Legality of tracking stolen phone with Wavesecure etc. - Hero, G2 Touch General

I asked the police today about the legality of tracking etc your phone if stolen using wavesecure or similar in the UK.
The particular officer seemed to think it should not be a problem since it is your property and regardless of who's possession it's in you are allowed to track it.
The legality however of tracking its use is uncertain, their calls, SMS etc, but again, since the phoone is yours, it should not be a problem.
They are going to get in touch with me should further details arise.
It's good to know though that as long as one doesn't attempt to take the law into their own hands, you are ok with tracking your stolen phone and should, technically be able to use this data collected as evidence against the thief should you find yourself able to track them this way.
I don't know if this information is of use to anybody but I thought I would share what I discovered today.

Just because you own a webcamera for instance, doesn't make it okay to stick it into someones house and record their activities does it?
Tracking your phone, no problems at all with that. But i don't think you have any right to read their SMS, Calls. Its a touchy subject.
Just thought i'd add this to your post.

cymru said:
Just because you own a webcamera for instance, doesn't make it okay to stick it into someones house and record their activities does it?
Tracking your phone, no problems at all with that. But i don't think you have any right to read their SMS, Calls. Its a touchy subject.
Just thought i'd add this to your post.
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No, but if they steal your webcam and it happens to be set up to record all activity around it (normally related to yourself) had it not been illegally removed from its original location, you're not to blame nor at fault should it keep recording wherever they leave it, and then provide this as evidence to the police in order to recover said stolen item.

Fair point. to be honest i'm just arguing for the sake of it. Im very bored.

Why not.
Well, we could argue technicalities, my mrs is a lawyer so I'm sure she would argue it out with me all day long about how their are laws against it, but to be fair, I think the law would take your side regardless, and you could even have it permitted on a technicality (i.e. that the server is set up to automatically back up all your data, contacts and SMS for your own data security, should someone elses end up there through illegally obtaining and using your device, that's through no fault of yours.)

Yeah fair play, I know what you mean. Even if its your phone and gets stolen i've no doubt any defence will pick holes in why you were able to have access to their personal information. We all know how good the justice system can be in our country sometimes.

It's true, it's always possible you could end up wit hthe wrong persons data and instead end up with some silly sod who bought a cheap stolen phone off someone (equally as guilty i'd say, but that's a different argument), but that is why the services such as Wavesecure offer options to simply disable the phone and prompt the (new) user to call one of your preset "buddies" or 999 (or any other message/number you care to give them) in order to return the phone.
Normally though I would suggest this would be a last resort, because a thief would probably just dispose of the phone or destroy it if they find it locked as such.

You could always track it down yourself and make a citizens arrest ;-)
Section 24A of PACE '84 :-D
^Don't really do this

Indeed, it would be perfectly legal to make a Citizen's arrest under those circumstances, however, to stereotype the nature of such a person that is likely to steal a mobile phone, particularly from the area in which I live, it is quite possible and somewhat likely that they are either A) a violent criminal (mugging), B) A drug abuser (mugging) or C) Just outright violent (any other person).
P.S. The moral is that it's not a good idea to try go after it yourself, you might get hurt, or worse......your phone might.

I was literally typing 'Are you from liverpool?' when i read your location on the right
Best leave well alone lol. Let your phone be the only Hero in your partnership.

I personally am from the Wirral, but I work and study in Liverpool, and as anyone from Liverpool will tell you, we from the Wirral are considered stuck up c**ts and to us, Liverpudlians are violent criminals, personally, my mrs is from Liverpool, maybe I just want to have a hard life
But anyway, should my phone get stolen, no doubt someone would try sell it to her sooner or later.

A) Just phone your local police and give them the location of the thief and phone, they would love the easy collar.
B) Thieves rights? don't make me laugh. If someone nicks my camera they don't have any rights to the photo's on it when I recover it. I would be more than happy to photograph their cuts and bruises as I use "reasonable force" to excecute my citizens arrest and send them to them.
C) If they do send sms from your phone, just note down the numbers and pass them on to the police too, chances are they are thieving smackheads too so might be able to arrest more!

mantracom said:
A) Just phone your local police and give them the location of the thief and phone, they would love the easy collar.
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yeah sure...
"my phone is somewhere in a 600m circle around main street 145, can you get it for me?"
"absolutely sir, two S.W.A.T. teams are already on their way!"

lol kendon Good one!
As for the issue itself, I wonder how this would go in a country with slightly more relaxed laws (US for example). There, I can really see issues where someone jumps in their pickup with their 'shooting club buddy', tracks their stolen phone using a laptop etc. from the passenger seat, and go setting about making use of the second amendment (click here if you don't happen to know amendments to the US constitution off by heart like me) on the thief (or unsuspecting buyer of the stolen goods).
To be honest, I'd have little sympathy for the thief in that case, regardless of how outnumbered they were. If you steal, you really do deserve what you get. What happened to the concept of an outlaw, where the law affords them no protection from others due to their disrespect of it?
^BTW, don't go doing that just cos you saw it here.
And, for the record, I'm actually from Britain, so maybe a pickup wouldn't be used...

alias_neo said:
Indeed, it would be perfectly legal to make a Citizen's arrest under those circumstances, however, to stereotype the nature of such a person that is likely to steal a mobile phone, particularly from the area in which I live, it is quite possible and somewhat likely that they are either A) a violent criminal (mugging), B) A drug abuser (mugging) or C) Just outright violent (any other person).
P.S. The moral is that it's not a good idea to try go after it yourself, you might get hurt, or worse......your phone might.
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hahahaha "or worse your phone might"

cymru said:
I was literally typing 'Are you from liverpool?' when i read your location on the right
Best leave well alone lol. Let your phone be the only Hero in your partnership.
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kendong2 said:
yeah sure...
"my phone is somewhere in a 600m circle around main street 145, can you get it for me?"
"absolutely sir, two S.W.A.T. teams are already on their way!"
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LOL! This thread just made my day
Anyway, let's just hope you never have to use Wavesecure.


