Proximity Sensor - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I'm having a problem with my proximity sensor. If I make a phone call, the screen turns automatically black, even if sensor isn't covered. And I can't turn the screen back on during call, only if the conversational partner hangs up, then it turns back on normally. If I try to hang up, the phone the display stays black for about 2min.
I'm having this problem only with WP7 & Android, works normally on WM6.5.
Hope somebody can help me.
Thanks in advantage.

You saying it works fine with winmo, it has to be a setting or bad flashing. You can try wiping your phone and starting over. I haven't played with WP7, but in some andriod roms there is an opition to use proximity sensor in the phone settings. Goto settings/ call settings. You might want to check and see. might be able to help you more if you were to tell what rom and how you installed.

This setting montecarlo5 mentions is available in cyanogenmod roms.
Are you sure there's no dirt covering your proximity sensor? Maybe Android is more sensitive than WM/WP.

I'm using RAFDROID HD 2.3 and like u allready said, the setting isn't available.
I'm having this issue on every NAND build i ever tested, but the sensor is 100% clean.

Please guys, don't open everytime a new thread before searching, if some one did the same -.- I made some tests to find out the reason of this issue and how to solve it (more or less).
Pls follow:


Screen turns off during calls,,,

I am having trouble with my screen turning off when making a call,it happens both in win-mo and also when using Android.
I am using 13th Dec NRG rom and the latest HD2ONE android rom.
As soon as I dial number and pess call the screen goes black and the only button to work then is the end call button,in android it will take a battery out reset or abouit half hour left alone before i can use the phone.
I have done a search but the only thread that comes up is the same prob as mine dating back to June with no deffinite answer.
Does anyone else have this problem,its strange how it happens both in Win-mo and Android I'm at my witts end as to try and solve it,it happens no matter what rom combination I use.
Well the HD2 has a sensor near the top so that the screen will turn off when you bring it up to your face, and turn back on when you bring it down again. Perhaps your sensor is broken? Can you send it in for warrenty?
Thats the problem,it does the same even if I am holding it away from my face at arms length,I have disabled auto-brightness too,makes no difference.I have now seen many threads on this subject with lots having the same problem but it still seems there is no deff answer.
If it's in both WinMo and Android it's almost definitely a hardware issue. Maybe there's some dirt in front of your proximity sensor, try cleaning it. If not, return for warranty.
Not trying to sound like a troll here but is the sensor clean? I've had a similar issue before but after cleaning the corner of my screen(skin oils get all over it), it worked fine again.
Another thing to think about is this: Does the WinMo ROM you're using have Co0kie's Home Tab Mod V2.0? If it does, Is the proximity sensor option turned on? If it is then any time anything gets close to the corner of the screen, even a finger, the screen will turn back off.
Sometimes partial data's like this are carried over into Android when you boot.
Check to see if you have CHT and if you do, check to see if that option is enabled. If it is, disable it, clean your screen and see if this helps.

