complete noob! - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

ok so bought an HTC hd2 off a guy. He told me it was running a rom called vbnrom-which is a modified winmo rom! i get that. He said i can use android on this phone i just have to download the files onto sd card and hit the program EBL2.0 on my phone. well i can find MULTIPLE diffrent android roms on here but for me its not just as easy as putting on card and hitting button.....
can someone point me in the direction i need to go?
i would like a dual boot option! i mean i guess this phone has been rooted since running VBNROM so from here i would like easiest way to dual boot winmo and android. ive looked to no avail so here i am begging for HELP!!!
thanks in advance!

It's quite simple really.
First off, search! And read (a lot) so as to make sure you understand what you're doing so that everything you do may be reversible.
Click here -> Click me! This is the first place to start.
Make sure you read over the "Reference Materials" and "Android Loaders and Bootloaders" section. That should give you a good head start on getting Android installed.
I am by no means an expert but if you have questions, ask away. I can attempt provide answers to the best of my knowledge and/or refer you to where you can find the answers yourself. All in all, user the search feature - it's a life saver

THANKS this is a great start
2 quick questions how can i tell if i have hardSPL already installed(remember im currently running VBNROM) so i might??
also how can i tell which radio i have currently?
thanks again!



ok so I have been using the stock rom and all the stuff on my phone but it keeps getting bugged out of the screen gets unlocked randomly and does stuff when its in my pocket which is very annoying and a friend told me android just kills winmo..
but im looking at this forum and its just overwhelming..i see errors i see solutions i see roms i see this that ...I have NO IDE where to start!
so I got a little list with questions
1.if I instal any android version, do I lose all my programs,contacts basically information i have ? much better is it for an average user to go to andoid? average i mean i dont tweak it that much just used cookie home tab and bsb to upgrade performance but that is it.. do i go on about installing apps on my android? i mean does it use bsb and cht? or like games from windows marketplace? how do i instal stuff like poker games and all the nonsense?
4.where do i get the most easy tutorial on how to put andoid on my phone? I dont want to read a whole page long of explanations on how to's i just wanna instal all the necessary apps or whatever and be done with it(i know im lazy)
so yeah any1???
if any1 would have the time to help me on msn id appreciate it ALOOTTT
[email protected]
Don't do this if you're too lazy to do some reading. You can potentially brick your phone if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing, and I know it's overwhelming the first time, but it's worth reading all these technicalities.
Just follow the stickies, or stick with winmo.
thanks for the tip..but updating my rom was way more easy then they showed..thats what i meant sorrry...
like when i first got the phone i went here and was like WOAH so many stickies etc...then i just downloaded the stuff i needed (hspl) and did what i thought made sense and it all worked the reading isn't all that needed imo..thats why i want a link to some basic introductions on what to do
shows an easy step by step how too
its all installed on an SD card so it doesnt touch your current set-up (windows mobile)
install 1 see how you like it if you dont just reboot your phone back to windows easy
and i mean easy just follow the steps like im sure u did with hspl and trying different roms.
huh so andoid is installed OVER winmo? not instead of? this got me confused!
yeah so if u dont have an sd card u cant run android! best of starting with a nicely formatted sd card with only the android files on it, just remember to choose the right radio
hmmmm but why doesnt it run instead of winmo if i may ask? wont that make it way faster? :O but damn that sucks haha my sd card is full of stuff i need i guess ill put it all on my pc for the time being then! so how do i go about choosing a right radio? i never understood that haha i think ima just use the latest one i read on the tutorial
now that i thnk about have to boot up android EVERYTIME you turn off your phone? that sucks :/
but at least if you run android you might just like it wayyyyy better???? enough to put up with booting after windows is loaded, try n see buddy,,, try n see
Check this thread.
damn i hate that i have to download radios, roms etc as well for this to work :/ arggg...i just want a freaking stock rom etc lmao darnit i guess i have alot of trial and error to go trough
any1 got msn? :/ spamming this forum is kinda useless if any1 can help me within the matter of minutes on msn xD
little offtopic but im flashing a new radio on it along with the guide you guys gave me for andxoid and it gives me [ERROR260] connection
it says it cant connect or something after like5mins of the program running..i have enough bat life(89%) so thats not the problem :/ any1?
bumpy bumpy
Buddy if you need to be spoon-fed you are in the wrong forum. How do you come in here and give orders how you want to be helped. Sorry xda is not for lazy people. You gotta read bro. If you are that lazy plz buy an iphone. I can see above you have been given the must read links but you ignore.
And its not like you are a total noob here looking at your status. So then dont read. Go ahead and brick your device and run to your momma crying how custom roms and android killed your phone.
Mods please close this thread before someone gets hurt!
lunaticz0r said:
hmmmm but why doesnt it run instead of winmo if i may ask? wont that make it way faster? :O but damn that sucks haha my sd card is full of stuff i need i guess ill put it all on my pc for the time being then! so how do i go about choosing a right radio? i never understood that haha i think ima just use the latest one i read on the tutorial
now that i thnk about have to boot up android EVERYTIME you turn off your phone? that sucks :/
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no it doesnt run from the phone, you have to manually start it eeach time you reboot the phone, if that is too much hassle then to be honest, you are best off either sticking to winmo or selling the phone and getting a proper android phone
PlayStation said:
Buddy if you need to be spoon-fed you are in the wrong forum. How do you come in here and give orders how you want to be helped. Sorry xda is not for lazy people. You gotta read bro. If you are that lazy plz buy an iphone. I can see above you have been given the must read links but you ignore.
And its not like you are a total noob here looking at your status. So then dont read. Go ahead and brick your device and run to your momma crying how custom roms and android killed your phone.
Mods please close this thread before someone gets hurt!
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well here there whine * i did read the must red thread BUT i came across some problems which is why i asked what or how to fix the code 260 error with RUU, if that is fixed then I'll be able to install a new radio and a new rom AND after that run the android ....i tried running A now but it just freezes and dies because i do not have the latest/best suited rom and radio to do the job...sorry if i do not know how this forum works the first few times i use it im not a nerd I agree, i do not know allot about pc's and phones and how the exactly work but I THOUGHT thanks to a forum dedicated to sharing and helping I could gain skills and knowledge so I do not have to ask new stuff the next time.
so if you wanna help please be my guest if you're going to cry about me then gtfo

