Stupid, stupid internet/signal blockers!!! - Nexus One General

Well at my high school we got a new principal, and frankly he hates the texting, and the web browsing, and the in-class calls to home, so he set up cellphone signal blockers, and internet blockers, which is very annoying! Does anyone know anyways to get around these, or cancel them out? If not i will just take it upon myself to destroy them!

Maybe you should utilize your time in school learning...

I thought that phone jamming was illegal in the US. Something about property theft.... Maybe you could get him arrested!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

in the US you could just call the cops

No getting around it. High schools where I live are blocked inside and outside to a certain spot. The court house blocks internet in court room area you can only make phone calls but the rest of building is edge network. Walk out building 5 feet full 3g service. Something with homeland security.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

That would be too much stress, playing games and surfing the internet is much more fun! plus we hardly do anything anyway!

I don't know where you're from. But, if you're in the US, signal blocking is highly illeagal. However, you should not waste the teacher's time playing with your phone...

thats disappointing to hear...

You get around it by calling the FCC. Unless he has a license to broadcast on those frequencies, he'll be in for a nasty surprise. If you have evidence that he's using them, contact your local FCC office and tell them what he's up to.
Alternatively, fake a heart attack and wait for someone to try and call 911. When the school hears how you died because someone couldn't call 911, the principle better be prepared for jail time.

ScottC said:
You get around it by calling the FCC. Unless he has a license to broadcast on those frequencies, he'll be in for a nasty surprise. If you have evidence that he's using them, contact your local FCC office and tell them what he's up to.
Alternatively, fake a heart attack and wait for someone to try and call 911. When the school hears how you died because someone couldn't call 911, the principle better be prepared for jail time.
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hahaha nice alternative man
But seriously, in USA and Canada, signal blocking is completely illegal, whatever the use is. Complain to the local authorities and get it taken off.
School is important though, listen to the important classes and stuff...I do text in random French and programming classes though

it wont be hard to get evidence, because of the fact that he had an assembly and was bragging about it to the whole school... ugh, ignorant people...

I dont know how big/small your school is, but to cover an average size school you would need one powerful jammer or multiple jammers to canvas the school in that evil death signal.
Look for an antenna/s and snap a picture of the device if you can.
But it is 100% illegal, I remember for a time movie theaters wanted to install these but of course that never happened. if you are 100% sure you can call the FCC

Drew11 said:
it wont be hard to get evidence, because of the fact that he had an assembly and was bragging about it to the whole school... ugh, ignorant people...
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Does your mommy know you're using the internets?

Drew11 said:
Well at my high school we got a new principal, and frankly he hates the texting, and the web browsing, and the in-class calls to home, so he set up cellphone signal blockers, and internet blockers, which is very annoying! Does anyone know anyways to get around these, or cancel them out? If not i will just take it upon myself to destroy them!
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Listen to all these do gooders lol... Im sure they were all honor roll students lol
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

Drew11 said:
it wont be hard to get evidence, because of the fact that he had an assembly and was bragging about it to the whole school... ugh, ignorant people...
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Are you certain that he is using an active signal jammer, and not that he had the classrooms painted and installed EM blocking screening material in the windows?
Active is illegal. I provided the link above.
Passive blocking through materials that naturally attenuate signal is not.

khaytsus said:
Does your mommy know you're using the internets?
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Really ? Seriously ?
My kids all had cell phones in high school, and even jr high.
It is what it is, get used to it.

I have no idea if my school is jamming. I get 3G in certain small areas. If I move my phone 4"+ away, I lose signal. Maybe it's just thick walls.

Forget the interwebs... you should be snapping photos of all the hunnies

Cream of the crop of XDA in this tread...


Legality of tracking stolen phone with Wavesecure etc.

