Tmobile (USA) HD2 Questions - HD2 General

I would spend all day researching these but I dont have much free time lately.
Does anyone know what bands the Tmobile USA HD2 will use? Will it run on AT&T 2g? 3g?
Will the phone come unlocked if bought via the no-contract plan? If it is locked, how do I unlock it - is there a wait period?
Lastly, (and i'm sure no one knows this yet but i'll ask anyway) - are there any major differences in the hardware from the 8585? I read some rumors the device will have more memory. Will we run into issues with the device having a different SPL that must be broken?
Thanks everyone

maybe this can help you to unlock it
and im not sure if it will work over at&t 3g network but u can do a search in this forum n u will find an answer

T-Mobile uses 1700/2100 so it will NOT work on ATT 3g, however edge speeds will work perfectly.
You can by the phone contract free from T-Mobile. I dont know if they will lock it down or not unless you go on contract.
Their are hardware differences, but nothing really major. You get 1gb of ROM vs 512mb, and the RAM amount comes unlocked while the others have to install an update to get to the full amount.
Basics it should be the same so I dont see why the current SPL stuff wouldnt work... I could be wrong though.
If you need ATT3g look at the Telstra version which has the ATT850 3g band and works here.


I want hero/g2 touch

I want hero/g2 touch, i am a us t-mobile customer (nyc) where can i get an for how much? Should i buy from another country an will it work here? If i buy the sprint one an unlock it will i be able to use ti i dunno what to do i just want the phone somebody how to obtain it an get it working with my t-mobile account also tell me the price....PLZ AND THANK YOU
Anybody wanna help me?
djunio over at Android Community forums posted this today - might help
hey vonne thats cool but i never heard of them are they a wireless company? i much rather buy an unlock or do some of the things i said in the original message
you can buy unlocked phones off ebay. i sell some there. if you buy the Sprint I don't think it will work on Tmobile even if you unlock it because Sprint uses CDMA and Tmobile is GSM. If you buy an unlocked GSM phone it should work on Tmobile. I had a different unlocked GSM phone while i was in the US this summer and it worked fine.
ok csasek but im talking bout the hero/ G2 touch not any other phone i jus want that one there so many smart people that hav info on this phone an none can help me?
the only place you can get it unlocked is on ebay for about $550, and yes it will work in the US...any other specific questions
You are aware that the G2 Touch will not work with 3G in the US? If you buy one, you will be restricted to EDGE at best. As has been already stated, the Sprint Hero can never work with T-Mobile US at all.
foxmeister said:
You are aware that the G2 Touch will not work with 3G in the US? If you buy one, you will be restricted to EDGE at best. As has been already stated, the Sprint Hero can never work with T-Mobile US at all.
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why doesn't the Hero work with US 3G? what frequencies/technology do ATT & Tmobile us for 3G? I thought that Tmobile was using WCDMA/ HSDPA which should be compatible and that ATT uses HSDPA too.
I honestly don't know what all these things mean so if you could provide some insight I would really appreciate it. Since I sell these on ebay I like to be able to answer these types of questions.
I thought that Tmobile was using WCDMA/ HSDPA which should be compatible and that ATT uses HSDPA too.
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Yes they do, but the important thing here is that these services can be offered over several different frequencies.
The "worldwide" Hero (as opposed to the Sprint one) only supports 3G (HSPA/WCDMA) at 900Mhz and 2100Mhz.
T-Mobile US's 3G network runs at 1700MHz, and ATT's 3G at 1900MHz. Neither of these 3G bands are supported by the radio in the GSM Hero, so you are stuck with 2G/EDGE speeds.
Thank you very much for the explanation
im sure there is a radio update in the development section somewhere???
this would alow US users to have 3G but they would require root in order to flash the new radio
There is no radio ROM update at present which will make US 3G bands available, and there is no evidence as yet that this is a ROM and not a hardware restriction.
If I were interested in pursuing this further, I'd probably enquire in the Magic forums if it possible to flash a MyTouch 3G radio onto a European Magic to get 3G working with T-Mobile US.
So what phone should i get? the out of staste on with chin? or the sprint one? dont care for looks cuz im ok with both jus sayin most price efficient and easier to unlock
So what phone should i get? the out of staste on with chin? or the sprint one? dont care for looks cuz im ok with both jus sayin most price efficient and easier to unlock

