Holy Monitoring Batman - Hero CDMA General

Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...

27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....

hahaha man thats insane
but could be useful

27s said:
Watch your phones ladies and gentlemen...
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I have mixed views on this, on one hand as a parent I think this is a great tool to keep kids from preditors because as these phones get more and more fetures they become more and more like computers, there is software form comps that do this so it only makes sense that it would come to the smart phone world.
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.

Yeah, I see the use, but I still think that is it a breach of privacy. My parents never used blocking software on the PC, or looked over my shoulder. Sure, I saw some things on the internet that I prolly should not have, but I am no worse for the wear. I guess parents have the right to do it, but I think for business it is kinda sketch..but you work for them. Then again, Calls and e-mails, sure, but pictures and the like I think is to invasive.

chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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At least you know he's straight if the other demographic isn't what you wanted.


This is awesome.
My kid is so screwed, haha. (seriously, I don't care if he looks at porn. I just want to know he's not dead.)
EDIT: Whoah.... $100/year? Forget that. MobileDefense is free and good enough.

If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.

wonbattlelost said:
i can understand when their younger. maybe even until their 15 (15year olds...GOD!)
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But think about it this way... with an app like this, you could have them start walking to school and running errands when they're like 4 or 5.

Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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I agree with you to a point and I really dont want to turn this into a parenting thread BUT I used to think the same way "you know let the kid experince life and learn from thier mistakes" thats what we did" but at then I became a parent and I relized just how much the world has changed. it used to be that you could let your kid go outside and ride their bikes and not have to worry becuase everyone in the community watched out for eachother, now I have to worry about pervs that might try to take my daughter and I can honestly say with one exception that i dont think my neighbors would do anything. then you have the pervs on the net and every celebrity basically saying that its ok to be permiscuious. as the father of a girl, yes i want to know where she is and if shes ok and yes if shes sending out inapropriate photos.
as for the work stuff. if the company provides you with a phone on thier dime then they have the right to know what you are using it for.

wtphoto said:
on the other hand I think that as a parent you need to raise your children correctly to avoid needing this and as an employer if I cant trust my employees then why are they working for me? so I do see the need but it is still kinda sad that it is needed.
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Visionikz03 said:
Exactly!!!! Why would u hire someone u cant trust? Just to have a body? Sounds like the risks outwheigh the benefits. And if parents arent raising their children right and expecting some secretive software to cover up their inability to teach morales and respect to their children then what is this world coming to?
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my point precisly but at the same time I see the use for it becuase I worry about the other people out there.

i understand not trusting other, not so much the kid. But this software, text, email, contacts, calls the whole 9 yards. I can understand gps. You know where they are, and if you dont hear from them, you can just check.
Also if the kid were to ever get in trouble (assuming the kids 13+ and not an idiot maybe younger if you got a smart one) he/she would catch on that his/her phones being monitored. Who wouldnt ditch the phone and use another way of communication. Or better, leave the phone at home and then sneak out. $100 for the year down the drain

Jus10o said:
If I did have a kid. I think this is takin it just a little bit to far.
Its the kids life, not his and the parents. GPS tracker, fine. Your entire life tracker, not fine.
Why not just go all the way and get a live satellite feed on your kid while your at it. He will grow up with no experience in Anything. While all of his friends with have 100x more common sense and understanding of thing because they discovered things for themselves.
I would say there is a limit to parenting, you have to let the kid figure things out on his own, do things wrong on his own. Sucks if you cant put them in the right direction.
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This is 100% true. A few of my friends have parents that ALWAYS want to know where they are, what they're doing, and want them to call like every hour. Let me just say, I'm so thankful my parents don't do that to me. Mind you, it's not a bad thing to be checked in on every once in awhile (my parents did that), but that's just ridiculous. My common sense level compared to theirs, as well as my level of maturity, is just so much higher. I end up learning things either myself or the hard way, but I appreciate that. Now whenever I'm confronted with a task, I'm able to think for myself, and I have the confidence to know I can do things on my own. Sorry that got off-topic, but I believe there is a point where parents need to settle down and trust their kids. I've earned my parents trust, and am able to a lot more without restrictions because of it.

my parents never trusted me, and now im homeless. true story brah.
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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or he discovered proxy servers, flash browsers, or cached pages.

I am on the fence about this one. I read the article and immediately thought this would be perfect for my daughter.
However, it is a tough call. Realistically, the only thing this type of technology is guaranteed to do is cause a level of resentment and disstrust towards the parent.
The ultimate question...Is it worth it? If this prevents a crime towards the child then I think it is, but for day-to-day child raising I think it may cause more damage than good. It is awfully difficult to teach values to a child if they think you are spying on (and thus don't trust) them.

chfields said:
Thats a great idea.......I use spy programs on my kids computer to monitor what he doea and where he goes. Found him visiting soft core porn sites....He hasn't done that since.....
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You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.

seaweedopm said:
You are a sick individual. I guess you're getting your kids ready for the world of lost privacy. Maybe this will be a good trait to practice with your children even though the invasion of privacy, especially from someone they trust, is sure to be a great topic at their adult counseling sessions. I suppose you're some type of religious person who uses punishment and guilt in training your child as opposed to education and positive reinforcement. But... how can I blame you, your parents probably did it to you, and their parents to them and so on. Still though, who will break the cycle? Think about if your parents, not only had access to, but actually analyzed every single conversation or thought you ever had. It's so disturbing. This is a form of child abuse and at the minimum the child should completely understand that they have no privacy. Just disgusting.
If you're guessing, yes I've raised a perfect moral, social, trustworthy and intelligent 5 year old boy.
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ok first i think that if people like you are going to start judging the way that others are raising thier children then this thread needs to be closed and you need to seriously take a look at yourself before you do anything else you can raise your children the way you like but dont judge others (unless there is actual abuse going on) second you have a 5 year old wait 7 or 8 years and then you might change your mind teens are a completely different ball game.
and on that note my final thought to you and then I am leaving this thread alone is that I see parents like you all day long I even have a friend that raises her kids with the same line of thinking and im not saying that you are wrong but most of the time they are spoiled brats that have no respect for any adult other than thier partents. Also everytime you see a parent on the news after their kids been taken by some perv you hear the same thing "we had no idea he/she was doing anything like that" oversight is your job as a parent if somethign happens to your child it is no ones failure but your own.


