I don't have a data plan with sprint for my mogul. Sometimes when the phone is in my pocket i'll accidentally push the internet explorer and it'll connect to sprint and charge me for it. Is there anyway to completely stop my phone from ever connecting to the internet through sprint unless by wifi? Thanks
Your Problem Solution
Well I'm not an expert but I think if you go to Settings Buttons the Button # 2 you can disable it in where it say Assign a Program select none it will disable The internet explorer button on your phone...
I hope that solve your problem at list that is what I did to my phone to prevent it to connect to the internet.
You've got two solutions to your problem.
1. Ring up Sprint and ask them to disable automatic GPRS connection on your line. You must complain bitterly, saying that it's costing you a lot of money and that you don't want that service.
I did the same with my service providers and they obliged, so, right now, I can only access the Internet using WiFi. It's expensive enough as it is - I don't want to line up the pockets of the fat cats at the network operators.
2. You can use a program floating around in this Forum, called 'NoGPRS'. Search for it and you'll find it.
Once installed, it would always ask you as to which type of connectivity you wish to use whenever you want to access the Internet - WiFi or GPRS?
Hope this helps.
Very confused about this. When I go into connections it lists work connections and when I click on manage work connections there is one I added: VirginNet which uses CSD. No other exists.
Whenever I access a web page it keeps trying to connect to O2 Internet using GPRS.
Any ideas how I get it to stop? Do I have to hit the registry?
R u sure there's only 'my work network' & no entry like 'my isp'.
if not create one for the csd type you want & check the advanced tab as well. 'my isp' is for internet. 'my work' for lan.
regards, M
Here goes..
If you open connections, go to the second tab, and click the "select networks" button. This is where you tell the operating system what network connection to ue for which application. You'll be specifically interested in the internet portion, which is the first section.
I had no My ISP section but it obviously still had the details somewhere. I've had to hard reset and start again.
Thanks for the replies though.
I guess, even with a CSD rather than GPRS, if something on my pocketPC tries to connect it will still cost me.
I seem to remember in Pocket PC 2000 that it couldn't do this on its own, it always needed permission.
borgs said:
I had no My ISP section but it obviously still had the details somewhere. I've had to hard reset and start again.
Thanks for the replies though.
I guess, even with a CSD rather than GPRS, if something on my pocketPC tries to connect it will still cost me.
I seem to remember in Pocket PC 2000 that it couldn't do this on its own, it always needed permission.
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Well, you are going to pay for the phone minutes if you use dial up, or you pay for GPRS useage. Actually, I didn't even realize the Magician had a dial up modem...
In any case, you can establish a connection by going to Connections and adding a connection. Select "Cellular Line" (which is the default, and go from there). I haven't done it with the Magician, but I have used dial up with WM2003.
:lol: :lol:
Man,as far as I learnt from my master courses, the GSM is a method for calling.For data transferring,it's GPRS........So if you wanna IE transfer data for ya,GPRS is needed.
That's not entirely true, you can configure a csd connection like with a regular modem.Which dials a number & have the data over the phone call.
Works OK PIE won't see the diff.
Cheers, M
I'm using CSD rather than GPRS because I can use my voice allowance of 200 minutes per month for data access. I've just checked my bill and, going via VirginNet dialup, it is using my allowance rather than being charged. It's slow but I can access the internet on the small number of occasions that I need to.
The question is; if something requires internet access on my pocket PC will it just go ahead and dial up now? Those 200 minutes won't last long if it fails to disconnect.
I would prefer it if the device would actually ask before it went ahead to get internet access.
Yes it will dial up & show shortly a message with the cancel/hide buttons. I'm on flatfee gprs from TMO & don't bother, so I can use journal bar, timesync, true imap mail (vgs mail), have automatic virus scan updates etc. etc. I guess your 200min. will be gone soon. In the Netherlands the internet dial-up numbers are seperate and expensive, so keep an eye on it.
Cheers, M
It all depends on the application you use.
IE won't connect on its own without you telling it to go to a web page. Messaging won't connect without you telling it to connect occasionally either.
Well-developed programs like Worldmate and PocketWeather won't either. You have to specifically allow them to connect, but it's program-dependent. If you install some rogue program that doesn't ask you, then yes, you will have problems.
Just remember that if you dial up using CSD, you will be connecting at around cellular speed 14.4Kbps (unless you connect to a HS connection, which I'm not sure the JARJAR even supports).
Thanks for all the info.
In the end I've created 2 CSD profiles, one with user id info etc. and one without. When I don't intend to use the internet I set it to the one without. If anything attempts to get internet access it gets stuck at the network log on dialog and doesn't actually dial out - unless I accidentally hit the ok button on the handset. Best I can do I think.
When I want internet access I switch to the proper profile and it dials out normally.
Don't see why Microsoft couldn't provide a "Don't dial out" profile but there you go.
