AOSP vs. Sense - EVO 4G General

I've been using HTC Sense since getting my Evo on launch day and have been loving it. However, I keep hearing about AOSP and how the much-awaited Cyanogen ROM that is in development is using it.
What are some of the key differences between both?!

someone should post a picture comparison of Sense vs AOSP so threads like these will stop being created.

Download and flash evo v9 and find out for yourself.

MrDSL said:
Download and flash evo v9 and find out for yourself.
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That does not help very much ...
This question will be asked 4923891x with people posting answers like this. I also have this same question as I have only flashed the Fresh, and Dam rom's.

IAMCLP1 said:
That does not help very much ...
This question will be asked 4923891x with people posting answers like this. I also have this same question as I have only flashed the Fresh, and Dam rom's.
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No seriously, take a look for yourself its not that hard....rolls eyes

IAMCLP1 said:
That does not help very much ...
This question will be asked 4923891x with people posting answers like this. I also have this same question as I have only flashed the Fresh, and Dam rom's.
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It will happen no matter what..Its not like AOSP is something new. There are countless pics of AOSP on these forums already. Google pic search for AOSP and you will also find many.
You have to use a AOSP ROM to really know how much better then sense it really is. Sure you'll loose some fancy dancy widgets but I have found good replacements for all the ones I used.

MrDSL said:
It will happen no matter what..Its not like AOSP is something new. There are countless pics of AOSP on these forums already. Google pic search for AOSP and you will also find many.
You have to use a AOSP ROM to really know how much better then sense it really is. Sure you'll loose some fancy dancy widgets but I have found good replacements for all the ones I used.
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Yeah, I have looked at all the pics, etc ... I will just wait for this AOSP Froyo to be released then I will see first hand
You are correct this will be asked more times than it should, but better answers help sometimes. (and it was not like this was a bad question, vs some that I have seen)

Here are some screen shots, I'll try to add more later.
IAMCLP1 said:
Yeah, I have looked at all the pics, etc ... I will just wait for this AOSP Froyo to be released then I will see first hand
You are correct this will be asked more times than it should, but better answers help sometimes. (and it was not like this was a bad question, vs some that I have seen)
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It is a very different feel. I like clean/simple things (I like Apples computers and gadgets, for example) and to me AOSP has a more clean simple feel. I think Sense has a great look to it, but some of the bubbliness is tacky to me. The lock screen and rosie are nice, but most of the apps (calendar, RSS, etc.) and widgets are gaudy to me. I particularly dislike the bubble at the bottom to switch tabs thing, just ugly to me.
I also think there are some big UI mistakes in Sense. Editing a contact is confusing for instance.
However I do like the black notification bar, and I like Bugless Beast's launcher with a black google search bar.
In the end it is a matter of taste. One of the reasons I moved from my iPhone to an Android phone was to have more options in regards to this kind of stuff.


