Vodafone UK are at it again. - HD2 General

To cut a very long story short (as possible!) here is a letter i have written to the UK CEO of Vodafone:
Dear Mr Laurence,
I previously wrote to you regarding several issues that occurred for UK Vodafone customers who had been supplied by your company with an HTC HD2.
I applaud you for your swift action regarding this matter and most if not all of the problems surrounding the supply, warranty and functionality of this handset have been resolved.
You were the first of the major networks in the UK to release a ROM update for this device, but i feel this would not have happened without my letter to you or your prompt response.
I am therefore deeply saddened to have to write directly to you once more after discovering some disturbing facts about the supply of mobile internet to each and every one of your customers.
You may or may not be aware of a Live TV streaming service in the UK at tvcatchup.com.
This free streaming service requires a web browser that has adobe flash capabilities.
I have an HTC HD2 and know that by using the also freely available Skyfire browser i am able to view over 40 live TV channels directly on the tvcatchup.com website.
I recently discovered m.tvcatchup.com ... a mobile oriented version of the service. The mobile website allows you to choose whether you would like a high quality stream or a low quality version... your choice.
Another major difference between using m.tvcatchup.com and the normal website on an HTC HD2 is the live stream will run within the HD2's built in streaming player and not within a web browser window.
Vodafone seem to be blocking any attempted connections by the in built streaming player to the free live TV stream.
The service works perfectly fine over wifi and also when using a T-Mobile SIM on the very same handset. I suspect it will also work with other network providers also but they remain untested by myself at present.
I would like this rectified as soon as possible as do many other UK Vodafone customers as seen by the response to this issue on your own customer support web forums.
I will remind you that i am a loyal customer of Vodafone UK and have been for more than 10 years. I pay my bills in full and on time every month including any data charges incurred by browsing the web over GPRS/3G/HSDPA.
What right do Vodafone have to restrict my service?
This is unacceptable.
What is even more astounding here is the discovery that the tvcatchup.com service streams perfectly well to the built in streaming app of a Vodafone supplied iPhone on the very same Vodafone UK network!
Why would this service be available to your iPhone customers without issue but blocked to everyone of your other customers?
I look forward to your response in this matter.
Kind Regards,

Hmm,an interesting read,very well written letter I must say mate.
I await their response,should be worth waiting for eh....
As a side point I have no problems with Virgin Mobile and TV Catchup.

Very well written letter I look forward to you're response you, get and as the above poster confirms I also have no problem using Virgin UK

Nice letter.
As a phone operator, Vodafone do suck root. I am stuck with the idiots for another 18 months and each month there are more revelations from them squeezing customers even more.
Let us know if you get a response.

Take the caps out, format it with italics. Caps are really bad grammar, otherwise a very nice letter.

Thanks for your support guys.
I cant actually believe the complete arrogance displayed by the moderators over at the Vodafone forums.
Read the following thread and you will see what i am on about: http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/topic/64258-mobile-internet-tv-catchup-streaming-blocked/
How are any of their customers supposed to voice their opinions if they keep locking threads?

thats great, lets just lock the thread every-time someone complains lol

Demon_man said:
thats great, lets just lock the thread every-time someone complains lol
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i had another one completely deleted without a trace... shocking behaviour from a customer "support" forum.

I also have no problems using Orange UK

Audio Oblivion said:
i had another one completely deleted without a trace... shocking behaviour from a customer "support" forum.
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It's normal behaviour from the mods on there. Had plenty of posts and a thread deleted from their forum when the FUP mess exploded lol. I'm 1 warning away from a ban on there

Isadora said:
It's normal behaviour from the mods on there. Had plenty of posts and a thread deleted from their forum when the FUP mess exploded lol. I'm 1 warning away from a ban on there
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It has to stop to be fair. Their over zealous approach to anyone who has any complaint about their company is simply highlighting them as very sneaky corporate dictatorship. Its a totally bizzarre situation where a forum specifically designed to enable people to put up their complaints and have them resolved is being moderated in this manner.

I reposted the thread which was near instantly deleted from the VF eForum on the MSE forum http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=2526069 as I know the Voda Web Team are authorised to reply in an official capacity on there... doubt they'll ever reply, they obviously don't like "difficult" questions

Isadora said:
I reposted the thread which was near instantly deleted from the VF eForum on the MSE forum http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=2526069 as I know the Voda Web Team are authorised to reply in an official capacity on there... doubt they'll ever reply, they obviously don't like "difficult" questions
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I didnt know anything about that particular issue so thanks for the heads up.
I received a phone call from the Directors office earlier and was promised some answers with regard to streaming by end of play Monday. I will be sure to raise this data allowance issue also.
Just for the record i also mentioned the over zealous nature of the Vodafone e-forum team when it comes to muting the public on top of their constant posting of misinformation (i have had to correct them a number of times in relation to their own services). I am hopeful that this will get addressed in a proper manner.

Audio Oblivion said:
I received a phone call from the Directors office earlier and was promised some answers with regard to streaming by end of play Monday.
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It shows some commitment on their part that you're even getting a response from that sort of level. I couldn't imagine O2 doing the same.

Kalavere said:
It shows some commitment on their part that you're even getting a response from that sort of level. I couldn't imagine O2 doing the same.
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I would hope so but to be honest i cant help but feel that they are responding to me in a timely manner due to my history with them :http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=621788&highlight=rom+update+vodafone
As you can see (and as mentioned in my letter in the first post) this isnt the first time i felt the need to write to their CEO. Its not a good look for either party if this keeps happening.

