Accounts won't sync after Unlocking... - G1 General

Hi XDA, Happy New Year! But I have a question...
I recently unlocked my G1, and used a ATT sim card and a unlock code from T-Mobile/HTC to 'unlock' it. It works fine with my AT&T sim!
But it won't sync my Accounts (G-Mail, etc.) anymore...even when I put my T-Mobile sim back in, On the status bar It always come up 'Sign in Error for 'MyUserName'...
How can I fix this? I'm using a Modded G1 with the 2.1 Rom.
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App

Nevermind/Close Topic!
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App

were you able to get everything working again?


Unlock O2 sim for XDA

Can someone unlock my XDA sim for me across the counter. I am more comfortable walking in and out with it instead of sending it through post. Also could not do it myself since was not too familier.
If somone could help me would be really grateful. Please send me an email at [email protected]. I am in UK (obvious)..he he.
Usually it's not the SIM that needs the unlocking, but the phone. If the SIM is locked (when your tried the wrong PIN three times), you need the so-called PUK-code from the cellular provider. No way around this.
Usually when people seek 'unlocking' they want a locked phone (i.e. it will only accept SIMs from one or a small set set of providers) to be set free to accept any SIM.
Let us know where in the UK you are based. Just might be able to help you
Just use that xda unlock proggy its excellent im in the uk and the only way i could get it unlocked was sending it off in the mail, saw the xda unlock proggy on this forum took a second to download it and transfer it to my xda and work fine all UNLOCKED, Thx guys
can you send me the unlocking prog
Anonymous said:
Just use that xda unlock proggy its excellent im in the uk and the only way i could get it unlocked was sending it off in the mail, saw the xda unlock proggy on this forum took a second to download it and transfer it to my xda and work fine all UNLOCKED, Thx guys
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I upgrade from T-Mobile that works with our network
to O2 last Version that dose not work

Bypassing SIM Screen

Is there any way to bypass the sim screen on the mytouch 3G? We got one and y brother wants to use it as an mp3 player/app runner but we don't use t mobile. We can't do anything without a sim currently. If we borrow a sim, root and flash a custom rom will this problem persist?
Nope you'll be good after you root. Just do what you said, borrow a SIM, setup a Google account, then root. You'd actually probably be good with just activating the first time as long as you don't have to reset the phone to factory settings.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
Thanks, gonna root it asap

Mytouch 4g "Limited Service"

Has anyone had problems with this. No matter what rom, rooted or stock, my phone says "limited service" "emergency calls only". Both Tmo and Htc said send it in. Thought I would ask around first.
I had it rooted running Iced Glacier and all of the sudden, my phone says "limited service" and i dont have anything. No data or voice. My SIM card works fine in any of my old phones, just not this one. I have tried to unroot and root again, using all different roms, and yet still nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? or what it could be? I want to send it in under warranty, except it was rooted and Im nervous they will be able to tell. (i have another post on how to unroot completely with no trace; here)
Yeah, I get that limited service when the phone switches from 4g to 3g and back. Frustrating to say the least.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
it seems as if your phone is now SIM locked, but not to TMO. Try booting into hboot and choose sim unlock function there - this is how I unlocked my phone.
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Maybe your SIM died. Mine did last year with the same symptoms and a new SIM fixed the problem.
pnut22r said:
Thanks for the reply, but did you need an unlock code or file to unlock your phone? It is looking on my sd card for two files that I don't have...
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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do you have s-off using gfree? (sticky in the dev forum). If you did, in hboot you should see an option to sim unlock the device. If you didn't do gfree yet, do it now and try.
And does that unlock for good? Or until you revert and unroot?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
It is unlocked for good unless you re-flash the part7* backup file gfree creates.
i get signal issues but only when coming in from the everglades which i chalk up to the phone looking for a strong tower in the area
Happened to me last week sim card was dead. Go to tmobile and they will replace it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
i am having the same issue. i am using simple mobile so i dont really need to unlock the phone to use it, the first day i got the phone i read the sim card without any problems, it was working fine for like 5 mins and then i got the limited service message. i unlocked the phone with a tmobile code. no luck. i went into the apn settings try changing the settings and it worked once but it doesnt work anymore, one thing i noticed i was able to switch from gsm/wcdma auto to gsm only but it doesnt do it anymore. i just wanted to know if u guys fixed this problem or if i should just send it to htc, i havent rooted my phone. would i have to pay any fee? am still under the warranty program.

[Q] {HELP PLEASE}Mytouch 4G wont read my sim card?

