O2 Shop / O2 Online - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi All,
I currently have an O2 online contract which I have had for about 16months now. After seeing that the XDAIIs are £150 cheaper in O2 stores than online I decided to change my contract to an O2 store type and cancel the online contract and port my existing number accross from online to the new one.
After calling round lots of O2 stores to be told that they have none left in stock, I found a shop with 1 left so hurried along to buy. The girl in the shop though told me that they can port number across from other networks, but not between the online and shop flavours of O2 because they are the same company. Funny that when I go into a shop with a problem on my online contract they tell me that they are different companies and can't do anything !! grr. Needless to say, I didn't buy the XDAII.
Does anyone know if this is truely the case because I do need to keep my existing number and also don't really fancy paying £349 from the online store when they are selling £150 cheaper just down the road. !
Thanks for any info.

That's absolutely pants that is. That is exactly what I did. I had an online contract and bought an XDA2 from the retail side & kept my online number! They can do it, you just need to push them. Once you do they are actually quite helpful.
Have fun! Be assertive!

Thanks for the reply Pete. I didn't think that it was impossible to do.
I'll be back there tomorrow wearing my angry face
I'll let you know how I get on.

I had a similar problem, they said that I couldn't port an O2 number to O2 (this is in effect an upgrade) only from other networks. I pushed them and they said it could be done - I signed a new contract, got a temporary number (which was no use to me as I didn't want to give my many contacts a temporary number) so I put my old SIM in the XDAII until they ported the number - it took them over a month to finally port the number, but they did give me 4 months free line rental as compensation.

Well done m8. Just show what can be done when you push! I also ended up with several months free line rental. They ended up moving the new contract to my old sim card. A 'Migration' they call it!
Don't give up just keep pushin.
Good luck!

You need to get your PAC code from online o2 and then take it to the shop.
The XDA2 is going to be £299 in shops from the 1st of March

Has it gone up! Was £199 in o2 stores. Hope not as I haven't been able to get one anywhere, have emailed o2 ceo as i'm so pissed off.
Unless thats £299 offline..... I wish

They were only 199 for febuary back to 299 now onwards.
Sorry people.
Staff got theres for 150 sim free.

Can a new user, onto his second post, dare correct you all (but do so on the basis that he had exactly this, and it lead to a full investigation from the then OFTEL)?
Sorry to say it folks, but whilst SOME Service Providers, or even individual staff themselves, will let you 'port' from one Service Provider on the same network to another SP on the same network, there is ABSOLUTELY NO LEGAL OBLIGATION FOR THEM TO DO THIS.
I know this from huge problems I had with Singlepoint as SP for O2, Porting into them a number from O2 (then BT Mobile SP).
So I took my case to OFTEL.
And guess waht - the reason for this is clear.
Legislation provides for Porting numbers, and places a legal obligation on Networks and SP's to do exactly this.
Going from one service provider to a different one, but within the same network, is not covered. Becuase it ISN'T a PORT - it is a MIGRATION.
Only if the networks are different, does a PORT ensue.
And ONLY a Port is bound by Oftel (at the time - now OFCOM) regulations.
So many of you MIGHT manage this (in the end Singlepoint did for me, after all the hoo-ha).
But there is absolutely no compulsion for them to do this, and nothing you can do in law to force them, if they refuse.
Please don't think I am making this up - a simple call to OFCOM will answer your query.
BUT, bear in mind this was a while back, and the case investigator from OFTEL told me at that time that plans were afoot to change this in future to cover migrations too. So it might be worth that call to OFCOM...
Hope this helps folks.

Are you saying you had a problem with singlepoint giving you the PAC code?
They should give it to you no matter where you say the number is going?

u05rdh said:
Are you saying you had a problem with singlepoint giving you the PAC code?
They should give it to you no matter where you say the number is going?
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I'm gonna sound rude here, but no thats completely what i am not saying, as my post should indicate.
I was going FROM O2 (with O2/BT Cellnet/Mobile as the Service Provider) TO Singlepoint (O2).
And what Singlepoint would not do, is ACCEPT my PAC code.
Hence why I went to OFTEL.
Only to find that Singlepoint were well within their rights not to accept the PAC code, and transfer IN my number, as it wasn't a PORT at all (PAC = Port Authorisation Code - hint!)
Becuase only if there is a change of networks, does it amount to a PORT. If it is inter network, but different services providers, it is a MIGRATION, which has no legal obligation (or at least didn't at that time).
So what my post was clearly warning, is that UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE OF NETWORK, it is not a PORT< but instead, a migration.
And for migrations, Service Providers have no compulsion or legal obligation to let you bring your number over - it is entirely at their own discretion.
Only a PORT (which as I said, needs a change of network), has legal obligation to it on the part of a Servie Provider.
I hope that clarifies. :wink:

I spoke to a guy from O2 (the customer care line I think) and when I queried him about being about to migrate numbers from O2 Online to O2 Shop, he was saying I couldn't, but also sounding uncertain. As if he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. In the end he said that O2 are not obliged to migrate the number across because of the administration charge that they incur. As he was sounding strange, I said 'Are you trying to tell me that I should be able to get my number migrated across if I keep on at them, but you are not allowed to tell me that' To which he replied 'Yes'

