Reinstall ROM WP7 on HD2 - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

Reinstall the rom wp7 hd2
I will reinstall a new ROM on my HD2 WP7 and have some questions. The serial to enable informed market place will need to install again, I still have a numerical sequence but it validates some nformation. I want to install it seems that this rom fixed the problem of multi-touch but I fear no longer access the market place. Does anyone have this information.
Sorry for my english

You can use your activation code multiple times - just enter it like the first time.
But, don´t expect too much about the multi-touch improvements...

one more thing is, when i reinstalled wp7 rom,
it wont detect my old memory card partition...
does it required to format it again ???
I wont be happy to loose data in it

Please use the DEV section for DEV threads.

tictac0566 said:
You can use your activation code multiple times - just enter it like the first time.
But, don´t expect too much about the multi-touch improvements...
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Same opinion here, I called yesterday even the Zune support helpline for that reason, they said that it is no problem you can activate it indeed multiple times

thread moved to Q&A


Advice and/or help..

1st i have to say this site and all the people here ROCK!!!! very informative,sometimes even with illustrations. i'm learning here.
1. I ordered an unlocked AT&T 8525 w/ WM5, BUT.....when i received it,it was never unlocked & it had WM6 professional on of course i came here and Sim & CID unlocked it quick. "THESE GUYS ARE ALL AWESOME" .
Now this is what i have installed on my AT&T 8525(bare with me guys,plzz)
HTC Album
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Audio Manager Today Plug-in
SPB Mobile Shell2
SPB Phone Suite
SPB pocket Plus4
Tiermann SlideSound
Shape Services IM+SP
PocketCM Keyboard 0.14
SJ Keyboard Skin-Touch
Cloudy Fa 2G DialPad
TeddyKing & AX3l ZoomSMS
Storage Program
Total 44.77mb 48.77mb
In Use 31.57mb 38.76mb
Free 13.20 10.01mb
i know,i know i am soooo noob,lol
but i noticed alot of you guys have alot move free space than i do but with more programs/apps/games etc. installed
i've heard alot about this "HARD-SPL" APP, should i have installed that after i unlocked my phone & installed the Apps or should i have installed some of these roms to save more space? gee i'm a noob,i've never had a windows based phone. Ooh BTW i have a 1gb storage card,hopefully gettin into a 4 0r 8gb.
my friend even has an app which he doesn't tell me where he got it or show me on his phone the name.but when he opens his keyboard and closes it,it responds quickly into landscape and back to portrait,REAL FAST. what App is that..he doesn't wanna share his knowledge, that is why i told him about this site but can't find he newbie..but anyways, hope to learn more & more from you guys...ALL YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME WITH ALL YOUR WORK ON APPS/PROGRAMS,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
Thanks In Advance for all the safe fellas
G'day Joee and welcome. 1st, the reason other people have a lot more free memory is because they're running a cooked rom... This means that all the bloat programs/carrier crap has been removed and other better apps put in. You can find the cooked apps by going to the wiki and doing a search for hermes cooked roms.
Now, so saying, you need to install the Hard SPL onto your phone BEFORE you flash a new os as this decreases the chance of "bricking" your phone or increases the chances of recovering it if you do(we all have this happen sometime).. I'm glad you asked this before becoming another noob begging for help because he's bricked his phone and cant recover. As I say though, there is still a chance of permanently bricking, no guarantees. If you decide to flash your phone up you need to be aware that if something goes wrong and it has to be returned you may find your warranty voided. However ther are ways to return your phone back to the stock rom if you look.