I understand quite a few of the UK mobile operators are adding into the small print limitations on the data plans...
So where you think you have an unlimited data plan you actually have limitations on certain types of data.. ie internet or certain streaming sites...
I suspect Vodafone are doing this...

crispy514 said:
I understand quite a few of the UK mobile operators are adding into the small print limitations on the data plans...
So where you think you have an unlimited data plan you actually have limitations on certain types of data.. ie internet or certain streaming sites...
I suspect Vodafone are doing this...
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To be fair they are entitled to restrict any content they want on their own network. The real issue here is the simple inconsistent, unfair and unbalanced nature of their restrictions. I quoted TV Catchup as a perfect example as iPhone users have no problem streaming from m.tvcatchup.com ... so what about everyone else? Yes HD2 users can use skyfire and stream directly in the browser using the normal website, but the point is the restrictions should either apply for everyone or no-one.

Audio Oblivion said:
I didnt know anything about that particular issue so thanks for the heads up.
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I did email our friend Guy after the Web Team messed up again... Basically the story goes thus:
1) After they said on 1st June we could swap the "unlimited" 500MB data allowance for a 1GB one, I asked them to do exactly that and received an email confirmation from the web team that they had changed my plan to 1GB, and that the price, contract end date and all other allowances would remain as they were. After 3 weeks of email (mis)communication, I thought it was finally all sorted...
2) the day after that, and in true VF style, I got a "you have exceeded your 500MB data allowance text" so as I was now on a 1GB allowance I tought it could be one of 2 things: a) the system hadn't quite caught up with itself or b) the VF Web Team had f****d up again. Hmmm better check which so email back to the web team...
3) reply from them "sorry I made a mistake, you cannot have unlimited landlines with the new plan, so what I set up didn't save". Eh? Where does it say that in their announcement.
4) Toys out of the pram time, email to Guy which resulted in the people from the Director's Office to get in touch and we managed to agree an "acceptable compromise"
332 days until the end of my contract and after that it's bye bye Vodafail.
Edit: Ooooh I seem to have earned myself yet another "final warning" (erm, that's my 3rd final warning lol) from the VF mods, I'm scaaaaaaaaared, they are threatening to ban me Oh and all I did was suggest to some girl who was going nowhere with CS to email the CEO to get things moving, I did not give the name or the email address. Apparently my post was not "providing help or guidance to others"... muppets...

Related story posted on the Register:

leaving vodafone was the best move i ever made. their customer service is shocking. i left them about 6 months ago and still get "your bill is available to view online" emails from them......WTF !?!.


T-Moble's latest statement on 2003 ROM

Customer 11/06/2003 03:14 AM
I have a Pocket PC Phone. Will there be any upgrades offered for the ROM from the Pocket PC 2002 software to Pocket PC 2003 software?
Discussion Thread
Response (Michael) 11/06/2003 11:46 AM
Dear MrDollymaker,
Thank you for taking the time to contact T-Mobile.
I understand that you are requesting information on when the Pocket PC 2003 will be available. I will be happy to assist you with this information. T-Mobile has not announced an official release date for such a software at this time. We are constantly adding to our line-up of fantastic products so please check back with us often. For the most current information on the products that T-Mobile offers, please visit our website at T-Mobile.com or your local T-Mobile retail store.
If you have any other comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at anytime.
Thank you for choosing T-Mobile.
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Mike C.
Web Services
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Hmmmm..... Wish they would make up their minds about this! Either that or have the right hand tell the left hand what they are doing and visa-versa! :roll:
Now, where can I get ahold of that 4.01.00 ROM that's running loose? :twisted:
$8 an hour customer service reps
Anybody seriously think they train these people or provide extraneous info on something as obscure as a software update for a phone product they're barely promoting?
No. You sit in front of a terminal and look up account information. Maybe you get a raise if you can pick from a series of canned e-mail responses and get to be on the online support team.
Odds are the thing will show up here or from some other, more progressive country.
Just IMHO.
Re: $8 an hour customer service reps
wayandrs said:
Anybody seriously think they train these people or provide extraneous info on something as obscure as a software update for a phone product they're barely promoting?
No. You sit in front of a terminal and look up account information. Maybe you get a raise if you can pick from a series of canned e-mail responses and get to be on the online support team.
Odds are the thing will show up here or from some other, more progressive country.
Just IMHO.
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I"m actually in agreement with you, as when I have had problems and called their support, that was what they explained to me.... unless I get to this "tier 4" or higher which is their development team level. I believe they said there is like 6 or 7 tiers. 4 being the begining development level and consisting of like 20 people or something like this. :?:
Same runaround from ATT
I talked to ATT today and although I will give the tech credit for spending 30 or so minutes trying to find out the status of the upcoming upgrade, the final result was about the same as with TM. Thier final suggestion was to check on the Seimens site. That is a waste of time as the main Siemens site has no reference to the SX-56. I did find the last ATT updates that on www.mysiemens.com, but no mention of the update.
It is sad to say, but I think the telcos are trying to forget these devices and move on to the newer stuff that is easier to support. Remember that they have been used to phones that either worked or didn't. With all the concern regarding the upcoming cell # portability that occurs on the 24th (here in US), you would think that they would be doing everything possible to build customer loyality.

