[Q] Flash to Rogers in Canada - HD2 General

Hey all I'm looking for some help on a quick matter. I just sol my HD2 to someone in Canada. Hes using Rogers telecom but primarily just wants to use it as a Android phone on that network. I flashed it to a Energy Rom and the 2.12 radio. Will I need to do anything else on my end to make sure it works when he opens the box? Any creative suggestions are appreciated and yes I did do a search didn't find out anything outside of 40 pages of what I am not trying to figure out.

Is it SIM unlocked? It will not work on Rogers, or any other network for that matter if it hasn't been SIM unlocked. Other then that, he will need to setup the APN settings that Rogers uses, but all in all it should work.

I installed Cotulla HSPL2 to unlock it. I believe that should be sufficient its just a matter of him putting in the correct APN numbers now I think?

wrong, hspl does not unlock the network.
you need to buy a code online or ask t mo if you have a contract.
also, does your buyer know there will be no 3g?

Me under contract? Probably, but my account has me listed on a different phone the HD2 isn't on there anymore.
Now you say wrong but no details on how to correct the problem. Can you be a little more forthcoming on where I should go fix this.

Nevermind I contacted TMO and they are unrooting the phone for free and will send me the code in the few days.

*shiver* unrooting...anyways, yeah you have to SIM unlock it, and HardSPL most definately doesn't do that. And also, the 3G bands that Rogers uses are different from that of T-Mobile, so he will not get 3G data, only EDGE and GPRS.

Thats what he wanted I figured he did the research about it working on Rogers.

BTW why shiver about unrooting? It seems like it opens it up to more stuff?

Because the HD2 isn't "rooted" in the first place. Both Android and the iPhone have dumbed down the masses so that jailbreak and root are commonplace terms that people apply to EVERYTHING in the smartphone sector, and it aggravates me.

ashasaur said:
jailbreak and root are commonplace terms that people apply to EVERYTHING in the smartphone sector, and it aggravates me.
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hehe with that and the bastardisation of the word "fail",society is collapsing as we watch!


hd2 att

I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
You need to ask the guy to unlock it from TMobile for you, otherwise it's going to be a huuuge pain for you to do it via TMobile (not to say you couldn't pay to have it done from one of the other services)
gissentml said:
I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
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Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
din0_22 said:
Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
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Data as well? 3g? If so i'm interested in picking one of these up... waiting on the Desire but just might take this insted!
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
witch1 said:
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
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Just curious what kind of speeds you getting on EDGE have you done any speed testing? I'd love to import the desire but what's keeping me from doing it is being stuck on EDGE and not being able to access 3G speeds...not wanting to pay $30 a month for data thats EDGE only lol!
Thanks for your help...

[Q] Milestone 2 (GSM) on At&T - 3G Works?

