X10/Android unpleasant surprises - XPERIA X10 General

A friend of mine lent me X10 so I can experience (huh) all the beauty of Android. To make it short I was actually disappointed to find, that al least on X10 you have to be connected to the internet and create an account to use a simple calendar. I have never found anything like this on other phones. Also applications can only be installed on-line, no downloading for later installation :-/
So I'd like to ask if there are any other surprises like these of which I should be aware of in case I decide to switch to Android.

I can use my calendar without internet connection.
And ''off-line downloading''? i really do not understand.
If you want to download something you have to be online.

@berbecverde : i think he meant offline installation...!!

That's exactly what I meant

Biges said:
To make it short I was actually disappointed to find, that al least on X10 you have to be connected to the internet and create an account to use a simple calendar.
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That's incorrect.
Biges said:
Also applications can only be installed on-line, no off-line downloading for later installation :-/
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That too is also incorrect.
Biges said:
So I'd like to ask if there are any other surprises like these of which I should be aware of in case I decide to switch to Android.
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You're going to find plenty I guess as you know clearly know very little about it, so instead of posting your false assumptions here, do some reading first.

Some sites offer apps that can be downloaded to the PC/smartphone and then you can transfer and install/just install them.

Give him a break! In time he will learn how great Android is. He just opend his mouth too soon...

well cut him some slack... he's new to Android....!!
let him us the device for a few days... he might like it as well...!!

To OP:
I see from the bottom of your post you are/were using WinMo 6.1. Unlike WinMo 6.1 Android does not have offline syncing of your data, in that way they are the same as the IPhone. I think everyone is moving in this direction including Windows Phone 7 so you better get use to it .

Sorry if you felt I was harsh, but still recommend you do some reading.

They say two things in life are certain: Death and Taxes.
On this forum two things are certain. Users will ask questions without reading the forums, and XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.

Reeonimus said:
and XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.
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Yep, and if I was mod I'd happily enforce the rules that state that's what you should actually do in the first place. You can count on one hand the amount of threads I've started to ask questions.

+1 on that xperiax10user... Too much crap on here now to find the useful stuff.. it's a right royal pain in the ass..
But back to the OP's question.. Android is going to be different to anything you've used before.. somethings will be better, something will be worse (but mostly you'll find an app that does exactly what you want.. so there really won't be many of these!).
Android operates through google.. in a similar way to the way iphone needs an itunes account.

phoneguy 4567 said:
To OP:
I see from the bottom of your post you are/were using WinMo 6.1. Unlike WinMo 6.1 Android does not have offline syncing of your data, in that way they are the same as the IPhone. I think everyone is moving in this direction including Windows Phone 7 so you better get use to it .
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Except there are a few offline syncing programs out there - missing sync is one, and it's not bad.
Reeonimus said:
XperiaX10iUser will point out that you should read the forums before asking questions.
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and k1sr will usually give you a curt answer, with some lame attempt at humour....

Well i have no data plan yet xD and it was so confusing, annoyinng,etc to found out that all my prepaid credit were spent cause of the phone, took me 1 month to find it out and fic it

Does the Google Market allow you to download apps but not install them with any other Android phone?
The Apple AppStore doesnt let you do this unless you buy/download stuff through itunes on your computer first?
What a stupid question...


Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its great

Hello everyone,
I made this post to hopefully help people with Instant Messenger and finding a great one for their use.
I have used Agile, IM+ and I am now using Verichat which used to be a palm aplication but has now been converted for pocket pc use.
It his by far superior to IM+ and Agile in fontionality I think
Imov I really dont like the interface.
So yes I think Verichat is the best for Pocket PC use.
The only problem is that it's not free!
Which one is your favorite and why ?
I am using IM+ and am very happy with it; it supports MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Google and Jabber. I haven't used all the background modes, but for chatting, it works great; easy to manage the various windows; and can view contacts by group (integrated across services). I haven't tried Agile, though I used Verichat on the Palm before -- My understanding is that Verichat connects to a Verichat service rather than directly to the IM services. I quickly removed the T-Mobile OZ client from my device ;-)
Would like to hear the pros and cons of Agile vs. IM+ for comparison, if someone has used both.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
ferrerpheonix said:
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
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He wasn't discussing cracks. If you want to be a software nazi, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
Echilon said:
ferrerpheonix said:
magnusbaron said:
Hello everyone,
The only problem is that it's not free and there's isnt a crack out there for it yet. Hopefully soon !
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Do you find these forums usefull? I am not going to go software nazi on you (its how I earn a living), but discussing cracks etc on here could well get the forums shut down. Not really worth it, keep it to yourself.
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He wasn't discussing cracks. If you want to be a software nazi, keep it to yourself.
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How is wishing publicly for someone to develop a crack (in a sense advertising for one) not discussing cracks? If you want to disregard the facts and post contradictory messages, keep it to yourself.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
dadarkmcse said:
How is wishing publicly for someone to develop a crack (in a sense advertising for one) not discussing cracks? If you want to disregard the facts and post contradictory messages, keep it to yourself.
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In a sense you should quit advertising your ignorance. Keep it to yourself.
P.S. Having MSCE as part of your name is laughable.
Re: Which IM do you use? Let people know why you think its g
Stoodo said:
P.S. Having MSCE as part of your name is laughable.
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Whatever gives you a laugh I guess, a good ole' personal attack is always the best route to go whenever you are faced with ugly facts. Good message boards can be ruined by crack requests. Developers no longer wish to lend their talents to the boards, board admins can get in trouble (Depending on where the server is located), Web Hosts / Co-Lo's can butt in, etc... Anyway, this thread has gotten off topic way too much, so this will be my last post in this one. Flame me if you want, but I'm not listening
It wasn't a personal attack. I was just stating popular opinion.
Umm, back to the topic. I like agile, but it has issues with my Wizard. It doesn't work well in landscape mode and it locks up my phone frequently. I like the fact that all my buddies on the different services show up on 1 buddy list.
I tried Verichat trial the other day, but it didn't display my side of the IM. That is unacceptable.
I also used OZ messenger for T-Mobile. It has a neat interface, but it uses SMS to send and receive.
I haven't tested IM+ yet.
OK guys yes bakc on topic. I removed the line that bothered all of you.
Any other suggestions ?
Thank you
... I tried Verichat trial the other day, but it didn't display my side of the IM. That is unacceptable.
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I don't understand this ??? I see my side of the IM after I hit <enter>. It's displayed in red. There is a short delay before it appears tho...
Yeah, I think that is an issue with your verichat install. Mine works fine. I had IM+, but liked verichat a bit more for some reason. Seemed a bit more polished to me.
Plus, I like having access to the Verichat Bots to get info if Edge/GPRS isn't working.
which of these let u click a phone number or webpage to view like on the sidekick
ok, let me re-download and install. I tried their WM5 trial download.
ok i guess no1 wants 2 answer a ? for me ive used agile and really hated getting knocked off-line all the time by the way does any1 know of a program to let me recieve an im and click the link that was sent to view
The funny thing is that by quoting him you have kept his original message up on this thread, where as now although he has edited it, you are now the one putting the forum in jeopardy... please edit out your quotes of the post that insulted you sooo much.
Later; Lew
MCSE is the WIN! :roll:
bringing this thread back on topic
Agile Messenger for WM5 has been released in build alpha....
download and install and report your bugs!
oh and btw....IM+ sucks! it's no better than AgileMessenger......and the reason why it sucks is because it costs $40!! I mean c'mon 40$ to IM...that's just wrong! Max I'm willing to pay for a PPC app for IM'ng is 9.99 and it better be worth it damn it! (and the 9.99 better be a one-time fee....sure if they upgrade from version 2 to version 6 I don't mind paying an upgrade fee of 4.99....but yeah....that's where i stop)

developers knock yourself out ? (or is it out yet ?)

