Lock Screen - Atrix 4G General

Anybody know of an app besides executive assistant that puts info on your lock screen. Like mail, calender appointments and so on.
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Ramsport said:
Anybody know of an app besides executive assistant that puts info on your lock screen. Like mail, calender appointments and so on.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
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i use WidgetLocker. it works great and basically lets you put any widget, or application shortcut on the lock screen as well as custom sliders.

graemegb said:
i use WidgetLocker. it works great and basically lets you put any widget, or application shortcut on the lock screen as well as custom sliders.
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+ 1
I haven't had anything I wanted to put the lock screen widget locker couldn't handle. Custom sliders is icing on the cake
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

I use widget locker with missed it (purchase) but I have it list email accounts SMS missed calls and daily events works great
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

+1 widget locker. Dev is quick to fix problems that arise. Like fingerprint issue was fixed in a couple days after bug was found
posted via Atrix in lapdock


HTC messaging app

To anyone with a MT3G slide -
In the messaging widget, do you guys have a 4x4 list option, similar to the mail widget? If so, could you post the apk please?
The only option for the messaging widget is the one that you flick and its like pieces of paper that go up and down. There are no others.
The only option for the messaging widget is the one that you flick and its like pieces of paper that go up and down. There are no others.
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Ok. Thanks for the response.
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[Q] Puzzle Lock Screen?

Just wondering if there is a way to disable the puzzle lock screen on the Samsung Vibrant?
settings> Sounds and display, scroll down and unclick puzzle lock
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Alex530 said:
settings> Sounds and display, scroll down and unclick puzzle lock
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Jesus man, I looked everywhere and I must have missed it. Thanks for the help.
Damn, but it still leaves the swipe lock screen.
WilliamStern said:
Damn, but it still leaves the swipe lock screen.
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If you want to change the lockscreen use widget locker lockscreen. It has the original 2.1 lockscreen plus you can use Widgets.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
setting> location and security> require lock screen.
"Sweep" screen is gone forever.
Try NoLock.
NoLock removes the lock screen totally. So when you press the power button on the Vibrant... you're on your home screen, or whatever you were doing before you turned the screen off.
PathogenX said:
setting> location and security> require lock screen.
"Sweep" screen is gone forever.
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That does not exist on my Vibrant....
Use WidgetLocker. If you use it with Beautiful Widgets it makes the most awesome lockscreen ever.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I use GOTO lockscreen and it works great.
vinnydakid said:
Use WidgetLocker. If you use it with Beautiful Widgets it makes the most awesome lockscreen ever.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Elaborate, please.
I went with GOTO, and it works great! No more stock swipe to unlock anymore. Yay!
I do it with Tasker. Keyguard disable. That way I can still have my keys locked if the phone gets turned on for some reason while I'm out & about.
I've had more fun with that app that I have the Sims3. You get a free week if you download from the site rather than Market.
On the flip side,i would like to know how to make everything that uses notifications have puzzle pieces.
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA app.
Typos, incorrect words, gibberish, and other nonsense brought to you courtesy of Swype.
down8 said:
That does not exist on my Vibrant....
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setting> location and security> require lock screen.
Doesn't exist on mine either. PathogenX, do you have a rooted ROM? I have "NoLock", but this would reduce one additional app installed.
This is how customizable widget locker is
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
No I am not rooted.
I am however running Launcher Pro.

Lockscreen similar for QQ Launcher's or similar

Is there a way some could extract the lockscreen from QQ Launcher or recommend a lockscreen that is very similar to it? I tried to get some off the market but those never override the system lockscreens. I was hoping for a apk or even a zip for one.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I dont know what that lock screen is but i use menu lock which gives you 8 buttons. You pull the button over to open an app that you have assigned. I also use No Lock which is an app that keeps your phone from using its lock. Together it makes it to where the only lock i see is menu lock.
It is the best app i have of the over 100 i now have and the well over 500 i have tried.
Good luck.
Sent from my Epic on Midnight or my Galaxy Tab rooted (feels naked without a ROM)
Thanks for replying.... I forgot all about No Lock. I think I know how to get the lockscreen that I want.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Yup NoLock is great I use it to text at school and don't want an unlock screen lol
Sent from my SPH-D700
Well I think I spoke to soon. I can't disable the system's lockscreen. Even with No Lock enabled. I downloaded the QQ Launcher just for the lockscreen so that I could use it with Go Launcher. It works sometimes, but Im still getting my old system lockscreen. Its gotta be a way to disable the system lockscreen.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Assistive Light Widget Mod Help

Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
YoungChrisG said:
Ok, so I love having the assistive light widget. Its the only flashlight app/widget I've seen with the ability to launch it and simultaneously view other apps or lock the screen and have it continue to operate. However. The widget is larger than it need be and is above all ugly as sin.
My idea is to use something like Desktop Visualizer to create a 1x1 transparent widget to place in a second dock in Apex Launcher or somewhere on the home screen.
My problem is I cannot find the corresponding app or action to link the custom widget to the Assistive Light widget.
Does anyone know what it is, where to look, or can find it? Because I have been at it for two days and continue to fail lol.
Thanks for the time and help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
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Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
mickeywdw1254 said:
Might I suggest TeslaLED from the Play store? It comes in very handy and has a 1x1 widget that isn't an eye sore. It also stays on whether you turn off the screen or start using other apps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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I will do just that. Thanks for the help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

Lockscreen widgets

So in the lockscreen before you draw the pattern or password, I have a digital clock. If you slide the screen to right or left you can add a widget of your choice but it only gives you a choice of like 5 widgets that are Google related. I couldn't find a way to add my own. Is there such a way? Thank you.
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konoplya said:
So in the lockscreen before you draw the pattern or password, I have a digital clock. If you slide the screen to right or left you can add a widget of your choice but it only gives you a choice of like 5 widgets that are Google related. I couldn't find a way to add my own. Is there such a way? Thank you.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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By default apps have to declare lockscreen widget to show up in lockscreen widget picker. If you want all widgets then you will need a custom ROM (or some Xposed module, I believe).

