if you couldn't step down and take it gracefully. XDA has an off-topic forum. Hero subsection has an offtopic thread. You have to understand, the Admins have to take into consideration amount of bandwidth used, total amount of space, making backups, needing space for backups. There's alot more going on behind the scenes then just "mods are fags."
They're volunteers, and do what needs to be done to insure the forum runs smoothly.
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I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and take on some of the load from this area alone to try to calm down some of the hostilities here and it jsut proved that it was a waste of time and that moderators here really don't give a damn about us as individual users. They can piss all of us hero people off, except the few **** riders that do exist here, and it wouldn't affect them one bit because they have other forums with sheep there, too.
Give it a few more months, you'll see some crazy **** start to happen. I can see it now.
Meh. Only problem i really see is that the General Section is mostly the same as the Q&A section.
This is by far the most uptight group of folks of all the forums I hang out on. It's cool, you guys do great work. But, man, some of you take ALL of this stuff way too seriously.
jerry43812 said:
I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and take on some of the load from this area alone to try to calm down some of the hostilities here and it jsut proved that it was a waste of time and that moderators here really don't give a damn about us as individual users. They can piss all of us hero people off, except the few **** riders that do exist here, and it wouldn't affect them one bit because they have other forums with sheep there, too.
Give it a few more months, you'll see some crazy **** start to happen. I can see it now.
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1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
abcdfv said:
1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
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Gotta agree with this. Our mods do a good job considering that there are only ~50 of them for the whole site.
Given I would have like to seen my motorola thread continue to live. I thought it was fairly on topic to "General"
You know, if I wanted your **** I would have said, hey come give me ****. But did i? No. Keep twisting peoples words around, keyboard warrior. I am putting you on ignore.
I expected some smartass **** to come from you man. Sad but true. No, I'm not butthurt at all. Their loss, not mine, honestly. I tried to step up and
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1. If the moderators didn't give a damn, we'd still have a subforum in the GSM section.
2. Wouldn't have a sticky wiki.
3. Wouldn't have this thread
Basically, no mods are not here to serve individual users. They're here to server the community, and if you do have a problem with it, write a petition thread instead of *****ing and moaning, if enough people say they want it, it will go into action. (See point 1)
Seriously though, all this seems to be to me is, you didn't get made a mod, so mods don't care about individual users. I also have to repeat, that since you can't step down gracefully, I support their decision. Look at how long Toast was asking to be a mod for, never saw any threads like this from him, even after he was told no. I respect him for that.
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Sent from your mom!
Blah blah blah no one cares unless its a free evo giveaway
You know, if I wanted your **** I would have said, hey come give me ****. But did i? No. Keep twisting peoples words around, keyboard warrior. I am putting you on ignore.
Sent from your mom!
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Other than his last statement. He's pretty much correct.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
Blah blah blah no one cares unless its a free evo giveaway
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QFT quoted for truth.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
That's ok... I'll conduct business as usual... its all good in the hood.
Sent from your mom!
I miss the good ole days when u could settle an argument with a MMQTB
I do have final thing to say and that I find it hilarious that people feel the need to twist words around and stuff, for their personal satisfaction. But as I said, back to business for me. I accidentally fed a troll and lost a hand. Oops, won't happen again!
Sent from your mom!
nebenezer said:
I miss the good ole days when u could settle an argument with a MMQTB
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Damn you neb. 3rd keyboard in 3 months ruined by you and coke!
You sir win 100 internets.

Senseless and juvenile threads, why is there no moderator here?

Lately this forum has been littered with senseless and useless garbage. People are starting threads only to say stuff like "I got Froyo...not!". I thought the point of this community was to share information and be helpful to others in need. Who is the moderator here (do we even have one? I have yet to see one post), and why is all of this nonsense allowed to fly?
Amen, this **** is getting really old.
Theres at least 3 or 4 topics on the first page with this bull****, why hasnt it been cleaned out?
My topic was deleted immediately after my problem was solved, yet all these 12 year olds run rampant here in the General section, completely unchecked.
Funny, i reported to moderators the same thing you are saying a few minutes ago... i mostly just ignore those kind of posts, but it's getting very old to come in here and just read senseless threads all over it.
If they where at least original but three threads for the same stupidity, seriously?
Vibrant vibrating nicely now,Kthx!
