NaviPanel - HD2 General

my navigation soft does not have ...sdk.dll file
how to set it in navi panel (in registry)


Any way to enable device lock with a softkey or exe file? SOLVED

SOLVED: Installed a devicelock
and mapped it to a hardkey
The calendar softkey really is not necessary, so why not use it for device lock and save precious vertical space
I have schaps 4.00 rom, and can assign any .exe to the left/right softkey, but there doesn't seem to be any exe that locks the device?
Any advice on how to do this?

easily switch XT9 defaults

Hi there!
I made two quick mort scripts to toggle between "default to ABC" and "default to XT9".
I need these because the combination "default to XT9" and stowaway bluetooth keyboard is very clumsy.
so whenever I want to use the bluetooth keyboard i tap the "ABC" icon, and when i quit using it, and i want to use the built in keyboard again, i tap the "XT9" icon.
get the excellent MortScript from here
install MortScript to your device
extract the contents of my zip file to your MortScript installation directory.
\Program Files\MortScript in my case
create Shortcuts for both EXE files and place them in your StartMenu (TotalCommander or Resco Explorer can be used for this)
I then used SK Shortcut Manager to add nice icons to these two shortcuts
I added these two to the launcher tab on the HTC Home plugin
now you can easily toggle.
the scripts are super simple and just a single line that sets the correct registry key.
they could of course be enhanced to just toggle with a single skript (and change the icon accordingly), but for me this is sufficient for now

Problem with HTC Footprints

After installing CoPilot (maybe after installing a new version of Googlemaps ?) I have a problem with Footprints, suddenly disappeared from the Footprints menu item "Show on the map" and I have no connection with Googlemaps. What should I set to be able to move to the position on the map again ? Googlemaps is operating normally as a separate application.

navi panal w/o telenav

can i make navipanal work without telenav?? and is there a tweak or reg edit that allows me to set my own gps to be used with it?

[Q] Hiding Control Panel Icons - some still remaining

I am trying to hide all icons from windows mobile control panel. I know the registry hack by setting DWORD 'Hide' to 1 for each subkey in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel].
I'm using a Garmin-Asus M10 device (Windows Mobile 6.5). There are some custom control panel entries in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ASUS\ControlPanel]. I've deleted all of them.
After all i was able to hide the most of the control panel icons, but there are still some like 'external gps', 'regional and languages settings', 'error report', 'info', 'storage' or 'remove programs' (I'm unsing a german version, so I'm not sure, if all theses translations were correct ).
With the most visible settings i can live with, but it is very important for me to hide the 'regional and languages settings' from control panel. I could not find an appropriate registry entry. I've also checked up [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel], but nothing.
Does anybody know, how i can hide the 'regional and languages settings' from control panel?