[Q] Hello all! Please welcome my brother by helping me :-D

Hey all!
As you can see in my signature, i'm a HD2 user and i'm currently porting android, it's now been 3 months since i last used winmo!!!
To cut down to the important; my brother recently bought HTC Magic!
Since i like modding a lot, and since i have felt the beauty of android 2.2 (Froyo) on my HD2, knowing that Magic is android 1.5 by default, i want to port the latest ROM/android to his cell phone!
It's a PVT32A i guess (its written on the box 288MB RAM)
Is there is any froyo ROM for magic now?!
Or eclair?!
Stock or custom?!
I prefer stock roms if possible with froyo or eclair!
If not, what is the latest/fastest/best ROM for magic right now?! Please point me to it!
In htc site i found this;
did anyone tried it?! Is that android 1.5 or more?!
Please help me guys!
I know i should be reading but HD2 has got many bugs still in android to keep me completely busy in reading there besides that my brother doesn't like to read.
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
mumilover said:
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
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Excuse me mumilover but i have many concerns, if you or anyone can help me:
1-i've read that there is a "check for system update" in the settings/about phone but i don't have it!!! that is weird!!! I was thinking of updating the system first to see where that leads me!
2-in your root guide you use adb installing method; well i have never used it yet, is it that simple by only opening a command prompt in windows and writing "adb install C:\roottools\App\UniversalAndroot_1.6.1.apk" for example i can install this app if this is its location on pc?!?
Excuse my ignorance, but does this work simply by connecting the cell to the pc va usb (with debugging mode on) or it does need anything extra to make it work?!?
3-the biggest difficulty is that, by default, there are no file manager included and no market application!!!! which means one can not install any app!!! No way to download it and no way to install it if one can't access the SDcard!!!
Is that why we need adb?!?
4-How can i know my radio version and Hboot?! (in winmo it used to be displayed on booting)
5-Do you mean by "and get custom recovery" that i should do also steps 6, 7 and 8?! or only 7?! or maybe 7 and 8?! (coz 6 seems a bit freaky "Using this spl will cut your ram in half and make the 3.5mm jack useless!"... )
Thanks a lot
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
mumilover said:
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Ok no problem mumilover! But beware and be ready to answer all my questions after i try your guide step by step if i have any...
Good luck habibi...
In kaan fee mashakill, ana rah s3dak.... :0)
mumilover said:
...Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Please and thank you!