O2 Shop / O2 Online

Hi All,
I currently have an O2 online contract which I have had for about 16months now. After seeing that the XDAIIs are £150 cheaper in O2 stores than online I decided to change my contract to an O2 store type and cancel the online contract and port my existing number accross from online to the new one.
After calling round lots of O2 stores to be told that they have none left in stock, I found a shop with 1 left so hurried along to buy. The girl in the shop though told me that they can port number across from other networks, but not between the online and shop flavours of O2 because they are the same company. Funny that when I go into a shop with a problem on my online contract they tell me that they are different companies and can't do anything !! grr. Needless to say, I didn't buy the XDAII.
Does anyone know if this is truely the case because I do need to keep my existing number and also don't really fancy paying £349 from the online store when they are selling £150 cheaper just down the road. !
Thanks for any info.
That's absolutely pants that is. That is exactly what I did. I had an online contract and bought an XDA2 from the retail side & kept my online number! They can do it, you just need to push them. Once you do they are actually quite helpful.
Have fun! Be assertive!
Thanks for the reply Pete. I didn't think that it was impossible to do.
I'll be back there tomorrow wearing my angry face
I'll let you know how I get on.
I had a similar problem, they said that I couldn't port an O2 number to O2 (this is in effect an upgrade) only from other networks. I pushed them and they said it could be done - I signed a new contract, got a temporary number (which was no use to me as I didn't want to give my many contacts a temporary number) so I put my old SIM in the XDAII until they ported the number - it took them over a month to finally port the number, but they did give me 4 months free line rental as compensation.
Well done m8. Just show what can be done when you push! I also ended up with several months free line rental. They ended up moving the new contract to my old sim card. A 'Migration' they call it!
Don't give up just keep pushin.
Good luck!
You need to get your PAC code from online o2 and then take it to the shop.
The XDA2 is going to be £299 in shops from the 1st of March
Has it gone up! Was £199 in o2 stores. Hope not as I haven't been able to get one anywhere, have emailed o2 ceo as i'm so pissed off.
Unless thats £299 offline..... I wish
They were only 199 for febuary back to 299 now onwards.
Sorry people.
Staff got theres for 150 sim free.
Can a new user, onto his second post, dare correct you all (but do so on the basis that he had exactly this, and it lead to a full investigation from the then OFTEL)?
Sorry to say it folks, but whilst SOME Service Providers, or even individual staff themselves, will let you 'port' from one Service Provider on the same network to another SP on the same network, there is ABSOLUTELY NO LEGAL OBLIGATION FOR THEM TO DO THIS.
I know this from huge problems I had with Singlepoint as SP for O2, Porting into them a number from O2 (then BT Mobile SP).
So I took my case to OFTEL.
And guess waht - the reason for this is clear.
Legislation provides for Porting numbers, and places a legal obligation on Networks and SP's to do exactly this.
Going from one service provider to a different one, but within the same network, is not covered. Becuase it ISN'T a PORT - it is a MIGRATION.
Only if the networks are different, does a PORT ensue.
And ONLY a Port is bound by Oftel (at the time - now OFCOM) regulations.
So many of you MIGHT manage this (in the end Singlepoint did for me, after all the hoo-ha).
But there is absolutely no compulsion for them to do this, and nothing you can do in law to force them, if they refuse.
Please don't think I am making this up - a simple call to OFCOM will answer your query.
BUT, bear in mind this was a while back, and the case investigator from OFTEL told me at that time that plans were afoot to change this in future to cover migrations too. So it might be worth that call to OFCOM...
Hope this helps folks.
Are you saying you had a problem with singlepoint giving you the PAC code?
They should give it to you no matter where you say the number is going?
u05rdh said:
Are you saying you had a problem with singlepoint giving you the PAC code?
They should give it to you no matter where you say the number is going?
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I'm gonna sound rude here, but no thats completely what i am not saying, as my post should indicate.
I was going FROM O2 (with O2/BT Cellnet/Mobile as the Service Provider) TO Singlepoint (O2).
And what Singlepoint would not do, is ACCEPT my PAC code.
Hence why I went to OFTEL.
Only to find that Singlepoint were well within their rights not to accept the PAC code, and transfer IN my number, as it wasn't a PORT at all (PAC = Port Authorisation Code - hint!)
Becuase only if there is a change of networks, does it amount to a PORT. If it is inter network, but different services providers, it is a MIGRATION, which has no legal obligation (or at least didn't at that time).
So what my post was clearly warning, is that UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE OF NETWORK, it is not a PORT< but instead, a migration.
And for migrations, Service Providers have no compulsion or legal obligation to let you bring your number over - it is entirely at their own discretion.
Only a PORT (which as I said, needs a change of network), has legal obligation to it on the part of a Servie Provider.
I hope that clarifies. :wink:
I spoke to a guy from O2 (the customer care line I think) and when I queried him about being about to migrate numbers from O2 Online to O2 Shop, he was saying I couldn't, but also sounding uncertain. As if he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. In the end he said that O2 are not obliged to migrate the number across because of the administration charge that they incur. As he was sounding strange, I said 'Are you trying to tell me that I should be able to get my number migrated across if I keep on at them, but you are not allowed to tell me that' To which he replied 'Yes'
Rob_B said:
I spoke to a guy from O2 (the customer care line I think) and when I queried him about being about to migrate numbers from O2 Online to O2 Shop, he was saying I couldn't, but also sounding uncertain. As if he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. In the end he said that O2 are not obliged to migrate the number across because of the administration charge that they incur. As he was sounding strange, I said 'Are you trying to tell me that I should be able to get my number migrated across if I keep on at them, but you are not allowed to tell me that' To which he replied 'Yes'
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In my experience (after the case I had with OFTEL), the ONLY people willing to allow a number transfer on a migration rather than a port, is O2 Online and O2 (O2 Proper, with themselves as the serive provider - not a third party like Singlepoint).
Which fits with what you have said. BUT like you mention - its at their discretion - so sound nce, and keep plugging if they first say no.
Singlepoint will NOT allow you to bring in your existing number, from another provider, if the network remains the same - i.e they will not allow number transfers with a migration - but instead ONLY with a PORT, which they are legally obliged to anyhow.
And maybe I should clarify the Network's logic for this...
If you go from one network, TO another, then the network you have left LOSES a customer/number/statistic/figure, when it comes to reporting year end customer numbers.
On the other hand, the network you are going to, gains a new customer/number/statistic, to include in their year end report of number base/connects.
Thus the new network is happy to do this, and subsidise handsets etc etc.
On the other hand, if all you are changing is Service Providers, then the NETWORK gains absolutely nothing - as they lose one customer to in effect gain another.
Thus absolutely no incentive or financial reason for them to promote this.
And I took the liberty to check, and alas, there has still been no change with OFCOM in terms of the law - ONLY a number PORT (which means a complete change of NETWORK), is legally enforceable in terms of them accepting a number port.
A MIGRATION (chenge of Service Provider, but remaining on the same Network), still has no legal obligation.
Hope this helps.
Like said before in this thread, the louder you shout, the more you get heard, and the more you push, the more succesfull you will be. Nice people don't get anything, just high bills
lummac said:
Like said before in this thread, the louder you shout, the more you get heard, and the more you push, the more succesfull you will be. Nice people don't get anything, just high bills
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IF YOU SAY SO! :wink:
Was that loud enough for you :lol:
hello everyone
this is my first post, and i will admit straight away that i work for one of the big "independent retailers" so have no problem/loyalty with any network..........
i know from previous posts that i may be teaching some of you to suck eggs....that is not my intention!
in the 80's under the then uk government the first 2 networks where ordered to split there "networks" into service providers{billing companies)
that was O2 and VODA by the monopolies commision....several years later the next networks where allowed to sell there own airtime(orange and tmob) .....hence if you are with o2 or voda you could have a contract with up to anyone of 100+ service providers any of which will charge a different amount to upgrade to an xdaII..... you will always have the oppurtunity to upgrade(stay with your service provider,,,if you are a large monthly spend ....negotiate!) but you will also (and use this!) have the oppurtunity to switch within your network (MIGRATION- ie you stay with O2 but are billed by a new company..but are recognised as a new consumer....ie better deal) or switch to a new network....ie voda,orange ..(who are shortly to offer the xda........) who will bend over backwards to get you!!!!!!
either way your best tool is to ask for a PAC code (porting authorisation code) wether migrating or porting.......as this lets the network/service provider you are with know you are not only serious about leaving them....but serious about joining another network/service provider and they will negotaite...if not switch network!!!! normally same handset but better offer!
probably no use and wrong forum
but hey i am new to this!
@ onedaz...
Er, thanks for the heads up, but ain't you read this post at all mate?
The bit about history was both true and helpful.
But "...get a PAC code and do a migrate" ?
Haven't you read my posts at all? You CAN'T do a number port on a MIGRATION inter-network. You can only do a PORT if it is cross network.
(And by 'CAN'T' what I mean, as explained in my post, is compel, by law, a Service Provider, to accept your number - some DO so this by choice, but most do not. Those that do not CANNOT be compelled to accept a PAC code, for a MIGRATION, as this has no legal power behind it through OFCOM. Only a true PORT carries legal weight.).
But thanks for the rest of the info though.
Just to quickly throw flames on the fire and run.....
I am currently with Orange and will be moving over to O2 when my contract expires and I get the new XDA II on a business contract.
Point I want to raise is that ORANGE told me that to get best deal and offer on an upgrade (take out the fact that I want the XDA II) is to MOVE TO ANOTHER OPERATOR - so the above is totally true that migration is at discretion of company, porting (i.e. leaving network) is legal right.