So, I was about to buy this phone and use it on At&t in the US, but as I was looking at the ebay listings, I noticed that some of them stated that It does not work GSM with at&t.
I'm not very tech savy, but I find hard to believe that such an advanced phone would have this problem. Can anybody that tested it, shine some light on this for me please?
Thank you
It has the hardware to support it but it's the software that verizon has locked down to not work with any other carrier in the USA
In normal gsm phones you simply need an unlock code for the phone to work with any other carrier then the one it's meant to work with but in this case even after you give the phone the unique code it still won't work with att or Tmobile in the USA so we are looking to see how to disable the lock on USA bands on the phone but it seems not many people have made much progress
Thanks for trying to help, but that is not what i'm asking
I know it works, but everybody says it doesn't work on 3G, just on EDGE.
here's the response I got from an ebay retailer
"This version will work on the AT&T GSM network, however, will not work on the 3G network, only edge.
Best regards,
Communication Telecom International "
AT&T uses 850Mhz and 1900Mhz for the 3G frequency bands and it does support it in the hardware as I was saying, its just that nothing at this point will work not even EDGE because the USA lock overrides anything AT&T uses.
evilp8ntballer7 said:
AT&T uses 850Mhz and 1900Mhz for the 3G frequency bands and it does support it in the hardware as I was saying, its just that nothing at this point will work not even EDGE because the USA lock overrides anything AT&T uses.
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You are confusing the Droid 2 Global with the Milestone 2. Two different phones here.
the milestone2 should have the right hardware to connect to att 3g sorry for the confusion
The Droid 2 Global and Droid Pro also have the hardware to support US GSM bands but it has been disabled in the radio. This is not software, so to speak, but rather hardware configuration.
If you know where to look you can fix this problem.
droidbandunlock said:
The Droid 2 Global and Droid Pro also have the hardware to support US GSM bands but it has been disabled in the radio. This is not software, so to speak, but rather hardware configuration.
If you know where to look you can fix this problem.
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feel like sharing?
i think he is messing look at the username.
Don't hijack the thead!
OP asked about Milestone 2, not Droid 2 Globlal.
So - to address OP's question - yes - Milestone 2 currently on sale in most places is the EMEA model (Europe/Middle East/Asia), which has 900 and 2100 W-CDMA bands only.
Based on the official page from Motorola here, Milestone 2 A953 has a version with W-CDMA 850/1900/2100 MHz which are the bands used primarily in the Americas (850 and 1900) and Australia (850/2100). There was an article the phone is coming to Argentina before Christmas, so it may start showing up quite soon.
If you want US 3G support from Milestone 2, you have to wait for one of these to emerge. Sure enough it will not have any restrictions against US GSM/WCDMA operators (MCC 310) like the Droid 2 Global (currently) does.
I am not "messing". I cannot post external links of proof because I have too few posts.
I also do not wish to SPAM your forum out of respect for the rules.
Search for droidbandunlock on Twitter for more information.
thats sweet then I saw the video, I have a D2G and bought the phone for this purpose, where will the release be?
They inted to sell it as a servce. It definitely works...we were early testers and I have been trying to help them get the word out about it. These guys know what they are doing and what the value of this exploit is.
well sure but I'd like to know about it asap I've been stuck using this on wifi only :/
I'd pay about $10 for it
cellzealot said:
They inted to sell it as a servce. It definitely works...we were early testers and I have been trying to help them get the word out about it. These guys know what they are doing and what the value of this exploit is.
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Those bast*rds!!! How dare they know what the value is and not give it away for free!!!
I am just kidding
People sell unlock codes all the time for like 15 bucks so should be no problem for people that have to pay for this exploit...wonder if it is the same one I found
This may not be the best thread to continue this discussion. My apologies for the hijack.
I am most interested in seeing what you have found, but from what little reading I have done in your threads it appears you are working in the system only and not modifying the radio.
If that is the case, then our exploit has nothing in common with yours.
Do you have any evidence of it working with US GSM bands on AT&T or T-Mobile?
Perhaps we should start another thread, but we will not be revealing the precise nature of our method for obvious reasons.
Our method makes no changes to the system and leaves no trace of itself anywhere that can be accessed on the device itself beyond the ability to use the US GSM bands.
sorry to interruput but i think this is the only way to talk to you unlocker but about what will the price be and where can we find more info about release dates and downloads etc.? i found you on twitter and asked a few questions but there still isnt much info
I have to modify system because in my ROM (Fission) the packages that handle sim card functions do not work without some "blur" components so thus the need to modify my system
I have pics and a vid ready to go for when I was going to sell my service. I am not trying to nor am I going to compete with you guys or from TBH. P3Droid and Gweedo have been nothing but really friendly with me and to be honest; I would rather not deal with the headaches that come with selling a service on this forum and/or many others. I already went through and going through hell for the way I handle Fission ROM Manager and really don't want any more of that crap...I would rather continue dev work on the ROMs and some other apps I have been working on
I won't get into how my method works for the same reasons that are very clear too but if you want to discuss anything in private feel free to message me or hit me up on Gtalk.
Did you guys release your method yet? If not when do you plan on doing so? I would like to prepare Fission for users who will need to unlock or do use their SIM cards...
droidbandunlock said:
This may not be the best thread to continue this discussion. My apologies for the hijack.
I am most interested in seeing what you have found, but from what little reading I have done in your threads it appears you are working in the system only and not modifying the radio.
If that is the case, then our exploit has nothing in common with yours.
Do you have any evidence of it working with US GSM bands on AT&T or T-Mobile?
Perhaps we should start another thread, but we will not be revealing the precise nature of our method for obvious reasons.
Our method makes no changes to the system and leaves no trace of itself anywhere that can be accessed on the device itself beyond the ability to use the US GSM bands.
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Angdroid said:
I have to modify system because in my ROM (Fission) the packages that handle sim card functions do not work without some "blur" components so thus the need to modify my system
I have pics and a vid ready to go for when I was going to sell my service. I am not trying to nor am I going to compete with you guys or from TBH. P3Droid and Gweedo have been nothing but really friendly with me and to be honest; I would rather not deal with the headaches that come with selling a service on this forum and/or many others. I already went through and going through hell for the way I handle Fission ROM Manager and really don't want any more of that crap...I would rather continue dev work on the ROMs and some other apps I have been working on
I won't get into how my method works for the same reasons that are very clear too but if you want to discuss anything in private feel free to message me or hit me up on Gtalk.
Did you guys release your method yet? If not when do you plan on doing so? I would like to prepare Fission for users who will need to unlock or do use their SIM cards...
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Thanks Angdroid for ur hard work. Been following u for some time, hopefully u can release SIM package for D2G Fission soon.
Could anyone running Fission ROM try to switch to GSM mode from *#*#4636#*#* menu? I know you can switch to GSM from there on the original ROM without having to go to settings/wireless/networks/etc As it is standard Android tool, maybe that could be used to switch between the two radios until AngDroid figures out how to make it nice. Hope it works though.

