[Q] Tmobile plan question - myTouch 3G, Magic General

I'm a Tmobile subscriber in the US. I do not have a data plan, and don't want one. What I want to do it get an Android-based phone such as a MyTouch and be able to use it for talk and for text, but also to be able to get online via WiFi. Before I hunt for a phone, can someone tell me if this is even possible?

If you get the phone through T-Mobile they require you to get the smart phone unlimited data plan. That's true for any smart phone. You can get one off of eBay and just put your SIM in it without telling them and you wont have to get a data plan, but keep in mind that you have to have a data plan the first time you use the phone because you have to login or create a Google account on first use. After that you will not need data and can just use wifi.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App

Thanks for the info. Does anyone know if it is possible to root this phone and then update the google account info to eliminate the need for a data plan at all?
I have a Chinese android tablet and I had to do that to get the android market to work with a method such as this: Sorry about the funny URL but my acct here is not allowed to post URLs slatedroid dot com/flytouch-epad/3763-market-app-working-flytouch-epad.html. I'm wondering if a similar hack would work in this case.

As far as I know there's no way to root until you actually gain access to the stock ROM, which is only do-able with data.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App

How about borrowing the sim card of a data subscriber just to activate the phone ? Would that work or would I be stuck with their Google acct?

No that would work. You just login with a Google account so its nothing specific to the SIM.
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App


Can i use the 10$ data plan with my n1

I wouldnt really use the internet i would just download apps and use some of the apps that require the internet (youtube, goggles, maps, weather, pandora etc.) Could att find out i have a smartphone if i dont use the broswer? Thanks
guessing you mean AT&T
you could start off at $15 for the data-unlimited plan.
After a week you will get a SMS saying they have added $5 for messaging.
After another week they will push you into their "smartphone plan".
Yes they have a way of detecting the Nexus now.
britoso said:
guessing you mean AT&T
you could start off at $15 for the data-unlimited plan.
After a week you will get a SMS saying they have added $5 for messaging.
After another week they will push you into their "smartphone plan".
Yes they have a way of detecting the Nexus now.
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always been a way, now they just see how to get more money from the at&t users being that the phone is a smartphone

BB messenger-like app for android

I've been searching around for something like this. All it needs is phone signal. This would be convenient when I'm in another country. So yeah, are there any apps like this? Paid included
The ones i can think of are the ebuddy, im+, meebo and imeasy
yeah but those require data connection. BB messenger doesnt, it sorta like has its own private network
But then wouldnt you need a connection to the BBM servers? Which most likely means u need a cellular or data connection.
Sent from my HTC HD2 running DarkStone HD2Froyo v1
U can try whatsapp very nice
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
You definitely need a data plan for BBM it just used signifigantly less data than most cause it does all the thinking n rendering on blackberries end.
On that note, the bad news is that there is definitely nothing comparable in android. Check ebuddy but you're still going to need a data plan, even with a BB.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Try kik messenger, I dont think you need a internet connection for it, I use it all the time. It's in the android market, and its free.
They all use either a data connection or sms as far as I know. What other ways are even possible? Using the GPS to send it over a satellite, or ultra far reaching bt/wifi...
PS:The last sentence is sarcasm...
google talk
Julian2103 said:
I've been searching around for something like this. All it needs is phone signal. This would be convenient when I'm in another country. So yeah, are there any apps like this? Paid included
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BBM uses an internet/data connection to acces BB's servers. You therefore need a data connection/plan to use BBM.
If you're looking for something similar, try the Ping/Pingchat app - it's cross platform (BB, iPhone, Droid) and works in a similar way to BBM (using Ping's own server network).
You'll still require a data connection (need not be wifi, or 3g for that matter) - so you ay even want to stick with something you already use on your computer (google chat, msn, skype etc via multi IMs like Nimbuzz, Fring...the later two can use Skypeout to make VOIP calls)
All apps need a data connection
WhatsApp is your best option. However, it's still in closed beta for Android. When it is released, you will be able to chat with iPhone, BB, Symbian, and Android users by just having their phone number in your phone book.
Google Talk!
Oh I see. I was under the impression that bb messenger works over cellular networks because it has its own network. Thanks for the clarification guys. Mehh blackberry step aside for android
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vivalamoza said:
U can try whatsapp very nice
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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i've just got the invitation to use it ,installed it and it sends to iphone but not receiving

