ringtone help please - myTouch 3G, Magic General

im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?

oops,wrong section
superg81 said:
im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?
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superg81 said:
im running the latest cyanogen rom on my wifes mt3g.only problem is that it only has one ringtone.ive done a search for the stock ringtones i can flash in recovery but havent had any luck.maybe i missed it.can someone steer me in the right direction or maybe even make an update.zip i can flash?
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check out following thread to upload custom ring tones..

You dont even have to push files using adb.
Make a folder on your sd card as:
Store your tones in these respective folders and you are good to go.

just open up a zip file from a complete rom, media folder, copy audio folder and push, paste or copy it. either in /system/media or /data/media.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

ayush20m said:
you dont even have to push files using adb.
Make a folder on your sd card as:
store your tones in these respective folders and you are good to go.
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thank you sooo much, this was so simple and effective for a newbie like me.
i love you!!!

This post has nothing to do with apps or games.
So I'm moving it to General.
I would dare to say that for most members that the majority of the posts SHOULD be in the myTouch 3G, Magic General sub-forum. There are some exceptions.
If you developed or ported or modified a rom. This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Android Development.
If you are discussing an app from Market or any other third party source(not warez!). This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Apps and Games.
If it is not a complete rom... but a modification of the rom to give it a different look of some kind. This relates to boot screens, animated startup screens, wallpapers, etc. It would go into myTouch 3G, Magic Themes and Wallpapers.
If it is regarding a headset, replacement battery, faceplates, dock, cradle, charger, screenprotectors, stylus etc. This would go in myTouch 3G, Magic Accessories.
I realize that most of you already know this and follow it... however this is obviously a case where it needs be explained and you would not believe how many threads I move on a daily basis because so many do not seem to understand or grasp this concept.
Ringtones most certainly do not fall under applications so I took the liberty of moving this for the OP. Thanks to all that helped the member and I hope that this message from me will help with any confusion that may be out there about where to post new threads.
Also take this into consideration; I would dare to say that just about every question has been asked before. And most questions that were asked were resolved by an answer. Which means that it is SOMEWHERE here in the forums already. So you have two options:
The slow and lazy way, which is to post a new thread and if it has been asked several times before you may only going get harrassed. If you don't get harrassed you still have to wait for an answer. That could be minutes to never.
The quick and easy way, which is to use the forums search feature. Obviously this is what we recommend.
It's but ultimately it's up to you. We'll be here on a daily basis to answer your questions/concerns and to help you the best that we can.
Thanks again for your attention.


[Q] Most common questions of all times on HD2 Android!

Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]
Cool font bro
I could not read one line of what you wrote because of that font... And I bet that not much people will read it because of that not-so-good font and style...
metaljoker said:
Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]
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I been a self-confessed flash addict for a lonnngggg time, and i hate all this clockwork stuff, ext2,3...4...blah blah.
While i appreciate every single breath the Devs take, I stick with simple NAND DFT...double click, wait 2 mins...done!!
tried clockwork stuff....zero diff to me.
metaljoker said:
Hello Guys;
I am so tired of this! I tried what I could to understand the benefit of ClockwarkMod & Recovery Mod! What is the difference between them & why should we use it while we have the NAND? I have HD2.
I have many data in my SD card, will they wipe all my life's information if I used one of the methods?
If I tried to get one of the ROMs I find only three files!!! META-INF, system and (I don't recall the 3rd one) sorry! How will I flash those?!
Also, there are some ROMs which have the word ZIP before the name! AND the App2SD or Ext2SD? What are those!!!!!!
I am sure that one of you will find me boring, but to be honest, at least I have learned things @ the XDA where things are explained more efficiently, I have reached a level where I can flash a NANA Android (cause it is simple) and that was from the help of XDA, on top of that, I am the only person among 2000 people who knows how to deal with the HD2!
I apologize for the way I am asking your help but it is the only way I have, and I am desperate as well. I am sure I will understand is steps are mentioned by degrees and I will promise I will understand because I am waiting for someone to reply, hopefully!
However I'm massively confused and I would appreciate XDA members who can help me grasp, comprehend & assimilate the methods mentioned above. Please help!!!
THANK YOU XDA and Members, cheers…[/LEFT][/LEFT]
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The font really burns the eyes had to highlite it to read it lol
Anyway, the benefit of using clockwork recovery is definitely worth it.
It offers easy backups of your data or even the entire rom to your sd card...
It allows you to use the zip files(be it the rom itself or update or kernel or whatever) with out unzipping straight from the sd card, meaning u dont need a to flash the rom using your pc u just simply put the zip file on the sd card and do it thru clockwork.
Whats awesome you can store multiple backups of different roms on your sd card and be anywhere without your pc and just switch from rom to rom.
you can even download the roms straight into the sd card using your phone totally bypassing the use of the computer
once an updated rom version comes out all you have to do is put in on your sd card rename it "update.zip" and you can update it keeping all your files and settings (data)
App2sd is used when you want to give your phone more storage space (especially if you dont have the us version of hd2 leo that has the 1024mb rom(internal memory)
this way you can install more applications or store more data on your sd card
Hopefully this helps you out a little bit
Thanks yall! I'm sorry for the font!

