Thinking of buying and rooting a Droid X - Droid X General

I may be upgrading to the X soon from a rooted Eris. I've read threads for a couple hours now and keep reading about a sbf. What is it and how do you do it? Also, is Clockwork (I believe Koush modded it somehow) the only recovery available? I currently use Amon Ra recovery on my Eris to wipe and flash roms/updates/themes. Apparently there's a different process for the X that I don't yet understand.
This is how I see the whole rom flashing process working - please correct me if I'm wrong: First you root, then install the recovery app (is it an app? It replaces the recovery partition on the Eris). To boot into recovery you run the app. From there you can wipe data and dalvik, and flash roms/updates. Can you also back up and restore roms? Also, I read something about mounting /system to flash roms. So that means it's really only making changes in the system folder. Is /data affected? If not, are apps carried over from rom to rom?
How high can the X be overclocked?
Are there any CyanogenMod roms available?
Has anyone bricked an X? Is this common or only if you're careless?
I really appreciate any feedback. Like I said, I'm not new to rooting but know very little about the X and from what I've read the process is a bit different than what I'm used to.

The SBF is basically a factory reset, it restores the X to it's factory state
Great if you happen to mess up while flashing a new ROM
The Bootstrap is an application, there is currently no way to flash a recovery to our bootloader.
This said, it still can still wipe cache, /system, /data, davlik, and backup/flash/update ROMs.
There are options to mount certain partitions and some roms need this before you install them such as Fission which needs /system and /data.
Some ROMs suggest clearing /data when you install them, just read their instructions.
If you do not clear /data, then your apps will carry over, since they reside in /data/app/.
I have heard the X overclocked up to 2.0ghz, but I also heard this is unstable.
I have heard of stable clocks of 1.15, 1.2, 1.3.
YMMV, as mine only can go up to 1.1 before it freezes.
There are 2 apps that I know of that make overclocking easy.
They are $0.99 for each.
I prefer the one called Droid 2/X Overclock
Cyanogen ROMs are not available on the X due to our locked bootloader
I'm sure many have bricked or bootlooped their X, but in most cases, the sbf can save you.

Thanks for the fast and informative response. Your OC app suggestion is well noted. If I cannot get Setcpu to work I'll probably use it.
How is internal memory on the X? Verizon boasts that it has 8 GB but surely it doesn't have that much left for apps and processes after all is said and done. My phone currently only has 159 MB (depending on the size of the rom I use) so the X will be a nice upgrade for me.

SetCPU works fine on my Droid X; after I rooted it, obviously. However, SetCPU does not overclock. It underclocks. SetCPU is meant to save you battery life by throttling the CPU.
The linked app is specifically for overclocking the Droid 2/X. It serves a different purpose, ie getting more performance out of your phone.
Just wanted to make sure you are aware of that distinction.

joshw0000 said:
Thanks for the fast and informative response. Your OC app suggestion is well noted. If I cannot get Setcpu to work I'll probably use it.
How is internal memory on the X? Verizon boasts that it has 8 GB but surely it doesn't have that much left for apps and processes after all is said and done. My phone currently only has 159 MB (depending on the size of the rom I use) so the X will be a nice upgrade for me.
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The X has 8GB of internal storage (ROM), less space taken for the included system files and applications. Mine shows 7.02GB with 6.67GB free. The Eris has far less space if I recall, only 512MB total. You'll be able to install apps to the X to your heart's content.
The Droid X also has 512MB of RAM for processes to use, vs 288MB that the Eris has.

I'll be talking to Verizon very soon!
Sent from my Floyo Tazz using XDA App

How is the battery life on a rooted Droid X?
I have a HTC Incredible that my wife wants so I am thinking of getting the X as nothing better is out.
Simply afraid the battery will suck or Rooting and such will be way to tough.
Does ROM manager work with the X?

The battery on the X can't be any worse than the Incredible. HTC (I love their phones - had 1 before my X and will be getting one soon) is notoriously bad at battery consumption. I think you can expect to be on e at the end of the night with a day of moderate use.
Rooting is easy. Download "Z4Root" from the market. Hit the "Root me" button. You are good to go.
Rom manager works. But not much in there. I love Rubix. A lot of people are using Fission.
You know that the X has a locked boot loader so there are no custom kernels right? Although they did come up with a way to overclock (and under clock).