You may read about radio roms and think you need to flash yours up to the latest... WRONG.... Depending where you are and who your carrier is depends on what radio rom you should have. If you find it works fine, DONT TOUCH IT as mast bricks are caused by flashing the radio rom and having something go wrong during the flash. 9 times out of 10 you cant recover, even with Had SPL.....
Now you're sufficiently afraid of flashing, Please read Mr Vanx's guide as this will REALLY help if you decide to do it. I personally recommend flashing using the sd card method as it is safer and you dont need to kill anyone who even looks at your computer while its flashing. Using the computer can cause hassles with people accidently hitting reset buttons, pulling out usb cables or just a good old fashioned blackout. SD card method just relies on a file on your sd card and the fact you have 50% battery power.. You can find out how in the wiki...
Anyways, if I haven't frightened you off completely, I would suggest , as a first rom, TNT SE. Its a fairly stable rom with a heap of 3rd party apps or if you want LOTS of memory go with a lite rom... Anything from Schapps, Matt_KR(also known as pandora), Faria, K's Pays or PDAViet (many more but you get the drift). Wait for a little while until you get experienced with wm06 before trying wm6.1 - still has teething problems.
Well, Welcome & Happy Flashing......
ultramag69, your pointing me the right way,thanks!!!! also thanks for responding to my thread,i'm glad i ran into this site. you guys are doing lots of amazing things with alot of the apps/progs,all in all you guys are AWESOME!!. i'm glad you answered me before i would had made a mistake and brick my phone. As for the carrier i'm using, i'm using " IMMIX WIRELESS", i think they are associated with Keystone. so once i "reset my phone to factory settings i use "hard-spl" & use a rom, i automatically lose all the "junk" AT&T add to their phones. yeah,free space i guess,COOOL. Oh BTW,what hard-spl do i use? V7 or V9? probably will be hard to find the "lite Rom" as you suggested.
thanks alot for the help again & hopefully learn alot more before i actually do the "HARD-SPL" flash & go modding happy.
Ok, you DONT need to reset to factory. you can just Hard SPL your phone straightway. You can then install a rom as well. Just remember that when you flash a rom you will wipe everything off the phone.
As to what Hard SPL to use, if you read about each one you will find that ver. 9 is for developers, people who muck about and improve things on our phones. We get the benefits later, but if you just wanna start off easy to flash and upgrade I'd go with ver.7. You can upgrade SPL's later if you start to get into flashing hardcore...
If you did some reading you would've found this out. I like helping people, I was where you are now once, but some people DO get nasty if a question is asked with you not looking through the forum first. Chances ae your question has been asked AND answered multiple times over. Word to the wise......
AS for the flashing.... flash Hard SPL off your computer. I find this easiest as it literally takes about 2 secs.... Howver for the rom I would suggest the SD card method(It's my personnel favourite)as its safer than with the pc. If you follow the guide you will need to backup your sd card then format it fat 32... If you've already formatted fat 32 and want to keep all the apps installed and pics etc... on there I've found you can just install the .nbh file directly onto the card WITHOUT formatting and loosing anything. Just remember to ename it to "hermimg.nbh". Put your hermes into bootloader with the card installed and it will automatically detect and start the flash process. Follow the prompts.... MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GREATER THAN 50% BATTERY POWER... very important..
Happy flashing and good luck.....
thanks again
ultramag69, thanks alot & i'm sorry if i asked q's that were answered b4, i guess i would i have to search with the correct wording 0r word...once again thanks for the help..i know i will learn alot from every1 here and who knows i'll be like you guys in no time
thanks again
thank you very much,did my 1st flash rom,i used Faria R32...nice,fast & good pointed the way for me & i thank you for the i always say,YOU GUYS ALL ROCK!!!