this is just pathetic

Hello my name is john.
I am able to modify your
to have sprint hots spot for free for lifetime!! nice huh??
that means that your not paying an extra 30$ a month for mobile hot spot.
better yet, you will get full control over your phone!
and i mean if you thought android gave you a lot of customization you have not seen anything yet.
you dont know what your missing.
============Benefits & Features============
I can put phone back to factory settings or in other words unroot your phone if you needed to send it to sprint for service
Upgrade your phone to Ginerbread! (Froyo aka 2.2 is the current version for evo) Gingerbread aka 2.3.3 has not been officially released.
Custom ROMS enable you to get better battery life, and can make your experience better!
Full control over everything in your phone.
you can overclock your phone for better performance!
I will perform a full backup of your contacts so you wont lose anyone.
Free wireless hotspot & tethering to your pc
4g will work with my custom rom i install on your phone.
New animations and you can change your boot startup! yes its possible
Create a recovery just incase of system failure
Get rid off the sprint crap off your phone that slow down your phone!
Hey check this out. when you press the stand by button. there is a cool animation. this is one of my favorite things
how cool is that? now whens the last time that you saw a cell phone do that!
For only 60 dollars, and the process takes only about 30 mins or less.
you can sit and watch while i do it.
Cash only accepted. Sorry
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Yep. Old news. People do this. It's stupid. Whatever.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Eh there's a lot of people that are completely clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff. Not only clueless, but too scared to even try it and don't want to take the time to learn it.
If you can make some change, take advantage of it. *shrug*
I don't think that this is ok at all... he is using free wifi tether to lure people in, people that shouldn't be messing with root and flashing. and wow 60$ glad to know this ass hole is making killer money off of other peoples time and work
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
stimpyshaun said:
I don't think that this is ok at all... he is using free wifi tether to lure people in, people that shouldn't be messing with root and flashing. and wow 60$ glad to know this ass hole is making killer money off of other peoples time and work
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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Well, heh... I didn't say he wasn't an asshole. However... I don't care, though. You going to backtrace it and report him to teh cyber police? If some poor fool wants to pay this clown $60 -- well, that's their problem.
I like this part.
============Benefits & Features============
4g will work with my custom rom i install on your phone.
I bet he tells this to people that live in 3G areas. lol Now your 4Geez will work.
KB112 said:
I like this part.
============Benefits & Features============
4g will work with my custom rom i install on your phone.
I bet he tells this to people that live in 3G areas. lol Now your 4Geez will work.
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"My custom ROM I install on your phone"
There's no way this guy developed a ROM. Someone needs to email him and ask him for more information.
beesneazy said:
Yep. Old news. People do this. It's stupid. Whatever.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
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what? please explain how luring stupid people into paying for something that they can have free, is stupid? he's capitalizing off their laziness and ignorance. that's not stupid at all. how do you think most american businesses make their money? off of stupid/ignorant customers that dont know how to figure things out for themselves. it's no different than soliciting flyers for your lawn care business. yeah, they can mow their lawns themselves, and trim around the house. they can even do a little bit of research so they can figure out for themselves how to keep their lawns green year-round. but do they? hell no. you'd be stupid to not take advantage of that and make a quick buck.
KB112 said:
I like this part.
============Benefits & Features============
4g will work with my custom rom i install on your phone.
I bet he tells this to people that live in 3G areas. lol Now your 4Geez will work.
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chicago is a 4g area...
rotfl... +1 you now have 4geez and the wifi's isn't that a deal
Ha ha I was making.money of jailbraking my friends iPhone and ipods for $10 bucks each but it all started for free but this one for 60$ mm I should start doing that Lmao jk
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
cnstarz said:
what? please explain how luring stupid people into paying for something that they can have free, is stupid? he's capitalizing off their laziness and ignorance. that's not stupid at all. how do you think most american businesses make their money? off of stupid/ignorant customers that dont know how to figure things out for themselves. it's no different than soliciting flyers for your lawn care business. yeah, they can mow their lawns themselves, and trim around the house. they can even do a little bit of research so they can figure out for themselves how to keep their lawns green year-round. but do they? hell no. you'd be stupid to not take advantage of that and make a quick buck.
chicago is a 4g area...
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How is not knowing that you are capable of rooting your phone make you "lazy...ignorant...stupid"
Most people simply do not know what rooting its and that is in know way there fault....
What this guy is doing is wrong and is unjustifiable.
$60 reallY? I bet he's as pathetic in real life as he is online.
starplaya93 said:
How is not knowing that you are capable of rooting your phone make you "lazy...ignorant...stupid"
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are you ignorant of the definition of "ignorant?" laziness, is a definite possibility because maybe they dont feel like doing all the research required to know how to root your phone, and learn all the lingo too. also, maybe people are scared to root their phones.
starplaya93 said:
Most people simply do not know what rooting its and that is in know way there fault....
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again, that is ignorance. in today's society, you cannot possibly tell me that "most" people are 100% unaware of what rooting is, or that it even exists. stop lying to yourself. even if someone that saw the post didn't know what it was, they could easily ask one of their nerd friends what is is. and if they don't, and they just decide to pay the dude $60 to root their phone -- guess what that makes them? stupid.
starplaya93 said:
What this guy is doing is wrong and is unjustifiable.
$60 reallY? I bet he's as pathetic in real life as he is online.
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not unjustifiable at all. as i mentioned earlier, it's no different than soliciting flyers for a lawn-care business, or any other business that capitalizes on skills/knowledge that is freely and widely available for anyone to obtain.
cnstarz said:
what? please explain how luring stupid people into paying for something that they can have free, is stupid? he's capitalizing off their laziness and ignorance. that's not stupid at all. how do you think most american businesses make their money? off of stupid/ignorant customers that dont know how to figure things out for themselves. it's no different than soliciting flyers for your o care business. yeah, they can mow their lawns themselves, and trim around the house. they can even do a little bit of research so they can figure out for themselves how to keep their lawns green year-round. but do they? hell no. you'd be stupid to not take advantage of that and make a quick buck.
chicago is a 4g area...
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Everything about this is garbage ... do I care? No. Some folks definitely have a stronger opinion of this than others. He takes others work and 'passes it off' as his own. I don't deny that people can't be bothered to do this stuff and will pay others for the 'work' but the wording is always the funny part. Its like me posting a listing and utilizing everyone else's contributions.
Its stupid. It's ****ing stupid and you are ****ing stupid if you pay someone to do something like this. Its like charging people to upgrade their HDD in their PS3 because they're too dense to do it themselves. Its laughable. I say whatever because there isn't anything really 'wrong' with it as this **** happens all the time ... doesn't make it any less stupid / hilariously lame. I don't, personally, care. But its still stupid.
For all I know its someone here doing it .. hell, I could do this. Its sad and cheap.
End of story.
*for your argument with lawn care ... its like cutting the grass, trimming and tossing down weed killer but you act like you are the one working the magic. 'My lawn fertilizer and weed killer is unlike anything you've ever seen. But, if in the future, weeds pop up then I cannot he blamed.' Its the wording that irks me. And it is stupid. I don't deny there are stupid and worthless people out there ... but that doesn't change the fact that this is bull****. As said, some get more worked up over this than others ... I think it would he funny to meet up with this chode and call him out though. 'Personally the screen off animation I love' or whatever he says ... c'mon, grade A chode. He is using other people's work ..
.... it would ALMOST be like 'borrowing' your neighbor's lawnmower to mow someone elses grass and get paid for it. Following along with your stupid lawnmowing analogy. Its not the end of the world ... but it is stupid. No ifs, ands or butts. Again, I don't care. Whatever, as I said. Still, stupid. And, yes - it's a fact - the majority are morons. And at the rate of Android's growth ... potential gold mine here ... doesn't change the fact its 'semi-bull****.'
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've seen people on CL ASKING to pay for someone to root their phone. I always email them right away, tell them about the one click root method with the video walkthrough, and to save their money. Craigslist is full of ****heads and scammers, but this is a service that people want, and just don't know where to get good information. I always get thank you emails after for showing them XDA, and saving them money.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the guy is doing. He's offering his services for a fee... Capitalism at its best!
You think how much time you've spent learning how to do this, familiarizing yourself with the process. Learning what to do when something goes wrong, etc, etc. If you're a youngin or unemployed, you have time to do this. Some people are not tech savvy, not computer literate, and think cmd is some highly technical code. These people will pay you for results.
If you know what you are doing and can deliver, there's nothing wrong with marketing your skills. There is information out there on how to change the head gasket for my car, or install a new clutch. I don't have the right tools or the inclination to get under the hood to do this myself. I take the car to a repair facility. Same concept here.