[IMPORTANT][HELP NEEDED] HD2 Proximity Sensor - WakeUp Problem

Hello guys,
at first i want to excuse for my language mistakes, it's not my native language.
I have a problem with my phone. If I make a phone call, the proximity sensor deactivates the screen, like it should be, but the screen won't wake up, after I push the phone away from my ear. It takes a long time, until I can see something again on the screen. I don't want to create a new thread where I am crying about this issue, I want to solve this problem.
I also searched at many other developer-forums and i noticed, that this happens to many people around there and everybody is crying about it.
Everybody who can provide informations, that can help to solve this problem is invited to share his experiences with us.
The HD2 is a very beautiful mobile phone, but this problem is really annoying.
I made a lot of tests to find the reason of this problem.
Things, that I did without getting clear results:
1. Dirty sensor
It could be possible, that the sensor or the glass plate is dirty inside and because of this, the sensor can't recognize it properly.
2. Light sensor
It was random, that I expected that this issue also depends on the light sensor. I made a call and the screen goes off, like every time. Now i take the flashlight and light it in the area of the proximity and light sensor. Instantly the screen went on and displayed everything, but if I move the flashlight away again, it goes off. and that happens as long as you make the call. If you end the call the screen stays off like it's everytime the case. If I move the flashlight now in front of the sensor area, the screen goes on and it stays on.
EDIT: It's not everytime working.
The following things I did, but brought no solution:
1. Flashing everything new
I did a task29, flashed some different radio roms, different HSPL's and also many different ROM's. Windows Mobile and ALSO Android. Nothing helps.
2. Blowing inside the case
I also read that it help if I blow inside the case near the area of the sensors. I don't know if it really helps, but it's fur sure not the reason.
3. Display protector
In my case it's not the reason, because I don't use a protector and never used one.
Questions, that I have now:
1. Proximity sensor
Everybody says the HTC HD2 has a proximity sensor, but I don't know if this is sure. Maybe the phone has only a light sensor, which works like a proximity sensor, like other newer phone's like the HTC Wildfire.
2. Production error
Could it be a failure from the factory? Encoutered anybody this problem only after some time? Or maybe anyone who can say that the problem was solved by itself?
Please don't answer like: use the forum search or something like this.
I searched a lot and not only in this forum.
Best regards Gerhard Silvio
Further test confirmed, what I said. The problem must be the light sensor. After a call and the phone don't turn on, light a fire in front of the phone or light with a flashlight to the sensors. it goes on immediately!
I made a video to show what I mean. Excuse me for my bad english ^.^
Now you developers outside are asked how to fix it...
Open the phone and clean? Or maybe it's not so easy?
Best regards
There is no possibility to fix this issue, because the light sensor is not programmable (as we know now, the HD2 has no proximity sensor). The sensor decides to turn the screen off when it gets dark, so i took some black nail polish and put it under the glass surface in front of the sensor. The screen now don't turn off and automatic light won't work also, but i can compensate these problems better than the call issue.
And without doing this, you will never be able to use WP7 right, because you can only end a call if you push the on-screen button, and this button won't appear. So you must wait until the other side ends the call, and if this don't happen you can't use your phone again without remove and reinserting the battery ^^
I hope I could help you by providing these informations.
Thread can be closed, there's nothing more to say.
The problem is isnst a problem 'cos you burned the proximity sensor with that heat.
iamrv said:
The problem is isnst a problem 'cos you burned the proximity sensor with that heat.
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What are you talking?
That has nothing to do with any heat (if you mean the lighter). It was 3cm or more, can't follow your answer, cause its unlogical. It also worked with a normal light or a laser or anything else.
the problem u have ( i have too) only happens in nand builds, i dont have this issue with Duttys_2.5_5.21916.5.0.95_3.14_HD2_ML_Family_ROM_(V12)_WWE installed.. the phone act normal completely.
so i have to say this to me is a nand build issue, why others on htc hd2 arent not having this problem is what confuses me
In my case, it was not depending of what build or os i use. It happened in wm6.5, sd android, nand android and also in wp7. I caused by the hardware, and if i can't repair it, i have to destroy or deactivate it. with software you can't deactivate the sensor so i coloured the sensor black, that he won't notice anything anymore and the problem is solved. i have no problem with the screen active, while calling.
Firstly, the HD2 DOES have a proximity sensor and it works flawlessly in WM6.5. I know this was 100% fact for me, as I was very impressed at how well it worked. There are 2 sensors, clearly visible, next to the earpiece. One is a light sensor, as you know, and the other is a proximity sensor. This is not an opinion - it's a fact. I just wanted that to be very clear.
Also, I don't have this problem in Android, either SD builds (I don't use any more), or NAND builds (my daily driver). I will admit that there is a delay of a couple of seconds when I take the phone away from my ear, before the screen comes on, but I know that's just down to the fact that I'm using ported software.
You say that in your case this failed to work in both WM6.5 and Android. You've got a dodgy proximity sensor then. This is clearly a hardware failure.
The HD2 DOES have a proximity sensor but this fault does occur on some android builds
If it occurs for you everywhere, then u simply have a faulty proximity sensor, and i know this because i too have used wm.5, andoird nand and sd, and WP7
and the proximity sensor works fine on all but some (older) android builds
if the HD2 didn't have a proximity sensor there wouldn't be a second hole, next to the light sensor.
johncmolyneux said:
Firstly, the HD2 DOES have a proximity sensor and it works flawlessly in WM6.5. I know this was 100% fact for me, as I was very impressed at how well it worked. There are 2 sensors, clearly visible, next to the earpiece. One is a light sensor, as you know, and the other is a proximity sensor. This is not an opinion - it's a fact. I just wanted that to be very clear.
Also, I don't have this problem in Android, either SD builds (I don't use any more), or NAND builds (my daily driver). I will admit that there is a delay of a couple of seconds when I take the phone away from my ear, before the screen comes on, but I know that's just down to the fact that I'm using ported software.
You say that in your case this failed to work in both WM6.5 and Android. You've got a dodgy proximity sensor then. This is clearly a hardware failure.
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Thanks for your opinion, but my proximity sensor works flawlessly in windows mobile 6.5.3 but under superram darkstone build I suffer rge same problem. Most of the times can be fixed touching the write arrow button...
Maybe can help...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
My HD2 tmobile also has this proximity sensor problem. I use my finger to cover the sensors (light, proximity) during the call. The screen will off. But the screen cannot back to on when I moved out the sensor cover. I tried to use the torch to shine the sensor but no response.
If HD2 connected to power supply or PC USB for battery charging. The screen can switch on. I think this charging method for sensor disabled.
you already thought about a Hardware Problem and let HTC fix it?
yogya said:
Thanks for your opinion, but my proximity sensor works flawlessly in windows mobile 6.5.3 but under superram darkstone build I suffer rge same problem. Most of the times can be fixed touching the write arrow button...
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Thanks, but that's clearly just an issue with the Android build you're using. Try another one and see if it's better.
I tested my HD2 again. I restored WM6.5 to my HD2 tmobile. The proximity sensor was no problem. the screen can turn off when my face close to screen and my face is far to screen, the screen will turn on.
I also tested the lighting sensor. I put my HD2 under the strong sunshine, screen will light strongly.
If I re-installed the android rom NAND. This problem will be issue. I tried more than two ROMs. The result is same.
Sorry, maybe my english is not good.
johncmolyneux said:
Thanks, but that's clearly just an issue with the Android build you're using. Try another one and see if it's better.
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Thanks for the info...
If I change my build I el let it know here... For the moment, I can survive with this...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
jackykwan said:
I tested my HD2 again. I restored WM6.5 to my HD2 tmobile. The proximity sensor was no problem. the screen can turn off when my face close to screen and my face is far to screen, the screen will turn on.
I also tested the lighting sensor. I put my HD2 under the strong sunshine, screen will light strongly.
If I re-installed the android rom NAND. This problem will be issue. I tried more than two ROMs. The result is same.
Sorry, maybe my english is not good.
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then it can only be an issue with the nand builds unless the nand builds have use of an additional sensor not used in wm6.5..
Readed all this thread. Also one other same situation, described on HD2 Android Q&A and General forum on thread "[Q] screen goes off if I make a phone call".
I can confirm that this issue goes active with Android NAND builds. Not matter, is it Froyo or Gingerbread. I tested lot different roms. Best results i got on PureGingerbread gpc_hd2_gingerbread_v1.3 and with SetCPU on conservative. On somewhere proposed smartass didnt work.
Actually i dont remember this same bug, when i runned Android at SD.
Now i placed back stock win rom and all works perfect. This shows that my hardware works correctly. But i dont like winmo (also winphone 7 is unripe and i dont like it too). I want use Android and not at SD. Must i go to change phone and loose todays best smartphone (my opinion)?
I dont know fundamental of Android and dont have time to learn it too (so many works and other things todo). But maybe some rom or kernel chief can handle this and overlook things that operate with Proximity or Light sensor.
I dont have so many posts yet that post this to my preferred rom thread. I dont want go spam over forum to get post count bigger. this was reason why i posted my opinions here.
Finally sorry about my poor enlish.
I heard so much meanings where the reason could be and i have to end up my whole life without solving this problem.
in my case it's not os-dependent.
i never needed my screen to turn off while talking, the hd2 is very big and with android there's nearly no chance to push any button and with wp7 the same, so why i should be angry about this problem. my sensor won't recognize anything anymore, that's enough for me ^^
This sounds very interesting. The proximity sensor of the Desire HD of most people was not correctly calibrated so it won't work good and they got the same issues like we do with our beloved HD2. Check out the thread and the app. I'm not sure if it works, but you can give it a try. I'm not able to use it, because i deactivated my sensor in a hardware-way xD !
Silberpfeil3110 said:
This sounds very interesting. The proximity sensor of the Desire HD of most people was not correctly calibrated so it won't work good and they got the same issues like we do with our beloved HD2. Check out the thread and the app. I'm not sure if it works, but you can give it a try. I'm not able to use it, because i deactivated my sensor in a hardware-way xD !
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I have this problem since 2 days
And i test it
now my phone not turn off during a call. screen stay on.

