My 1st 38 hours lol - Galaxy S II General

I picked this up yesterday so thought id share what I think about it ill try and give some structure to this but will end up waffling.
Feel of the phone: the feel of the phone is solid id say it feels way better then the s1 no where near as slippy or creaks as much. The textured back actually helps but the body definetly could do with being thicker... Just gives me an excuse for a bigger battery . If you have small hands like myself then using the phone one handed becomes difficult especially going for the notification bar or an app thats in the top left or right corner.
Call quality etc etc brilliant... turning the messaging app sideways changes the interface where you can scroll through all your different threads and view whats been said in each which I mentioned because its ingenious. I can't remember whether s1 did that :-\ .
The screen... Where to begin lol. Okay well remember when you went from lcd to super amoled.... The change to the + isn't as drastic but definetly noticeable. Not as blurry with text and brilliant colors obvs... The screen actually feels so smooth lol I dont know if its because its new but it feels like silk.
Music playback is brilliant and once youve downloaded power amp player or similar the s2 is incredible for music playback clear and loud. It plays everything In my library which has an array of formats so thats good news.
Camera I haven't used much to be fair... But im thankful for the flash handy as a light more then anything.
Touch wiz 4... Brilliant so integrated and together not laggy and actually looks brilliant... I actually havent changed the launcher more then satisfied with it. The phone has not stalled on me yet. The s1 was terrible for that straight out the box but this is the complete opposite functionality out the box definetly 10 out if 10 should be a relief for those who had bad experiences with the s1. It has loads of nifty features that you find by accident lol and then spend 10 mins looking for more.
Gps... fixed and works perfect... thats the honest truth lol.
Battery life... I'm definetly a fidgety son of a... so my phone barely gets put down texting calling browsing... Then browsing the same thing again lol this phone holds its own definetly brilliant battery life after I get used to owning an s2 it will definetly last a day... Atm im pulling it out my pocket every 30 seconds.
The browser is super slick on the s2 will give desktops a run for their money... Flash support is flawless... I wont mention what site I used for it though lol. There seems to be no problem downloading files like there used to be on s1.
I think thats about it.
Sorry for any idiosyncrasies or for any thing used in the wrong context
Ive seen a few posts in other threads about the head set quality... Personally the head phones supplied in the box are great they cancel noise out almost completely. if your an audiophile they should be good enough.
swyped from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Good info man - Definitely helps sway me even closer to buying one. Let me ask this: how does the battery life compare to another device? For me, that's a better comparison as I get 2-3 days battery life on my Nexus One because of my usage. Does the battery double the Galaxy 1? Triple?

Galaxy 1 doing the same thing would not last me a day. Im geussing this will easily...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Arron123 said:
swyped from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Thx for your review but just out of curiosity I have to ask: How long did it take you to write up your review with your SGSII ?

Hey mate, thanks for expressing your impressions on the galaxy s ii
Gd to see you love your device!
This is actually going to be my first android device. So i'm glad my first one is going to be absolutely aswesome!
I'm currently using a windows mobile phone (ancient) called the touch diamond, which ive had for 2 years.
Ive pre ordered it and waiting for it.

Lmao that took me 20mins.... Not tooo bad tbf especially with swype picking some nonsense words lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Definetly the best android phone thats out youll love it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Almost everything about this phone have been very good so far.
Seem like a good replacement for my Liquid which isn't working that well since the 2.1 update.
If it's relatively free of big problems I'll probably pick it up when it is released.

Awesome 38 hours! Wonderful write up! thank you!!!

Cheers dont know if I covered everything lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Your review was brilliant, so brilliant that it uses brilliant so many times in this brilliant review.
Not Swyped from my soon to be GT-I9100 using a custom build desktop PC

Haha should of downloaded a thesaurus from market
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App

Good info.
I really appreciated that Vlad Savov's review of the SGS2 on engadget was written from the perspective of someone looking at the usability of the phone in ways it normally is not. Yours and Vlad's observations give me hope that it will truly be a solid replacement for my Nexus One.

