Need Help - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.

NO NEED, Just found a code and it WORKED !!

Traysa said:
So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.
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Where did you find the DFT_LEO70_release.rar, I'm looking for hours and find only dead links … (.
I also wrote to the contacts form the following:
I'm still a newby, so excuse, if I am wrong to ask right here, but as an owner of an HTC HD2 512 (SPL 2.08 with magldr), formerly installed Miui roms, I now want to install WP7. The respective rom and installation routine is mentioned and offered in many places, but when I want to download the LEO70_RELEASE.rar the page is always dead. Please help me or further my issue to the right place, or advise me how to do it myself, that would be very nice. Thanks in advance,


No internet when I use rebel sim card

Hi friends,
I recently bought a HTC HD2 locked to T Mobile in UK. I used a Rebel sim to unlock it and I am now using it on O2.
However I am not able to start internet, neither can I receive internet settings from O2.
The message that gets displayed tell the phone is pre set to T Mobile internet settings and these cannot be changed
Is there anyway I can bypass these? Anyone else faced same thing before?
settings - menu - all settings - connections - there should be a connection setup option in there.
if not, use this
instal it, reboot the phone, it will auto run when you restart and configure your phone.
thanks for reply.
Yes I went to that menu option but the only thing I see is TMobile.
I am asked to select country (i select as UK), then I am asked to select operator and only option I have is T - Mobile.
Besides when I click on any browser, I get the T Mobile flash screen and then the browser starts.
I get an error as I am not a T Mobile customer. I have a link for settings there. When I click that it says -
This connection is pre configured. It cannot be modified.
You need to flash the WWE HTC ROM, as the T-Mobile ROM has the internet settings preset and you cannot change them.
Thanks for the reply. I was guessing so from the little bit of research I have done.
Can you please give me some pointers in that directions...not really handholding but some links or step by step guide ?
I am new to WinMo actually...have been a symbian loyalist till now !
Sorry for sounding lame, but what is WWE?
WWE = World Wide Edition
I tried to d/l it from the HTC site. When I enter the serial no. I get
Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device.
What are the other options I have? Other reputable links from where I can get it?
Can I d/l any ?
Thanks in advance
you probaly need to install hspl and then flash it
I got hold of a serial no after random searching. I entered that on HTC site and my download is in progress for WWE ROM.
Can I install it? Will that cause any adverse effects?
try using this network connection settings cab.
It appears you didn't try the one samsamuel posted.
It won't let you flash it to your device, it will give you an error.
See here:
midnight, samsamuel
That does indeed work and I am now able to use internet on O2 even though I am locked to T Mobile. However I cant receive network settings. With O2 you send active to 2020 and you receive the internet settings. I get a message back that there is a problem and contact customer services. That is not an issue now as I can use the internet.
However I am curious to know if I will be able to upgrade my ROM in the future. I downloaded the WWE ROM but I got 294 Error for invalid vendor when I tried to install
In simplistic terms what is HSPL? is that irreversible? Are there any links for tutorials which make it simple for WinMo beginners.
Sorry but its my first day on HD2 and on WinMobile
metal675 said:
midnight, samsamuel
That does indeed work and I am now able to use internet on O2 even though I am locked to T Mobile. However I cant receive network settings. With O2 you send active to 2020 and you receive the internet settings. I get a message back that there is a problem and contact customer services. That is not an issue now as I can use the internet.
However I am curious to know if I will be able to upgrade my ROM in the future. I downloaded the WWE ROM but I got 294 Error for invalid vendor when I tried to install
In simplistic terms what is HSPL? is that irreversible? Are there any links for tutorials which make it simple for WinMo beginners.
Sorry but its my first day on HD2 and on WinMobile
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Read the HSPL thread?
hollinshead said:
Read the HSPL thread?
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Yes I did, but for someone who started using a new phone out of the box just few hours back, its a bit over the head.
I am trying to come to grips on what is HSPL, SPL, flashing, etc.
So I wanted to know if there is any basic tutorial, help pages etc which can be useful for starters. I am a tech guy so I can understand the tech terms but everyone needs a guidance first time around.

Need help with certificates. CABs won't install.