[Q] Disable Proximity Sensor

is there an option for android-HD2s to disable the proximity sensor? I'm sick of the behavior of my device that the screen doesn't turn on again after making a phone call, taking out battery isn't a very useful option...
I already tried the Recalibrator for the sensor (originally for DesireHD), it worked for a few days but now again i've got the problem...
Therefore i'd rather have the screen turned on during the phone call, than having a blocked phone after the call..,
Do you know a solution?
pcmanuser said:
is there an option for android-HD2s to disable the proximity sensor? I'm sick of the behavior of my device that the screen doesn't turn on again after making a phone call, taking out battery isn't a very useful option...
I already tried the Recalibrator for the sensor (originally for DesireHD), it worked for a few days but now again i've got the problem...
Therefore i'd rather have the screen turned on during the phone call, than having a blocked phone after the call..,
Do you know a solution?
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hi, I guess you are using Desire HD rom. If is so I fully understand you. Those build s avery big and laggy. After trying many,many rom s Iwent to this one>
The screen turns on , everything work s fine. And it is crazy fast. Believe me, you will love android after this.
the best DHD Rom is Core Droid, in 1.3 the sensor was good, but in the actual 1.4 its bad again, try it when the next version is out. its very fast and nice skinned, also always good updates like the controls widget in the notifications bar.
Are we talking about the rom for hd2??is there anyone who can help us on the same problem?
I do this that way

