[Q] dell streak URL access has been blocked - Streak 5 General

Does anyone know how to fix this... I am a at&t steak owner so as all at&t streak owners know we dont have the 2.1 out for the US so what do we do flash and install it ourselves but know i can only use the internet on wifi everything i try to go in on my dell streak it says Access to Url has been block i did try out other browsers on still URL blocked what can i do?
plzzz help

sounds like you have a firewall blocking those websites, perhaps you can try another available wifi spot, with a different ISP and router. also try opera mini and see how that goes.

its fine on wifi but on 3g or edge it blockes me

alright try to see if you have any proxy settings on your APN and remove them, I had to take mine off, we don't use proxys in my carrier.

I'm on at&t with a streak bought from dell, I upgraded to 2.1 first day I got it. First build 6941 and now on 8105. I haven't had any issues with connecting to 3g or edge. Check your data connection settings. I didn't do anything to mine after I flashed but yours might be on the O2 or other uk provider stings.if that doesn't fix it give at&t a call, maybe it's something on there end.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App


At&T Tilt On Tmobile network

I have a At&t Tilt W/Duttys dualtouch final rom radio version running opera mini 4 On TMOBILE network tried eveything in the book and searched evey forum trying to figure out why my tmobile edge connection says connected and not be. PIE will start by locating, connecting, opening, and finally freezing. Opera mini will start progress and stop half way and freeze. My SMS works fine but my MMS also has a problem it will send a percentage of the file and freeze. After configuring everything manually still nothing I have called tmobile and still no hope all my settings are correct according to forums and tmobile customer support I even tried the lurch2 TmobileUS cab and the MMS Tmobile settings cab. I've also read on the fact the phone is 3g it will not work on tmobile until their release of 3g having to due with a test on their network. If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it .
JimJones said:
I have a At&t Tilt W/Duttys dualtouch final rom radio version running opera mini 4 On TMOBILE network tried eveything in the book and searched evey forum trying to figure out why my tmobile edge connection says connected and not be. PIE will start by locating, connecting, opening, and finally freezing. Opera mini will start progress and stop half way and freeze. My SMS works fine but my MMS also has a problem it will send a percentage of the file and freeze. After configuring everything manually still nothing I have called tmobile and still no hope all my settings are correct according to forums and tmobile customer support I even tried the lurch2 TmobileUS cab and the MMS Tmobile settings cab. I've also read on the fact the phone is 3g it will not work on tmobile until their release of 3g having to due with a test on their network. If anyone could help me out I would really appreciate it .
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You've probably got your answer, but I use a tilt with Edge just fine. Sounds like a phone issue. I have used Duttys Roms and they all worked fine.
Did you try?
Start/Settings/Connections/Connections/Manage existing connections/Proxy Setting/ and uncheck the box next to (the network uses a proxy server to coonect to the Internet
I hope this works for you.
What i do for my sister's tilt on tmo is use Network Wizard (google it) and install that, then tell it USA then TMO and let it do its thing. afterwards you can uninstall it if you care. i would reccomend changing the MMS settings to 5 attempts and to use T-Mobile Data rather than T-Mobile MMS to connect, that way it doesn't have to establish a new connection, it just downloads.
No Problems Here!
I have been using t-mobile on my tilt 8925 wm6.0 stock rom been through many planning on many more trying to find out how to put tmobile progs and apps on and remove att B.s. im am a n00b as i would be refered to but seeing as i have only owned a htc for as long as i have had a account here i think im moving right up the ranks and would really like to learn more and start writing my own roms looking for a push in the right direction Thanks in adavnce

youtube problem

Hi I am new the blackstone world just bought it this week and im using T-mobile in US and im using the edge network but when i try to use the youtube app on the phone it onl works when the phone is connected to wifi any ideas on how to fix this i tried searching but didnt find anythin
maybe your network isnt strong enough where you live, you can try to set the settings from highest quality to fastest download.
how do i do that
could be a proxy setting as well. with at&t, HD users had to remove the proxy entry with a registry editor. once removed, youtube worked... don't know for sure that this will work for you since you're on T-Mobile, but it's worth a try. go here for instructions to remove proxy settings.
Hi. I had the same problem (I'm living in the UK but wih TMobile). TMobile set a restriction on YouTube & you had to provide proof of being over 18 - go in to your store & get them to life restricted access - or give them a ring! You'll need credit card details as proof of age.
Phil G, South Wales

No wifi router app installed???

