Does this happen to anyone else? - EVO 4G General

Friend or someone wants to see your phone... You open your "cool" apps to show them..
Phone freezes, locks up, doesn't operate right..
I swear, I can do whatever I want while alone, at my phone works perfect..
Yesterday I show my friends Slingplayer and Homerun3D, sure enough both programs give me problems..
LOL Was in a bad area for slingplayer to work (it works smoothly all the time) and was lagging.. Of course he was like "its a cool concept but who would would ever deal with the skipping"
LOL I swear it never does this, I tell him..
Then I go to show him the Homerun3D game and of course it locks up on me, lol
It always happens like that,...

Sounds like Murphy is a good friend of yours!
That happens to me sometimes but only when I'm doing something totally unimportant.

Your phone knows that your friends are unworthy to bask in its warm embrace and enlightenment.
It goes into clam mode, shuts up tight and looks like a paperweight until you put it away
That or a bad flash mixed with user error

my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.

potna said:
my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.
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Yea but I use Fresh's custom Rom..
Besides.. Who here actually doesn't use a custom rom?

More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
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Picture a layer cake filled with froyo between the layers. A leaky app makes a hole in the layer, froyo leaks up and mixes with the next layers froyo, causing it to spill and the bottom to collapse. The maitre'd named NAND tries to restore it so it looks like the picture on the menu.
One day the froyo got real warm and the menus were changed simultaneously. NAND could not restore it and even the picture had changed.
You see the chef had thought it would be faster and take less work to refill the layers, rather than to assemble and build them when they were ordered.
Mural of the story (modern stories all have walls for murals to be posted on) a pair of dimes - standing on edge.
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task killers take bytes out of the cake when your not looking making it fall faster

Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"

Skeptron said:
Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"
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lmao...kickstand ftw!!!

potna said:
More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
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I actually love sense and do not see why people wouldn't want it..
I also got an extended battery which I only use when I know I will not be near a power source for a while.. I have the Otterbox case and just LOVE IT!! so I try to keep with the stock battery..
That being said I use Fresh's rom, because its pretty much stock with some extra goodies.. And full Sense..
I really don't have problems with my phone.. Its just typical with Murphys law,, lol

Oh,i did think of something crappy.
When I first got my evo,i was telling my friends about how awesome it is and how sweet the camera and video recording is, now my video doesn't seem all that great. In fact in 720p it looks so crappy and choppy that I don't feel like its worth having or using.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Just get a higher class SD card and replay that oh crappy video quality scenario all over again.
Sent from my Evo

lol...i can honestly say that I've never experienced that, thank GOD. Have you figured out the root cause?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

I don't get it, r u saying that something higher than what I have will fix the issue? I currently have a 16GB class 2.
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You can get a 32gb card and still have same issues. You need a class 4 or above. If I could remember I'd post direct statement from htc employee. A lot go with a class 6, but anything more than class 4 and its all the same fluff. Class 2 just doesn't write fast enough for Evo's video.
Sent from my Evo

I think I saw that conversation about the max speed the evo could take advantage of, but I thought I read some where anything beyond class 2 carries no benefit in how well our evos record video in 720p.
Mine is choppy outside in sunlight and simetimes the video out right freezes for a split second. As far recording inside its so low quality that I don't even try to record.
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Upgrade to Epic 4g from evo 4g?

