[Q] WM 6.1 issue with service and bluetooth LED - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Transferred from General.
TP2 hacked a bit! Somehow disabled the flashing green service LED and the flashing bluetooth blue LED. Have orange and green charging LEDS, but no flashing LEDS.
Have done the usual HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\AllLEDMgr set index to 0 and this switches off all LEDs then back to 1 to enable.
Still no flashing service or bluetooth.
Searched forums and can only find ideas to turn them off, nothing about turning them on!
Any help please as spent many hours trying to find what registry value I have
Have looked through other posts, but no answers. Plenty of advice to turn them OFF, but nothing to turn them on when not working! Must be a hack somewhere as was originally working and do NOT want to do a hard reset.

JR44 said:
Transferred from General.
TP2 hacked a bit! Somehow disabled the flashing green service LED and the flashing bluetooth blue LED. Have orange and green charging LEDS, but no flashing LEDS.
Have done the usual HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\AllLEDMgr set index to 0 and this switches off all LEDs then back to 1 to enable.
Still no flashing service or bluetooth.
Searched forums and can only find ideas to turn them off, nothing about turning them on!
Any help please as spent many hours trying to find what registry value I have
Have looked through other posts, but no answers. Plenty of advice to turn them OFF, but nothing to turn them on when not working! Must be a hack somewhere as was originally working and do NOT want to do a hard reset.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have sadly (more work) done a hard reset of the device, but STILL no flashing LEDS for service or bluetooth!
Can any ROM developer please give me a clue as really bugging me now, especially as the LEDs work in other functions


Can the Blueangel LEDs be turned off?

Hi there,
I wondered if anyone knows how to change settings for the two LED's at the top of a Blueangel device?
The Bluetooth is particularly bright, and its a pain flashing when trying to sleep. Even the other [power] LED is a pain when it starts flashing after the device is fully charged.
My ultimate wish would be for a program that kills the LES's when the screen is off between 10pm and 6am but hey I would just be happy to know how to kill them altogether, I am sure I could learn to live without the Bluetooth LED forever (although I can't bring myself to open up, and snip the LES's legs.)
Thanks in advance.
I think you didnt not search posts on the topic, there are number of them available for doing what you need.
Try following:
Yes you can turn off Blueangel LEDs!
Thanks for the responce, the LED Off Util works a treat, dead set simple.
I noticed the link for the other Tweak app failed in the link provided, after a quick search I found the following, and the price has been cut in half, lots more options but the LED Off was free!
How about using registry tweak - search wiki and forum?
Kerio, I love the motivation you give people to Search, its great. Just for you when I get some time I will update a page on Wiki, as soon as I find out how to....
LedOff worked great for a while then failed, I uninstalled and then re-installed this time taking the error message at the start seriously. then downloaded the following and installed, I will see how this goes.
LED Off Reg Edit hack.
Kerio, you were right it was hidden amongst the many hacks.
Using "PHM Registry Editor"
Disable the Flashing Right Side Red/Green LED
1) Go to the HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr key.
2) Rename the "Dll" value to "xDll"
3) Soft reset.
This COMPLETELY disables the right LED for ALL alerts.
The same can be done for the Left Blue LED by renaming the "Dll" value under the BWLEDMgr key.
Still I can't find a way to turn it on and off by time of day, I will keep searching...
You will not find anything - because this is absolutely useless You may write your own program - or try some scripting language (MortScript - I dont remember others name)
It just won't die...
I can't belive this, tried the LEDOff program, tried the reg hack, and it didn't work either. Well it half worked the Bluetooth LED is off, but the power LED is still blinking away.
I have now gone beyond the hack and removed the whole NLedMgr Dll key and also renamed the NLed Dll key to xDll, I will let you know how I go.
Removing the NLEDMgr.dll Reg key didn't work, the dam power LED (Right One) was still flashing all weekend.
I found another thread on the same topic today, looks like others are having the same issues as me. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=235112&highlight=LEDs
Has anyone been successful turning off both LED's using WM6?
I have just put the NLEDMgr.dll key back, and did a soft boot, the LED is not flashing yet but there is a high probability it will start flashing in the next few minutes.
As per the other thread is says to set the HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\Index key to 0, mine was already 0 so I will leave the Dll key which is set to nledmgr.dll as it was originally(rather than changing it to xDLL as per earlier posts) and see what happens.
changing the index to 0 for nledmgr worked for me.
Well it is now working however I have made that many changes I don't really know which registry setting was the final one that fixed it.
I now don't have any LED's flashing.
The Power LED (on the right) goes orange when being charged with my charge cable, and solid green when fully charged.
When in the USB sync cradle, or in the car cradle I have no LED's lit at all.
None of the Notifications make the LED's flash.
and this has been working like this for more than 24 hours.
I am using Xplodes WM6 ROM 30/11/07 Version.
Registry settings are
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\Flags(Dec) = 8
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\IClass(String) = {CBB4F234-F35F-....really long string that i didn't touch}
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\Order(Dec) = 0
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\Prefix(String) = NLD
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\xDll(string) = nleddrvr.dll [I did change this from Dll to xDll]
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\dll(REG_SZ) = nledmgr.dll
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\Index(Dec) = 0
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\Order(Dec) = 0
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\Prefix(REG_SZ) = LED
And the LED on the left, which I was easy to turn off.
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\BWLEDMgr\xDll(String) = BWLEDMgr.dll [I changed this from Dll to xDll]
I have just upgraded my blueangel to WM6.1 so I needed to do this hack again.
The following seems to be the key regestry settings to disable the Right Green LED.
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLed\xDll(string) = nleddrvr.dll [I did change this from Dll to xDll]
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\NLEDMgr\Index(Dec) = 0