Sense-Froyo Rom for Nexus One

Does any one know if there is a Sense-Froyo Rom for Nexus One?
If so is it any good / stable, if not any ideas when?
Cool thanks guys.
Yea there is one but stable not really to confident on that but you should be able to find a sense ui rom on there
nexus9988 said:
Yea there is one but stable not really to confident on that but you should be able to find a sense ui rom on there
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Going for the grammar award?
OP: Did you try searching? It took me roughly 7 seconds to find this -->
Try working things out for yourself or taking an I.T class in future
cymru said:
Going for the grammar award?
OP: Did you try searching? It took me roughly 7 seconds to find this -->
Try working things out for yourself or taking an I.T class in future
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I'd rather post a quick question to people who are dealing with this frequently, than trawl the web, sift through junk and install something which has lots of bugs.
Cheer up, its not all bad.
Thanks for the link.
you'll have to forgive XDA, recently it has attracted many young people that get bullied at home and school, this is a place they can come and anonymously display their e-toughness. Just ignore them.
btw, i dont think there is a sense rom that has everything working like your stock version. i hope im wrong but i was interested in rooting to use sense, in the development section i couldnt find any that didnt have disclaimers about things that arent working, so i havent gotten to try it out yet. But again, maybe im wrong, and i hope i am.
Without a criteria of what he is looking for other than good and stable it's hard to give a good answer. It's not about e-toughness, it's about searching, putting together an informative post, and reading the forum rules.
'cymru' is 100% correct. All it took was a search and reading comments about what does and does not work, then nandroid backup and try the rom and see if it passes the "good and stable" test.
DMaverick50 said:
you'll have to forgive XDA, recently it has attracted many young people that get bullied at home and school, this is a place they can come and anonymously display their e-toughness. Just ignore them.
btw, i dont think there is a sense rom that has everything working like your stock version. i hope im wrong but i was interested in rooting to use sense, in the development section i couldnt find any that didnt have disclaimers about things that arent working, so i havent gotten to try it out yet. But again, maybe im wrong, and i hope i am.
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WHat he said.
Sense UI has its bugs on the N1. I think LauncherPro is 100x better than Sense UI. It's just not as smooth (this is coming from experience using it on an Evo 4g)
stuff said:
WHat he said.
Sense UI has its bugs on the N1. I think LauncherPro is 100x better than Sense UI. It's just not as smooth (this is coming from experience using it on an Evo 4g)
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I'd run a stable sense rom if there was one with Launcher Pro as my launcher... I want sense for the camera, calc, dialer, calander, emails etc. not the launcher. The applications on it are just way better quality!
LevitateJay said:
I'd run a stable sense rom if there was one with Launcher Pro as my launcher... I want sense for the camera, calc, dialer, calander, emails etc. not the launcher. The applications on it are just way better quality!
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Well there are some roms that have ported sense camera, and apps.
I do believe my "The Official" rom has them. It didn't come stock with the sense camera, but I had it installed (easy to do from spare parts, plus I have 720p recording).
The best you can do is look for a rom with those things ported over.
Evils q&d sensefroyo is killer he had updates frequently and his newest v1.1 is amazing
crx4xharder said:
Evils q&d sensefroyo is killer he had updates frequently and his newest v1.1 is amazing
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I might check that out...I tried KingKlick's latest rom and my phone rebooted all night long with it. Lamesauce.
I agree with cymru, its not that hard to click one section over to development and see what's there instead of someone making a new thread everytime, and xda agrees. Not a big a deal yes, just saying I agree
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DMaverick50 said:
you'll have to forgive XDA, recently it has attracted many young people that get bullied at home and school, this is a place they can come and anonymously display their e-toughness. Just ignore them.
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Luckily i've been a member for a number of years so don't fall into this category...
If it wasn't for XDA recently attracting many young people that weren't taught at home or school in how to do something for themselves once in a while they wouldn't have to come and anonymously display their e-laziness. Just shut up.
Hi guys, if the battle for whos the cleverist is now over, heres some feed back for the advice given.
I've installed, Evils q&d sensefroyo. Been running it for a few days, its cool. A little buggy, a few force closes, high battery use, no bluetooth, but very usable.
Again thanks for the input, hope this helps anyone else who was looking for similar info.
I tried kingxclikz and Paul's r23 roms, I must say the first one is very buggy and there are no ways to use it even for 24h(though I think it needs an eclair radio),Paul's rom is way more stable but the lack of Metamorph themes,trackball mods and BT are too important.
He promised to release a new version soon so all we can do is wait and see!
Ughh. No BT on any sense ROM then?
Is anybody even working on bluetooth for Desire roms? I don't think anybody actually is. There are a few people I think might be capable like Paul but he's busy with other things now by the looks of it