Rob_B said:
I spoke to a guy from O2 (the customer care line I think) and when I queried him about being about to migrate numbers from O2 Online to O2 Shop, he was saying I couldn't, but also sounding uncertain. As if he wanted to tell me something but couldn't. In the end he said that O2 are not obliged to migrate the number across because of the administration charge that they incur. As he was sounding strange, I said 'Are you trying to tell me that I should be able to get my number migrated across if I keep on at them, but you are not allowed to tell me that' To which he replied 'Yes'
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In my experience (after the case I had with OFTEL), the ONLY people willing to allow a number transfer on a migration rather than a port, is O2 Online and O2 (O2 Proper, with themselves as the serive provider - not a third party like Singlepoint).
Which fits with what you have said. BUT like you mention - its at their discretion - so sound nce, and keep plugging if they first say no.
Singlepoint will NOT allow you to bring in your existing number, from another provider, if the network remains the same - i.e they will not allow number transfers with a migration - but instead ONLY with a PORT, which they are legally obliged to anyhow.

And maybe I should clarify the Network's logic for this...
If you go from one network, TO another, then the network you have left LOSES a customer/number/statistic/figure, when it comes to reporting year end customer numbers.
On the other hand, the network you are going to, gains a new customer/number/statistic, to include in their year end report of number base/connects.
Thus the new network is happy to do this, and subsidise handsets etc etc.
On the other hand, if all you are changing is Service Providers, then the NETWORK gains absolutely nothing - as they lose one customer to in effect gain another.
Thus absolutely no incentive or financial reason for them to promote this.
And I took the liberty to check, and alas, there has still been no change with OFCOM in terms of the law - ONLY a number PORT (which means a complete change of NETWORK), is legally enforceable in terms of them accepting a number port.
A MIGRATION (chenge of Service Provider, but remaining on the same Network), still has no legal obligation.
Hope this helps.

Like said before in this thread, the louder you shout, the more you get heard, and the more you push, the more succesfull you will be. Nice people don't get anything, just high bills

lummac said:
Like said before in this thread, the louder you shout, the more you get heard, and the more you push, the more succesfull you will be. Nice people don't get anything, just high bills
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IF YOU SAY SO! :wink:
Was that loud enough for you :lol:

hello everyone
this is my first post, and i will admit straight away that i work for one of the big "independent retailers" so have no problem/loyalty with any network..........
i know from previous posts that i may be teaching some of you to suck eggs....that is not my intention!
in the 80's under the then uk government the first 2 networks where ordered to split there "networks" into service providers{billing companies)
that was O2 and VODA by the monopolies commision....several years later the next networks where allowed to sell there own airtime(orange and tmob) .....hence if you are with o2 or voda you could have a contract with up to anyone of 100+ service providers any of which will charge a different amount to upgrade to an xdaII..... you will always have the oppurtunity to upgrade(stay with your service provider,,,if you are a large monthly spend ....negotiate!) but you will also (and use this!) have the oppurtunity to switch within your network (MIGRATION- ie you stay with O2 but are billed by a new company..but are recognised as a new consumer....ie better deal) or switch to a new network....ie voda,orange ..(who are shortly to offer the xda........) who will bend over backwards to get you!!!!!!
either way your best tool is to ask for a PAC code (porting authorisation code) wether migrating or porting.......as this lets the network/service provider you are with know you are not only serious about leaving them....but serious about joining another network/service provider and they will negotaite...if not switch network!!!! normally same handset but better offer!
probably no use and wrong forum
but hey i am new to this!

@ onedaz...
Er, thanks for the heads up, but ain't you read this post at all mate?
The bit about history was both true and helpful.
But "...get a PAC code and do a migrate" ?
Haven't you read my posts at all? You CAN'T do a number port on a MIGRATION inter-network. You can only do a PORT if it is cross network.
(And by 'CAN'T' what I mean, as explained in my post, is compel, by law, a Service Provider, to accept your number - some DO so this by choice, but most do not. Those that do not CANNOT be compelled to accept a PAC code, for a MIGRATION, as this has no legal power behind it through OFCOM. Only a true PORT carries legal weight.).
But thanks for the rest of the info though.

Just to quickly throw flames on the fire and run.....
I am currently with Orange and will be moving over to O2 when my contract expires and I get the new XDA II on a business contract.
Point I want to raise is that ORANGE told me that to get best deal and offer on an upgrade (take out the fact that I want the XDA II) is to MOVE TO ANOTHER OPERATOR - so the above is totally true that migration is at discretion of company, porting (i.e. leaving network) is legal right.


When are Orange going to wake up..