I just got my new hd2 yesterday and have just discovered there is no wifi router app.
O2 must have blocked this app - Bas***ds.
Anyone any ideas of how i can install this feature?
do a search and you`ll find the app posted here somewhere ....
I`ll try and find it for you now....
download here
Two fingers to O2..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i delete a post in edit..................
HI Richie,
Thanks so much, do i just drag the files onto the sd card on the phone, do you know where excatly?
copy the .cab file to your storage card and run it form file explorer.....install to device....
+1 Cheers, will give it a go.
BTW, O2 gave me a the wifi bolton FOC as well as the Unlimited net when I kicked up a fuss. How do I use their cloud WIFI service?
Hello Everyone,
Where can I get the cab files for the wifi router app for the hd2? t-mobile usa version does not have it.
Thank you,
MonnieRock said:
Hello Everyone,
Where can I get the cab files for the wifi router app for the hd2? t-mobile usa version does not have it.
Thank you,
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Link is in post #2.
Thank you, That answered my question I was wondering today about too. Lame they took it out when it was a main feature I bought the phone for. Thanks for posting it.
I did this install. I have the WiFi app installed, and running. Screen says WiFiSharing running, and ready to accecpt connections. But, when I go to my PC's, neither of them see this router. They see my home router, and several of the neighbors' routers, but not on my HD2. What could I be missing?
Try to stop the wifi router apllication and start again. It happens to my sometimes.
You can try also this, for me it worked:
That link solved my problem. My default name for the router did not have a blank in it, but just changing the name of the router for some reason made it visible. Thanks for the help!
Using Wifi Router on O2 Unlimited web
Be very careful if you are gonna use the Wifi router and you're on O2 Unlimited web.
In December, when I ordered my HD2, I was told I would have the unlimited web & download and that O2 were the only UK provider to give a "Truly unlimited mobile web service."
I've have since had my Unlimited web bolt on revoked because they said I was using it too much. According to my bills, I had been using about 1GB per month. After numerous calls to O2 I found out that the service is not unlimited and a fair use policy applies (only 200MB per month allowed). Had I have know this back in December I might have chosen a different provider but now I'm stuck on the O2 contract until July 2011.
wkc21 said:
Be very careful if you are gonna use the Wifi router and you're on O2 Unlimited web.
In December, when I ordered my HD2, I was told I would have the unlimited web & download and that O2 were the only UK provider to give a "Truly unlimited mobile web service."
I've have since had my Unlimited web bolt on revoked because they said I was using it too much. According to my bills, I had been using about 1GB per month. After numerous calls to O2 I found out that the service is not unlimited and a fair use policy applies (only 200MB per month allowed). Had I have know this back in December I might have chosen a different provider but now I'm stuck on the O2 contract until July 2011.
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Thanks for the warning. However, I have the USA T-mobile unlimited data plan. I wonder if they have the same limitation. Anyone know?
Most carriers including TMO say 5GB a month. Which is quite alot if you just use the router as a backup for when your main internet goes down or your on the road, not a good idea for torrents tho.
roundy1313 said:
I did this install. I have the WiFi app installed, and running. Screen says WiFiSharing running, and ready to accecpt connections. But, when I go to my PC's, neither of them see this router. They see my home router, and several of the neighbors' routers, but not on my HD2. What could I be missing?
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I'm having the same problem. Sometimes I can see the network and connect to it, but I have no internet still. I installed the htc wifi app on a stock tmobile US rom, to no avail. Same thing happened with the wm wifi app that is available - so I'm wondering if TMobile is blocking this somehow?
I was counting on having working wifi tethering, as I have been doing very easily with my G1, but so far no luck. This is a bit of a deal breaker for me.
kristoff123 said:
I'm having the same problem. Sometimes I can see the network and connect to it, but I have no internet still. I installed the htc wifi app on a stock tmobile US rom, to no avail. Same thing happened with the wm wifi app that is available - so I'm wondering if TMobile is blocking this somehow?
I was counting on having working wifi tethering, as I have been doing very easily with my G1, but so far no luck. This is a bit of a deal breaker for me.
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I think I saw a post somewhere saying to change your default wireless access point name on the phone, apparently it fixes it afterwards.
zdrux said:
I think I saw a post somewhere saying to change your default wireless access point name on the phone, apparently it fixes it afterwards.
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There is a wifi tether app in the omarket that works better.
Look for "Mobile Wi-Fi Router.
The app from omarket is just a beta (public) version of the HTC app, that's why it has "xda" in the name. They look the same, do the same thing - which, for me, is absolutely nothing, lol.
As for T-Mobile US, the limit is 10gb before they threaten to cap you. I've had them threaten me a few times, but so far, I can still download at 2MBit/second, lol. I have not heard of anyone actually getting capped yet, though, so I wouldn't worry. The way today's phones are headed, 10gb / month will be considered normal usage soon.
Back to the topic, I still ahve no luck with any of the wifi tether apps I have found - 3 that I know of, and i Have done hard resets, etc, changed names, etc. Still, my pc will see it but no internet. I can switch my SIM card to My Android G1, and tethering works right off the bat. I'm confounded.
cobnut said:
+1 Cheers, will give it a go.
BTW, O2 gave me a the wifi bolton FOC as well as the Unlimited net when I kicked up a fuss. How do I use their cloud WIFI service?
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register via the portal page with your phone number, look for the O2 button.