What does having a locked boot loader restrict you from doing, other than changing the kernel and adding custom boot images (the splash image displayed before the boot animation)? I know that it's made the custom recovery image difficult but it sounds like you have a work-around. Anything I left off?
...talked to Verizon today. I can transfer my mother-in-law's upgrade to my line and upgrade for $200. One of my buddies wants my Eris for his wife for $150. So for $50 I should be getting an X soon!

joshw0000 said:
What does having a locked boot loader restrict you from doing, other than changing the kernel and adding custom boot images (the splash image displayed before the boot animation)? I know that it's made the custom recovery image difficult but it sounds like you have a work-around. Anything I left off?
...talked to Verizon today. I can transfer my mother-in-law's upgrade to my line and upgrade for $200. One of my buddies wants my Eris for his wife for $150. So for $50 I should be getting an X soon!
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Even with a locked bootloader you can still change the boot logo and the boot animation.
But you cannot change the kernel. Is it that big of deal? Well it means all of the great roms - Cyanogen, Bugles Beast, etc, will never run on the X because they all use a custom kernel.
Oh- and you can never run even a simple AOSP rom - just plain old stock android - because of the motorola kernel. You can run a pretty good imitation of the stock android rom - but it is till just that - an imitation.
It also means that when verizon wireless and motorola abandon the X project (whenever that is) that we will no longer be able to update our OS. We could get stuck on 2.3 gingerbread while the Droid 1 is running 3.5 Lemon Meringue- bc the Droid 1 bootloader is unlocked.
Not really a big deal though to me. I am just going to buy a new phone. And it will not be a motorola. I love my X. But I want to do what I want to do. Just me though.

Coming from the HTC Eris, I can say that I feel the pain but I'm pretty sure the bootloader will one day be unlocked. It only takes one disgruntled Moto employee to slip it and there are no limitations from there. It took several months for the Eris to get an unlocked bootloader. In fact, we thought we'd never even get rooted. It's an EOL phone that never received an official 2.2 OTA. Thanks to the developers, it has vanilla and sense 2.2 roms.
My biggest complaint with the Eris is the physical hardware limitations. The X dominates it so I think I'll be happy on a stock kernel until the bootloader is unlocked.
...should be arriving Tuesday.
Sent from my Floyo Tazz using XDA App

I just came from an Eris myself last week. The things you're used to with the Eris are a little more difficult on the X, but once you get in the swing of it, you get used to it. Also, go with the Certified pre-owned. I got it for $150 and it looks brand new, you literally cannot tell. It's worth the extra $50 off. I sold my Eris on eBay for $162.50 so it was nice getting paid to get a new DX lol. You won't regret switching!

My Droid X came in 2 days ago. I rooted it last night. I'm going to keep the stock rom until I've had enough time to get the feel for the X. I kinda like the Moto Blur. Any rom suggestions? Something semi stock with Blur, only deodexed and OC'ed.
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joshw0000 said:
Any rom suggestions? Something semi stock with Blur, only deodexed and OC'ed.
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rubiX blurry 1.5.2 is a good ROM, leaves the blur in tact but slims it down and speeds it up. I don't beleive there are any kernal tweaks in it though, so you may get jrummy's oc app

1KDS said:
rubiX blurry 1.5.2 is a good ROM, leaves the blur in tact but slims it down and speeds it up. I don't beleive there are any kernal tweaks in it though, so you may get jrummy's oc app
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That's the one I used. Then I updated it to 1.6.3 and themed it with the black and green juice theme. So far I'm happy with it. Idk why he changed the build to read that it's 2.2.1. Scared me at first. I thought I had accidentally flashed a leaked rom....I'm starting to learn my way around the DX.
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[Q] Switching from the iPhone 4 to Droid X