Hai everyone,
Today i looked at a clip from a iphone with a great app.....
the screen looks (damned whats the word of this...) online translators says "bay"
anyway, i looked with the search option but could not find it, so when its already here i apologize...
the clip http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/348731/de1548cf/beslagen_iphone.html
This is pretty cool +1
Maybe we could integrate it into s2u2 or as a screen saver?
How the f***??? That's the perfect app for locking our screen!!!
u got my donation for this one
Wow! Can confirm this is completely SFW as opposed to a previous suggestion.
wow this is very cool.
No developer interested in this challenge ??
It's a stupid app that serves no purpose. Kind of like 90% of the IPhone apps on the market... No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap
hahaha... imagine unlocking by this method when you want to do something fast (check what's the time, write a SMS message, check timetables, etc.)...
It would be like that:
Actual action - 1 minute
Unlocking - about three
And don't forget Diamond has no multitouch so you would have to do it with single finger. Have fun
NRGZ28 said:
It's a stupid app that serves no purpose. Kind of like 90% of the IPhone apps on the market... No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap
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I second that comment... lets file this thread under "iCrap"
NRGZ28 said:
It's a stupid app that serves no purpose. Kind of like 90% of the IPhone apps on the market... No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap
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Said by the guy who lives in Las Vegas, Romania Why does everything have to have a purpose? Life can be fun too ya know, sometimes it's good just to take time out and do "useless", fun things I think this would be fun to have on a Windows Mobile Phone, but that's my opinion.
NRGZ28 said:
It's a stupid app that serves no purpose. Kind of like 90% of the IPhone apps on the market... No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap
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when you look on your Diamond 90% of the apps are bs, its just making your phone more fun.
"No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap"
so your the spokesman of all developers here ?
NRGZ28 said:
It's a stupid app that serves no purpose. Kind of like 90% of the IPhone apps on the market... No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap
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Dont forget the crappy "soft music" on the vid.
Sergio PC said:
Dont forget the crappy "soft music" on the vid.
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O please, only reply if your "message" is usefull. Dont post your crappy comment...
californiarailroader said:
Said by the guy who lives in Las Vegas, Romania Why does everything have to have a purpose? Life can be fun too ya know, sometimes it's good just to take time out and do "useless", fun things I think this would be fun to have on a Windows Mobile Phone, but that's my opinion.
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There is no Las Vegas in Romania.. What the hell does my location have to do with anything ?!
sandeman11 said:
when you look on your Diamond 90% of the apps are bs, its just making your phone more fun.
"No wonder none of us want anything to do with this crap"
so your the spokesman of all developers here ?
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I don't have any "bs" apps on my phone ( I have a touch Pro, if you bothered to check my signature). Maybe you do! I actually use every application on my phone for something.
What's with all the bashing in this thread? Everyone is a different user. Get over it!
This looks pretty cool and I'd like to see this on my Diamond, that's for sure...
I just find it funny that some user noobs (members and under) like myself try and stand up to NRGZ and Sergio whom both have published many apps which i currently have, and use on my phone. I side with them, they are spending their time programing way better programs for our abuse, not wasting their time for a trivial screen lock when theres a handful of locking applications out there.
just my two penneth!
this app is just plain silly useless fun! if it makes folk laugh then its worth it!
K'Nees said:
I just find it funny that some user noobs (members and under) like myself try and stand up to NRGZ and Sergio whom both have published many apps which i currently have, and use on my phone. I side with them, they are spending their time programing way better programs for our abuse, not wasting their time for a trivial screen lock when theres a handful of locking applications out there.
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Well, you know what:
Those "very superb developers" that love to do IMPORTANT things, can do so...
But I guess, either they have a lot of time to spend (and they have already finished whatever they've been working on) or lack the skills/knowledge/etc (whatever, I dunno, I'm not a programmer/developer), so that they can come and comment very non-creatively on something that they don't value. But, it would be better if they just didn't post their negative ideas... Those, really don't help. If someone doesn't want to spend his time on it, then he wouldn't. That includes posting comments only with nonsense/crap/BS... (It would be helpful to hear professional opinions on why that wouldn't work/be coded, though)
Short version: If you push that reply button with an undeniable urge to comment on something, wait on it, it will pass. If you have something to say, it would be more than welcome. That's my motto. (I'm saying this here, because I'm sick of all the negative approach I've seen on this site... Wow, enough for moon!)
And, I would love to see that kind of app on my Diamond too.
PS: iBoobs was the same. Every guy that
a) lacked the skills to code it
b) thought he knew all better than everyone
c) just thought/felt different
d) was pretending to be a very hard business-man
shunned it, declared it was nonsense...
Eventually, hdWobble was released, and it's by far one of the most exciting apps I'd have on my Diamond.