need help with a replacement rom

Heys guys/gals. Ive asked several times for an mms fix for cotulla stock desire rom. Other than that I love it. So wht I need your help with is finding a replacement rom where I wont have problems with mms. I know its a known problem because t-mobile doesn't recognize the desire. Can someone recommend a rom where I can use andeoid on t-mobile us to its fullest potential? If so please also let me know how i go upon replacing the cotulla sdft deaire rom I have now. I'm desperate cause I use mms alot.
bx10r said:
Heys guys/gals. Ive asked several times for an mms fix for cotulla stock desire rom. Other than that I love it. So wht I need your help with is finding a replacement rom where I wont have problems with mms. I know its a known problem because t-mobile doesn't recognize the desire. Can someone recommend a rom where I can use andeoid on t-mobile us to its fullest potential? If so please also let me know how i go upon replacing the cotulla sdft deaire rom I have now. I'm desperate cause I use mms alot.
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check out the ROM in my sig...although il bet you get others saying that there ROM is better.
ive run this on mine for ages now, wont use anything else for the foreseeable, unless something amazing surpasses it.
combine it with RAFPIGNAS new kernel, its amazing.
Why is this being posted here? You have enough posts under your belt to know better.
Now scurry off to the General Section and peddle your waffle there... scoot scoot.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
nobnut said:
Why is this being posted here? You have enough posts under your belt to know better.
Now scurry off to the General Section and peddle your waffle there... scoot scoot.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Enough posts in winmo. Where should I post in android if it bothers u so much.
gizmolisa2006 said:
check out the ROM in my sig...although il bet you get others saying that there ROM is better.
ive run this on mine for ages now, wont use anything else for the foreseeable, unless something amazing surpasses it.
combine it with RAFPIGNAS new kernel, its amazing.
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Hate to ask but are u on t-mobile. If so how do I replace the rom and kernel I currently have? U can pm me so people don't get annoyed like dude below. Id really appreciate your help. Then we can consiser this solved.
bx10r said:
Hate to ask but are u on t-mobile. If so how do I replace the rom and kernel I currently have? U can pm me so people don't get annoyed like dude below. Id really appreciate your help. Then we can consiser this solved.
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I am on tmous. You can try the ones in my signature. It's my own mix to work with tmous.
Sent from my HD2 Droid HD using XDA App
jose makalolot said:
I am on tmous. You can try the ones in my signature. It's my own mix to work with tmous.
Sent from my HD2 Droid HD using XDA App
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Ok, great. 1 down. Now to overide my current rom and kernwl do I just run yours?
bx10r said:
Hate to ask but are u on t-mobile. If so how do I replace the rom and kernel I currently have? U can pm me so people don't get annoyed like dude below. Id really appreciate your help. Then we can consiser this solved.
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This does not belong in the development section as this is not development. Questions expecting answers belong in the section titled Q&A. I know we move fast but try to keep up.
Anyways, I'm on t mobile us. there is not a rom that is stock desire with the mms fix, it has to do with the sense messaging client. That being said, there are several roms that have this fix, if sense is what you want. Cmylxgo has several desire hd roms where mms comes in beautifully. There's a mytouch 4g rom from motoman. there's a themed desire rom, but I forgot who the chef is.
I would also like to point out that you probably would have found all of this with five minutes of the search button or about ten clicks in the development section.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
dung8604 said:
This does not belong in the development section as this is not development. Questions expecting answers belong in the section titled Q&A. I know we move fast but try to keep up.
Anyways, I'm on t mobile us. there is not a rom that is stock desire with the mms fix, it has to do with the sense messaging client. That being said, there are several roms that have this fix, if sense is what you want. Cmylxgo has several desire hd roms where mms comes in beautifully. There's a mytouch 4g rom from motoman. there's a themed desire rom, but I forgot who the chef is.
I would also like to point out that you probably would have found all of this with five minutes of the search button or about ten clicks in the development section.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I understand and apologize I posted in the wrong section. The thread if im not mistaken is in the process of being moved. I will look at the roms suggested, but my last question. How do I overide what I am currently running? Do I juat download and run and it will automatically overide?
bx10r said:
I understand and apologize I posted in the wrong section. The thread if im not mistaken is in the process of being moved. I will look at the roms suggested, but my last question. How do I overide what I am currently running? Do I juat download and run and it will automatically overide?
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Depending on the ROM, there is usually detail instruction on how to flash the ROM over your current one.
bx10r said:
I understand and apologize I posted in the wrong section. The thread if im not mistaken is in the process of being moved. I will look at the roms suggested, but my last question. How do I overide what I am currently running? Do I juat download and run and it will automatically overide?
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If you use daf or dft, then yes, it will just overwrite everything. If you take this route, I would backup everything with titanium backup first and if you want to some sms bacup app.
I recommend using clockwork recovery mod as a primary way of flashing, however. First, it is a far superior method of changing roms because you can make a full backup and if you don't like the new rom then you go back to everything in it's right place. Second, it seems that many roms are moving to this now. It may soon become more difficult to flash via dft or daf versus with cwm. Educate yourself on this, it's seriously very easy to figure out and even easier to use once you do figure it out.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
OK, so i replaced my rom successfully. I want to thank all of you for your help and i aologize for posting in the wrong section. Mods can you close this thread?

