[Q] Most common questions of all times on HD2 Android! - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]

Cool font bro

I could not read one line of what you wrote because of that font... And I bet that not much people will read it because of that not-so-good font and style...

metaljoker said:
Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]
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I been a self-confessed flash addict for a lonnngggg time, and i hate all this clockwork stuff, ext2,3...4...blah blah.
While i appreciate every single breath the Devs take, I stick with simple NAND DFT...double click, wait 2 mins...done!!
tried clockwork stuff....zero diff to me.

metaljoker said:
Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]
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The font really burns the eyes had to highlite it to read it lol
Anyway, the benefit of using clockwork recovery is definitely worth it.
It offers easy backups of your data or even the entire rom to your sd card...
It allows you to use the zip files(be it the rom itself or update or kernel or whatever) with out unzipping straight from the sd card, meaning u dont need a to flash the rom using your pc u just simply put the zip file on the sd card and do it thru clockwork.
Whats awesome you can store multiple backups of different roms on your sd card and be anywhere without your pc and just switch from rom to rom.
you can even download the roms straight into the sd card using your phone totally bypassing the use of the computer
once an updated rom version comes out all you have to do is put in on your sd card rename it "update.zip" and you can update it keeping all your files and settings (data)
App2sd is used when you want to give your phone more storage space (especially if you dont have the us version of hd2 leo that has the 1024mb rom(internal memory)
this way you can install more applications or store more data on your sd card
Hopefully this helps you out a little bit

Thanks yall! I'm sorry for the font!


ringtone help please

im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?
oops,wrong section
superg81 said:
im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?
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superg81 said:
im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?
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check out following thread to upload custom ring tones..
You dont even have to push files using adb.
Make a folder on your sd card as:
Store your tones in these respective folders and you are good to go.
just open up a zip file from a complete rom, media folder, copy audio folder and push, paste or copy it. either in /system/media or /data/media.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
ayush20m said:
you dont even have to push files using adb.
Make a folder on your sd card as:
store your tones in these respective folders and you are good to go.
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thank you sooo much, this was so simple and effective for a newbie like me.
i love you!!!
This post has nothing to do with apps or games.
So I'm moving it to General.
I would dare to say that for most members that the majority of the posts SHOULD be in the myTouch 3G, Magic General sub-forum. There are some exceptions.
If you developed or ported or modified a rom. This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Android Development.
If you are discussing an app from Market or any other third party source(not warez!). This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Apps and Games.
If it is not a complete rom... but a modification of the rom to give it a different look of some kind. This relates to boot screens, animated startup screens, wallpapers, etc. It would go into myTouch 3G, Magic Themes and Wallpapers.
If it is regarding a headset, replacement battery, faceplates, dock, cradle, charger, screenprotectors, stylus etc. This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Accessories.
I realize that most of you already know this and follow it... however this is obviously a case where it needs be explained and you would not believe how many threads I move on a daily basis because so many do not seem to understand or grasp this concept.
Ringtones most certainly do not fall under applications so I took the liberty of moving this for the OP. Thanks to all that helped the member and I hope that this message from me will help with any confusion that may be out there about where to post new threads.
Also take this into consideration; I would dare to say that just about every question has been asked before. And most questions that were asked were resolved by an answer. Which means that it is SOMEWHERE here in the forums already. So you have two options:
The slow and lazy way, which is to post a new thread and if it has been asked several times before you may only going get harrassed. If you don't get harrassed you still have to wait for an answer. That could be minutes to never.
The quick and easy way, which is to use the forums search feature. Obviously this is what we recommend.
It's but ultimately it's up to you. We'll be here on a daily basis to answer your questions/concerns and to help you the best that we can.
Thanks again for your attention.

What are Roms?