Plaese give sugestions guys :'(

just had my GT540 robbed. and my developer account and my mums credit card is linked to that phone. how can i phone google to disconect this from my google account.
as they can now get to my vcredit card, my developer account and my faceboot account what can i do. can contact the androind market to push a virus to my phone. because that sound like a plan to me, and i really dont think ill get it back.
For an attempt to get your phone back, as long as your phone had gps/wireless network location on, then this might help. It's called Plan B by Lookout. From what I can gather, You install the app through market.android.com and then it will send an email to your Google Account with the location of your phone.
Hope it helps mate,
and good luck for getting your phone back .
lukemovement1 said:
just had my GT540 robbed. and my developer account and my mums credit card is linked to that phone. how can i phone google to disconect this from my google account.
as they can now get to my vcredit card, my developer account and my faceboot account what can i do. can contact the androind market to push a virus to my phone. because that sound like a plan to me, and i really dont think ill get it back.
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i think you can sign into your googlemail and change the password that will stop them from using the market because it will ask them for the new password which they dont no also change your facebook password.
Sent from my GT540 using xda premium
1st off call the telco and get ur phone line terminated
2nd think of a way to wipe the phone.....
bs828 said:
1st off call the telco and get ur phone line terminated
2nd think of a way to wipe the phone.....
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already on that. if i can get google to push an app to my phone i should be able to run "pm wipe com.android.example" to all of the packages on my phone. just need to find out how to run it in the background.

[Q] US Play Store on UK Nexus 7?

Does anyone know how to get the US Play Store working in the UK on a UK Nexus 7?
I want access to the magazines and TV shows which I can't get over in the UK store. I already registered my gmail account to a US address and bank card number (I used it on the US iTunes store). I also have a VPN but I don't know how to set up the N7 to use it like that...
u can try downloading hotspot shield on your computer(i think they have an app for android too) to get the US Play store. and try sending the app u downloaded to your device. not sure if it would work. but i tried it once and i was able to use the US play store. but didn't bother to try it out.
hope this helps
Sent from my Zte Blade using xda app-developers app
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Questions go in the Q&A section
It turns out that all I had to do was set it up using a shared US VPN and it loaded all the US apps to my Nexus 7 including Google Wallet. It even generated me a prepaid card to use for shopping with $10 credit.
There are some extra things I did to make it work however which may or may not make a difference and even after these steps the US apps vanished after a few hours disconnected from the US VPN.
Steps I took:
1. Set up a US gmail address.
2. Set up a US Unlocked prepaid US debit card and US address (this works great on iTunes as well).
3. Purchased a US VPN service and set up the VPN to share over WiFi on my Mac so that as soon as I logged in on the N7 it thought I was in the US.
4. Registered my US unlocked card and address to my US gmail address.
5. Reset N7 and connected to shared US VPN over WiFi.
The N7 thought it was in the US and everything loads and works. Including the US $25 credit for buying a N7.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Now I had two problems here. I couldn't redeem my US credit as my US Unlocked card was not topped up yet.
So I couldn't download anything either using the free credit or the topped up card yet.
I disconnected the VPN and it would load up the UK store no problem. All the US apps remained accessible. I made an additional gmail account so I had one US and UK account as well.
I left the N7 connected to my standard WiFi and a few hours later all the US apps were gone!
Reconnecting to the US VPN had the effect of allowing the play store to let me access all the magazines and TV shows but I couldn't see if downloading a magazine would make the play magazines app appear again or not.
My next steps here are to reconnect to US VPN for several hours and see if that brings back the US apps and when I have credit on the card to try purchasing and see if the apps remain.
What is clear is if I reset the N7 I can set it up again as a US N7 with all the apps.
I find it strange that the US apps would be removed automatically because if you went on holiday from the US to anywhere else in the world then all your US content would be removed after a few hours connected to foreign WiFi.
That doesn't seem right...?!
So I thought I wonder if I can make this work on a stock unlocked GN without rooting.
I had a US prepaid T-Mobile SIM lying around that doesn't work but I put it in the GN and reset it to factory and connected to the US Shared VPN.
And it worked... Wallet appeared and I was again able to generate another $10 gift card. (If I go on a US holiday I have made $20 from nothing!).
What was strange was that the play store would not let me access any music, movies, TV shows or books - only the app store.
I then put my UK Sim back in and restarted the GN and all the US apps vanished again but the play store allowed me access to all its UK products again.
Stuck the US SIM back in and the apps came back but store only showed apps again. Wallet was back as well.
It seems to me that the play store won't load anything other than apps on the GN without a working US SIM card but will allow Google Wallet to work.
I realise that I can root the galaxy nexus and set up custom firmware to make this work but I don't need to do that - I was just experimenting with the phone.
The N7 on the other hand I would like to be able to access US content at all times so I will try again when I have credit on my US unlocked card.
How did you manage to get a 'Shared us VPN' Would really appreciate any help!
NBSB said:
How did you manage to get a 'Shared us VPN' Would really appreciate any help!
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Use superfreevpn or us newfreevpn.