When are Orange going to wake up.. M5000 is
a) late
b) data charges are more expensive than O2
c) device will actually cost more that the *already out* XDA Exec.
I have loyalty to orange.. but the price difference and delays are too much.
Besides which I have 900 business user im wanting to put on and to be honest.. which one I use for my personal use will prolly be the same I as Instruct my company to buy.
Get off your ar$e orange.. Your the slowest and most expensive in the pack. Why in hells name would a business want to go with you even with existing loyalty when its like this.
And the orange price promise seemed to go out of the window years ago. It should now read "We'll copy any tariff that's pretty expensive and come up with 1001 excuses not to match any that you may want."
the m5000 is available in france, and not very expensive :
700 € without any subscription....
Aye bud..
Its so bloody annoying.. I actually prefer working and developing with Orange but the Account manager is useless and never returns calls or emails(previous one on maternity leave was better).
Promises have been broken time and again on released date (anyone remember when they said it would be ready the 2nd of Sept 2005 lol).
If Imate, 02 and t mobile can get it right.. WTF are Orange playing at.
The current tariff structure is near archaic – 3G on orange is really expense.. This idea of downloading a music video or a powerpoint slide on 3G just makes me want laugh… yeah if you want to spend 16 pounds on one song..
it begin to be interesting with orange, for example, TV is without limit every week end ...
another potential problem with the Orange M5000.... IT MIGHT HAVE WI-FI DISABLED :!:
I was reading about the different models during the past few weeks before I finnally gave up and bought my xda Exec last week.
What I gathered from specialised sites was that Orange was considering disabeling the Wi-Fi capabilities of the M5000. a very stupid move i might add.....
In any case I went into an Orange shop early last week and enquired about the matter (and soon gave up due to the 'highly' knowledgable staff :roll: ) - the guy claimed that he was SURE that its not disabled - the person there showed me the info on Orange's intranet - and it actually has a remark there regrding the Wi-Fi capability of the device - that it "is up to the discretion" of the mobile operator....
I have no vested interst here - all I'm saying is - take care and make sure it has Wi-Fi b4 u buy it!
Shhh that is serious.. can anyone confirm that the Orange M5000 does or doesnt have WiFi?
It has WIfi
What was in the box? Did it get the spare battery as promised? What s/w is installed in the ROM and did you get an more on CD? What version is the ROM?

no wm6 for ameo (ever?)