I asked the police today about the legality of tracking etc your phone if stolen using wavesecure or similar in the UK.
The particular officer seemed to think it should not be a problem since it is your property and regardless of who's possession it's in you are allowed to track it.
The legality however of tracking its use is uncertain, their calls, SMS etc, but again, since the phoone is yours, it should not be a problem.
They are going to get in touch with me should further details arise.
It's good to know though that as long as one doesn't attempt to take the law into their own hands, you are ok with tracking your stolen phone and should, technically be able to use this data collected as evidence against the thief should you find yourself able to track them this way.
I don't know if this information is of use to anybody but I thought I would share what I discovered today.
Just because you own a webcamera for instance, doesn't make it okay to stick it into someones house and record their activities does it?
Tracking your phone, no problems at all with that. But i don't think you have any right to read their SMS, Calls. Its a touchy subject.
Just thought i'd add this to your post.
cymru said:
Just because you own a webcamera for instance, doesn't make it okay to stick it into someones house and record their activities does it?
Tracking your phone, no problems at all with that. But i don't think you have any right to read their SMS, Calls. Its a touchy subject.
Just thought i'd add this to your post.
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No, but if they steal your webcam and it happens to be set up to record all activity around it (normally related to yourself) had it not been illegally removed from its original location, you're not to blame nor at fault should it keep recording wherever they leave it, and then provide this as evidence to the police in order to recover said stolen item.
Fair point. to be honest i'm just arguing for the sake of it. Im very bored.
Why not.
Well, we could argue technicalities, my mrs is a lawyer so I'm sure she would argue it out with me all day long about how their are laws against it, but to be fair, I think the law would take your side regardless, and you could even have it permitted on a technicality (i.e. that the server is set up to automatically back up all your data, contacts and SMS for your own data security, should someone elses end up there through illegally obtaining and using your device, that's through no fault of yours.)
Yeah fair play, I know what you mean. Even if its your phone and gets stolen i've no doubt any defence will pick holes in why you were able to have access to their personal information. We all know how good the justice system can be in our country sometimes.
It's true, it's always possible you could end up wit hthe wrong persons data and instead end up with some silly sod who bought a cheap stolen phone off someone (equally as guilty i'd say, but that's a different argument), but that is why the services such as Wavesecure offer options to simply disable the phone and prompt the (new) user to call one of your preset "buddies" or 999 (or any other message/number you care to give them) in order to return the phone.
Normally though I would suggest this would be a last resort, because a thief would probably just dispose of the phone or destroy it if they find it locked as such.
You could always track it down yourself and make a citizens arrest ;-)
Section 24A of PACE '84 :-D
^Don't really do this
Indeed, it would be perfectly legal to make a Citizen's arrest under those circumstances, however, to stereotype the nature of such a person that is likely to steal a mobile phone, particularly from the area in which I live, it is quite possible and somewhat likely that they are either A) a violent criminal (mugging), B) A drug abuser (mugging) or C) Just outright violent (any other person).
P.S. The moral is that it's not a good idea to try go after it yourself, you might get hurt, or worse......your phone might.
I was literally typing 'Are you from liverpool?' when i read your location on the right
Best leave well alone lol. Let your phone be the only Hero in your partnership.
I personally am from the Wirral, but I work and study in Liverpool, and as anyone from Liverpool will tell you, we from the Wirral are considered stuck up c**ts and to us, Liverpudlians are violent criminals, personally, my mrs is from Liverpool, maybe I just want to have a hard life
But anyway, should my phone get stolen, no doubt someone would try sell it to her sooner or later.
A) Just phone your local police and give them the location of the thief and phone, they would love the easy collar.
B) Thieves rights? don't make me laugh. If someone nicks my camera they don't have any rights to the photo's on it when I recover it. I would be more than happy to photograph their cuts and bruises as I use "reasonable force" to excecute my citizens arrest and send them to them.
C) If they do send sms from your phone, just note down the numbers and pass them on to the police too, chances are they are thieving smackheads too so might be able to arrest more!
mantracom said:
A) Just phone your local police and give them the location of the thief and phone, they would love the easy collar.
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yeah sure...
"my phone is somewhere in a 600m circle around main street 145, can you get it for me?"
"absolutely sir, two S.W.A.T. teams are already on their way!"
lol kendon Good one!
As for the issue itself, I wonder how this would go in a country with slightly more relaxed laws (US for example). There, I can really see issues where someone jumps in their pickup with their 'shooting club buddy', tracks their stolen phone using a laptop etc. from the passenger seat, and go setting about making use of the second amendment (click here if you don't happen to know amendments to the US constitution off by heart like me) on the thief (or unsuspecting buyer of the stolen goods).
To be honest, I'd have little sympathy for the thief in that case, regardless of how outnumbered they were. If you steal, you really do deserve what you get. What happened to the concept of an outlaw, where the law affords them no protection from others due to their disrespect of it?
^BTW, don't go doing that just cos you saw it here.
And, for the record, I'm actually from Britain, so maybe a pickup wouldn't be used...
alias_neo said:
Indeed, it would be perfectly legal to make a Citizen's arrest under those circumstances, however, to stereotype the nature of such a person that is likely to steal a mobile phone, particularly from the area in which I live, it is quite possible and somewhat likely that they are either A) a violent criminal (mugging), B) A drug abuser (mugging) or C) Just outright violent (any other person).
P.S. The moral is that it's not a good idea to try go after it yourself, you might get hurt, or worse......your phone might.
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hahahaha "or worse your phone might"
cymru said:
I was literally typing 'Are you from liverpool?' when i read your location on the right
Best leave well alone lol. Let your phone be the only Hero in your partnership.
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kendong2 said:
yeah sure...
"my phone is somewhere in a 600m circle around main street 145, can you get it for me?"
"absolutely sir, two S.W.A.T. teams are already on their way!"
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LOL! This thread just made my day
Anyway, let's just hope you never have to use Wavesecure.