I think the moderator is also a developer. Properly moderating this forum would probably require at least one full time salaried employee.
I agree though, this is quite possibly one of the worst boards I've ever read. If you check out the other sections of this site it seems pretty normal, vibrant section is like west Baltimore. No idea why that is, different overall demographic I guess, lot of kids, who knows.
Its fun to read over coffee or while bored at work, and there are some decent posters, but overall the vibrant general board is pretty well a mess.
I a long-time lurker and now registered, it looks like the "android-forums" are leaching over. I just do not click on topics that seem to fit into this thread's category.
Yea, it has gotten old.
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
watcher64 said:
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
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Are you serious?
Please let me know the exact post count/contribution threshold that you have deemed appropriate for deciding whether or not a useless, off-topic post, belongs anywhere other than the Off-Topic board.
In fact, what I find most annoying, is people who have inflated egos and think that they are better and can decide who is a worthy contributor.
watcher64 said:
You know what I find even more annoying ....
People that do not contribute, have been here only a short time, that think they know what is best for this board ...
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What's worse is a senior member not realizing that what the op is saying is completely true. You don't have to be here for a long time to know what's right, that's common sense.
If I was allowed to moderate this thread, just logging in once a night to delete/ move threads should be enough to keep it clean. Then, when I get tired of doing so, why not allow someone else to do it? Just a thought.
thegreatcity said:
Are you serious?
Please let me know the exact post count/contribution threshold that you have deemed appropriate for deciding whether or not a useless, off-topic post, belongs anywhere other than the Off-Topic board.
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Never said anything about off topic posts, or even post count .....
But to make a thread like this is just as bad ...
But like any "community" you have different types of people, and unless the "majority" sees the problem then just whining about it does nothing but annoy the rest of us.
It is the old "If you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" stance, there are contact pages to send messages to the board owners/admins for this kind of thing.
This board has been here for a long time, and it was originally for people who were DEV's and People wanting to learn not for instant gratification.
I do agree that the "BS" threads are annoying, but does this thread not fall into that same category.
watcher64 said:
Never said anything about off topic posts, or even post count .....
But to make a thread like this is just as bad ...
But like any "community" you have different types of people, and unless the "majority" sees the problem then just whining about it does nothing but annoy the rest of us.
It is the old "If you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" stance, there are contact pages to send messages to the board owners/admins for this kind of thing.
This board has been here for a long time, and it was originally for people who were DEV's and People wanting to learn not for instant gratification.
I do agree that the "BS" threads are annoying, but does this thread not fall into that same category.
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I have contacted moderators/admins.
But it comes down to what constitutes deletion of a thread. Like I said earlier, I started a topic in Q&A recently with a bug question. I solved my problem, but in solving it, another question arose. However my thread was deleted before I could even come back to check it again.
If my thread, after having my problem solved, was deemed unnecessary, then why not all these garbage threads, with no point or reason?
Well said op big +1 from this vib/xda user.
And all the "bricked" threads.. Dont people have scrole wheels on thier f_ing mouses?
thegreatcity said:
I have contacted moderators/admins.
But it comes down to what constitutes deletion of a thread, like I said earlier, I started a topic in Q&A recently with a bug question, I solved my problem, but in solving it, another question arose. However my thread was deleted before I could even come back to check it again.
If my thread, after having my problem solved, was deemed unnecessary, then why not all these garbage threads, with no point or reason?
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Mainly because this is a public forum, and yes they are annoying, and a lot of useless crap, but everyone has a right to post , UNLESS the "gods on high" deem it unworthy, not sure why your thread got deleted, did you ask for it to be, was it a double post...
Yet here as with life there is/are double standards, so again making threads whining about it, is about as annoying and as the "nonsense" threads.
Are people unable to NOT READ nonsense threads, someone twisting your arm making you go into them, does search not work for you.
You do realize that what keeps a lot of the "nonsense" threads up in the list is people going into them complaining about them, people going in and saying "delete this thread" every few minutes does not help anything except keeping it at the top.
Ignore them and they will go away ...