Radio's and SLPL

Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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Welcome to XDA forums! I'm just a fellow member, but I still want to welcome you here
First, do you know if you have a 32A or 32B device? You have posted that you have a Desire S - do you have both that and Magic? Be sure to read everything you can about rooting and Android in general before trying to install new software on it. You see, I managed to brick my Magic without learning enough before action!
Secondly, CyanogenMod Wiki is a great resource for checking out what all these things mean. See it here: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Terminology
For example, answers to your question:
Second Program Loader, in conjunction with the IPL comprise a device's bootloader. Aside from bootstrapping Android, the bootloader also fulfills various diagnostic functions. One of these functions is the manipulation of data in the device's internal flash ram. Depending on the SPL installed, the user might be able to flash signed NBH files, flash nand images, and more. Note that the SPL is installed and operates independently of the Android build that runs atop it. Generally speaking, there are two variants of the SPL: Stock, which is 'locked' and is installed on most devices from the factory, and Engineering, which is 'unlocked' and has to be manually flashed - usually after 'rooting'.
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The cellular radio on the device which needs control software called firmware to control it.
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Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
Droidzz said:
Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
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That's an AWESOME price! I bought mine for £150 last summer!
But to the point - have you gotten any useful information out of the CM wiki? XDA Wiki has great articles, too, but it isn't as fulfilling. With ambition and good resources, you'll learn what you need fast and possibly in a week or a few days you can be able to take care of ROM flashing, customizing your phone a lot more deeply than changing a few settings, getting full access (that people should always have) to your phone's all capabilities and even using it as a WiFi box!
Oh, and if you find anything here on the forums useful or good, press the thanks button. You have 5 clicks a day for it. That's a good way to show the poster appreciation so they can see their work worthful
You've got to take into account it's 2 years old now, plus i got it used of ebay ;( - Oh and CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it.
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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I think all your answers may well be here:
Once you've got past root and recovery, you then can change spl/radio according to your desired rom.
Droidzz said:
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
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IMO it very well is. A good device with decent hardware, especially for the price.
They've stopped supporting it only OFFICIALLY, but there are still many development working on it for Magic, and there are a few good ROMs - like Ginger Yoshi, Carz12's CyanogenMod 7.1 and of course SebastianFM's HTC Sense ROM.
Read, read, read. Mdacompactuser posted a good link
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
Droidzz said:
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
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If you look in this forum alone, you'll find everything you need to carry out a rom update. As Kanttii pointed out its crucial you know what your phone is before you do anything. I'd stick to guides found on this forum as opposed to ones found elsewhere on the web, simply because the people who wrote the guides on here are more likely to respond to specific queries you may have.