Thoughts on MIUI Rom

I'm sure I will get flamed but here goes anyway. Everyone is jumping on to the MIUI bandwagon, and yes in my opinion it does have a few cool features, but not enough to win me over. Am I the only one on XDA that kind of dislikes this rom? I've tried to like it but I just can't. I like roms that tend to be more stock anyway, I think modded froyo such as enom's rom and cyanogenmod etc. have all of the features and beauty that I need. I see a lot of people saying think iOS and Android together! If I wanted iOS I would own an iPhone and not a N1.
I understand it is all preference and whatnot, but I can't be the only one who hates the MIUI interface. FM Radio cool! Interface not cool! I know I can install other launchers but to me that kind of defeats the whole purpose of running this rom.
I'm not going to mess with it anymore, I just wanted to give it a chance.
Am I the only one who doesn't care for this rom?
Sorry for the rant
It's okay. I dont hate or like it
Haven't tried it. It looks nice and well done but the iOS styling doesn't draw me in
Think I'm gonna try it, but I'm with you flapjaxx
Sent from my Nexus Two Prototype using Tapatalk Pro
you're probably the only one who would make a thread about it.
First thread I've seen about MUI. Flashing now
typ_ex said:
you're probably the only one who would make a thread about it.
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Probably.. I just don't see what the big deal is about this rom. I posted in the general forum so I am allowed to express an opinion/vent a little about a rom thats getting a lot of attention and I personally don't see what all the hype is about.
By the way you did read and reply to my thread.
Yea you're correct in stating that installing other launchers defeats the purpose. I liked it for about a week but went back i'm on micromods hybrid...for me the sense roms got me hyped up. If the Mui wasnt iphone'd up then it would actually be really sweet but that whole iphone thing just ruins the experience and awww of having an android device
I agree with you OP. I dont like it at all. Now the fact they made a new UI is cool, but like OP said, if I wanted iOS, I would have bought an iPhone
haha fair enough.
I am not too big on the iphone icons either. However, I do like the lock screen, speed, and the battery life.
Also it isnt as obvious as in cyan, but it does have .flac support and will stop playing music when you disconnect. However it will not play upon reconnecting.
typ_ex said:
haha fair enough.
I am not too big on the iphone icons either. However, I do like the lock screen, speed, and the battery life.
Also it isnt as obvious as in cyan, but it does have .flac support and will stop playing music when you disconnect. However it will not play upon reconnecting.
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The lock screen is slick. It does seem speedy, I can't confirm battery life only because I wasn't able to use it long enough to really wear on a battery. I do appreciate that there are so many choices with custom roms and the dev team that created this rom has obviously worked hard and it shows. That is the beauty of android, so many choices. It is a very pretty rom no doubt, but I just prefer a more stock type interface.
The MIUI ROM looks nice, but I also prefer a stock, simple look. Im happy to see them pushing the envelope though.
the big hype is because MIUI is a complete overhaul, different than what we are used to. Sometimes a change once in awhile is good, and MIUI is a great change I jump from cyan to MIUI. FM radio, lockscreen, and the UI is amazing, I do prefer different style icons but that's about it
It's a very, very optimized ROM. Battery life, speed, the super-neat toggles in the notification tray. You can just install another launcher and still benefit from all of the above plus the great lock screen, FM radio, and excellent phone/SMS/contact apps.
I Agree, with launcher it's really a nice rom !!
I like the resent part who include a task killer.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I like the UI, but i miss a few features from CM.
CM with the MIUI launcher would be great.
flappjaxxx said:
I'm sure I will get flamed but here goes anyway. Everyone is jumping on to the MIUI bandwagon, and yes in my opinion it does have a few cool features, but not enough to win me over. Am I the only one on XDA that kind of hates this rom? I've tried to like it but I just can't. I like roms that tend to be more stock anyway, I think modded froyo such as enom's rom and cyanogenmod etc. have all of the features and beauty that I need. I see a lot of people saying think iOS and Android together! If I wanted iOS I would own an iPhone and not a N1.
I understand it is all preference and whatnot, but I can't be the only one who hates the MIUI interface. FM Radio cool! Interface not cool! I know I can install other launchers but to me that kind of defeats the whole purpose of running this rom.
I'm not going to mess with it anymore, I just wanted to give it a chance.
Am I the only one who hates this rom?
Sorry for the rant
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And who told you that you have to use it and are not allowed to use anything else???
If you don't like it use something different. Whats the problem?