Holy Monitoring Batman

Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
hahaha man thats insane
but could be useful
27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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I have mixed views on this, on one hand as a parent I think this is a great tool to keep kids from preditors because as these phones get more and more fetures they become more and more like computers, there is software form comps that do this so it only makes sense that it would come to the smart phone world.
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
Yeah, I see the use, but I still think that is it a breach of privacy. My parents never used blocking software on the PC, or looked over my shoulder. Sure, I saw some things on the internet that I prolly should not have, but I am no worse for the wear. I guess parents have the right to do it, but I think for business it is kinda sketch..but you work for them. Then again, Calls and e-mails, sure, but pictures and the like I think is to invasive.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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At least you know he's straight if the other demographic isn't what you wanted.
This is awesome.
My kid is so screwed, haha. (seriously, I don't care if he looks at porn. I just want to know he's not dead.)
EDIT: Whoah.... $100/year? Forget that. MobileDefense is free and good enough.
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
wonbattlelost said:
i can understand when their younger. maybe even until their 15 (15year olds...GOD!)
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But think about it this way... with an app like this, you could have them start walking to school and running errands when they're like 4 or 5.
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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I agree with you to a point and I really dont want to turn this into a parenting thread BUT I used to think the same way "you know let the kid experince life and learn from thier mistakes" thats what we did" but at then I became a parent and I relized just how much the world has changed. it used to be that you could let your kid go outside and ride their bikes and not have to worry becuase everyone in the community watched out for eachother, now I have to worry about pervs that might try to take my daughter and I can honestly say with one exception that i dont think my neighbors would do anything. then you have the pervs on the net and every celebrity basically saying that its ok to be permiscuious. as the father of a girl, yes i want to know where she is and if shes ok and yes if shes sending out inapropriate photos.
as for the work stuff. if the company provides you with a phone on thier dime then they have the right to know what you are using it for.
wtphoto said:
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
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Visionikz03 said:
Exactly!!!! Why would u hire someone u cant trust? Just to have a body? Sounds like the risks outwheigh the benefits. And if parents arent raising their children right and expecting some secretive software to cover up their inability to teach morales and respect to their children then what is this world coming to?
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my point precisly but at the same time I see the use for it becuase I worry about the other people out there.
i understand not trusting other, not so much the kid. But this software, text, email, contacts, calls the whole 9 yards. I can understand gps. You know where they are, and if you dont hear from them, you can just check.
Also if the kid were to ever get in trouble (assuming the kids 13+ and not an idiot maybe younger if you got a smart one) he/she would catch on that his/her phones being monitored. Who wouldnt ditch the phone and use another way of communication. Or better, leave the phone at home and then sneak out. $100 for the year down the drain
Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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This is 100% true. A few of my friends have parents that ALWAYS want to know where they are, what they're doing, and want them to call like every hour. Let me just say, I'm so thankful my parents don't do that to me. Mind you, it's not a bad thing to be checked in on every once in awhile (my parents did that), but that's just ridiculous. My common sense level compared to theirs, as well as my level of maturity, is just so much higher. I end up learning things either myself or the hard way, but I appreciate that. Now whenever I'm confronted with a task, I'm able to think for myself, and I have the confidence to know I can do things on my own. Sorry that got off-topic, but I believe there is a point where parents need to settle down and trust their kids. I've earned my parents trust, and am able to a lot more without restrictions because of it.
my parents never trusted me, and now im homeless. true story brah.
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chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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or he discovered proxy servers, flash browsers, or cached pages.
I am on the fence about this one. I read the article and immediately thought this would be perfect for my daughter.
However, it is a tough call. Realistically, the only thing this type of technology is guaranteed to do is cause a level of resentment and disstrust towards the parent.
The ultimate question...Is it worth it? If this prevents a crime towards the child then I think it is, but for day-to-day child raising I think it may cause more damage than good. It is awfully difficult to teach values to a child if they think you are spying on (and thus don't trust) them.
chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
seaweedopm said:
You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
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ok first i think that if people like you are going to start judging the way that others are raising thier children then this thread needs to be closed and you need to seriously take a look at yourself before you do anything else you can raise your children the way you like but dont judge others (unless there is actual abuse going on) second you have a 5 year old wait 7 or 8 years and then you might change your mind teens are a completely different ball game.
and on that note my final thought to you and then I am leaving this thread alone is that I see parents like you all day long I even have a friend that raises her kids with the same line of thinking and im not saying that you are wrong but most of the time they are spoiled brats that have no respect for any adult other than thier partents. Also everytime you see a parent on the news after their kids been taken by some perv you hear the same thing "we had no idea he/she was doing anything like that" oversight is your job as a parent if somethign happens to your child it is no ones failure but your own.

