[Q] Puzzle Lock Screen? - Vibrant General

Just wondering if there is a way to disable the puzzle lock screen on the Samsung Vibrant?

settings> Sounds and display, scroll down and unclick puzzle lock
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Alex530 said:
settings> Sounds and display, scroll down and unclick puzzle lock
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Jesus man, I looked everywhere and I must have missed it. Thanks for the help.

Damn, but it still leaves the swipe lock screen.

WilliamStern said:
Damn, but it still leaves the swipe lock screen.
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If you want to change the lockscreen use widget locker lockscreen. It has the original 2.1 lockscreen plus you can use Widgets.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

setting> location and security> require lock screen.
"Sweep" screen is gone forever.

Try NoLock.
NoLock removes the lock screen totally. So when you press the power button on the Vibrant... you're on your home screen, or whatever you were doing before you turned the screen off.

PathogenX said:
setting> location and security> require lock screen.
"Sweep" screen is gone forever.
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That does not exist on my Vibrant....

Use WidgetLocker. If you use it with Beautiful Widgets it makes the most awesome lockscreen ever.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

I use GOTO lockscreen and it works great.

vinnydakid said:
Use WidgetLocker. If you use it with Beautiful Widgets it makes the most awesome lockscreen ever.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Elaborate, please.

I went with GOTO, and it works great! No more stock swipe to unlock anymore. Yay!

I do it with Tasker. Keyguard disable. That way I can still have my keys locked if the phone gets turned on for some reason while I'm out & about.
I've had more fun with that app that I have the Sims3. You get a free week if you download from the site rather than Market.

On the flip side,i would like to know how to make everything that uses notifications have puzzle pieces.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.

down8 said:
That does not exist on my Vibrant....
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setting> location and security> require lock screen.
Doesn't exist on mine either. PathogenX, do you have a rooted ROM? I have "NoLock", but this would reduce one additional app installed.

This is how customizable widget locker is
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

No I am not rooted.
I am however running Launcher Pro.


How do I change the lockscreen to the stock lockscreen

i dont like the puzzle lock screen
i think you download some app but anyways this is wrong section all questions that arent to do with developing go in general
rsx19 said:
i dont like the puzzle lock screen
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you only get the puzzle screen if you have a missed call or missed SMS.
Uncheck Require Pattern.
Settings/Location and Security/Require Pattern
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Install Handcent.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
uncheck "require lock pattern" in settins- location and security
dajeoo said:
uncheck "require lock pattern" in settins- location and security
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i have never had a password, its always been unchecked, i still get the puzzle and the lame lock screen, i want the stock 2.1 slider
rsx19 said:
i have never had a password, its always been unchecked, i still get the puzzle and the lame lock screen, i want the stock 2.1 slider
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there's a free app named lockbot that you can get. it does what you want.
naxir said:
there's a free app named lockbot that you can get. it does what you want.
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its too laggy to use, and the samsung lockscreen pops up then the custom lock screen pops up after so i dont like it.
Widget locker is the best alternate lockscreen plus you can put Widgets on it and is very customizable.
Sent from my GT-I9000

Customize lockscreens?

I was curious if there was anyway to use a lockscreen other than the ones provided with CM7 (which is what I'm currently using). And where would I go about finding them?
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
There are but first learn to post in the general area if you have a question.
There is widget locker in the market as well as extracting the framework-res.apk and chamging lockscreen images and make a flashable zip.
Signatures are fancy.
Check out the WidgetLocker app. Its really awesome and well worth the price. When you buy it you will then be able to customize it and make the lockscreen change with themes other have made.
Heres a thread with some of the widgetlocker themes people are creating
Ill give it a look. Thanks for the quick reply.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA App
Whenever I used widgetlocker, my cm7 lockscreen and the widgetlocker lockscreen would always interfere with each other...how did you get around that?
works ok for me, running CM7(RC2)
agree with others, Widget Locker is the best... and only $2
Plasmamuffins said:
Whenever I used widgetlocker, my cm7 lockscreen and the widgetlocker lockscreen would always interfere with each other...how did you get around that?
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Thats why I stopped using it. Would get a hesitation using widget locker as it doesnt actually replace the stock lockscreen. It just seems to overlay it. What it appeared to be to me was that widget locker, being an app, had to load. So if it dropped out of Memory the phone had to reload it and it caused this stutter/hesitation between it and the actual lockscreen. Not that big a deal, but it gave the appearance that the phone was glitchy which I didnt like (i do everything i can to make the phone super smooth, no sense in installing an app that counters that, no matter how slight).
Now I just go with no sliders and use a gesture to unlock the phone and have another gesture to toggle sound. Super clean and confusing to whoever picks up the phone trying to be sneaky.
CallMeAria said:
Thats why I stopped using it. Would get a hesitation using widget locker as it doesnt actually replace the stock lockscreen. It just seems to overlay it. What it appeared to be to me was that widget locker, being an app, had to load. So if it dropped out of Memory the phone had to reload it and it caused this stutter/hesitation between it and the actual lockscreen. Not that big a deal, but it gave the appearance that the phone was glitchy which I didnt like (i do everything i can to make the phone super smooth, no sense in installing an app that counters that, no matter how slight).
Now I just go with no sliders and use a gesture to unlock the phone and have another gesture to toggle sound. Super clean and confusing to whoever picks up the phone trying to be sneaky.
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And gesture unlock is in the lockscreen settings, correct? And thank you for answering my question.
Plasmamuffins said:
And gesture unlock is in the lockscreen settings, correct? And thank you for answering my question.
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yup. settings>cm settings>lockscreen settings>lockscreen gestures.
I am using CM7 ,suggest lock screen wegdit,and it is free.
I was meaning more like lock sreen styles, as apposed to the rotary wheel and tab.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA Premium App