I don't like pink colored t-shirts so i don't wear them. I don't blame anybody else that wears pink t-shirts. I don't tell anyone that I hate them. I just don't wear them.
Same thing for you, if you don't like MIUI Rom don't use it. Try it, if you don't like it restore nandroid backup and forget about it...
And shut up, keep it for yourself that you don't like it.
g4rb4g3 said:
And who told you that you have to use it and are not allowed to use anything else???
If you don't like it use something different. Whats the problem?
I don't like pink colored t-shirts so i don't wear them. I don't blame anybody else that wears pink t-shirts. I don't tell anyone that I hate them. I just don't wear them.
Same thing for you, if you don't like MIUI Rom don't use it. Try it, if you don't like it restore nandroid backup and forget about it...
And shut up, keep it for yourself that you don't like it.
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Heh. Angry much? I can say whatever I like. That's the beauty of this forum. We can have that freedom. Have a good day buddy!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
typ_ex said:
you're probably the only one who would make a thread about it.
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ROFL! My thoughts exactly.
flappjaxxx said:
I'm sure I will get flamed but here goes anyway. Everyone is jumping on to the MIUI bandwagon, and yes in my opinion it does have a few cool features, but not enough to win me over. Am I the only one on XDA that kind of hates this rom? I've tried to like it but I just can't. I like roms that tend to be more stock anyway, I think modded froyo such as enom's rom and cyanogenmod etc. have all of the features and beauty that I need. I see a lot of people saying think iOS and Android together! If I wanted iOS I would own an iPhone and not a N1.
I understand it is all preference and whatnot, but I can't be the only one who hates the MIUI interface. FM Radio cool! Interface not cool! I know I can install other launchers but to me that kind of defeats the whole purpose of running this rom.
I'm not going to mess with it anymore, I just wanted to give it a chance.
Am I the only one who hates this rom?
Sorry for the rant
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Umm...dont use it then?
Just want to say I tried the port for my Inc, but went back to cm6.
Though I don't feel as if its my flavor of ROM, I do want to say it is very innovative, and probably the first (at least on ROMs for the Inc) of its kind to really truly redesign the interface.
So while I don't use it, I would definitely like to see more transformations of this kind.
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flappjaxxx said:
I'm sure I will get flamed but here goes anyway. Everyone is jumping on to the MIUI bandwagon, and yes in my opinion it does have a few cool features, but not enough to win me over. Am I the only one on XDA that kind of hates this rom? I've tried to like it but I just can't. I like roms that tend to be more stock anyway, I think modded froyo such as enom's rom and cyanogenmod etc. have all of the features and beauty that I need. I see a lot of people saying think iOS and Android together! If I wanted iOS I would own an iPhone and not a N1.
I understand it is all preference and whatnot, but I can't be the only one who hates the MIUI interface. FM Radio cool! Interface not cool! I know I can install other launchers but to me that kind of defeats the whole purpose of running this rom.
I'm not going to mess with it anymore, I just wanted to give it a chance.
Am I the only one who hates this rom?
Sorry for the rant
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Well i guess you have a wrong concept of the MIUI rom. It is not because of the launcher ppl like the rom. But because of the tweaks. till now there are no roms to my knowledge where you could change the lockscreen within the android os. ( i am not talking of 3rd party apps like widget locker....., here it's different. it's the native one being modified. ) we havent been able to change native phone and contact.apk, we were just applying themes. but the MIUI is different. Even when you go to settings in the menu, you'll observe how things get snappier and all bouncy. Not to mention the little menu's in the lockscreen ( now being seen in the sense HD), answer&reject mods when receiving calls... and the FM radio which were unknown and still being documented in the xda community. Basically everything has been modifies here, even the mms.apk.
so i guess it is wrong to make such an assumption based only on the launcher which ressembles the iphone. I have been using the MIUI with launcher pro and I had amazing battery life.
If you do not like a rom , just don't use it. Why dont u make another thread saying that rodriguezstyle is too greenish or micromod's roms are too glassy ( sorry chefs , lol . it was just to make my point). or maybe somebody else should start another thread saying i hate stock looking roms! Of course you can come up with all these talks that xda is a community forum, everybody has the right to bla bla bla , democracy.... and you do have the right but it is all about MANNERS and RESPECT here! You do not critise someone's work ( which you are getting for free btw) just because of ur taste!!