Will there ever be an appless rom available

I just wonder...
Isn't the whole OS supposed to be absolutely customizable??
I understand apps like phone and contacts must still exist.
The impression I have is that people want the ability to have a completely clean app tray... I know I'd like one that is specifically seperate from Phone, Contacts, SMS, and Voice Mail.
I also wish I had a clean slate for widgets.. I wish all my ring tones were gone.. I wish all the wall Papers were gone. I wish the boot animations were gone..
I don't even want the "market" app visible.. I want the option to go into the market by hitting them menu button while in my apps tray and I not only want market to perform the function of searching for apps but I want it to be have a searchable directory for apps, widgets,ringtones, wall papers, boot animations.. etc.
It would also be extremely awesome if the essential codes for the essential programs were coded into the main code instead of these apps.. so that even the native essential apps I listed could be swapped out.
I think it should be done.. And I think a new repository should be made for a new market place where the XDA elite could build the programs and leave these other guys who are doing nothing for the OS as a whole but flooding the market place... they can take a f'ing hike..
You guys should leave them on the back burner and then give me .1 cent ( cause I am freaking poor) of all your sales while we head a internet market campaign aimed at recruiting all android users over to the faster more customizable base model with an XDA market place.
Seriously.. you guys could charge access to the market place and get the service going like one of those other services that bill your cell bill..
Screw those other developers... you guys making the roms are the bread and butter of what will make android what it is...
And any developer who wants to publish programs on your better version of code.. you should charge them a fee....
and then you should lock up the code for your customized version of the OS and take a decade to release it.
I seriously want a 10th of a cent on every dollar for my thought.. its a billion dollar market... you guys could take it imo.
And as you do you could hire more people to work to get it functioning on every smart phone that hits the market.
You guys should do it.. I need a cool million and you guys need a cool billion... cut them out of the picture and make apple struggle.. i heard they are going to emulate the android OS or something on the iphone so users can switch between OS...
F it... rename the whole OS "Jack dRoid"
Nevermind...decided I didn't want to get into this discussion after all. Please ignore.
smw6180 said:
Nevermind...decided I didn't want to get into this discussion after all. Please ignore.
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omfg, that makes 2 of us...
What is customizable by a regular user??
Wall papers and widget placement????????
I despise the flooded market place that struggles to accustom a bunch of different versions of one OS.
I also despise the fact that the people doing the real developing work, are probably having their work stolen all the while others are just flooding the market place with junk trying to profit... not to mention the people here are the best customer service you can get.
It personally pisses me off.
If you guys think the pieces of the pie are in the right hands then either A. You are stealing others work and you work for someone getting a big piece of the pie or B. You are making contributions and getting nothing for it and need to check your self value.
Nobody is bringing me apps2SD,tethering, themes, roms, 2.1 but the people here...
The rest are just beating around the bush providing crappy customer service while refusing to even provide me with the option to change the way my dialer looks,. all the while providing ridiculous salaries to a bunch of slackers.
If I'm not correct just say it instead of trying to troll the thread as if its ridiculous to think or even partake in the discussion.
Cloned2 said:
What is customizable by a regular user??
Wall papers and widget placement????????
I despise the flooded market place that struggles to accustom a bunch of different versions of one OS.
I also despise the fact that the people doing the real developing work, are probably having their work stolen all the while others are just flooding the market place with junk trying to profit... not to mention the people here are the best customer service you can get.
It personally pisses me off.
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what the hell are you going on about?
<SARCASM> "I bought this cool phone and it turned out to not be an iphone. Now I'm frustrated." </SARCASM>
If I'm not correct just say it instead of trying to troll the thread as if its ridiculous to think or even partake in the discussion in any manner besides avoiding confronting what I said, directly.
Your initial post shows a lack of understanding, lack of good humor, was not particularly constructive and you are a horrible salesman. How would you like us to respond?
Cloned2 said:
If I'm not correct just say it instead of trying to troll the thread as if its ridiculous to think or even partake in the discussion in any manner besides avoiding confronting what I said, directly.
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I see no point in 'confronting what you said, directly' since it's obvious you're quite..um...passionate about your view point. There can be no honest discussion in that event since the standard rebuttal is always 'Well you're an idiot, and you're wrong' to anything that's said against the original post. As I said, I choose not to get involved in a discussion of that sort.
fixxxer2008 said:
what the hell are you going on about?
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We are talking about how some people pour bleach into laundry and act stupid so they don't have to do the laundry... Do you see what I'm saying?