Using the Router feature in the UK.

I've had search through the forum, but nothing specific came up that I found. So pardon me if I am asking an old question. I also checked the link at the top of the forum, but the Wiki links weren't working.
I have just come out of my old contract and was looking at the HD2 as a possible option for a new phone. It has a 'Wifi Router' feature which seems quite unique, but it also hits a grey area in phone contracts.
Would using this feature be classed as 'tethering' or 'tunnelling'? (I think that's what it's called.) Would there be any additional charges from a UK provider such as O2 or Orange? How would they know?
With my old Orange contract I'd often take my SIM card and put it in an unlocked 3G dongle and this would enable me to use my laptop at work to browse webpages and... play Warcraft... Anyway, I never incurred any extra charges with Orange as, I guess, they had no idea that I was doing it.
Would this work in a similar fashion?
Please share your experiences from UK service providers when using this feature. I'm mainly looking at O2 as CPW have an attractive offer of a free phone and just the right amount of minutes and texts for a nice price.
Hi, yes, it's the same as tethering, except that instead of the comp using the phone as a modem, the phone creates its own connection and then shares it, so it's possibly a little harder for 'them' to see what you are doing, as they will still only see a phone rather than a data modem.
O2 have removed the wifi router from their rom, but that is easily replaced by flashing a new rom.
I doubt they will be able to tell what you are doing, certainly not unless they do some pretty hardcore packet inspection, perhaps, however teh fair useage data policies will apply, of course.
i have unlimited data bolt on, so there is probably no less useage when its not acting as a router than when there is!
Personally i wouldn't worry about it.
I'm on O2 and did get a slap on the wrist when I had my phone tethered to my laptop while I spent a couple of nights in hospital. I watched a few 1 hour episodes on BBC iplayer, and I think that pushed me over the 1GB fair usage limit. They sent me a text and a letter, which is fair enough.
However, I'm not sure how they can claim on the one hand that tethering the phone to a laptop is against the terms and conditions of the contract when they advertise the following for the HD2:
"Carry the HTC HD2 in your pocket and you'll never have to worry about finding a Wi-Fi access point for your laptop. Your phone simply connects to superfast 3.5G cellular networks and becomes your personal wireless access point; anytime, anywhere. "
SOURCE: http://shop.o2.co.uk/mobile_phone/HTC/HD2?lastPage=/mobile_phones/Pay_Monthly/HTC
(read the last section titled "Discover the Unexpected")
Aleemz said:
However, I'm not sure how they can claim on the one hand that tethering the phone to a laptop is against the terms and conditions of the contract when they advertise the following for the HD2:
"Carry the HTC HD2 in your pocket and you'll never have to worry about finding a Wi-Fi access point for your laptop. Your phone simply connects to superfast 3.5G cellular networks and becomes your personal wireless access point; anytime, anywhere. "
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LOL, yet the one I got from O2 has wifirouter removed, nice.
I'm with t-mobile Web&Walk+ £30/month and I've been using my phone as a modem for the last 3 years or so. Usually on a laptop or netbook, all over the UK and EU. I've never really caned it with downloads but have used uploads very heavily but I guess I've stayed within the 'fair usage' policy, whatever that is at the moment. I suppose streaming / p2p / usenet would raise issues but FTP uploads and the like doesn't seem to bother them and if it does they haven't bothered me.
The wireless router on teh HD2 works a treat and it's one less cable/dongle to carry.
Used mine as a wifi router pretty heavily a couple of days ago (500MB in a day, maybe a bit more)... no extra charges showing on my online bill and they would be there by now
If you go with O2, you have to flash to a different ROM from the O2 ROM though... although that's a painless 10 minute proceedure... plus it fixes a few little bugs
Thanks very much for the advice everyone. Really has been helpful.
My new HD2 is on the way and will be here tomorrow. I took out the £7.50 a month bolt-on for unlimited data downloads too, pushing the total to £37.50 (a smidgin over the amount I wanted to pay).
I'm actually more shocked that they accepted me for credit.
samsamuel said:
LOL, yet the one I got from O2 has wifirouter removed, nice.
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I'm using a SE Xperia X1 at the moment, but I did hear O2 have removed the wifi router feature, despite advertsing it (false advertising). I got a HD2 from Virgin and it was great, but had to return it because of the slow download speeds.
I'm looking to upgrade with O2 now that I have ported my number back to them.
Aleemz said:
I'm using a SE Xperia X1 at the moment, but I did hear O2 have removed the wifi router feature, despite advertsing it (false advertising). I got a HD2 from Virgin and it was great, but had to return it because of the slow download speeds.
I'm looking to upgrade with O2 now that I have ported my number back to them.
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Im more than happy with o2, , at least now i've flashed a different rom, heh.
samsamuel said:
Im more than happy with o2, , at least now i've flashed a different rom, heh.
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Yeah, they're really good - great customer service.