Hey everybody, I'm switching to an iPhone 4 to the Droid X within a matter of weeks now. That being said, I am a VERY experience user of iOS and even got Android on my old iTouch. Every iDevice I have owned has been jailbroken and heavily used. However, I believe it is time to switch to the Droid X. It has a much bigger screen, much more speed, and a more reliable network. Now to the good stuff - I have been following several threads on the Droid X about the "ROMS" . I do love the Vanilla Android look and would definetely want to put that on my upcoming Droid X. Does anyone know of a good instruction guide to get that properly set-up and working for noobies? Thanks to everybody, looking forward to making the big switch!
there is a good tutorial over on for root/roms/backup in the hacks section
Welcome aboard. I too dumped my iPhone 4 after six months and now have the Droid X. I cleared some good resale value, and couldn't be happier. If you haven't sold it yet I would suggest checking out, they were easy to deal with and a legit buyer.
Z4root will get you rooted (free in market) and Rom Manager will get you familiar with roms. You will also need bootstrap recovery to get started flashing. Google it. Steer clear of the leaked 2.2.1 flash for now. There is no full SBF to recover if things go wrong. Once the full SBF is available, it's no big deal. Use Rom Manager to back up before each and every flash. This will save you alot of headache.You will always have something stable to go back to if things go bad, unless you upgrade bootloader. Once you upgrade bootloader, old backups are useless. Another reason to stay away from the leak for now.
thanks for the suggestion bro
Barkleyfan said:
Z4root will get you rooted (free in market) and Rom Manager will get you familiar with roms. You will also need bootstrap recovery to get started flashing. Google it. Steer clear of the leaked 2.2.1 flash for now. There is no full SBF to recover if things go wrong. Once the full SBF is available, it's no big deal. Use Rom Manager to back up before each and every flash. This will save you alot of headache.You will always have something stable to go back to if things go bad, unless you upgrade bootloader. Once you upgrade bootloader, old backups are useless. Another reason to stay away from the leak for now.
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thanks so much for the explanation man. the iphone 4 is pretty simple to hack with the new jailbreaks and such ahah. it will be fun playing witht he droid x tho. thanks again . i will search a bit more

Cyanogen or froyo stock?

Hi, I just got my g2 from the free promotion thingy and im pretty much new to andriod. Should I stay on stock froyo or use cyanogen? And what are the advantages and disadvantages?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
I would root it. There are tons of things that are advantages, such taking some of the crapware that comes bundled on the phone, ability to put themes on your phone, and you get added features with cyanogenmod and other roms out there. The features you can check out for yourself, which can be found on changelogs, YouTube videos, forum post, etc. Spend some time, read that roms' forum thread and learn a few things along the way.
Sent from my HTC Vision
It can be a tough decision.
First of all I am coming from a g1 that was running the latest stable cyanogenmod so the G2 has been an amazing phone stock. It is super fast and the display is seriously amazing. I did root it because I wanted to check out the cm7 nightlies and also the stable cm6.1.1.
First of all I actually like some of the apps that came pre-installed on the g2. Quickoffice is amazing and an excellent ppt, pdf, doc viewer. I did miss that on cyanogen and I also preferred the stock 2.2 scheme and app drawer. However these are the main differences. Everything else is very similar just with added functionality. You can manipulate every aspect of the UI including the power widget on the notification bar (my personal favorite). You can also overclock your cpu to squeeze some more performance out (up to 1.8ghz but I hear 1.4 is safer). You can also use your current data plan for tethering instead of having to pay extra.
But all in all if you don't require or need this functionality, just stay stock. The stock experience is excellent. I come from the G1 culture where we rooted just so we could stay relevant and get some decent speed on our long forgotten phones. That was the only reason I rooted before and quite possibly the only reason I'll root in the future.
I went back to stock to get my quick office back and I really don't mind the loss of functionality (for now) however I do miss the cool radio tuner.
Quickoffice is in CyanogenMod...
Anyway, root your phone and flash CyanogenMod. The stock experience is great and all but so many things just work better with CyanogenMod.
When you root, you obtain so many more capabilities. How would you like to remove every single advertisement you see? Well you can't do it unless you root.
There are so many more things but I just can't get into it. You'll sit here all day reading my post. Just take me word for it and root. You won't go wrong but READ READ READ all instructions and understand them before you do anything.
Yes, it is risky but only if you're stupid and/or rushing. Make sure you have the correct files and always make a backup. I keep them in a special place on me computer. I still have my stock backed up for if I ever have a problem.
It's a fun thing to get into. You learn a lot and will continue to learn. If you don't find out something new everyday with your G2, there's really no reason to have it, IMHO...
Sent from me CM7 Nightly HTC Vision using XDA App that needs a thanks button implemented
Cyanogen is stock 2.3.2 with tons of extra features and extremely stable. Stock is 2.2.1 with a ton of bloat and no extra features. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
Root and flash cyanogen mod, awesome decision.
I am coming from a rooted G1 and I got my G2 from the free promotion and I rooted because I can't do without it. Once you have root, you won't ever want to go back. I rooted my G2 in the first 30 minutes that it was out of the box. Only down side that I can think of is that you can't have an inteligent conversation with a service rep. xD
You can get root and stay on the stock software/ROM but I don't recemend it, the whole Android experiance changes the moment you install a custom ROM.
The manufacturer and carrier has locked the phone down so much that they basically own the phone, they locked down the potential of the device so much that once you have root you'll be amazed about how much stuff you can now do on it.
YOU bought the phone, its YOURS, NOT the carrier's, NOT the manufacturer's but YOURS, why not make it so?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I would also recommend that you check out some of the Desire Z/Sense ports (I'm using Virtuous). They're quite clean in terms of bloatware, but you get alot of extras, such as a superior camera/music player app, plugins (Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, etc), and more. You can still use ADW Launcher or Launcher Pro for your homescreen/app drawer.
root. install cyanogen. Obtain FM Radio = win
btate0121 said:
root. install cyanogen. Obtain FM Radio = win
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I got mine last Friday and I rooted just to get rid of the bloatware and for overclock.
The FM radio is a bonus... that's sweet.
Does rooting still void the warranty?
I waited until my warranty had run out with my G1 before I rooted it. Just afraid the phone'll break or so and I wont have any options.
metamet said:
Does rooting still void the warranty?
I waited until my warranty had run out with my G1 before I rooted it. Just afraid the phone'll break or so and I wont have any options.
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Technically, yes. However, it's pretty easy to flash a stock ROM back on if you break something.
I preordered my G2 after a long, rooted 2 years on the G1. When I first got the G2, I said I wouldn't root because it didn't need it. My G2 did everything the G1 did but much, much faster. Then I got tired of not having full control of my phone. I had apps I would never use running in the background plus numerous other things that I just had no control over. Then, the brilliant developers found root and I haven't looked back.
I have a lot of people with unrooted android devices around me and they are always blown away by what I can do with my G2. For me, rooting turned my smartPHONE into tiny PC that does calls.
I have a guy I work with who just picked up the new nexus. He was showing it to me and commented on the GB light when you hit the bottom of a page. Well he griped that he wanted the overscroll bounce back. I then showed him that with root and cyan, you can have both. He wasn't ammused as he is afraid to root.
I say read up on everything that is involved with rooting and flashing custom bits. When you feel comfy with it. Unlock that bish and make that G2 your own.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