Preparing for DHL battle

I am returning the Nexus one due to its inability to open password protected PDF files.
Just been told that although a full refund is given on the phone as per the distance selling laws, they WILL NOT REFUND THE VAT, you have to take it up directly with DHL.
Now i feel that as Google contract DHL to deliver the goods as part of the contract we pay for (ie the purchase of the phone), then Google should refund the VAT.
So there you go, we have been googled again......
pastypacker said:
I am returning the Nexus one due to its inability to open password protected PDF files.
Just been told that although a full refund is given on the phone as per the distance selling laws, they WILL NOT REFUND THE VAT, you have to take it up directly with DHL.
Now i feel that as Google contract DHL to deliver the goods as part of the contract we pay for (ie the purchase of the phone), then Google should refund the VAT.
So there you go, we have been googled again......
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You will have to take this up with HMRC. I honestly don't think you will get this back - I guess you can only try.
pastypacker said:
I am returning the Nexus one due to its inability to open password protected PDF files.
Just been told that although a full refund is given on the phone as per the distance selling laws, they WILL NOT REFUND THE VAT, you have to take it up directly with DHL.
Now i feel that as Google contract DHL to deliver the goods as part of the contract we pay for (ie the purchase of the phone), then Google should refund the VAT.
So there you go, we have been googled again......
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Did you try beamreader PDF viewer? It claims to be able to open Password protected PDFs. Rather than scrapping the phone.
I'm pretty sure Documents to Go also supports password protected pdf-files, but I don't have a file to test it with.
RepliGo Reader also claims to have support for password protected files, so maybe not scrap your phone just yet?
liam.lah said:
Did you try beamreader PDF viewer? It claims to be able to open Password protected PDFs. Rather than scrapping the phone.
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I use beamreader to open password protected PDfs without a problem
Its not google's responsibility to deal with local tax laws!
Speak to HMRC or customs. If you send them proof that it was returned (refund from google, return shipping number etc), they'll refund you. Its alot trickier for non business's because it doesnt happen that often.
pastypacker said:
I am returning the Nexus one due to its inability to open password protected PDF files.
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krohnjw said:
I use beamreader to open password protected PDfs without a problem
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Every person I see saying they are returning the phone has a stupid reason or is unwilling/unknowledgeable about the simple workarounds.
Is this the new funny monday thread??
Given you've already got it (I assume in the UK??) rather than sending it back try selling either privately or via somewhere like ebay/these forums etc.
You shouldn't loose money and if you're lucky may make a few quid
Paul22000 said:
Every person I see saying they are returning the phone has a stupid reason or is unwilling/unknowledgeable about the simple workarounds.
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No kidding. I'm returning my phone because it doesn't make calls.
Paul22000 said:
Every person I see saying they are returning the phone has a stupid reason or is unwilling/unknowledgeable about the simple workarounds.
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A stupid reason you say, who the hell are you to judge what is or isnt a valid reason?
I have tried beamreader etc etc, and the Nexus will not open these files.....
But i guess if you are not using a phone for more than messing around showing off to your mates, then real world useability issues wont bother you!
There are other reasons for sending it back, I didnt want to start slagging the phone off, and then be scalded by the likes of you for doing so!
The reception on the phone is bad
The notifications are bad
The battery life is bad
The sound quality from the speaker is really bad
These are my opinions, and I am fully entitled to them, you really shouldn't go round suggesting that people are not capable of solving problems, some of us dont have the time to solve what should work in the first place.
I have spent many hours with the HD2, and HSPL has made it into a far better device than the Nexus one!
The trouble with forums is that you really have no idea what the person writing the post is really like.
I never look down on anybody, and treat all people as equal, that way nobody feels insulted
pastypacker said:
A stupid reason you say, who the hell are you to judge what is or isnt a valid reason?
I have tried beamreader etc etc, and the Nexus will not open these files.....
But i guess if you are not using a phone for more than messing around showing off to your mates, then real world useability issues wont bother you!
There are other reasons for sending it back, I didnt want to start slagging the phone off, and then be scalded by the likes of you for doing so!