Am I the only one that uses the evo for wardriving?

I was just curious if anyone else out there enjoyed that kinda senseless "hobby".
I was so upset yesterday when my 16gb card died and I lost about 7000 files total, including some memorable pics and videos that can't be replaced. Just about every apk that demonoid had, my beginning database of wardriving spots (prolly around 4000 in less than a week), videos and pics from my vacation, and two "cool" videos. One was me filming outside my work one day when it was pouring rain and a lightning bolt hit less than a block away. Scared the **** outta me, heh! The other was me sitting in traffic and someone was driving the batmobile from the 60's and paused by me and I got it on video. :'(
Needless to say, I've started all over again with my driving database. Maybe I will get lucky again and be able to get back into some of the gated communities to map them. Btw, I am a delivery driver, so I am driving all around day and night.
Some people have some funny access point network names! A couple I remember were one named "slut" and another called "big black d_ck" (fill in the blank). Lmao. And the word wasn't the aflac bird either!
Anyone share this "interest" and have any tales to tell while out driving of anything unusual or funny?
i havnt done that in years, but my phones wifi tether is called "sexpot"
herbthehammer said:
I was just curious if anyone else out there enjoyed that kinda senseless "hobby".
I was so upset yesterday when my 16gb card died and I lost about 7000 files total, including some memorable pics and videos that can't be replaced. Just about every apk that demonoid had, my beginning database of wardriving spots (prolly around 4000 in less than a week), videos and pics from my vacation, and two "cool" videos. One was me filming outside my work one day when it was pouring rain and a lightning bolt hit less than a block away. Scared the **** outta me, heh! The other was me sitting in traffic and someone was driving the batmobile from the 60's and paused by me and I got it on video. :'(
Needless to say, I've started all over again with my driving database. Maybe I will get lucky again and be able to get back into some of the gated communities to map them. Btw, I am a delivery driver, so I am driving all around day and night.
Some people have some funny access point network names! A couple I remember were one named "slut" and another called "big black d_ck" (fill in the blank). Lmao. And the word wasn't the aflac bird either!
Anyone share this "interest" and have any tales to tell while out driving of anything unusual or funny?
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I used to do that with my laptop. One time this guy caught me and called me an ass for trying to access his network when I was outside his house. Then he went on to tell me that I couldn't access his network anyway because he had WEP encryption. The next day I went back cracked his WEP key in about 20 minutes and gained access to his network. Amazing how much porn the guy had including the illegal kind. I changed his wallpaper to a custom one that I had that said he'd been hacked. After that it just kind of got old. More people jumping from 64 bit WEP to 128 bit.
[highlight]Mod Edit: No Warez Discussions allowed. First and last warning.[/highlight]
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What is the best app for Android war driving on the EVO
Renegadez said:
What is the best app for Android war driving on the EVO
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I would like to know this as well.
I am using "wardrive" from the market. I don't know if it's the best but it's pretty god and hasn't given me any problems. It will kill a battery pretty quick with the gps and wifi and 3g all running at the same time. I found a higher amp (1A) cigarette lighter usb thingy at bb and I just plug my sync cable into that and it's enough juice to keep the phone from pulling from it's battery and even charge it (slowly).
Keep the phone out of the direct sunlight while running the program and charging because the phone can overheat easily. The wifi ears on the phone are kinda deaf but sometimes that can be preferred. You'll have to practically be on top or very close to the signalfor the app to catch it. I think that way might be closer to where the ap actually is if the receiver is deaf.
