Connection issues - Nexus One General

Tmobile is very spotty at my school, i go to FAU in Boca Raton Florida.
a lot throughout the day i ll loose sign and then it will come back once i put the phone down for a few seconds but then i will loose connection, the phone will tell me i got EDGE or 3G but will not make calls, send messages or go online??? its weird
if i try to put it on airplane mode it will just have the bars as normal but no G, E or 3G logo next to it
either way if i just try to restart it or put it on airplane mode then restart it, the connection comes back normal.
anyone else experiencing this issue?

I am, and part of it has to do with the phone cupping thing, i feel anyways. I have tried sending text with the phone on the counter (not in hand) when the signal appears stronger and it still wont...

Soft resets help me, but what a PAIN!

ok good, so its not just me!!! well them its probably a software issue... we should let that be known to the BIG G so may be they could hopefully work on it in the future!


Big Issue - Can Make Calls But Not Receive

I have had a wizard for about a month now with few issues. After the first couple days I settled on Jaguar 4.0 ROM, and it has been working great except for a few times when it freezes / won't let me unlock the screen to use it.
However, the past few days a big issue has come about. I can make calls easily, but I cannot receive them. People say it goes straight to my voicemail. My phone doesn't ring, doesn't tell me I have missed calls, doesn't tell me I have voicemail.
Last night I found one thing that may be part of the problem. On the top, it shows the network strength - this is always strong. To the left of that, it SHOULD show an 'E' symbol, possibly for the edge network (at&t) ? Anyways, I know the E is there when it works. I can also connect to internet via GPRS when this is there. Lately, that E symbol no longer shows up. Intead, it has a different symbol with an 'x' on it (two arrows in opposite directions with a small x). At first I thought this just meant I wasn't connected to the internet for data usage at that time, but I've learned that I cannot receive calls either. If I try to connect to the internet, it says connecting but never connects.
If I click around in the menus and connection menus, or reset the phone (sometimes), eventually I can get the 'E' to show again and the phone is working like it should (not sure how to actually get it back, but after clicking around in menus I can). However, it doesn't stay. It seems to stay on a few minutes, I think everything is ok, and then I look at my phone 30 minutes later and that symbol is gone, thus I am no longer receiving calls.
It's weird, because I can make calls easily regardless of the symbol there. I'm clearly connected to the network, have a signal, etc. I've checked flight mode, which is always off. I've checked settings and everything looks ok.
Any ideas on what is going on or how to fix this?
Edit: Note - Turning flight mode ON and then OFF seems to get the E back and the connection restored properly. I think the same happens by turning the phone OFF then ON. However, it only stays fixed temporarily (less than 30 minutes) and gives no notice the proper connection is lost. I just find out next time I look at the phone and see it's not working and find out I've missed important phone calls.

Data Issues??