So my evo is starting to act up, wondering if the epic would be a viable replacement?
Anyone done this or have any input on it?
Mostly use my phones for the tether, texting and killing time at work.
Thanks for any help!
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Not much of an upgrade unless you want the keyboard or a slightly better screen if you ask me. If your phone is acting up it may be software related? Try flashing a different ROM or something
Could be rom, but Im thinking the meeting with the concrete today may have something to do with it to be honest.
Could be warranty time. Lol.
I'll try a different Rom in a bit.
Cyanogen mod time.
But nothing really better than the evo then?
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trueplaya89 said:
Could be rom, but Im thinking the meeting with the concrete today may have something to do with it to be honest.
Could be warranty time. Lol.
I'll try a different Rom in a bit.
Cyanogen mod time.
But nothing really better than the evo then?
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The Epic is better then an EVO overall..but it boils down to is it worth for you to spend money buying a new one...
your usage is mostly fairly simple, I guess you'd have better time texting if you use the physical kb I guess...or if by killing time you mean running high end games..then Epic would definitely be an improvement..
I mean what do you mean by "acting up" and "killing time" a bit specific?
I'll tell you this though Epic runs really awesome stock with little to no issues...
trueplaya89 said:
Could be rom, but Im thinking the meeting with the concrete today may have something to do with it to be honest.
Could be warranty time. Lol.
I'll try a different Rom in a bit.
Cyanogen mod time.
But nothing really better than the evo then?
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Let us answer that question after official froyo is released and/or Cyanogen mod is fully ported.
I have had 5 random restarts, seem to all happened during data usuage, but I haven't had random ones on this phone before. Trying to strain the phone some more now.
My usuage for my phone is mostly just the tether/wifi tether, facebook chat, texting, mp3 player occasionally, haven't really gotten into gaming on the phone.
I know it may me being paranoid... And I haven't bought a new phone in a while haha.
And anyone swype on their epic? Or is everyone all die hard keyboard?
Thanks everyone
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I just recently got the epic over the evo, due to the beautiful screen and so far I'm thrilled. The Evo is a very nice phone and I'd say on par with the epic but the epic has the keyboard along with a super amoled screen. Some say the 8MP camera is a plus for the evo but personally I'd rather have a samsung 5mp than a htc 8mp, just due to their reputation. But both take beautiful pics, so it really comes down to is the keyboard and amoled with gorilla glass worth it for you? I rarely use the slide out, mostly swype, but for long emails, texts, etc the slide out is extremely useful!
So evaluate the pros / cons and see if its worth it for you! I'm more than happy I went with the epic!
I agree with D3luSi0n4L, you just need to evaluate the pros/cons as they pertain to you. I'm overall pleased with my Epic because IMO the screen quality is superior and I like to have a physical keyboard (especially when traveling, Emulators play nicely with keyboards ) The only hangup with the Epic is the lackluster support from Samsung. If you really like playing with new ROMs and constantly tweaking your phone, then the EVO will be better for you. Lets face it, HTC phones just have more support behind them. Hell, even the Hero is still getting updates...
Like i said, figure out what's most important to you and go from there.
The epic is a viable replacement. Its noticeably smaller though, even if its only .3 inches. That might make a difference. Other than that its basically the same+keyboard. And froyo isn't out officially yet. and there's a considerable difference in development for the epic and you might wanna take that into account too, although stock dk28 froyo is good enough. I've been running it since it firs got leaked and my gps is perfect and everythin else works. Even the browser. Wen froyo is officially released, this phone will easily beat evo
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Oh and swype is preinstalled lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Evo has Swype since last week's update.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
That's a downgrade if you ask me, I have both unless you game and watch movies. The Evo is a better daily functional phone, hands down.
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Basically the phones are very similar. You should try to see about that warranty before you drop a load of cash on a phone that isn't all that different. Are you out of warrantee/due for an upgrade? T-Mobile Nexus S looks yummy
sleepy8594 said:
That's a downgrade if you ask me, I have both unless you game and watch movies. The Evo is a better daily functional phone, hands down.
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Will have to agree with this statement. But again, this is MY OWN personal thoughts on it. I have both phones as well and I find myself using my EVO a lot more than my Epic. Not saying that the Epic is not a good phone because it is a good phone.
At the end of the day though, its all in what YOU want and what works best for YOU. Thats something no one can speak on. Either way, your in a win-win! GOOD LUCK!
trueplaya89 said:
I have had 5 random restarts, seem to all happened during data usuage, but I haven't had random ones on this phone before. Trying to strain the phone some more now.
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I remember hearing someone say they had this issue on multiple EVOs..not sure if its true or not but this is not an issue on the Epic.
My usuage for my phone is mostly just the tether/wifi tether, facebook chat, texting, mp3 player occasionally, haven't really gotten into gaming on the phone.
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Well both phones can do what you want...things come to mind is our Inferstructure tethering is right now 2.1 only, hopefully will be fixed soon..if ad hoc or wire tethering is what you need 2.2 for mp3, we got 5.1 surround sound option if you have headsets that support it..
I know it may me being paranoid... And I haven't bought a new phone in a while haha.
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Boils down to your financials..I say go play with an Epic at the store to get a feel for it before deciding can load up 2.2 on their demo phones while they arent looking too lol
And anyone swype on their epic? Or is everyone all die hard keyboard?
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A lot of people use swype..most ppl use kb for long messages and my case I need kb for remote desktop programming in emergencies...I use on screen kb by default...but I do enjoy using the physical kb for when surfing the net..I so hate using the onscreen kb when surfing webpages on all phones in general..mostly since..
1) web is ment to be surfed vertical resolution anyways
2) the onscreen kb popping up is a mess that blocks my screen :/
hence the physical KB makes surfing the net more enjoyable for me at least..
If you would like to know what we got going over the EVO its:
1) Better processor
2) 3x better GPU
3) 6 axis accelometer
4) super amoled
5) keyboard
6) Better camera
7) Better Audio
8) Gorilla Glass
9) Built in video drivers such as xvid/divx/mkv etc
10) and more...
and probably a few other things I'm missing...I'm not saying the Epic has no flaws..but its definitely a step up hardware spec wise..

I'm sorry guys...I had to do this!