I made an account over at wigle (google it) so I can upload the database to there and help build their map.
No, I don't try to get into other people's networks, I just map their locations. Hell, it gives me something different to do while driving besides listening to music.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I use wardrive and it works perfect. LOL to the 64 to 128 change, I work in infosec and had to share that with a slew of my coworkers. Thanks.
Sent from my EVO via XDA App
OK i'll bite. What is wardriving?
355spider said:
OK i'll bite. What is wardriving?
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It's driving around neighborhoods looking for OAP (open access points) in peoples network. You would be surprised how many people go out and buy a router and bring it home and just plug the thing in without ever configuring it for security.
Sliverme said:
I use wardrive and it works perfect. LOL to the 64 to 128 change, I work in infosec and had to share that with a slew of my coworkers. Thanks.
Sent from my EVO via XDA App
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You will notice a small difference in speed if using 128 bit wep. Because of the higher encryption it is more data to send and receive, therefor lower speed in browsing, downloading, etc., etc. Not enough to cause a ruccus over though.
I do this occasionally.
The Supersonic increases the fun factor significantly.
Has anybody determined the range of the wifi yet. I know it doesn't do so good through two or three rooms away from the AP. What about open airway? Anybody know?
WarDriving can be dangerous to a device tho I had a friend who tried to connect to a bank once and it did something that killed his laptop running windows instantly it made it reboot and he actually had to reload windows to this day I dont know wtf it was and I have been in IT for 15 yrs still his fault for doing it but never thought that possible!
i love wardrivers.
So does my honeypot!
Renegadez said:
WarDriving can be dangerous to a device tho I had a friend who tried to connect to a bank once and it did something that killed his laptop running windows instantly it made it reboot and he actually had to reload windows to this day I dont know wtf it was and I have been in IT for 15 yrs still his fault for doing it but never thought that possible!
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Banks use custom hardware and software based firewalls. They are developed by companies that design firewalls. We're talking 1,024 bit encryption. I'm a network analyst and can almost guess that they had a honeypot set up on there trunk. Designed to invite the casual hacker to snoop and at the same time gather all his information, then report him to the proper authorities. Even throw a DDOS attack back at him. As far as killing his OS. They probably had a virus set to exploit any hacker that tried to breach there network.
AcIdC0R3 said:
Has anybody determined the range of the wifi yet. I know it doesn't do so good through two or three rooms away from the AP. What about open airway? Anybody know?
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It's a PITA sometimes. I don't have any actual figures personally. I just know that it can get headache-y. It may be possible to add an external antenna for giggles...
Casshern said:
It's a PITA sometimes. I don't have any actual figures personally. I just know that it can get headache-y. It may be possible to add an external antenna for giggles...
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My friend came over with his new iPod Touch a few minutes ago and it can access my AP from three room away with no problem and my EVO has trouble at that distance. Apple sure does make some solid equipment. I'm a little disappointed.
Renegadez said:
WarDriving can be dangerous to a device tho I had a friend who tried to connect to a bank once and it did something that killed his laptop running windows instantly it made it reboot and he actually had to reload windows to this day I dont know wtf it was and I have been in IT for 15 yrs still his fault for doing it but never thought that possible!
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Google must be really screwed , then.
zeuzinn said:
Google must be really screwed , then.
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LOL, Google seems to have their hands in everybody's pockets nowadays.