Droid X or dinc??

My wife's og Droid took a poop so I bought an Incredible which I'll have in a day or 2. I love my X but am thinking about swapping her to have something new (to me) to play with until I upgrade this summer. Has anyone here had both and prefer one over the other? Decisions decisions....
Droid X all the way. Moto is the way to go, I've expierienced nothing but problems with HTC (all models), not to mention horrible battery life.
I just came from the Dinc a month ago to the X. I have always used HTC devices from the old windows op to their first android to the DInc. I also (as in the post above me) have had issues with the HTC, but, I am brand loyal. I like the development side of HTC over Motorola. THere are MANY more ROMS and custom things available for the HTC devices. That is the one thing I miss. With the Dinc..there are Incredible 2 and S roms available that give you the newer SenseUI. IT IS AMAZING!! along with HTC HUB to download more themes and skins..along with sound sets! It really is amazing, the level of custom things that can be done with HTC devices.
There was talk with HTC and Verizon to be more locked down, however, HTC has agreed to not back root access more difficult..a day after the Thunderbolt was was hacked.
The only reason I went with the Droid X was because of the 29.99 price. I am going back to HTC.
With the Droid X (it appears) everytime you want to go back to stock you have to SBF (which is not a big issue), however, to do that you need access to a computer. THAT IS NOT THE CASE with the Dinc. I have been at work and switched ROMS 5 or 6 times..the back-ups are stored and can easily be re-loaded on the go. The functionality is FAR better than the Motorola in that aspect.
If you are the type to "tinker" constantly with the ROMS and phone, go with HTC, if you are ok with having to have a computer handy to switch out from custom to stock and back..stick with Motorola.
My opinions.
If the HTC SenseUI is not what your looking for..there ARE MANY ROMS that use vanilla and 2.3 operating systems. There are also MIUI ROMS if you want the complete look of the iphone and functionality of android systems.
there really is NO LIMIT to the customization of HTC.
Google "the incredible list" is just a brief run down of the custom ROMS and tweaks..about 40 or so..and it is not updated often.
CM7 is my personal favorite ROM for the DInc...ALOT of custom features..
Now technically stuff vs opinion:
I believe the X has more internal storage. Both phones are capable of holding and supporting 32gb memory cards though. Screen size is another difference. The X is 4.3 and the Dinc is 3.7. (I download alot of movies and store them on my SD card so the 4.3 on the X is better). Both have 8mp cameras. The Dinc is a 720p output and does NOT have an HDMI output like the X. However, there are many ROMS that include "TVOut" for the Dinc. Most of the newer ROMS (I could be mistaken, not sure these have been fixed yet) are not capable of running the 720p video, now..ALOT of people were working on getting that fixed.
With the fact the bootoader is unlocked on the Dinc, you can run many different style ROMS that give you the same look and feel of the X. again, the technical differences are still there.
It really comes down to: do you want the true full ability to customize?
EDIT:: Regarding battery life mentioned in the above post. I easily went 24-36 hours with normal use and no need for a charge. Use SETCPU and custom setting to scale cpu by time, battery levels, and screen off and you are good to go.
Well, as much as the X is a better phone... The Incredible, from what I understand, is much easier to modify. Pretty sure the bootloader is unlocked, aswell.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I answered the dinc side of this topic just a second ago before I came and looked at my "home" section, but I want to add that the DX is better as long as you aren't planning on using a ton of custom roms/kernels.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Thanks for all the feedback, everyone!
chbennett said:
I answered the dinc side of this topic just a second ago before I came and looked at my "home" section, but I want to add that the DX is better as long as you aren't planning on using a ton of custom roms/kernels.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
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Kinda what I was thinking. And yea I had to post in both sections to help weed out the "my phone is better" people.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