I still get the error about "not digitally signed with a trusted certificate" on my T-Mobile US HTC HD2. I downgraded my SPL and added the hspl. After that I flashed to the cell series EVO rom. At first I can install anything, and then after a few hours I get the error. Maybe the hard reset, or even installing marketplace is messing with it. I've tried a signer program, but it didn't work. I've also installed the new certificates and still nothing. Sorry for creating a new thread, but please help!
Based on my ssl secured exchange direct push experiecne you will need to install the actual certificate for the cab/server and if it is not a class1 certificateyou will need to install the root (class 1) certificate for it. Because you weren't clear with the exact details of your problem i'm only speculating as to what the problem is. Although i have just thought that if this is related to installed apps on to the device try copying them to the SD card and installing them from the device itself.
I'm new to all of this. As clear as I can get it, this stupid phone won't let me install apps after a period of time. Right after I flash the rom it prompts me with a yes or no, but later it goes straight to refusing to allow me to install. Its like apple's 3.1.3 and I lost my jail break or something! It says they aren't digitally signed. As far as installing the stuff, I don't know how. Any direction?
still cant install
I've been thinking about this and i can't come up with a reason as to what might cause it. So questions.
1) are you trying to run the cab files from on pc or directly on the phone?
2) Is it a specific cab file that you are using to this with or do you use any random one.
3) if you try to install app via activesync (.net compact framework 3.5 for example) does it install?
TMOUS devices actually have their own special board ( it may be worth having a look there and asking. It may also been worth trying a different rom from the ones you have tried. The energy series of roms seems to be very popular and i'm trying it out for my first custom rom. No problems at all yet and it does work very well.
Can you Help
I have had my HD2 for 2 days now and have only just today tried activating my hotmail and facebook accounts. with no prevail.
i was told by another member of XDA to check out my certificates;
well i have no certificates at all except for the root 1's, i dnt seem to be able to add any either. im well n truely a noob when it comes to the HD2 and its stressing me out hard
can any1 please help
any help would be much appreciated
thanks tom

[Q] help for the newb

hi guys i am very new (as in my first one) and i am trying to unkock/hack whatever my htc hd2 with the android software. the person that i bought the phone from had android froyo running on the phone and it was working the only problem was i attempted to install my google user account and it changed the phone over to my account except it wouldnt allow me to delete his old account therefore not allowing me to access the market on the phone and also leaving his acount linked to almost every application and process on the phone. i am not a fan of the stock windows mobile software and am fairly intent on being able to load android on the phone. i guess i just need some help here. all help is greatly appreciated and will be met with much thanks.
trevman said:
hi guys i am very new (as in my first one) and i am trying to unkock/hack whatever my htc hd2 with the android software. the person that i bought the phone from had android froyo running on the phone and it was working the only problem was i attempted to install my google user account and it changed the phone over to my account except it wouldnt allow me to delete his old account therefore not allowing me to access the market on the phone and also leaving his acount linked to almost every application and process on the phone. i am not a fan of the stock windows mobile software and am fairly intent on being able to load android on the phone. i guess i just need some help here. all help is greatly appreciated and will be met with much thanks.
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Check these links, read through, use the search button and don't be afraid to ask questions. Check signatures on replies for "secret" info.
I am not sure where deadmansink is going with his cryptic answer (that thread has nothing to do with booting to Android, and who the hell knows what "secret" info is), but the easy answer to your issue is to delete the data.img file from your SD card. It will be found in the \Android folder. You can do this from WinMo or from your computer if you have a card reader.
Reboot the phone. Give it time to boot up to create a new data.img.
Then it will be as if there was a fresh install of Android.
JonSolo said:
I am not sure where deadmansink is going with his cryptic answer (that thread has nothing to do with booting to Android, and who the hell knows what "secret" info is), but the easy answer to your issue is to delete the data.img file from your SD card. It will be found in the \Android folder. You can do this from WinMo or from your computer if you have a card reader.
Reboot the phone. Give it time to boot up to create a new data.img.
Then it will be as if there was a fresh install of Android.
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No need to down-grade help. The "secret" is just all the extra info that people give in their signature, as well as links. I don't feel that "all he needs to do is replace the data.img" as he doesn't like the WMRom. It sounds like he would like a fresh start and that's where I directed him.