My HD2 is very unstable with different ROMS. Help please

Hello all,
I'm kinda frustrated with my HD2 device at the moment. It worked perfectly fine until a few days ago.
It has begun to freeze _very_ often. With some ROMS it can't even boot up. It freezes when I have to enter my PIN. On other ROMS it is guranteed to freeze when using ActiveSync/Exchange.
Using HSQL, I've tried L3v5y, XannyTechRom, and MIRI. All with the same result.
Have you got any ideas whats wrong with my device?
Any help will be much appreciated.
I have no idea about whats wrong but this has been a common issue/problem for many members...I don't think I saw this many issues with the HD...I dunno whats wrong with HD2 or the ROMs that it starts freezing for some...maybe the HSPL is buggy? I dunno to be honest.
maybe you should install a stock rom in between or go to MTTY and see if that fixes the issues for you.
Overall tho, its frightening to see how many people have freezing issues with Sense after flashing a couple of custom ROMs...I'm afraid it might eventually happen to everyone and thats why we need to find out what is causing this.
BTW try to format your SD card and then flash a stock ROM without the SD card and see if there is any guess is that it will work fine again (for a while at least).
What I have figured out is that with different roms the behaviour is different, depending IN WHICH ORDER you have the links in the autostart folder.
Right after flashing it should be ok and if you install than other programms the startup interfears with the startup of htc-sense
Finaly I have the best result (on my device with the programms I have installed) keeping the htc-Sense startup as the LAST item.
You can change the order with sk-tools (Autotstart items).
You can check this (If you have a chance to access):
- Make a reset and do not enter the pin code of your sim card (on my device this was making a difference, if you do not have a pin code maybe you should take out your sim card that the phone cannot connect)
- Go to the settings and unselect in "Today" "HTC Sense"
Than you should have the normal "speed" of the device and you should be able to start sk tools and change the booting order.
It looks like that - depending on the start up order that applications - processes are waiting for each other and using nearly 100% of cpu power and you have therefore the impression that the device is frozen.
I am sorry I do not know how to change the startup order without sk-Tools
Best regards,
tommyjakobsen said:
Hello all,
I'm kinda frustrated with my HD2 device at the moment. It worked perfectly fine until a few days ago.
It has begun to freeze _very_ often. With some ROMS it can't even boot up. It freezes when I have to enter my PIN. On other ROMS it is guranteed to freeze when using ActiveSync/Exchange.
Using HSQL, I've tried L3v5y, XannyTechRom, and MIRI. All with the same result.
Have you got any ideas whats wrong with my device?
Any help will be much appreciated.
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tommyjakobsen said:
Hello all,
I'm kinda frustrated with my HD2 device at the moment. It worked perfectly fine until a few days ago.
It has begun to freeze _very_ often. With some ROMS it can't even boot up. It freezes when I have to enter my PIN. On other ROMS it is guranteed to freeze when using ActiveSync/Exchange.
Using HSQL, I've tried L3v5y, XannyTechRom, and MIRI. All with the same result.
Have you got any ideas whats wrong with my device?
Any help will be much appreciated.
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try the strenas rom (arthemis V2). It has solved my pb
[email protected] said:
I have no idea about whats wrong but this has been a common issue/problem for many members...I don't think I saw this many issues with the HD...I dunno whats wrong with HD2 or the ROMs that it starts freezing for some...maybe the HSPL is buggy? I dunno to be honest.
maybe you should install a stock rom in between or go to MTTY and see if that fixes the issues for you.
Overall tho, its frightening to see how many people have freezing issues with Sense after flashing a couple of custom ROMs...I'm afraid it might eventually happen to everyone and thats why we need to find out what is causing this.
BTW try to format your SD card and then flash a stock ROM without the SD card and see if there is any guess is that it will work fine again (for a while at least).
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Thanks for your reply.
I will try what you suggest later today and then write back the results here. It would be very nice if we could solve this issue.
I don't really get that MTTY thing. What exactly does it do?
willbread said:
try the strenas rom (arthemis V2). It has solved my pb
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Can you only use that ROM? Have you tried flashing another one after strenas?
