Problems establishing VPN connection - EVO 4G General

I can get the EVO itself to connect to the VPN at my office.
What I am having problems with is getting a laptop connected to the EVO (either tethered or WiFi) to be able to establish a VPN connection to the office. OS: Windows 7 Pro. The connection hangs at verifying username and password.
This is important to me as I had been hoping to be able to eliminate the mobile broadband card I'm paying for. I cannot however unless I can get my laptop connected and using the company VPN.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

a point of clarification...
When trying to connect the laptop to the company VPN, the EVO itself is not connected to the VPN (which would be redundant).


Has anyone got a VPN connection to work with a T Mobile MDA?

I am trying to establish a VPN connection but cannot get the connection to work.
I am using the built in MS VPN client of Win Mobile v5.0 (5.1.1700 build 14352.0.1.0)
I am having real problems getting a VPN connection set up with our network.
I have tried both PPTP and L2PT
When L2TP, I was authenticating with a preshared key
Firewall logs show PPTP negotiation successful, and issues a VPN IP address to the device
It can ping the firewall external interface, but times-out trying to reach an internal address
The VPN session is established, but the firewall logs don't register either deny or allow traffic for each internal ping request, rather the firewall packet error count increments for each failed attempt.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had problems with PPTP - gave up
I hate the way Windows mobile labels connections.
I connect to many customers with PC Anywhere, VNC, SSH etc and I have access via serveral different windows PPTP VPN.
Like you I setup the details in connections and try to dial.
Nothing seems to happen. The connect option does not change to disconnect. So I assume it is not connected.
I have a feeling these connection do not work over WIFI. and perhaps work over T-mobile 3g only, to maximise data revenues.
Seems very buggy to me. I would really like someone to post a working example/Instructions. Can I get a refund on my MDA PRo?
MS please note it is not a connection to my work or an internet connection it is to a customer for remote support, likewise I often connect remotely to my home via PPTP from my office.
confirmed VPN works over t-mobile 3g not Wifi
SEems the VPN links only work over 3g not Wi FI.
I'm using a PPTP connection over either 3G of WIFI depending on te active connection.
- When WIFI is active the PPTP connection connects using WIFI (I can switch off the phone, so it must be using that one)
- When no WIFI connection is active it automatically connects to 3G first, and than starts the PPTP session
In network management I'v set:
Internet (the one containing the 3G connection)
select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
private network:
My Work (the one that contains the vpn connection)
do NOT select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
So as you can see, nothing special (I'm using a Qtek 9000 with standard Wm5 ROM)

Tilt VPN Connection Problems

I have been trying for about 10 days to get my Tilt to connect to my VPN with my AT&T service. One time only while connected to the usb cable was I able to connect VPN and then able to run Remote desktop. As soon as I disconnected the usb cable, the connection died and I have not been able to reconnect. never have I been able to connect wirelessly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
wireless as with wifi or with their cellphone service?
if their service then if they block the ports required there is nothing you can do
I have been trying with cellular only.
Use pcAnywhere to connect wirelessly.
Please excuse my novice choice of wording....
I meant to say that I am having problems connecting over the internet side of the device as a stand alone connection. I have not tried wifi. My needs are to reset a modem server running a dial up program. If I remote desktop through my vpn I can use my current setup that I have for normal pc remote access.
Since I am having no luck with VPN......
I have been trying to get PCAnywhere installed but for some reason the install will not even give me the "other destinations" option to install (pcanywhere ver 12). Active Sync is running but the install just doesn't see the device.
Can anyone recommend a good vnc program for use with my Tilt WM6 connecting to my Windows 2003 Server?
Thank you.
No luck with the vpn.... yet.
No luck with PC Anywhere....yet.
The good news..... I have found a pretty decent solution.
Ultra VNC was setup on my server. VNC+ was setup on my Tilt. After the proper router port forwarding...... it's all working like a charm!
Going one step further. Both vnc programs were setup on my work station and can be run simultaniously. I can access my workstation from my Tilt and listen for a another connection on my workstation. A customer can connect to my workstation as normal and I can access the workstation from my Tilt. By doing this I can control my customers desktop through my Tilt/Workstation connection.
An added plus... my workstation can access all websites normally and through the vnc connection, they appear normally on my Tilt (yes in a small way, but they appear just the same.)
A pretty good alternative without paying the service provider for any additional monthly fees.

