i have my htc hd2 on pay as you go. but i also get unlimited internet as part of a monthly bolt on. the only problem is when i am roaming or it is the end of the month my phone keeps connecting, and i lose a tenner in like half an hour.
does anyone know a way to permanently keep the internet off???
thanks, harry.
google "dialup enabler/disabler"
or install bsb tweaks and disable data connection
Isn't it possible to set up the phone to ONLY do the automatic send/receive of mail at an interval when there is a WiFi connection available?
I want to keep the option of being able to use GPRS for sending/receiving, but only when I manually choose to do so. I don't want to automatically pay for GPRS data tranfers every x minutes!
I have TyTN WM6.
Allan Jensen
Might be. If you use MoDaCo's NoData you can shut off the grps data.
Set the wifi on.
Every time you put the phone out of standby it should check it. I have a feeling if it was a scheduled update that wouldn't work to well.
Unfortunately the wm software is designed to use the grps as the primary data, as wifi shuts off when in standby... could get tricky...
Perhaps this can get you started in the right direction.
BTW, what carrier are you on? Do you have an unlimited data package?
a little trick a Tech Support guy at Rogers taught me is to delete the password and uncheck the SAVE PASSWORD in the gprs settings....
this way I know when its trying to connect to the internet or not,
Up here in Canada Rogers realllllly takes you over the barell for data rates.
I currently have a plan that gives me a WHOPPING 5 megs a month
this privilege costs me $20 a month... and oh yea if I go over 5meg a month its $0.05 a KB. Thanks Rogers!
Try this
You can set the connection to be wi-fi only.
You can set time when to automatically send and receive mails.
I am using this with my touch, tytn (WM6) and Universal (WM6).
If i'm using Wi-Fi on my HTC Mogul 6800 does it cost to use the internet? I do not have a internet package so it does cost surf the web on my phone, someone said something about Wi-Fi and its free or something but clear cut answer bc I wasin't getting one..
Q: Wi-Fi on my HTC Mogul 6800 does it cost to use the internet?
A: ?
No it does not cost money to use your home internet connection on you mogul.
Just always make sure the cellphone with the arrows on it in the Comm Manager is turned off, because that will cost you money.
is there a way to disable this? My current contract doesn't give me unlimited internet usage and thus every time i misclick I connect to the ionternet unknowingly. Is there a way to permanently disable the 3g connection on the phone? or at least set up a nag screen so that I can cancel the connection quickly?
Try this:
that works, cheers.
Hi guys,
with my touch HD, im on pay as you go on Orange, so the data connection fees are quite high. I prefer to use wifi but sometimes i accidentally update weather/email or run opera and then it costs me. is there any way i can fully disable this? on solution would be to disable the cellular radio but that's hardly practical.
thanks for any help.
Use the Modaco NoData app. It lets you toggle your data - if you toggle it off, then apps can't auto-connect (you'll get an error if you haven't got an active Wi-Fi connection to the Internet)
testing it now
wow, thanks for that. it workds really well and i reccommend it to anyone with the same problem. the only downside is that u have to sign up to the website to get it.
what is the best os load for a phone with no data plan. when I had a data plan the N1 would last all day. now that I dont it only lasts half day with all the wireless and sync turned off. I think its trying all day to connect but failing. any ideas?
Disable mobile data in the network settings.