I just had to say that I'm loving this phone. I just got it today and I'm damn near in tears right now! I put on 2.2.1 and I think im set for forever. This phone crushes the Evo in every way...Well..some may bring up updates and bla bla but look at it this way. Gingerbread on the Evo is gonna be like Froyo on the Hero.The Evo just doesnt have the hardware to actually benefit from what they are trying to do with Gingerbread...The Evo simply can't play high end games no matter what's going on and after running Gingerbread on my Evo...its basically 2.2.1 on this Epic but with the different UI and keyboard. Long live Epic!
Its ok I feel.the way you do. At least your post wasn't a post about why don't we have froyo yet. Glad you love your phone. Are you putting any custom roms on it? Trust me you'll love it even more if you pit bonsai rom on it.
Sent from my Evo Killer!!!
I used the same old-fashioned cell phone for 10 years until I switched to a smartphone for the first time last September with the Epic 4G. Quite a shock, but well worth the careful wait.
musclehead84 said:
Its ok I feel.the way you do. At least your post wasn't a post about why don't we have froyo yet. Glad you love your phone. Are you putting any custom roms on it? Trust me you'll love it even more if you pit bonsai rom on it.
Sent from my Evo Killer!!!
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Ah, be honest, the Froyo for the Evo was pretty weak. It ran the same as 2.1, felt the same...only the sense from the Desire HD and Z and I think myTouch 4G actually have the real Froyo. The Evo just has the rushed Froyo >.< I'd much rather wait months for the real deal than the rushed one. And I just put some DK28 rom on I said, I just got it today so if I'm sounding like an idiot please forgive me haha. I havent got the time to go through all of the posts in the Dev section. I did however go through the Dev section and look at some of the roms but there weren't many pics for most of em. I'd like to have the "stock" experience..I dont like themed roms. Is Bonsai themed?
Jayavarman said:
I used the same old-fashioned cell phone for 10 years until I switched to a smartphone for the first time last September with the Epic 4G. Quite a shock, but well worth the careful wait.
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You must've been blown away...this Epic is no entry level smartphone...this is the real deal. Looks like you may be set for another 10 years haha. I know I wont be changing phones for a while.
ms79723 said:
I'd like to have the "stock" experience..I dont like themed roms. Is Bonsai themed?
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The Frankenstein ROM strips away everything to reveal an even more stock stock. Very clean.
ms79723 said:
did however go through the Dev section and look at some of the roms but there weren't many pics for most of em. I'd like to have the "stock" experience..I dont like themed roms. Is Bonsai themed?
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Bonsai has it theme in a separate file so you can have the stock look or add the theme. And your timing is perfect, their new install process has streamlined everything to an amazing degree. I almost wish you'd started a week ago with the old way so you could appreciate what they've done
Yeah, I can't agree more. The ROM developers have made my Epic amazing.
Ya people hyped up the hero and the update was lame...
pipskicks said:
Ya people hyped up the hero and the update was lame...
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A_Flying_Fox said:
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I referenced the Hero in the first post.
ms79723 said:
I just had to say that I'm loving this phone. I just got it today and I'm damn near in tears right now! I put on 2.2.1 and I think im set for forever. This phone crushes the Evo in every way...Well..some may bring up updates and bla bla but look at it this way. Gingerbread on the Evo is gonna be like Froyo on the Hero.The Evo just doesnt have the hardware to actually benefit from what they are trying to do with Gingerbread...The Evo simply can't play high end games no matter what's going on and after running Gingerbread on my Evo...its basically 2.2.1 on this Epic but with the different UI and keyboard. Long live Epic!
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i just switched to the epic too.
fixxxer2008 said:
i just switched to the epic too.
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welcome to the epic side fixxer
just be calm here
First time rooting a phone here cw3 ext4 flashed 2.2.1 running incredibly fast. So glad I didnt follow my friends to the evo
The part about Gingerbread on the Evo. The Hero had heaps of problems, and coming from that phone, I have to say I disagree with the board angry at Samsung b/c the Hero, G2 or whatever T-Mobile's version and quite a few other phones were all *****ing about updates....and their updates didn't do much.
So Fixxxer can we get Fresh on here too? You guys pumped up my Hero
The Epic was my second smartphone - quite a step up from the HTC Hero, which later died on me.
I live in Canada and bought this phone for $300 no contract off of eBay, brand new (apparently, the seller said that it had a bad ESN, although I don't really care), and while it does have it's flaws (poor battery life, although the Evo also suffered from this and I'm told that the Evo has worse battery life), a bad GPS (calibrating the GPS can fix it), overheating issues when gaming, and a keyboard that misses keys), it's an otherwise good phone. After playing around with other Galaxy S variants, the Desire HD, Desire Z, Nexus One, Sony X10, and a few LG handsets, I wouldn't trade this phone for any other Android phone released in 2010.
Welcome to the Epic community!
sauron0101 said:
The Epic was my second smartphone - quite a step up from the HTC Hero, which later died on me.