6800 Blue LED Always On

Hope someone could help a new guy with a Sprint 6800. A couple weeks ago I noticed the blue led switched on overnight and has stayed on. At the time the phone was running the latest stock sprint rom.
I did the usual troubleshooting - hard reset, clean wipe, pulled battery, ran it w/o battery, and made sure no apps where affecting. I'm think its a hardware problem since when you pull the battery and install it - the led stays on even before WM6 loads. Took it to Sprint and got a bit of a run around - they want to send it in for repair for 2-3 weeks, opposed to replacing it (I have the protection plan). I can't live without it for that long so I'm dealing with it right now.
I did try a few other things - some apps to power leds off - they work great with the green, but not the blue. I also tried reflashing it with other user built roms, upgrading & downgrading he radio, etc with the hopes of triggering it to off or changing its state.
Anyone ever have this happen or know of a simple solution?
Thanks so much, anything is appreciated!
umm do you have blue tooth turned on?
even with BT on the LED should flash intermittantly, not be on all the time
i agree it sounds like a hardware issue, you shoudl be able to tell sprint you cant be without your phone for that long, they might give you a loaner (i had this done once with VZW)
Comm manager button on the side, under power button. Make sure bluetooth has an x on it.

Won't turn on

Hello. I have searched and found nothing.
I have a T-Mobile Wing that I purchased about 1+ year
I bought a new phone and didn't use the Wing for a while. I wanted to use it again, but it won't turn on. I put it to charge and the light turns on for about 7 secs and turns off. I tried the soft and hard resetting method but does not seem to work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
sms chat
hi guys im looking to download sms chat or aany link that can help
help greatly appreciated
Ok. So i got it to turn on. It stays on for couple of minutes then when I start playing around with it, it freezes, I open the keyboard and the screen fades away. The orange light stays on, but the phone doesn't respond.
What can be causing this?
I open the keyboard and it stays on, but as soon as I close it, it freezes, then shuts off and back on..
Please help me!
Also most of the keys on keyboard don't work. I guess its the keyboard
took it apart and disconnected the keyboard and it doesn't turn off anymore. bingo. where can I get a replacement?

Keypad Lights wont turn off

HI all,
My hd2 has fallen yesterday, and now i have noticed the keypad lights wont turn off :-(
the device goes to stand by mode fine, screen is off, but the keypad stays on.
any ideas, what could happen? Has anyone had this problem??
I now have the same problem. Did you manage to fix it? If yes can you please let me know how did you fix it. Mine is giving the same problem and I didn't even drop it
Hard Reset
@Don001: Tried Hard Reset including flashing back stock ROM and trying every available update of Energy ROM. Didn't work . Is there any app like KeyLedControl that does the opposite....instead of keeping the lights on....switches it off instead? Mine is always on....and never switches off.
Tried to google it and someone suggested that the phone needs a bit of cleaning but...I saw the videos to disassemble....man that's hard
Any other suggestions?
I have the same problem, and mine didn't even fall.
And also hard reset it to stock rom.
i have the problem that my keypad flashes constantly since i installed a custom rom
it goes in this sequence.
* *** * *** etc.
if there is nobody who can answere our prpblem, maybe we should send it to rep?
One of the phone repairers suggested Chemical Cleaning. Not sure if it is going to fix it though...Going to give it a try. Will see how it goes
My HD2 has started to do this since yesterday too.
The keypads stay on but do very slighly dim but still on all nite, killing my battery!!
any suggestions?
This may or may not help
Look at the bottom of post # 4 there is a link to switch the lights oof, it may be rom specific but its worth a try
Thanks but How do i install this on my HD2? I have duttys ROM and this is a .zip file not a cab?

My htc won't turn on !! Help please

Hello everyone this is my first contribution to this forum which I really had benefit from in the past and I have this problem in my HTC wing that I want to share maybe someone could help me fix it?
I installed an application(Game) on my HTC wing and as I was checking it everything seemed to be working ok but when I tried to exit it seemed for me that I can't find the exit option in the game menu ..Tried countless methods still can't exit the game. The best solution for me was to pop out the battery so the HTC would turn off then I tried to put the Battery back again but it won't turn on. It has been sitting on my desk for more than 2 weeks not knowing what wrong with it knowing that I plug it to the charger and the green light appears but still it won't turn on. Moreover it seems like no hard or soft reset methods are creating any response to the device. Anybody has any idea how to fix this problem Please?