Occasionally I get no data connection & I have to restart the phone, does any body else have that issue?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Haven't had that issue myself.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
try putting it in airplane mode then turn airplane mode off
imblacklife said:
try putting it in airplane mode then turn airplane mode off
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That works I wonder if its an issue, if anyone else has the prob let me know
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I have that issue as well, idk why it happens but I'll add it to the list of problems for when I call to get a replacement.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
That just happened to me today also. It switched from "H" to "E", then when I opened USA Today it FC-ed and the icon turned into a generic Android one like the app was on the SD card and unavailable (even though it's installed to phone) and then 5 more background apps that I didn't even know were running FC-ed (Amazon MP3, Finance, QuickOffice, something and then Facebook three times?) and the phone locked up. I was able to power off then back on, but data never came back even after waiting about 10 minutes until I powered off and on again. Quite odd.
I get the same issue where am connected to wifi and as soon as i walk away from it it doesnt connect back to the data network. I got a replacement phone coming so hopefully i dont have the same issue. Another thing is the random reboot and i get black screen a lot especially after rebooting
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I've had the issue, but each time it appears to be related to JuiceDefender not properly enabling the radio. If I shut JuiceDefender off, the connection comes back, although sometimes its just easier to airplane mode it and be done with it.
I called T-Mo about it, they said call about a week after the inital release date and see if they have a fix by then, there isnt enough information kept since it hasnt been officially released yet.
I'm having the same trouble. Are you guys on the new sim card? I popped in the new sim card and the tech told me to not use it and just save it. I noticed when I put the new sim card a notification of a new voicemail came on. I didn't have any voicemail.
Edit: I'm starting to have some serious data issues. I'll get cut off, but my phone will still show full bars and "H". I try the whole airplane thing and it still does nothing. I constantly get the "check network setting, try again or cancel". My market wont load, browser says "unable to connect." This is getting stupid. When I call T Mobile it always start working and then cuts off shorty after hanging up. I've never had this isssue before. I live in the middle of the city. Only 3G around here. Its getting annoying.
Guys I'm afraid that it might problem with the antenna placement. Holding the phone on the bottom half will drop me from 3 bars of "H" to 4 bars of "G", then it will bounce back up to 4 bars of "E". If left on a desk then it will remain at 3-4 bars of "H". I notice this especially at a place where I have low-mid signal, such as my school (reinforced concrete FTL). When I have a strong 4 bar signal, it usually won't drop all the way down to edge but I do loose a few bars. I hope a simple software issue is enough to reduce this effect. I might be being crazy paranoid but I'm definitely noticing a lower signal than on my G1.
Try holding the phone by the edges, then hold it in a normal grip and see if the signal strenght changes (Menu->settings->status->signal strength)
I just got off the phone with tmo and was told its a known issue with the network affecting about 10% of users. The issue started for me yesterday on my hd2. He also said they have people working on it. I asked if I could get my buyers remorse set back 14 more days to ensure the issue is not permanment but he said that they are no longer doing extentions. I'm sure if I get tranfered to retentions the answer would change. I hope.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
djdant said:
That works I wonder if its an issue, if anyone else has the prob let me know
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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I'm also having the same issue. I just rebooted my phone, so I haven't had the chance of switching airplane mode on/off yet. I'll let you guys know if that works for me, either way, I'm hoping there's a fix from T-Mo.
mejorguille said:
Guys I'm afraid that it might problem with the antenna placement. Holding the phone on the bottom half will drop me from 3 bars of "H" to 4 bars of "G", then it will bounce back up to 4 bars of "E". If left on a desk then it will remain at 3-4 bars of "H". I notice this especially at a place where I have low-mid signal, such as my school (reinforced concrete FTL). When I have a strong 4 bar signal, it usually won't drop all the way down to edge but I do loose a few bars. I hope a simple software issue is enough to reduce this effect. I might be being crazy paranoid but I'm definitely noticing a lower signal than on my G1.
Try holding the phone by the edges, then hold it in a normal grip and see if the signal strenght changes (Menu->settings->status->signal strength)
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youre not paranoid, im noticing this too
ddgarcia05 said:
I'm having the same trouble. Are you guys on the new sim card? I popped in the new sim card and the tech told me to not use it and just save it. I noticed when I put the new sim card a notification of a new voicemail came on. I didn't have any voicemail.
Edit: I'm starting to have some serious data issues. I'll get cut off, but my phone will still show full bars and "H". I try the whole airplane thing and it still does nothing. I constantly get the "check network setting, try again or cancel". My market wont load, browser says "unable to connect." This is getting stupid. When I call T Mobile it always start working and then cuts off shorty after hanging up. I've never had this isssue before. I live in the middle of the city. Only 3G around here. Its getting annoying.
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Wow that's funny, my MYTOUCH does the same thing with airplane mode off/on. I also remember that the store demo g2 I played with last night had the voicemail icon in the notification bar, but when you pull the bar down, there's no option to connect and retrieve the voicemail. I found that even weirder since the phone comes preloaded with google voice.
Also experiencing the same issue here in Phoenix. Been having it since I got the phone on Monday.
I have been in an ongoing round of tech calls and will be having a follow-up with the tech who I spoke with last night... I've tried everything from APN resetting to swapping the SIM card to a total factory wipe -- nothing is changing this for me.
I *know* my neighborhood has full 3G access, but I am maxed out at 1 Mbps. (Before the factory wipe I was getting 0.35 Mbps.) If this doesn't change I may just return the phone and switch to Sprint to get the Epic 4G. I mean, I'm not getting HSPA+ coverage either way, and at least with the Samsung Galaxy S Pro I'd have a full 5-row qwerty...
Wow, this is really too bad. I was SO excited about this phone...
ddgarcia05 said:
I just got off the phone with tmo and was told its a known issue with the network affecting about 10% of users. The issue started for me yesterday on my hd2. He also said they have people working on it. I asked if I could get my buyers remorse set back 14 more days to ensure the issue is not permanment but he said that they are no longer doing extentions. I'm sure if I get tranfered to retentions the answer would change. I hope.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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called as well tech told me to turn off phone and she would refresh my signal and when it was turned back on i had all 4 bars and data returned and and its been on ever since without any drops in data....hope it stays that way .
ps...both G2`s had that problem and both cleared up as of now
kgood63 said:
called as well tech told me to turn off phone and she would refresh my signal and when it was turned back on i had all 4 bars and data returned and and its been on ever since without any drops in data....hope it stays that way .
ps...both G2`s had that problem and both cleared up as of now
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If this happens, try going to settings->wireless->mobile network->network operators and see if you get an "Error while searching for networks" error as I did.
Reset fixed for me too. But it makes me worry.
I'm on a brand new sim card (switched to TM from ATT). I'm having some data issues too. I talked to TM tech support and they reset my connection but that did nothing. Now they're going to their android techs to see whats up.