Or better yet, why go to a doctor... There are books you can read to research your illness and determine a course of therapy. The list goes on and on.
cnstarz said:
are you ignorant of the definition of "ignorant?" laziness, is a definite possibility because maybe they dont feel like doing all the research required to know how to root your phone, and learn all the lingo too. also, maybe people are scared to root their phones.
again, that is ignorance. in today's society, you cannot possibly tell me that "most" people are 100% unaware of what rooting is, or that it even exists. stop lying to yourself. even if someone that saw the post didn't know what it was, they could easily ask one of their nerd friends what is is. and if they don't, and they just decide to pay the dude $60 to root their phone -- guess what that makes them? stupid.
not unjustifiable at all. as i mentioned earlier, it's no different than soliciting flyers for a lawn-care business, or any other business that capitalizes on skills/knowledge that is freely and widely available for anyone to obtain.
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Am I ignorant? I don't know, i'll let god be the judge of that. I do know one thing though, i'd much rather be ignorant than a low life moron.
The majority of people who do not know how to root there phones are not ignorant or lazy simply because they "lack knowledge". First off, you can't be ignorant and lazy at the same time wise guy...think about it for a second (just don't think too hard and hurt yourself)
Secondly, how are people supposed to know that rooting even exists if no body tells them? Are they just supposed to assume that when they purchase their device that it has a stock rom on it and is un-rooted? I'm sorry, but very few people are as wise or psychic as you or they may not have nerd friends to explain to them what rooting is, therefore they can not possibly know to look on the internet for how to root there phone because they have no clue that such a process exist.
this does not make them ignorant because they aren't choosing to not know how to root, they simply haven't learned the facts (and yes, the majority of people have no clue what rooting is, so go pat yourself on the back for being superior to all of these ignorant lazy people)
Lastly, most of these people on craigslist doing this junk tend to focus their advertising on customizable roms, free tethering, overclockingg, etc etc. They rarely emphasize the fact that they are rooting the phone which is wrong.
Taking advantage of consumers lack of knowledge is not a good thing. Just because it's the status quo doesn't justify it...That is ignorant.
gpz1100 said:
If you know what you are doing and can deliver, there's nothing wrong with marketing your skills. There is information out there on how to change the head gasket for my car, or install a new clutch. I don't have the right tools or the inclination to get under the hood to do this myself. I take the car to a repair facility. Same concept here.
Or better yet, why go to a doctor... There are books you can read to research your illness and determine a course of therapy. The list goes on and on.
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Its not quite the same ... I mean, I get what you're saying ... but, skills? You aren't doing anything but taking someone else's work and using it for your financial betterment. Your argument would make more sense if you were repairing hardware or something ... acknowledgment isn't given for the people that have set up these simple and idiot proof root methods ... or the ROMs themselves. Sure, they might not say they 'made' the ROMs or rooting methods ... but they didn't say they didn't, either. And they don't have to do as much. I really don't care, and dont take my multiple posts as such, but its not really the same as all the things mentioned. Especially the doctor ****. LOL
Again, Im up late so that's the only reason I'm posting ... not hating, and if you are too dense or too busy to bother .... so be it. But I wont try to trivialize it with some bull**** analogies. I get people are lazy and stupid ... but don't throw the word 'skills' out here when my 13 year old cousin with some random palsy could pull this off. Its a cheap way to take advantage of people. Nothing more. Wording and acting like it's so much more than it is ... its a crock. Throughout time people have been doing this ... doesn't make it right or less garbage. This is a specific exploitation of someone else's work / services. This isn't changing some gasket in an automobile that fits across the board. This is a pretty specific exploitation.
Surgery is a skill and service ... coming over to make you a sandwich is about what this equates to. Don't mix 'skills' and 'near still born babies incapable of doing anything for themselves' as a service or a skill. More power to you if you can make money doing this ... but it is stupid. And sad.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
starplaya93 said:
Am I ignorant? I don't know, i'll let god be the judge of that. I do know one thing though, i'd much rather be ignorant than a low life moron.
The majority of people who do not know how to root there phones are not ignorant or lazy simply because they "lack knowledge". First off, you can't be ignorant and lazy at the same time wise guy...think about it for a second (just don't think too hard and hurt yourself)
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you can't be ignorant and lazy at the same time? what the **** are you even talking about??? mind = blown. please, please, please explain why it is absolutely, without a doubt, physically impossible to be lazy and ignorant at the same time.
starplaya93 said:
Secondly, how are people supposed to know that rooting even exists if no body tells them? Are they just supposed to assume that when they purchase their device that it has a stock rom on it and is un-rooted? I'm sorry, but very few people are as wise or psychic as you or they may not have nerd friends to explain to them what rooting is, therefore they can not possibly know to look on the internet for how to root there phone because they have no clue that such a process exist.
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there is no doubt that are people out there that don't know about rooting. i'm not arguing that. you said that "most" people don't know it even exists. that's a made-up statistic that you concocted in your head, probably around the same time that you started believing that it's impossible to be ignorant and lazy.
regardless, how does one know that rooting exists without anybody telling them? this is probably going to sound like i'm dividing by zero, but a possible answer is... they discover it themselves! yes, people are capable of doing that! the human brain is indeed quite impressive and capable of independent thought and education. people don't have to be told by someone that something exists. it is possible for things to be discovered without being told by someone. (how do you think america, or any physical element was discovered?)
put yourself in your grandma's shoes. she doesn't know anything about this technology stuff, but she is learning because recently she discovered that are phones out there that can do many things. these phones can let you browse the internet, use your phone as a hotspot, will even let you video chat with your grandchildren, and they even have these touchscreens that allow you to just use your fingers instead of having to press a bunch of buttons! amazing! being the curious little grandma that she is, she goes home, opens up internet.com, and decides to type "evo smartphone" into her AskJeeves toolbar that she has installed. Her mind is opened to a plethora of information where she discovers what is possible with these phones. She does her research and decides that she wants one.
the moral of the story? she wants a ****ing smartphone because of its capabilities, and she didn't learn everything she knew about because of someone telling her about it -- she did her research. "most" people dont just walk into a sprint store and buy an android smartphone not knowing what it is capable of. these people have played with sprint's demo phones, they have played with their friends' phones, they have watched youtube videos of it in action. they know what the **** the phone is capable of. being the curious humans that we are, a majority of us know for a fact that the things we buy are not limited just to what the manufactures make us believe. so don't give me that bull**** statement that you have to be psychic or have nerd friends with gadget toys to figure things out for yourself.
starplaya93 said:
this does not make them ignorant because they aren't choosing to not know how to root, they simply haven't learned the facts (and yes, the majority of people have no clue what rooting is, so go pat yourself on the back for being superior to all of these ignorant lazy people)
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okay okay, i see what you're talking about now. you seem to think that being ignorant requires one to CHOOSE to not be informed or educated. very wrong. look it up.
starplaya93 said:
Lastly, most of these people on craigslist doing this junk tend to focus their advertising on customizable roms, free tethering, overclockingg, etc etc.
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i concur.
starplaya93 said:
They rarely emphasize the fact that they are rooting the phone which is wrong.
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explain further. what is it that you are saying is wrong: not telling people that you are rooting the phone; or the simple act of rooting the phone?
starplaya93 said:
Taking advantage of consumers lack of knowledge is not a good thing.
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this sentence is very subjective. it's good for the person taking advantage of it because that means money in his pockets and some extra food on the table for his family. it's not good for the person being taken advantage of because he/she could be doing all this for free. being taken advantage of, and then realizing that you've been taken advantage of could be good for the customer because maybe that's what it takes to open his eyes and learn from his mistakes. in that case, it could be a good thing for both parties.
now, i dont necessarily agree with his tactics. i do feel that he should just be educating people; doing it for free or even much cheaper; or be more clear (and honest) when explaining what he is doing. but, that is not the case. he's simply trying to make a quick buck, and it might be working. that doesn't make him stupid or a moron. shady? sneaky? sure, but definitely not stupid.
Some people are mad they aren't doing this....
Sent from my spaceship!
DirtyShroomz said:
Some people are mad they aren't doing this....
Sent from my spaceship!
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With all the money made from selling weed on the side ... who can be bothered with such trivial exploitation? You think THIS is easy money? Pssh.
And I never said HE was stupid ... but that this practice is stupid. And old. Its been discussed ad nauseum here and elsewhere. Its been happening for a while ... old news ... its so 'whatever.' *gimpy Hipster wrist*
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App