The reception on the phone is bad
The notifications are bad
The battery life is bad
The sound quality from the speaker is really bad
These are my opinions, and I am fully entitled to them, you really shouldn't go round suggesting that people are not capable of solving problems, some of us dont have the time to solve what should work in the first place.
I have spent many hours with the HD2, and HSPL has made it into a far better device than the Nexus one!
The trouble with forums is that you really have no idea what the person writing the post is really like.
I never look down on anybody, and treat all people as equal, that way nobody feels insulted
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Well if you had explained the real reason you were returning the phone (i.e. it is really bad in all those categories you mentioned), then we wouldn't have gotten a laugh off of you simply stating you were returning the phone cuz it wouldn't open password protected PDFs. The fact is that it DOES open password protected PDFs with any of those apps people pointed to... so your reasoning sounded suspect, and like a potential gag.
Anyway, it sounds like the real reason you don't want to phone is because you aren't used to Android (and perhaps willing to spend more time to get used to it). Android handles notifications better than any other platform. Period. Reception has more to do with your area than anything else... and battery life on this phone is superb! I easily get through a day with moderate to heavy use with at least 25% left, though generally more. I do agree about the speaker though, at least for playing music.
Well if you had explained the real reason you were returning the phone (i.e. it is really bad in all those categories you mentioned), then we wouldn't have gotten a laugh off of you simply stating you were returning the phone cuz it wouldn't open password protected PDFs. The fact is that it DOES open password protected PDFs with any of those apps people pointed to... so your reasoning sounded suspect, and like a potential gag.
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^^^ Pretty much what uansari1 said.
Also "The reception on the phone is bad". Um. No. If you had said "The reception IN MY AREA is bad", then ok, I can't argue against that. But you can't just say the phone has bad reception, period, when there are people who live in areas that have downright amazing reception.
"The notifications are bad". You're insane!!!!!!! Android has the best notifications of any smartphone OS. Again, if you said "I don't like them", fine. But to say they are bad, you're insane. Most likely, you're just not USED to them. Learn how to use them and I guarantee you will love this system
"Bad" by itself is pretty subjective anyhow, since the same issue could be great for someone else.
Look, at the end of the day the guy can return for any reason he wants... maybe he thinks the color is wacky. That's fine. Anyway, let's get back on topic now.
I really dont want to get into a tat for tat, I am not insane, just realistic, and not hung up so much on a bit of technologhy to get that uptight about it.
the reception on the Nexus IS bad, especially compared to the HD2, and yes i suppose my area of the UK has a bearing on this.
The notifications are not as good as winmo on the HD2, with the HD2 all types , ie mail, sms etc, are very easy to see, and very easy to act upon.
The calendar reminders are superb, very quick to snooze, reset or adjust, and i use 20-30 reminders each day, and this is where time is important, I just need a phone to work, not have to constantly find workarounds, ive done enough of this with the HD2.
when running a business, and being out and about in a van a hell of a lot each day, things like this are very important, but like I said, the guy that just has a phone because its the latest greatest show off tool won't really care.
I have MOD and private sector emails sent with protected PDF files, and I can tell you for a fact that the Nexus I have WILL NOT OPEN THEM, with or without beamreader etc etc blahh blahh, I have it here, and I know it wont open them!!
On the plus side though, the Nexus screen is very very nice, I love the skymap app, made walking the dog a lot more interesting, the youtube app is far better than the HD2, (would have liked flash though for web sites and webcams), I guess it really depends on what you want the phone for, and I think it's not really as much of a business tool as the HD2.
there is also a $45 restocking fee
sstang2006 said:
there is also a $45 restocking fee
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Not in the UK, read the terms
double post upon edit, sorry
Ok, never let it be said I dont try.
I stopped the collection today on the Nexus.
I have retried getting my mail pdfs again, and here are the pics of the results.
This is an AOL account, and that may be the issue, i cant even open non protected pdfs from within it, just see the pics.
Now non protected files will open in the gmail account, strange....but I dont have protected pdf traffic on that account.
So guys, what do ya reckon? As I said, the files will not open.....
I would try to forward that email with the attachment to your gmail or another email account and see if it works then. As you said the AOL account might be the culprit.