[Q] New DX - Root?

Hey Everyone,
I lost my old Eris and getting a Droid X today. I rooted and overclocked my Eris because it was so slow. My question is it worth Rooting a DX? It will be so much faster than my old phone and not sure if its worth risking the warranty on it. Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm guessing I can run CyangenMOD on a DX, overclock it, etc...
CM is in a pretty early beta for the DX right now. Haven't been keeping up with what is working and what isn't, but it's supposed to be pretty stable overall.
I've been messing around with overclocking the past few days, but you are right that the phone is pretty fast on it's own. Milestone overclock + SetCPU for profiles.
I've been having stability issues, heat issues, and random reboots. But the troubleshooting and tweaking is what I love about android.
If your on GB already you won't be able to root right away. You'll need to sbf back to froyo and follow one of the stickie tutorials from there.
Good luck.
I think it is worth it cm4dx is amazing work and a great acoplisment by cvpcs. Also if you have trouble rooting one app has always worked for me and that superoneclick if I have that right, just fyi, I had trouble rooting mine with z4root etc.
Well there are several things to read before rooting. The best thing would probably to go to the top of this section (Droid X General) and read the "noob to Droid x" topic, since it has a HUGE HUGE amount of info on rooting, deodexing, etc.
One of the MAIN reasons why people root is to get new roms: mainly because of skins/crap-apps that default on device which cause it to slow down, side loaded apps: such as wireless tethering apps which usually cost $30 a month for FREE, or maybe backup apps like Titanium backup which saves a backup of all your apps + their data to your sdcard incase something goes wrong / up update to a new rom.
People just like to customize their phones to THEIR fancy, not to what a manufacturer tells you is "awesome".
Hope this helps!

Greetings. Moving on from my Incredible...