Horrible Experience. Warning ranting, cussing included

What would have been an excellent day for me has turned me into a ball of negative energy. I read reports here that Sprint stores were letting the Nexus S go early. Boy was I ready. Since there are only two stores I can drive to, I called the nearest one, an hour away. I ask the rep twice, If I make the trip, can I land a Nexus S today. Was told twice, sir we have the phone and yes we will sell it to you. I can't tell you how excited I was to hop in the car and take off like a bat outta hell. I pushed the S2000 to 100+ over the overpasses flying by cars thinking, get outta my way I'm getting the Nexus S *****es. I pull up hop out the car, don't even remember pulling the key from the ignition right? Well I get inside first thing on the agenda is to sit down and "play/test" the phone out a bit. Explore the gingerbread OS, determine if I REALLY want to drop 200 after just getting the Epic full price. They hand me the phone no hesitation let me play. Didn't take but 5 minutes, decided, sure let me blow my upgrade, I want the Nexus S from a development standpoint. To have pure google, and to have seemless rom options in the future cause I know the major devs will support it. Also to help me understand the lower levels of pure android to help bring that to the Epic which I plan on continuing to work on. Hell I was planning on keeping both phones. The woman goes to get me the new phone, box, etc... Manager approaches, ask what's going on. What's going on is I'm about to leave another satisfied customer. NOT. Manager says he "just received word via e-mail" he can't sell it. I explained I called ahead and drove from out of town to get it. He tells me "that's not far to drive come back sunday". You ************. I left the store before I opened my mouth because that usually ends in my vent cut short by police who then have to take the rest of my vent, which ends up in a trip to the local jail until I calm my temper down. It's really hard to raise it but when I'm heated, it's hours before it falls. Needless to say I been on the phone with the owner of the store who is very considerate, considering I'm not polite at this minute. She is taking my rant telling me it's deserved (despite the fact she's at home obviously dealing with family and life). We work out a deal that is NOT me getting the device.
So what's the point of this all? beside me ranting? I hope one thing comes of this thread. Whomever is responsible for my waisted drive, (its not the lady on the phone when I called, she put me on hold while going into the back to ask permission, the guy who gave her permission points his finger at the district manager who had "just sent the email" that I found was lie, the store owner tells me they got the do not sell e-mail 4 hours before I even called). So whoever is truely to blame, and I'm sure I know and looked you in the eyes. Eat a bag of dicks, and enjoy the trouble your now in.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not at all mad at the fact that they couldn't sell the phone early, I expected that from the first call. I'm pissed at the fact I drove down there and back for NOTHING. Does he/she not understand, we are in the middle of a recession, in Louisiana where there are NO jobs left in my town since the oil field was tanked by the spill. I'm busting ass for just over minimum wage till the work returns, and I attempt to drop 200, plus burn a tank of gass to get this device, and get strung along? ****ers.
Alright Rant Over, I'm ordering from Google, and I'll get over it, but the Houma Park Ave. store will never see me again after buying the Moment and Epic last year, then first thing this year headed to go get the Nexus. Thats 1010.00 in phones in 13 months.
Failure all around... I despise incompetent employees who find it fun to screw customers around.
Hope you have a good radar detector... they (EDIT: they? Who's they? The guy who did it.) should be paying for your gas.
I would say anger management and a new hobby might solve this problem. I'd say "not to sound like a jerk" if I hadn't already, but you need to stop worrying about keeping up with the jones' about phones. They're going to come and go and have their advantages and disadvantages, but freaking out, making a choice to drive a long distance on a longshot that you clearly were sceptical about and then getting nearly irate over the fact that a retail manager got overridden on selling you it while you lolly-gagged on getting the thing you drove over an hour for sounds ridiculous and makes me wonder where your priorities are. (Pardon the atrocious grammar) If you got there and it didn't blow your mind were you going to come here and type a long rant about how Samsung wasted your time making you drive an hour to make a phone you weren't impressed with? Keep working hard, yes, but stop loudly blaming others because you aren;t satisfied and stop getting so worked up that you land yourself at the police station, that's just acting like a child.
k0nane said:
Failure all around... I despise incompetent employees who find it fun to screw customers around.
Hope you have a good radar detector... they (EDIT: they? Who's they? The guy who did it.) should be paying for your gas.
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Valentine 1 Ofcourse I'm covered hwy 90 is a speed trap from texas to mississippi
dreamsforgotten said:
Valentine 1 Ofcourse I'm covered hwy 90 is a speed trap from texas to mississippi
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Right on... I'm a Passport 8500 X50 user at the moment, but I'm going to go V1 in the near future, I think. Will go hardware with a mirror mount, should be sweet. And watch out for TXHP next time you're in Texas (esp. on 20)... Those bastards are snipers with their rear-facing instant-on.
Sounds like you got your priorities straight.
The Root said:
I would say anger management and a new hobby might solve this problem. I'd say "not to sound like a jerk" if I hadn't already, but you need to stop worrying about keeping up with the jones' about phones. They're going to come and go and have their advantages and disadvantages, but freaking out, making a choice to drive a long distance on a longshot that you clearly were sceptical about and then getting nearly irate over the fact that a retail manager got overridden on selling you it while you lolly-gagged on getting the thing you drove over an hour for sounds ridiculous and makes me wonder where your priorities are. (Pardon the atrocious grammar) If you got there and it didn't blow your mind were you going to come here and type a long rant about how Samsung wasted your time making you drive an hour to make a phone you weren't impressed with? Keep working hard, yes, but stop loudly blaming others because you aren;t satisfied and stop getting so worked up that you land yourself at the police station, that's just acting like a child.