I would really like to use l3v5y's ROM.
dingolino said:
What I have figured out is that with different roms the behaviour is different, depending IN WHICH ORDER you have the links in the autostart folder.
Right after flashing it should be ok and if you install than other programms the startup interfears with the startup of htc-sense
Finaly I have the best result (on my device with the programms I have installed) keeping the htc-Sense startup as the LAST item.
You can change the order with sk-tools (Autotstart items).
You can check this (If you have a chance to access):
- Make a reset and do not enter the pin code of your sim card (on my device this was making a difference, if you do not have a pin code maybe you should take out your sim card that the phone cannot connect)
- Go to the settings and unselect in "Today" "HTC Sense"
Than you should have the normal "speed" of the device and you should be able to start sk tools and change the booting order.
It looks like that - depending on the start up order that applications - processes are waiting for each other and using nearly 100% of cpu power and you have therefore the impression that the device is frozen.
I am sorry I do not know how to change the startup order without sk-Tools
Best regards,
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Very interesting dingolino!
Later today I will give that a shot aswell on l3v5y's ROM. Will report back.
tommyjakobsen said:
Thanks for your reply.
I will try what you suggest later today and then write back the results here. It would be very nice if we could solve this issue.
I don't really get that MTTY thing. What exactly does it do?
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When you flash lots of cooked roms, they get "bloated" and the devices started hard-resetting for no reason. this is because of files from old roms being left when the new rom is flashed.
MTTY allows you to enter the device on bootloader and use service commands to format the file system on the device so you can remove all rom files before flashing a new rom!!
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basicly it will format your system and make sure you don't have any files from older roms left on the system which might cause this issues.
tommyjakobsen said:
Can you only use that ROM? Have you tried flashing another one after strenas?
I would really like to use l3v5y's ROM.
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i tried too l3v5y's ROM and it didn't work. But maybe, your pb is not exactly same as mine.
Do you you a 16 GB card ? for me, it's certainly cause of pb because i can use every rom without sd card
Try to ask more to sternas but i noticed he prefer keep his cook secrets
Try to install "official" 1.61, make HR after boot. After next reboot connect with PC and flash with any cooked ROM. I had the same problems like you and this helped me...
Petulinek said:
Try to install "official" 1.61, make HR after boot. After next reboot connect with PC and flash with any cooked ROM. I had the same problems like you and this helped me...
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and for me, this didn't help me
willbread said:
i tried too l3v5y's ROM and it didn't work. But maybe, your pb is not exactly same as mine.
Do you you a 16 GB card ? for me, it's certainly cause of pb because i can use every rom without sd card
Try to ask more to sternas but i noticed he prefer keep his cook secrets
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Try deleting the folder "\Application Folder" on the storage card using your PC/Laptop, and reinsert the SD card into HD2. I assume you are using ROM cooked with Manila version that has the document tab.
Let us know if this works for you. It took me a long time and many flashes to figure this out. I suppose you have configured your HD2 for emails or MS Exchange pushmail?
Edit : If you already experience the slowdown caused by inserting the SD Card, MAKE SURE you reboot your HD2 before re-inserting the SD card.
I had this "freezing during startup" with a number of roms (always after I installed my software) and since that I am always "tweaking" it by the startup order as I described it and was able to solve it!
I do not think that it is hardware related in the amount of cases which are reported. And I am also not a strong believer of this "flashing" and mtty discussion (it could be a solution is some cases but I do not think in this relatively larger number of cases which are reported).
For most of the rom cookers it is not the 1st rom cooking they are doing and the HD2 is not the 1st HD2 device for HTC as well. This is the reason why I do not think that there is a principle rom problem nor a principle hardware problem
Manila Sense is a complex pcs of software and the startup is therefore more complex.