Locked out of US Play Store

I travel in and out of the US a couple times a year. ATM, I have a US payment method and address, I'm in the US using a T-Mobile SIM. I can't access country-restricted apps, such as Pandora and Hulu. According to MarketHelper (or whatever it was called) I am T-Mobile US. I've called contacted Google, and they've refused support since I'm running a custom ROM (CM nightlies). Hence two questions:
Any ideas about the market issues?
How can I revert to stock and be able to come back to CM easily? I can't make a nandroid because I have 10GB of Google Music.
adriangb said:
I travel in and out of the US a couple times a year. ATM, I have a US payment method and address, I'm in the US using a T-Mobile SIM. I can't access country-restricted apps, such as Pandora and Hulu. According to MarketHelper (or whatever it was called) I am T-Mobile US. I've called contacted Google, and they've refused support since I'm running a custom ROM (CM nightlies). Hence two questions:
Any ideas about the market issues?
How can I revert to stock and be able to come back to CM easily? I can't make a nandroid because I have 10GB of Google Music.
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try clearing the data for the market app, then reopen it and log in.
Google had me do that, and also the data for Google Play services. By logging back in, do you mean delete my Google account from sync settings and re-add it?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
adriangb said:
Google hagt do that, and also the data for Google Play services. By logging back in, do you mean delete my Google account from sync settings and re-add it?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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no. when you open the play store after deleting data, it asks you to accept terms of use. i meant that.
Yes, that I did
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Google uses a combination of the country your email address was reg in, as well as a few other things to determine what country store your app uses.
That's unfortunate, but how can I force it to reset? I don't even remember what country my email was registered in, but I'm sure in the US now and have been for the last year. I can confirm it's account related because I logged into another account and it works fine.
adriangb said:
That's unfortunate, but how can I force it to reset? I don't even remember what country my email was registered in, but I'm sure in the US now and have been for the last year. I can confirm it's account related because I logged into another account and it works fine.
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Only way is to contact google about it and tell the what is going on. They maybe be able to help you but dont hold out to hope.
Yes, they're support is pure garbage. I've been in contact with them but they're really no help.
Try going to Google Play My Account > Settings and confirm the carrier and device is correct. Next, try to install Pandora to the device. If it wont, it tell you why.
As I said previously is T Mobile US and I can't install Pandora. It seems to be an account issue because with a different account on my phone or on the website I can install Pandora
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
adriangb said:
As I said previously is T Mobile US and I can't install Pandora. It seems to be an account issue because with a different account on my phone or on the website I can install Pandora
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Try installing it from the web site with the same account that does not work on your phone. I may hint as to why it won't install.
When I had my Nexus S in Paris on SFR SIM, I was able to install SFR apps, but not update some US restricted ones, so I believe the market is tied to the SIM card, regardless of where the Google account was created. Other services, like Google Voice would depend on where the account was created (US only).
SIM, payment method, addresses are all US now.
I can't install even from the web (using my account).
With a different account I can install from my phone or web.
From the website it says: "This item cannot be installed in your device's country"
adriangb said:
As I said previously is T Mobile US and I can't install Pandora. It seems to be an account issue because with a different account on my phone or on the website I can install Pandora
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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adriangb said:
From the website it says: "This item cannot be installed in your device's country"
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OK, your account still thinks you have a NON US SIM card. Power off, remove the SIM, power on and connect to WiFi. Check the web and see if the carrier clears itself. If you have market enabler installed, remove it, or try a different US carrier.
This is a bit of a stretch, but could you make a new gmail in the U.S and just use that one for the market?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
AlexWekell said:
This is a bit of a stretch, but could you make a new gmail in the U.S and just use that one for the market?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I can confirm this works, I logged in from my work gmail and it works just fine. It seems like it would be a radical step to switch my Gmail account though. Theres gotta be a better way.
I called again, and this time they had me do something similar but slightly different (and ridiculous if you as me). I went to a paid app that WAS available to me (I randomly chose Minecraft) and I clicked buy (it was showing the wrong currency but I clicked anyhow) and then accepted the permissions, leading me to the next screen, which is a confirmation screen, in which the app will be purchased if you hit buy again but you don't, and you hit back and go back to the app. At this point you exit the Play Store and then (without force stopping it) you clear its data. You open it again, accept the terms and voilá! At least in my case this solved it, for some reason...
I must add that I removed foreign credit cards from google wallet (which according to previous conversations with them should have been a non-issue unless it was selected as default, which it never was), that I had on file but haven't used lately, so maybe that was related and that + a wipe of play store data was needed, I guess I'll never know now...