Just ordered my DX on Ebay to replace my slowly deteriorating, yet faithful, Droid Incredible.
I am trying my best to read through the threads here, but there is a lot to take in (though development does seem to lag considerably behind the Inc). My plan is to stay stock for a few days to see what it is like, and then I will root and have fun. I have used at least 30 ROMS across five different devices, so flashing and rooting is not new to me.
If anyone is willing to distill some information for me, it would be much appreciated. Here are my questions...
1) Are there any reasons not to root the DX? What I mean is, are there any known pitfalls such as hardware failure that are known to be linked to rooting with the DX. I know of the implied dangers with regard to bricking.
2) Are there any others who have come from the Incredible? I have run every ROM available for that phone, and I think MIUI and SkyRaider were my favorites. I liked the Sense 3.0 stuff, but it was fairly unstable (not to mention the DX doesn't have Sense anyway). Any recommendations here for ROMs that are similar in flavor?
3)WHAT IS SO BAD ABOUT BLUR?? I put this in caps because there seems to be a lot of hate on this motoblur skin for android, and many people adamantly demand ROMs to be de-blurred. What's so bad about it? How does it compare to Sense? I guess from what I've seen on video comparisons it doesn't seem all that bad.
Anything else I should know about this device before I get started on it? Anything I should definitely do or NOT do as far as modding is concerned?
Epicardium said:
Just ordered my DX on Ebay to replace my slowly deteriorating, yet faithful, Droid Incredible.
I am trying my best to read through the threads here, but there is a lot to take in (though development does seem to lag considerably behind the Inc). My plan is to stay stock for a few days to see what it is like, and then I will root and have fun. I have used at least 30 ROMS across five different devices, so flashing and rooting is not new to me.
If anyone is willing to distill some information for me, it would be much appreciated. Here are my questions...
1) Are there any reasons not to root the DX? What I mean is, are there any known pitfalls such as hardware failure that are known to be linked to rooting with the DX. I know of the implied dangers with regard to bricking.
2) Are there any others who have come from the Incredible? I have run every ROM available for that phone, and I think MIUI and SkyRaider were my favorites. I liked the Sense 3.0 stuff, but it was fairly unstable (not to mention the DX doesn't have Sense anyway). Any recommendations here for ROMs that are similar in flavor?
3)WHAT IS SO BAD ABOUT BLUR?? I put this in caps because there seems to be a lot of hate on this motoblur skin for android, and many people adamantly demand ROMs to be de-blurred. What's so bad about it? How does it compare to Sense? I guess from what I've seen on video comparisons it doesn't seem all that bad.
Anything else I should know about this device before I get started on it? Anything I should definitely do or NOT do as far as modding is concerned?
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Welcome to the Droid X community!
In your experiences here you will learn that the Incredible and the Droid X have many differences.
To answer your queries:
1. There are no hardware pitfalls when rooting a Droid X, and our device is virtually brick proof.
2. My personal favorite rom for the Droid X is MIUI, but there are many popular roms. DarkslideX is a stock based rom that is absolute in speed and battery life (giving over fifteen hours).
3. Sense is better than blur in nearly every aspect. Blur slows the phone down incredibly, you won't experience the full capability of your Droid X using blur.
Some things you should know:
1. What a sbf file is. It is what makes this device virtually unbrickable, it will return you to pure stock with only several clicks. Also, SBFing to Froyo is required when flashing roms such as MIUI and CyanogenMod.
2. Don't ever use Droid X Bootstrap. When flashing from Froyo to any Gingerbread rom you must use Droid 2 Bootstrapper or you will have to reSBF your phone.
I'll report back if I think of anything else, good luck! =D
(I'll try to post links to important things later, also)
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
infazzdar said:
Welcome to the Droid X community!
In your experiences here you will learn that the Incredible and the Droid X have many differences.
To answer your queries:
1. There are no hardware pitfalls when rooting a Droid X, and our device is virtually brick proof.
2. My personal favorite rom for the Droid X is MIUI, but there are many popular roms. DarkslideX is a stock based rom that is absolute in speed and battery life (giving over fifteen hours).
3. Sense is better than blur in nearly every aspect. Blur slows the phone down incredibly, you won't experience the full capability of your Droid X using blur.
Some things you should know:
1. What a sbf file is. It is what makes this device virtually unbrickable, it will return you to pure stock with only several clicks. Also, SBFing to Froyo is required when flashing roms such as MIUI and CyanogenMod.
2. Don't ever use Droid X Bootstrap. When flashing from Froyo to any Gingerbread rom you must use Droid 2 Bootstrapper or you will have to reSBF your phone.
I'll report back if I think of anything else, good luck! =D
(I'll try to post links to important things later, also)
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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Fantastic! This is the kind of information I am fishing for. Thanks a million. I am mashing the 'Thanks' button.....
Also, do you have any real problems with MIUI on the DX? Any annoyances (like haptic not working, etc)?
Epicardium said:
Fantastic! This is the kind of information I am fishing for. Thanks a million. I am mashing the 'Thanks' button.....
Also, do you have any real problems with MIUI on the DX? Any annoyances (like haptic not working, etc)?
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Personally, I don't have issues whatsoever. All I can say is to try it out =D
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Now have an X2 also. Which to keep??
Through an odd set of circumstances, I have now acquired an X2 in addition to an original X. Love the screen on the X2, and the CPu & GPU, but seems like the X might still be the better choice given that it is further along the development cycle. Seems the X2 may never get there because I can't tell that very many great devs are working on it. Could be wrong though. Any thoughts on which phone I should keep?? Have to sell one of them in the next couple of weeks to recoup some costs.