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You don't come off as a jerk, I'm just venting here so that's expected that people like you would wonder what's wrong with me. My priorities are where they need to be I own all my possession, don't pay bills sept insurance and phone. I save and splurge on what I want. Driving an hour isn't rediculous when you live in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere and I was making 3 times the money when I got the Moment and Epic. Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. Oh forgot you can't unmount the SD and pop in another one. I knew what I was headed there for but I do expect a company be it a retail store or anyone to keep true to their word. That kinda was the point of calling ahead of time....twice. About the police you'd just have to live here to understand, getting in a verbal confrontation with a business owner is a reason to arrest alone, disturbing the peace. I closed my mouth and exited the store, so no childish acts there, I came here to vent instead . But by all means, your entitled to your opinions the matter not to me so I'm not hating on you for your post, **** I expect worse here shortly .
dreamsforgotten said:
Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. .
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The S definitely has a front facing camera
living in NY this happens to me all the time. been sent from store to store on wild goose chases. i expect to be treated like crap when i have to step into a brick and mortar store these days
k0nane said:
Right on... I'm a Passport 8500 X50 user at the moment, but I'm going to go V1 in the near future, I think. Will go hardware with a mirror mount, should be sweet. And watch out for TXHP next time you're in Texas (esp. on 20)... Those bastards are snipers with their rear-facing instant-on.
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So does LA State Troopers! I know the feeling. I passed on the passport because the only cigarette lighter port is on the side of the driver seat, didn't want that wire hanging across the car, its hardwired into the battery.
063_XOBX said:
The S definitely has a front facing camera
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no ****, misinformed. It don't affect me either way on that tho, because I don't use the one on the Epic. The no 720p hurts because I love the video quality but I still will have an Epic to record on!
dreamsforgotten said:
You don't come off as a jerk, I'm just venting here so that's expected that people like you would wonder what's wrong with me. My priorities are where they need to be I own all my possession, don't pay bills sept insurance and phone. I save and splurge on what I want. Driving an hour isn't rediculous when you live in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere and I was making 3 times the money when I got the Moment and Epic. Second part, I wouldn't complain about the S because one thing I do is diligent research on electronics before I buy. I'm still getting it because I want it already knowing I'm downgrading from the Epic seeing as the the S can't record in 720p, lacks a front facing camera, and doesn't even have a stock movie player. Oh forgot you can't unmount the SD and pop in another one. I knew what I was headed there for but I do expect a company be it a retail store or anyone to keep true to their word. That kinda was the point of calling ahead of time....twice. About the police you'd just have to live here to understand, getting in a verbal confrontation with a business owner is a reason to arrest alone, disturbing the peace. I closed my mouth and exited the store, so no childish acts there, I came here to vent instead . But by all means, your entitled to your opinions the matter not to me so I'm not hating on you for your post, **** I expect worse here shortly .
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No worries. Was just wondering and your answers all make sense. Points of view and descriptions of regionalism can easily bring things into perspective when high-tuned emotions are no longer driving thought. I still don't trust corporate America if I had 2 phone calls and a signed contract unless I had a million in the bank for legal fees to back my opinion up.
dreamsforgotten said:
So does LA State Troopers!
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I'd be more worried about laser with them boys.
First, S2000 is a cute little car. Where you driving with the top off? It would probably cool down your temperature afterward.
Second, I would have pissed all over the store, and take a crap on the table inside manager office (if he/she has one).
Third, I would take off running out the store with the phone.
The Root said:
No worries. Was just wondering and your answers all make sense. Points of view and descriptions of regionalism can easily bring things into perspective when high-tuned emotions are no longer driving thought. I still don't trust corporate America if I had 2 phone calls and a signed contract unless I had a million in the bank for legal fees to back my opinion up.
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As far as my hobbies, since the decline of the economy, which I don't even much feel but others around me lost everything, android is keeping me sane until I'm allowed to personally feel productive again. I've been into hacking and tweaking the phone and it really give me that since of accomplishment, that's why I'm gadget jumping. I don't plan on stopping development for the Epic to move to the S, I'm planning on adding more options to what IS my hobby. I don't even plan on buying another device after this one. I said plenty times before, when the development phone from Google is supported on Sprint, I'll gladly jump on it. Until now I could only sit back and watch T-moble get the glory. I bought the Epic cause the original S was close but I never expected us to get one. It was like christmas for me.
ccnd8 said:
First, S2000 is a cute little car. Where you driving with the top off? It would probably cool down your temperature afterward.
Second, I would have pissed all over the store, and take a crap on the table inside manager office (if he/she has one).
Third, I would take off running out the store with the phone.
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LMFAO, much needed smile there! Top down both ways, it's hot as hell in Louisiana right now. Perfect weather before the rain season spoils it.
Must be a requirement
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
humdrum2009 said:
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
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I have to disagree. I realized ever since I've bought a cellphone it has always been from Best Buy and I've always been satisfied with sale, service, and warrantee/guarantees.
humdrum2009 said:
Most of the 3rd party stores have suck ass employees.
They are as clueless as Inspector gadget.
If i really need an answer ,or something done right i go to a" sprint corp store" point blank.
Ok if any 3rd party employees read this, dont take it personal but its true.
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Corporate stores follow the rules strict. The only chance of getting it was a retail store since they "sort of" govern themselves. Awell, 3 more days
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Yay, Louisiana's a ****hole. The one thing you can rely on here is that someone will **** something up and then act like it's your fault.
I can't wait to leave this place.