hd2 att

I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
You need to ask the guy to unlock it from TMobile for you, otherwise it's going to be a huuuge pain for you to do it via TMobile (not to say you couldn't pay to have it done from one of the other services)
gissentml said:
I have someone willing to trade me a Hd2 for my nexus one. I was wondering if I can get the Hd2 to work on ATT . I heard some people getting the unlock codes directly from tmo ole and some people using flashing roms.
is there a tutorial anywhere? I just want to make sure this isn't a laborious task to do.
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Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
din0_22 said:
Where are you from?
I'll trade mine.
to answer your question, you have to make sure that it is unlocked by inserting your Att sim card during the trade.
It will definitely work, as well as the data (i.e. internet, weather etc. etc..) im just not sure about setting it up during the first run.
The TmoUS HD2 has only 1 network settings(including Data, SMS, MMS settings) in default rom which Tmo US ofcourse. and if it is unbranded (i.e. T8585, you get a whole lot of different networks i.e. At&t etc. etc.)
also, it'll be easier if you get an unbranded HD2, As the Tmo US HD2 is kind of pain for users at the moment.
i am using an unbranded HD2 it works like a charm with At&t.
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Data as well? 3g? If so i'm interested in picking one of these up... waiting on the Desire but just might take this insted!
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
witch1 said:
The one you want is the Telstra version-9193, I believe. The T8585 won't work on AT&T 3G but on edge. Even on edge, its pretty fast-or at least mine is. Not many are having luck with tmo unlocking. The 9193 is also rare and expensive in the US.
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Just curious what kind of speeds you getting on EDGE have you done any speed testing? I'd love to import the desire but what's keeping me from doing it is being stuck on EDGE and not being able to access 3G speeds...not wanting to pay $30 a month for data thats EDGE only lol!
Thanks for your help...