AT&T 8525 Internet Sharing to Wireless Router?

I am getting ready to head on vacation and I want to use my 8525 as my "Gateway" as there will be 5 of us with laptops and I want to share my 3G connection so here is what I did. I connect my 8525 to my Laptop via usb, I start internet sharing on the 8525 and in my laptop (vista) under network connections I see Local Area Connection 6, remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. I right click this connection and select Sharing, and enable internet connection sharing on it. Then what I did was took my router (linksys) and disabled dhcp, but enabled wireless and didnt set any wep or wpa. I connect from my laptop to a port on the router (not the internet port) and then goto another laptop to see if I have internet. I dont, I can see the ssid, I can connect but I do not have internet access. Should I use a crossover cable? What do I have to do so that all of us can have internet thru my phone? Oh, my laptop does have internet (from the usb connection on the phone). I tried to setup the router so that dhcp was enabled, but then I kept getting an ip conflict error, so we cant do that. Also I am not getting an ip on the wireless, it has an ip of like
Any ideas?
There a software which you can install on 8525 and turn it into a wifi internet sharing but I don't know if it capable of handing up to 5 laptops. You might be able to use this software and get a router with some custom firmware which allow bridging then set it up to have router access the internet from 8525 wifi and share it among the 5 laptops but I am not sure if you could bridging and do wifi AP on the same router if not then you'll probably need to have 2 router one to bridge from 8525 wifi and then connect cable to another router that will be an AP for the laptops.
That would be my best guess of doing this unless one of the laptop can do AP via wifi when 8525 is plugged into usb slot.

Cannot connect VPN through WiFi Router Program?

I love the connection of the HTC HD2 WiFi router option which allows me to seamlessly connect to the internet to browse, email, download and chatting.
However I have been unable to use VPN properly. I am talking about the Windows XP VPN feature where the host computer accepts incoming connections and the client computer connects accordingly.
The VPN connection connects fine, however I cannot browse shared drives nor connect to the network printer. I know this problem exists when prior to the HTC HD2 in normal Windows Mobile 6, I used to connect to Bluetooth PAN and it has this problem as well.
I assume that being a Router-like program, the HD2 would work just like a router.
Has any HD2 users in this forum had success with WinXP VPN using the HD2 WiFi Router program?

Using a hotel internet connection securely?...

How do you do this? I have just been reading up on this and apparently it is very easy to get hacked or for someone to see what you are doing when you are connected to a hotel connection. I am going on vacation in about a month and plan on using my laptop on the hotel network. From the research I have done it seems like a VPN is my best bet? Anyone know about this stuff? I just don't want my passwords and credit card info getting swiped.
Use OpenVPN and tunnel all of your laptop's traffic to a secure remote location, or better yet, to a computer at your own home that has the OpenVPN server setup properly.
This will make it very difficult for anyone to see what you are doing.
Or, tether your phone's internet if that is a possibility for you and then use OpenVPN on your phone's tether if you're still worried.
If you're running Windows you can make your Windows computer a VPN server really easily. Here's how.
Windows XP
Windows 7
Then you need to go into your router and forward port 1723 for VPN traffic to the computer you just set up this VPN server on. Do a search on the brand name of your router plus 'incoming vpn port forward'
Once that's set you'll need a Dynamic DNS service so that you can access it over the Internet by name, even if your IP address at home changes. You can set this up for free here.
Of course if you're on a Mac I can't help you there lol, I'm not a Mac guy.
Last up, if you're at a hotel, VPN connections don't always work coming out of a hotel due to cheap/crappy setups. To PoisonWolf's point, having tethering on your phone is always a great backup in case the hotel's Internet access isn't good.

