Google voice actions broke? - EVO 4G General

Has anyone experienced problems using Google Voice Actions (long press the search key) on their Evo over the past 12 hours?
Mine all of a sudden will not pull contact info from Google anymore. My contacts are 100% synced with my Google GMail contacts as I know this is a prerequisite but if I say "Send Text to, Chuck, hey there" instead of putting Chucks name and phone number in the TO box the text is in the body of the message:
Message: Chuck hey there.
Another user over at Google mobile forums has reported the same issue starting last night.
Just wondering how wide spread this is?

Mine is doing the same exact thing. Mine was working fine and now it's not working. I've posted this same question last night and a few people said it was still working for them. I checked my co-workers evo and his still works. I'm not sure what the problem is. I've tried everything! I flashed a few different roms and even went back to sprint stock and nothing is working. I even created a new gmail account and added a few contacts thinking there was something wrong with my original account and that didn't fix the problem either. Sorry to say it but I'm glad I'm not the only one. It means that it's not my phone and something on google's end. I wonder how many other people this is affecting. Let me know if you find a solution.

Do both of you have your contacts in phone or synced from Google or an Exchange account?
Sent from my Evo using XDA App

No contacts on the phone. All are synced with Google. Syncing works fine. Changes happen on both sides. I also sync with an Exchange server for work contacts.
The contacts I use with Voice Actions are only Google (personal) contacts.

Me too. All my contacts are synched with Google. I mean i had it working the other day, but for some reason it just stopped recognizing everyone on my phone book. The weird part is that if I change the voice language to English (UK) instead of (US) I can voice dial but can't "send text to" or "send email to". I posted this in the Google forum and an employee said he was looking into it so I don't know if its a known problem or not. It doesn't seem to be affecting a lot of users of I'd see more traffic to this thread and more complaints. Right now I'm trying out Vlingo. I kind of like it better than Google voice actions.

All working again for me. Google says it was a server issue.


Is anybody having the wrong organization show up.

I have had no real issues with my N1 since I got it. I have been using CM's roms. The other day I noticed that when I was making and receiving calls the wrong organization was showing up. I noticed that if I deleted a contact and reentered it it fixed that contact. I have 200+ contacts with multiple entries and would like to see if anybody has an easier way to fix this problem.
Thanks in advance,
same here.
the organization is shown up wrong in the in-call page.
in my case, the contacts were synced via Gmail. I've checked there and the information is set correctly. even on the phone, if I go to edit the contact details, the organization is shown correctly. only when in the in-call page, the information is wrong...
tried to re-sync several times with Gmail after changing some information, only to test, but it won't correct the situation...
Same here. Contacts sync'd from Google/Gmail. Everything shows up find on both Google and phone's contact list, but in-call display shows something different.
I though it was me lol!
Yeh i noticed that, not sure if it was doing this on older cyanogen roms or not.
Funny...I get one contact picture for all of my contacts that have an organization assigned??? She's not even in the organization.
I am glad that I am not the only one. I even turned of sync and deleted all the contacts on my gmail and on phone. Then restored a back up to my gmail account and let the phone sync up but it didn't fix it. The only way I have corrected it on some contacts is to delete them and reenter them. Its okay when the only have one number but when they have multiple numbers and emails it will be a hassle.
i hope this gets into cyanogene's issue list and will be fixed within the next release.
I have the same issue.
Is anyone experiencing this issue syncing their contacts with Facebook? This was an issue for me when I first got my N1 and not syncing my contacts with Facebook fixed it.
same issue here.
Me too got same bug
I am glad that I am not the only one, but I would have expected someone to have a solution. I will have to do more searching.
Wrong Organization
I am also getting wrong organization for the calls coming in. It is quite disconcerting, because I need this data to be right. However, I fulfill this need by using the name and number to figure it out myself, and by asking the caller who they're calling from. This should be fixed soon.
I have model Nexus One, firmware 2.1-update1, baseband, kernel [email protected] #1, mod version CyanogenMod-, build #EPE54B.
P.S., with all my "should"s, of course I am very grateful for any and all work that's gone into this for otherwise uncompensated work. I'm leaning toward learning this programming myself, so if anybody insists and points me to the right primers, I could fix it myself.