Big Brother Lives In CA & Coming to A State Near You

First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
eddiegaz said:
First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
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I saw the same report about California on our news.
I have news for you, I will never consider living in that state.
That is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS and a step away from the government having video cameras in your house.
I don't know what you can do exactly.
If you ever get pulled over, send the ***** into your custom recovery and format all.
Scary what this country is turning into.
Just toss the phone in the back seat.
I'd actually be kinda curious about the existence of such an app, also....
Ridiculous is all I can say
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
One more step in complete government control .... I live in Cali and truth be told if it wasn't for my son(separated parents) I wouldn't even live in this country.
"praise the lord and pass the ammunition"
RileyGrant said:
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I completely agree with you but unfortunately in this day and age "unconstitutional" doesn't mean a damned thing.
The Patriot act is "unconstitutional"...
Actually I just decided to NOT list all the things that are "unconstitutional" that are realities, I don't have that kind of time.
This country went to **** years ago
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
"Tase me, bro."
*I'm assuming this is similar to the 'plug n' pull' (ya like that?) that was mentioned before. If all it takes is smashing the phone to ****, well, I'd do it in a heartbeat. If I just had pr0n on my phone I wouldn't even care. But that never touches my phone. Nor my computer; felt the need to add that. I'm talking serious business. Not that 'phone tapping' couldn't be possible (yes, it can happen to us all) but anything to shut an effort down. I'd even smash my rooted device and give up a chance of rooted glory for all the bull**** that could come of it. I hate cops. I've had some horrible experiences with them in the past. I'm not a 'blah blah f*ck you' to the face anymore, but I don't play that ****. You can instantly tell when a cop is on the push, and usually it is because you are in a bad situation. But some trivial ****? Nah, I don't, and won't, play that.
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
Prugor said:
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
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I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some 'miracle super duper government cop pull' they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honestly laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties?'"
conqu1stador said:
I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some miracle super duper government cop pull they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honeslty laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties.'"
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They have a device they can hook the phone up to which copies all of the data.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
conqu1stador said:
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
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Locking the phone will do nothing.
I suppose you can wipe the phone but, as we all know, the only way to truly destroy data is acid.
Right. If I am remembering correctly it was mentioned as such before. That's what I was saying. I wouldn't be surprised if this was being considered in Illinois. I should make a point of turning my phone off / removing the card everytime we / I get pulled over. Swallow the card if it appears suspect and smash the phone. I'd totally get tasered over as much.*
*tasers aren't that bad*
*yes, for fun
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
This is BULL**** !
Im glad I live in Sin City
Just another reason for me to hate living in Cali. I must have missed the report but I remember about a month or so ago some state in the north eastern part of the us displayed a new device just for cell phones that police were beginning to use. Basically it comes with universal plug or what ever and totally scans phone in a matter of seconds. All contents are then stored in said device for further review. files included absolutely everything! Pictures, videos, internet history/cache, emails, call history etc. Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
Just use titanium backup and dropbox. Then if being pulled over just boot to recovery and format all. Might still be able to recover the data though. We need a secure format option.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Here is the key part:
eddiegaz said:
the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed!
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Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
mbaseball3 said:
Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
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While I won't dispute Cali's socialist leanings, this is NOT evidence of it. Evidense of Fascism? Sure is! Socialism? No. There are big differences between communism and socialsim, and both can be facist...but so can democracy. Fascism is the real evil. Socialism and communism are only theoretical evils that tend to die off as time progresses (though either one work very well in small communities. Funny thing: almost any humane fiscal system can work, and work well, on a small scale...it is when one starts dealing with larger societies that the sh1t hits the fan). But this is all far more political than is allowed.
Fazulka said:
Here is the key part:
Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
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Someone hasn't been paying attention to what is going on
What is "allowed" and what has been actually happening are two completely different things. Wanna see a video of people being body-slammed and tied up for dancing at the Jefferson monument? Minute 2:40 is when they tell someone that they will be arrested for continuing to record.
Here is a news report on the incident