Cloned2 said:
We are talking about how some people pour bleach into laundry and act stupid so they don't have to do the laundry... Do you see what I'm saying?
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I drank gasoline once, 20 minutes later I turned my penis into a flamethrower. It was cool.
smw6180 said:
I see no point in 'confronting what you said, directly' since it's obvious you're quite..um...passionate about your view point. There can be no honest discussion in that event since the standard rebuttal is always 'Well you're an idiot, and you're wrong' to anything that's said against the original post. As I said, I choose not to get involved in a discussion of that sort.
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Emotionally sensitive rationalizations with out verifiable accusations??
Then have what you expect... because "you're an idiot, and you're wrong"
I'd still like your honest opinion about any of the ideas regardless.
I like turtles.
I see the sequel to this thread being:
"Will there ever be a pointless thread available"
but it would mean that the OP of that thread didn't use the search feature to find this one
iviyth0s said:
I see the sequel to this thread being:
"Will there ever be a pointless thread available"
but it would mean that the OP of that thread didn't use the search feature to find this one
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Will you please comment atleast on whether or not you think there will be an appless rom available. lol
Cloned2 said:
Will you please comment atleast on whether or not you think there will be an appless rom available. lol
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We can't. We're all idiots and we're wrong.
doojer said:
I like turtles.
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are you zombie boy?
Cloned2 said:
Will you please comment atleast on whether or not you think there will be an appless rom available. lol
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my magic 8ball said, "Outlook not so good" Sorry man.
smw6180 said:
We can't. We're all idiots and we're wrong.
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Gimmie a break... thats not true of you

i just don't get it?