Help im confused :)

Hey guys so I switched from iPhone to HTC HD2. And i got a little bit confused at one point. How do I use this phone with other carriers other than t-mobile? I have AT&T. After Doing some research I figured that I have two choices one is sim unlock which im not doing cause I gotta pay. And the second choice is radio flash? So Im confused right here. I have US t-mobile HD2, i put 2.08HSPL and have wp7 rom on it. Can I still do radio flash? If so how can I do this? And if ill do it, i will be able to use 3g data? Im sorry if im asking about some obvious things but im tottaly new to HTCs. Thank you.
Welcome to the HD2 world. I don't know specifically about the US models but in Europe, you need to sim unlock to use a locked phone on a different carrier.
Using different radio versions allows you to test and find one that offers the best balance of battery life and signal quality for your location and usage pattern.
With regards to data speed, those would be dependent on your carrier as unlocking gives you access to all the HD2s capabilities.
If I'm wrong in any of these someone will chime in soon. Have you tried using the search and looking the the very details FAQ threads? Have fun!
Sent from my HTC HD2 via XDA app
Currently no free sim unlock. Buy a code online or get from t mobile.
Changing radio has no effect on network lock.
Regarding data speeds, it depends what network you are on. Example a tmous phone on at &t wont get 3g, cos the hardware bands don't match.
Flashing a radio will not allow you to use another carrier. You gotta pay for that privilege.

[Q] AT&T LG G2 unlocked to use on T-Mobile Carrier Rom/Root Questions

Hey Guys,
So, I bought a AT&T LG G2 phone (I had a gift card at Best Buy- they don't carry T-Mobile). I heard that AT&T had the same towers so it's easier to work with an unlocked phone through them, so I bought it there instead from T-Mobile itself.
However, now I realized I don't have some of the features I would have on a T-mobile LG G2, such as my wifi calling, etc. Now, since the phone is unlocked (and I just got it rooted), would installing a T-Mobile rom affect my phone in any way, good or bad? Should I only use AT&T roms? How would I use T-mobile app services?
I searched google for 2 days and couldn't find anything relevant to my question. I've used this site a lot in the past year-two for rooting and such. Thank you guys in advance for continuing to support open development for android.
Wondering the same, about to switch to tmobile.
*Answer solved through own testing
trh1341 said:
Wondering the same, about to switch to tmobile.
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Well, seems like no one has an answer to it...
Anyway, I went ahead and bought the phone. Since I do a lot of testing and rooting myself, this was the first time working on this type. I'm glad you posted, because I would have just forgotten about it now that I've solved the question I had... However, I figure it'd help in the future in case someone is also wondering the same.
Now, with that all stated... down to the answer.
If you bought an AT&T phone, and do an unlock code to use it on another carrier (such as T-mobile since they use the same towers), the rom you MUST use are the AT&T roms... NOT the T-mobile roms. The problem is, when you buy a AT&T phone, unlock it, and root your device to use another rom, it will not be compatible with T-Mobile roms because of the image files, etc. So yes- you will be losing all the features a T-Mobile rom would have such as wi-fi calling, etc...
However, a way to go about this (and it won't work with ALL the features that comes in a T-Mobile phone/rom), is to install a AT&T rom of your choice without all the crappy AT&T bloatware that you can't even use, and go to the T-Mobile section to look for an APK version of the files. Most of the time, T-Mobile roms will also remove the bloatware, however, some developers are kind enough to provide the bloatware APK files in case users would like to have certain one of them features, such as WiFi Calling.
So, that's how I did it, and it's working good.
PS- One last thing, you may have trouble going on the internet or playstore when you're unlocked to a different carrier. All you need to do is find the APN settings for your carrier. So in this case, I bought an AT&T phone, bought unlock code to use on my carrier T-Mobile, and got the T-Mobile APN settings set up, reboot, and I get all my 4G data, etc. You can get this by calling T-Mobile. Just say, you bought an unlocked phone and can't access data, internet, etc, and was told to set up a APN. Or, you can use google. :good:
Hope I helped everyone else out there!!
johnnyjrmoua said:
Hope I helped everyone else out there!!
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So, would I be correct in stating that you will only get 4G in areas where it is offered @ 1900 MHz? What about 2100 MHz? Otherwise you will only get 3G HSPA+? As you can tell I'm a bit confused about compatibility between networks. According to wikipedia they will be doing away with 1900 MHz 4G by 2015. I'm trying to decide if it's worth buying an AT&T or Verizon phone to use on the T-Mobile pre-paid network because it seems the T-Mobile phones are not getting very much development.
johnnyjrmoua said:
Well, seems like no one has an answer to it...
Anyway, I went ahead and bought the phone. Since I do a lot of testing and rooting myself, this was the first time working on this type. I'm glad you posted, because I would have just forgotten about it now that I've solved the question I had... However, I figure it'd help in the future in case someone is also wondering the same.
Now, with that all stated... down to the answer.
If you bought an AT&T phone, and do an unlock code to use it on another carrier (such as T-mobile since they use the same towers), the rom you MUST use are the AT&T roms... NOT the T-mobile roms. The problem is, when you buy a AT&T phone, unlock it, and root your device to use another rom, it will not be compatible with T-Mobile roms because of the image files, etc. So yes- you will be losing all the features a T-Mobile rom would have such as wi-fi calling, etc...
However, a way to go about this (and it won't work with ALL the features that comes in a T-Mobile phone/rom), is to install a AT&T rom of your choice without all the crappy AT&T bloatware that you can't even use, and go to the T-Mobile section to look for an APK version of the files. Most of the time, T-Mobile roms will also remove the bloatware, however, some developers are kind enough to provide the bloatware APK files in case users would like to have certain one of them features, such as WiFi Calling.
So, that's how I did it, and it's working good.
PS- One last thing, you may have trouble going on the internet or playstore when you're unlocked to a different carrier. All you need to do is find the APN settings for your carrier. So in this case, I bought an AT&T phone, bought unlock code to use on my carrier T-Mobile, and got the T-Mobile APN settings set up, reboot, and I get all my 4G data, etc. You can get this by calling T-Mobile. Just say, you bought an unlocked phone and can't access data, internet, etc, and was told to set up a APN. Or, you can use google. :good:
Hope I helped everyone else out there!!
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hey johnny, so you were able to get wifi calling feature on at&t branded lg g2 unlocked?
AT&T phone switch to T mobile Wifi calling do not work
trh1341 said:
Wondering the same, about to switch to tmobile.
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Bought phone from ebay, it is an AT&T phone unlocked and want to use for T-mobile./ With T-mobile network I have to use wifi calling features in order to use in the house.
Could you please explain me how and how much it cost to get wifi calling feature in LG G2 ?