I have to say I found mumilovers posts very complete and useful, so personally I'd start here:
and then go here:
Obviously there are other methods, but like I said before, a guide is much better when the author is around to help when you get something wrong or something doesn't make sense to you.
Thanks the phone will probably come today through the post, so i'll read the threads you sent me links to, and hopefully i'll be able to understand most of it . Thanks again .
Wow i managed to also root my phone without bricking it, and installed clockwork mod recovery. I downloaded set cpu, but i'm on default android 2.2 so i can't overclock it. Now i'm confused about how to put a custom rom on it.
EDIT: Right now i'm a bit scared to install custom rom on it, but i got a question:
In rom manager, when i go to the download section, i see a rom called Roalex, is that a good one?
The top one on that is called: COS-DS-071822011_I1? SO if i click install on that will it be a good one?


does somebody knows a good video to install android on the htc hd2 with htc sense ?
You should search in the Hd2 section btw...........but this thread is a good start
Thread moved to Q&A due to it being a question. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
Failure to comply with forum rules will result in an infraction and/or ban depending on severity of rule break.
semih hamaloglu said:
does somebody knows a good video to install android on the htc hd2 with htc sense ?
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Yeah, please search in the future.
Although it isn't a video tutorial, this guide couldn't be clearer.
thanks for the tipps but i don´t like to install it over the NAND toolkit i wanna make it over the sd card
semih hamaloglu said:
thanks for the tipps but i don´t like to install it over the NAND toolkit i wanna make it over the sd card
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Well then there really is no need for a video guide because it couldn't be simpler. You should also make yourself clearer in the OP, saves everyone time.
1. Update to the latest stock ROM 3.14 with radio 2.15.50
2. Download a ROM from the SD section
3. Place the folder labelled Android (it may have a different name, but it is essentially the folder in which the files are directly stored) on the root of your SD card
4. In WinMo go to the file explorer, open the file explorer and run CLRCAD then HARET.
5. After first boot, reboot a few times then enjoy Android
thank you Nigeldg
semih hamaloglu said:
does somebody knows a good video to install android on the htc hd2 with htc sense ?
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Here's is a few video's about the question you have along with a useful video about XDA.
1. Useful video on being new to XDA
2. Several video's about installing Android onto the HD2 can be found here and here (if you want a sense ROM download a sense
ROM instead of the one in the video) the steps however will be the same for either
3. re-read each step several times over and try to get an understanding of whats going on
BEFORE you begin to flash the ROM over
4. if you are stuck and can't figure it out use the search button to try and find answers, still stuck
open a thread up and ask for help
5. I'd also like to add that if your really desperate there are tutorials you can buy on ebay ($2-$10 normally) and a person on
facebook found here that will do it for you for an enormous charge. I think its under LARIS in the middle of the page
Hopefully this will get you going and you can use the video's along with the guides other member's have provided already. I
forgot to add that there is a really great site that has a great video on installing Android along with some other useful video's
like reverting back to stock and how to load a custom ROM with easy step by step instructions. Here's the link to that.