hi all
just received an email from t-mobile uk saying that have no plans to release the wm6 rom. Does this mean were are cursed or will we be able to use the HTC version when it comes out. is it just a case of losing branding and the cab files with the gprs settings etc???
Yeah i know, i got the same reply by email at weekend. you think that with the unit being so high spec that they would want to upgrade to WM6 for customer satisfaction
Disgraceful! Let's hope someone cracks the CID protection soon so we can use the HTC ROM when it is released!
Not good news. Let's all sign a petition and get it over to T-Mobile.
yea, not happy about this at all, been with t-mobile for 8 years now, theyve had a **** load of money off of me. let me know if you start a petition
Since WM6 isn't an upgrade for any Advantage yet, is it really likely their emaildrone is going to know about it really?
Yes, we should petition them. But in context. "When WM6 is shipping on the Advantage please make it available for Ameo"
I second that, we need to make sure they know how not realising an operating system upgrade as big as WM6 would nark us Ameo owners off. (to put it nicely!)
Don't get upset..we'll get it anyway
Sorry guys I'm in disagreement with you on this one. I agree that a device as new and feature rich as the Ameo should definitely come with WM6, but it was never promised or even mentioned to the best of my recollection prior to and after the Ameo was released. Therefore we all knew what we were getting before we shelled out, even though we all held out hope that an official T-mobile WM6 upgrade would be available.
I'm quite happy to wait until CID unlocking has been cracked and an official WM6 ROM is available for the Dopod or Advantage version.
Let's face it people, we'll get there in the end anyway, wether they want us too or not.
CID is already available through imei-check, but they cant do it over-the-air. I emailed them about CID/SIM unlocking and this is their reply.....
>>we can unlock it, but remote is not possible right now. If you want you can send the device to us for unlock. Special delivery is ok. The unlock is 20 GBP + 7 gbp to ship it back to you. Please send it to:
MIGsofT LTD FAO:Florin Mandache 19 Cowan Road Balloch Glasgow G68 9BX. Send just the handset + battery. >Regards, > >IMEI-CHECK Team >
I was very unsure sending the unit and needed reassurance so i replied.....
Thanks for your reply, but could you supply me with a contact number(landline) to help keep track of my unit, and so i can make payment by card. Your website doesn't contain any contact info which makes me a little uneasy.
And this is the reply i got back.....
You can call me on my mobile : +44795*******.
The payment it will be done via paypal or direct bank deposit after we received the device and we unlocked it.
As you might guess, i'm still wary of sending it off so i guess i'll sit and wait until another option is available.
i was checking via STREETMAP, the postcode for imei-check (look at my post above) and i found this........http://www.myhouseprice.com/HousePr...imeframe=1&timeframemonth=99&timeframeyear=99
CHECK THE FIFTH HOUSE DOWN THE LIST! Its the same address and postcode for IMEI-CHECK, and it went up for sale on 23/03/07. Now i definately aint sending my unit through the post, to dodgy!
neildunne said:
Please send it to:
MIGsofT LTD FAO:Florin Mandache 19 Cowan Road Balloch Glasgow G68 9BX.
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Excellent! I'm just down the road (for a certain value of "down the road", being a two hour drive but one I do frequently) from them.
Wonder if they'll do it whilst I wait
mackaby007 said:
Sorry guys I'm in disagreement with you on this one. I agree that a device as new and feature rich as the Ameo should definitely come with WM6, but it was never promised or even mentioned to the best of my recollection prior to and after the Ameo was released. Therefore we all knew what we were getting before we shelled out, even though we all held out hope that an official T-mobile WM6 upgrade would be available.
I'm quite happy to wait until CID unlocking has been cracked and an official WM6 ROM is available for the Dopod or Advantage version.
Let's face it people, we'll get there in the end anyway, wether they want us too or not.
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i agree with you here, T-mobile has never promise WM6 update, so if they decide not to offer it, it's no problem, you just need the CID tool, and you can install the DOPOD or HTC one.
Whilst i accept that we were never promised an upgrade i consider that most of the Ameo owners believed that an upgrade would be in the pipe line.
By using unauthorised upgrade methods are we not invalidating our warranties and risking the chance of removal of technical support from t-mobile?
Perhaps there are associated overhead costs for T-mobile with regard to supporting another operating system but there are already phones in their range that use wm6. We are not asking them to support *nix.
I rang t-mobile last week regarding a phone problem last week (unable to make/receive calls). i was told that nobody on their thd had an Ameo manual (in the end the problem was 3g network related rather than a fault with the phone).
To date T-mobile have no publicly available rom versions (at all) which leads me to think that they are not yet up to speed wrt support for this unit anyway.
I have been a T-mobile customer for 10 years and have been out of contract for the last 3 until selling my soul for 18 months to get this Ameo. T-mobile cannot provide me adequate support at the moment and HTC will not because it is not their phone.
At a minimum i cannot see why we can not be offered this upgrade as a gesture of goodwill.
If it is a question of HTC (or microsoft) charging too much for the upgrade then perhaps they should consider how few units would have been sold without the t-mobile branding/subsidy.
i for one would be happy to petition T-mobile and will put my money where my mouth is later this weekend and start a site for the petition.
Lips tightly zipped.
But don't worry.
That's all I'm saying.
Slave1 said:
Lips tightly zipped.
But don't worry.
That's all I'm saying.
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That'll do then. Thanks.
imaginarynumber said:
Whilst i accept that we were never promised an upgrade i consider that most of the Ameo owners believed that an upgrade would be in the pipe line.
By using unauthorised upgrade methods are we not invalidating our warranties and risking the chance of removal of technical support from t-mobile?
Perhaps there are associated overhead costs for T-mobile with regard to supporting another operating system but there are already phones in their range that use wm6. We are not asking them to support *nix.
I rang t-mobile last week regarding a phone problem last week (unable to make/receive calls). i was told that nobody on their thd had an Ameo manual (in the end the problem was 3g network related rather than a fault with the phone).
To date T-mobile have no publicly available rom versions (at all) which leads me to think that they are not yet up to speed wrt support for this unit anyway.