[Q] Hpw to get into the android development business

So I've been a big fan of Android phones since their first release. I never bought into the IOS hype. I'd like to get into that kind of thing. So how does someone get into such business? College courses or do you have to find a company and work your way up?
BTW FAIL on the thread title... noticed it after I posted it -__-
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1628565 hope you do well.
I saw that and I've been studying, reading many guides and such, but I was wondering how to get into the actual business because I know all of the devs here do it out of their free time. I was wondering how to actually be behind the making of the next big thing in smartphones. I know it can't certaintly be by working at T-Mobile by just selling phones (Which btw I applied and I'm hoping for a call back lol) So yeah... any insight?
i know that high school and college students have a chance to work at Intel as an intern over the summer... i'm trying to see if i can get in hehe
saranhai said:
i know that high school and college students have a chance to work at Intel as an intern over the summer... i'm trying to see if i can get in hehe
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Damn it. Sounds amazing! Oh well.
saranhai said:
i know that high school and college students have a chance to work at Intel as an intern over the summer... i'm trying to see if i can get in hehe
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Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
I thought Intel only made computers??
Salviikiddd said:
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
I thought Intel only made computers??
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They make computers?
They make CPU's lol, or at least that's what they're most famous for
saranhai said:
They make computers?
They make CPU's lol, or at least that's what they're most famous for
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I musta been thinking of something else lol
Salviikiddd said:
So I've been a big fan of Android phones since their first release. I never bought into the IOS hype. I'd like to get into that kind of thing. So how does someone get into such business? College courses or do you have to find a company and work your way up?
BTW FAIL on the thread title... noticed it after I posted it -__-
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I think that in order for you to actually get recognized and make android (or whatever smartphone os) a career for you, you will need some kind of college education, like most careers today. As for what you'd major in and etc., I'm not exactly sure, but my college offers a mobile applications class and etc. under computer science and I'm thinking about trying to get into it,.but it also seems like a waste of time for the fact all of this can be learned w/o taking courses b/c of all the tutorials and programs available today and you can teach yourself. So I'm not sure what to do, but its something I'm interested in as well so I may ask about it in the computer science department whenever I get the chance to...
As for working at T-Mobile...that job is a joke unless you live in a major city or something.
To my experience, the employees at T-Mobile don't know how to do anything other than operate a phone, tell you its selling points and process the order and contracts or w/e.
You don't have to know **** about phones and can still work there.
For ex: I live right outside of Nashville, there's quite a few places where you can get T-Mobile, like in the mall there's about 3 kiosks for T-Mobile and there's a T-Mobile store right across from the mall. I talked to the guys at the kiosks all the time cause I used to work at Hollister and A&F, and they don't know much about phones at all. I worked in the front of the stores as a greeter and they'd have a kiosk right in front of my store, so I'd walk straight from the store to their kiosk and talk about phones with them and they'd be like "why do you work at those stores and know so much about phones?" It wasn't so much that I knew a lot about phones, it was what I assumed to be basic knowledge for anyone that is surrounded by and works with phones all day.
And another example, there's a T-Mobile store right by my campus, but this isn't really a major city, so this is like the only one unless you'd travel a almost an hour to the next store.
Anyways they offered me a job b/c some guy came in w/ an iPhone 4 but didn't know what to do to get it on T-Mobile. I overheard the conversation and asked the guy about it and then told him exactly what he should do (like jailbreak and etc.) cause the store didn't know what to do, and not only that, they called "THE" guy that they normally talk to about iPhones and he didn't even know what to do...so I was like look, I used to have an iPhone on T-Mobile, this is what you need to do, etc. etc., and then they offered me a job. I told them I'm not interested ATM b/c my grades are sucking ass in college right now (I'm a freshman) and I wanted to get my grades up.
So I come back about a month and a half later and they have a new employee there - she doesn't know **** about cell phones either! But its not like the others know much more than she does.
Moral of those two stories: you don't have to know much about cell phones to work for a carrier's store. Not saying EVERY employee is like that, but to my experience, they are. Just like best buy employees
Its sad I can tell someone that works w/ TV's there more about a TV than that employee can, yet he's getting paid for the little knowledge he knows -___-
I don't even keep up w/ TV tech...
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Sorry for the long post lol
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Oh don't worry lol I appreciate that. So I'll do some research on some technology colleges and see what I can find out and I'll continue to read all these guides to be more knowledgeable so in case I do find any classes maybe I can have an advantage? Lol
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
Salviikiddd said:
Oh don't worry lol I appreciate that. So I'll do some research on some technology colleges and see what I can find out and I'll continue to read all these guides to be more knowledgeable so in case I do find any classes maybe I can have an advantage? Lol
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
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Haha, yea. I'm trying to take the course w/ the mobile app development and stuff but I didn't think I wanted to do a computer science major, so I took the "dumbed down" intro course which is only half the prerequisite, so next semester, I'm taking the other half needed for me to get into the mobile app course. It should be fairly easy cause this other half I need is only half a semester and they kinda dumbed it down too, and most of it's online and I can do the assignments at my own pace. All i'm doing is programming that little lego robot kids used to play with, at least that's what the guy made it seem like. He said it's supposed to give you a general idea on how to "speak computer language", knowing that computers will only do what you tell it to do or something like that...
My memory is so effed up right now, lol.
Lol that sounds confusing and stressful. But that's what it takes to work for android I guess lol I'm up for it though
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
Salviikiddd said:
Lol that sounds confusing and stressful. But that's what it takes to work for android I guess lol I'm up for it though
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
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Lol, how?, I'm playing with lego robots for half a semester in the comfort of my own room. I just need to make sure I don't get ****ty roommates next semester like I had to deal with this year...
Ohhh lol I misunderstood, now that just sounds easy!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA
How to be "in business".. Are you sure you want it?
There are several things you might want to do:
1) Write apps for Android (and iOS too). Don't need any formal education for that, just know programming well (Java for Android, System C for iOS).
2) Develop HW or SW for the phones. For that you need to be either HW or SW engineer. That means - going to a recognized university and getting at least Bachelor of Engineering (which is a sort of BSc) degree in either Electronic Engineering or Software Engineering, then get a job in one of the corporations in this field.
And I suggest not basing such important decisions in life as choosing your profession, on a suggestion from a forum.
Jack_R1 said:
How to be "in business".. Are you sure you want it?
There are several things you might want to do:
1) Write apps for Android (and iOS too). Don't need any formal education for that, just know programming well (Java for Android, System C for iOS).
2) Develop HW or SW for the phones. For that you need to be either HW or SW engineer. That means - going to a recognized university and getting at least Bachelor of Engineering (which is a sort of BSc) degree in either Electronic Engineering or Software Engineering, then get a job in one of the corporations in this field.
And I suggest not basing such important decisions in life as choosing your profession, on a suggestion from a forum.
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You just made a suggestion. Lol