All phone contacts suddenly disappeared

Device: Samsung Galaxy S
OS : Android 2.1
Basically I don't use google account to sync my contacts because the groups thing doesn't work the way I want it. So instead, I use Kies, which allow you to sync Outlook contact with your phone, which all worked fine.
However, last night before going to bed I sent a few sms message and everything was fine, i.e. all contacts were there. But this morning when I work up because of a text message from a strange number, which was actually from a friend of mine, so I thought he has a new number so I tried to update his contacts but when I click on "Update existing contact" my address book pops up and is ... empty.
After that, I opened my contacts and NOTHING is there.
I turned on displaying google contacts and its all fine, but when I choose phone contact, absolutely nothing is displayed.
I did absolutely nothing last night, and I don't believe I cleared all my contacts while in my sleep (because I don't even know how to do that while im awake).
Anyone has this problem before and/or know how to solve it please help .
Btw, I have been adding quiet a lots of contacts over the last 2 weeks (since last time I sync with kies) so I really need them back.
this just happened to me, nobody knows how to solve this problem?
login to you gmail account and see if they are still there

FaceBook Contacts Sync

My FaceBook contacts keep giving me an error when trying to sync them? Everything else Twitter Myspace Google Gmail etc etc sync just fine. is anyone else having this issue? Can someone please force a sync and see for me its driving me insane I rely on that for my contacts
rjmjr69 said:
My FaceBook contacts keep giving me an error when trying to sync them? Everything else Twitter Myspace Google Gmail etc etc sync just fine. is anyone else having this issue? Can someone please force a sync and see for me its driving me insane I rely on that for my contacts
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I have found that you must sync through contacts instead of settings for it to actually connect and sync/link them. Go to contacts ->Menu ->Accounts ->Add Account. Then add an "Integrated Contact Account" at the top. Once it's added, click on Menu-> Get Friends.
VassagoX said:
I have found that you must sync through contacts instead of settings for it to actually connect and sync/link them. Go to contacts ->Menu ->Accounts ->Add Account. Then add an "Integrated Contact Account" at the top. Once it's added, click on Menu-> Get Friends.
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This technique does not work. I have tried every possible way multiple times. Ticking facebook to "get friends" does not even do anything. Doing research about this problem with other phones seems to point toward FB servers as the problem. Pretty much FB = epic fail. I have only gotten my FB contacts to sync twice but it never updated - one was right when I got the phone but did not like the epic syncing 390430.39 contacts to my gmail (since there is no option to choose what to sync or even what groups to export!!! annoying i decided to do a hard reset). I had my fb contacts sync one more on my 3rd hard reset but i had to do yet another HR to clear a notification error due to conflicting apps. Now I am about to do my 5th. FML!
I wish FB would actually announce their issues
my voice search has stopped working other than opening browser to google. no calls, no music search, no nothing. apparently you have to sync ur contacts with google for the voice search to analyze your contacts to find the one to call. You can not have them stored to your phone group. switched all my contacts over to my google group and nothing happened. I was hoping maybe it would and that would also be why fb would not sync. guess not.
Mine synced today after turning on 4g for awhile.
richabi said:
This technique does not work. I have tried every possible way multiple times. Ticking facebook to "get friends" does not even do anything. Doing research about this problem with other phones seems to point toward FB servers as the problem. Pretty much FB = epic fail. I have only gotten my FB contacts to sync twice but it never updated - one was right when I got the phone but did not like the epic syncing 390430.39 contacts to my gmail (since there is no option to choose what to sync or even what groups to export!!! annoying i decided to do a hard reset). I had my fb contacts sync one more on my 3rd hard reset but i had to do yet another HR to clear a notification error due to conflicting apps. Now I am about to do my 5th. FML!
I wish FB would actually announce their issues
my voice search has stopped working other than opening browser to google. no calls, no music search, no nothing. apparently you have to sync ur contacts with google for the voice search to analyze your contacts to find the one to call. You can not have them stored to your phone group. switched all my contacts over to my google group and nothing happened. I was hoping maybe it would and that would also be why fb would not sync. guess not.
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It doesn't sound like a FB issue as mine synced immediately after doing what I outlined and has stayed since.
think it was coincidence
I think you trying that technique and getting it to work was just timing. I just checked to see if I can add contacts from my FB and it is the first it let me in a week trying every day. Has to be server side. People from other carriers and phones were reporting the same issue...
richabi said:
I think you trying that technique and getting it to work was just timing. I just checked to see if I can add contacts from my FB and it is the first it let me in a week trying every day. Has to be server side. People from other carriers and phones were reporting the same issue...
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People reported success with this technique on other forums too, where going through the actual settings didn't work for them. IDK, it's whatever...
I'm sort of having a similar problem, except with MySpace, I haven't been able to log in since I got the phone. Any suggestions? I've tried it on both wifi & 3g (no 4g where I live) have flashed different roms and gotten the same result. Any ideas?