Questions - Look Here First

So now that we have our own Q&A forums, you guys should:
1. Search to make sure your question hasn't been answered yet.
2. Do not ask me or any other mod to close a thread just because your question was answered. Only if you see an argument coming.
3. Make sure you are clear and use English.
4. Be sure to thank those who help you! They helped you, the least you could do is give a simple thanks!
5. Be respectful to others, don't call someone noob, stupid, or any use any profane language just because of their question, just remember you were once there too!
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk 2
Much needed
hi good work by mod ..i came across highly profane words used like noob etc..so please be good & treated good...in galaxy y section there is a lot of questions to be answered so help us ...do updated roms.....
Many new users read this thread and forget the first point. SEARCH! But they don't. Instead of that, they create new threads in our Q&A section with questions that have been asked a million times.
System.out.println("Sent from my SGY");
Link CM7
Someone post a link to download this ??
josegarcia01 said:
Someone post a link to download this ??
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wrong thread buddy,
the link is in the thread,
if you want a really-buggy-not-working rom then download that
charging samsung galaxy y gt-s5360
How will I know if the samsung galaxy y gt-s5360 is already full charge while it is connected to a travel adapter?
Hindiikawayos said:
How will I know if the samsung galaxy y gt-s5360 is already full charge while it is connected to a travel adapter?
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Start a thread in Questions & Answers! Thanks!
- The-Captain
request for Sticky thread about Backup and Restore
Can you make a sticky thread about a step by step guide to backup and restore the existing phone data and software(and everything else, so that anyone can comeback to present position anytime) before trying anything new.
I am a newbie and recently bricked one of my phones by trying a update(and still searching for proper firmware to restore it). I know that searching may yield some result but if there is a sticky thread, it will be helpful for people like me. I know there are stock roms available but nothing beats getting the good old phone back as it is with a feeling that nothing happened.
PS. I have installed CWM and tried the backup option there.However while backing up data it showed " failed to mount /data partition(backed up boot image and other things, but where I do not know(may be on SD card, but cannot find)). My phone is rooted and on original firmware (working perfectly). Samsung kies has a frequent crashing problem on winXP. So dared not use it.
bukaida said:
Can you make a sticky thread about a step by step guide to backup and restore the existing phone data and software(and everything else, so that anyone can comeback to present position anytime) before trying anything new.
I am a newbie and recently bricked one of my phones by trying a update(and still searching for proper firmware to restore it). I know that searching may yield some result but if there is a sticky thread, it will be helpful for people like me. I know there are stock roms available but nothing beats getting the good old phone back as it is with a feeling that nothing happened.
PS. I have installed CWM and tried the backup option there.However while backing up data it showed " failed to mount /data partition(backed up boot image and other things, but where I do not know(may be on SD card, but cannot find)). My phone is rooted and on original firmware (working perfectly). Samsung kies has a frequent crashing problem on winXP. So dared not use it.
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If the backup was completed you can see a folder named
You can find your nandroid backup inside backup..
Akash vibhute said:
If the backup was completed you can see a folder named
You can find your nandroid backup inside backup..
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It contains 3 files
It said during backup that could not mount /data. Will it affect in anyway during restoration? Will I get back my contacts, pictures and games? I like to try the jellybin firmware available here but also want to comeback to my present position if I do not like it. Is this backup sufficient for complete restoration or I have to do something else ?
bukaida said:
It contains 3 files
It said during backup that could not mount /data. Will it affect in anyway during restoration? Will I get back my contacts, pictures and games? I like to try the jellybin firmware available here but also want to comeback to my present position if I do not like it. Is this backup sufficient for complete restoration or I have to do something else ?
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I don't think that the backup will work..
Generally the backup has 4 files
By the way if you want the stock roms nandroid backup (without data ie. Factory resetted) I can provide you the links..
Kernel is not included.
Hit thanks if I helped you.
Would there be a possibility of having a Jellyblast custiom ROM with Merruk kernel?