Lock Screen

Anybody know of an app besides executive assistant that puts info on your lock screen. Like mail, calender appointments and so on.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Ramsport said:
Anybody know of an app besides executive assistant that puts info on your lock screen. Like mail, calender appointments and so on.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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i use WidgetLocker. it works great and basically lets you put any widget, or application shortcut on the lock screen as well as custom sliders.
graemegb said:
i use WidgetLocker. it works great and basically lets you put any widget, or application shortcut on the lock screen as well as custom sliders.
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+ 1
I haven't had anything I wanted to put the lock screen widget locker couldn't handle. Custom sliders is icing on the cake
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I use widget locker with missed it (purchase) but I have it list email accounts SMS missed calls and daily events works great
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
+1 widget locker. Dev is quick to fix problems that arise. Like fingerprint issue was fixed in a couple days after bug was found
posted via Atrix in lapdock

Lockscreen similar for QQ Launcher's or similar

Is there a way some could extract the lockscreen from QQ Launcher or recommend a lockscreen that is very similar to it? I tried to get some off the market but those never override the system lockscreens. I was hoping for a apk or even a zip for one.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I dont know what that lock screen is but i use menu lock which gives you 8 buttons. You pull the button over to open an app that you have assigned. I also use No Lock which is an app that keeps your phone from using its lock. Together it makes it to where the only lock i see is menu lock.
It is the best app i have of the over 100 i now have and the well over 500 i have tried.
Good luck.
Sent from my Epic on Midnight or my Galaxy Tab rooted (feels naked without a ROM)
Thanks for replying.... I forgot all about No Lock. I think I know how to get the lockscreen that I want.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Yup NoLock is great I use it to text at school and don't want an unlock screen lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
Well I think I spoke to soon. I can't disable the system's lockscreen. Even with No Lock enabled. I downloaded the QQ Launcher just for the lockscreen so that I could use it with Go Launcher. It works sometimes, but Im still getting my old system lockscreen. Its gotta be a way to disable the system lockscreen.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Lock screen rotation

Is there anyway to make the lock screen rotatable?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
p-slim said:
Is there anyway to make the lock screen rotatable?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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I'd like to know if this is possible too.
Set Orientation https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.googlecode.eyesfree.setorientation
Pull down the notification bar and press the screen with spinning arrows icon, it will change to a padlock once it's pressed.
I have my DPI set to 160 which puts it in tablet mode, and still the lockscreen is only in portrait. I don't want an app that locks the orientation because I'm still about 50/50 on using portrait and landscape.
Kitten Mittens said:
I have my DPI set to 160 which puts it in tablet mode, and still the lockscreen is only in portrait. I don't want an app that locks the orientation because I'm still about 50/50 on using portrait and landscape.
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The Set Orientation app lets you set it to auto, the lockscreen will rotate with the tablet.
This does work. However I use widgetsoid in the notifications drawer, and with screen krien. enabled, I can't adjust brightness. Just and fyi, but figured someone else must use this combo as well. The screen orien. also makes some apps tough to use in landscape, such as songza.
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if you have root, add this to your build.prop file in /system/build.prop/ and reboot.. launcher.force_enable_rotation=true
p-slim said:
Is there anyway to make the lock screen rotatable?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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You could also flash a ROM like Paranoid Android which gives you control over what interface each app uses like phone, phablet, and tablet. This is probably not the solution you were looking for, but you did say any way to make the lock screen rotatable.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
jabsys said:
Set Orientation https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.googlecode.eyesfree.setorientation
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Working great, thanks. Is there a way to hide the icon in the notification bar?
simms22 said:
if you have root, add this to your build.prop file in /system/build.prop/ and reboot.. launcher.force_enable_rotation=true
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This didn't work for me.
kingofcomedy said:
Working great, thanks. Is there a way to hide the icon in the notification bar?
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Tap and hold the notification, go to App Info and uncheck "Show notifications"
tdroza said:
Tap and hold the notification, go to App Info and uncheck "Show notifications"
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Thanks for the info, but after some days I have uninstalled the app as it has been the reason for short screen-freezes every x seconds which was kind of annoying.
CM10 supports lock screen rotation.
Sent from my Nexus 7
Ultimate Rotation Control.
I use Ultimate Rotation Control. It rotates everything, including the lockscreen, & has different settings.