Arron123 said:
Cheers dont know if I covered everything lol
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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After reading your words, i am satisfied and currently i dont have any requests for you, except one. If you can, just keep updating the first post in your thread with your observations! Swype Away!!
Thanks once again! Waiting to join the ranks of SGS2 owners


Does this happen to anyone else?

Friend or someone wants to see your phone... You open your "cool" apps to show them..
Phone freezes, locks up, doesn't operate right..
I swear, I can do whatever I want while alone, at my phone works perfect..
Yesterday I show my friends Slingplayer and Homerun3D, sure enough both programs give me problems..
LOL Was in a bad area for slingplayer to work (it works smoothly all the time) and was lagging.. Of course he was like "its a cool concept but who would would ever deal with the skipping"
LOL I swear it never does this, I tell him..
Then I go to show him the Homerun3D game and of course it locks up on me, lol
It always happens like that,...
Sounds like Murphy is a good friend of yours!
That happens to me sometimes but only when I'm doing something totally unimportant.
Your phone knows that your friends are unworthy to bask in its warm embrace and enlightenment.
It goes into clam mode, shuts up tight and looks like a paperweight until you put it away
That or a bad flash mixed with user error
my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.
potna said:
my windows mobile devices did that all the time, i think i got used to it and only thought about how often it happened when it would screw up in front of a friend.
on evo, i dont have any problems.
not trying to be a smart ass but i bet your using a custom rom.
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Yea but I use Fresh's custom Rom..
Besides.. Who here actually doesn't use a custom rom?
More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Picture a layer cake filled with froyo between the layers. A leaky app makes a hole in the layer, froyo leaks up and mixes with the next layers froyo, causing it to spill and the bottom to collapse. The maitre'd named NAND tries to restore it so it looks like the picture on the menu.
One day the froyo got real warm and the menus were changed simultaneously. NAND could not restore it and even the picture had changed.
You see the chef had thought it would be faster and take less work to refill the layers, rather than to assemble and build them when they were ordered.
Mural of the story (modern stories all have walls for murals to be posted on) a pair of dimes - standing on edge.
Sent with Super-Sonic Vision using XDA app.
task killers take bytes out of the cake when your not looking making it fall faster
Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"
Skeptron said:
Yes it happens all the time! Especially at work where the signal is crappy in the building!
if all fails, i just flip the phone over and say "checkit, it has a kickstand!"
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lmao...kickstand ftw!!!
potna said:
More than I honestly thought. There is a ton of info on the evo that I find useful, even though I'm rooted stock.
I find my evo to be the most reliable handset I've had since maybe before smartphones were around. I still can't believe I haven't flashed and reinstalled my OS 10 times by now and I have had this since august. Granted I did do some playing around with Roms when I first got it. But every since I decided to give sense an honest shot, I haven't been back to custom.
This is the first android phone for me and the first time I didn't feel the need to tinker around with every little thing.
I loved wm 6.5 but it was still wm, and it was full of reliability issues. I still miss my old touch pro 2 and its kwyboard, but my evo is way more reliable.
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I actually love sense and do not see why people wouldn't want it..
I also got an extended battery which I only use when I know I will not be near a power source for a while.. I have the Otterbox case and just LOVE IT!! so I try to keep with the stock battery..
That being said I use Fresh's rom, because its pretty much stock with some extra goodies.. And full Sense..
I really don't have problems with my phone.. Its just typical with Murphys law,, lol
Oh,i did think of something crappy.
When I first got my evo,i was telling my friends about how awesome it is and how sweet the camera and video recording is, now my video doesn't seem all that great. In fact in 720p it looks so crappy and choppy that I don't feel like its worth having or using.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Just get a higher class SD card and replay that oh crappy video quality scenario all over again.
Sent from my Evo
lol...i can honestly say that I've never experienced that, thank GOD. Have you figured out the root cause?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't get it, r u saying that something higher than what I have will fix the issue? I currently have a 16GB class 2.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
You can get a 32gb card and still have same issues. You need a class 4 or above. If I could remember I'd post direct statement from htc employee. A lot go with a class 6, but anything more than class 4 and its all the same fluff. Class 2 just doesn't write fast enough for Evo's video.
Sent from my Evo
I think I saw that conversation about the max speed the evo could take advantage of, but I thought I read some where anything beyond class 2 carries no benefit in how well our evos record video in 720p.
Mine is choppy outside in sunlight and simetimes the video out right freezes for a split second. As far recording inside its so low quality that I don't even try to record.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

Anxious future owner here; Come on guys, how's the beast performing??