AT&T LG G2 unlock for t moblie 411

I did an unlock for this phone that i found in these forums. I have a generic tmobile sim card and put that in after i got the unlock code. from there i typed in the info and tmobile showed up on the banner.
well, i took the phone to a guy to trade for another, and now he's telling me he isn't getting any data, just phone and texting. of course, he's telling me this long after we made the trade.
is there any reason he wouldn't be getting data? or does an unlocked lg g2 only get edge speeds or something?
any help would be great.
My first guess is that he doesn't have the correct APN settings put in for his carrier.
You should let everyone know if the device is a stock rom, or another rom. Since the stock AT&T rom should not have the APN settings for Tmobile, but something like CM's rom should.
Worst case he should just need to enter the APN settings by hand, which isn't too hard to do. Other then that he could be in an area where Tmobile uses different bands for data then the AT&T version supports... that part I don't know how much it effects the AT&T G2, but has effected older devices going between AT&T and Tmobile.
Niscandia said:
My first guess is that he doesn't have the correct APN settings put in for his carrier.
You should let everyone know if the device is a stock rom, or another rom. Since the stock AT&T rom should not have the APN settings for Tmobile, but something like CM's rom should.
Worst case he should just need to enter the APN settings by hand, which isn't too hard to do. Other then that he could be in an area where Tmobile uses different bands for data then the AT&T version supports... that part I don't know how much it effects the AT&T G2, but has effected older devices going between AT&T and Tmobile.
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thanks, and it is a stock rom, non-rooted. is that info available online? he says he went to the store and they tried to tell him it wasn't unlocked, or it's only half unlocked...people...especially people who sell phones.
dmoss74 said:
thanks, and it is a stock rom, non-rooted. is that info available online? he says he went to the store and they tried to tell him it wasn't unlocked, or it's only half unlocked...people...especially people who sell phones.
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Google would be your friend in this case, or his actually.
And can't blame them too much, they aren't given all the training that they should be given. They are just sales people, not tech trained most of the time. Every time I go into the AT&T store that I like, I end up talking unlocking & rooting for Android devices since they aren't told anything about that stuff. And I do let them know if they are truly interested to look here for more help.