I agree. The general forum is no longer worth reading.
both sides of fence
hell i just got rick rolled in a froyo thread but my fault for reading the thread. but i see both sides of the argument if you get annoyed from what people post don't read, but there are those who do like to abuse their posting rights and post stupid stuff but the rick rolling i got to give them kudos haven't been rick rolled in like a year so, touche on that one but yeah i would like to see more legit posts from people and not just some stupid gag post.
cybertang said:
hell i just got rick rolled in a froyo thread but my fault for reading the thread. but i see both sides of the argument if you get annoyed from what people post don't read, but there are those who do like to abuse their posting rights and post stupid stuff but the rick rolling i got to give them kudos haven't been rick rolled in like a year so, touche on that one but yeah i would like to see more legit posts from people and not just some stupid gag post.
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You really can't control , or I say should not have to control, what and where people post, but you can control responses to those posts, if you ignore them , they fall off the radar, if you keep posting in them to complain they stay at the top.
Just as much as the people posting the crap , the people responding to the crap need some self control.
So again "if you are not part of the solution , you are part of the problem" .
but I agree, have not been "rick rolled" in quite some time, silly , useless , but still some funny stuff ....
I liked the shroom thread.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Not a lot going on in vibrant land lately so not a lot of relevant worth reading topics or posts to water down the spam and trolls.
Once rom development picks up the vibrant boards will be flooded with topics and posts by people who can't read or follow directions and have no reason to be mucking around with their phones in the first place and demand help for problems they can't describe in coherent sentences. Like every other part of the forum.
Hopefully the development out weighs all of these things, which is what kept me coming back with my G1 and MyTouch 3G. Just report the thread/post and move on. What more can you do? Feeding the trolls never helps.
it's just the world we live in. as technology becomes the norm for most kids growing up, there will always be a clash. back in 96 it wasn't this bad. Kinda like dealing with your little brother we'll just have to deal with it. The only help we can get is some decent moderation here but they are not willing to do their job. Oh, they are busy? Then why not get someone for free [people do it for free ya know] to moderate the damn place?
sane1 - dude I like your avatar

[Q] Gingerbread Keyboard

I don't have it i don't know anything about it I wanted to know more regarding it though. So the gods of this forum forgive me and my simple question. Is there something preventing us from being able to run it on the Fascinate. I know all the Galaxy S phones are different and all but having seen it on the Vibrant it seems so much better then the one we have and swype. So i put the question out there what is holding us back and where can i donate to make it happen lol
Did you even try searching?
Last time I checked we've had this for a while now...or am I crazy? I thought I was typing on it right now...
Sent from my SCH-I500
It is a great keyboard... install it and enjoy it... just download the one from the market place... it has bugs
Sent from my Rooted Samsung Fascinate... With Gingerbread theme.. To go along my ginerbeead adw ex theme and gingerbread keyboard...
Yea thanks for the witty responses guys sooo creative. Put the question out there got my answer. I was under the belief it was something more then a skin. As far as the market one(s) go any reccomendations?
@OP does this look like Q&A section to you?
deaffob said:
@OP does this look like Q&A section to you?
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To answer your ? No. Does it Matter? No.Its a forum regarding android development for the Verizon Fascinate. I ask if a Android 2.3 Gingberbread keyboard has been DEVELOPED for the Fascinate considering i haven't read anything regarding it. Its a perfectly valid question and by all means don't respond to it. Knowing i put the question is a public medium i can expect to get some good responses and some not so good ones. So no need to be a Troll. If this specific forum wasn't for questions then explain to me why there is a an option to denote in the topic of a newly opened thread that it is a question. So what ur trying to get at I don't know. I openly joked at it potentially being a already covered topic and from my understanding was simpler then it seem. So rather then try to make this into a big mess why not just give a nice response to the question rather then perpetuate stupidity in a online community. Just sayin lol. We are all here for a good reason chill, relax, sit back we got a year till the world ends. You got plenty of time not to have Froyo by.
Here u go... enjoy....
Sent from my Rooted Samsung Fascinate... With Gingerbread theme.. To go along my ginerbeead adw ex theme and gingerbread keyboard...
If u have the beta froyo rom installed Then make sure u install the 2.2 version if u have 2.1 use That's one
Sent from my Rooted Samsung Fascinate... With Gingerbread theme.. To go along my ginerbeead adw ex theme and gingerbread keyboard...
I appreciate it man thank you. Look, like i said my understanding was it was something that would have to be ported to the Fascinate. So why i asked the question. I know better now. Understand where i am coming from and we are cool
EDIT***Yea i say that i read into it quick and don't like the fact it won't do speed to text/ its ify for our phones. I think i am going to try it out and go from there.