No internet on edge PERIOD!!!!

I hate to ask this........if its in another forum or not but do you guys have the same problem running your internet when you are on edge. What sucks is my house switches from H to E and when on E there is no action. If there are others let me know cause I this is my second phone already due to black screen.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I get internet access on edge... it's slow but it works.
I'm having the same issue with the edge... I'm in Salt Lake City, where are you?
CyberWolf.K9 said:
I'm having the same issue with the edge... I'm in Salt Lake City, where are you?
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Im near Los Angeles about 20 mins out
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Same here, in southern Arizona. This is also my second phone. First one bricked mysteriously I can't access the app store or do ANYTHING data-related in EDGE mode. 3G works very well, but I get nothing whenever I'm in EDGE. At least I have wifi at home.
I've called customer support and their recommendation was to do a factory reset. I tried that, no improvement. I get slightly more stable connections after changing my radio to GSM (auto PRL) in the phone information menu, but it's still awful.
I'm thinking of calling back again in a week or so and bugging them to give me a third phone. Maybe the second batch with tighter hinges will be out by then...
I am on my third G2 and all of them have had much the same issues. All have had loose hinges. The last one I received started out by rebooting on its own as I charged it. With my Nexus One and my Vibrant I always get 1-3 bars of 3g with the G2s I get virtually no H consistently or 3g and 2-3 bars of E or a lot of G. This last one will go from suddenly having 4 bars of H to 1 bar of G it just does not stay on H and I get numerous No signals. Getting on the market at times is frustrating and downloading is a real adventure. I like the phone but am becoming disenchanted as it seems with this last G2 I am uncovering different problems every day. I have had black screen freezes random reboots etc. Also while in a conversation on the phone it put the call on hold without my doing anything. Perhaps the sensor malfunctioned and my ear hit the hold or mute button but this should not happen. I have also dropped calls and have had calls come in with no notification except for notice of voice mail after the fact. I am about ready to throw in the towel and send it back for a refund. If anyone has any ideas or fixes for any of the issues I have mentioned I would greatly appreciate hearing them
Just had a screen freeze and when it booted backup by itself it just went into a loop of home screen to black screen and home screen to black screen. Had to power off and pull battery and reboot and it now seems okay. That probably does it for me. I am tired of the constant problems and after 3 devices all with similar or same issues and more being uncovered every day,I am coming to believe that another replacement will not be the answer.
Yes this happens to me pretty often. I live in a building in Brooklyn NY, and when I am moving around in the building, my data connection goes out and I get 5 bars of signal but no data, no G, E, 3G or H+.
Also if I'm in an area where data connection or the signal is spotty, it will go from H to E and then back to E, and then give me a error about not being able to get any data connection.