I live in Canada and bought this phone for $300 no contract off of eBay, brand new (apparently, the seller said that it had a bad ESN, although I don't really care), and while it does have it's flaws (poor battery life, although the Evo also suffered from this and I'm told that the Evo has worse battery life), a bad GPS (calibrating the GPS can fix it), overheating issues when gaming, and a keyboard that misses keys), it's an otherwise good phone. After playing around with other Galaxy S variants, the Desire HD, Desire Z, Nexus One, Sony X10, and a few LG handsets, I wouldn't trade this phone for any other Android phone released in 2010.
Welcome to the Epic community!
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Let me tell you something sir...the issues like battery life and overheating are here but when compared to the Evo..I wouldnt even call them issues really.
With my Evo, battery life was so bad...I wish I could tell you how bad. Some people may say "its not that bad once you get a kernel" but it is that bad. This DK28 kernel gave me 7 hours with some pretty heavy usage, when i needed to charge it, i was at 10%...and I had 4G enabled the whole time. Thats not possible with the Evo at all...with how I was using the phone, I'd probably only get 3.5 hours. Battery life is abysmal. The worst thing I've ever seen on a smartphone.
Now with the overheating...this phone does some weird stuff. I cant understand it really...the battery temp stays around 80...thats the same with the Evo. While in use, the temp goes up to 86...thats with a lot of usage (listening to music and browsing). And then after it being at 86 for a drops down to 83 while its still in use. Can the Evo do that? Hell no. The Evo goes from 80 to 96 in a New York minute, then continues to increase! You have to use setCPU profiles for screen off just to try to manage the temperature...its terrifying. So I mean...yeah the Epic heats up and what not and the battery aint 18 hours with heavy usage out of the box, but when it is compared to these HTC phones, this phone just looks perfect.
And i dont really want to start posting comments where im comparing the Evo and Epic but Im just so blown away...I mean, I put so much time into the Evo and its basically all I know but now that I have this Epic..this device is just so damn perfect, I cant stop talking about it..cant stop posting about it...this is how an android phone should be. I mean omg...has anyone ever looked at how it reads the voltages and temperature on here? Samsung has done it all right...its timers are spot on so when you use apps like Battery Indicator Pro, you can actually see differences because of the better timers. The Epic also has better voltage-percentage battery readings...while the Evo is all over the place. It will say 100% is 4.135V and then 99% is 4.035V then 98% would be 4.111V...I hated that. And because the Evo did that, you would always experience random drops in percentage after waking the phone up because it only checked the battery voltage when it was awake so..people in the Evo forum would be like "HEY GUYS, I LEFT MY PHONE OFF THE CHARGER FOR X-AMOUNT OF HOURS WHILE I WAS SLEEPING AND DIDNT LOSE A DROP!!" Well..they did in fact lose a lot of power, the phone just didnt match up teh voltages with the percentages while the phone was sleeping, so when they would start using the phone, the phone would drain like crazy while it tried to get to the right percentage. So annoying...
Im sorry for my rambling, I really am...its just that there's so much to compare here...and I dont think anyone's ever mentioned the voltage-percentage readings when comparing the phone, so at least im not saying anything thats been repeated.
Yes...I too am in love with my Epic. That love would be intensified if the keyboard issue was resolved. If our keyboard was better this phone would be on God level...its more Demi-God/Perseus level now. Still an amazing phone.
Quis89 said:
Yes...I too am in love with my Epic. That love would be intensified if the keyboard issue was resolved. If our keyboard was better this phone would be on God level...its more Demi-God/Perseus level now. Still an amazing phone.
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You talking about hitting multiple keys as in the issue? Strange enough..I only do that when Im in will lit areas where I can actually see the outline of the keys. When Im in a dark room and all i have to rely on is the backlight, im all good. But whats worse is that in both scenarios i do hit the other keys a lot, but it only registers one. So im constantly double checking because i hear like 3 clicks but it puts the letter i want up. Its kinda annoying but its all good.
Another thing that bugs me is the damn charging cable. That thing will come out for no reason. With the Evo, it was locked in so good you could give the phone with the cable in to one person and you grab the other end and together you could swing it around and jump rope. I move my phone over an inch and it pops out. But its all good.
And how many people installed the gingerbread theme? This thing is popping...the blacks...ahhhhh i love it. My background is black as well (got it from some backgrounds from the app Grallery. If y'all never used that app for backgrounds, you should check it out. Its a ton of abstract art and it looks amazing). With the black background and the vibrant colors on that background and the black status looks crazy in a dark room. Doesnt even look like you're holding a damn phone because it all blends in to the dark surrounding your in but yet the colors pop out...its just jaw dropping.
Edit: Going to try Bonsai right now...I hope its not themed...well even if it just going to flash the Gingerbread theme right over it...
ms79723 said:
Another thing that bugs me is the damn charging cable. That thing will come out for no reason. With the Evo, it was locked in so good you could give the phone with the cable in to one person and you grab the other end and together you could swing it around and jump rope. I move my phone over an inch and it pops out. But its all good.
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My Epic is nothing like that ..You can plug in the stock charging cable, it snugs in on mine...I don't know about jump roping
But I can certainly, have the Epic dangling in the air by lifting it by the cable And it wont come out
Your cable might be messed up...You might want to try another different one.