O2 UK giving your tel number to the web site owner.... is your Carrier doing this as?

Just been released that O2 Uk are passing the telephone numbers of anyone who browses a website on the phone (when connected via O2 internet not wifi or dongle) and it gives the site owner your number.
Luckely we don't have that issue here.... more info on the story here or run the test on the UK one here or try the reporting on our server here what you are looking for is your number in the page, if you see it then update this page so we can have O2 close this down... I am a web developer and this information is great for the site owner for potential marketing, but I am also a person and would hate that this information would be given with out my knowledge.
You can try it on a quick page that we did as well for the Irish Market here, now would ask you to check to see if the other carriers do this as well so forward this to others.
To find your number quick on the page do a ctrl f and type in your mobile number....... WE ARE NOT STORING THIS DATA if you visit it.
Its a configuration problem o2 are trying to sort out, they sent an internal note twenty mins ago to their advisors about it and affects only phone users not using wifi.
They are trying to sort it at the moment.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
mistermentality said:
Its a configuration problem o2 are trying to sort out, they sent an internal note twenty mins ago to their advisors about it and affects only phone users not using wifi.
They are trying to sort it at the moment.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
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This is what was reported on Engadget...
O2 has issued a full statement and Q&A which we've embedded after the jump. Long story short, it's fixed the issue -- caused by accidental routine maintenance. 3G / WAP users will have shared your number with any site you visited since January 10th. The network has promised it will co-operate fully with the ICO and has reported itself to
O2 must take us for mugs, I'll be checking about the legality of them sharing my telephone number to "trusted 3rd parties" only. I don't want them sharing my telephone number with anyone unless I authorise it and I was never given the chance to not do so.
Thread moved. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.