I had a question pertaining to GSM/GPRS. Will the Magician/Jam, etc be able to upgrade to EDGE service once it is available in the U.S. at a decent rate? Will companies force us to upgrade our devices? How long will GPRS be available to consumers?
its been posted before, but i wanted to clarify, so dont yell at me... (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=325973)
I dont suscribe to data, but want to use wi fi. so if i use that no data thing, is it possible?
at times i would just airplane mode at times and just use wifi, even for calls. So yeah you can do that...
so wifi on the verizon mogul is free and nothing will be charged to me for using it. (I dont have the data plan)
encephalon9986 said:
so wifi on the verizon mogul is free and nothing will be charged to me for using it. (I dont have the data plan)
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If you don't have a data block, you run the risk of of connecting to EvDo and getting charged 'pay as you go'.
But then there was a change to the data plan about a month ago and I hear it is now nearly impossible to NOT have a real data plan.
Originally Posted by worwig
If you don't have a data block, you run the risk of of connecting to EvDo and getting charged 'pay as you go'.
But then there was a change to the data plan about a month ago and I hear it is now nearly impossible to NOT have a real data plan.
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yeah thats what ive heard. It seems like if you want a ppc or smartphone that your have to get the data package to even get the phone. thanks for the quick response.
This is something I banged out for a couple of Sprint users, but it covers the basics of what you have to do for other carriers as well:
I just switched from Qwest to Verizon and got upgraded to the 6800 from the 6700. To get around the data plan you can use the pay as you go just change the dial up number to anything but #777 and you never connect to the network and don't get charged.
I dont have a data plan either. I use the wifi all the time. the main reason I got this phone was for the wifi capability. I am curious how to use it uner flight mode because it never lets me..
Completely disable 3g data connections forever, and still use wifi
This is my first contribution to xda-forums! I'm glad I can help at all when I've benefitted so much... Thanks to all!
NOTE: After the following steps, Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably will want to use Nodata, and NOT the following solution. You just might have to open Nodata and disable the data connection every time you soft-reset.
I was finally able to completely 100% block the 3g data connection on my Verizon XV6800 (aka Mogul aka Titan) was the following three steps:
1. The key culprit is HTC_CM_Guardian.exe in the windows directory. I couldn't edit it or delete it via Total Commander file explorer, but I was able to rename it! This makes the OS unable to find the program when it tries to re-set the Data connection settings.
2. Under Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > "Select which networks are automatically used," hit "Select Networks."
3. Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" hit "New...".
4. Enter any name you want (mine's "nodata!") and leave all the other settings blank.
5. To be safe, you may have to delete the Verizon Or "Internet" Connection on the Tasks Tab of Settings > Connections > Connections. Save and exit.
Voila! Wifi, yes; 3g, no! No more nasty billing surprises.
Modaco's Nodata program is awesome, but the problem was that HTC_CM_Guardian.exe re-enabled the data connection every time I reset the phone. Plus, HTC_CM_Guardian.exe would also thwart any effort to block data via the "Connection Settings." By renaming HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and creating a "nodata!" connection that programs auto-connecting to the internet would try to use (and fail), we get three results:
1. Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably won't to use this solution.
2. When you reboot, the OS is unable to mess-up your "Connection Settings", so
3. Unless you have an active wifi connection, programs will try to connect to the Internet using the "nodata!" settings, which, being empty, will fail, exactly as planned.
Hope it helps.
simple solution
It's a lot easier to check the "use dialing rules" box. I had a HTC Touch that I used this on and when I lost that, went to a Mogul. I love the wifi on it! I worked as a ATS rep for Sprint for 5 years and half the time when a windows phone would not connect to vision, it was the checked dialing rules box or a wrong number like the customer's own number instead of the dialing string. I tried just deleting the dialing string but even a soft reset caused the phone to recreate the #777 as well as the phone as modem #777. I hated the phone connecting on it's own, bumping the wrong button in my pocket, and I know this will work every time. EVDO data transfer charges without a plan will cap at $75 now but still why take the chance? If you absolutely have to get on the web and there's no wifi around, break down, call *2 and add a $15 vision plan, do what you need to like find a location with Live search then cancel it the next day. The plan will be prorated from when you added it to when it was cancelled. The only hitch is you have to allow your device to IOTA successfully while in a Sprint service area once to get the data settings in the phone which entails the data transfer again. Ahhh, I'm liking the wifi more and more......
HTC 6800 wm 6.1
HTC 6900 wm 6.1
Philips VELO win ce 1.0
i just got my phone not a week ago(the Sprint HTC Touch) and just realized that my company does not allow phones with internet access, i was wondering if there was a way i could disable the internet on the phone, so that i dont accidentally fat finger it and open something up... thanks in advance
How about turning off "Data Connection" from the Comm Manager?
i havent tried it, but have you tried deleting the modem settings?
you know, the ones that dial out #777. or maybe you can just get it to dial elsewhere
as far as i know there is no way to do that without deleting the #777 connection in setting/connections/manage current connection.
