[Q] help for the newb - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

hi guys i am very new (as in my first one) and i am trying to unkock/hack whatever my htc hd2 with the android software. the person that i bought the phone from had android froyo running on the phone and it was working the only problem was i attempted to install my google user account and it changed the phone over to my account except it wouldnt allow me to delete his old account therefore not allowing me to access the market on the phone and also leaving his acount linked to almost every application and process on the phone. i am not a fan of the stock windows mobile software and am fairly intent on being able to load android on the phone. i guess i just need some help here. all help is greatly appreciated and will be met with much thanks.

trevman said:
hi guys i am very new (as in my first one) and i am trying to unkock/hack whatever my htc hd2 with the android software. the person that i bought the phone from had android froyo running on the phone and it was working the only problem was i attempted to install my google user account and it changed the phone over to my account except it wouldnt allow me to delete his old account therefore not allowing me to access the market on the phone and also leaving his acount linked to almost every application and process on the phone. i am not a fan of the stock windows mobile software and am fairly intent on being able to load android on the phone. i guess i just need some help here. all help is greatly appreciated and will be met with much thanks.
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Check these links, read through, use the search button and don't be afraid to ask questions. Check signatures on replies for "secret" info.

I am not sure where deadmansink is going with his cryptic answer (that thread has nothing to do with booting to Android, and who the hell knows what "secret" info is), but the easy answer to your issue is to delete the data.img file from your SD card. It will be found in the \Android folder. You can do this from WinMo or from your computer if you have a card reader.
Reboot the phone. Give it time to boot up to create a new data.img.
Then it will be as if there was a fresh install of Android.

JonSolo said:
I am not sure where deadmansink is going with his cryptic answer (that thread has nothing to do with booting to Android, and who the hell knows what "secret" info is), but the easy answer to your issue is to delete the data.img file from your SD card. It will be found in the \Android folder. You can do this from WinMo or from your computer if you have a card reader.
Reboot the phone. Give it time to boot up to create a new data.img.
Then it will be as if there was a fresh install of Android.
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No need to down-grade help. The "secret" is just all the extra info that people give in their signature, as well as links. I don't feel that "all he needs to do is replace the data.img" as he doesn't like the WMRom. It sounds like he would like a fresh start and that's where I directed him.


Need help with certificates. CABs won't install.

I still get the error about "not digitally signed with a trusted certificate" on my T-Mobile US HTC HD2. I downgraded my SPL and added the hspl. After that I flashed to the cell series EVO rom. At first I can install anything, and then after a few hours I get the error. Maybe the hard reset, or even installing marketplace is messing with it. I've tried a signer program, but it didn't work. I've also installed the new certificates and still nothing. Sorry for creating a new thread, but please help!
Based on my ssl secured exchange direct push experiecne you will need to install the actual certificate for the cab/server and if it is not a class1 certificateyou will need to install the root (class 1) certificate for it. Because you weren't clear with the exact details of your problem i'm only speculating as to what the problem is. Although i have just thought that if this is related to installed apps on to the device try copying them to the SD card and installing them from the device itself.
I'm new to all of this. As clear as I can get it, this stupid phone won't let me install apps after a period of time. Right after I flash the rom it prompts me with a yes or no, but later it goes straight to refusing to allow me to install. Its like apple's 3.1.3 and I lost my jail break or something! It says they aren't digitally signed. As far as installing the stuff, I don't know how. Any direction?
still cant install
I've been thinking about this and i can't come up with a reason as to what might cause it. So questions.
1) are you trying to run the cab files from on pc or directly on the phone?
2) Is it a specific cab file that you are using to this with or do you use any random one.
3) if you try to install app via activesync (.net compact framework 3.5 for example) does it install?
TMOUS devices actually have their own special board (http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=631) it may be worth having a look there and asking. It may also been worth trying a different rom from the ones you have tried. The energy series of roms seems to be very popular and i'm trying it out for my first custom rom. No problems at all yet and it does work very well.
Can you Help
I have had my HD2 for 2 days now and have only just today tried activating my hotmail and facebook accounts. with no prevail.
i was told by another member of XDA to check out my certificates;
well i have no certificates at all except for the root 1's, i dnt seem to be able to add any either. im well n truely a noob when it comes to the HD2 and its stressing me out hard
can any1 please help
any help would be much appreciated
thanks tom

[Q] Newbie In need of HELP!! with htc touch

I bought a HTC touch with Android on it off ebay for sprint. I did not even know that this phone did not come with android to show how little I know about phones... So I tried to activate it and that worked fine till I got to the part where you enter the ##nnnnnn# number to put in the msid. So ops it dont work. I dont even know how to get files on my phone, when I plu it in it does come up under ky computer. I can put stuff on the memory card but don't know how to use it under android. Some one told some else on this forum that you have to flash it back to windows change it and flash it back. there was another person that said to use a plrgram on the phone called get spc or something like that which I tried but I don't know how to get it from the memory card to the phone or how to run the program off the memroy card with android. I used Astro (don't enen know if that is what astro is for) and tried to launch the program in the phone and it said it didn't know what to do with and exe file. I am so stuck. Sorry to be such a pain.. Can any one help. All I really want to do is change the msid and that msn number or what ever that second number is called.
Thanks everyone.
Post screen shots+problem details
breife with details
Sprint are CDMA no? That means you have an Vogue, not an elf. Whilst your lucky you can have froyo, you have also ended up in the wrong section. Hopefully a mod will move this
Moved to Vogue section.
As for your problem, I personally don't know how to mess with programming settings on Android (I know it can be done via CDMA Workshop, but you need to get the program to do this and even still it isn't easy). Flash back to WM (look for NFSFan's rom, you should be able to flash with no issues as your phone is unlocked). Once you have flashed, you can easily do the PST programming from the Phone Codes folder. You can flash back to Android afterwards.
I hope this helps.