[Q] HD2: Switching ROM to ROM

So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
To make a build work from the SD card, you need to have Windows Mobile OS.
If you want Android working from Nand, just boot into MAGLDR, hardreset your NAND memory, this will wipe the NAND;
Then enter USB Flasher mode in MAGLDR and either you can flash a new ROM or flash CWM Recovery - a tool from which you can install zipped ROM files from your SD.
Basically, chose the ROM you like to install on your device, and follow the steps provided there, those steps will be sufficient to wipe the previous ROM and install the new one.
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
voncrane said:
Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
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Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
Wow, no need to be so harsh. And if you keep that up you'll just help turn this into a flame thread, hence the lock down of this thread by a mod. Look at the second link he gave you, it contains links to all the useful information about a HD2, and the answers to your question.
Anyways, look at this thread,
That thread will give you all the answers, read, read, read, I'm dead serious, it has all the answers.
Read the whole thing.
Best of luck.
beans_p_ said:
Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
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Any1 can type on the keyboard but not every1 can control what they type on it...U asked for help and LINKS...i pointed u in d best directions u'll ever get...XDA is a developers-based site hence its url and not some cry-baby forum..Grow up, read up and come back...Then u'll get help...
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start by going to the windows mobile 6.5 dev thread and in the sticky you will find the task29 without mtty thread, get it. Check what radio you're running and if you don't have the 2.15.50, get it from the same sticky. Now come to android nand dev and find the latest MGLDR and get that too, find a rom you would like to use, find the partition size for such rom and get it.
Now start by task29.
Flash 2.15.50 radio if you don't have it.(if you do skip it)
Flash MGLDR- Either thru DAF or RUU.
Flash Clockworkmod recovery with needed partition.
Copy all your SD card content to pc and within clockworkmod advanced settings, format SD card to 1024mb with 0 swap.
Drop into the SD card the rom zip only and flash it, once done you can transfer the rest of your stuff back to the SD card from pc.
I hope this can help you a bit with your learning of android flashing in the hd2
Sent from my HyperDroidCM7 HD2

Radio's and SLPL

Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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Welcome to XDA forums! I'm just a fellow member, but I still want to welcome you here
First, do you know if you have a 32A or 32B device? You have posted that you have a Desire S - do you have both that and Magic? Be sure to read everything you can about rooting and Android in general before trying to install new software on it. You see, I managed to brick my Magic without learning enough before action!
Secondly, CyanogenMod Wiki is a great resource for checking out what all these things mean. See it here:
For example, answers to your question:
Second Program Loader, in conjunction with the IPL comprise a device's bootloader. Aside from bootstrapping Android, the bootloader also fulfills various diagnostic functions. One of these functions is the manipulation of data in the device's internal flash ram. Depending on the SPL installed, the user might be able to flash signed NBH files, flash nand images, and more. Note that the SPL is installed and operates independently of the Android build that runs atop it. Generally speaking, there are two variants of the SPL: Stock, which is 'locked' and is installed on most devices from the factory, and Engineering, which is 'unlocked' and has to be manually flashed - usually after 'rooting'.
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The cellular radio on the device which needs control software called firmware to control it.
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Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
Droidzz said:
Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
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That's an AWESOME price! I bought mine for £150 last summer!
But to the point - have you gotten any useful information out of the CM wiki? XDA Wiki has great articles, too, but it isn't as fulfilling. With ambition and good resources, you'll learn what you need fast and possibly in a week or a few days you can be able to take care of ROM flashing, customizing your phone a lot more deeply than changing a few settings, getting full access (that people should always have) to your phone's all capabilities and even using it as a WiFi box!
Oh, and if you find anything here on the forums useful or good, press the thanks button. You have 5 clicks a day for it. That's a good way to show the poster appreciation so they can see their work worthful
You've got to take into account it's 2 years old now, plus i got it used of ebay ;( - Oh and CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it.
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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I think all your answers may well be here:
Once you've got past root and recovery, you then can change spl/radio according to your desired rom.
Droidzz said:
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
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IMO it very well is. A good device with decent hardware, especially for the price.
They've stopped supporting it only OFFICIALLY, but there are still many development working on it for Magic, and there are a few good ROMs - like Ginger Yoshi, Carz12's CyanogenMod 7.1 and of course SebastianFM's HTC Sense ROM.
Read, read, read. Mdacompactuser posted a good link
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
Droidzz said:
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
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If you look in this forum alone, you'll find everything you need to carry out a rom update. As Kanttii pointed out its crucial you know what your phone is before you do anything. I'd stick to guides found on this forum as opposed to ones found elsewhere on the web, simply because the people who wrote the guides on here are more likely to respond to specific queries you may have.
I have to say I found mumilovers posts very complete and useful, so personally I'd start here:
and then go here:
Obviously there are other methods, but like I said before, a guide is much better when the author is around to help when you get something wrong or something doesn't make sense to you.
Thanks the phone will probably come today through the post, so i'll read the threads you sent me links to, and hopefully i'll be able to understand most of it . Thanks again .
Wow i managed to also root my phone without bricking it, and installed clockwork mod recovery. I downloaded set cpu, but i'm on default android 2.2 so i can't overclock it. Now i'm confused about how to put a custom rom on it.
EDIT: Right now i'm a bit scared to install custom rom on it, but i got a question:
In rom manager, when i go to the download section, i see a rom called Roalex, is that a good one?
The top one on that is called: COS-DS-071822011_I1? SO if i click install on that will it be a good one?