Aali1011 said:
To answer your ? No. Does it Matter? No.Its a forum regarding android development for the Verizon Fascinate. I ask if a Android 2.3 Gingberbread keyboard has been DEVELOPED for the Fascinate considering i haven't read anything regarding it. Its a perfectly valid question and by all means don't respond to it. Knowing i put the question is a public medium i can expect to get some good responses and some not so good ones. So no need to be a Troll. If this specific forum wasn't for questions then explain to me why there is a an option to denote in the topic of a newly opened thread that it is a question. So what ur trying to get at I don't know. I openly joked at it potentially being a already covered topic and from my understanding was simpler then it seem. So rather then try to make this into a big mess why not just give a nice response to the question rather then perpetuate stupidity in a online community. Just sayin lol. We are all here for a good reason chill, relax, sit back we got a year till the world ends. You got plenty of time not to have Froyo by.
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Maybe, before flipping out on other people, you should read the ****ing rules and post your questions in the general section. Or do some research on, I dunno, Google? You are the one perpetuating stupidity, as you put it, by not following simple guidelines for this DEVELOPMENT section.
Sent from my Fascinate using the XDA app
Listen man I didn't flip out on anybody and resort to name callin like you. Grow up. I stated my side of things and again I noted in the first post if this topic has been covered my b. So to u too calm down. It's no big deal.
Edit1** And why u starting crap with me when I said nothing to you. Go go about ur own thing. The question was answered and ur sorry to say just beating the horse
Edit2*** btw show me where in the guidelines or "before posting read here" thread covers this topic. not like it is something beaten to death. So again where you come off as far as name calling. Holds no bar and doesn't speak well of you
Aali1011 said:
Listen man I didn't flip out on anybody and resort to name callin like you. Grow up. I stated my side of things and again I noted in the first post if this topic has been covered my b. So to u too calm down. It's no big deal.
Edit1** And why u starting crap with me when I said nothing to you. Go go about ur own thing. The question was answered and ur sorry to say just beating the horse
Edit2*** btw show me where in the guidelines or "before posting read here" thread covers this topic. not like it is something beaten to death. So again where you come off as far as name calling. Holds no bar and doesn't speak well of you
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I'll spell it out then: The development section is for development related threads. Threads about not knowing where the GingerBread keyboard is have nothing to do with development. At best, it belongs in the General Section, at worst the Themes and Apps sections. If I were a mod, I would have moved it myself. There are numerous threads describing searching - how to use the search tool for XDA, and that a Google search is also preferable before even thinking of posting a thread.
I apologize for losing my cool, you caught me on a bad day, it seems, but that does not excuse not bothering to search (or search hard enough) and it does not excuse making some drawn out connection between a question about a keyboard somehow related to development. As you can see by looking in the section, most (unfortunately not all) of the threads are regarding ROMs, kernels, developed applications, things of that nature. The reason you see so few question threads is because they get moved to the General Section.
Moral of the story, SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH, and if you have a question, it belongs in the General section. Again, sorry I lost my cool, but this sort of thing is getting out of hand. It's a Development section, not a "I couldn't find it" section.
Perfectly understandable man. But, and this is my last rebutle I offer because i feel we have reached somewhat of a common ground, again through my search no matter how extensive or not for that matter i was under the belief and understanding that the Gingerbread keyboard would have to pe developed for the Fascinate in order to correctly work. So i mean there is a no way to argue the knowledge i do or don't have or something i truly didn't understand. I put it forth in the first post it might be a dumb question and a simple answer would have been nice but again i knew what i was getting into. Also its not like the fourm has very high traffic with new developments. But i digress, so go easy and as i said before too this isn't like this a topic that is beaten to death here much like the ongoing Froyo things. But again thanks for being cool. Peace and Topic DEAD.
Aali1011 said:
I openly joked at it potentially being a already covered topic and from my understanding was simpler then it seem. So rather then try to make this into a big mess why not just give a nice response to the question rather then perpetuate stupidity in a online community.
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Yes, because making a joke justifies a selfish act of laziness. Posting questions in the correction section helps prevent a big mess. Not correcting people's mistakes in an online community would perpetuate stupidity and contribute to a "big mess." Just sayin lol.

