Help im confused :) - HD2 General

Hey guys so I switched from iPhone to HTC HD2. And i got a little bit confused at one point. How do I use this phone with other carriers other than t-mobile? I have AT&T. After Doing some research I figured that I have two choices one is sim unlock which im not doing cause I gotta pay. And the second choice is radio flash? So Im confused right here. I have US t-mobile HD2, i put 2.08HSPL and have wp7 rom on it. Can I still do radio flash? If so how can I do this? And if ill do it, i will be able to use 3g data? Im sorry if im asking about some obvious things but im tottaly new to HTCs. Thank you.

Welcome to the HD2 world. I don't know specifically about the US models but in Europe, you need to sim unlock to use a locked phone on a different carrier.
Using different radio versions allows you to test and find one that offers the best balance of battery life and signal quality for your location and usage pattern.
With regards to data speed, those would be dependent on your carrier as unlocking gives you access to all the HD2s capabilities.
If I'm wrong in any of these someone will chime in soon. Have you tried using the search and looking the the very details FAQ threads? Have fun!
Sent from my HTC HD2 via XDA app

Currently no free sim unlock. Buy a code online or get from t mobile.
Changing radio has no effect on network lock.
Regarding data speeds, it depends what network you are on. Example a tmous phone on at &t wont get 3g, cos the hardware bands don't match.

Flashing a radio will not allow you to use another carrier. You gotta pay for that privilege.


Tmobile (USA) HD2 Questions

I would spend all day researching these but I dont have much free time lately.
Does anyone know what bands the Tmobile USA HD2 will use? Will it run on AT&T 2g? 3g?
Will the phone come unlocked if bought via the no-contract plan? If it is locked, how do I unlock it - is there a wait period?
Lastly, (and i'm sure no one knows this yet but i'll ask anyway) - are there any major differences in the hardware from the 8585? I read some rumors the device will have more memory. Will we run into issues with the device having a different SPL that must be broken?
Thanks everyone
maybe this can help you to unlock it
and im not sure if it will work over at&t 3g network but u can do a search in this forum n u will find an answer
T-Mobile uses 1700/2100 so it will NOT work on ATT 3g, however edge speeds will work perfectly.
You can by the phone contract free from T-Mobile. I dont know if they will lock it down or not unless you go on contract.
Their are hardware differences, but nothing really major. You get 1gb of ROM vs 512mb, and the RAM amount comes unlocked while the others have to install an update to get to the full amount.
Basics it should be the same so I dont see why the current SPL stuff wouldnt work... I could be wrong though.
If you need ATT3g look at the Telstra version which has the ATT850 3g band and works here.

hd2 att

I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
You need to ask the guy to unlock it from TMobile for you, otherwise it's going to be a huuuge pain for you to do it via TMobile (not to say you couldn't pay to have it done from one of the other services)
gissentml said:
I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
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Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
din0_22 said:
Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
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Data as well? 3g? If so i'm interested in picking one of these up... waiting on the Desire but just might take this insted!
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
witch1 said:
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
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Just curious what kind of speeds you getting on EDGE have you done any speed testing? I'd love to import the desire but what's keeping me from doing it is being stuck on EDGE and not being able to access 3G speeds...not wanting to pay $30 a month for data thats EDGE only lol!
Thanks for your help...

Change HD2 frequency band

OK I have done some searching around on this topic and I'm finding a lot of mixed information. I'm currently on the Rogers network here in Canada and I managed to get my hands on an HD2 for next to nothing. So I jumped on the chance to have a "boot whatever the heck you want phone". However, while initially researching the phone I only quickly looked over the supported frequencies for the phone to ensure that I could use in on Rogers. Of course it will work as a phone just fine, however, it will not support 3g....apparently.
Started searching about for a way to change the phones frequency and some are saying it is possible to flash another radio for say the European version and some are saying that's not possible. I'm inclined to think it is not possible and that it is a hardware limitation. I figure that this is the best place to look for some real answers. Anyone have some insight into this matter? Oh and if it is a hardware issue and it can be changed....I'm not afraid to take the whole phone apart to try it. Ive done my share of tear downs on other phones....just for the heck of it.
Thanks in advance
only the telstra model will give you 3g on rogers.
hardware, and not changeable
yes you can change the radio (if youhave a tmous ((t mobile us)) then you need to be REAL careful which radio you flash) but changing radio has no effect on the bands.
this forum is for the regular hd2, the tmous (if that's what you have) can be found here
If you have the T-Mobile US version then you can use it on Wind Mobile here in Canada. This is what I'm doing and everything works great, including the 3g. I've loaded Android on it and I absolutely love my HD2!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I actually bought a Telstra (Montreal Fido user) because we don't have Wind here... Telstra works great. Got it off ebay from a nice aussie fellow. I wanted the Tmous one for the extra ROM space, but hey... As long as Android runs on it, I'm more than happy!
Welcome to the HD2 community.