I have been a T-mobile customer for 10 years and have been out of contract for the last 3 until selling my soul for 18 months to get this Ameo. T-mobile cannot provide me adequate support at the moment and HTC will not because it is not their phone.
At a minimum i cannot see why we can not be offered this upgrade as a gesture of goodwill.
If it is a question of HTC (or microsoft) charging too much for the upgrade then perhaps they should consider how few units would have been sold without the t-mobile branding/subsidy.
i for one would be happy to petition T-mobile and will put my money where my mouth is later this weekend and start a site for the petition.
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If everyone thinks the same with you, then all T-mobile PDA user will be asking wm6 update (T-mobile MDA,MDA PRO.....). The things is it cost nothing to buy the upgrade, Microsft does not charge anything for it, but in order to publish the update, service provider will needs to run testing on it to make sure it's stable, it's nothing to do with HTC here as well, HTC offer the basic ROM, then T-mobile will needs to finish it, so it will takes them a while to make it stable, this is where you see the advantage of each different ROM, they are not all done by HTC, they are done by the service provider. And when you say WM6 device is already available on T-mobile, which one are you talking about? i don't seems to remember any of them.
Another important issue, you are going to see less and less HTC product on T-mobile, and any other provider too, HTC is now changing their company structure, they are trying to be like Nokia, so you won't see T-mobile mark or branding on HTC device in the future. So you already notice, T-mobile is the only one selling HTC advantage in UK, and it could be the last one, (or the very last few). In the future, you will see only HTC brand. So because of this, T-mobile has a very good reason not to be bother with WM6 update, i believe they are due to the end of the contract with HTC, and really, i don't think T-mobile care too much about Ameo, you don't see it advertise anywhere....
The bottom line is, even T-mobile release official WM6 update, i don't think it's going to be as stable as the DOPOD one or HTC one, they are already in the testing stage, and beta version will be release for tester next month. So all we need is the CID unlock, then you can choose the best ROM to upgrade.
Owners of the dash have been offered upgrades to wm6
And i go back to my point about not being offered support (understandably) for unauthorised upgrades. Surely if you know that the majority of owners of a particular phone are going to follow this path (ie unofficial upgrades) it will be cheaper (in the long run) to aid them and ensure that they have a phone that works. Otherwise you also run the risk of them blaming the network when it is in fact their phone that is not working.
With regard to your assertion that "t-mobile don't care about the ameo" the argument doesn't hold much water as it would imply that they don't care much about their customers- hence we return to the crux of this thread.
I cannot go out and buy a copy of wm6 and install it myself. if i purchased a copy of vista and discovered that it would not be possible to legitimately upgrade (purchase) to it's replacement (bar hardware issues) i would not purchase vista. It is now a given with phones of this form that we expect software/os improvements to compliment the hardware.
not every one is aware of these types of forums and would benefit from the upgrades and the ensuing improvements. It is through T-mobile that awareness would be increased (with the greatest respect to this site).
I do not doubt that you are more savy than me but if that implies an "i'm alright Jack" mentality then I personally prefer to be ignorant (it is after all blissful)
When sms was rolled out did you sit there and say "oh i don't expect to be able to use that because I signed up when vox was the only option"- i think not.
imaginarynumber said:
Owners of the dash have been offered upgrades to wm6
And i go back to my point about not being offered support (understandably) for unauthorised upgrades. Surely if you know that the majority of owners of a particular phone are going to follow this path (ie unofficial upgrades) it will be cheaper (in the long run) to aid them and ensure that they have a phone that works. Otherwise you also run the risk of them blaming the network when it is in fact their phone that is not working.
With regard to your assertion that "t-mobile don't care about the ameo" the argument doesn't hold much water as it would imply that they don't care much about their customers- hence we return to the crux of this thread.
I cannot go out and buy a copy of wm6 and install it myself. if i purchased a copy of vista and discovered that it would not be possible to legitimately upgrade (purchase) to it's replacement (bar hardware issues) i would not purchase vista. It is now a given with phones of this form that we expect software/os improvements to compliment the hardware.
not every one is aware of these types of forums and would benefit from the upgrades and the ensuing improvements. It is through T-mobile that awareness would be increased (with the greatest respect to this site).
I do not doubt that you are more savy than me but if that implies an "i'm alright Jack" mentality then I personally prefer to be ignorant (it is after all blissful)
When sms was rolled out did you sit there and say "oh i don't expect to be able to use that because I signed up when vox was the only option"- i think not.
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i understand your point there, but if you stand at the T-mobile side and think about it, then maybe you will understand if they decide not to offer wm6 update. It cost them time and money to release, it's pruely a bonus for T-mobile customer if they offer it. So do you think T-mobile MDA PRO should be offer WM6 as well? since it's the second most expensive PDA that T-mobile offer.
Anyway, what i am saying here is we are not suppose to flash un-official ROM, it has already bought this site trouble. I know lots of people (including me still do it anyway). I guess time will tell whether T-mobile will lunch WM6 update or not, but if they decide not to, don't be surprise, they have perfectly good reason for it.
Sorry WU
this was not intended to be a snipe at you but i believe in fair play and think that you are wrong.
with regard to a petition i will hold off given that Slave1 seems to know something and others respect his opinion, unless i am convinced otherwise
imaginarynumber said:
Sorry WU
this was not intended to be a snipe at you but i believe in fair play and think that you are wrong.
with regard to a petition i will hold off given that Slave1 seems to know something and others respect his opinion, unless i am convinced otherwise
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let's all hope the upgrade will comes out from T-mobile, yes you are right, i don't know about T-mobile, and i have no contact inside this company too, all I know is when i went to the 3GSM this year, they did say something about the WM6 update but they are not sure which machine to offer by that time.
So hopefully they will release it, if not, we just need to hope a CID tools then all Ameo user can then flash HTC, DOPOD rom.