The quality of Modmanship.............

Is none of my concern.
Delete thread please?
Its a very very fine line between being a good administrator and being a clown.
I own a forum with over 2500 members (very small, but thats the way we like it), and am an admin on three others.
I give my mods pretty much free reign to do as they wish, BUT I often find myself going back and cleaning up messes.
It is very important for the continuity of information that threads be kept in the appropriate section. It would have taken less time to simply move this thread than to answer the way that he did.
But as I said, its a rough life as a mod/admin. No pay, no appreciation in most cases, and it does nothing but anger the family...
Take it easy on the guy, he really is just trying to do what he thinks is best for the community. Unless his post was edited, I see absolutely nothing offensive about it. In fact, this thread is more offensive than the one you are referencing.
Ja, you are right about some things. But it should have just been moved.Different viewpoints. I also mod a forum, sorry that this thread offended you, but i got offended seeing a relative newcomer get the cold shoulder when asking nicely.
That is more offensive.
Going to delete the content of original post. My time of the month.
Rant over
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
Right ok.....
First of all, yes I acted like a ****.
In my defence I'm having to move at least 10 threads a day from general to q&a... despite a sticky and a forum announcement explaining that questions should not be posted here.
When I realised that the thread your talking about was posted by a new member I'm pretty sure I unlocked it and moved it to q&a....
I can't promise I'll pay the same courtesy to members who should know better though.
I have spent the past two weeks moving every [Q] thread that appeared but unfortunately that doesn't help to get the message across.
Like I said, I guess I was being a **** but then again I'm just trying to keep this place tidy for everyone's benefit and if I have to make that point by locking a few threads here and there then I will.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
Okay.... looks like I didn't unlock the thread and move it. I have now.
Op, feel free to redo your first post if you want. It was a valid point.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face......
conantroutman said:
Right ok.....
First of all, yes I acted like a ****.
In my defence I'm having to move at least 10 threads a day from general to q&a... despite a sticky and a forum announcement explaining that questions should not be posted here.
When I realised that the thread your talking about was posted by a new member I'm pretty sure I unlocked it and moved it to q&a....
I can't promise I'll pay the same courtesy to members who should know better though.
I have spent the past two weeks moving every [Q] thread that appeared but unfortunately that doesn't help to get the message across.
Like I said, I guess I was being a **** but then again I'm just trying to keep this place tidy for everyone's benefit and if I have to make that point by locking a few threads here and there then I will.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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You dont have to explain a thing bud, Its the idiots who cant read that we should be complain about not the mods doing their job.
Alot of people including myself are sick and tired of crap getting posted in wrong places, its really irritating and tbh stickies or announcements shouldn't even need to be made, its pretty much common sense and anybody with half of a brain can see which section which kind of topic goes in and which it doesn't. Obviously though we get some people who either cant grasp this concept who are just too lazy to read forum titles.
TheATHEiST said:
You dont have to explain a thing bud, Its the idiots who cant read that we should be complain about not the mods doing their job.
Alot of people including myself are sick and tired of crap getting posted in wrong places, its really irritating and tbh stickies or announcements shouldn't even need to be made, its pretty much common sense and anybody with half of a brain can see which section which kind of topic goes in and which it doesn't. Obviously though we get some people who either cant grasp this concept who are just too lazy to read forum titles.
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Tbh, I agree with you. Nothing worse when someone just types out a question, about something that is probably answered just two threads below.
conantroutman, sorry matey, I didnt mean to have a go at you personally. Had ****ty day too. I do apologise, sincerely. As for redoing the first post, Nah, it IS none of my concern. I really dont mind if you delete/close this thread.
No problem man, dont sweat it......
Im not gonna delete the thread as some may see it as me "covering my tracks".
I will however close it and leave it with the declaration that;
If anyone, for any reason has an issue with the a decision I make in regards to moderating the forums then please feel free to PM me and let me know.
Your statutory rights will not be affected

Sick of several things on XDA

Well I know XDA its ment for developers.. And they are kind enough to share their hard work with us.. Bringing new life to our devices and more..
Developers always gets piss off about stupid question and or issues reports without providing a logcat... While I'm agree with this.. I'm not agree with XDA letting average noob post in development section.. Looking at the nature of the forum I can not believe there's isn't a way to block a person from posting in development if that person at least doesn't have (3 months and 350 post) in the forums... That's Imho a reasonable period of learning how to be helpful and provide useful information in development area...