Mobile Data will not enable!! (Dynamic Kat)

I need help this is driving me insane!
I've been running Dynamic Kat Rom for about 6 months or so now. Everything was working fine then all of a sudden a week or two ago I noticed my mobile data is not enabling at all.
I can only connect on Wifi and only receive SMS.
I've tried
- Messing will all the data/network settings
- Turning Mobile Data on and off -- no effect
- Toggling Airplane Mode on and off as suggested in some places
- Wiping everything but Data and reflashing latest ROM
- Reseating the SIM card
- several other things I forgot..
I do see the carrier information in the top left (AT&T) and I am getting signal bars.. but not indicator for 4G/LTE/etc
I've been messing with this for a week now and it's driving me insane.. I can't get a connection anywhere unless I'm on Wifi.
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not super phone savvy, but willing to try any suggestions anyone may have.
Hmmm.. weird.
So I called AT&T and asked them about it.. figuring it could possibly be a carrier issue.
They told me to try things I had already done 100 times.. turn the phone off and on.. turn wifi off... etc.
I turned Wifi off... (which I had done 50,000 times before) and 4G popped up.
I guess they did something. So.. guess it's resolved.
Problem has returned.. same issue. I will have 4G signal for hours and then all of a sudden it will drop completely and I can't get a data signal no matter what I do.
I see AT&T in the corner and have signal bars, so I AM getting some kind of signal.. but no data connection whatsoever.
It seems completely random and intermittent.. I can have data signal for days with no issues then I will lose it for days.
Restarting the phone 5-20 times sometimes fixes it.. but that's about it. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
Bad signal / carrier issue?
Call them and report a fault in your area?
I have called them multiple times, they will reset the signal.. sometimes it will come back right away, sometimes it wont.
And this happens regardless of where I am. I know for a fact where I am right now has a great signal strength. I get 4-5 bars on average. But this also happens at home as well about 20 miles away, which also has a good signal, or anywhere I go really it can happen. This isn't in the middle of nowhere either, it's smack in the middle of SoCal (LA/OC)
I'm beginning to think it may be a SIM card issue or a hardware issue with the phone. I'm going to try asking them to send me a new SIM card.
Another thing I will notice is when I have a working 4G LTE connection, and I'm on Wifi... it will sometimes CONSTANTLY switch back and forth between wifi and 4G like every 10 seconds, even when I have full signal strength on Wifi and 4G.
Disable Smart Network Switching in WiFi settings
it's nothing but a buggy headache, disabling might fix most of your problems, almost certainly the constant switching back and forth
Yeah forgot to mention I have disabled that. It's disabled now. It solves the constant switching back and forth (when I actually have a data connection), but that's kind of a separate issue as the losing data connection.

LTE problem after factory reset

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my S10+. One day, my cellphone didn't work suddenly, at that time I was in the basement of a building.
I have a habit of using my cellphone as a road guide through the map, pasting it on the dashboard of my car, where the tool to attach it is right on the car's AC cavity.Maybe because it's too cold, it suddenly doesn't work, and indeed my cell phone feels very cold and immediately OFF.
I tried to revive, but immediately OFF again, even though it has finished booting. Until I have to go into Recovery Mode and I turn it back on. After a few times such conditions, finally my cell phone can turn on, but the LTE signal does not appear, and sometimes appears but the connection is still very slow.
I try to bring it to the Samsung service center, but only do a Factory Reset. But that problem still occurs until now, and finally I just use Wifi only for its connectivity, But if 2G can still be done.
Do you think anyone can help me with this problem? So that my 4G can be back to normal? I've tried using another SIM card to this phone, it's still like that.
Hopely anyone can help me up
Anyone can help
youfrejer said:
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my S10+. One day, my cellphone didn't work suddenly, at that time I was in the basement of a building.
I have a habit of using my cellphone as a road guide through the map, pasting it on the dashboard of my car, where the tool to attach it is right on the car's AC cavity.Maybe because it's too cold, it suddenly doesn't work, and indeed my cell phone feels very cold and immediately OFF.
I tried to revive, but immediately OFF again, even though it has finished booting. Until I have to go into Recovery Mode and I turn it back on. After a few times such conditions, finally my cell phone can turn on, but the LTE signal does not appear, and sometimes appears but the connection is still very slow.
I try to bring it to the Samsung service center, but only do a Factory Reset. But that problem still occurs until now, and finally I just use Wifi only for its connectivity, But if 2G can still be done.
Do you think anyone can help me with this problem? So that my 4G can be back to normal? I've tried using another SIM card to this phone, it's still like that.
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Do you have well configured apn?
D!3G0 #1 said:
Do you have well configured apn?
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I have go to service center, but after that ? No impact... My 4G signal still in trouble.