But then you will not be able to send picture and video message. As that is the same connection it uses.
Also as soon as you soft reset the device. the connection is back again.
Really I don't understand how your company is able to put a cap on this, as most every cell phone now and day can access the internet. Even if it's not activated on the phone, you can still access for a use per minute charge.
And I'm not just talking about pda/phones.
Unless I'm wrong. But i have yet to find one that doesn't.
Call Sprint and have them "Disable NAI Functionality" on your phone. It's a service feature that restricts your device from accessing any kind of data.
settings->connections->connections->advanced->select networks
there are some texts showing "programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
and a dropdownbox
select the dropdownbox item which is not called something like "my isp"
but pick the one thats called something like "my network"
then all programs trying to access the internet will be forced to use activesync as internet connection and if activesync is not connected they will fail!
I have been trying to figure this out for ages. Thanks for your help.
thanks for all of your help, i dont agree with my company, but i really like this phone, i just need to show them that it does not work for a few months then after they stop checking i can re-enable it.
Hello all,
Having recently purchased a Softbank X01HT i decided to walk around my area and see what free hotspots are around. Boy there are plenty of unsecured ones!
This is the beginning of my problem.
After discovering them and hooking up to their network, then what?
When i try and open up Internet Explorer to take advantage of this new found freedom, i cant use it.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can set up my device to access this feature?
c'mon guys someone must use wifi to access hotspots....
nope, nobody here uses, wifi on their hermes at all, not a single person. if you had read the manual or even googled, you would have know that the wifi in the hermes is a total fake, every single person here uses their phone data plan.
turn on your wifi
goto start- setttings-connections- wifi
pick any avalable network
start internet explorer
enjoy mobile pr0n
new_ppc_user said:
Hello all,
Having recently purchased a Softbank X01HT i decided to walk around my area and see what free hotspots are around. Boy there are plenty of unsecured ones!
This is the beginning of my problem.
After discovering them and hooking up to their network, then what?
When i try and open up Internet Explorer to take advantage of this new found freedom, i cant use it.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can set up my device to access this feature?
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I think you have pay to use the hotspot, even though they look unsecure, you wont be able to do anything. I think you will need a user account and pwd.
madman604 said:
turn on your wifi
goto start- setttings-connections- wifi
pick any avalable network
start internet explorer
enjoy mobile pr0n
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i have already done this but for some reason it tries to log on via my service provider.
try to disable the service provider by removing their settings in "connections", or use NODATA app. from modoco.
Goto Comm Mananger. Then, turn Phone Off & Wireless On, then connect. For some reason, even when my hermes is connected to WLan, it still uses GPRS if not in flight mode, so switch phone off first! I have NO problems connecting to wifi with hermes at all!
XtreMe_G said:
nope, nobody here uses, wifi on their hermes at all, not a single person. if you had read the manual or even googled, you would have know that the wifi in the hermes is a total fake, every single person here uses their phone data plan.
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you have to be kidding dont you !!
of course he is kidding :lol:
Just an update
Since upgrading to Shaps 4.31 rom the problem seems to have fixed itself.
That is when i do find an unsecured hotspot i can 'log' on and use the internet. its only when i havent got wifi that the phone tries to log on via the service provider.
thats all for your help
good to know. thanks for the update
Hi everyone!
I've had PDA phones since a couple of years now, and I've always been searching for something.
Here is my problem:
When the phone needs an internet connection, windows mobile automaticaly tries to connect with the 3G connection.. As I don't have an unlimmited 3G connection, it's very annoying..! That's why I have to manually turn the Wifi "ON"
What I am searching for
I'd like a very intuitive and simple software that ask (with a popup for example) which connection to use (Wifi/3G) when the phone needs the internet.
Hope you understood what i'm searching for..!
While not a solution NoData might help part of your problem in the interim.
It will at least let you disable 3G/GPRS when you need to so you don't go over.
Thanks for the answer, i know this solution.. But that's not really what i'm searching for..!
Maybe You can create a fake connection for 3G so the phone doesn't get to connect? Just an idea, haven't tried. It still leaves the WiFi problem - why there isn't an option to select which connection to use if one is needed...
depending on what rom you have im sure comm manager has buttons for wife and data connection, with basic on off control for each.
However Id have thought someone could write something which would switch between data connection enable and wifi disabled (when out and about) and the other way around when you have wifi available and dont want to use up your 3g allowance.
I don't think it's that easy
that Comm part is build into WM, so the developer would need to write a new shell that acts as internet and gives you the option of selecting the connection..
I do like the idea though
is perhaps feasible with Mortscript?
In which one intercepts the “Internet” call and then by Popup the choice would have?