Google Voice on my Evo -- did I screw up?

So, I love google voice.
<Back story> I have three Gmail accounts: business, personal, and a junk account. I didn't know there was a limit of it seems two or three times you can tie your phone to a google number. On top of that, my original EVO had to be returned to the store for a defect (i got a new one about 2 months ago)
So I'd love to use google voice again with the account I've already setup (one of my gmails) Problem is when i get to the part of verifying the phone by sending a text message I get "a problem has occured" message from the google voice app.
Some digging on google tells me that my phone number has already been tied to the maximum number of google voice accounts.
Further complicating things (and this one is my own fault) the ONE google voice accoun that I had working on my last phone (a 4th gmail account) I can't remember the password to. This seems to be the account that has the "active" status and would work on my phone if I could just remember the password. It's my junk gmail account, and even password recovery doesnt work.
Anyone got a friendly tip how I can go about getting my original Google voice account setup back on my phone? Is there a particular page on google I can request to have everything wiped out related to my phone and start fresh?
Have you tried setting it up on the computer?
yes - anytime I try to setup on a computer it gives me the message "unable to verify number, the phone number you entered is already paired to two google voice accounts"
i guess their limit is two.
The weird thing is while the original phone was physically a different evo, I still have the same cell phone number (using it daily) that I used when I setup my first few google voice accounts.
Its like they just completely forgot to have a "reclaim" feature in their system such that someone can re-pair a phone with their google voice account as long as you verifty ownership of the number, which i totally can.
Go into one of your other numbers and change the main number to a different number. Like home or a friends cell for the time being. Then set up your main on your evo. If you really need 3 GV accounts, you can always get a virtual number for a minimal price. I use
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Google Voice

Just tried to install Google Voice on my PH-1 with Android Pie. I got nowhere.
I am wondering if privacy setting could have anything to do with it...
If anyone can point me towards someone that has it working that may wish to provide a little tutelage I would appreciate it.
Of course I have a gmail account. But when I installed, I chose the account then I see several pages fly by and then at the bottom is has a box stating to switch accounts.
I am more than a little clueless at this time.
Zargone said:
Just tried to install Google Voice on my PH-1 with Android Pie. I got nowhere.
I am wondering if privacy setting could have anything to do with it...
If anyone can point me towards someone that has it working that may wish to provide a little tutelage I would appreciate it.
Of course I have a gmail account. But when I installed, I chose the account then I see several pages fly by and then at the bottom is has a box stating to switch accounts.
I am more than a little clueless at this time.
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If it helps you at all, I signed up for my Google voice number on the website before I signed into the app on my phone. From there it didn't require any other input aside from setting ringtones. I use it at my daily contact number.
It's working fine for me. Have you used Google Voice before on another phone? The basics should be the same. Once you get assigned a number that's associated with a gmail account, you should be able to go to settings in the app on the phone and set it up. The GV number and the phone number it's forwarded to are in the first part of settings.

