[Q] Best OS for phone with no data plan. - Nexus One General

what is the best os load for a phone with no data plan. when I had a data plan the N1 would last all day. now that I dont it only lasts half day with all the wireless and sync turned off. I think its trying all day to connect but failing. any ideas?

Disable mobile data in the network settings.


WIFI with out gprs?

I was on the phone with cingular today because I want to upgrade to the cingular 8125. From everything I have read on these forums and some others, it is possible to use the wifi without using gprs in any way. The lady on the phone told me that even if I am using wifi through a free access point, I will still be charged for data usage, or would need a data plan. One of the key reasons I want this phone is for the wifi (my college campus is entirely wireless).
I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to connect to wifi without any charges or a data plan, just as say a laptop with wifi would be able to do.
Thanks in advance
WiFi has nothing to do with your cellular plan. They are either talking rubbish, or you misunderstood?!
(Take your sim out. You will still be able to use wifi - how are they gonna charge you?)
That is what I thought. She either was confused, or just really wanted to sell me a data plan as well.
I do not have GPRS and I do not get charged for data using WiFi. You do need to watch out for auto log on by the phone when you have WiFi off. I would suggest you have cingular block all wireless internet access for your phone. I had them do this for all of the phones on my plan, including my 8125. I told them I had kids and did not want a huge bill. They did it with no problem. I know that this has prevented data charges since all of us have indavertently had our phones look for for the internet when we did not want it to. I use my 8125 via WiFi on vaious networks all the time.
Hope this helps.
i hate people who sell cell phones, they lie so much
Thanks for your help guys. I just ordered it from cingular. I can't wait until it comes.
Billabond1 said:
I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to connect to wifi without any charges or a data plan, just as say a laptop with wifi would be able to do.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Correct, you do not have to have a data plan and you will not be charged for WiFi usage... BUT... you have to be careful as the 8125 will switch to GPRS if it loses the WiFi signal by default. Here's a cab that allows you to turn off all data access of various flavors so you can leave WiFi on, but the others off, then you don't have to worry about it switching on you.
. . . or you can just remove the APN from your connection settings. Without an APN your unit cannot establish PDP on the GPRS network, and hence no connection . . .
Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Edit your connection
Tap Next to the Access Point Screen.
Remove your APN (and note it for future reference) and replace it with XXX (or whatever).
Tap Next and then Finish.
Repeat for any further connections.
Not a viable solution if you need to use GPRS, but if you are never going to use it then it's not a problem.
To recap:
An incorrect Access Point Name will result in no connection, and hence, no charges.
Thanks again. I talked to my dad today, and it turns out that he has medianet disabled through cingular, so it is all good. But thanks a lot for the help.

Data connection = retarded after installing newest TouchIT

Title says it all. My data connection takes aprox. 2 minutes to connect and then it disconnects immediately after being used. When I was using the previous version of TouchIT the data connection would connect and then work all the time (if it was disconnecting in the background then it was connecting quick enough for me to not notice).
Bottom line, I want my quick connecting/always connected data connection.
I have unlimited data so Im not worried about data fees.
How much of an effect would it have on battery life to keep it on all the time?

Data connnection automatically starts

I have O2 unlimited web bolton on my account but for some reason O2 swapped it back to unlimited text bolton. I mange to change it back to unlimited web bolton.
I observed on my bill that everyday there is usage of around 30 to 50 kb of data on my account.
I have connected my HD with WIFI and Data communication is off. But of some reason, Data communication automatically gets on and hence I think it try to do something and everyday their is data usage.
Can anyone tell me how to stop Data communciation started automatically.
You can turn it off using the advanced configuration tool. Just do a search and download it.
I have advance configuration tool. Can you point me to a particular setting
It should be under Data connections.
Thanks, I found it. It is under Menu --->More Settings ---> Connections

Does HD have Wifi/3G/GPRS Auto Switch?

Hi guys,
I recently subscribed to a 12G data plan. In the past, I've used nodata to disable data connection and used wifi when possible. Since I have a data plan, I enabled data connection and now both wifi & 3G/GPRS are activated.
My question is this, does HD when connected to wifi, use it exclusively until the connection is lost and then 3G takes over? And when wifi is re-connected, it automatically uses wifi and not 3G? The reason I am asking is because I see both the 'wifi' and 'h'/'g' status at the same time. And when clicking on it, the data connection shows that it has been in use for hours!
My concern is going over the data limit and battery life.
Thanks so much in advance!
No, it's not designed to establish only one connection at the same time. You can have WiFi and 3G connected at the same time.
thanks vcespon... i wish there is 'smart-connections' program...

htc hd2- permanently disconnect from internet

i have my htc hd2 on pay as you go. but i also get unlimited internet as part of a monthly bolt on. the only problem is when i am roaming or it is the end of the month my phone keeps connecting, and i lose a tenner in like half an hour.
does anyone know a way to permanently keep the internet off???
thanks, harry.
google "dialup enabler/disabler"
or install bsb tweaks and disable data connection