Is it faster than the Nexus S?
Are apps opening in lightening speed?
Is there any lag at all?
Is the camera fairly decent?
WLan works well?
Can't wait to get the darn thing next week..
P.S. Has anyone managed to remove the sim-lock?
Nope go read the threads screen sucks and slow on things. And I almost wanted on over my nexus s
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I can still choose whether I get the Nexus S or the Atrix; a friend in the US buys it tomorrow for me. I was done & dusted on getting the Nexus S (coming from an un-rooted Nexus One) until I took a final look on those specs of the Atrix again. That phone just looks too good on paper to not be good!
Guys, more updates please! Help a guy make up his mind..
Vangelis13 said:
Is it faster than the Nexus S?
Are apps opening in lightening speed?
Is there any lag at all?
Is the camera fairly decent?
WLan works well?
Can't wait to get the darn thing next week..
P.S. Has anyone managed to remove the sim-lock?
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Apps opening? - Fastest phone I've own yet...
Lag? - yes. Going from an app like Angry birds to home screen, there's an initial lag. It's annoying. Must be Blurrrrr.
Camera? - Disappointed...iPhone 4 is definitely better.
Let's just say I'm ready to install a custom Rom without all the bloatware and lameBlur. Blur kills the phones IMO.
Not many phones can beat the iphone 4 camera appart from Nokia, but is the camera on the Atrix better than the HTC Desire or nexus s.
Go pure Google nexus s soo fast better screen nfc chip and gryoscope for games. 2.4 will set the standard soon witch this device won't see
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
xs2k said:
Apps opening? - Fastest phone I've own yet...
Lag? - yes. Going from an app like Angry birds to home screen, there's an initial lag. It's annoying. Must be Blurrrrr.
Camera? - Disappointed...iPhone 4 is definitely better.
Let's just say I'm ready to install a custom Rom without all the bloatware and lameBlur. Blur kills the phones IMO.
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What about running Launcher Pro on it, that'd make it a bit more sensible I think.
Camera; Using Camera 360 can probably crisp the images a bit more? it's a phone at the end of the day..
nucentury08 said:
Go pure Google nexus s soo fast better screen nfc chip and gryoscope for games. 2.4 will set the standard soon witch this device won't see
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Would luv to go Samsung but for me a LED notification light is the number 1 piece of hardware then the camers then the screen & samsung will not put a cheap led light on there phones, so only HTC & Motorola for me & HTC have done nothing new this year so far.
nucentury08 said:
Go pure Google nexus s soo fast better screen nfc chip and gryoscope for games. 2.4 will set the standard soon witch this device won't see
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Go back to the Nexus S boards then rather than trolling here. You clearly don't have the phone, any anything you state is a matter of opinion, and clearly jealousy since you're on our boards and not yours.
My atrix is fast. I had someinitial lag in the app drawer while using Launcher Pro but it is gone now.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Came from Nexus One. Good upgrade.
Confirmed that with proper account provisioning, unlimited 4G data for $30, and the "phone" apn, upload is either capped by AT&T or HSUPA is disabled on the hardware by AT&T. Tethering plan may increase upload speed but I got no confirmation in this yet.
Otherwise it's an excellent upgrade from the N1.
nucentury08 said:
Nope go read the threads screen sucks and slow on things. And I almost wanted on over my nexus s
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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nucentury08 said:
Go pure Google nexus s soo fast better screen nfc chip and gryoscope for games. 2.4 will set the standard soon witch this device won't see
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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You like to troll don't you?
The phone works great, haven't had any lag at all so far. Only been playing on it for 4 hours though! Launcher Pro works great, I have the 3D settings on and the animations don't lag whatsoever. No complaints with the screen. Only thing that sucks is my Worms game isn't working Something about being an unsupported device.
Man I see you trolling on a ton of threads here and as a Nexus S owner myself you really give us a bad name.
Sound like a jealous teenager hating the fact that someone else could have something better than you... drop it already. Go back to school, learn to read and write correctly.
nucentury08 said:
Go pure Google nexus s soo fast better screen nfc chip and gryoscope for games. 2.4 will set the standard soon witch this device won't see
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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My Quadrant score was 2690.
jmacdonald801 said:
Came from Nexus One. Good upgrade.
Confirmed that with proper account provisioning, unlimited 4G data for $30, and the "phone" apn, upload is either capped by AT&T or HSUPA is disabled on the hardware by AT&T. Tethering plan may increase upload speed but I got no confirmation in this yet.
Otherwise it's an excellent upgrade from the N1.
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Thanks for that reply, great to know a fellow N1 owner is happy with the Atrix! The N1 is the best phone I've ever use; I am getting more & more convinced that the Atrix will have me equally mesmerized!!
Just hope that after Tuesday's off - contract sales someone will post a confirmed way to remove the sim lock too..
Vangelis13 said:
Thanks for that reply, great to know a fellow N1 owner is happy with the Atrix! The N1 is the best phone I've ever use; I am getting more & more convinced that the Atrix will have me equally mesmerized!!
Just hope that after Tuesday's off - contract sales someone will post a confirmed way to remove the sim lock too..
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Should note that if you look at the reviews out there, the N1 battery life is crap (compared to the Atrix). Also the Atrix (like most newer Android phones) has a proper multitouch screeen. So you'll notice way better typing input immediately.
I will admit.... it's nice that nucentury is at least starting to use SOME punctuation. Not enough, but it's still an improvement from the first post i've seen from him in his other thread.
Besides.... who would even take the advice of someone who thinks that a gyroscope makes a phone that much better than any other device when it comes to gaming? A gyroscope has the same exact flaw as Microsoft Kinect. It's only logical to be used for a certain genre of games. Anything outside those genres, and it's just a useless addition to the phone.
Everything for me is great thus far. Phone is very snappy using LauncherPro also using Beautiful widgets.
Typing is spot on. Nice screen resolution. I would say the phone is overall faster than the Captivate and Inspire.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
yeah I love this phone very fast with scrolling no lag, switching apps super fast, the screen is excellent, I really like the power but/finger print reader works flawless, battery life is good, I did a bench mark test and had 2691
AllTheWay said:
Everything for me is great thus far. Phone is very snappy using LauncherPro also using Beautiful widgets.
Typing is spot on. Nice screen resolution. I would say the phone is overall faster than the Captivate and Inspire.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the reply! LauncherPro has become essential, it's good to know it enhances the Android experience here too.