Help, I cant install Apps from Market Place

Hey Everyone
I got WP7 on my HD2, everything works fine but MarketPlace, after two days trying Microsoft Chat finally I got my activation code, now everthing is working fine but I cant get any game or app from Marketplace, I get this error
"Can't get this information at the moment. Check again in a little while"
I have tried everything , reseting, changing time region and location but doesnt work, I tried to get apps from zune , when I get the apps from there it says everything is okay and your application will be installed soon, but nothing happens and nothing will be on the phone,
Help plz
I found the problem , I had to run HTC Connection setup, now everything works fine !
Hey there, how to run HTC connection setup and any advice to get the Activation Code ?
Was that before or after you put in the activation code?
Same Problem, tried both
trevspence said:
Was that before or after you put in the activation code?
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I did both, before and after activation. Have the same message (in German) as stated above. Going to do some research on XDA but if anybody has an idea in between just let us know...
Edit: Ok, here are the tool and the description in how-to make the changes in the registry to change the HD2 to an HD7.
Do what it says in this topic
I did them all in order, then got my Activation Key and after activating I did the registry part again and ran the Connection Setup after everything and it did the job
Ah , btw, for Activation Code, u can get it via Microsoft Online Chat support, First Chat system
but if ur outside of US u need to get a US IP using a VPN then check to see they cant see if ur behind proxies, if everything was okay go to the chat and tell them that u need a activation key they might ask u where u bought the phone just say something, if everything is okay they'd ask u for ur full name and your mobile number which ofc should be a US number,
When he asked me for that I answerd with 1 minutes delay coz I didnt know where to get a US number, then I said "is it necessary to have a US number coz I dont have it at the moment, can I give a international number like a UK number" then he said "I see, are u located in the UK" I was almost there I didnt want to ruin everything he was about to give me the coe, then I said "Not at the moment" , then hye said "Okay give me that UK number" and that did the trick and he gave me the code
But dont forget the best way is calling Microsoft support center in your country, and also for the chat way u need to try different operators coz most of them say u need to call support center and becareful remember the operator names and also use different name and email every time u go to the chat system , I gave them all fake email name and number
Error 80004005
I have done all the steps (haven't yet wiped the phone) got the activation key working but when I try to install any application I get : There is a problem completing your request. Try again later. Error code: 80004005 or I get: Can't get this information at the moment. Check again in a little while.
Nothing worked and I really running out of ideas. and I really want that phone to work, as WP7 is amazing!
Okay so you have activated ur Windows already , if so do the registry part again and see if it works or not !
I mean this part
1. Download XBMOD Deployer - CLICK HERE
2. In your Windows Development tools you installed earlier there should be an application called "Application Deployment". Connect your phone and open the program and install XBMODDeployer.xap. This extracts the provxml into /My Documents/My Ringtones/.
3. Download TouchXplorer - CLICK HERE - and install this .xap the same way as step 2.
4. Using TouchXplorer copy the file in /My Documents/My Ringtones/ to /Windows/ , overwrite if asked. - Give it time to open the Windows folder it takes a while.
5. Download HTC Connection Setup - CLICK HERE - same as above deploy to phone.
6. Open HTC Connection Setup and setup your network.
7. If your camera setting are not showing, in settings region, change display language to: United States. - this shouldnt affect anything if you are in a different country. Im from UK
Get the link from the topic

Reinstall ROM WP7 on HD2

Reinstall the rom wp7 hd2
I will reinstall a new ROM on my HD2 WP7 and have some questions. The serial to enable informed market place will need to install again, I still have a numerical sequence but it validates some nformation. I want to install it seems that this rom fixed the problem of multi-touch but I fear no longer access the market place. Does anyone have this information.
Sorry for my english
You can use your activation code multiple times - just enter it like the first time.
But, don´t expect too much about the multi-touch improvements...
one more thing is, when i reinstalled wp7 rom,
it wont detect my old memory card partition...
does it required to format it again ???
I wont be happy to loose data in it
Please use the DEV section for DEV threads.
tictac0566 said:
You can use your activation code multiple times - just enter it like the first time.
But, don´t expect too much about the multi-touch improvements...
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Same opinion here, I called yesterday even the Zune support helpline for that reason, they said that it is no problem you can activate it indeed multiple times
thread moved to Q&A