I look at the case of Francisco Franco.. I really enjoy his works and support him a lot.. I had his kernels when I had a Gnex and that + cm9 was the best experience of Android for me.. Then I've sold the gnex and bought the note and one of the reasons I came without thinking was franco kernels does support note.. For my surprise he stopped supporting because of the ****ing trolls about a bluetooth issue in the kernel and so we all rest has to pay for it not haven updates anymore...
Recently he came back and one of the very first welcome post was a random noob asking for the bluetooth again. ... And Ffs I don't want to lose Francisco support again... And he was very clear about it..
I think XDA SHOULD block as I said earlier users with the double conditional of (3 month old account and 350 post) from writing on development.. They could read and download but not write..
Any user with those conditions not only be experienced enough to provide a logcat but will be scared of messing in development because he could get banned and lose his hard work in the account.....
That said I think there is no excuses to do so.. Look also to Entropy... I think the guy gotta buy a new keyboard every day raging at Noobs posting bs in cm9/10 developed threads..
XDA go ahead and take actions before we lose our developers
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Wisdom strong in this post is. Franco is a really good developer and I'm sad he left Note. He used to develop for my old Huawei before he left for GNex and his kernel rocked. :thumbup:
But... One shouldn't take the regular forum trolls too seriously. Just leave them crying in their own **** and move own. There is also the report function here.
I agree with you though that there is way too much idiots in the development forums. Just look at the new JB PA 1.1 thread: couple of first pages just full of posts "how do I install this?" "does this brick my phone!?" etc. So annoying to find the actual bug reports or feedbacks through all the ****. This is because people are way too lazy to actually study anything these days. Everything has to brought to them ready and chewed.
Edit: and there is also this one hero that already bricked his note with JB PA because he didn't care to study stuff before flashing. :banghead:
Sent from my GT-N7000
Just report their posts. The mods are also sick of it and are handing out infractions, IIRC. I have yet to see a noob post again after reporting him, so it works very well.
It seems the original dev section doesn't have the 10 post requirement like the normal dev section. And most spam is from people with one or a few posts. It would definitely help to have that 10 post rule there.
pboesboes said:
Just report their posts. The mods are also sick of it and are handing out infractions, IIRC. I have yet to see a noob post again after reporting him, so it works very well.
It seems the original dev section doesn't have the 10 post requirement like the normal dev section. And most spam is from people with one or a few posts. It would definitely help to have that 10 post rule there.
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We can report.. But that won't stop the developer getting pissed and stopping development..
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
I don't think post count is a good indicator at all: There are ppl. with 1000+ posts posting general rants in device specific forums...
Randomwalker said:
I don't think post count is a good indicator at all: There are ppl. with 1000+ posts posting general rants in device specific forums...
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Tbh there should be a read count for how many threads someone has read. :beer: That would just be a little hard to measure.
Sent from my GT-N7000
I certainly agree on you with this one. But like in every other forum and the whole internet, you can't really prevent noobs and trolls. Trolls gotta troll man. Kinda hard to filter them out as it will require the mods to check every single day on every single thread with thousands of post on it and obviously that will take full time. Most of us specially moderators do this for a hobby.
Let's just do our part to make the community a better place. That is reporting trolls. Like the other guy said on the 2nd post, let's just click on that little report button and the mods will take care of the rest or you can just ignore the regular forum troll and move on like most of us do. An old internet saying "Don't feed the trolls" ignore them and the average forum troll will just hunt for the next trollable thread and will eventually get tired, while the persistent ones, well let's just keep on clicking the report button and wait for the banhammer to land
The post requirement or the tenureship in the forum is a fantastic idea though. Maybe even the thanks meter/level, like you could post even if you're not 3 months old or don't have 350 posts but if you do have a certain thanks level/meter you could post and access the restricted area of the forums. No one would press the thanks button if you didn't post something useful right?
Randomwalker said:
I don't think post count is a good indicator at all: There are ppl. with 1000+ posts posting general rants in device specific forums...
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put categories as "devs" and restrict allowed posts to those people only. then cross referrence the thread to a discussion page for noobs and others to bash each other.
those who wish to post in the dev section should provide a fully working firmware for downloads and testing purposes for the ones designated as "testers" on xda.
i know its a lot of work, but its a solution if the admin will put the political will to it.