[Q] Proximity Sensor

Ok, I posted this in the Windows 6.5 section, but have yet to get a response. After installing the cab that makes your wifi stay on when unattended, my phone's proximity sensor stopped working properly durring calls. Now instead of shutting my screen off, it just dims it. Which causes me to open a ton of programs or just completely hang up on the person I'm talking to. Is there anyone out there who knows how to fix this via the registry or otherwise, any help would be a bonus.
hardreset your phone !
Is there anything a lil less extreme?

No Wake-up after phone call

Still tested different NAND-Android Roms on my HD2 but got still a problem. If i make a phone call and the screen turns black while calling i press the endkey to end the phone call. But instead of turning on the device, the screen stays black and i need to pull the battery and restart the phone.
If i make a phone call and use the free speaking funktion, while the screen don't turn off, i got no problem when ending the phone call.
I don't know what the problem could be, but it seems, that the thing has to do with the sensor who turns the screen on and off. But i don't know if this is the problem and/or know how to fix this problem. Like i said, i tested different Android Roms formated the SD-Card, deleted cache and all the stuff, but nothing fixed this problem. :-(
28 Views and no one with this problem? :-(
There are 2 other threads discussing this issue already. Here is one.
Issue lies with the light/proximity sensor. Could be defective hardware. Could be incorrect sensor drivers. Could be dirty sensors. I have yet to take mine apart to check for dirt on sensors. Blowing into the led/earpiece opening seemed to help. I notice if it doesn't come back on I can hold a very bright light (ex: cigarette lighter) about an inch away and the screen comes on as long as the lighter is lit. Sometimes it stays on.
thanks for your answer. seems to be more things to test and maybe solve this problem. Thanks!
THANK YOU Agoattamer!
Your link helped me to solve the problem! I just cutted a little piece of my screen protector, where the proximity sensor is, and got no more freezes after the phone calls! The screen protector still got two holes for the light and proximity sensor, but this seemed not to be big enough. Anyway, thank you a lot for your post!
wake up problem
Palerider-de said:
Still tested different NAND-Android Roms on my HD2 but got still a problem. If i make a phone call and the screen turns black while calling i press the endkey to end the phone call. But instead of turning on the device, the screen stays black and i need to pull the battery and restart the phone.
If i make a phone call and use the free speaking funktion, while the screen don't turn off, i got no problem when ending the phone call.
I don't know what the problem could be, but it seems, that the thing has to do with the sensor who turns the screen on and off. But i don't know if this is the problem and/or know how to fix this problem. Like i said, i tested different Android Roms formated the SD-Card, deleted cache and all the stuff, but nothing fixed this problem. :-(
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I also tried a a lot of different NAND ROM and I had also this problem and I can't use Android efficiently. Now I am using hyperdroid ROM ( first GBX now CM). With this ROM and sanity app (from market, with correct settings you can find with trying) I almost solve this problem. ( probability of 95 % I don't get this error)
hey guys! i found the solution goin through the market!
download an app called "Sanity" theres a free version in the regular android market.
go to the settings > general > check "Reverse Proximity" (This will give you some warning about not using it if you DONT have a buggy proximity sensor). Check it anyways. Then go back to preferences then click "Proximity" scroll down and uncheck Turn off screen and leave leave the Turn on screen checked. this will force your phone to stay on during calls so that it never has to go through the proximity phase of calls this no more black screens. Hope this was helpful ^_^
anthonydo1991 said:
hey guys! i found the solution goin through the market!
download an app called "Sanity" theres a free version in the regular android market.
go to the settings > general > check "Reverse Proximity" (This will give you some warning about not using it if you DONT have a buggy proximity sensor). Check it anyways. Then go back to preferences then click "Proximity" scroll down and uncheck Turn off screen and leave leave the Turn on screen checked. this will force your phone to stay on during calls so that it never has to go through the proximity phase of calls this no more black screens. Hope this was helpful ^_^
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Does any other one tried this solution ???