I just bought an Atrix, and I thought I would post a little review because in all my research before I bought the phone, I did not find one which said what I needed to hear. Hopefully this is useful and objective.
I have owned a OG Droid, Samsung Fascinate, Nexus S, Galaxy S, and this Atrix so I feel like I have good grounds for comparison.
Out of the box...
The Good: The phone's hardware is top notch. The specs are awesome.
The Bad: The Motorola Atrix in completly stock form (the one I bought anyways) is very buggy and laggy. When I first unboxed it and was doing my initial set up and installing a few apps, a number of different programs forced close. The whole experience was slow and frustrating. I would rate Moto Blur as simply horrible and disgusting.
The fact that Motorola was able to take a tegra 2 powered phone with 1GB of DDR2 ram and make it run choppy is beyond me.
With that being said... If you don't know how to or do not plan on rooting, or modifying the software on your phone, I would highly recommended you avoid the Atrix.
If you are a fan of tinkering and modifying, then the Atrix is a great choice.
I have only noticed lag for the first 15-30 seconds after power on. None after that...
Motoblur means nothing to me, and doesn't really seem to slow down my phone. I had lunch with a bunch of other android users, and they were all impressed by the atrix' snappiness...
One thing I remembered when I had the atrix was unlocking the phone and using it was extremely laggy and slow for the first few seconds. I confirmed this with 2 other store demos. If you swipe your finger or do the pattern unlock, try bringing down the notification bar immediately. It'll be slow and choppy but if you wait a couple seconds and then try again, it'll be fine. Always annoyed me at how LONG it took to unlock the phone and get it going compared to every other android phone I've owned.
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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DDR2 ram win.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
The only lag I've noticed is for a few seconds after the initial boot up, which is understandable. To say it is very laggy and buggy is crazy. Perhaps the unit you had was defective.
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Sounds like you may have a buggy device... Ive had three of them so far (one was replaced due to what I perceived to be a faulty battery and my wife also uses one). And I've not seen any of the lag you're talking about...
If it was a big enough occurance don't you think you would've read about it on these forums? This place is packed with android super users... no ones having problems like that ...
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plvaulter06 said:
If you are a fan of tinkering and modifying, then the Atrix is a great choice.
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the atrix is a horrible choice if you like to tinker and modify your phone...
dinan said:
One thing I remembered when I had the atrix was unlocking the phone and using it was extremely laggy and slow for the first few seconds. I confirmed this with 2 other store demos. If you swipe your finger or do the pattern unlock, try bringing down the notification bar immediately. It'll be slow and choppy but if you wait a couple seconds and then try again, it'll be fine. Always annoyed me at how LONG it took to unlock the phone and get it going compared to every other android phone I've owned.
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.... the fingerprint scanner makes it real quick to unlock the phone.... and it's not easy enough to be accidentally pocket-unlocked like some other unlocking systems i've seen.... such as i think HTC's, where you just slide the one thing down. Hell, with the one pair of shorts i have, i was actually able to see the screen on my iPhone 4 when i had it, and unlock it THROUGH THE SHORTS if i wanted to.
And i think it'd be expected for things to be going a tad slow as soon as it's woken up. Look at computers. Whether it's booting... sleeping... hibernating.... if you expect to be able to do something without any form of lag the second either of those are recovered from, you'd be sorely mistaken.
neotekz said:
the atrix is a horrible choice if you like to tinker and modify your phone...
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Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
Mustang302LX said:
Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
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NICE!!!!!! glad someone finally said something... I mean sure u can't load cyanogen but with the way things are going with these "pseudo" roms if cyanogen put some effort into making one of those for the atrix would that not be a sufficient fix??? Because lets face it doubt the BL will be unlocked soo instead of putting all that effort I to unlocking it how about taking g advantage of the capabilities that we do have.... ???? Just sayen
robwscott83 said:
NICE!!!!!! glad someone finally said something... I mean sure u can't load cyanogen but with the way things are going with these "pseudo" roms if cyanogen put some effort into making one of those for the atrix would that not be a sufficient fix??? Because lets face it doubt the BL will be unlocked soo instead of putting all that effort I to unlocking it how about taking g advantage of the capabilities that we do have.... ???? Just sayen