Depending on the tweaks the rom cookers are doing on the XIP and other WM internals there could be a timing interfearance during booting and this is creating the trouble for Manila Sense startup (network, phone, etc.).
Reminds me to the "good old days" with ATART-ST where you had dedicated tools to rearrange the startup seaquenze of the Accessories
At least i think it is worth trying it, you cannot loose anything.
But I played not only with the finaly boot order of htc-Sense (the last one) but also I put other elements in a different order.
Sometimes it was helping to install Panolauncher and put it before HTC Sense startup - I had the impression that just having another application before HTCsense made an improvement to "give HTCSense" more time.
Does not sound like science but a little bit like Voodoo ...
My Autostart folder (only the applications)
1. poutlook.lnk
2. BTTrayCE.lnk
3. De|WMPTempFolder.lnk
4. PKG.lnk
5. Lotus Traveler.lnk (installed by me)
6. LotusPRUploader.lnk (installed by me)
7. Panolauncher.lnk (installed by me)
8. OM10QS.lnk (installed by me - Opera 10 beta)
9. HTCStartUp.lnk
Good luck
tommyjakobsen said:
Very interesting dingolino!
Later today I will give that a shot aswell on l3v5y's ROM. Will report back.
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gohyc said:
Try deleting the folder "\Application Folder" on the storage card using your PC/Laptop, and reinsert the SD card into HD2. I assume you are using ROM cooked with Manila version that has the document tab.
Let us know if this works for you. It took me a long time and many flashes to figure this out.
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i haven't the folder "\Application Folder" on my card. Maybe, this is why this rom works well
I haven't verifyed before so i can't tell you if i had it before
could you try to flash ROM that have manila 1921 (manila without document tab),
I facing so many problem when I install ROM with manila 1922 (manila got document tab)
Now has been 4 day, without any problem flash ROM with manila 1921...
give a try...
mtty may help u out
dingolino said:
What I have figured out is that with different roms the behaviour is different, depending IN WHICH ORDER you have the links in the autostart folder.
Right after flashing it should be ok and if you install than other programms the startup interfears with the startup of htc-sense
Finaly I have the best result (on my device with the programms I have installed) keeping the htc-Sense startup as the LAST item.
You can change the order with sk-tools (Autotstart items).
You can check this (If you have a chance to access):
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so i just got the last version of sktools.....could anybody please explain how I can change the startup order? sktools has allot of tools and I just cant figure out how its done!
sounds to me like you have flashed so many times you HD2 has become "Bloated"
this is where for eg, Rom X is 110Mb, and then you Flash Rom Y which is only 100Mb.
When you do the flash there is 10Mb of residual files left from the previous rom., when this happens often you get strange things happening like you describe and worse, your device can start hard resetting for no reason!!
Go to this thread (swap the ** for tt ) h**p:// (I cant post links yet!!) and it will fix your issue. (The thread has been shut as there has been a big argument over it, something to do with a disagreement over drivers!! - how gay!)
I can honestly say, although i have only joined recently, i have been a user of this method for about 6 years, I personally know the Guy who opened the thread and i would stand buy him 100%.
Although the thread is closed, i will help with queries via PM if you like!
gohyc said:
Try deleting the folder "\Application Folder" on the storage card using your PC/Laptop, and reinsert the SD card into HD2. I assume you are using ROM cooked with Manila version that has the document tab.
Let us know if this works for you. It took me a long time and many flashes to figure this out. I suppose you have configured your HD2 for emails or MS Exchange pushmail?
Edit : If you already experience the slowdown caused by inserting the SD Card, MAKE SURE you reboot your HD2 before re-inserting the SD card.
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I tried deleting the \Application Folder folder and reset the phone.
Of course this equaled a hard reset as all system data stored was in \Application Folder.
So I removed my storage card and did a hard reset so that the system data will not be stored in the storage card.
Hopefully this will be make the device more stable as such.
use the mtty to format ur device first, then flash the rom u want to flash.
I have encountered the same issues just like u, after use the MTTY, so far so good.
the post is kind of complex, but it is worth to have a try.