Just got my Nexus S ATT. My thoughts.

Coming from HTC Inspire btw.
Size-Build is awesome imo, perfect screen size, nice and lightweight and does not feel cheap imo.
Yea its superamoled but wtf at the yellowish tint....why did they do this?? My Captivate looked better and this is one of the main selling points for me, is there anything we can do to get it back to the other color temperature? Seriously....
Tried the camera a bit, not impressive at all, neither was the inspire so eh whatever.
Everything is FAST! I love it!
Stock Android!!! Woooh! No Blocking of Apps! Woooh!
Wifi seems a bit slow, it started doing a restore off the bat and downloading all my apps from the inspire and even the background! wow! Really cool feature that I had no Idea about, but some apps installed and then I kept getting a bunch of errors saying "insufficient memory" I guess I gotta do them one by one...
Thats pretty much it, Im satisfied but the screen tint is kinda leaving a bad taste in my mouth, the SuperLCD seemed more sharp and brighter then this and the whites were WHITE and the blacks werent too shabby either, dunno wtf is going on as the Screen on my old captivate was great and I loved it, this is eh...
Really hoping I didnt make the wrong choice here, the Xperia arc I had my eyes on and the only thing it didnt have was a FFC and I can live without it, beyond that I like the looks, bigger screen, lighter weight, on the arc better and sony unlocked the bootloader on their new devices so updates will come regardless, way better camera, I just dont know about this whole screen thing....
i just got mine today, so thought i'd chime in too.
build quality: not cheap imo, the ergonomics dept should pat themselves on the back. feels just right
doesn't feel laggy
sensors problem. compass seems a bit off, and the best gps lock i've had is 10m error after about 60s. i stood outside and waited, no lock. resorted to downloading gps status and downloaded the additional gps data. this seems to be the only way it's locked on. compared to a desire, this is hella slow and crappy for gps.
camera quality, i think for a phone it's good enough. for the ffc, so it's vga, but at what resolution does skype mobile use? what's that? it's not working? oh well. i think vga is fine for video calls. anything else is just additional cost.
about to test with music and haven't put a sim in yet to test the phone.
i bought it for development, so i'm now going to start messing about with it, but the phone feels nice and zippy, but disappointed with the sensors (will be testing outside tomorrow) as i'm looking to do a lot of augmented reality dev.
MarkusPO said:
i just got mine today, so thought i'd chime in too.
build quality: not cheap imo, the ergonomics dept should pat themselves on the back. feels just right
doesn't feel laggy
sensors problem. compass seems a bit off, and the best gps lock i've had is 10m error after about 60s. i stood outside and waited, no lock. resorted to downloading gps status and downloaded the additional gps data. this seems to be the only way it's locked on. compared to a desire, this is hella slow and crappy for gps.
camera quality, i think for a phone it's good enough. for the ffc, so it's vga, but at what resolution does skype mobile use? what's that? it's not working? oh well. i think vga is fine for video calls. anything else is just additional cost.
about to test with music and haven't put a sim in yet to test the phone.
i bought it for development, so i'm now going to start messing about with it, but the phone feels nice and zippy, but disappointed with the sensors (will be testing outside tomorrow) as i'm looking to do a lot of augmented reality dev.
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if you're going to test sound, i highly recommend using netarchy's kernel (unsure if it works on a I9020A).. but basically put Voodoo Sound, it'll be highly worth it without question
thanks, but i'm going to keep this stock.
You can change the bad color by using voodoo control app on the market and finding a kernel that supports it.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
MarkusPO said:
thanks, but i'm going to keep this stock.
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if you're keeping it stock... why did you say
i bought it for development, so i'm now going to start messing about with it, but the phone feels nice and zippy, but disappointed with the sensors (will be testing outside tomorrow) as i'm looking to do a lot of augmented reality dev.
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aren't you simply contradicting yourself?
j0hnZ said:
You can change the bad color by using voodoo control app on the market and finding a kernel that supports it.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Not sure what you mean by "kernal that supports it" Can anyone help me out with this? Whole reason I got a NS is so that I didnt have to mod/root etc lol
But I dunno if I can live with this yellow tint, I NEED to change it!
zephiK said:
if you're keeping it stock... why did you say
aren't you simply contradicting yourself?
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You can do plenty of app development on a stock rom. Not all development is rom/kernel based
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krohnjw said:
You can do plenty of app development on a stock rom. Not all development is rom/kernel based
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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Yep, thank you. "Development" only means ROM development here. in the big-wide-world it means apps!
MarkusPO said:
Yep, thank you. "Development" only means ROM development here. in the big-wide-world it means apps!
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well, you didn't specify. and yes, development on XDA is defaulted towards ROM development and not apps.
bah. it doesn't matter, let's play nice.
want a game of horseshoe? HORSESHOE!
MarkusPO said:
bah. it doesn't matter, let's play nice.
want a game of horseshoe? HORSESHOE!
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What about a yellow tint? You have it? Its seriously bugging me out...
crap, sorry about the thanks there
no, i don't have a tint at all - i have a 9020. and no tint. i manually upgraded to 2.3.2 - too scared to update to 2.3.3 yet. i don't have a sim in it, so the ota wasn't registering.
in terms of sound quality, it blows away my ipod touch 1st gen, but then again most of my older cheaper mp3 players do so that in itself isn't saying much! the dynamic range sounds a lot better on this than what was on the desire too.
but still haven't taken the stickers on the phone off yet. need a case!
MarkusPO said:
Yep, thank you. "Development" only means ROM development here. in the big-wide-world it means apps!
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Lol lmo in your world maybe.
In the one that I live in and the rest of the world DEVELOPMENT means rom development or something else or different to improve the phone or make it looks nicer maybe a theme
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
MarkusPO said:
crap, sorry about the thanks there
no, i don't have a tint at all - i have a 9020. and no tint. i manually upgraded to 2.3.2 - too scared to update to 2.3.3 yet. i don't have a sim in it, so the ota wasn't registering.
in terms of sound quality, it blows away my ipod touch 1st gen, but then again most of my older cheaper mp3 players do so that in itself isn't saying much! the dynamic range sounds a lot better on this than what was on the desire too.
but still haven't taken the stickers on the phone off yet. need a case!
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You'd be even more amazed at sound with voodoo.
Seriously, you're missing out. But if u don't want to mod it then that's fine.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
doniqcc said:
Lol lmo in your world maybe.
In the one that I live in and the rest of the world DEVELOPMENT means rom development or something else or different to improve the phone or make it looks nicer maybe a theme
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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putting glow-in-the-dark stickers on it will make it look nice... ohh i see... i didn't know that's development! thanks!
development means programming. fullstop. period. back to the scheduled show!
MarkusPO said:
putting glow-in-the-dark stickers on it will make it look nice... ohh i see... i didn't know that's development! thanks!
development means programming. fullstop. period. back to the scheduled show!
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Not in xda development but you can do it in android market place but you'll learn eventually it's ok. I can't wait to see what app you'll work on. wait I know something about teaching other people how to develop a rom without rooting your phone nice yeeeeah
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
voodoo sound and color changed my life.
Try the settings in the apps and themes section of this forum.
aaronpaws said:
voodoo sound and color changed my life.
Try the settings in the apps and themes section of this forum.
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I wish I could do it without a root, I just cant seem to do the damn root, Im stuck on the drivers part....