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Haha didn't really mean to come off as a jerk but I'm just sick of reading people's posts in the ATRIX forum hating on the phone. If it's not the phone for you so what go to the forum of the device you like!
I hope to also see some cool themes/pseudo-ROMs made available. At least we have Ken right now working his butt off on GingerBlur!
Mustang302LX said:
Haha didn't really mean to come off as a jerk but I'm just sick of reading people's posts in the ATRIX forum hating on the phone. If it's not the phone for you so what go to the forum of the device you like!
I hope to also see some cool themes/pseudo-ROMs made available. At least we have Ken right now working his butt off on GingerBlur!
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yes he difinitley is i was following that thread for a bit but i saw that with the latest release i believe it was beta7 (at the time) webtop for th laptop dock was disabled and i have the LTD so that is a feature that i definitely need... do you know if its a RC yet???
Mustang302LX said:
Sounds like a great comment from a non-Atrix user? Maybe I'm wrong though?
The Atrix is fine for people who like to tinker. The only thing we can't do is overclock our processors and change ROMs every 3 seconds. Other than that I have free tethering, no ads, root, no bloatware, free webtop thanks to a hack and a pseudo-ROM/theme loaded. Yeah too bad I can't tinker with it. *eyes rolling*
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i have an atrix, i guess we just have different opinions on tinkering...i do like the change roms often and be able to upgrade to the newest android version without having to wait for the manufacture. theres so much more you can do when you open up the kernel, most of the bugs that people are having would be solved if the devs can get at the kernel. Why do you think developers are leaving the Atrix? there's only so much you can do with a locked bootloader. i never said i hated the phone(i wouldnt of bought it if i did) i just dont think it's a good phone for modding but hopefully that will change...
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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same with mine.. the ATT version of the Atrix must be loaded with crapware making the phone slow down. My Bell version flies right out of the box, even when using Motoblur!
SpeeDemon said:
I have had no issues with performance at all on my device. It's lightning quick. The most impressive for me wasn't the CPU speed, but the file access speed. That thing installs, uninstalls, and loads applications retarded fast. They made a good choice of hardware right there.
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+1 I agree, Atrix = speed I've rarely felt lags if any at all
Sent from my bell Atrix using XDA App
robwscott83 said:
yes he difinitley is i was following that thread for a bit but i saw that with the latest release i believe it was beta7 (at the time) webtop for th laptop dock was disabled and i have the LTD so that is a feature that i definitely need... do you know if its a RC yet???
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It's still in Beta at 7.2 now. However I believe the webtop that was removed in the previous version was the hack to make it work with just an HDMI cable so you don't need the dock to make it work. I am on 7.2 and I have the webtop hack installed and it works perfect on my TV through just the HDMI cable.
I am really enjoying the ATRIX. I was starting to get a little burnt out on installing new ROMS every couple days or weeks. This is however my first Android phone...coming from the WinMo forums...This phone is like night and day compared to my old Tilt 2.
People have such harsh and strong opinions on everything on forums. These 'reviews' should be read as objectively as possible.
starvinmrvn said:
I am really enjoying the ATRIX. I was starting to get a little burnt out on installing new ROMS every couple days or weeks. This is however my first Android phone...coming from the WinMo forums...This phone is like night and day compared to my old Tilt 2.
People have such harsh and strong opinions on everything on forums. These 'reviews' should be read as objectively as possible.
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Welcome Brother I'm in the same boat =P tilt 2 to atrix is an amazingly wonderful jump ~!
I came from a captivate where roms are readily available. I enjoyed flashing and it was awesome to see how a device can mature. But the kernel development is where things truly shine. But even after all the flashing I just felt like things didn't quite work right. I thought it was the fact that 99% of the roms were based off the international galaxy s.
I love my atrix. Everything works. The battery life is awesome. The phone really flies. Motoblur sucks but its been taken care of. As long as we get more roms ill be happy. Unlocked bootloader would be nice but I don't see it happening
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