Serious question...please help

Hey Guys I have been changing roms alot on my HD2 but I run them off the SD card, which from my experience so far isnt bad at all. But what I would like to do is Dual run WP7 and then Android off the Sd card. Only problem I have is that my physical back button does not work, and every time I se something about flashing a rom with magdlr its says something about using the back button. I guess my question is, is there anay way I can Run WP7 on Nand without having to use my back button? Any help I really appreciate...(and if this is not the right area to ask please let me know and I will move my question to the appropriate place) thanks in advance, :fingers-crossed:
Seriously, this should be in the QUESTIONS section.
you can try the new CWM Recovery (Still in beta as of this post) which is Touch enabled.
First beta version came with a soft back button although it might have been removed in the newer beta versions.
majicdj100 said:
Hey Guys I have been changing roms alot on my HD2 but I run them off the SD card, which from my experience so far isnt bad at all. But what I would like to do is Dual run WP7 and then Android off the Sd card. Only problem I have is that my physical back button does not work, and every time I se something about flashing a rom with magdlr its says something about using the back button. I guess my question is, is there anay way I can Run WP7 on Nand without having to use my back button? Any help I really appreciate...(and if this is not the right area to ask please let me know and I will move my question to the appropriate place) thanks in advance, :fingers-crossed:
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This has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read:
1. You're asking a question in the DEVELOPMENT FORUMS.
2. You're asking a question about WP7/SD Android in the NAND forums.
3. You clearly haven't done enough searching before asking your question
4. Your thread is titled wrongly. 'Some questions' doesn't give the people who are trying to help you any information, and I would have just skipped over this thread had it not been in the wrong forum.
as above, you deserve the roasting, , ,however, since i'm in a rare good mood, , the answer is no, you don't need the back button at all to flash magldr/cwm/clk/nand roms/wp7 roms. Send, end and voldown are all you need.
Nigeldg said:
This has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read:
1. You're asking a question in the DEVELOPMENT FORUMS.
2. You're asking a question about WP7/SD Android in the NAND forums.
3. You clearly haven't done enough searching before asking your question
4. Your thread is titled wrongly. 'Some questions' doesn't give the people who are trying to help you any information, and I would have just skipped over this thread had it not been in the wrong forum.
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This type of answer is definitely understandable, but for
1. I could have sworn people have ran WP7 on the NAND and Android on the SD card (meaning the base is WP7 and they can run Android off the SD card.) ...maybe im wrong
2. You are correct I havent done enough researching on it, I was going based off some Youtube vids and what some people kept tellin me.
3. My thread isn't titled "Some questions" my thread is titled "Serious Question...please help" and I understand that I posted in the wrong place which is why if you read my whole post I established that I would move it if needed.
4. Im a noob when it comes to the HD2 I do understand that...but no need to act like a sarcastic **** about it
samsamuel said:
as above, you deserve the roasting, , ,however, since i'm in a rare good mood, , the answer is no, you don't need the back button at all to flash magldr/cwm/clk/nand roms/wp7 roms. Send, end and voldown are all you need.
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I do understand why I deserve some roasting, but I thank you for not coming back with some sarcastic answer. I really appreciate it honestly and I will try to flash it since you said I will not need the physical back button to do so.
Enokrad said:
you can try the new CWM Recovery (Still in beta as of this post) which is Touch enabled.
First beta version came with a soft back button although it might have been removed in the newer beta versions.
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I believe I have used this before and it has worked, but thanks for your input as well :good:
If you knew that you hadn't done enough research on it then why didn't you just do some and save yourself the trouble of creating a new thread in the first place?