[Q] Flash to Rogers in Canada

Hey all I'm looking for some help on a quick matter. I just sol my HD2 to someone in Canada. Hes using Rogers telecom but primarily just wants to use it as a Android phone on that network. I flashed it to a Energy Rom and the 2.12 radio. Will I need to do anything else on my end to make sure it works when he opens the box? Any creative suggestions are appreciated and yes I did do a search didn't find out anything outside of 40 pages of what I am not trying to figure out.
Is it SIM unlocked? It will not work on Rogers, or any other network for that matter if it hasn't been SIM unlocked. Other then that, he will need to setup the APN settings that Rogers uses, but all in all it should work.
I installed Cotulla HSPL2 to unlock it. I believe that should be sufficient its just a matter of him putting in the correct APN numbers now I think?
wrong, hspl does not unlock the network.
you need to buy a code online or ask t mo if you have a contract.
also, does your buyer know there will be no 3g?
Me under contract? Probably, but my account has me listed on a different phone the HD2 isn't on there anymore.
Now you say wrong but no details on how to correct the problem. Can you be a little more forthcoming on where I should go fix this.
Nevermind I contacted TMO and they are unrooting the phone for free and will send me the code in the few days.
*shiver* unrooting...anyways, yeah you have to SIM unlock it, and HardSPL most definately doesn't do that. And also, the 3G bands that Rogers uses are different from that of T-Mobile, so he will not get 3G data, only EDGE and GPRS.
Thats what he wanted I figured he did the research about it working on Rogers.
BTW why shiver about unrooting? It seems like it opens it up to more stuff?
Because the HD2 isn't "rooted" in the first place. Both Android and the iPhone have dumbed down the masses so that jailbreak and root are commonplace terms that people apply to EVERYTHING in the smartphone sector, and it aggravates me.
ashasaur said:
jailbreak and root are commonplace terms that people apply to EVERYTHING in the smartphone sector, and it aggravates me.
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hehe with that and the bastardisation of the word "fail",society is collapsing as we watch!

Hd2 on at&t

I have a hd2 tmobile usa version, i need a At&t friendly Nand rom. Whats the best rom out there for At&t????
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
as far as I know any NAND Android ROM should work on AT&T as it is not the ROM that controls this but a combination of you sim card, APN settings, and you having your HD2 sim unlocked. Wait for more replies though as I do not use AT&T and it might actually be a ROM out there that has certain things adjusted for AT&T, but what that might be I do not know.
This is true, the ROM does not control the radio. There are methods of flashing the radio to a different version, one that may work for the AT&T 3G bands. I am looking them up, but that is how you would flash the device to change the radio.
Hardware wise, the GSM module does support all world wide bands but what makes then different from one HD2 from one carrier ot another is the firmware version that is used in the phones that make them work on the network's bands. Correct me if i am wrong though.
TKETZ196 said:
This is true, the ROM does not control the radio. There are methods of flashing the radio to a different version, one that may work for the AT&T 3G bands. I am looking them up, but that is how you would flash the device to change the radio.
Hardware wise, the GSM module does support all world wide bands but what makes then different from one HD2 from one carrier ot another is the firmware version that is used in the phones that make them work on the network's bands. Correct me if i am wrong though.
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Untrue my friend, the T-Mobile HD2 only supports the bands used by T-Mobile for 3G. If you sim unlock the T-Mobile HD2 you can use the device with other carriers but you will only get Edge for a data signal as the hardware only supports the T-Mobile 3G bands. There is a model of the HD2 that supports a different 3G band the same ones AT&T uses in the US, it is the Australian model that Telstra a Australian cell carrier released as they use the same bands as AT&T. go to "Official HD2 T9193 (Telstra 850Mhz) Discussion Thread" and you can learn more about it. I also saw your other post in another thread about trying to help your friend out getting 3G on his HD2 using AT&T. Unless he is willing to buy a Telstra HTC HD2 T9193 or have his T-Mobile HTC HD2 T8585 worked on to switch out the hardware for the hardware in the T9193 then he will never getb 3G with AT&T.
Just to answer your question, every rom is an AT&T friendly ROM, meaning, they'll allow you to talk, text and surf the internet.
What you DONT have is AT&T 3G on your tmous HD2. You'll be stuck with EDGE speed.
Thank you all 4 your help,greatly apreciated!! I'm in puerto rico where tmobile is still on Edge. But for some reason tmobile is still alot faster when it comes to receiving & sending MMS than At&t on this phone. Currently using Coredroid 1.5
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
its interesting they would use different hardware GSM modules for the slightly different models. I would think the radio firmware version woudl take care of that. Thanks for clarification. I assumed that all GSM modules would be built the same way.
Sadly they are not, this in my opinion is just cellular carriers trying to keep you locked to their networks cause the know most people don"t want to have to buy another device when changing carriers if they already have a good device. So they make it were branded devices can only utilize high speed data with it's intended carriers network. I think this is unfair to consumers, but again just my opinion.
T-Macgnolia said:
Sadly they are not, this in my opinion is just cellular carriers trying to keep you locked to their networks cause the know most people don"t want to have to buy another device when changing carriers if they already have a good device. So they make it were branded devices can only utilize high speed data with it's intended carriers network. I think this is unfair to consumers, but again just my opinion.
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I think there is technical reason. The various carriers have very different technologies. Even AT&T uses a different 3G network than T-Mobile, despite the fact that both are GSM. Sprint and Verizon use non GSM technologies that are even more different. When a device manufacturer makes a certain model, there is only so much room inside, and unless one wants a really thick and heavy device, a choice has to be made as to which hardware goes into the phone.
I'm not saying that they don't want you to stay on their network - they do, which is why they have those 2 year contracts in exchange for buying a discounted phone. But I don't think that is why the hardware is different.
stevedebi said:
I think there is technical reason. The various carriers have very different technologies. Even AT&T uses a different 3G network than T-Mobile, despite the fact that both are GSM. Sprint and Verizon use non GSM technologies that are even more different. When a device manufacturer makes a certain model, there is only so much room inside, and unless one wants a really thick and heavy device, a choice has to be made as to which hardware goes into the phone.
I'm not saying that they don't want you to stay on their network - they do, which is why they have those 2 year contracts in exchange for buying a discounted phone. But I don't think that is why the hardware is different.
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Point taken
I would go further with the discussion but I do not want to hijack this thread.