you know i was just reviewing the tp2 section of xda, the android section i should say. i see they have a port of ubutnu for the phone now. i guess i just don't get as to why you would want it? sorta the same with us hero users wanting to try out debian on our phones? whats the point of it?
if i were a touchpro2 "and i was very briefly" user id want a full port of android like the vogue users had. i mean what zen, dzo & mission were able to do to that dying phone to breath new life into it is outstanding and deserves total respect and applause from all of us.
get what im trying to say?
fixxxer2008 said:
if i were a touchpro2 "and i was very briefly" user id want a full port of android like the vogue users had. i mean what zen, dzo & mission were able to do to that dying phone to breath new life into it is outstanding and deserves total respect and applause from all of us.
get what im trying to say?
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For anybody that doesn't want to have to read this sentence 10 times to understand it, here's a punctuated and readable version:
If I were a Touch Pro 2 owner, and I actually was for a very brief period, I'd want a full port of Android, much like the Vogue users had.
I don't get what you are trying to say....
@ubuntu, the TP2 has a physical keyboard so ubuntu would be much more practical then on the hero.
@android port for TP2, ummmmm who cares about the TP2? I used dzo's android port for a long time and I greatly respect everything that they have accomplished. It truly is amazing.
I agree.
fixxxer2008 said:
you know i was just reviewing the tp2 section of xda, the android section i should say. i see they have a port of ubutnu for the phone now. i guess i just don't get as to why you would want it? sorta the same with us hero users wanting to try out debian on our phones? whats the point of it?
if i were a touchpro2 "and i was very briefly" user id want a full port of android like the vogue users had. i mean what zen, dzo & mission were able to do to that dying phone to breath new life into it is outstanding and deserves total respect and applause from all of us.
get what im trying to say?
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The sole reason I didn't get the TP2 was the fact it was running WinMo.
WinMo has to be the worst phone UI ever, why the heck would anyone want to use a stylus to navigate the UI. Nevermind the fact I've never heard one positive review of Windows Mobile as far as speed was concerned.
if i were a touchpro2 "and i was very briefly" user id want a full port of android like the vogue users had. i mean what zen, dzo & mission were able
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For anybody that doesn't want to have to read this sentence 10 times to understand it, here's a punctuated and readable version:
If I were a Touch Pro 2 owner, and I actually was for a very brief period, I'd want a full port of Android, much like the Vogue users had.
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I only read it 7 times.
sorry i was sick as hell yesterday and still am. thanks mr grammar nazi's!
my point was having a port of ubuntu is stupid IMO, id rather have a fully working android port that could be flashed to nand like the vogue users have. got it now?
I dunno if I had a TP2 and then upgraded to something else but still had my old TP2 laying around. I would most likely put something like ubuntu on it for ****s and giggles.
wow, you've graduated from useless personal opinion posts to starting whole new useless personal opinion threads. Way to go man, you're really making progress. Congratulations.
I might have a couple ideas as to why someone would attempt to run ubuntu, debian or just about anything else on their phone:
1. just because
2. it's a challenge just to see if you can do it
3. It's fun
4. did I mention "just because"
Just a heads up: your frustration over not having the skills to do these things yourself is showing...muffintop
nebenezer said:
wow, you've graduated from useless personal opinion posts to starting whole new useless personal opinion threads. Way to go man, you're really making progress. Congratulations.
I might have a couple ideas as to why someone would attempt to run ubuntu, debian or just about anything else on their phone:
1. just because
2. it's a challenge just to see if you can do it
3. It's fun
4. did I mention "just because"
Just a heads up: your frustration over not having the skills to do these things yourself is showing...muffintop
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what crawled up your ass? what just because i posted an opinion about that app you helped create? the point of a message board is to create, help and debate. all i did was give an opinion, there is no reason for you to get all worked up. it's not like i said it was useless.
Actually, man, if you leave out the first and last paragraphs and just read his list, he answered your question perfectly. The fact that you don't get it says s lot. This is, at its base, a community of hackers (or hacker wannabes, like me). Half the reason we do ANYTHING with our phones is because we can. Just for the sheer unadulterated HELL OF IT! Kinda like choosing to do themes the hard way yourself, rather than using metamorph. The fact that some of what we do makes our phones more functional is sometimes almost secondary to the feeling of having got your hands dirty and done something yourself. It is the same thing that drives people to DIY rather than just buying the finished product at the store...even when you might have saved a buck and some time just dropping the cash.