Can i use streak how router wifi?

Hallo i can use dell streak to connect my ipad,how i make with my hd2?
Hi Alfri
Just to clarify, are you asking how to set up wifi tethering? Setting up your Streak to be a hotspot for your iPad and HD2?
Jezza0 said:
Hi Alfri
Just to clarify, are you asking how to set up wifi tethering? Setting up your Streak to be a hotspot for your iPad and HD2?
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Yes.now i use ipad with the connection of hd2.i can with the streak?
Well you have two options:
1) wait until Dell release the Froyo update, because it will be built-in then (along with USB internet sharing I think), or
2) set it up now by rooting your device and installing the app from the market.
It would be amiss of me to try to give you a how-to because I've not done it; I'm just waiting for the update to give it to me for free. I'm sure you can fine one, though. Maybe start here.
Ive heard wifi tethering is suppose to be standard programming for the Streak, such as it is with the HD2. However, since the Dell Streak is Sim locked to Att, wont they be able to tell when ur tethering another device to ur Streak?
aksilvershadow said:
Ive heard wifi tethering is suppose to be standard programming for the Streak, such as it is with the HD2. However, since the Dell Streak is Sim locked to Att, wont they be able to tell when ur tethering another device to ur Streak?
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The Dell/AT&T Streak will likely get an app to engage wifi tehtering (ala iPhone) that will check your account for that access with AT&T. As of yet there isn't a 2.2 Android available on AT&T so we have nothing to go on.
But if you hack/root it you could probably do it for free. Depending on several things they or may not know if you're doing it (with a hack) unless they scrutinize you.
I've tethered (wifi and USB) for years on AT&T w/o paying for it through various hacks, but my usage is very random and just light email/browsing so I actually use less data when tethered than I do using Slingbox, Youtube, etc on the phone.
YMMV of course.
So probably not a good idea to tether my home computer or xbox to it constantly instead of using internet from an isp then?
aksilvershadow said:
So probably not a good idea to tether my home computer or xbox to it constantly instead of using internet from an isp then?
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I wouldn't if for no other reason than the latency is atrocious on mobile networks. (and if you get caught it'll be pretty hard to deny with Xbox MAC addresses in your IP packet traces)
Sorry it took awhile to get back to ya. But thanx for ur time and info.

[Q] 3g not working

Hey guys
My mobile internet doesn't seem to work on my lg gt540 what so ever although it works when connected to wifi I've contacted virgin (my provider) and I get the same BS like we will get back to you etc
I was just wondering if any of you guys could shed some light on this
Hey guys
My mobile internet doesn't seem to work on my lg gt540 what so ever although it works when connected to wifi I've contacted virgin (my provider) and I get the same BS like we will get back to you etc
I was just wondering if any of you guys could shed some light on this
EDIT : running 2.1 also this is a orange phone that I unlocked to allow use of my virgin sim could this be the problem?
I had a similar thing but going from 2.1 to 2.3.2 - I think you need to set up the APN setting for Virgin. They should have a web page explaining what the settings are. Its setup in settings, wireless & networks, mobile networks, access point names.
ultrajv said:
I had a similar thing but going from 2.1 to 2.3.2 - I think you need to set up the APN setting for Virgin. They should have a web page explaining what the settings are. Its setup in settings, wireless & networks, mobile networks, access point names.
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Thanks for your help mate. I will try it when I get home and I will let you know
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
Thank you it worked, I really appreciate the help mate
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
No problem