[Q] Backup Android data OUTSIDE of Android!?

My current Android (2.2 on SD) that i have for a few months is stuck (it wont boot, boot animation keeps repeating). So i'm back on my WM and i want to put some new Android (i believe its easier than reviving the old one), but is there ANY way to keep the old messages and contacts from that broken one?
Basically, is there a way to do it from WM or PC (since my Android won't boot)?
Also, if you think that its impossible, write that too, it is also an answer.
x3mer said:
My current Android (2.2 on SD) that i have for a few months is stuck (it wont boot, boot animation keeps repeating). So i'm back on my WM and i want to put some new Android (i believe its easier than reviving the old one), but is there ANY way to keep the old messages and contacts from that broken one?
Basically, is there a way to do it from WM or PC (since my Android won't boot)?
Also, if you think that its impossible, write that too, it is also an answer.
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well.. i bet it is somewhere in your phone.. haha =D
I have been searching on the web to find an answer to it, but I didn't find anything. Did you use any backup program before your phone froze ?
yz.hd said:
well.. i bet it is somewhere in your phone.. haha =D
I have been searching on the web to find an answer to it, but I didn't find anything. Did you use any backup program before your phone froze ?
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nope..that would be nice, but who could've thought :\ my contacts are actually synced with gmail, so i just need to dig out the messages...somehow
x3mer said:
My current Android (2.2 on SD) that i have for a few months is stuck (it wont boot, boot animation keeps repeating). So i'm back on my WM and i want to put some new Android (i believe its easier than reviving the old one), but is there ANY way to keep the old messages and contacts from that broken one?
Basically, is there a way to do it from WM or PC (since my Android won't boot)?
Also, if you think that its impossible, write that too, it is also an answer.
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Yes. You can extract data.img and copy the contacts and messages to the new Android build.
jose makalolot said:
Yes. You can extract data.img and copy the contacts and messages to the new Android build.
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well that should do it.. if i would know how to it:\ what can i extract it with?

[Q] How to update between Updates on SD builds Americanandroid

Hi All,
I apologize im a noob just learning my way around android and was wondering how to perform this update properly without messing anything up. I have done some searching and found some brief explanations, but was wondering if someone could possibly give me a little more thorough "how to" explanation on how to update between SD builds. Specifically AmericanAndroid 2.3.5 to the newest 2.3.7 American SD build. From what I understand i have to copy and replace the "old" android folder with the "new" update one and overwrite everything except the data.img file?? if this is correct again, if someone could explain in nooby words id appreciate it! Thanks in advance!!
shane1diamond said:
Hi All,
I apologize im a noob just learning my way around android and was wondering how to perform this update properly without messing anything up. I have done some searching and found some brief explanations, but was wondering if someone could possibly give me a little more thorough "how to" explanation on how to update between SD builds. Specifically AmericanAndroid 2.3.5 to the newest 2.3.7 American SD build. From what I understand i have to copy and replace the "old" android folder with the "new" update one and overwrite everything except the data.img file?? if this is correct again, if someone could explain in nooby words id appreciate it! Thanks in advance!!
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Yep this is completely correct. Just overwrite all the files but keep the old data.img.
Nigeldg said:
Yep this is completely correct. Just overwrite all the files but keep the old data.img.
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So i just copy and paste new Android folder into the old one, then at that point prompts will come up asking if i want to overwrite them, and click yes to all of them except for data.img?? or is there another method? Do i remove the new data.img file from the new before overwriting? Also, will This will keep all my themes and homescreen configuration the same? or will it wipe out everything? would you happen to know of a thread that explains this in detail by chance? Thanks for your help.
shane1diamond said:
So i just copy and paste new Android folder into the old one, then at that point prompts will come up asking if i want to overwrite them, and click yes to all of them except for data.img?? or is there another method? Do i remove the new data.img file from the new before overwriting? Also, will This will keep all my themes and homescreen configuration the same? or will it wipe out everything? would you happen to know of a thread that explains this in detail by chance? Thanks for your help.
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Yeah that works just fine, just make sure you don't overwrite the old data.img or you could lose all your data. In fact, you should probably make a backup of it to guarantee its safety, just copy and paste it onto your hard drive/USB somewhere. Everything will remain the same as before, just the build will be updated with new features from the new version.
Nigeldg said:
Yeah that works just fine, just make sure you don't overwrite the old data.img or you could lose all your data. In fact, you should probably make a backup of it to guarantee its safety, just copy and paste it onto your hard drive/USB somewhere. Everything will remain the same as before, just the build will be updated with new features from the new version.
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Perfect! Thanks. i feel much more confident about going into it. Sorry about all the questions. i usually just go for the most part by trial and error, but being this is my wifes phone, and she hates losing settings etc i wanted to make sure i had this pretty much figured out. again really appreciate all your help!

Need Help

So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.
NO NEED, Just found a code and it WORKED !!
Traysa said:
So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.
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Where did you find the DFT_LEO70_release.rar, I'm looking for hours and find only dead links … (.
I also wrote to the contacts form the following:
I'm still a newby, so excuse, if I am wrong to ask right here, but as an owner of an HTC HD2 512 (SPL 2.08 with magldr), formerly installed Miui roms, I now want to install WP7. The respective rom and installation routine is mentioned and offered in many places, but when I want to download the LEO70_RELEASE.rar the page is always dead. Please help me or further my issue to the right place, or advise me how to do it myself, that would be very nice. Thanks in advance,