Hello everyone this may be a silly question but I see a lot of talk about roms within these forums can someone please tell me what are roms and how to install them.
Are they like cab files? or is it more like a OS system for mobile devices...
Will Roms override the os system that's on my device now? thanks for any info on this
the rom is the whole OS, including any pre installed programs. It is a big file, around 200meg that gets flashed to the rom memory chip on your phone. When you boot for the first time, it configures (installs, sets itself up) itself onto your device.
If you install a new rom, it completely removes the old rom, so if you hard reset, you get a fresh copy of teh new rom, you can only go back to teh original rom by flashing the original one again.
Think of it a bit like the windows cd that you use to install your PC.
PLease dont reply with 'how do i do it?', , go and read, then tomorrow, read it all again, then read some more, and then read it all again. By saturday/sunday you should be ready to do a trial flash.
PLease dont reply with 'how do i do it?', , go and read, then tomorrow, read it all again, then read some more, and then read it all again. By saturday/sunday you should be ready to do a trial flash.[/QUOTE]
Wow! That's what I did and ya know what? It works.....Try it
HA! You have alot to learn.
? Thanks for reviving a long dead thread with nothing usefull! HA! ...seriously, please refrain from doing that...it clogs up the forums.
I flashed my first rom about 4 months ago using the how to section for noobs. I read it several times, did each step one at a time, testing at each stage to make sure I'd done it right and it works like a charm. Best place to start.
ashasaur said:
? Thanks for reviving a long dead thread with nothing usefull! HA! ...seriously, please refrain from doing that...it clogs up the forums.
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Um..........I'm sorry but i don't get this i've read this thread over and over, and it helped me understand what they are, but not how to use them or modify them........
I'm not trying to revive this thread for no particular reason, but understand what exactly happened, and learn about the topic of this thread.......
As mentioned, there are plenty of tutorials on how to install roms and all about roms in the forums
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Dude I have the same question

complete noob!

ok so bought an HTC hd2 off a guy. He told me it was running a rom called vbnrom-which is a modified winmo rom! i get that. He said i can use android on this phone i just have to download the files onto sd card and hit the program EBL2.0 on my phone. well i can find MULTIPLE diffrent android roms on here but for me its not just as easy as putting on card and hitting button.....
can someone point me in the direction i need to go?
i would like a dual boot option! i mean i guess this phone has been rooted since running VBNROM so from here i would like easiest way to dual boot winmo and android. ive looked to no avail so here i am begging for HELP!!!
thanks in advance!
It's quite simple really.
First off, search! And read (a lot) so as to make sure you understand what you're doing so that everything you do may be reversible.
Click here -> Click me! This is the first place to start.
Make sure you read over the "Reference Materials" and "Android Loaders and Bootloaders" section. That should give you a good head start on getting Android installed.
I am by no means an expert but if you have questions, ask away. I can attempt provide answers to the best of my knowledge and/or refer you to where you can find the answers yourself. All in all, user the search feature - it's a life saver
THANKS this is a great start
2 quick questions how can i tell if i have hardSPL already installed(remember im currently running VBNROM) so i might??
also how can i tell which radio i have currently?
thanks again!

[Q] Need help to install MIUIJaws on my HD2!!