Big Brother Lives In CA & Coming to A State Near You

First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
eddiegaz said:
First let me start off by saying I'm a noob, a virgo, and like taking long walks on the beach LOL. I have been lurking around for the past couple of months and have learned a lot from the great people that like to help and share information. This is indeed a great community of people. This is my first post so if it seems long winded I apologize. Now my reason for my thread title. I live in Phoenix AZ (I know it's a dry heat), I was watching the news tonight and they did a story on the search of cell phones by the police. It seems that in California if you get stopped for anything, traffic ticket, jay walking, ect. and your cell phone is within arms length of you, the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed! Yes that means anything and everything that is on your phone is free game (I find that a little strange since last year a husband went to court over accessing his wife's email and reading it.) But as the story was told California Supreme court upheld the ruling which again states that any person who comes in contact with a law enforcement officer can have their cell phone "looked at". This means call history, web sites visited, your phone book, and any and all information that is stored on your device. The only catch is that the device has to be within arms reach of the person. I am not a criminal, never even had a traffic ticket, but the thought of someone going through my phone drives me crazy. I keep my phone locked with a passcode, so would that mean that I would have to unlock my device for them to snoop through it? Anyway I found this interesting and I thought that I would share it with anyone who cares. My question is, of all of the talent that is in this community, has there ever been an app made like a "kill all pill", something that with just the touch of a button your device would be reset to factory settings and/or scrub the sd card? Just a thought. Once again thank you for allowing me to gain more knowledge of my device and to share in the community. Keep up the great work!
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I saw the same report about California on our news.
I have news for you, I will never consider living in that state.
That is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS and a step away from the government having video cameras in your house.
I don't know what you can do exactly.
If you ever get pulled over, send the ***** into your custom recovery and format all.
Scary what this country is turning into.
Just toss the phone in the back seat.
I'd actually be kinda curious about the existence of such an app, also....
Ridiculous is all I can say
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
One more step in complete government control .... I live in Cali and truth be told if it wasn't for my son(separated parents) I wouldn't even live in this country.
"praise the lord and pass the ammunition"
RileyGrant said:
I'd tell them to **** themselves and take them to the supreme court. That's purely unconstitutional.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I completely agree with you but unfortunately in this day and age "unconstitutional" doesn't mean a damned thing.
The Patriot act is "unconstitutional"...
Actually I just decided to NOT list all the things that are "unconstitutional" that are realities, I don't have that kind of time.
This country went to **** years ago
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
"Tase me, bro."
*I'm assuming this is similar to the 'plug n' pull' (ya like that?) that was mentioned before. If all it takes is smashing the phone to ****, well, I'd do it in a heartbeat. If I just had pr0n on my phone I wouldn't even care. But that never touches my phone. Nor my computer; felt the need to add that. I'm talking serious business. Not that 'phone tapping' couldn't be possible (yes, it can happen to us all) but anything to shut an effort down. I'd even smash my rooted device and give up a chance of rooted glory for all the bull**** that could come of it. I hate cops. I've had some horrible experiences with them in the past. I'm not a 'blah blah f*ck you' to the face anymore, but I don't play that ****. You can instantly tell when a cop is on the push, and usually it is because you are in a bad situation. But some trivial ****? Nah, I don't, and won't, play that.
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
Prugor said:
Keep your phone locked. If they ask for the pass code, tell them no.
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I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some 'miracle super duper government cop pull' they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honestly laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties?'"
conqu1stador said:
I don't think it works like that, provided this was similar to the talk before ... your 'ish' gets plugged in and by some miracle super duper government cop pull they jack any and everything off your phone.
I'd like some clarification though. I haven't seen a link, but this sounds pretty similar to the talk before.
I'd honeslty laugh if this was a, "Gimme your phone son. Ok, how do I see your 'texties.'"
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They have a device they can hook the phone up to which copies all of the data.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
conqu1stador said:
Yeah, that's what I'm saying this sounds like. 'That talk before.'
If you could honestly lock your phone and deny access, well, that's a massive failure on their part. That is what I was saying. It sounds like all that business mentioned a month or two ago.
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Locking the phone will do nothing.
I suppose you can wipe the phone but, as we all know, the only way to truly destroy data is acid.
Right. If I am remembering correctly it was mentioned as such before. That's what I was saying. I wouldn't be surprised if this was being considered in Illinois. I should make a point of turning my phone off / removing the card everytime we / I get pulled over. Swallow the card if it appears suspect and smash the phone. I'd totally get tasered over as much.*
*tasers aren't that bad*
*yes, for fun
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
This is BULL**** !
Im glad I live in Sin City
Just another reason for me to hate living in Cali. I must have missed the report but I remember about a month or so ago some state in the north eastern part of the us displayed a new device just for cell phones that police were beginning to use. Basically it comes with universal plug or what ever and totally scans phone in a matter of seconds. All contents are then stored in said device for further review. files included absolutely everything! Pictures, videos, internet history/cache, emails, call history etc. Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
Just use titanium backup and dropbox. Then if being pulled over just boot to recovery and format all. Might still be able to recover the data though. We need a secure format option.
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium App
Here is the key part:
eddiegaz said:
the officer can ask for your phone and can search through it no search warrant needed!
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Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
mbaseball3 said:
Welcome to socialism! California is leading the way.
Sent from my EVO
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While I won't dispute Cali's socialist leanings, this is NOT evidence of it. Evidense of Fascism? Sure is! Socialism? No. There are big differences between communism and socialsim, and both can be facist...but so can democracy. Fascism is the real evil. Socialism and communism are only theoretical evils that tend to die off as time progresses (though either one work very well in small communities. Funny thing: almost any humane fiscal system can work, and work well, on a small is when one starts dealing with larger societies that the sh1t hits the fan). But this is all far more political than is allowed.
Fazulka said:
Here is the key part:
Police officers can ask for lots of things. You don't have to give it to them. If an officers asks if he can look in your trunk you can say no, if they ask to come into your house you can say no, if they ask you anything you can remain silent. So if you have something on your phone that you don't want the police to see, just say no when they ask if they can look at it.
I have seen police go to apartments where the neighbor reported that someone was smoking pot. They can smell the pot, but if no one answers the door, or the person who answers does not let them in they can't take any further action.
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Someone hasn't been paying attention to what is going on
What is "allowed" and what has been actually happening are two completely different things. Wanna see a video of people being body-slammed and tied up for dancing at the Jefferson monument? Minute 2:40 is when they tell someone that they will be arrested for continuing to record.
Here is a news report on the incident