HTC HD2 or T-Mobile HD2

hi every body please help me in this
my cousin live in USA and his network is T-Mobile and he asked them for me if he buy the T-Mobile HD2 will give him the unlock code and their answer was yes .. so he will renew his contract and will get one for $250 >> and of course me who will pay ... this the first option
the second option is I buy the normal HTC HD2 from Amazon for $717
so now which option I should choose
- I am living in Egypt
- my network is Vodafone
- need Arabic on my mobile (read and write )
- need to try the roms
- this is the first time I use the windows mobile
and all of this I will be able to do it with the normal HTC HD2
so what about the T-Mobile HD2 ??
- can I apply on it the Arabic without problems ?
- can I use the Themes , games and the applications of the normal HTC HD2 on it easy ?
hope some one help me
I'll do my best to help you.
The biggest problem I see with you purchasing the US T-Mobile HD2 is the 3g band. People are pretty sure that the US T-Mobile HD2 will work on the 2100 band (Asia/Middle East/Europe 3g band), but no one has actually tried it from what I can tell, so we don't know if it works. You will receive Edge coverage of course.
If the 3g works in your area or you don't care about 3g, then definitely get the US TMO HD2. The US version has more memory and is substantially cheaper than the unlocked HTC version. By the way, your cousin can also buy the phone for $450 without having to extend his contract for 2 years.
Keep in mind that in most cases T-Mobile will not give your cousin the unlock code till 40 days after purchase to avoid returns. You can also pay around $20 to get the code from an unlock site. If he buys the phone for $450 he can get the unlock code within a few days from T-Mobile.
Yes, you can put all the themes, games, and applications made for the HD2 on either the US HD2 or the unlocked HTC HD2.
Yes, you can put Arabic language, or any ROM made for the US HD2. The ROM has to specify the US version or the larger memory size. You CANNOT use any ROM on the US HD2 because some ROMs are for the unlocked HTC HD2 with the smaller memory and can damage the US version if used.
I hope all this makes sense and your questions are answered.
xeebot said:
I'll do my best to help you.
The biggest problem I see with you purchasing the US T-Mobile HD2 is the 3g band. People are pretty sure that the US T-Mobile HD2 will work on the 2100 band (Asia/Middle East/Europe 3g band), but no one has actually tried it from what I can tell, so we don't know if it works. You will receive Edge coverage of course.
If the 3g works in your area or you don't care about 3g, then definitely get the US TMO HD2. The US version has more memory and is substantially cheaper than the unlocked HTC version. By the way, your cousin can also buy the phone for $450 without having to extend his contract for 2 years.
Keep in mind that in most cases T-Mobile will not give your cousin the unlock code till 40 days after purchase to avoid returns. You can also pay around $20 to get the code from an unlock site. If he buys the phone for $450 he can get the unlock code within a few days from T-Mobile.
Yes, you can put all the themes, games, and applications made for the HD2 on either the US HD2 or the unlocked HTC HD2.
Yes, you can put Arabic language, or any ROM made for the US HD2. The ROM has to specify the US version or the larger memory size. You CANNOT use any ROM on the US HD2 because some ROMs are for the unlocked HTC HD2 with the smaller memory and can damage the US version if used.
I hope all this makes sense and your questions are answered.
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really thank you for all what did you advise me
but I am little bit afraid now from T-Mobile HD2 :/
zeemoo said:
really thank you for all what did you advise me
but I am little bit afraid now from T-Mobile HD2 :/
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You're welcome.
You can follow the thread below to see if anyone tries it in Europe or Asia and we'll have the answer to the 3g working outside the US.
As for flashing the ROM, don't be worried, a lot of the ROMs out there will work on the US HD2. The phone has been a pretty hot seller here, so a lot of people will be working on the US version and more ROMs and mods will be released for sure.
Don't buy it. Phone pretty. Windows killing it
You need both Upload and download frequencies in the mobile matching your provider to get 3G.
2100 is the download freq, which is common to both Americas and EU, but US had 1900/850/1700 for upload and EU uses 900.
You have to make sure both the freq are supported by the phone. At the looks of it I'm pretty sure the TMOUS HD2 will not have 3G for you in Egypt.
Everything else you asked for can be done in both phones.
xeebot said:
I'll do my best to help you.
The biggest problem I see with you purchasing the US T-Mobile HD2 is the 3g band. People are pretty sure that the US T-Mobile HD2 will work on the 2100 band (Asia/Middle East/Europe 3g band), but no one has actually tried it from what I can tell, so we don't know if it works. You will receive Edge coverage of course.
If the 3g works in your area or you don't care about 3g, then definitely get the US TMO HD2. The US version has more memory and is substantially cheaper than the unlocked HTC version. By the way, your cousin can also buy the phone for $450 without having to extend his contract for 2 years.
Keep in mind that in most cases T-Mobile will not give your cousin the unlock code till 40 days after purchase to avoid returns. You can also pay around $20 to get the code from an unlock site. If he buys the phone for $450 he can get the unlock code within a few days from T-Mobile.
Yes, you can put all the themes, games, and applications made for the HD2 on either the US HD2 or the unlocked HTC HD2.
Yes, you can put Arabic language, or any ROM made for the US HD2. The ROM has to specify the US version or the larger memory size. You CANNOT use any ROM on the US HD2 because some ROMs are for the unlocked HTC HD2 with the smaller memory and can damage the US version if used.
I hope all this makes sense and your questions are answered.
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I found this site:
Egypt 900 1800 3G 2100
HSDPA 900 / 2100
HSDPA 850 / 2100 - American version
and it works great in Egypt
T-Mobile HD2
HSDPA 1700 / 2100
and I do not know the different and this will not work in Egypt ???
I can call My Network to ask them but I don't know what is the question ?
You have to make sure both the freq are supported by the phone. At the looks of it I'm pretty sure the TMOUS HD2 will not have 3G for you in Egypt
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bad news .. but why ?? can you explain to me please
As for flashing the ROM, don't be worried, a lot of the ROMs out there will work on the US HD2. The phone has been a pretty hot seller here, so a lot of people will be working on the US version and more ROMs and mods will be released for sure.
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that is I saw it rell every day I s some thing new here for T-Mobile HD2
waiting yous replies
thank you all
THe question here is, although T Mo us use umts 850 and 2100 for their 3g, one up one down, i also seem to remember when reading up on umts/hsdpa/blahblah that some networks use the same band for up and down. If that were so, is the hd2 capable of holding a two way connection on one band? ie 2100?
(I may be completely mistaken, of course )
samsamuel said:
THe question here is, although T Mo us use umts 850 and 2100 for their 3g, one up one down, i also seem to remember when reading up on umts/hsdpa/blahblah that some networks use the same band for up and down. If that were so, is the hd2 capable of holding a two way connection on one band? ie 2100?
(I may be completely mistaken, of course )
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That's exactly my thinking too. Europe and Asia use 2100 up and down for 3g data, and they use 900 for Edge and voice. The only question with the US HD2 is if the 2100 band supports up and down or only down. Some specs for the US HD2 show 1700/2100 and also 2100 by itself, which makes some of us believe it will handle Euro/Asia 3g. We won't know for sure till someone unlocks a unit and drops a 3g sim in Asia or Europe and reports back.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.
T-Mobile USA, FTW!!!
In my opinion, "de-branded" hardware is always superior, but for once... not in this case.
zeemoo said:
hi every body please help me in this
my cousin live in USA and his network is T-Mobile and he asked them for me if he buy the T-Mobile HD2 will give him the unlock code and their answer was yes .. so he will renew his contract and will get one for $250 >> and of course me who will pay ... this the first option
the second option is I buy the normal HTC HD2 from Amazon for $717
so now which option I should choose
- I am living in Egypt
- my network is Vodafone
- need Arabic on my mobile (read and write )
- need to try the roms
- this is the first time I use the windows mobile
and all of this I will be able to do it with the normal HTC HD2
so what about the T-Mobile HD2 ??
- can I apply on it the Arabic without problems ?
- can I use the Themes , games and the applications of the normal HTC HD2 on it easy ?
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let your cousine buy you nexus one or htc desire wm6.5 is dead
I already bought one!
Hey Everyone
I'm from Egypt. I already bought a t-mobile htc hd2 (TM), after doing a hell of a survey about the differences between it and the international. They r different in size, slight taller in TM and ofcourse branded.
There r red and green keys(end and answer) instead of the white in the international.
Band differences, but i searched for the unlocked TM, ppl confirm 3g working for carrier networks outside the US(philippines, germany, sweden, UAE, brazil)!!! So i guess it will work in Egypt since the band is 2100, i hope it's for both ways up and downloads.
Bigger ROM (1)
16gb microSD included in the box
The TM is alot cheaper even if it's sold already unlocked, i got it worth 470 $ unlocked from ebay but will come to me through a friend.
I will try my vodafone sim and see how it works and will give feedback.
I hope the 3g works as i guessed!!
Just got the phone, and the 3g network is working perfectly like a charm!!!
Thank God!!
Awesome phone!!! I love hTC!!
So that makes Africa included with the others and especially Egypt for the TMOUS working for 3g network outside the US!!
Go ahead HD2 lovers BUY........ and ENJOY!!!

