If i'm using Wi-Fi on my HTC Mogul 6800 does it cost to use the internet? I do not have a internet package so it does cost surf the web on my phone, someone said something about Wi-Fi and its free or something but clear cut answer bc I wasin't getting one..
Q: Wi-Fi on my HTC Mogul 6800 does it cost to use the internet?
A: ?
No it does not cost money to use your home internet connection on you mogul.
Just always make sure the cellphone with the arrows on it in the Comm Manager is turned off, because that will cost you money.
is there any way on my mda i can use the wifi to browse the web while i talk on the phone via bluetooth or even wired? i heard theres a reg tweak but i cant locate it after many searches. please give me sum knowledge!
Not possible at the same time with GPRS/EDGE because your phone is class B. No class A phones are sold retail yet.
Yoıu have to suspend the call and browse the web or vice versa..
That's funny I can surf (either using WiFi or GPRS) and speak at the same time!
It was one of the main reasons I chose the qteck 9000.
OK! I edit..
You can not use GPRS/EDGE at the same time with phone call. One must be suspended. You CAN use wired or Wifi while talking on the phone.
if you use UMTS connection and your provider is supporting it, you CAN surf while talking on the phone.
I confirm, Orange France does allow simultaneous 3G web + voice access I did the tests:
Was on a call switched to email picked up new mail, switched to PIE surfed some news sites as I kept on chating on the phone!
I thought the same was true with GPRS but I never did the above test over a GPRS connection...
It also works for T-Mobile in the UK, I use my MDA PRO as a 3G modem plugged into my PC via USB all day long, and can have phonecalls at exactly the same time as using the internet.
Neither one has to be "suspended", they both work at the same time (although internet use is a bit slower when you're on a call, because they both use the same bandwidth).
I haven't tested it with GPRS, that might well be different as 3G has a lot more bandwidth available than GPRS/CSD...
A few questions for sl9:
1. do you use the included Wmodem program to do this or did you configure something on your PC manually?
2. could you do the same with a BT connection from the WM5 machine to your PC (instead of using the USB cable)?
3. would using BT lower the available surfing speed on the PC?
4. what sort of data plan do you have to be able to "be connected all day"?
edeplano said:
A few questions for sl9:
1. do you use the included Wmodem program to do this or did you configure something on your PC manually?
2. could you do the same with a BT connection from the WM5 machine to your PC (instead of using the USB cable)?
3. would using BT lower the available surfing speed on the PC?
4. what sort of data plan do you have to be able to "be connected all day"?
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1. Yes, I am using WModem with the USB cable so the MDA PRO acts like a 3G broadband modem to my PC.
2. There should be no reason why you can't do the same with Bluetooth. But bear in mind Bluetooth is SLOWER than 3G (it's about as fast as GPRS), so if you want to use the full speed of 3G, you need to use the USB connection. IR (Infra-Red) is much faster than Bluetooth and faster than 3G, but slower than USB.
3. Yes - see no. 2 above for the reason why.
4. I am on T-Mobile UK's Web & Walk Professional, "unlimited" 3G and GPRS data use (they say 2GB max usage per month, but I never get near that). So I stay connected to my home PC from my office PC all day long with remote desktop :mrgreen: Surprsingly, this doesn't use too much bandwidth - this month I used about 600MB which is far below the 2GB they allow.
T-Mobile in the UK have the best data tarriff by FAR, I have this bolted onto a superb base voice tarriff too which is Flext 20 - a brilliant companion to WnW PRO in fact probably the best combo tarriff there is on any network, in any country :mrgreen:
Note: You can also use activesync at the same time as 3G WModem and making a voice call(!).
I have tested connecting to my PC with Activesync over bluetooth, connecting my PC to the internet using WModem over 3G with USB, and then making a voice call on my phone. It all worked! I could surf the net whilst talking on the phone and ActiveSync was busy synchronizing my calendar and e-mails at the same time. This is truly an amazing device, I love my MDA PRO :mrgreen:
Thanks for the quick reply!
OK guys.. the first post was about MDA, you are talking about 3G and MDA :?
I only mention about GPRS/EDGE not 3G/wired or smth. else..
I think we are not on the same thing. Forgive me if I am wrong..
do i have to change any settins to get wifi/phone call to work? because i cant seem to get it to go yet
For wi-fi + phone I o not think there is any settings that need changing.
Are you sure you have enough battery? If the level is low it could be possible there is not enough power to handle both radios...
Also are you sure both wi-fi and telephone work correctly if used by themselves?