How Do You Guys Like The Epic?

I have a relative who works for Sprint and they are going to get the Nexus S 4G in a week or two when it comes out. I am going to take their Epic off of their hands, upgrading from my Hero.
I was just curious how you all liked it? How does it perform, battery, etc...?
And is it as customizable with ROMs as the Hero is? I've had quite a bit of fun with the Hero, I just think its about time for an upgrade.
Let me know, thanks!
I dont know anything about the Hero. But i'm really happy with my Epic. I have it overclocked at 1.45Ghz. The devs that work on this phone have great support for there work(and more often then not, will help even if its not their's) The Custom roms here are stable. I'm running "SyndicateROM Frozen 1.1.0" with the "VisionKernel v1.2" and can't be happier.
I'm fine with mines. But I've always had a Samsung phone so I'd like to try a new phone for once. I get about 12-14 hrs of use with moderate usage, which is more than enough for me. I always have a battery pack with me just in case but I've never had to use it. I've tried many roms. And I think it is pretty customizable like the hero, but not 100% sure.
I love my Epic; I've had it since September and it has taken a ton of abuse with no issues at all. Roms are all pretty good, but I am currently running on a stripped/rooted EC05 and happy as can be with it.
The performance is outstanding on it; I played the benchmark game going back and forth between roms for the best performance but the bottom line is even stock it is plenty fast... sure it can be made faster, but the phone is just plain fast to begin with.
Battery life is not bad for what it is. I can make it through a day without issue unless I am playing games for hours etc. With normal web and phone usage I will be between 60 and 75% at the end of the work day. If I just blast it all day it will be 30-50% at the end of a work day. If I take it real easy it can go about two days.
I was considering going to the Nexus when it comes out, but I'm not sure I can handle losing the hw keyboard... it was the final deciding factor between the Epic and the Evo for me; and while I use swype 90% of the time (I expected to use the HW KB all the time), that 10% where I really just have to use the HW KB really is necessary for me (doing web based tech support/training sometimes getting client contacts when there isn't a computer accessible). For the keyboard alone it is worth it's weight in gold to me, and if some of my clients knew I was getting them through a crisis on a telephone, they would probably say the same thing
So uh yeah... you'll be happy with it.
i hate it
im getting a nexus as soon as its available on sprint
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
great input guys, i appreciate it!
can't wait to get my hands on this baby and play around.
nexus s will blow the epic away.. but as far as an upgrade from a hero.. you'll like it.
The nexus s is the same damn phone just with nfc and gingerbread which we wll be getting soon. I had to get a seido extended..I don't care what people say or what rom they use I couldn't get more then 6ish hours having the phone on with setcpu and not even using 4g or really playing music. I also went through multiple epics so it isn't like I had some bunk battery
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
sceptor said:
....I had to get a seido extended..I don't care what people say or what rom they use I couldn't get more then 6ish hours having the phone on with setcpu and not even using 4g or really playing music....
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^^^ Only downside of the Epic in my opinion. It can takes beatings. Mine has been dropped a couple of times. The gorilla glass is awesome. Not even a minute scratch and I've had the phone over a year. Developers are great. Does everything I want and need, and more!
tuttjs said:
^^^ Only downside of the Epic in my opinion. It can takes beatings. Mine has been dropped a couple of times. The gorilla glass is awesome. Not even a minute scratch and I've had the phone over a year. Developers are great. Does everything I want and need, and more!
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Umm, it isn't possible that you've had the phone for more than a year lol. Unless, you were in the future for a few months, then came back to launch date.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
I came frpm the htc hero. I love this phone! The development isn't quite as large but the phone's hardware is amazing. The hero had lag in many places and the epic pretty much has none. The epic's GPU is basically the strongest on the market (atleast for sprint, until the evo 3d comes out), so any gaming will work great on the Epic.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I agree with many of the previous post. The Epic doesn't have as many roms as the hero no true cm rom yet, but it will blow your mind! Very fast stock. My battery on stock, using the hell out it with screen as bright as it gets is usually 8 hours maybe a lill more. On custom roms 10 plus heavy use. Phone is a champ and handles anything thrown at it. You will have the equivalent of the nexus s because they are the same phone I know people holding the s now. The screen alone is amazing and upscales the worst video you can play. All in all you are very lucky to get this upgrade and despite some heads clashing this community will reach out and help you each step of the way myself included. Need anything pm me no hesitation!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
The Epic has excellent hardware. The stock software, on the other hand, ranges from a joke to a nightmare. Plan on putting a custom ROM on it to get the most out of the unit; I run SyndicateROM and the phone performs far better than it did on any of the previous stock ROMs.
I'm very happy with the phone itself, however.
I like it a lot ever since cleaning it up. That's the key to the whole thing I think.
The only issue that I have with my Epic is the Build quality. I feel that Samsung cheapened up the device to the point that it scratches it self from opening and it can be loose. That stuff aside it is an amazing handset and well worth the money.
nash076a said:
The Epic has excellent hardware. The stock software, on the other hand, ranges from a joke to a nightmare. Plan on putting a custom ROM on it to get the most out of the unit; I run SyndicateROM and the phone performs far better than it did on any of the previous stock ROMs.
I'm very happy with the phone itself, however.
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You don't need a custom ROM, IMHO. You just need to remove junk from stock.
dchawk81 said:
You don't need a custom ROM, IMHO. You just need to remove junk from stock.
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+1 to this. I might not be rooted, but if I did, I know this is all i'd do, right along getting the accurate batery mod.
Sent from my always stock, EC05 Epic 4G
You're going to love the phone. The keyboard is the nicest you'll ever get on a phone, its really fast and the screen is going to blow you away. I'm using a custom rom Syndicate Frozen and I have had no problems at all compared to stock.
Samsung Epic 4g
I agree with most of the posts in here so far. I love my epic and it is really easy to customize. Personally, I had to make the switch to custom roms not only because of performance increase, but mostly for the battery performance increase. I would get 6 - 8 hours tops on stock off one battery, now I average about 18 hours. It feels weird not carrying my extra battery with me everywhere now!
The devs here are amazing and support their roms very well. Hats off to you guys!
My only problems with the epic are:
1. semi-sketchy opening mechanism. I've had 2 epics and both of them had/have a loose feeling screen after being used a while (to be expected I guess)
2. Lack of fm radio - there are apps to "fix" this though, and I guess I wouldn't really use it that much anyway
3. Lack of tv - out. This is being worked on, but I can't stand the fact this was disabled.
enjoy your new epic!
I haven't come across a ROM yet that improves battery life when the device is being used.
They may help the phone idle and sleep more efficiently but cleaning up the stock ROM does the same thing.
My two biggest improvements came when I froze System Update and removed SNS.