[Q] GSM Scrambler bypass.. Challenge for you!?

Hi all,
My school is going to import GSM scramblers in order to block all cell phone signals (including GSM, CDMA, 3G and more I think)
First off-
I want to know if this is illegal (in the Netherlands) I've already googled and searched the whole forum but no real results.
The school it self says this is legal as they are also going to provide parents special codes that will allow the them to contact their children for emergency calls.
However here comes the big deal, where our XDA developers play an immense role at... is it possible to bypass those scramblers? Is there any chance for an app that will penetrate those scramblers to get the special codes? (prefer android platform )
Share opinions, idea's, tricks , information everything is welcome
Thanks in advance
PS: you dont wanna know why they want to do so mwuahahahahaha :evil:
Haha, I am on this school. It's called: the calandlyceum.
http : / /
There are more people from this school chatting about it
(delete the spacebars in the link)
I don't know about the Netherlands, but here in the US it's illegal. I don't think there's a way to defeat a scrambler. Usually, the school makes these arguments:
1) If there's an emergency, use the school's phones. - Ok, well 1000 students aren't going to stand in line for the phone while the school burns down.
2) If there's an emergency outside of school, you can use the school's phones - A student should not have to go back to his or her school to use the phone because something happened that is worth notifying their parents about.
3) Kids use them for cheating - Give me a break. There are much easier ways to cheat. For example, paper? Or graphing calculators? You're gonna ban those too?
It is illegal in most countries to interfere with the radio signals, but you would have to look up the specific law and possible exceptions for the Netherlands yourself (they might even have a website to look up the laws, at least we in Austria do)
How are they going to permit certain calls to go through when they are jamming the signal though? Could someone enlighten me?
Just hope that the jammers are weak so you can use your phone outside
Per Jeremy Clarkson, hammers solve everything
GSM jamming is ILLEGAL in Netherlands!
(sorry I can't link)
Well it is school, so shouldn't you be paying attention instead of using it for whatever?
Kid Poker said:
Well it is school, so shouldn't you be paying attention instead of using it for whatever?
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What if there's a family emergency or something? People shake their heads like it'll never happen but it's happened to me.
Personally I would sue the school. Or riot. Or maybe an EMP. But literally, I would take this to court. I don't have any links for evidence but im sure by calling a legal agency or even maybe the EFF (yes I know, they are technically in the US but I've seen them give advise to people overseas...) you could gather evidence and legal proof that what they are doing is against the law.
Maybe look into the technology behind it. If there is a way for your parents to get around it, then there are loopholes in the system.
That is my 2 cents, as a US resident. It could be much different in where you are. And i feel sorry for you bro.
Sent from my screaming Atrix *4G* using the XDA App
Tylerjd said:
Or maybe an EMP.
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Wait a second....that's actually an awesome, if not clearly legal, idea.
I mean, building EMPs is legal, right? I am so gonna build one. (
I would be careful using it though
frosty_ice said:
Wait a second....that's actually an awesome, if not clearly legal, idea.
I mean, building EMPs is legal, right? I am so gonna build one. (
I would be careful using it though
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You're gonna destroy every electronic device within range. How about you don't do it?
Product F(RED) said:
You're gonna destroy every electronic device within range. How about you don't do it?
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I was kidding man. Don't take everything so serious
I'm not even the OP, but one day I'm still gonna build a tiny EMP just to try it out.