[rom request] Vanilla makes Sense...

Ok... there are a nice hand full of "sense-less" sense roms out right now, Athena being my favorite of these. But once upon a time, before Incdoes blew up into a monster dev (then crashed and burned) he did the complete opposite. He had his "Best of both worlds" AOSP rom with sense stuff in it (rom thread here) This was my favorite rom at that time.... I like AOSP but also like a lot of the sense... i know i'm not the only one who feels the same, so can this be done now with GB? Hope someone with the skills tries this cuz i think people would like this also......
I still have his v2.0 and v2.1 if someone wants to take a look at them and try for them selves.....
download links.... of 2 worlds/ of 2 worlds/
hey stoney.....i would love to try it out...still looking for something different...and I never tried it when he was around...was digging his DesireZ, and am still running it to this day, even though i can't access internal memory...where can I get it?
I agree. I LOVED that rom. Sense widget support with a stock launcher (and feel) for me would be ideal. Great idea trying to bring something of this caliber back!
JoeProcopio said:
hey stoney.....i would love to try it out...still looking for something different...and I never tried it when he was around...was digging his DesireZ, and am still running it to this day, even though i can't access internal memory...where can I get it?
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I'll post v2.0 and 2.1 as soon as I get home, about 30min......
Yup.... The ones yoe momma told ya about.... Bad Seed Customs!!
WOuld this rom be able to use the sense facebook and such?
Updated OP with download links.....
Edit: Disregard
The only thing I miss from Sense is the camera app. Widgets etc. I never really cared for. The Sense camera is amazing though.
crondable said:
The only thing I miss from Sense is the camera app. Widgets etc. I never really cared for. The Sense camera is amazing though.
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That's one of the major things that takes me back to sense....
Yup.... The ones yoe momma told ya about.... Bad Seed Customs!!
I'd love to pull is HTC Flashlight and Camera apps for AOSP Gingerbread
bump cuz i want this!!!!!!!
It seems like the think in that rom that worked were just apks werent they?
Most HTC apks should be installable still. Im not sure if that rom used actually sense widgets or not.
I think there are framework issues. Especially since HTC has not released their gingerbread update yet. Even then, I'm sure its proprietary.
Khanam also posted 2.3 in the original thread. This may help whoever wants to take this over.
khanam said:
found 2.3 in my office pc. its 77.25mb. here is the link. should work. flashing it was finicky when i flashed it way back so dont be surprised if you get FCs. also how i got it to work was by flashing it over cm6. maybe it was just me
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Question about ROMS

Why is it not mandatory for people to post screen shots of their ROM, when submitting a new thread for people to try it?
I personally don't wanna waste time and hassle flashing a ROM to find out it's ugly and not well made.
You can spend hours, days, weeks building a ROM.. but can't take 3 seconds or less to take a screen shot?
Why should it be made mandatory? We all know what Sense ROMs look like. We all know what AOSP ROMs look like, we all know what Miui ROMs look like. If you cannot put two and two together to get four maybe you shouldn't be flashing ROMs. Screen Shots do very little to illustrate how well a ROM preforms. It just shows what it looks like. You don't look in the paper for a car and think "i want that car" without test driving it first. And you do not rely on other people test driving the car for you then reporting back to you.
I personally have no problems with them not offering screen shots for their ROMs. I'd rather download it and install it and test it for myself. After all it's easy for us to say what we like on your phone.
Because if the ROM is not themed (which will be stated) they all basically look the same. We all know what AOSP looks like, and we all know what Sense looks like. Why would you judge the ROM off of someone else's wallpaper?
neidlinger said:
Why should it be made mandatory. We all know what Sense ROMs look like. We all know what AOSP ROMs look like, we all know what Miui ROMs look like. If you cannot put two and two together to get four maybe you shouldn't be flashing ROMs. Screen Shots do very little to illustrate how well a ROM preforms. It just shows what it looks like. You don't look in the paper for a car and think "i want that car" without test driving it first. And you do not rely on other people test driving the car for you then reporting back to you.
I personally have no problems with them not offering screen shots for their ROMs. I'd rather download it and install it and test it for myself. After all it's easy for us to say what we like on your phone.
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Yea, what he said! That always happens to me!
mmcblk said:
Thats the point. Now we know diff Sense variant with GingerSense (2/2.1/3) but far as AOSP based goes few that lets not name is all same with just nice polished theme, thats about it. So for new users who don't know where the sourcetree came from they wouldn't understand A,B,C,D,E rom's as they are all same so SS is required. But for people who does know the change log alone speaks louder than the UI. This is why most stick with pure CM7 (NB/RC/SR) based.
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I post ss even though my aosp is completely vanilla and I have no plans to theme it or move away from the vanilla look
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
mmcblk said:
Thats the point. Now we know diff Sense variant with GingerSense (2/2.1/3) but far as AOSP based goes few that lets not name is all same with just nice polished theme, thats about it. So for new users who don't know where the sourcetree came from they wouldn't understand A,B,C,D,E rom's as they are all same so SS is required. But for people who does know the change log alone speaks louder than the UI. This is why most stick with pure CM7 (NB/RC/SR) based.
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I understand where you are coming from. but though out time i'm sure any Android user has seen all of the different UI's. They might not know what they are named, but they know what they are, and have seen them. That's kinda the point i'm getting at. I'm not trying to sound like a jackwagon but someone doesn't need to hold their respective hands 24 / 7.
Self accountability and self responsibility i guess is a thing of the past.
faux123 said:
I post ss even though my aosp is completely vanilla and I have no plans to theme it or move away from the vanilla look
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
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for what it is worth.
And i completely agree with your judgment call on leaving vanilla just plain vanilla.
mmcblk said:
But you miss the point again. Most of those new roms now are all CM7 spin off and they honestly offer nothing new other than the Theme. This is not debate about UI as we know what it looks like but this is to shed light on the folks who puts a theme and declare it a rom. SS is needed because they have diff theme if it was plain vanilla they wouldn't exist now would it? Now I am not bashing any dev's but come on do we really want to go in that path.
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I guess we are side stepping each others argument. We'd make good politicians . SS would provide a good insight to how the ROM is theme'd, and how it looks... And i'll give you that. But it will not do any justification on how well the ROM runs. How smooth it is or anything. My point still stands. Screens shots will not tell you how well a ROM is built it only tells you how it looks.
I agree with the OP, ss should be mandatory if you've done any form of custom graphical changes. While it wont depict the performance, it sure will give an idea on the appearance. Whether its food, cars, women & even roms, appearance is a deal breaker for me
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neidlinger said:
Why should it be made mandatory? We all know what Sense ROMs look like. We all know what AOSP ROMs look like, we all know what Miui ROMs look like. If you cannot put two and two together to get four maybe you shouldn't be flashing ROMs. Screen Shots do very little to illustrate how well a ROM preforms. It just shows what it looks like. You don't look in the paper for a car and think "i want that car" without test driving it first. And you do not rely on other people test driving the car for you then reporting back to you.
I personally have no problems with them not offering screen shots for their ROMs. I'd rather download it and install it and test it for myself. After all it's easy for us to say what we like on your phone.
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so i post 5 links to 5 roms
all you know is 3 are 2.2.1 and 2 are 2.3
2 are similar in looks
3 are totally different.
you're gonna flash every single one of them til you find one that suits you?
forget that...
HTCMDA said:
so i post 5 links to 5 roms
all you know is 3 are 2.2.1 and 2 are 2.3
2 are similar in looks
3 are totally different.
you're gonna flash every single one of them til you find one that suits you?
forget that...
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This thread reminds me of trying to get my wife to pick out an adw theme...she was so fixated on what the wallpaper looked like in the sceen shots that it made her dislike some of the themes. There aren't many super themed out ROMs in our dev section, and the ones that are do have screen shots. Like I said, for the most part you are just going to get a picture of the wallpaper someone is using.