My 1st 38 hours lol

I picked this up yesterday so thought id share what I think about it ill try and give some structure to this but will end up waffling.
Feel of the phone: the feel of the phone is solid id say it feels way better then the s1 no where near as slippy or creaks as much. The textured back actually helps but the body definetly could do with being thicker... Just gives me an excuse for a bigger battery . If you have small hands like myself then using the phone one handed becomes difficult especially going for the notification bar or an app thats in the top left or right corner.
Call quality etc etc brilliant... turning the messaging app sideways changes the interface where you can scroll through all your different threads and view whats been said in each which I mentioned because its ingenious. I can't remember whether s1 did that :-\ .
The screen... Where to begin lol. Okay well remember when you went from lcd to super amoled.... The change to the + isn't as drastic but definetly noticeable. Not as blurry with text and brilliant colors obvs... The screen actually feels so smooth lol I dont know if its because its new but it feels like silk.
Music playback is brilliant and once youve downloaded power amp player or similar the s2 is incredible for music playback clear and loud. It plays everything In my library which has an array of formats so thats good news.
Camera I haven't used much to be fair... But im thankful for the flash handy as a light more then anything.
Touch wiz 4... Brilliant so integrated and together not laggy and actually looks brilliant... I actually havent changed the launcher more then satisfied with it. The phone has not stalled on me yet. The s1 was terrible for that straight out the box but this is the complete opposite functionality out the box definetly 10 out if 10 should be a relief for those who had bad experiences with the s1. It has loads of nifty features that you find by accident lol and then spend 10 mins looking for more.
Gps... fixed and works perfect... thats the honest truth lol.
Battery life... I'm definetly a fidgety son of a... so my phone barely gets put down texting calling browsing... Then browsing the same thing again lol this phone holds its own definetly brilliant battery life after I get used to owning an s2 it will definetly last a day... Atm im pulling it out my pocket every 30 seconds.
The browser is super slick on the s2 will give desktops a run for their money... Flash support is flawless... I wont mention what site I used for it though lol. There seems to be no problem downloading files like there used to be on s1.
I think thats about it.
Sorry for any idiosyncrasies or for any thing used in the wrong context
Ive seen a few posts in other threads about the head set quality... Personally the head phones supplied in the box are great they cancel noise out almost completely. if your an audiophile they should be good enough.
swyped from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Good info man - Definitely helps sway me even closer to buying one. Let me ask this: how does the battery life compare to another device? For me, that's a better comparison as I get 2-3 days battery life on my Nexus One because of my usage. Does the battery double the Galaxy 1? Triple?
Galaxy 1 doing the same thing would not last me a day. Im geussing this will easily...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Arron123 said:
swyped from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Thx for your review but just out of curiosity I have to ask: How long did it take you to write up your review with your SGSII ?
Hey mate, thanks for expressing your impressions on the galaxy s ii
Gd to see you love your device!
This is actually going to be my first android device. So i'm glad my first one is going to be absolutely aswesome!
I'm currently using a windows mobile phone (ancient) called the touch diamond, which ive had for 2 years.
Ive pre ordered it and waiting for it.
Lmao that took me 20mins.... Not tooo bad tbf especially with swype picking some nonsense words lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Definetly the best android phone thats out youll love it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Almost everything about this phone have been very good so far.
Seem like a good replacement for my Liquid which isn't working that well since the 2.1 update.
If it's relatively free of big problems I'll probably pick it up when it is released.
Awesome 38 hours! Wonderful write up! thank you!!!
Cheers dont know if I covered everything lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Your review was brilliant, so brilliant that it uses brilliant so many times in this brilliant review.
Not Swyped from my soon to be GT-I9100 using a custom build desktop PC
Haha should of downloaded a thesaurus from market
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Good info.
I really appreciated that Vlad Savov's review of the SGS2 on engadget was written from the perspective of someone looking at the usability of the phone in ways it normally is not. Yours and Vlad's observations give me hope that it will truly be a solid replacement for my Nexus One.
Arron123 said:
Cheers dont know if I covered everything lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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After reading your words, i am satisfied and currently i dont have any requests for you, except one. If you can, just keep updating the first post in your thread with your observations! Swype Away!!
Thanks once again! Waiting to join the ranks of SGS2 owners