fixxxer2008 said:
what crawled up your ass? what just because i posted an opinion about that app you helped create? the point of a message board is to create, help and debate. all i did was give an opinion, there is no reason for you to get all worked up. it's not like i said it was useless.
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"didnt say regaw's toolbox was useless" either, did you? I'm tired of seeing the same old crap from you already. Every time I see your name on a post I jump past it, every thread you own I skip, for the sole reason of not feeling like reading useless BS
jerry43812 said:
"didnt say regaw's toolbox was useless" either, did you? I'm tired of seeing the same old crap from you already. Every time I see your name on a post I jump past it, every thread you own I skip, for the sole reason of not feeling like reading useless BS
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Quit ****ing trolling his threads to make a point. he's not the only one who won't use that app and yes IM calling it useless. how do you like that? or maybe the lack of hits in that thread explains it all.
you people around here need to grow up because it's giving xda a bad name and im sick of looking at the bull****.
sandboxlove said:
i know its lame, but dont people still follow if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything atall? i lurked for 2 months before i joined because i was scared people would be rude to me for asking questions/expressing opinions. xda doesnt have a bad name, only the cdma hero section. every other portal, every other FORUM, people never act like some of the people here. i think most of the people here are teenagers or lonely old men, which would explain alot.
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I'm beginning to think that too.
alright guys lets ton it down, i don't need all of my threads locked because neb is on the rag today. lets just forget it. i swear sometimes this site lives up to it's bad name.
smoother2010 said:
Quit ****ing trolling his threads to make a point. he's not the only one who won't use that app and yes IM calling it useless. how do you like that? or maybe the lack of hits in that thread explains it all.
you people around here need to grow up because it's giving xda a bad name and im sick of looking at the bull****.
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settle down man, i don't need you defending me. thanks but your thoughts are not mine. yes neb misunderstood what i said but let it go.
In an attempt to bring this thread back around to topic and stop some of the bickering:
The reasons I see for doing something like installing Debian or Ubuntu on a phone are pretty simple:
1. To see what is possible
2. To find out what your are capable of
3. To find out what the device is capable of
4. To do something that no one else around you has done
In other words, why not?
tejasrichard said:
In an attempt to bring this thread back around to topic and stop some of the bickering:
The reasons I see for doing something like installing Debian or Ubuntu on a phone are pretty simple:
1. To see what is possible
2. To find out what your are capable of
3. To find out what the device is capable of
4. To do something that no one else around you has done
In other words, why not?
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im not dissing it per say but i think a full port of android would be better. i know they pretty much abandoned android for ubuntu and there was quite a few people upset.
smoother2010 said:
Quit ****ing trolling his threads to make a point. he's not the only one who won't use that app and yes IM calling it useless. how do you like that? or maybe the lack of hits in that thread explains it all.
you people around here need to grow up because it's giving xda a bad name and im sick of looking at the bull****.
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Quit trolling this dude's threads? he dont mean a damn thing to me, and neither do you, but his actions as well as yours are uncalled for including trolling other peoples threads claiming the stuff they spend countless hours on is "useless"
join after I do but post more than I? who be the troll here, sweetie?
Have a good night.
I honestly don't know any of the background details of what was going on in the TP2 forum. This is what i was responding to:
fixxxer2008 said:
i guess i just don't get as to why you would want it? sorta the same with us hero users wanting to try out debian on our phones? whats the point of it?
get what im trying to say?
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Sometimes the purpose is the trip not the destination. That's how I feel about hacking our phones, anyway. 90% of the time, I don't really need to be able to access my desktop and take control of it through VNC, but the fact that I can makes me really happy. I don't need to be able to stream HD movies on my phone, but the fact that I will be able to with the evo has me excited. What color flashes on the screen when i tap an app doesn't really make a flying fvck in the long run, but I like the glassy blue, so I rip into every rom I download and change it. To me, that is the why that answers your initial question. To someone for whom the end functionality is the ultimate goal, the this may not make any sense, but to someone else who enjoys the process of creation and tinkering, the opposite might be true. And in a community of devs and hackers, i think you are likely to find as many or more of the latter than the former.
ITT: Ragethread
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Android on HD2