Sent from my GT-P1010 using xda app-developers app
msedek said:
Well I know XDA its ment for developers.. And they are kind enough to share their hard work with us.. Bringing new life to our devices and more..
Developers always gets piss off about stupid question and or issues reports without providing a logcat... While I'm agree with this.. I'm not agree with XDA letting average noob post in development section.. Looking at the nature of the forum I can not believe there's isn't a way to block a person from posting in development if that person at least doesn't have (3 months and 350 post) in the forums... That's Imho a reasonable period of learning how to be helpful and provide useful information in development area...
I look at the case of Francisco Franco.. I really enjoy his works and support him a lot.. I had his kernels when I had a Gnex and that + cm9 was the best experience of Android for me.. Then I've sold the gnex and bought the note and one of the reasons I came without thinking was franco kernels does support note.. For my surprise he stopped supporting because of the ****ing trolls about a bluetooth issue in the kernel and so we all rest has to pay for it not haven updates anymore...
Recently he came back and one of the very first welcome post was a random noob asking for the bluetooth again. ... And Ffs I don't want to lose Francisco support again... And he was very clear about it..
I think XDA SHOULD block as I said earlier users with the double conditional of (3 month old account and 350 post) from writing on development.. They could read and download but not write..
Any user with those conditions not only be experienced enough to provide a logcat but will be scared of messing in development because he could get banned and lose his hard work in the account.....
That said I think there is no excuses to do so.. Look also to Entropy... I think the guy gotta buy a new keyboard every day raging at Noobs posting bs in cm9/10 developed threads..
XDA go ahead and take actions before we lose our developers
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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Although you have a point here i really don't like the idea. Ok we need to restrict the troll posts but..... once you were a noob too !!!! What we see now is that this site has grown to numbers never seen before. In the early days there were only a handfull users, a few devices and not much to do. Nowadays if you have a problem EVERYBODY refers to this forum from other places. So basicly we have a flood of new, unexperienced, people that just have one big problem: THEY DON'T READ!!!! I've been a member for a long time now, learned a lot just by reading and only post when i think it's usefull to the comunity. Even after all this time i still sometimes ask questions like a noob, should i be blocked???
There is one solution for this problem: NOT allowing to post untill they have at least read a few posts MARKED as an obligation. But i don't think it's possible.
What we see here is the growing of a forum with soo many devices and people, i think about a year or two this will stabelize :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Sometimes the trolls you are referring to are actually innocent noobs who are afraid of bricking their new Notes. They just want to double check some crucial things before attempting risky procedures.
Were we not all noobs at one point in our lives?
I know both trolls and noobs can be really frustrating but many of the members here can be quite impatient, responding rudely and degrading the once-friendly community.
I do agree with you though and I definitely think changes need to be made to ensure the development thread remains strictly development related. But I also think changes should be made to some members attitude too.
praetorius said:
put categories as "devs" and restrict allowed posts to those people only. then cross referrence the thread to a discussion page for noobs and others to bash each other.
those who wish to post in the dev section should provide a fully working firmware for downloads and testing purposes for the ones designated as "testers" on xda.
i know its a lot of work, but its a solution if the admin will put the political will to it.
Sent from my GT-P1010 using xda app-developers app
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I abandoned a forum in my country due to "laws /rules" like that. Things were just getting out of proportion that it is impossible to help people there. Unfortunatly the mods over there think that they are god and if you make a reference about this forum or about rooting you will get banned !!!! I don't think that it's the future of this forum..
Restrict some topics to people that have more then xx months or xx posts will help. But i don't think it's possible to do. And what a bout people like me, i only read here, learn and do not post often. I don't have time to make a rom or custom firmware and come here for leasure ??? Am i elegible for seeing everything...... As you see it is very hard to make the choise about who can have full accesws and who doesn't.
Write on development section thread should have some restriction.
And thank meter is one good criteria (just being member since long/posting just certain number of post dont make skilled)
if member have at least 10-20 thank meter he/she must have some skill and may not post noob Q.
There is always Q/A section is open for newbies.
this needs to be said.....
i have to call you out on this. The OP has been posting bizarre and rambling questions in DEV threads, getting all pissed off when ppl ask him not too, and has even admitted to not wanting to bother reading the thread because he is not that stupid.