The T-Mobile Thread

Too much chatter across multiple threads...
I found a temporary solution. I ported my number to AT&T. Thus far, coverage is fine, data speeds are disappointing only in the sense that where I am right now, I am getting less than the 8 Mbps Cricket would cap me at.* Cricket is apparently now owned by AT&T and now offers unlimited talk, text, and 20 GBs of LTE for $60.
My data worked upon activation.* It seemed my AT&T rep had to alter the IMEI associated with my prepaid account to get phone calls working.* Don't know if there will be any implications, but in the hour I have been with AT&T, some root apps (including Ultimate Dynamic Navbar, without which I have no Navbar) have force closed for the first time. Seems like coincidence but I guess not? This is happening regularly now, X many minutes after boot, and bluetooth is being disabled as well.
I hope that T-Mo gets this straightened out, unless AT&T really impresses me, I look forward to hopefully switching back to the $30 Wal-Mart 5 GB plan.
(I'm too lazy to delete all the pasted asterisks)
Possible Solution?
thref23 said:
Too much chatter across multiple threads...
I found a temporary solution. I ported my number to AT&T. Thus far, coverage is fine, data speeds are disappointing only in the sense that where I am right now, I am getting less than the 8 Mbps Cricket would cap me at.* Cricket is apparently now owned by AT&T and now offers unlimited talk, text, and 20 GBs of LTE for $60.
My data worked upon activation.* It seemed my AT&T rep had to alter the IMEI associated with my prepaid account to get phone calls working.* Don't know if there will be any implications, but in the hour I have been with AT&T, some root apps (including Ultimate Dynamic Navbar, without which I have no Navbar) have force closed for the first time. Seems like coincidence but I guess not? This is happening regularly now, X many minutes after boot, and bluetooth is being disabled as well.
I hope that T-Mo gets this straightened out, unless AT&T really impresses me, I look forward to hopefully switching back to the $30 Wal-Mart 5 GB plan.
(I'm too lazy to delete all the pasted asterisks)
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I work for T-Mobile and have also have the same issues with my Z3tc I, being a store manager, have limited resources available to me but i plan to submit a ticket in hopes of resolving this issue, it would help if i had multiple issues to report however. If you folks are willing to help me out with this (power in numbers as they say) i think we may have a chance of getting a fix, what i need from each of you is your T-mobile telephone number that you've been using your Z3TC on and i can submit this ticket. Email your name and phone# to [email protected] and I'll do my best
Some more info on this can be found here
Ive been using xda for a while now but didn't really have a good enough reason to creat an account but......since im new and can't post links hopefully you can addbthe http stuff
I really hope this can get cleared up soon a 500$ phone with practically the same features as a flip phone........ Smh
Any update?
tysontthompson said:
I work for T-Mobile and have also have the same issues with my Z3tc I, being a store manager, have limited resources available to me but i plan to submit a ticket in hopes of resolving this issue, it would help if i had multiple issues to report however. If you folks are willing to help me out with this (power in numbers as they say) i think we may have a chance of getting a fix, what i need from each of you is your T-mobile telephone number that you've been using your Z3TC on and i can submit this ticket. Email your name and phone# to [email protected] and I'll do my best
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Any luck with the ticket you opened? You might consider posting the ticket number both here and in the t-mobile support forum so that anyone with the same issue can easily contact t-mobile and reference that ticket. As you said there is power in numbers!
montp said:
Any luck with the ticket you opened? You might consider posting the ticket number both here and in the t-mobile support forum so that anyone with the same issue can easily contact t-mobile and reference that ticket. As you said there is power in numbers!
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Any update on this? My billing cycle started today and I think I got my internet pulled too. Called tech support and they said they don't know what the problem is. They said they elevated my ticket to a engineer and should hear back from them in 3 days. :crying:
just port the number to Metro its' the same network and just $10 more for unlimited you can always port the number back if t-mobile fix this issue.
Tweeted at Legere and Tmobile help and now I'm sitting on the phone with a tech rep. Let's see what happens. Seems like such an easy thing to switch and the irony is the paying customers and getting screwed and are jumping ship to pacify the freeloaders. I'm in love with huge phones and this is the First tablet with phone capabilities that plays nice with us carriers. I'm prepared to jump ship over this.
SO far she keeps insisting that it will work fine its it has the phone capabilities and i have the proper rate plan. She keeps putting me on hold....
There's someone who clocks into work 9-5 at t-mobile who can fix this issue with very little trouble, just have to locate that person.
---------- Post added at 11:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------
tysontthompson said:
I work for T-Mobile and have also have the same issues with my Z3tc I, being a store manager, have limited resources available to me but i plan to submit a ticket in hopes of resolving this issue, it would help if i had multiple issues to report however. If you folks are willing to help me out with this (power in numbers as they say) i think we may have a chance of getting a fix, what i need from each of you is your T-mobile telephone number that you've been using your Z3TC on and i can submit this ticket. Email your name and phone# to [email protected] and I'll do my best
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So, The tech rep I just spoke to says that she can't open a ticket for me to send to the engineers until there's physically a problem. SO, I'm going to pick it up tomorrow and start the process. Anything happen with your ticket? Am I wasting my time?
I'm still waiting on a call back. Day 2 with no Internet. I told them to call me 24/7. I didn't bother calling today, but you can bet I will again tomorrow. Please, also get it elevated so that they realize this is not an isolated incident. I stopped by at&t today to ask about porting over my number. They said it would take 15 mins. About to jump ship and take my 5 lines on the account with me if I can't get the Internet to work again.
Please keep me updated, I'll keep you updated too.
Sent from my SGP621 using XDA Free mobile app
AirBruce said:
I'm still waiting on a call back. Day 2 with no Internet. I told them to call me 24/7. I didn't bother calling today, but you can bet I will again tomorrow. Please, also get it elevated so that they realize this is not an isolated incident. I stopped by at&t today to ask about porting over my number. They said it would take 15 mins. About to jump ship and take my 5 lines on the account with me if I can't get the Internet to work again.
Please keep me updated, I'll keep you updated too.
Sent from my SGP621 using XDA Free mobile app
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The question is, you can't buy this device from a good reputable store with a 14 day no questions asked return policy. Expansys, or Amazon (not fulfilled by amazon) and the place where I'm going to go to in Manhattan are all "you buy it you keep it".
So, should I even go buy this tomorrow... The only way they will submit a ticket is if I actually have the device with the issue but if it turns out no one will fix the problem... I dont want to be stuck with it..
I guess I could always switch carriers but I'm in a family plan where we split the bill each month and the payments on my note 4 are going to come due... Big mess... But maybe that's what I'll do.
Why not just switch to metro though? Why at&t? Metro the exact same coverage. Or so I've heard.