Orange cancel contract midway

If you are an orange customer you can cancel your orange contract as they are changing there terms and conditions. Just need to call and say you want to terminate because of terms and conditions changes and say you recived a text message (which shud have been sent to everyone but i didnt get one). They will try and talk you out of it but cannot keep you on. There are no fee's and you can keep your phone. Once cancelled feel free to take out another contract. Only valid for a couple of weeks so hurry. If this saves you money which it will feel free to donate for my advice. pm me thanx
Unfortunately this is old news ... loads of threads around XDA on this subject.
But for those that don't know ..
Orange sent all their subscribers a text (mine was on the 27th) basically saying your Ts & Cs have changed and details are available on their website.
Most people would ignore this but there is a lengthy thread on Money Saving Expert http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/...html?t=1825687 that details everyones experiences.
In brief Orange changed the contract so you are entitled to cancel.
At 3pm yesterday (Friday) the legal team at Orange said that the clause did not apply to those who could not show the effective changes in the previous three months i.e. going over their allowances or dialling 0870 numbers.
I suggest that anyone wishing to take advantage of this 'opportunity' reads all the threads on MSE before phoning Orange as there are some things that you can do in advance to assist your cause ;-)
If you still want to donate for old news feel free.
Blimey, that was lucky. I legged it from Orange last week to get a Hero on T-Mobile, but I never went over the inclusive minutes.
Well whoever claimed you cannot cancel if the extra charges don't apply was swindled as the terms have NOTHING to do with that.
They're increasing the charges above the RPI so whether it has or hasnt applied to you makes zero difference. People will believe anything they're told by CSRs!!
ajs007 said:
Unfortunately this is old news ... loads of threads around XDA on this subject.
But for those that don't know ..
Orange sent all their subscribers a text (mine was on the 27th) basically saying your Ts & Cs have changed and details are available on their website.
Most people would ignore this but there is a lengthy thread on Money Saving Expert http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/...html?t=1825687 that details everyones experiences.
In brief Orange changed the contract so you are entitled to cancel.
At 3pm yesterday (Friday) the legal team at Orange said that the clause did not apply to those who could not show the effective changes in the previous three months i.e. going over their allowances or dialling 0870 numbers.
I suggest that anyone wishing to take advantage of this 'opportunity' reads all the threads on MSE before phoning Orange as there are some things that you can do in advance to assist your cause ;-)
If you still want to donate for old news feel free.
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Sorry mate, actually not correct.
Orange have changed their terms and conditions and regardless whether you have or haven't used some services yet that they are now going to charge for is changing what you signed for.
My brother "was" with Orange and was going to use it for business, only just started using the contact and would be calling various numbers etc. Rang Orange about changes and just said the words, "can you send that in writing so I can advise my solicitor" and they put him on hold. 2 minutes later they advised he could cancel the contract.
Orange will obviously try to stop you leaving but the legal fact is, if a contract changes while you are signed in, you are legally allowed to cancel it foc. In the UK anyway.
David Horn said:
Blimey, that was lucky. I legged it from Orange last week to get a Hero on T-Mobile, but I never went over the inclusive minutes.
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Haha! you make it sound like you literally threw the phone at them and legged it
So when exactly does this go from until ?
e,g when did you have to join Orange and can now cancel
Yer well old news - but no offence - I could cancel me recent upgrade to the Hero but I have such a good deal and have been with them for 15 years I cant be bothered
R3PUBL1K said:
I could cancel me recent upgrade to the Hero but I have such a good deal and have been with them for 15 years I cant be bothered
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I thought only contracts taken out before June 1st could be cancelled?
It ws an upgrade so still applies to me. I have heard of someone cancelling when they got a contract on the 7th June. This does all depend who sold the phone to you. Certain resellers did not get the updated t&c's until mid June.
Got my Hero on upgrade two weeks ago and the text today. Will try cancelling tomorrow.

Has anyone used htccode.com to unlock a U.S. Tmobile HD2?