Big Brother Lives In CA & Coming to A State Near You

First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
eddiegaz said:
First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
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I saw the same report about California on our news.
I have news for you, I will never consider living in that state.
That is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS and a step away from the government having video cameras in your house.
I don't know what you can do exactly.
If you ever get pulled over, send the ***** into your custom recovery and format all.
Scary what this country is turning into.
Just toss the phone in the back seat.
I'd actually be kinda curious about the existence of such an app, also....
Ridiculous is all I can say
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
One more step in complete government control .... I live in Cali and truth be told if it wasn't for my son(separated parents) I wouldn't even live in this country.
"praise the lord and pass the ammunition"
RileyGrant said:
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I completely agree with you but unfortunately in this day and age "unconstitutional" doesn't mean a damned thing.
The Patriot act is "unconstitutional"...
Actually I just decided to NOT list all the things that are "unconstitutional" that are realities, I don't have that kind of time.
This country went to **** years ago
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
"Tase me, bro."
*I'm assuming this is similar to the 'plug n' pull' (ya like that?) that was mentioned before. If all it takes is smashing the phone to ****, well, I'd do it in a heartbeat. If I just had pr0n on my phone I wouldn't even care. But that never touches my phone. Nor my computer; felt the need to add that. I'm talking serious business. Not that 'phone tapping' couldn't be possible (yes, it can happen to us all) but anything to shut an effort down. I'd even smash my rooted device and give up a chance of rooted glory for all the bull**** that could come of it. I hate cops. I've had some horrible experiences with them in the past. I'm not a 'blah blah f*ck you' to the face anymore, but I don't play that ****. You can instantly tell when a cop is on the push, and usually it is because you are in a bad situation. But some trivial ****? Nah, I don't, and won't, play that.
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
Prugor said:
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
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I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some 'miracle super duper government cop pull' they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honestly laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties?'"
conqu1stador said:
I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some miracle super duper government cop pull they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honeslty laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties.'"
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They have a device they can hook the phone up to which copies all of the data.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
conqu1stador said:
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
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Locking the phone will do nothing.
I suppose you can wipe the phone but, as we all know, the only way to truly destroy data is acid.
Right. If I am remembering correctly it was mentioned as such before. That's what I was saying. I wouldn't be surprised if this was being considered in Illinois. I should make a point of turning my phone off / removing the card everytime we / I get pulled over. Swallow the card if it appears suspect and smash the phone. I'd totally get tasered over as much.*
*tasers aren't that bad*
*yes, for fun
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
This is BULL**** !
Im glad I live in Sin City
Just another reason for me to hate living in Cali. I must have missed the report but I remember about a month or so ago some state in the north eastern part of the us displayed a new device just for cell phones that police were beginning to use. Basically it comes with universal plug or what ever and totally scans phone in a matter of seconds. All contents are then stored in said device for further review. files included absolutely everything! Pictures, videos, internet history/cache, emails, call history etc. Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
Just use titanium backup and dropbox. Then if being pulled over just boot to recovery and format all. Might still be able to recover the data though. We need a secure format option.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Here is the key part:
eddiegaz said:
the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed!
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Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
mbaseball3 said:
Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
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While I won't dispute Cali's socialist leanings, this is NOT evidence of it. Evidense of Fascism? Sure is! Socialism? No. There are big differences between communism and socialsim, and both can be facist...but so can democracy. Fascism is the real evil. Socialism and communism are only theoretical evils that tend to die off as time progresses (though either one work very well in small communities. Funny thing: almost any humane fiscal system can work, and work well, on a small is when one starts dealing with larger societies that the sh1t hits the fan). But this is all far more political than is allowed.
Fazulka said:
Here is the key part:
Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
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Someone hasn't been paying attention to what is going on
What is "allowed" and what has been actually happening are two completely different things. Wanna see a video of people being body-slammed and tied up for dancing at the Jefferson monument? Minute 2:40 is when they tell someone that they will be arrested for continuing to record.
Here is a news report on the incident