Data-Miner Android L

I am starting to think that I am not going to use Android L.
Look at this. So, Search, from thegreatestdataminingcompanytheworldhaseverknown is now metasticized throughout the Android OS. Every page, every app, calls out to thatsearchengineeveryoneuses. It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout.
I realise that my point of view will strike many Upright Citizens as shocking because, after all, 'we can trust them'. All I can say is, our public education system has failed us. (Hint: If you are not paying for a product...
... you are the product)
Time for me to start looking into Linux options. Failing that, I'll just stick with Carbon 4.4.4, which serves fine. Oh, I'll probably try Andriod L, but I'm pretty sure now of what I'll find.
Interesting read. I never trusted them when it comes to your data and listening. Lol
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
And the Moto X has had always on listening since release, better just throw the phone away and get a dumb phone...
Sent from my Moto X
How do they decide who to listen too? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on. ?
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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murso74 said:
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
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You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Darth said:
How do they decide who to listen to? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on.
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Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
marvin02 said:
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
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Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
Oh no! Now everyone will know about my life because I'm super-important.
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
It's the same way a button works. Nothing records when a button isn't pressed, but things records when it is.
As for the rest of Google, they do make their living off of a free service, what more can you expect? I'd rather pay for a no ad version of their stuff instaid, but untill that's possible, that's just the way it works if you want those beautiful services.
i really couldnt give a flying hoot nannies @#$% about that i have got absolutely nothing to hide. i read an artical a while back that the CIA tracks anybody who is "tor curious" hi CIA i really dont care if you're reading this because im on you internet monitoring list or whatever. i am not doign anything that i dont have the right to do. Damn i love the US. anyhow if your concerned about that what about this than?
Quantumstate said:
You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
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It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
Yeah.. it's not recording and streaming everything you say. The always listening feature isn't going to decipher everything you say until it matches the hot word, that would kill your battery. It's only kicks in when it detects multiple tones in a certain order.. I don't even know why I'm typing this, think what you want dude, that's not how it works. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.
bluebloomers said:
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
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The phone has a co-processor which is independent of the main system. Sure, its main function is to watch for keywords and instigate searches based on commands, but it can also be co-opted. I'm not saying any more because apparently I'm frightening a few people here who don't want to face it.
Darth said:
It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
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Nice trivializing there, Darth. Of course I've hardened what I have, and since this is such a touchy subject I'm not giving any hints. You have no idea who I am or why I bring this up.
You guys just blithely hand over all your contacts, your network of friends, your calendar, the websites you visit, your searches, your location 24x7, hell your very phone calls. I feel sorry for younger people these days who have no idea that all their online activity will follow them around -forever-. The stupid things they say online, being victimized by bullies, all will follow them to every future job application, every romantic engagement, and their future neighbors will know more about them than they can imagine. And I feel sorry for those whose self-esteem is so low that they feel worthless.
You just have no idea what prostrating yourself to the authorities like this, means. You have no idea what it was like in East Germany or Soviet Russia, much less where we're headed. You've never read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. And you will pay the price by a subtle enslavement which is too abstract for you to understand, without an education. Something will smell bad but you will never be able to figure out what it is nor do something about it.
I am not here to bicker or school you. I was just trying to do y'all a favor by giving you a perspective that you may not have seen, with everyone so anxious to be "licking your lollipops". I tried to help, but some of you are too cool for me.
Thanks for that. Maybe you should unmask yourself and make a proper point rather than misguiding, misinterpreting and mistakenly telling everyone that they are stupid. Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
Where did you get your education? Were you ever told to think for yourself? Let's go back over that last one again, as modernity tends to gloss it... Were you ever told to think for yourself?
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
^ completely agree
Yes, I know. I'm the bad guy, lol.
See, this is why no one any longer shares any real information with you on The Internets. You feel frightened of what you are doing when I demonstrate why... and so you senselessly take it out on -me- rather than getting your own sh*t together. Good job there.
kboya said:
Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
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Don't lie. No one will believe you after a while.
Remember, privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.
Cardinal Richelieu understood the meaning of surveillance when he famously said, "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." Watch someone long enough, and you will find something to arrest -- or just blackmail -- with. Privacy is important because without it, surveillance information will be abused: to peep, to sell to marketers and to spy on political enemies -- whoever they happen to be at the time.
We do nothing wrong when we make love or go to the bathroom. (the adults here, anyway) We are not deliberately hiding anything when we seek out private places for reflection or conversation. We keep private journals, sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them. Privacy is a basic human need.
If we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under threat of correction, judgment, criticism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness. We become children, fettered under watchful eyes, constantly fearful that --either now or in the uncertain future-- patterns we leave behind will be brought back to implicate us, by whatever authority has now become focused upon our once-private and innocent acts. We lose our individuality, because everything we do is observable and recordable.
How many of the adults present have paused during conversation in the past four-and-a-half years, suddenly aware that we might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place. Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or Islam. We stop suddenly, momentarily afraid that our words might be taken out of context, then we laugh at our paranoia and go on. But our demeanor has changed, and our words are subtly altered.
This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And it's our future as we allow an ever-intrusive eye into our personal, private lives.
Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why educated people must champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.
The level of stupid in this thread astounds me. If someone wants your information or something of yours, they're going to get it. It doesn't matter if your phone is always listening or not.
Sent from my Moto X
'Good job' there, eh, "imnuts".
Giving up is not the answer.
i love how, when everyone doesn't jump on this tools bandwagon, he turns on the forums.
Op is as a TROLL!
Thread is ridiculous!