Maybe I'll take the time to check out metros coverage while I wait for the issue to be fixed. Although.. I wonder, people were already working on this 2 months ago,why should I have any impact at all.
Whatever, yeah, let's keep each other updated!
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
AirBruce said:
I'm still waiting on a call back. Day 2 with no Internet. I told them to call me 24/7. I didn't bother calling today, but you can bet I will again tomorrow. Please, also get it elevated so that they realize this is not an isolated incident. I stopped by at&t today to ask about porting over my number. They said it would take 15 mins. About to jump ship and take my 5 lines on the account with me if I can't get the Internet to work again.
Please keep me updated, I'll keep you updated too.
Sent from my SGP621 using XDA Free mobile app
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They responded on twitter, let's see if they can do anything... Day 2 with no internet you said, did you just get it or have you had it for a while and it just stopped giving you data?
I wonder if walking into a tmobile store would help too...
---------- Post added at 03:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------
mottyengel said:
They responded on twitter, let's see if they can do anything... Day 2 with no internet you said, did you just get it or have you had it for a while and it just stopped giving you data?
I wonder if walking into a tmobile store would help too...
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I just read through a pretty depressing thread. I'm posting the OP's final depressing post after finally getting through to a tmo vp. You can read through the whole thread too if you like. Seems like the battle is lost at this point, it's over, i just have to decide in a few hours when the store opens if I want to leave tmo over this and go to metro... I've been really happy with tmo up until now...
After doing some research I got a hold of a couple of T-Mobile's executive e-mail addresses and typed in detail about what is happening here hoping someone would respond. Today I received a phone call from the office of the Vice president of T-Mobile. I had a detailed conversation about the problem. They said that our device, the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Tablet LTE SGP621 should have never worked as phone with a data plan and T-Mobiles network should have recognized the device as a tablet and not allowed it to work as a phone with a data plan for the few months that it did right away. He also stated that T-Mobile up until I told him was unaware our device existed. He actually had to look up the device. He then went on to explain how the network didn't register the IMEI of the device right away that's why it worked on their network for those few months until the IMEI of the device was registered and classified on their network as a tablet. He didn't actually admit it was the free data for life program but if you understand how network protocols work I don't have to state the obvious. So the bottom line is that T-Mobile doesn't offer the service we are asking for on our devices. The way the network is structured it uses the IMEI number to determine the devices classification and then only allows approved services to be used on that particular device. So the rules on T-Mobiles network work says "Smart phones" are allowed to make phone calls, surf the web, send multimedia text messaging ect. and "Tablets" are only allowed to have a mobile data plan and are incapable of making phone calls. Our device is a phablet but there isn't a phablet classification on T-Mobiles network. Even though our devices will work, have worked, and can work the way we want, it is irrelevant due to the way the network protocols have been written. The industry is somewhat at fault here by not having a specific classification for a device like ours. It really should just be classified as a phone. The world I live in, if a device is capable of making phone calls its a phone end of story. Phones make phone calls, this is kid stuff. So there is no solution to our problem and there never will be one as of right now. So the device is useless in the US for what we bought it for. I would have never bought the LTE version if I knew this was the situation. The service I'm willing to pay for is not offered by any US carrier according to T-Mobile. I find the whole situation funny at this point. Look at it in this perspective, the hardware of our device is identical to the Sony Xperia Z3 that T-Mobile currently offers, the only difference is the size of the screen. and the IMEI number that says its a tablet. You can actually flash the Sony Xperia Z3 operating system onto our devices thats how Identical the hardware is. It's just the IMEI number that defines the devices classification. Overseas this isn't an issue. I'm hoping soon there will be a US carrier offering this service, the first company that does I'm switching to. I think I'm just going to cancel the line and use WiFi for now. I can't believe I spent close to $700 for this device and it's now basically the $400 WiFi version. I'm keeping my T-Mobile account because I'm grandfathered into a very good rate and I'm hoping they will eventually offer the service. but I know for a fact our devices will never work the way they did because of our devices classification. They would only be able to work if T-Mobile changed the networks protocols that classifies the device as either a phone or a tablet, as long as they have that protocol in place we are out of luck. I really don't see them ever getting rid of this classification/rule system on their network. So if they ever do offer a "Phablet" device with the service it will be on T-Mobile branded devices only because those devices will have an IMEI that classifies it as a "Smart phone" or by that time they will have added the new classification of "Phablet".. Good luck to everyone that was having the same issue, I really thought we had a chance at solving the problem because our devices "WORK" on T-Mobiles network perfectly. If anyone knows a carrier willing to provide the service to our devices please let us know.
mottyengel said:
They responded on twitter, let's see if they can do anything... Day 2 with no internet you said, did you just get it or have you had it for a while and it just stopped giving you data?
I wonder if walking into a tmobile store would help too...
---------- Post added at 03:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 AM ----------
I just read through a pretty depressing thread. I'm posting the OP's final depressing post after finally getting through to a tmo vp. You can read through the whole thread too if you like. Seems like the battle is lost at this point, it's over, i just have to decide in a few hours when the store opens if I want to leave tmo over this and go to metro... I've been really happy with tmo up until now...
After doing some research I got a hold of a couple of T-Mobile's executive e-mail addresses and typed in detail about what is happening here hoping someone would respond. Today I received a phone call from the office of the Vice president of T-Mobile. I had a detailed conversation about the problem. They said that our device, the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Tablet LTE SGP621 should have never worked as phone with a data plan and T-Mobiles network should have recognized the device as a tablet and not allowed it to work as a phone with a data plan for the few months that it did right away. He also stated that T-Mobile up until I told him was unaware our device existed. He actually had to look up the device. He then went on to explain how the network didn't register the IMEI of the device right away that's why it worked on their network for those few months until the IMEI of the device was registered and classified on their network as a tablet. He didn't actually admit it was the free data for life program but if you understand how network protocols work I don't have to state the obvious. So the bottom line is that T-Mobile doesn't offer the service we are asking for on our devices. The way the network is structured it uses the IMEI number to determine the devices classification and then only allows approved services to be used on that particular device. So the rules on T-Mobiles network work