[Q] Probably stolen A500

I have in my possession a Acer A500 that a "friend" asked me to look at for them. The thing is, I am almost certain he stole it... He has no job and has been caught red handed several times in the past with iphones, ipods, cell phones, etc that he stole.
I would like to find out who the original owner is of the tablet so I can give them an anonymous tip... The problem is, the security pattern is set on the device. I know how to do a hard reset, but I don't want to wipe any of the information that may be on the device....
Any ideas?
Yeah, give to to police.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Or persuade your friend to give it to police. You don't want to get into such a mess.
ctiger said:
Or persuade your friend to give it to police. You don't want to get into such a mess.
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this is obviously not your FRIEND....
you obviously seem like a decent person by what you are wanting to do.
call the police and turn your friend in.. period. end of story.
if the person, the original owner, registered the unit you should be able to call acer and give them the s/n and your contact info and ask them to call the owner and give that person your info and have them call you so you can work out a time to meet up and you can give this person their item back.
i personally would try Acer first.
the police wont do anything but take the tablet, sit it in a evidence collection box, and in 6 months it will get auctioned off and the owner will never ever get it back.
Turn it in to police. Give them the Acer support phone number.they might be able to use the SN number to get thenright owner.if it were registered.
Good luck..
sell it to me with haft price
just kidding, actually, not sure this is stolen by your friend, so just give it back to him, and get out of this mess.
Sure sounds like a moral dilema. Police, as told by others here, probably wont be very useful. Your "friend" doesnt seem like he will do the right thing. All in all, if you dont try to figure out the owner, chances are it will never get back to him/her.
Maybe some of the other members here can confirm or not. Would booting into safe mode bypass the security pattern as it has done on several android phones?
there is a reason that I list the owners information on the lock screen lol.
Isnt there a way to adj some of the lock outs from booting into recovery?
You should either ask him for the unlock pattern (if it's not stolen, he should know it - you can tell him you want to check out the tablet, but really see the owner info) or just give it back to him and blacklist his phone number to never hear from him again. As you should know "I'm just holding it for my friend" is not much of an alibi for the police in the odd chance they manage to trace him.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
If I could be 100% sure that it was stolen, I would just give it to the police, but there is always the small possibility it is his. And you are right, he is not my "friend", but as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
I've actually been trying to catch him stealing from me for a while, but I don't think he would ever take the bait because I would rain havoc down upon him (I have a bit of a temper).
I looked all over the tab for the serial number and it doesn't seem to be anyplace on the device itself... (PS. I also have a A500)
you can see the serial number on the back of microSD card cover.
Call Acer support and if the original owner had registered the serial then convince Acer support that you would like them to email the original owner, possibly forwarding your email or some way to contact you.
i would say find a cool cop and have him/her use their power as a law enforcer to help you cordnate with Acer to contact the owner. They might even direct you to an officer that's on pawn duty, their main focus is running serial numbers for reported stolen items in pawn shops and reterning them to their owners.
if it was stolen, and reported stolen the police will have the serial number. They would ask for it, which is on the box itself, when the report was filed. That is if it was reported stolen and if the original owner still had the box. By holding on to it you yourself are committing a crime, receiving stolen goods. I would either give it back to the douche or the police. If you go the police route they are going to want to know the guys name you got it from and you will be involved in the whatever actions follow. Even if you manage to get it back to the original owner most likely they will inform the police you had their stolen tablet and want to know how/who you got it from.
I haven't registered my tablet yet! Seeing this I'm registering right now!
Maybe its rooted? Worth a try to do an adb connection to it. Or at least connect to PC and see the contents of the I eternal sdcard? Maybe there's some contact info or a picture you can post up locally to see if anyone is recognized?
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
Wash your hands of it... Give it back to your douchey friend and forget you saw it...
Trying to do the right thing only gets you screwed by being involved... You are not innocent until proven guilty... That's why you get put in cuffs till it all gets sorted out...
So once again... Wash your hands...
Sent from my Inspire 4G running BinDroid v1.2
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What does he want you to look at for him?
If it is his he will have the unlock code. If he says he can't remember then it probably is not his.
I run into this problem every now and then. I work on friends and friends of friends laptops and computers as a hobby. If I get any that has apassword that needs booted up and they tell me they forgot it. It goes right back to them.
I was in a situation one time where I was curious to know so I did bypass and booted up in windows. Sure enough it was someone elses laptop. I just gave it back and said there was nothing I could do.
So know I don't even mess with them. No password. No fix.
boredbutter said:
Wash your hands of it... Give it back to your douchey friend and forget you saw it...
Trying to do the right thing only gets you screwed by being involved... You are not innocent until proven guilty... That's why you get put in cuffs till it all gets sorted out...
So once again... Wash your hands...
Sent from my Inspire 4G running BinDroid v1.2
If I help you at all... Please click "Thank You"
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If you suspect that you're in possession of a stolen item, report it to the police as found with no knowledge of it being stolen, would likely not be a big deal. Being in possession of a stolen item and reporting it to the police while knowing the suspect can and would likely be a hairy situation. Because if he really isn't much of a friend or prepared to throw you under the bus in's your word against his and you are the last one to have the item.
While I do think it's best that you notify the authorities,I suggest you give it back first. But on the other hand, you would likely be better off telling the authorities that he left the item with out you having any knowledge of it and knowing his character you suspect it's stolen. If you tell them you willingly accepted to hold on to the item......think of what you are admitting.
mburke178 said:
By holding on to it you yourself are committing a crime, receiving stolen goods.
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I'm almost certain that this is only the case if you *knowingly* receive stolen goods. And all I have is a suspicion, I could be wrong...
The tablet has been just sitting on my desk since I last posted, I almost forgot it was even there...
I will probably just end up giving it back to the dude who gave it to me, and tell him there was nothing I could do with it. He is completely ignorant when it comes to anything technology related. If I had any proof whatsoever that it was stolen, I would do something about it, unfortunately that is not the case.
You cannot just go around accusing people of theft without proof, I was hoping to find some on the tablet itself, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.
I'll just have to catch him doing something else at another time (might be time to install a hidden cam focused on where I leave my wallet when I am home)...
Don't worry, his time will come...