MIUI vs Android

What is MIUI?
modagain said:
What is MIUI?
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It's an Android user interface, much like HTC Sense is to Android or Samsung Touch Wiz is to Android and so forth.
Got it.
One more question;
Is it the next step in Sense evolution or just an alternative to Sense?
its like wearing a tracksuit or a suit, in the end, its still you underneath...
miffymiffy said:
its like wearing a tracksuit or a suit, in the end, its still you underneath...
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So Sense is a casual outfit while MIUI is a tux.
A new outfit for androids closet.
Has anyone tried it out yet?
MIUI is a look like IPhone interface but with android body.
modagain said:
What is MIUI?
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A better question is why you posting this in here????
Please read forum titles before choosing which one to post in.
Lets keep this post. But wud be good if a mod can move to the Q&A fori.
MIUI is an iPhone look alike. The interface is fast and smooth. But i reflashed into another. Not cos i dont like the ROM or the Chef. But IMHO i ****ing dont like the iPhone interface. When you look at iPhone what you see is tons of icons which you cant move here and there to create a cool homescreen.
Just in case, if i have hurt any iFans. Lemme say the iPhone 4 is a real killer. But when it comes to my HD2, its the huntee. Equipped with Android....iPhone 4 shud be afraid...very very afraid.
You have to follow the rule, this is not the place to ask this question.
Google it before you post, you can easily find the MIUI website and you will get all you need to know about MIUI from there...
modagain said:
Got it.
One more question;
Is it the next step in Sense evolution or just an alternative to Sense?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
MIUI is more like a homebrew UI rather than a corporate product. It isn't really an alternative to Sense in that it's not a launcher you can install on a Sense-based ROM or any other ROM like you can with alternative launchers. MIUI generally comes cooked into Android ROMs. And it is almost identical to iOS. It would be more accurate to consider MIUI an iOS with widgets.
Fair enough question which was answered efficiently, could a Mod please move this thread to Q&A, it's useful for others with the same question.
hey guys, i still didn't find a answer to my question: does have any advantage on speed or something like that by use MIUI rom replacing the original android?
Thanks every one
Same **** different package