I logged on to their site and chatted with the live person and asked if the U.S. Tmo HD2 was SIM unlockable. They said yes.
I proceeded to go through the motions. Bought unlock on Paypal. Ran local client. Got rejected saying US/France/Canada can't do the auto method, had to email them for code. Emailed. Heard back in about 20 mins. They said computer was not kicking back a unlock code.
This was about 6 hours ago. Still waiting.
Anyone have any luck with the U.S. HD2 and htccode.com? I'm not criticizing them just stating my experience so far.
If I get a code by tomorrow I'll be happy. Otherwise I would like a refund as Tmobile service in my area is not nearly as good as ATT. So I currently have ATT and was just trying the HD2. So I figured I'd unlock it and pop in my ATT SIM to see if I get better luck on reception. Otherwise I'm gonna have to try the Telstra model. Bigger investment.
And yes I know I won't get 3G on ATT. But as it is I'm not getting any reception whatsoever on Tmo.
Not much help to you, but I went with unlock-now.com. Been about 1.5 days and not a peep from them. I am in the same boat, trying to use it with ATT.
Wish luck for you by the morning. In my experience so far, htccode.com is really good and quick. I used them twice before and got my unlock code for only 10'
I am waiting for any good news from either of you...I want to use att sim
Is it possible to use the phone in india after we get the unlock code from HTC.
ashok said:
Is it possible to use the phone in india after we get the unlock code from HTC.
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If your carrier in India supports the same bands the T-Mobile HD2 does then yes. People like me that are on ATT will be stuck on the 2g/Edge data connections because ATT and T-Mobile don't share the same 3g bands.
All a sim lock does is make only the carriers sim card work on the device.
And for the record still nothing from unlock-now. I wish they would at least reply to my support ticket, I understand it's a new device, but communication is key to a good business.
Let's hope htccode.com can figure this out...
can't you just call Tmobile and ask them for the unlock code? I've read somewhere they will give u the code after 2 or 3 days
huevo0000 said:
can't you just call Tmobile and ask them for the unlock code? I've read somewhere they will give u the code after 2 or 3 days
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I was about to ask the same question. T-Mobile is usually pretty good about giving out the unlock code. Especially if you bought the device unsubsidized.
Goatmaster said:
Not much help to you, but I went with unlock-now.com. Been about 1.5 days and not a peep from them. I am in the same boat, trying to use it with ATT.
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I tried first thing on the 24th after obtaining the TMOUS HD2 as well and as you; I have heard absolutely nothing, your right communication is the key.
HushH said:
I was about to ask the same question. T-Mobile is usually pretty good about giving out the unlock code. Especially if you bought the device unsubsidized.
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I called them twice and was told they would give the code after a certain amount of time but only if you have had an active account as they need it to send you the code...I KNOW for a FACT that is not true but its what they told me both times. More likely they have the code right in front of them if not on the next screen, but its not the reps fault they just following orders.
So far:
freeyourhtc.com = Could not return a code...Refunded my money within 2 hours from purchase. $18.99
htc-unlocker.org = Emailed me code after 2 hours; it didn't work. BUT!!! They emailed me twice since saying they are working on it. After 24 hours they emailed me saying the code is not in any of the databases but they can request it from TMO but they want an additional $10.00 and it could take 3 days. $19.99
leo.unlock-now.com (unlock-now.com) = Not so much even as an email to say thank you for the payment. Still waiting, site says it could take up to 2 days...it has been almost a day and a half so far. They sent me a refund (Not quite 2 days yet) saying my code could not be found without me ever emailing them so I guess not so bad after all, also said try back in 15 days.$23.95
I also emailed 2 ebay unlock sellers they have not wrote back yet.
Man I miss Olipro and Cmonex ---They dont have an unlocker on their site yet!!!
I am going through the same exact thing!
I used HTCCode.com and after I paid and d/l the client they say it wouldn't because my PayPal is from the U.S.
Sim-unlocker.com- is garbage. They haven't gotten back to me at all. They did how -ever happily take my money with out any issues
T-Mobile-They have been the most helpful, they said since I purchased my phone at a major retailer they would do it but I had to fax some info. I than said that was unacceptable and the kind lady asked if i had any friends on T-mobile. luckily I did and they said it would at max take 48hrs. I have been waiting since last night..
bingkc said:
I am going through the same exact thing!
T-Mobile-They have been the most helpful, they said since I purchased my phone at a major retailer they would do it but I had to fax some info. I than said that was unacceptable and the kind lady asked if i had any friends on T-mobile. luckily I did and they said it would at max take 48hrs. I have been waiting since last night..
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I am going through the same exact thing!
is your hd2 from the us or the uk t-mobile?
i have four hd2 t-mobile upgrade which i can`t unlock, had no issues before
maybe there is some software to unlock hd2?
If I remember right there was a legal deal regarding the unlock code situation. You are the owner of the phone and have the right to the code. The carrier is required to give you the code. I have had good luck getting tmo USA to give me my codes on past phones. It sometimes takes a day or two because they had to get it from htc.
T-mobile Must Unlock Your HD2 From My Interpretation
HushH said:
I was about to ask the same question. T-Mobile US is usually pretty good about giving out the unlock code. Especially if you bought the device unsubsidized.
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When I bought the phone and I made sure to request my phone would would be unlocked so I can compare with my AT&T service. I did not transfer my number and kept my AT&T account open.
When I called in to have it unlocked, one guy said they can't unlock it until after 14 days, which is the last day to return the phone in many states. I called again and a lady said I have to be through 2 billing periods or 40 days to get it unlocked. This is not written in my contract. I demanded something in writing and there is not a written policy or specific terms on this. But yet, I'm "contractually" binded to this "policy" even though it was never discussed to me nor was it in my contract. I didn't leave the store until I got a written documentation of the conversation around the 40 days.
Then I look at the Terms and Conditions online and line item #6 states customers have the right to have it unlocked.
6. * Your Wireless Device & Compatibility with Other Networks. Your Device may not be compatible with the network and services provided by another service provider. You may buy a Device from us or someone else, but it must, as solely determined by T-Mobile,be compatible with, and not potentially harm, our network. Some T-Mobile features will be available only on Devices purchased from us. A T-Mobile Device is designed to be used only with T-Mobile service; however, you may be eligible to have your Device reprogrammed to work with another carrier but you must contact us to do so. Not all Devices are capable of being reprogrammed. At times we may change software, applications or programming remotely and without notice. This could affect data you have stored on, the way you have programmed, or the way you use your Device.
From my interpretation, consumers have the right to waive arbitration and sue for breach of contract.
if you have tmobile call them up for the unlock code, tell them your going out the country. You will get it unlock code free in 24hrs-7 days via email
a_ok2me said:
When I bought the phone and I made sure to request my phone would would be unlocked so I can compare with my AT&T service. I did not transfer my number and kept my AT&T account open.
When I called in to have it unlocked, one guy said they can't unlock it until after 14 days, which is the last day to return the phone in many states. I called again and a lady said I have to be through 2 billing periods or 40 days to get it unlocked. This is not written in my contract. I demanded something in writing and there is not a written policy or specific terms on this. But yet, I'm "contractually" binded to this "policy" even though it was never discussed to me nor was it in my contract. I didn't leave the store until I got a written documentation of the conversation around the 40 days.
Then I look at the Terms and Conditions online and line item #6 states customers have the right to have it unlocked.
6. * Your Wireless Device & Compatibility with Other Networks. Your Device may not be compatible with the network and services provided by another service provider. You may buy a Device from us or someone else, but it must, as solely determined by T-Mobile,be compatible with, and not potentially harm, our network. Some T-Mobile features will be available only on Devices purchased from us. A T-Mobile Device is designed to be used only with T-Mobile service; however, you may be eligible to have your Device reprogrammed to work with another carrier but you must contact us to do so. Not all Devices are capable of being reprogrammed. At times we may change software, applications or programming remotely and without notice. This could affect data you have stored on, the way you have programmed, or the way you use your Device.
From my interpretation, consumers have the right to waive arbitration and sue for breach of contract.
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It's all in how you interpret "you may be eligible"...
WTF does that mean? Do they have the right to place eligibility requirements on it even? What are the U.S. laws regarding this?
How do you think the ones that popped up on ebay right away after release got their codes so fast?
I have tried 3 unlocking sites and they all said code cannot be found at this time.
j23a45m said:
if you have tmobile call them up for the unlock code, tell them your going out the country. You will get it unlock code free in 24hrs-7 days via email
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Tried this, was told the account had to be active for 40 days which is bull because when I called before getting the phone they said you just had to have an account active.
They were unable to unlock my T-Mobile US HD2. Also looking for someone to unlock my new phone.
I've been "pressuring" htccode.com to come up with a unlock. If they can do it I told them I'd put a post on my site (HTCHD2.NET) which might drum up some sales. It's gets a decent amount of hits so hopefully this will motivate them.