What do you think of your own x10?

Im talking YOUR x10 not the x10 in general
Sent from my X10a using xda premium
Let me tell you about what I think about how this thread will go...
Some people will say they like it, some they'll say they don't
and scoobysnacks will barge in to say he hates it and it was the worst mistake of his life.
All in all, it will be a mess soon!
PS: I love my X10! LOL!
iridaki said:
Let me tell you about what I think about how this thread will go...
Some people will say they like it, some they'll say they don't
and scoobysnacks will barge in to say he hates it and it was the worst mistake of his life.
All in all, it will be a mess soon!
PS: I love my X10! LOL!
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Really?(these boards sure are predictable)
Sent from my X10a using xda premium
i love my x10
iridaki said:
Let me tell you about what I think about how this thread will go...
Some people will say they like it, some they'll say they don't
and scoobysnacks will barge in to say he hates it and it was the worst mistake of his life.
All in all, it will be a mess soon!
PS: I love my X10! LOL!
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Haha not the worst mistake!
At least I got some good pictures from it and learned a lot about Android.
It was a good learning experience for sure.
I think they really crippled what could have been a great device and turned it into a mediocre device
actually i love my X10 more while it's on 1.6.. if timescape and mediascape from 1.6 can be ported to 2.3 with improved performance, then i will keep this phone forever..
2.3 on x10 is totally lame, everything is ugly or not unified only except for the home app and the widgets, and i like the light blue much more because it suits my white x10 look.. se is not the se it used to be. look at the new se phones now, they all the same except for the look.. don't ever tell me how much faster it is on 2.3 because i prefer better functionality rather than that speed..
now i just leave my x10 a 2.1 system with z's kernel and the 1.6 theme, while it is still a media and social phone with the pretty UI i like. i can never bear with 2.3's ugly timescape which actually becomes an laggy ugly version of the phonebook, every time you press that infinite button it links you to phonebook wtf.. but on 2.1 it also links you to email, mediascape's music/photo, and more..
again, i love my x10, but this will be my last SE phone, because SE is not doing the things i want. my next phone is probably N9 by Nokia =]
above is just my opinions
1. flashplayer is not so useful to me
2. i have tried all the WB 2.3 roms
3. i use facebook a lot and i also like FiX's idea, but a facebook app just does everything
scooby you need to watch this video lol
AyDee said:
scooby you need to watch this video lol
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Haha dude Louis ck is my fave!
Ftr I LOVE my phone now...
It is perfect for me.
I'm not just trying to be negative, plus I always show it off
It's all good man, been waiting for an excuse to post that
Back on-topic, I still love my X10. My first android & definitely not my last.
i love my X10..
first android phone and i just love it..
cant get better for first phone.i m not goin to change it(atleast for now)..
Love and its technically my first fully android phone cause before this I used android on my Htc Tytn II
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I love it too & If love fails, friendship should remain, For friendship is the foundation of love, haha
Yes I do love my x10 but I really feel jealous wen pep say dey get 2,3 days of usage,I never get more dan 10hr........this s the oly complaint wen compared to others x10.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
I love mine although it is a bit slow.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
iridaki said:
Let me tell you about what I think about how this thread will go...
Some people will say they like it, some they'll say they don't
and scoobysnacks will barge in to say he hates it and it was the worst mistake of his life.
All in all, it will be a mess soon!
PS: I love my X10! LOL!
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Love your response
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
I Love Realy my X10
rakesh_485 said:
Yes I do love my x10 but I really feel jealous wen pep say dey get 2,3 days of usage,I never get more dan 10hr........this s the oly complaint wen compared to others x10.
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
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I feel dumber for reading that....
I mean,
I fel dumbr fo weeding dat..... grrr
Love my X10, which I bought 2nd-hand and in excellent condition. Would not consider buying a new set. Lots of better phones now in the same price range. Love its camera and design. For my purposes of GPS, ebooks, surf net, casual games, apps, etc, it performs adequately. Would not really change until it gets completely obsolete (by then I guess mainstream would be quad-core 5" displays?)
Also realized it plays 720p HD MP4 video downloaded from YouTube which Galaxy SL cannot play properly
my x10 just completed its 1st anniversary 2 days back, and now i am thinking of buying a new device soon!!
whatever happens I LOVE MY X10!..
I hate it so much when it lags, especially when I need it to work normally, then again im still on 2.1 stock... I'm going to upgrade these days.
Also he looks like he has taken quite a beating after all the falling also got screen scratched when I slided him against a metal pole accidentally while drunk... And that "XPERIA" sign on the back says only "PERIA" now hahahah,
Home button also scratched a little bit, you can see white color under it (hmm now I wonder why didn't they made them white anyway, at least on white models, it would be so cool, try getting the metal color paint off the buttons you will see pure white under it).
But all in all I'll always love it
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