I am currently enjoying my Jelllyblast V3. I read that we could overclock the unit. The thing is I have read most posts here but I am having difficulty understanding it. Most instructions are to techinical for me. I am hoping that the next Jellyblast custom ROM will have an option of either having a Kuro or Merruk kernel. But if there is a much simpler way of installing Merruk, I would like to know.
Akash vibhute said:
I don't think that the backup will work..
Generally the backup has 4 files
By the way if you want the stock roms nandroid backup (without data ie. Factory resetted) I can provide you the links..
Kernel is not included.
Hit thanks if I helped you.
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Will it help to restore me to everything like a new one (except the data) purchased fresh from market? Then please provide the link. BTW, I am using CWM Ver Are you sure that the above four files will be produced ? I have taken the back ups twice with same set of files available.The data partition could not be mounted in both the cases.
Hi guys, please search the Q&A forum to look forward an answer to your question, if there isn't one, create a new thread there. This thread is not the place to ask questions! Thanks!
- The-Captain
I am using JellyBlastGenED right now, everything is fine, except for I can't receive SMS, I think the settings and the network signal are all good, Please help!
michaelaquinoee said:
I am using JellyBlastGenED right now, everything is fine, except for I can't receive SMS, I think the settings and the network signal are all good, Please help!
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Well, you are in Questions look here first thread.. so please don't get confused.. its not Questions.. ask here.. and also please read first post of any thread you visit to know about it & read your above post..
I don't know about rom you are talking about.. so I can't help.. but you can do this..
First use "search" option in this forum for similar problems if someone had .. they might have got a solution there.. if not see in the place where you downloaded the file.. there you might find solution..
Still if you couldn't find.. search in Q&A /general section.. this will give you info/answer within 10 mins..
if still not available then ask in OT thread or create a thread for your Q in Q&A section.. this will give you answer usually within 1/2 days..
Sent from the MUST have app!
my phone works fine unless I insert the memory card.then after a few minutes it freezes and reboots without powering off. Then it restarts, freezes and again shuts down.removing the card fixes it but then I can't use my apps songs and videos on my memory card. That card worked fine for almost a year (I didn't test it on some other Android device but it works on non Android devices)
My Recent Activity
a few days ago I decided to deodex my phone using a flashable I found somewhere...it all was working fine except for a few FCs and sometimes it froze but after some time it would get back to normal.then I installed a few apps like undelete and ROM toolbox pro.I changed the boot animation too. So once I was using opera mini web browser and my phone froze and turned off in the same way I mentioned earlier... I tried clearing dalvik cache and the cache partition in recovery mode but to no avail.I also removed a few apps I suspected may have been the cause but that too didn't work.
I hope the experts here help me out with the issue soon.
And btw that 'you are a noob on xda' was genus:beer::beer:
Sent from my GT-S5300 using xda app-developers app
Sent from my GT-S5300 using xda app-developers app
@polovinen.. can you please read my above post once...
And also please read first post of any thread before posting in that thread... it tells you what that thread is about..
Sent from the MUST have app!
JELLYBLAST V3 ClockWidget.apk
Hello guys, do you have any installable or flashable ClockWidget.apk for JellyBlast V3? The one on my phone has crashed and never appeared.. Tried searching but to no avail..
nyak00 said:
Hello guys, do you have any installable or flashable ClockWidget.apk for JellyBlast V3? The one on my phone has crashed and never appeared.. Tried searching but to no avail..
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Good that you tried searching.. please check in themes and apps section.. and you may find one.. and in that section try only "clock" in search and you will find appropriate threads..
NOTE: please stop asking questions here.. this thread is not to ask questions mate..
The-Captain said:
So now that we have our own Q&A forums, you guys should:
1. Search to make sure your question hasn't been answered yet.
2. Do not ask me or any other mod to close a thread just because your question was answered. Only if you see an argument coming.
3. Make sure you are clear and use English.
4. Be sure to thank those who help you! They helped you, the least you could do is give a simple thanks!
5. Be respectful to others, don't call someone noob, stupid, or any use any profane language just because of their question, just remember you were once there too!
Sent from my XT862 using Tapatalk 2
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