[Q] Changing IMEI of the Nexus 4

My brand new Nexus 4 got stolen within a week of buying it while traveling in Bombay. I was hoping to get it back after lodging a police complaint and they assured me it will get traced using the IMEI number. But recently I have came across many newspaper articles saying that the IMEI number can be changed using software's from the internet.
If such is the case, aren't the IMEI numbers useless in the first place?
The new IMEI number doesn't make the phone unstable or make it share its IMEI number with any other phone?
Can phones with changed IMEI numbers be used with regular mobile networks?
Modern technology isnt making this impossible?
Can someone well versed in these issues answer these questions?
I'm pretty sure changing the IMEI number would be illegal.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Devhux said:
I'm pretty sure changing the IMEI number would be illegal.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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So is stealing the device in the first place! The thief won`t care for that. As discussions about changing Imei numbers are not allowed on XDA that doesn`t mean there isn`t some dark app/software around to change the Imei though.
Is illegal and you would have to have some sort of access to be able to change it
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4
there are many softwares avb thru which the IMEI can be changed. But adding extra digits to the IMEI number or having two phones with the same IMEI number not make the phone useless? can the telephone companies not read these type of phones?
In India the success rate of phones getting recovered is merely 2%. There are many shops in seedy places where thieves can get the phones wiped or get the IMEI changed. Manufacturers need to come up with better solutions to prevent theft or make the phone unusable once stolen. If they expect people to buy such expensive phones, it wouldnt hurt them to make them more secure and in turn safe guarding our costly indulgence.
vaibhav414 said:
In India the success rate of phones getting recovered is merely 2%. There are many shops in seedy places where thieves can get the phones wiped or get the IMEI changed. Manufacturers need to come up with better solutions to prevent theft or make the phone unusable once stolen. If they expect people to buy such expensive phones, it wouldnt hurt them to make them more secure and in turn safe guarding our costly indulgence.
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I'm sure it's possible for them to make the phone trackable as long as the phone has charge. Eg, a small chip that is ALWAYS on to enable 24/7 GPS tracking.
Although that's nice, people would complain about privacy. They would say the manufacturers are tracking them and soon there will be some illuminati or political war going on with the manufacturer.
Is it possible? Very likely.
Will people like it? Yes and No.
exb0 said:
I'm sure it's possible for them to make the phone trackable as long as the phone has charge. Eg, a small chip that is ALWAYS on to enable 24/7 GPS tracking.
Although that's nice, people would complain about privacy. They would say the manufacturers are tracking them and soon there will be some illuminati or political war going on with the manufacturer.
Is it possible? Very likely.
Will people like it? Yes and No.
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Thats a good idea. and Privacy-shrivacy! People who make a big deal about privacy should pay everyone who loses their phone and then cant track it.
Also, manufacturers have done away with a tiny slot that you could used to tie a cord around. I feel tying your phone to your trousers is the only way not to lose your phone in India. We are packed like sardines here when we use the public transport and thats the only way to secure your phone.
exb0 said:
I'm sure it's possible for them to make the phone trackable as long as the phone has charge. Eg, a small chip that is ALWAYS on to enable 24/7 GPS tracking.
Although that's nice, people would complain about privacy. They would say the manufacturers are tracking them and soon there will be some illuminati or political war going on with the manufacturer.
Is it possible? Very likely.
Will people like it? Yes and No.
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Wouldn't be surprised if they're already doing that, atleast American carrier locked phones. But then it would be detected by engineers by examining the motherboard? Although it's not necessary with network and software capability like Carrier IQ and Prism.
vaibhav414 said:
Thats a good idea. and Privacy-shrivacy! People who make a big deal about privacy should pay everyone who loses their phone and then cant track it.
Also, manufacturers have done away with a tiny slot that you could used to tie a cord around. I feel tying your phone to your trousers is the only way not to lose your phone in India. We are packed like sardines here when we use the public transport and thats the only way to secure your phone.
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Pretty annoyed by people who keep whining about privacy as well. Germany is probably the worst worldwide right now when it comes to such people. Like a while back, when they all complained about Google Streetview and set them back via lawsuits and politics several times. Now it was only passed when people were able so request their houses(!) to be pixelated. I mean srsly, it's not like it's their faces or licence plates, it's just some outer walls, every one can see when driving by themselves! Anyway, that's why there isn't much Streetview going on here right now (Google probably got tired of it). And it's just one of many annoying examples.
But back to topic: I think Google is doing some good first steps in the anti-theft and recovery direction with the Device manager. Now it just has to work for me...
vaibhav414 said:
Thats a good idea. and Privacy-shrivacy! People who make a big deal about privacy should pay everyone who loses their phone and then cant track it.
Also, manufacturers have done away with a tiny slot that you could used to tie a cord around. I feel tying your phone to your trousers is the only way not to lose your phone in India. We are packed like sardines here when we use the public transport and thats the only way to secure your phone.
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Nope. I actually don't like "big brother" tracking me down.
So what if you can track it? I might be able to track it down to a condo, so how are you gonna know who took the phone?
I doubt the police would make a raid JUST FOR A PHONE.
Yes I know, I've been to India. Yep, I agree on this one. I do want a strap.
eksasol said:
Wouldn't be surprised if they're already doing that, atleast American carrier locked phones. But then it would be detected by engineers by examining the motherboard? Although it's not necessary with network and software capability like Carrier IQ and Prism.
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If they were, engineers would see it.
No, with software it's easily wipeable. If the nexus 4 came with a tracking app named TRACK (for an example) , I can just take the phone, wipe it and install cyanogenmod on it. There you go, the app "TRACK" will be gone. Software side would be useless. If i'm not mistaken cerberus suffers from the same problem. It's a software. I'm sure you can wipe it.
Bottom line is, unless manufacturers make a HARDWARE that lets you track it, there's no full proof way of tracking it. Even then, it's hard to convict someone of stealing your phone.
In case you're thinking that I don't understand your pain of losing a nexus 4, trust me when I say I do. I lost my nexus 4 IN SCHOOL about 2 weeks go.
exb0 said:
Nope. I actually don't like "big brother" tracking me down.
So what if you can track it? I might be able to track it down to a condo, so how are you gonna know who took the phone?
I doubt the police would make a raid JUST FOR A PHONE.
Yes I know, I've been to India. Yep, I agree on this one. I do want a strap.
If they were, engineers would see it.
No, with software it's easily wipeable. If the nexus 4 came with a tracking app named TRACK (for an example) , I can just take the phone, wipe it and install cyanogenmod on it. There you go, the app "TRACK" will be gone. Software side would be useless. If i'm not mistaken cerberus suffers from the same problem. It's a software. I'm sure you can wipe it.
Bottom line is, unless manufacturers make a HARDWARE that lets you track it, there's no full proof way of tracking it. Even then, it's hard to convict someone of stealing your phone.
In case you're thinking that I don't understand your pain of losing a nexus 4, trust me when I say I do. I lost my nexus 4 IN SCHOOL about 2 weeks go.
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The point is to make stealing phones difficult. If the police raid a couple of times, the thieves would think that its useless stealing phones, since they get tracked and would discourage them from this practice. Till the someone found an IMEI loophole, im guessing phone theft would be on decline too. For eg: Modern cars. Since the chip installed in the Key. Car theft has gone down considerably.
Also, were not really upset upon losing your Nexus 4? What steps did you take to get it back, if at all?
I was hoping mine would get recovered eventually. But i have lost all hope.
I wish the thief gets slow roasted in hell.