hi is there is any SIMPLE way to port Android on HD2 that is for non developers or programers, well why because i want to do it but i suck at this if theres any thread or guide will be very welcome thanks....
why dont u buy android phones?
giantsfan91 said:
why dont u buy android phones?
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^seriously :d
witchstick said:
hi is there is any SIMPLE way to port Android on HD2 that is for non developers or programers, well why because i want to do it but i suck at this if theres any thread or guide will be very welcome thanks....
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not another one of these threads. learn to use the search button. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=651632
there is NO WAY right now to even port it. like the guys above me said, go buy an android phone.
close thread please.
what you could try is:
copy a HTC desire ROM to your HD2 and see what happens when you boot it..
please let me know the outcome..
witchstick said:
hi is there is any SIMPLE way to port Android on HD2 that is for non developers or programers, well why because i want to do it but i suck at this if theres any thread or guide will be very welcome thanks....
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Just download the android.cab and you're good to go!
cheers mate
DennisCSUF said:
Just download the android.cab and you're good to go!
cheers mate
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I know its agervating to answer this question over and over when someone doesn't know how to search the forums. Tho I know you are being sarcastic, and you show may of signs of being sarcastic, but he/she may not and will end up bricking his phone.
Don't do what he suggested. You will have a $500+ brick.
God, this made my monday a lot better
Funny $ H it
lmao @ replies
ct9 said:
lmao @ replies
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Or you can do like "nothing is impossible" did...grab a 480x800 EVO screenshot and open it in albums and BOOM! Android on HD2!
kntdookoo said:
God, this made my monday a lot better
Funny $ H it
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secano said:
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Ha im an idiot..damn holidays and TUESDAYS
kntdookoo said:
Ha im an idiot..damn holidays and TUESDAYS
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I thought today was wednesday? Maybe?... No? Alright, guess I'll just go home...
Didn't know we had so many comedians here on XDA, have any of you thought about trying out for Last Comic Standing?
Did you catch a hint of sarcasm, you sure did!
Should the OP have used search, yes. Should the OP take a look at the XDA homepage from time to time, sure. But really, whats the point in replying if you have nothing to contribute of value. Reply #4, even though it was blunt and could be read in a not so pleasant tone, still offered a valid answer and link without leading the OP down the path to a possible brick. Everything other reply was useless. Go ahead, flame me all you want, I don't give a ____.
To the OP, no, there is not a direct port of Android in any flavor for the HD2, or any other WinMo based phone for that matter. Yet. This doesn't mean it won't be possible, amazing things have happened here on XDA since I joined in 2007. There are options though, keep watching this thread as there are currently 6 known working HTC WinMo devices that can run Android via a WinMo app called haret.
W.O.P.R said:
Didn't know we had so many comedians here on XDA, have any of you thought about trying out for Last Comic Standing?
Did you catch a hint of sarcasm, you sure did!
Should the OP have used search, yes. Should the OP take a look at the XDA homepage from time to time, sure. But really, whats the point in replying if you have nothing to contribute of value. Reply #4, even though it was blunt and could be read in a not so pleasant tone, still offered a valid answer and link without leading the OP down the path to a possible brick. Everything other reply was useless. Go ahead, flame me all you want, I don't give a ____.
To the OP, no, there is not a direct port of Android in any flavor for the HD2, or any other WinMo based phone for that matter. Yet. This doesn't mean it won't be possible, amazing things have happened here on XDA since I joined in 2007. There are options though, keep watching this thread as there are currently 6 known working HTC WinMo devices that can run Android via a WinMo app called haret.
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I think there's more than 6 winmo devices that can run android through haret. But otherwise, you're completely right.
I don't think a lot of the people on these forums asking for android on HD2 understand the fact that there has been no perfect android port for any winmo devices, yet. I've noticed there's a lot of new winmo users on these hd2 forums who think that a port should come soon and they will be able to install/flash it and have a perfectly working android phone. I've even heard people say they bought the hd2 anticipating an android port.
It doesn't work like that. It never has. These ports take time. They are very buggy at first, and even when they iron out the bugs, it is still not fully functional. It will probably be years before we have a port that can use bluetooth, wifi, camera, sensors, etc.
If you want to use android full-time as your main phone os, get an android phone. It's great when we can boot into android when you want and use some android apps, but it's going to be a very long time before its functional enough to want to use full-time. If you want to have a hd2 and make full use of its features, your gonna have to use winmo. A bootable android will be a great feature and fun thing to play with, but thats all its going to be good for for a long time.... something to play with. I dont think theres been a fully functional port to a winmo phone, yet.
So to the people waiting for android on your hd2... be patient, and dont expect a fully working version anytime soon.