[q] i need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK,I ve made a thread before but none seems to be interested...I have a T-mobile htc hd2 tha runs on custom winmo6.5 rom...i want to install wp7 but as soon as i install em touchscreen does not respond at all...then i get back to winmo6.5 and everything works great...i ve tried hundreds of tutorials and performed every step very carefully...PLEASE HELP ME!
yeah I think I remember, did you try android?
did you try downloading the latest Original HTC ROM un-modded directly from them and SD card install it?
Its possible that the digitiser is just slightly different for one reason or another than other peoples devices which might not play well with the driver?
have you tried out the ultrafruit ROM, that uses a different drive to Pdamatejam so try them both?
it could well be hardware mate, even corrupt RAM can give off some odd behaviour if you didn't get the answer you were looking for before then its likely that we didn't have an answer to help you.
oh PS
im not one for picking up on spelling and grammar etc (mine sucks!) but see the use of ! you don't really need more than 3, like this!!!
more often than not 1 will suffice!
dazza9075 said:
yeah I think I remember, did you try android?
did you try downloading the latest Original HTC ROM un-modded directly from them and SD card install it?
Its possible that the digitiser is just slightly different for one reason or another than other peoples devices which might not play well with the driver?
have you tried out the ultrafruit ROM, that uses a different drive to Pdamatejam so try them both?
it could well be hardware mate, even corrupt RAM can give off some odd behaviour if you didn't get the answer you were looking for before then its likely that we didn't have an answer to help you.
oh PS
im not one for picking up on spelling and grammar etc but see the use of ! you don't really need more than 3, like this!!!
more often than not 1 will suffice!
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thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
tsagas said:
thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
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be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
hjhjhj said:
be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
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I ve done whatever u said and still touchscreen is dead...why do i need to unlock the sd card and how do i know that mine isnt unlocked?
tsagas said:
I ve done whatever u said and still touchscreen is dead...why do i need to unlock the sd card and how do i know that mine isnt unlocked?
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yuki/xbmod's bttf rom is the only rom that locks the sd card. if you haven't used bttf then you have nothing to worry about. also, if your sd was locked the card would be useless period. the card would not be recognized by any pc nor phone until unlocked again.
like i said try bttf rom and see if it makes the screen work. i believe hd2o, ansar, and pdajim's, and others use the ultrafruit as their core. bttf is pure original microsoft wp7 base...and was working long before ultrafruit even came out.
hjhjhj said:
yuki/xbmod's bttf rom is the only rom that locks the sd card. if you haven't used bttf then you have nothing to worry about. also, if your sd was locked the card would be useless period. the card would not be recognized by any pc nor phone until unlocked again.
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Ok,i will install it and then tell you...but i am sure that my touchscreen won't response...any idea what may causing it?do i need to change digitizer?I've changed once...
tsagas said:
thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
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I ve installed ultrafruit and still touchscreen does'nt least i have functionallity of the power button now...that s a great improvmentlol
tsagas said:
Ok,i will install it and then tell you...but i am sure that my touchscreen won't response...any idea what may causing it?do i need to change digitizer?I've changed once...
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if your screen is working with wm6.5 and perhaps android, then for some reason wp7 has interface issues with your phone. i guess the question is does your entire screen work without issues in wm6.5 and/or android. if so, it's a wp7 interface issue...if the screen isn't 100% in wm6.5 then it's probably a digitizer issue.
actually, if you've replaced the digitizer before, it could be the replacement hardware causing
the wp7 interface issue. i guess it depends on the quality of the replacement screen's firmware.
hjhjhj said:
if your screen is working with wm6.5 and perhaps android, then for some reason wp7 has interface issues with your phone. i guess the question is does your entire screen work without issues in wm6.5 and/or android. if so, it's a wp7 interface issue...if the screen isn't 100% in wm6.5 then it's probably a digitizer issue. if you replace the screen make sure you get the corrwct one for tmous it's not an easy repair (i know from experience). you can easily make your phome literally have to take the whole phone apart and.back together.
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the screen works 100% with wm6.5,i dont really like android and thats why
i havnt tried to install em...the screen has been changed before(not by me) but it's not a t-mobile screen...
tsagas said:
the screen works 100% with wm6.5,i dont really like android and thats why
i havnt tried to install em...the screen has been changed before(not by me) but it's not a t-mobile screen...
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see my previous updated post.