Data-Miner Android L

I am starting to think that I am not going to use Android L.
Look at this. So, Search, from thegreatestdataminingcompanytheworldhaseverknown is now metasticized throughout the Android OS. Every page, every app, calls out to thatsearchengineeveryoneuses. It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout.
I realise that my point of view will strike many Upright Citizens as shocking because, after all, 'we can trust them'. All I can say is, our public education system has failed us. (Hint: If you are not paying for a product...
... you are the product)
Time for me to start looking into Linux options. Failing that, I'll just stick with Carbon 4.4.4, which serves fine. Oh, I'll probably try Andriod L, but I'm pretty sure now of what I'll find.
Interesting read. I never trusted them when it comes to your data and listening. Lol
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
And the Moto X has had always on listening since release, better just throw the phone away and get a dumb phone...
Sent from my Moto X
How do they decide who to listen too? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on. ?
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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murso74 said:
If they want to watch me look at tits and asses, so be it
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You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Darth said:
How do they decide who to listen to? That's a lot of people to eavesdrop on.
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Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
marvin02 said:
Quantumstate said:
. . .
It's even listening when the phone's OFF! I'll say that again: it's listening all the time. And there's no way to disable it! Coming from Intelligence, and as I've never trusted them, I've always deinstalled most G**gle apps, but now it appears their creepy circus-colored fingers have permeated throughout
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Reading that post says to me that the phone listens when the screen is off, not when the phone itself is off.
There are also options to turn off the "search from any screen" feature.
So I guess I am not quite as paranoid as you, yet.
Maybe that's why fewer devices have removable batteries; so we can't turn them off all the way.
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Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
Oh no! Now everyone will know about my life because I'm super-important.
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
It's the same way a button works. Nothing records when a button isn't pressed, but things records when it is.
As for the rest of Google, they do make their living off of a free service, what more can you expect? I'd rather pay for a no ad version of their stuff instaid, but untill that's possible, that's just the way it works if you want those beautiful services.
i really couldnt give a flying hoot nannies @#$% about that i have got absolutely nothing to hide. i read an artical a while back that the CIA tracks anybody who is "tor curious" hi CIA i really dont care if you're reading this because im on you internet monitoring list or whatever. i am not doign anything that i dont have the right to do. Damn i love the US. anyhow if your concerned about that what about this than?
Quantumstate said:
You have a misconception of your importance. This, you were trained into though, so you come by it honestly.
Doesn't matter. With a security mindset you assume it's always you. Ask Schnier.
Ya, but what proof do we have at this point that it's not listening when actually -off-? I have none. (ref: OnStar) If you deal in sensitive matters, would you give them the credit? I wouldn't.
Looking into this, I find there is no viable Linux alternative, as we used to have with Opie. So either I block everything G**gle with an independent app like Android Firewall, or do with 4.4.4.
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It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
Yeah.. it's not recording and streaming everything you say. The always listening feature isn't going to decipher everything you say until it matches the hot word, that would kill your battery. It's only kicks in when it detects multiple tones in a certain order.. I don't even know why I'm typing this, think what you want dude, that's not how it works. Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself.
bluebloomers said:
I'm not going to even try to say that Google does no wrong and doesn't use most of the data we send to it for advertising, but they don't listen to you, the phone does.
The phone listens for certain frequencies of sound in certain orders, if it doesn't see those, it keeps looking. It doesn't record every single thing said and send it to Google, it only sends what you say to it (everything past "OK Google").
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The phone has a co-processor which is independent of the main system. Sure, its main function is to watch for keywords and instigate searches based on commands, but it can also be co-opted. I'm not saying any more because apparently I'm frightening a few people here who don't want to face it.
Darth said:
It's simple my friend...... A smartphone is not for you then. Get an old flip phone and no one will spy on you. ?