Nobody wants the KIN

Today I called Microsoft, Danger, Nvidia, Sharp, and Verizon about the KIN. I wanted to know about the Windows phone 7 merge claim from Microsoft, the rom for the phone, and the lack of support for the tegra apx series. Microsoft told me "I'm going to transfer you to the mobile service center" and after a ring the call ended. Danger's phone number doesn't even work anymore. Nvidia told me they only support the Tegra 2 series. Sharp claims "We do not make the kin here at sharp". While Verizon said they would be happy to release a rom to me as long as I had proper permission from sharp. So my question is... Who the hell wants to take responsibility for this damn device?
nice effort
Wow, quite a run around - frustrating that they don't want anything to do with this phone. I appreciate what you are doing.
If you aren't fed up yet, try again. Maybe with some "social engineering" Vzw will release the rom. Also, maybe a different sharp office?
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the update this gives me a little hope of atleast getting a rom from verizon. My phone is currently bricked, but I think that if I was able to get a rom I could flash it and have a working phone again. I will contact verizon with the approach of fixing my phone.
Thanks for all the efforts and the info posted.
As stated above, a hope of a rom of some kind is a light of "hope" to get it working on our bricked phones and to do something with our cute smartphones. ^^
Can this device work on GSM networks? I am confused as some sites are selling unlocked codes for the Kin Two, to enable GSM functions? If this is true, I'll get one.
erlern said:
Can this device work on GSM networks? I am confused as some sites are selling unlocked codes for the Kin Two, to enable GSM functions? If this is true, I'll get one.
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Nope. It works on CDMA or kinda networks. Has no SIM either.
Just wandering again... what's the requirement on the stated by verizon: "sharp permission".
Cause if i read right, in other thread attempts, sharp was OK if verizon wanted to give it, and verizon is OK if sharp does...
So.. what's (exactly) needed to make verizon give away a rom?
I've been going into Verizon stores in several cities here in South GA the last few days asking about maybe getting a Kin Twom. (I travel around for work). So far EVERY sales person I talked to has told me that I should not get this phone.... That I will not like it and will want to bring it back within a week because it will stop working! Dang!....I would kind of like to have one! Are they just that bad...."really"?
Just FYI stuff mostly. Also I am a 50 year old man, so they probably think I can't figure out how to turn the thing on....lol
When I emailed Verizon about support for bricked phones, their reply was:
At this time,there are no software updates planned for the Kin Twom. Verizon Wireless does not have any control over the software updates because we are not the developers of this device. We simply offer the wireless service to the device.
All devices have a one year manufacture's warranty. If you experience a manufacture's defect within one year (and the phone does not have physical/liquid damage) Verizon Wireless is happy to replace the device free of charge. The "Updating Modem" screen (which has not been listed as a known issue) should not be a concern. Please remember, thousands and thousands of people have this device and only a small amount of people have reported problems.
dezgrz, maybe Verizon was just telling you what you wanted to hear about being willing to release the ROM if Sharp gives the OK. Nobody wants to own up and take accountability on this phone.
Alright, so I called Sharp, rep said they don't support the phone since they just developed the screen and then gave me a number.
I talked with a tech explaining johnkussack's "updating screen" problem and tech said he never heard/seen that problem before. So then he said that I can send it in for them to look at.
Send broken/bricked phone to
Personal Communications Devices, LLC.
555 Wireless Blvd
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Include a letter with:
Your name
Return Address
Description of the problem with the phone
You pay to ship it to them, and they will pay for shipping it back. The returned guy said it could take up to 2 weeks.
So we have a place for support. Now someone else call and asked about how they restore a bricked phone back to factory functional form and if they can give us the tools to do so. Then ask about releasing the ROM.