Which Galaxy Tab???

Hey Guys,
I am thinking of buying a Galaxy Tab, but I am unsure of which carrier I want to go with.
I am from the UK, but living in the US. I do go back to the UK occasionally, so want something that works there - this would mean I would either need the T_Mobile or the AT&T versions.
However, I believe that AT&T and T-Mobile use different frequencies for their 3G signal here in the US, with AT&T being the only one that is the same as the UK/EU.
I was wanting to to with the T-Mobile version as I read somewhere that their speeds would be faster, but if 3G is not going to work in the UK, i'll pass on it. T-Mobile also had a subsidised version which is also an incentive.
So, do any of you guys know if the hardware radio has this frequency limitation or is it something to do with the software? I ask this because my AT&T blackberry was able to connect to T-Mobiles 3G network while I was over in the US last time so it is possible to havea radio that can connect to both.... Perhaps they did not do this though for cost savings....
Why don't u buy a Euro tab. There was a post stating he could use the Euro tab with both voice & data with AT&T sim. No hacking was needed
dh010447 said:
However, I believe that AT&T and T-Mobile use different frequencies for their 3G signal here in the US, with AT&T being the only one that is the same as the UK/EU.
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I couldn't guarantee you that a TMo US Tab would work on UK 3G, but what I can say is that my TMo US G1 worked fine.

Help im confused :)

Hey guys so I switched from iPhone to HTC HD2. And i got a little bit confused at one point. How do I use this phone with other carriers other than t-mobile? I have AT&T. After Doing some research I figured that I have two choices one is sim unlock which im not doing cause I gotta pay. And the second choice is radio flash? So Im confused right here. I have US t-mobile HD2, i put 2.08HSPL and have wp7 rom on it. Can I still do radio flash? If so how can I do this? And if ill do it, i will be able to use 3g data? Im sorry if im asking about some obvious things but im tottaly new to HTCs. Thank you.
Welcome to the HD2 world. I don't know specifically about the US models but in Europe, you need to sim unlock to use a locked phone on a different carrier.
Using different radio versions allows you to test and find one that offers the best balance of battery life and signal quality for your location and usage pattern.
With regards to data speed, those would be dependent on your carrier as unlocking gives you access to all the HD2s capabilities.
If I'm wrong in any of these someone will chime in soon. Have you tried using the search and looking the the very details FAQ threads? Have fun!
Sent from my HTC HD2 via XDA app
Currently no free sim unlock. Buy a code online or get from t mobile.
Changing radio has no effect on network lock.
Regarding data speeds, it depends what network you are on. Example a tmous phone on at &t wont get 3g, cos the hardware bands don't match.
Flashing a radio will not allow you to use another carrier. You gotta pay for that privilege.