No tablet or computers with cameras or microphones either.
New cars have Bluetooth... Not good.
Some TV's and video game consoles have cameras. Gone.
Can't think of anything else just yet. ?
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Nice trivializing there, Darth. Of course I've hardened what I have, and since this is such a touchy subject I'm not giving any hints. You have no idea who I am or why I bring this up.
You guys just blithely hand over all your contacts, your network of friends, your calendar, the websites you visit, your searches, your location 24x7, hell your very phone calls. I feel sorry for younger people these days who have no idea that all their online activity will follow them around -forever-. The stupid things they say online, being victimized by bullies, all will follow them to every future job application, every romantic engagement, and their future neighbors will know more about them than they can imagine. And I feel sorry for those whose self-esteem is so low that they feel worthless.
You just have no idea what prostrating yourself to the authorities like this, means. You have no idea what it was like in East Germany or Soviet Russia, much less where we're headed. You've never read 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. And you will pay the price by a subtle enslavement which is too abstract for you to understand, without an education. Something will smell bad but you will never be able to figure out what it is nor do something about it.
I am not here to bicker or school you. I was just trying to do y'all a favor by giving you a perspective that you may not have seen, with everyone so anxious to be "licking your lollipops". I tried to help, but some of you are too cool for me.
Thanks for that. Maybe you should unmask yourself and make a proper point rather than misguiding, misinterpreting and mistakenly telling everyone that they are stupid. Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
Where did you get your education? Were you ever told to think for yourself? Let's go back over that last one again, as modernity tends to gloss it... Were you ever told to think for yourself?
Sent from my XT1052 using XDA Free mobile app
^ completely agree
Yes, I know. I'm the bad guy, lol.
See, this is why no one any longer shares any real information with you on The Internets. You feel frightened of what you are doing when I demonstrate why... and so you senselessly take it out on -me- rather than getting your own sh*t together. Good job there.
kboya said:
Oh yes, and telling everyone what they may or may not have read (wrong on both counts).
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Don't lie. No one will believe you after a while.
Remember, privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.
Cardinal Richelieu understood the meaning of surveillance when he famously said, "If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged." Watch someone long enough, and you will find something to arrest -- or just blackmail -- with. Privacy is important because without it, surveillance information will be abused: to peep, to sell to marketers and to spy on political enemies -- whoever they happen to be at the time.
We do nothing wrong when we make love or go to the bathroom. (the adults here, anyway) We are not deliberately hiding anything when we seek out private places for reflection or conversation. We keep private journals, sing in the privacy of the shower, and write letters to secret lovers and then burn them. Privacy is a basic human need.
If we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under threat of correction, judgment, criticism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness. We become children, fettered under watchful eyes, constantly fearful that --either now or in the uncertain future-- patterns we leave behind will be brought back to implicate us, by whatever authority has now become focused upon our once-private and innocent acts. We lose our individuality, because everything we do is observable and recordable.
How many of the adults present have paused during conversation in the past four-and-a-half years, suddenly aware that we might be eavesdropped on? Probably it was a phone conversation, although maybe it was an e-mail or instant-message exchange or a conversation in a public place. Maybe the topic was terrorism, or politics, or Islam. We stop suddenly, momentarily afraid that our words might be taken out of context, then we laugh at our paranoia and go on. But our demeanor has changed, and our words are subtly altered.
This is the loss of freedom we face when our privacy is taken from us. This is life in former East Germany, or life in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. And it's our future as we allow an ever-intrusive eye into our personal, private lives.
Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why educated people must champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.
The level of stupid in this thread astounds me. If someone wants your information or something of yours, they're going to get it. It doesn't matter if your phone is always listening or not.
Sent from my Moto X
'Good job' there, eh, "imnuts".
Giving up is not the answer.
i love how, when everyone doesn't jump on this tools bandwagon, he turns on the forums.
Op is as a TROLL!
Thread is ridiculous!