It is people LIKE YOU that are bringing this place down.
If you cant be bothered searching or reading, you DO NOT BELONG on a development website. end of story.
If you want to make your phone look pretty to impress your mates, go some place else. XDA is all about the journey - the end result is not so important. its about trying things yourself and sharing knowledge. If you are just lucky enough, you might even be able to help someone out!
do not come here to whinge and flame others when you break the rules (do NOT post in a dev thread if it is not directly related to the development of that thread).
Also, you have to wonder how a user of 4 months has over 1000 posts, and some members have been here for years with only 500 posts.....
little-vince said:
Sometimes the trolls you are referring to are actually innocent noobs who are afraid of bricking their new Notes. They just want to double check some crucial things before attempting risky procedures.
Were we not all noobs at one point in our lives?
I know both trolls and noobs can be really frustrating but many of the members here can be quite impatient, responding rudely and degrading the once-friendly community.
I do agree with you though and I definitely think changes need to be made to ensure the development thread remains strictly development related. But I also think changes should be made to some members attitude too.
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So? When I was uncertain about something I posted it in either the general or Q/A section. Why the hell should anyone be posting questions in the dev section?
And no, despite contrary belief, some people are newbies, some people are noobs. Not everyone used to be a noob. There is a massive void between the two. A newbie is one that is self-learning and is capable of exercising some semblance of common sense with regards to forum rules and forum etiquette when he joins a new forum.
So please, if you want to consider yourself a noob at one point, go right ahead. But do not make sweeping statements that everyone was a noob.
trolls and noobs should rot in hell
as for noobs,reading and jesus saves....
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
PoisonWolf said:
So? When I was uncertain about something I posted it in either the general or Q/A section. Why the hell should anyone be posting questions in the dev section?
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And I completely agree with you. So why are you being all pissy about it?
PoisonWolf said:
And no, despite contrary belief, some people are newbies, some people are noobs. Not everyone used to be a noob. There is a massive void between the two. A newbie is one that is self-learning and is capable of exercising some semblance of common sense with regards to forum rules and forum etiquette when he joins a new forum.
So please, if you want to consider yourself a noob at one point, go right ahead. But do not make sweeping statements that everyone was a noob.
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Well clearly my definition of a noob/n00b/newb/newbie is different to yours. So I apologise if my "sweeping statement" offended you (and/or anyone else).
Are we not fighting for the same thing here?
Gee fricken wizz.
msedek said:
I think XDA SHOULD block as I said earlier users with the double conditional of (3 month old account and 350 post) from writing on development.. They could read and download but not write..
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I think XDA should do nothing here.
There are no real reasons to rage at some users posts.
There's nothing SO bad about it.
You can always press 'report' button if some super-mega-trolls come to your thread (I haven't seen any yet)
As for me, XDA community is currently not so friendly as it should be.
Devs raging at most of the posts, advanced users trolling noobs...
That's really not so nice.
Blocking users with small post count or small thanks count, etc is unacceptable in my opinion. Really.
Maybe XDA is meant for developers, but developers can't exist without users they are developing for.
Here is Example, why we should need some control
jaskiratsingh said:
upgrades to lrk from lrg yesterday. No issues with deep sleep in both 404 version. Battery lasts more than a day. I am a very heavy user. I am satisfied with the performance, battery consumption.
I always factory reset after flashing a rom. You can do that but at your own risk. I am aware of the brick bug but i have don't at least till 40 times on stock kernel and no issues so far.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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jaskiratsingh said:
I have factory reset over 40 times on stock ICS kernel and no issue so far.
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That's not a noob issue.............This is just a person that is STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!
I already called his atention but that is going to be a full days work with all these............ (glup)
becosemsaida said:
That's not a noob issue.............This is just a person that is STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!
I already called his atention but that is going to be a full days work with all these............ (glup)
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This I agree, sometimes it's not that they're noob, it's that they're kiasu, as we Singaporeans call it. They spam devs with stupid questions, since it's free to ask anyway, and expect people to be free 24/7 to reply.
Also, many devs hate XDA. Because much dev work is not being appreciated here. In the Acer Iconia A500 section, both devs "Thor2002pro" and "dexter_nlb" have made amazing contributions to the community, but many *******s don't appreciate what they have done. They have left subsequently.
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