says "Smart phones" are allowed to make phone calls, surf the web, send multimedia text messaging ect. and "Tablets" are only allowed to have a mobile data plan and are incapable of making phone calls. Our device is a phablet but there isn't a phablet classification on T-Mobiles network. Even though our devices will work, have worked, and can work the way we want, it is irrelevant due to the way the network protocols have been written. The industry is somewhat at fault here by not having a specific classification for a device like ours. It really should just be classified as a phone. The world I live in, if a device is capable of making phone calls its a phone end of story. Phones make phone calls, this is kid stuff. So there is no solution to our problem and there never will be one as of right now. So the device is useless in the US for what we bought it for. I would have never bought the LTE version if I knew this was the situation. The service I'm willing to pay for is not offered by any US carrier according to T-Mobile. I find the whole situation funny at this point. Look at it in this perspective, the hardware of our device is identical to the Sony Xperia Z3 that T-Mobile currently offers, the only difference is the size of the screen. and the IMEI number that says its a tablet. You can actually flash the Sony Xperia Z3 operating system onto our devices thats how Identical the hardware is. It's just the IMEI number that defines the devices classification. Overseas this isn't an issue. I'm hoping soon there will be a US carrier offering this service, the first company that does I'm switching to. I think I'm just going to cancel the line and use WiFi for now. I can't believe I spent close to $700 for this device and it's now basically the $400 WiFi version. I'm keeping my T-Mobile account because I'm grandfathered into a very good rate and I'm hoping they will eventually offer the service. but I know for a fact our devices will never work the way they did because of our devices classification. They would only be able to work if T-Mobile changed the networks protocols that classifies the device as either a phone or a tablet, as long as they have that protocol in place we are out of luck. I really don't see them ever getting rid of this classification/rule system on their network. So if they ever do offer a "Phablet" device with the service it will be on T-Mobile branded devices only because those devices will have an IMEI that classifies it as a "Smart phone" or by that time they will have added the new classification of "Phablet".. Good luck to everyone that was having the same issue, I really thought we had a chance at solving the problem because our devices "WORK" on T-Mobiles network perfectly. If anyone knows a carrier willing to provide the service to our devices please let us know.
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That is some F#* King BULL SH!T!!!!!
I'm going to port my number out.
I just called back tech support and they didn't even know what was happening. No one ever seems to know. I'm going to Metro PCS. EFF these s0n's of b!tch3s.
Yup... Yup... I just had a very long conversation with a tech support guy (i gave him all a bunch of different forum thread links to read through) he read everything I showed him and he understood fully. He transferred me w8th details to someone else who again took plenty of time to read through everything including internal T-mobile discussion. He's gonna call me back on Sunday. I left off with him that everyone is jumping ship because of this, including me, all to pacify some freeloaders.
Of course, I'm not delusional. after reading the above thread I realize he's probably gonna get back to me with a sorry, nothing we can do. That's why I'm going to a metro pcs store today to sign up. I'm not porting my number just yet, first I want to test metro and give tmo a little more time. Plus, I have a new note 4 (warranty issue replacing my current note 4) coming which I will then have to pay off when I port my number out so I'm gonna sell. And actually, I'm going to finally port my number to Google voice so I can always jump around and back to our tmo family plan if they ever fix this.
So, to recap, joining metro today with the tablet and if/when he comes back Sunday with nothing, I'm porting out to Google voice.
I'm so disappointed with tmo. I joined them in 2012 right before everything started getting exciting in 2013 and on and I have been increasingly more happy with them ever since...
What a shame
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
mottyengel said:
Yup... Yup... I just had a very long conversation with a tech support guy (i gave him all a bunch of different forum thread links to read through) he read everything I showed him and he understood fully. He transferred me w8th details to someone else who again took plenty of time to read through everything including internal T-mobile discussion. He's gonna call me back on Sunday. I left off with him that everyone is jumping ship because of this, including me, all to pacify some freeloaders.
Of course, I'm not delusional. after reading the above thread I realize he's probably gonna get back to me with a sorry, nothing we can do. That's why I'm going to a metro pcs store today to sign up. I'm not porting my number just yet, first I want to test metro and give tmo a little more time. Plus, I have a new note 4 (warranty issue replacing my current note 4) coming which I will then have to pay off when I port my number out so I'm gonna sell. And actually, I'm going to finally port my number to Google voice so I can always jump around and back to our tmo family plan if they ever fix this.
So, to recap, joining metro today with the tablet and if/when he comes back Sunday with nothing, I'm porting out to Google voice.
I'm so disappointed with tmo. I joined them in 2012 right before everything started getting exciting in 2013 and on and I have been increasingly more happy with them ever since...
What a shame
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
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I just came back from the cricket store. After writing my last post, I put my jacket on, and walked out, walked 6 blocks down, and had them port my number. So far so good. LTE speed is decent, and now I'm actually paying less! $35 a month. 2.5GB (which is enough for me, they had $45 for 5GB, maybe I'll upgrade next month) and unlimited talk and text. Not too shabby.
Dear T-Mobile. See how easy it was to "Un-carrier" you? I did it in less time, than it takes to do one load of laundry.
Nice hope it works for you. I need the unlimited data because I use North of 30gb a month... With I could go to cricket, but metros probably where I'll end up
Sent from my SM-N910T using XDA Free mobile app
AirBruce said:
I just came back from the cricket store. After writing my last post, I put my jacket on, and walked out, walked 6 blocks down, and had them port my number. So far so good. LTE speed is decent, and now I'm actually paying less! $35 a month. 2.5GB (which is enough for me, they had $45 for 5GB, maybe I'll upgrade next month) and unlimited talk and text. Not too shabby.
Dear T-Mobile. See how easy it was to "Un-carrier" you? I did it in less time, than it takes to do one load of laundry.
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Well, I'm now a happy metro pcs customer. Just started porting my tmo number to google voice and it'll work through the new metro number. Turns out, my eip on my note 4 doesnt come due at all. As long as there are still more lines on the account, i can just keep paying it off month by month. Of course I'm gonna sell it soon but still.
BTW, to anyone who had this issue with tmo, you can get through to the engineering department for technical support, forward them to the following link so they can read up on the problem and then you can get them to credit your bill for the data portion since february. The credited my account 60 bucks.. Not bad. I wish I could have stayed with t-mobile but what can ya do.
Again, to all you people holding out for this to change. Not gonna happen. Not a chance in hell. really. It's a tablet now and it's final. you're gonna all have to move on
Metro is working fine for me is $10 more for the unlimited data but I am happy at least to have this working don't hesitate guys