Rubbish phone

I've had this phone for just over 2 weeks and it's utter garbage. Everything runs so slow, there is always a delay when opening messages and other apps. I've had 2 random reboots. I'm coming from a HTC one that is what 2 years old and that baby was sweet as a nut butter smooth. Are there any new updates coming out to make this phone run faster
So get rid of it. Everyone else seem to be pretty positive, including me.
welshandy2322 said:
I've had this phone for just over 2 weeks and it's utter garbage. Everything runs so slow, there is always a delay when opening messages and other apps. I've had 2 random reboots. I'm coming from a HTC one that is what 2 years old and that baby was sweet as a nut butter smooth. Are there any new updates coming out to make this phone run faster
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Try the J firmware.
If you can you should return it, if you can't, root and reduce the DPI 560 seems sweet. Also use a different launcher and keyboard. That will remove most of the lag, but not all.
The phone is not rubbish, LGs software and "configuration" on the other hand is a bit over aggressive:
- thermal throttling kicks in too early in my opinion (play a game for a few minutes and frames start dropping like crazy due to the processor being capped). the phone isn't that hot either - considering my N5 reaches temperatures where it feels a lot warmer than this and seems to not cap the speed that aggressively;
- there is a lot of useless software from LG running (updates, smart stay, quiet hours, bla bla bla) which eats up memory, processor usage, etc.
- be careful if you have an sd card in it (I had an old card in it and everything was twice as sluggish);
- avoid power management / battery monitoring tools (using GSAM battery monitor in my experience seemed to keep the phone awake more then it should resulting in earlier thermal throttling).
Ways to improve performance:
- keep the software that you need active (give up unnecessary widgets, services, syncs). keep only to the ones you need;
- try the phone without a sd card;
- try to keep it as cool as possible so it runs cool and doesn't throttle performance;
- (advanced) root ... and get rid of useless junk ...
- (advanced / risky) disable throttling and other safety features ...
I've changed keyboard
I'm loving it. Phone of the year. The m8's got a crappy camera and too much bezel, the s5... Well, it's the s5. Sony, yeah Sony, great contestant. Doesn't have the style, the flare tho. No nanny Fine finesse.
Different strokes for different folks, eh.
Sent from my grenade launcher using heat guidance.
The phone is indeed rubbish:
- crappy laggy LG software. No match to Google's Android.
- bleak washed out colors of LG IPS screen
- over sharpening
- crappy over sensitive Knock wake up
There's a solution to your issue and that's get rid of your phone. XDA developers has partnered up with where you can sell and buy phones. No-one appreciates your counter productive thread and no-one wants to hear you complain.
Have a nice day and I hope there isn't more of dumb stuff like this.
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
Misterowl said:
There's a solution to your issue and that's get rid of your phone. XDA developers has partnered up with where you can sell and buy phones. No-one appreciates your counter productive thread and no-one wants to hear you complain.
Have a nice day and I hope there isn't more of dumb stuff like this.
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
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Well surely there was no need to open yet another thread again, but his opinion is also an opinion. That might help ppl to decide thier purchase. And i do agree with him, g3 is a crappy device
Not rubbish @ all
Robin2 said:
So get rid of it. Everyone else seem to be pretty positive, including me.
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I've had the M8, Nexus 5, Note 2, Galaxy S4...
I only miss the Nexus 5 a bit, for the ROMS of course. This G3 is awesome, Rooted + xposed, patiently waiting for the Devs to crack open the bootloader, or bypass.
Rubbish? Na, Great phone, could be better?, yes, not perfect, but not rubbish @ all.
Misterowl said:
There's a solution to your issue and that's get rid of your phone. XDA developers has partnered up with where you can sell and buy phones. No-one appreciates your counter productive thread and no-one wants to hear you complain.
Have a nice day and I hope there isn't more of dumb stuff like this.
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
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Nothing dumb about it. The phones software is poor FACT
You guys should yell at a camera for 10 minutes just like what Adam Outler did. You'd really get your point across about how "horribly" bad of a phone this is.
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
Send it to me. I'll put it to good use.
Its not rubbish phone, its rubbish user. I experience no lag at all even with dalvik even tho my eyes are really sensitive to fps since I play PC games, so maybe you should just get an iPhone and stay a noob. Goodluck
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Helloworld294 said:
Its not rubbish phone, its rubbish user. I experience no lag at all even with dalvik even tho my eyes are really sensitive to fps since I play PC games, so maybe you should just get an iPhone and stay a noob. Goodluck
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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"No lag at all" that's just not possible with stock rom sadly. no matter what you say.
I like it and i came from a note 3 iv rooted and disabled any apps i never use and i have no problems i like the screen decent battery nearly 13 hours on battery and nearly 2 hours screen time with 70% left i found messages was laggy so im using hangouts and it seems ok
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
lossah said:
"No lag at all" that's just not possible with stock rom sadly. no matter what you say.
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Forgot to add "for a stock ROM" jeeesus
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Helloworld294 said:
Forgot to add "for a stock ROM" jeeesus
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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Well its not me who said "lag free".
lossah said:
Well its not me who said "lag free".
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Everything lags lol every software no matter how many cores you have will lag, it all depends on the code. So when I say " lag free" I mean no unnecessary lag
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