hjhjhj said:
be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
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Since i am trying to install yuki/xbmod rom right now can u please tell me how to install i install it on wm6.5 like all other cabs?in microsd?
tsagas said:
Since i am trying to install yuki/xbmod rom right now can u please tell me how to install i install it on wm6.5 like all other cabs?in microsd?
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you need read how to install cabs for wp7. it's very diffeerent than wm6.5. you have to use the cab sender tool. get the base flash exe from my signature...the v2.1 flasher. then go here for info.
then download ftp is is here just for the devstoragelock cab..
if you decide to progress further than the initial base the rest of the needed downloads are here.
the devstoragelock cab adds an app to your list of apps and follow screen. be sure to unlock the sd card if this rom doesn't fix the screen issue before trying flash back to wm6.5.
hjhjhj said:
you need read how to install cabs for wp7. it's very diffeerent than wm6.5. you have to use the cab sender tool. get the base flash exe from my signature...the v2.1 flasher. then go here for info.
then download ftp is is here just for the devstoragelock cab..
if you decide to progress further than the initial base the rest of the needed downloads are here.
the devstoragelock cab adds an app to your list of apps and follow screen. be sure to unlock the sd card if this rom doesn't fix the screen issue before trying flash back to wm6.5.
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still nothing:/touchscreen is dead:/what am i suppose to do?i really want wp7
tsagas said:
still nothing:/touchscreen is dead:/what am i suppose to do?i really want wp7
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new hd2 or new windows phone or be satisfied with wm6.5.
hjhjhj said:
new hd2 or new windows phone or be satisfied with wm6.5.
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awful...i am gonna try android...if you find anything about my problem please contact [email protected] come my hd2 is the only one in the world that cannot boot wp7?
tsagas said:
awful...i am gonna try android...if you find anything about my problem please contact [email protected] come my hd2 is the only one in the world that cannot boot wp7?
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it's probably the replacement screen used by the previous owner. you should install android on flashing required. just reformat your sd to fat32. or you can install in nand.
either case i would recommend this.. release 34 for either the nand or sd version. the current releases are not very stable. you can see the version in my signature.
hjhjhj said:
it's probably the replacement screen used by the previous owner. you should install android on flashing required. just reformat your sd to fat32. or you can install in nand.
either case i would recommend this.. release 34 for either the nand or sd version. the current releases are not very stable. you can see the version in my signature.
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Ive tried android and i get stucked to the GO GO GO thing when I am flashing CWM...I dont know what the f is happening or if i am doing something wrong
I'm late to this thread.
OP - have you successfully installed the Yuki BTTF ROM for WP7? That ROM is super stable an no one has complained of the touch screen not working.
All of your posts don't give a conclusive answer that you've successfully installed that ROM. If you had installed it, then your SD card would be locked to that OS. If it were installed and the touchscreen weren't working, then you wouldn't be able to unlock the SD card, as you'd need to use the screen in order to select the storage lock app that you would have installed via cab sender.
Please clean this conversation up by listing exactly what steps you've done and provide links to the ROM's that you've tried.
anseio said:
I'm late to this thread.
OP - have you successfully installed the Yuki BTTF ROM for WP7? That ROM is super stable an no one has complained of the touch screen not working.
All of your posts don't give a conclusive answer that you've successfully installed that ROM. If you had installed it, then your SD card would be locked to that OS. If it were installed and the touchscreen weren't working, then you wouldn't be able to unlock the SD card, as you'd need to use the screen in order to select the storage lock app that you would have installed via cab sender.
Please clean this conversation up by listing exactly what steps you've done and provide links to the ROM's that you've tried.
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He has tried installing HD2O and Pdajim's ROMs I believe. He says he installed BTTF and it didn't work which means his SD card is locked. I guess he has other cards to use for moving to android.
What part of this thread do you not get?
---------- Post added at 05:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 AM ----------
tsagas said:
Ive tried android and i get stucked to the GO GO GO thing when I am flashing CWM...I dont know what the f is happening or if i am doing something wrong
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you have to use hd2toolkit found in the android for hd2 forum to install nand android. it's an extensive set of instructions on how to install nand android for the hd2. you cannot use magdlr to install nand android.
in order to install sd android, you have follow and setup certain things in magdlr to boot the sd android installation. for sd android you DO NOT flash anything.
go to the android for hd2 forum and if you want to flash nand android!