Hi everyone!!
Well, this is not my first time flashing an android ROM on my HD2, but... this is my first time with Clockwork!
And, I'm lost...
I want this one:
And I really don't know how this work, 'cause even if I check the forum about clockwork mod ( yep, I'm french! ), I don't get it...
So, does anyone can make a step by step installation for me please? This will be the only things I'll ask, it's just to understand how to used CWM!
Just, imagine I only got a fresh install of MAGLDR 1.11, and... please tell me what to do next! I don't know if I should partition My SD card, or if CWM do it himself, or etc.
For this one, I don't want the data on my FAT32 partition's, but on the ext3/4(? don't know what I must choose between those ) partition.
And, really, thanks for all that's really great work on our HD2! Probably the best Mobile I'd get in my life!!
PS: as I told it before, sorry for my bad english, I'm french... thank you.
well you should post aboit it in lesjaws post and not here..
anyway, have a look on my post #964
in JawsMIUI so thats may help you or if not and you will still have a probs with something just post it there not here. Not everyone checking all posts here on XDA so you have a better chance someone will help you cos all user of JawsMIUI checking the posts about JawsMIUI. And many are actually subscribed to it like me so I always receive notification email if some new is posted there.
And about ext partition, u need to know so many people have an issues with this option including me so I using data.img instead and its woks great.
Lovveless said:
Hi everyone!!
Well, this is not my first time flashing an android ROM on my HD2, but... this is my first time with Clockwork!
And, I'm lost...
I want this one:
And I really don't know how this work, 'cause even if I check the forum about clockwork mod ( yep, I'm french! ), I don't get it...
So, does anyone can make a step by step installation for me please? This will be the only things I'll ask, it's just to understand how to used CWM!
Just, imagine I only got a fresh install of MAGLDR 1.11, and... please tell me what to do next! I don't know if I should partition My SD card, or if CWM do it himself, or etc.
For this one, I don't want the data on my FAT32 partition's, but on the ext3/4(? don't know what I must choose between those ) partition.
And, really, thanks for all that's really great work on our HD2! Probably the best Mobile I'd get in my life!!
PS: as I told it before, sorry for my bad english, I'm french... thank you.
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Thanks a lot!
Well, I can't post in the android ROM forum, 'cause I'm new and I need at least 10 post to post message in this section... that's why I made a topic like this!
thanks for your tutorial, it will really help me!
I always prefer ext partition... but if you tell me data is okay, well, I'm gonna try it! Some people tell me they have problem with data corrupted...
By the way, does data use the battery, less, more or equal to ext partitions?
you're welcome.
You can also express your gratitude in just clicking the thanks-icon at the bottom of my post.
About the battery usage, I can't tell u if there is a difference between ext & data.img cos ext didn't work for me and after I haven't tried it anymore.
EDIT:Let me know if u need any more help and also post the info when u finish the flash and if is all OK.
Lovveless said:
Thanks a lot!
Well, I can't post in the android ROM forum, 'cause I'm new and I need at least 10 post to post message in this section... that's why I made a topic like this!
thanks for your tutorial, it will really help me!
I always prefer ext partition... but if you tell me data is okay, well, I'm gonna try it! Some people tell me they have problem with data corrupted...
By the way, does data use the battery, less, more or equal to ext partitions?
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[Q] HD2: Switching ROM to ROM

So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
To make a build work from the SD card, you need to have Windows Mobile OS.
If you want Android working from Nand, just boot into MAGLDR, hardreset your NAND memory, this will wipe the NAND;
Then enter USB Flasher mode in MAGLDR and either you can flash a new ROM or flash CWM Recovery - a tool from which you can install zipped ROM files from your SD.
Basically, chose the ROM you like to install on your device, and follow the steps provided there, those steps will be sufficient to wipe the previous ROM and install the new one.
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
voncrane said:
Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
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Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
Wow, no need to be so harsh. And if you keep that up you'll just help turn this into a flame thread, hence the lock down of this thread by a mod. Look at the second link he gave you, it contains links to all the useful information about a HD2, and the answers to your question.
Anyways, look at this thread,
That thread will give you all the answers, read, read, read, I'm dead serious, it has all the answers.
Read the whole thing.
Best of luck.
beans_p_ said:
Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
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Any1 can type on the keyboard but not every1 can control what they type on it...U asked for help and LINKS...i pointed u in d best directions u'll ever get...XDA is a developers-based site hence its url and not some cry-baby forum..Grow up, read up and come back...Then u'll get help...
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start by going to the windows mobile 6.5 dev thread and in the sticky you will find the task29 without mtty thread, get it. Check what radio you're running and if you don't have the 2.15.50, get it from the same sticky. Now come to android nand dev and find the latest MGLDR and get that too, find a rom you would like to use, find the partition size for such rom and get it.
Now start by task29.
Flash 2.15.50 radio if you don't have it.(if you do skip it)
Flash MGLDR- Either thru DAF or RUU.
Flash Clockworkmod recovery with needed partition.
Copy all your SD card content to pc and within clockworkmod advanced settings, format SD card to 1024mb with 0 swap.
Drop into the SD card the rom zip only and flash it, once done you can transfer the rest of your stuff back to the SD card from pc.
I hope this can help you a bit with your learning of android flashing in the hd2
Sent from my HyperDroidCM7 HD2