Finally do you have an MDA IV (ie HTC Universal) because otherwise your in the wrong forum from the start!
i`m sure the wifi and the phone work themselves. and i have a tmobile mda tthe us version... i`lll try again and let u guys know what happens
I was on the phone with cingular today because I want to upgrade to the cingular 8125. From everything I have read on these forums and some others, it is possible to use the wifi without using gprs in any way. The lady on the phone told me that even if I am using wifi through a free access point, I will still be charged for data usage, or would need a data plan. One of the key reasons I want this phone is for the wifi (my college campus is entirely wireless).
I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to connect to wifi without any charges or a data plan, just as say a laptop with wifi would be able to do.
Thanks in advance
WiFi has nothing to do with your cellular plan. They are either talking rubbish, or you misunderstood?!
(Take your sim out. You will still be able to use wifi - how are they gonna charge you?)
That is what I thought. She either was confused, or just really wanted to sell me a data plan as well.
I do not have GPRS and I do not get charged for data using WiFi. You do need to watch out for auto log on by the phone when you have WiFi off. I would suggest you have cingular block all wireless internet access for your phone. I had them do this for all of the phones on my plan, including my 8125. I told them I had kids and did not want a huge bill. They did it with no problem. I know that this has prevented data charges since all of us have indavertently had our phones look for for the internet when we did not want it to. I use my 8125 via WiFi on vaious networks all the time.
Hope this helps.
i hate people who sell cell phones, they lie so much
Thanks for your help guys. I just ordered it from cingular. I can't wait until it comes.
Billabond1 said:
I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to connect to wifi without any charges or a data plan, just as say a laptop with wifi would be able to do.
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Correct, you do not have to have a data plan and you will not be charged for WiFi usage... BUT... you have to be careful as the 8125 will switch to GPRS if it loses the WiFi signal by default. Here's a cab that allows you to turn off all data access of various flavors so you can leave WiFi on, but the others off, then you don't have to worry about it switching on you.
. . . or you can just remove the APN from your connection settings. Without an APN your unit cannot establish PDP on the GPRS network, and hence no connection . . .
Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Edit your connection
Tap Next to the Access Point Screen.
Remove your APN (and note it for future reference) and replace it with XXX (or whatever).
Tap Next and then Finish.
Repeat for any further connections.
Not a viable solution if you need to use GPRS, but if you are never going to use it then it's not a problem.
To recap:
An incorrect Access Point Name will result in no connection, and hence, no charges.
Thanks again. I talked to my dad today, and it turns out that he has medianet disabled through cingular, so it is all good. But thanks a lot for the help.
Hi, my father and his friend trashed the connection settings to his Ameo during a nation wide GPRS outage this morning, I'd like to eMail him the Network Wizard Cab if it's around. Not quite ready to upgrade his phone, I might put PK3 on for Christmas but for now the Wizard will help his finger fiddleing...
I,ve got a question abaut this wizzard. When i dont have wifi connection, mi pda takes directrly to connect via 3g (that will cost me a lot of money). I cant find where to configure (or disconfigure) to only use the wifi
Great thanks
I searched and obviously used the wrong keyword but this is great...
sedardna said:
I,ve got a question abaut this wizzard. When i dont have wifi connection, mi pda takes directrly to connect via 3g (that will cost me a lot of money). I cant find where to configure (or disconfigure) to only use the wifi
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before I had web n walk. I just used to delete the t mobile settings from the connection settings. that way it can't automatically connect.
modaco nodata works fine. It's just i'll want
I don't have a data plan with sprint for my mogul. Sometimes when the phone is in my pocket i'll accidentally push the internet explorer and it'll connect to sprint and charge me for it. Is there anyway to completely stop my phone from ever connecting to the internet through sprint unless by wifi? Thanks
Your Problem Solution
Well I'm not an expert but I think if you go to Settings Buttons the Button # 2 you can disable it in where it say Assign a Program select none it will disable The internet explorer button on your phone...
I hope that solve your problem at list that is what I did to my phone to prevent it to connect to the internet.
You've got two solutions to your problem.
1. Ring up Sprint and ask them to disable automatic GPRS connection on your line. You must complain bitterly, saying that it's costing you a lot of money and that you don't want that service.
I did the same with my service providers and they obliged, so, right now, I can only access the Internet using WiFi. It's expensive enough as it is - I don't want to line up the pockets of the fat cats at the network operators.
2. You can use a program floating around in this Forum, called 'NoGPRS'. Search for it and you'll find it.
Once installed, it would always ask you as to which type of connectivity you wish to use whenever you want to access the Internet - WiFi or GPRS?
Hope this helps.
i have my htc hd2 on pay as you go. but i also get unlimited internet as part of a monthly bolt on. the only problem is when i am roaming or it is the end of the month my phone keeps connecting, and i lose a tenner in like half an hour.
does anyone know a way to permanently keep the internet off???
thanks, harry.
google "dialup enabler/disabler"
or install bsb tweaks and disable data connection