Cannot download from windows market after activation

Hello forum,
I am very new here. This is the first time I tried installing windows 7 rom on my phone and I am so glad that XDA community have made it so easy to do it. I installed PDAimatejam 7.5 tango latest rom posted in the forums. After installing the rom i setup everything and went to market but could not download anything it required activation code. So i got one from microsoft and entered it. The phone got activated however I still cant download from market. It goes to setup market account window and then fails to do so and gives me error code 8000FFFF. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot.
try with WiFi not cellular data...
if problem continue, make hard reset (settings - about - reset) and try enter Live ID again
dxdy said:
try with WiFi not cellular data...
if problem continue, make hard reset (settings - about - reset) and try enter Live ID again
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I tried that already infact i installed another rom and then installed this one back again. Now i got additional problem it says my sd card is damaged :laugh:. My god! Somebody just help me please
saurav112214 said:
I tried that already infact i installed another rom and then installed this one back again. Now i got additional problem it says my sd card is damaged :laugh:. My god! Somebody just help me please
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your card is locked if you tried Yuki (BTTF) ROM... this rom is only which lock card.. if you not use Yuki ROM then simply is compatibility problem (card not damaged, you still can use it)....
if you locked card then first unlock it with sending file to phone
then format it with
install and run, in option select "format size adjustment" to ON, format card
also if you have old Nokia symbian phone you can try format locked card (just skip when ask for unlock code)
dxdy said:
your card is locked if you tried Yuki (BTTF) ROM... this rom is only which lock card.. if you not use Yuki ROM then simply is compatibility problem (card not damaged, you still can use it)....
if you locked card then first unlock it with sending file to phone
then format it with
install and run, in option select "format size adjustment" to ON, format card
also if you have old Nokia symbian phone you can try format locked card (just skip when ask for unlock code)
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Thanks I am trying that now. Btw what is the reason i cannot access market>? even after my device is activated. I think I will go back to android. Loved the interface though. This was my first time on windows mobile and i loved it really. I cannot access market so I think I will be missing a lot of things. I will give it a last try and then go back to android if I am unsuccessful yet again. In the mean time please keep posting ur suggestions. Really appreciate it. Thanks
first time in most case marketplace work sometimes you need to wait...
no rules...
also is better to use WiFi internet connection not data connection
also be sure you have hardware radio 2.12 or 1.15 flashed on phone..
also dont forget, HD2 device is not original WP7 device and anything can happen... also almost all problems with WP7 is related to incompatibility with SDcard...
dxdy said:
first time in most case marketplace work sometimes you need to wait...
no rules...
also is better to use WiFi internet connection not data connection
also be sure you have hardware radio 2.12 or 1.15 flashed on phone..
also dont forget, HD2 device is not original WP7 device and anything can happen... also almost all problems with WP7 is related to incompatibility with SDcard...
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Thanks. I had installed yuki to check if i could download from market.but it did not so i reverted back to pdaimatejam rom just to get sd card damaged message on first boot so I tried like what you said, installed yuki again so i could unlock the card and its giving me the same message on first boot too.
boot to magldr menu
* 10. Services, 4. UseLast24NAND
* 10. Services, 5. ClearSD MDR
* go to 5. USB Flasher and try flash Yuki ROM again
phone after flash must start WP7 and the you send cab file for unlock... this is only way to unlock card without old Nokia phone
here list of confirmed phones for unlock locked cards
dxdy said:
boot to magldr menu
* 10. Services, 4. UseLast24NAND
* 10. Services, 5. ClearSD MDR
* go to 5. USB Flasher and try flash Yuki ROM again
phone after flash must start WP7 and the you send cab file for unlock... this is only way to unlock card without old Nokia phone
here list of confirmed phones for unlock locked cards
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Yup thanks a lot. I did as you said and my sd in unlocked and i am back to pda rom. But still no market . I tried using wifi. but still cannot access it. It cannot detect my region. Right now Im in thailand. Could that be a reson? Market is not supported in Thailand? It tries to detect my region and then gives me error code 8000fffff. Ill wait till tomorrow and see if things get better. Anyway thanks a lot!!!! you guys rock.:good:
Thailand have marketplace
also go to settings - region+language and check region
maybe your Live ID already locked to other region? then maybe to open new Live ID? to change Live ID, go to Settngs - about - reset (this is hard reset) and after restart setup new account
dxdy said:
Thailand have marketplace
also go to settings - region+language and check region
maybe your Live ID already locked to other region? then maybe to open new Live ID? to change Live ID, go to Settngs - about - reset (this is hard reset) and after restart setup new account
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I tried that. Made a new live id itself before activating the phone and used that one. but still i get error message when its trying to setup my marketplace. It says loading in country list then gives me error msg and asks to try later. Someone was telling me abt chaveron unlock or something like that? And what does market fix mean in this PDA rom? I thought market would be working out of the box. The version of windows is 7.10.8779.8. Everything is working like a charm except market . The phone is so snappy that I just dont want to go back to android. Will that chevron unlock thing help me? I dont want to try without asking because yuki rom already gave me enough trouble .
I feel so ashamed to bother a lot, but I know nothing about windows phone and I just cant get past this market thing. Thankyou very much for all your suggestions. Please if you dont mind do keep suggesting me some ideas untill i fix this damn thing.
forget chevron unlock... this is very old way unlock and not working with new ROM's... now all ROM's are full unlocked and this is 100% better than old chevron unlock
did you sync phone with Zune?
if nothing helps, try use US English marketplace... dont have any other suggestion...
dxdy said:
forget chevron unlock... this is very old way unlock and not working with new ROM's... now all ROM's are full unlocked and this is 100% better than old chevron unlock
did you sync phone with Zune?
if nothing helps, try use US English marketplace... dont have any other suggestion...
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Finally its working, the problem was with zune account. I created a new one from my pc and used that and its working like a charm now. Thanks a lot. Guess I will be around windows 7 thread for some time now.
look in PM
saurav112214 said:
Finally its working, the problem was with zune account. I created a new one from my pc and used that and its working like a charm now. Thanks a lot. Guess I will be around windows 7 thread for some time now.
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How to change your zune account?
you need zunetag (gamertag) if download not working... not need for changin zune account
login to with live account and set gamertag
for example (

Need Help

So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.
NO NEED, Just found a code and it WORKED !!
Traysa said:
So, I activated my HD2, but now there is another problem, I cannot log in to my account, even though I put the right password in and everything, it always says that the Microsoft Live password is wrong.
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Where did you find the DFT_LEO70_release.rar, I'm looking for hours and find only dead links … (.
I also wrote to the contacts form the following:
I'm still a newby, so excuse, if I am wrong to ask right here, but as an owner of an HTC HD2 512 (SPL 2.08 with magldr), formerly installed Miui roms, I now want to install WP7. The respective rom and installation routine is mentioned and offered in many places, but when I want to download the LEO70_RELEASE.rar the page is always dead. Please help me or further my issue to the right place, or advise me how to do it myself, that would be very nice. Thanks in advance,

