Restoring signal after being in my building - Vibrant General

So, basically I work in an old (WWII) building. I get no signal in my office and when I've been there for an hour or so and come back outside to get a signal it won't come back unless I reboot the phone.
Does anybody know of anything I can do beside setting airplane mode every time I walk inside? Turning the radio off and on doesn't work.


Connection issues

Tmobile is very spotty at my school, i go to FAU in Boca Raton Florida.
a lot throughout the day i ll loose sign and then it will come back once i put the phone down for a few seconds but then i will loose connection, the phone will tell me i got EDGE or 3G but will not make calls, send messages or go online??? its weird
if i try to put it on airplane mode it will just have the bars as normal but no G, E or 3G logo next to it
either way if i just try to restart it or put it on airplane mode then restart it, the connection comes back normal.
anyone else experiencing this issue?
I am, and part of it has to do with the phone cupping thing, i feel anyways. I have tried sending text with the phone on the counter (not in hand) when the signal appears stronger and it still wont...
Soft resets help me, but what a PAIN!
ok good, so its not just me!!! well them its probably a software issue... we should let that be known to the BIG G so may be they could hopefully work on it in the future!

Phone drops 3g/1x

My phone has recently been messing up, and it's rather annoying.
I'll unlock my phone, try to use my data connection, and it won't load a page. I look at the top, and there is no 3g icon. Only way to fix it is to put it into airplane mode and back again. Anyone else have this issue?
I have a replacement on it's way because it keeps shorting out with a line in jack, but it wont be here for a while because of the back orders.
I searched the forums, didn't see this topic addressed, sorry if this is already being discussed.
I have the same problem with 3G dropping into 1X with a decent signal. I got the Real Signal app from the Market which will display the EVDO and CDMA signal separately and discovered that the EVDO signal was at least -10 to -25 db weaker than the CDMA signal. I reported this to VZ and they were supposed to send some one out to this location to check the tower signal and get back to me but have heard nothing for about 5 days now. Will check with them again tomorrow. I think that it is an antenna problem or radio front end problem on the 1900 MHZ band. Need to find out something by the middle of next week because my 30 day period will be up then.
It doesn't just lose 3g, it has no data connection at all. Only way to fix it is airplane mode or power off then on.
Mine is liking to drop my signal to 1x. And my call quality sucks.
Mine stopped loading web pages all together. You have to clear the cash is is defaulted to 6mb. That is what Verizon told me to do and the phone works great. I run the world at war page from face book all day. Face book is blocked by my company's software. Every night I clear the cash.

[Q] No Radio / long time to register on network

I have Epic 4g on SPRINT USA. Not rooter, latest original firmware. I recently notice that if I get to no signal zone like subway, radio icon is crossed circle; I guess phone suspend radio and randomly check to preserve battery. Problem is that once I back to area with full signal it may take 5-10 minutes for phone to get radio back. If I attempt to make call it will say phone not registered on network. It will take me switch airplane mode on off to enforce registration on network sooner. As the result if I am located in no signal zone for an hour and have signal for 10 min and back to no signal it will not get my sms, voicemail and email during that time. Is that waiting time adjustable? Any idea?
When I'm heading down into the subway, I put my phone on airplane mode because its pointless to have the radio on when there's no signal and it wastes more battery, then when I get out I wait a few seconds and then turn airplane mode off and it reconnects like nothing.
Just try turning I on when you're going in, and when you're outside again just turn airplane mode off
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
You could use Tasker for something like this easily. Its what its made for.
No Radio / long time to register on network
But I do not want all time to manage my phone when I go to underground area or at no service area. I can use tasker, but should not it be handled by sprint? Also in tasker you expect me to use cell near and check it repeatedly once per 3min? Not much sense, as tasker will not see event when display off, it by default use to check once per 10 min, which is not good in this situation.
Any other solution? I do not expect all people using subway to turn on airline mode

Having a few issues with signal dropping out, ROM or Phone?

At the moment I am running CM10 with Franco Kernel. I often take the phone out of my pocket and usually have 1 of 2 issues, either I have no signal at all, I let the phone sit but still it doesn't pick up the network, I go into search and automatically and that immediately kicks the signal up to full strength again.
The other issue is I have signal but no data, Signal might be full but no data, the only way I can get data to come back on is via a reboot which is a bit of a pain in the behind
Has anyone else had these issue?

Mobile Data will not enable!! (Dynamic Kat)

I need help this is driving me insane!
I've been running Dynamic Kat Rom for about 6 months or so now. Everything was working fine then all of a sudden a week or two ago I noticed my mobile data is not enabling at all.
I can only connect on Wifi and only receive SMS.
I've tried
- Messing will all the data/network settings
- Turning Mobile Data on and off -- no effect
- Toggling Airplane Mode on and off as suggested in some places
- Wiping everything but Data and reflashing latest ROM
- Reseating the SIM card
- several other things I forgot..
I do see the carrier information in the top left (AT&T) and I am getting signal bars.. but not indicator for 4G/LTE/etc
I've been messing with this for a week now and it's driving me insane.. I can't get a connection anywhere unless I'm on Wifi.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not super phone savvy, but willing to try any suggestions anyone may have.
Hmmm.. weird.
So I called AT&T and asked them about it.. figuring it could possibly be a carrier issue.
They told me to try things I had already done 100 times.. turn the phone off and on.. turn wifi off... etc.
I turned Wifi off... (which I had done 50,000 times before) and 4G popped up.
I guess they did something. So.. guess it's resolved.
Problem has returned.. same issue. I will have 4G signal for hours and then all of a sudden it will drop completely and I can't get a data signal no matter what I do.
I see AT&T in the corner and have signal bars, so I AM getting some kind of signal.. but no data connection whatsoever.
It seems completely random and intermittent.. I can have data signal for days with no issues then I will lose it for days.
Restarting the phone 5-20 times sometimes fixes it.. but that's about it. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
Bad signal / carrier issue?
Call them and report a fault in your area?
I have called them multiple times, they will reset the signal.. sometimes it will come back right away, sometimes it wont.
And this happens regardless of where I am. I know for a fact where I am right now has a great signal strength. I get 4-5 bars on average. But this also happens at home as well about 20 miles away, which also has a good signal, or anywhere I go really it can happen. This isn't in the middle of nowhere either, it's smack in the middle of SoCal (LA/OC)
I'm beginning to think it may be a SIM card issue or a hardware issue with the phone. I'm going to try asking them to send me a new SIM card.
Another thing I will notice is when I have a working 4G LTE connection, and I'm on Wifi... it will sometimes CONSTANTLY switch back and forth between wifi and 4G like every 10 seconds, even when I have full signal strength on Wifi and 4G.
Disable Smart Network Switching in WiFi settings
it's nothing but a buggy headache, disabling might fix most of your problems, almost certainly the constant switching back and forth
Yeah forgot to mention I have disabled that. It's disabled now. It solves the constant switching back and forth (when I actually have a data connection), but that's kind of a separate issue as the losing data connection.