hi i have a rooted mytouch 4G..for some odd reason it wont read my sim card or even identify if their is one.i cant even get a 3g or 4g symbol. I have flashed rom after rom and im using a new radio i flashed another radio prior to that...could it be sim locked? or has the antenna died or idk..please any help will do thanks
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
GazaIan said:
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
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You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
I would check the SD card and see if its still good. Second, I would check your APN settings. Some ROMs do not come with them installed and you have to manually input them.
If all else fails, flash a new ROM and try that.
dubie76 said:
You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
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Well yes, that's troubleshooting
Sent from my HTC Glacier
Dear experts,
I just bought the Mytouch 4G off Ebay for my wife's birthday (unlocked so no contract). I have rooted an LG Optimus T before so I thought I could do the same to this phone. My only problem is that I did not have a sim card in hand so I rooted and upgraded the Royal Ginger Rom without the sim card. Now my phone is working perfectly but there is an error of "no sim card, emergency calls only," even after I insert a sim card that works with another phone. I am running out of ideas, the only thing to try is to somehow load the factory default which I did not back up. At the moment with gfree, s=off, please help :-(...
Two questions... Are you inserting the sim card as the symbol where u insert it shows? Second, is the sim card activated with a carrier?
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
i have same problem please help ........................
Fixed my problem after hours and research and restored the original rom. Please make sure you have the sim card in the correct way as well, easy to miss on this phone...
if its not to much trouble could you help me out with the steps. i currently rooted my mytouch 4g as well and i'm getting the same error message. it says no sim card emergency calls only
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
d12unk13astard said:
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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any one fix this yet?

Galaxy Note UK T-Mobile SMS issue - help

Hi UK Note users with T-mobile,
I don't know whether you also have the same problem: the note can receive SMS but cannot send SMS when it is in T-mobile orange signal, I wil have to manually change it back to t-mobile before SMS can be sent. Could please somebody offer a solution for this isssue/bug? Thanks in advance.
Mine has been fine on several stock roms. My phone came sim free. Is yours locked and are you using stock radio etc?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I have a similar problem. SMS says its sent but there is a spinning circle next to the message. The recipient gets some messages but others turn up later. Having read the T-Mobile help pages, I think you have to turn on data roaming. This is what I am going to turn today. But remember to turn it off if you go abroad.
claptnei said:
I have a similar problem. SMS says its sent but there is a spinning circle next to the message. The recipient gets some messages but others turn up later. Having read the T-Mobile help pages, I think you have to turn on data roaming. This is what I am going to turn today. But remember to turn it off if you go abroad.
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Thanks for your reply. The phone is originally from O2 monthly tariff (unlocked). I simply use my t-mobile SIM card. The current Android version is 2.3.6, firmware version is, it is rooted. I am using handcent SMS app but the stock SMS app has the same problem. The data roaming is ON already.
Thanks for your reply, it is with official rom, rooted. Problem still exist.
Still doing the same thing, says sent but icon spinning when connected to T-Mobile Orange. It re sends later once its back on the T-Mobile only signal. so the person gets 2 sms messages :-(
Don't want to step too far out of my knowledge here but not had a problem at all on the sim free version, but worth installing the Carphone Warehouse rom from development?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
No problems here.
This will sound stupid but try outting in another network sim. Booting up and installing the seyting from that network. Then outting your tmob sim back in and reinstalling the settings.
Works to solve quite a few probs on samsung ohones
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I'm on T-Mobile here and not noticed any issues as it switches between it and Orange. I use Go SMS, everything works fine for me, but round here the T-Mobile signal is generally pretty good.
Sent from my Galaxy Note via Tapatalk.
biscuitlad said:
I'm on T-Mobile here and not noticed any issues as it switches between it and Orange. I use Go SMS, everything works fine for me, but round here the T-Mobile signal is generally pretty good.
Sent from my Galaxy Note via Tapatalk.
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Me too I'm on T-Mobile and mostly use T-Mobile-Orange Signal as we have orange transmitters in place at work.
Never had an issue at all..
I too use Go SMS though...
Try that maybe.
Have you tried to re-set your SMSC? (SMS Message Center)
Couldn't find anymore the thread on XDA explaining it, but found this link :
Give it a try
Have you tried t-mobile page for sending settings to your phone?
Worked for me on another phone where i needed internet settings.
On the note i have used many ICS roms recently and never had issue with sending sms.
I think mine is fixed, following the advice above, I swapped out my sim for a Vodafone one, then after it booted, switched off and put my T-Mobile sim back in, now sending once only.
claptnei said:
I think mine is fixed, following the advice above, I swapped out my sim for a Vodafone one, then after it booted, switched off and put my T-Mobile sim back in, now sending once only.
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Its Smspopup causing the problem for me. Disabled and all is well.
Mine is an O2 contract Note that came unlocked and unbranded. I'm almost constantly on T-Mobile-Orange (much to my annoyance) but I never have any issues sending SMS. I currently use Chomp SMS but I've also used stock and GoSMS with the same success. Is your SIM card particularly old? That's the only thing I can think might be the problem unless there's some weird fault with your phone but it seems unlikely. The only other thing is that perhaps there's a fact with the Orange transmitter in your area. Does the problem occur elsewhere?
leoni1980 said:
Mine is an O2 contract Note that came unlocked and unbranded. I'm almost constantly on T-Mobile-Orange (much to my annoyance) but I never have any issues sending SMS. I currently use Chomp SMS but I've also used stock and GoSMS with the same success. Is your SIM card particularly old? That's the only thing I can think might be the problem unless there's some weird fault with your phone but it seems unlikely. The only other thing is that perhaps there's a fact with the Orange transmitter in your area. Does the problem occur elsewhere?
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It is possible that the problem is caused by the 'old sim card'. The sim card is originally a 3 UK PAYG one and I just port the number. I shall discuss this issue with T-mobile and to see if they can issue me a new SIM card.

