Galaxy S on T-Mobile UK Release? - Galaxy S I9000 General

cannot find any conclusive stuff any where, does any one know when this is coming to tmobile uK ?
Thanks !

The best I could get out of the T-Mobile salesman was early July. He said they'd already had a Samsung rep into the store to demo the handset to them, so I'd imagine it's definately coming soon...

Galaxy s T-mobile UK
Hi i called t-mobile uk afew times over last few weeks as my upgrade is now due. Both times they told me that it is due end of this month early next month. Also on twitter the t-mobile offical help said it was supposed to come in 11th june but got delayed and so im guessing it will come and will be within the month.
Think its worth the wait as the desire does seem old news already and i played with the phone at carphone warehouse and its amzingly light and screen is the best i have seen.

customer services told me early july...

maybe t-mobile uk are being askedto hold off releasing the phone until it is released by t-mobile US as they are doing this whole secret marketing thing with Samsung.

SGS is now available on T-Mobile UK. It's not on the website yet, but you can get it through dialing 150 and speaking to them directly.
Got mine arriving tommorow

how did you get yours on upgrade? as they wont offer me an upgrade yet as its not on the website yet.

I phoned 150, spoke to the upgrades team and asked for one... they said it had only 'just' come in but they had no problems at all upgrading me.
They wanted £170 for the phone initially, so I haggled them down and eventually got it for free as I've been with them for 5-6 years, etc. £35 18 month contract.

i phoned 150 and got galaxy s on upgrade due on friday
free phone
unlimited texts and 3gb internet
£25pm for 2 years


Vario II T-Mobile UK upgrade availability

I have been trying to get an upgrade for my tmobile account to flext20 + Web and Walk and a Vario II. I have agreeded a price but apparently you can't acutally order it untill they have some instock.
It was suppost to come in stock last weekend but last time called it still wasn't. They keep promasing to call me back when it comes in. But I still havn't herd anything.
As you can tell I am quite keen to get my hand on it. Reading this forum is not helping either with everyone talking about how good they are.
Has anyone managed to get a Vario II upgrade from T-mobile Uk (over the phone) this week.
Just phoned T-MOBILE for the exact same thing and they told me that they should be getting stock back in maybe next week.... hope this helps
I ordered the phone + contract from t-mobile's website yesterday. I'm not upgrading though; I'm a new customer.
Got the out of stock message once I submitted my order request. A bit disappointed but not totally surprised. Usually in these cases I would cancel and go start looking in stores but I'm going to give t-mobile 3-4 business days.
Anyone else waiting for stock? I feel kinda cheated that they don't give delivery estimates. As far as we know they could not get them for months!!
Thanks for the info. I have got fed up calling them every day, once there was a twenty minute wait. Still aslong as they eventually get some I will be happy.
I was also told over the phone that they are out of stock. Since I'm a new customer they suggested ordering online and waiting for stock to arrive.
I'm looking forward to receiving it but not desparate yet!
In the mean time I ordered a leather case from and a 1GB Micro-SD from
We need some insider info on when they're gonna get stock. I'm getting a bit desperate now, lol.
The most I know
The guy I first got through to (seemed pritty knowlegable) said they had in initial batch of a few hundred (for launch) but they were much more popular than expected.
He said they were now waiting on a bigger shipment, which should have arrived last weekend. He seemed pritty sure it was comming then (I don't think it was a random date plucked out of the air).
Everytime I have got through this week I got the same repsonce. It should have been with us by now, don't know when it will get here, this sort of thing happens. Makes you wonder if they have had to repeat that a lot this week.
posting from phone. just got call fromk tmob web sales. no shipment till second week oct. cancelled order. gonna try some tmob stores in london.
This may be due to the screen issues and might not be a bad thing to get a functioning device.
tried flagship tmob store on oxford street. they told me its sold out there and at all other tmbo stores. possible delivery wed but seeing as tmob web isn't getting for two weeks, I find that unlikely. I think its becoming obvious we will not see these for a couple of weeks. gonna try the big vodafone store as well for the heck of it, although their tariffs suck.
I ordered off the web the other day but was told the same thing - ended up going into my local T-Mobile highstreet store (in Birmingham) and getting the handset there and then for £65 on Flext 25 with Web 'n Walk (27.50 a month).
nothing at vodafone but plenty sim-free ones on tott court road. only 490 inc VAT . adventure over. heading home.
I ordered a vario II from the website yesterday, 21st September, with flext 25 + web n walk, but got the email saying it was out of stock.
so i phoned them direct, and the guy told me, they'd be in next week.
but then i got a call today, 22nd September, and they said it wouldn't be available till second week of October, so I asked if I could just go to one of the T-Mobile stores and get one, but they just said they would be out of stock to, which according to you guys is true.
as far as I'm concerned there's no other better phone deal out there at the moment, o2 wanted to offer me a great deal, but still not as good.
100 mins, 500 texts, 200meg for only £25 a month.
which would be great if they could offer me the XDA Trion, but only could offer a XDA Mini S.
I'm just gonna wait it out.
After being told that T-Mobile Retail were out of stock, I just walked into my local store (the one on Corporation Street in the centre of Birmingham) and got one straight away, no hassle with stock availability or anything.
They'd probably be able to match the offer I got online as well if you tell them that you ordered but it was unavailable - I got my handset for £65 but I had to pay for the first three months of web 'n walk (there's only £2.50 difference in it once you tot the figures up). If you want your phone right now (and I needed mine there and then as my O2 contract runs out on Sunday!) then there's no harm in giving it a shot.
All the stores in the Newcastle upon Tyne area are out of stock....
Looks like we're gonna have to play the waiting game. This phone along with the unlimited internet t-mobile deal is really an amazing package, considering you can watch high-bitrate streams off the web from anywhere!
Looking forward for them to get it back in stock.
steverae said:
All the stores in the Newcastle upon Tyne area are out of stock....
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Unlucky mate looks like I might have been a bit lucky...
Don't you wish that mobile networks did 'courtesy phones' while you wait for the real thing! You start paying your tariff (but say on like, 2/3 rate) while you have your temporary phone, and then you could get your SIM then and there and start using it - and then your phone gets delivered to you and you start paying full whack again for your contract.
Course, none of the networks'll do it. Nah.
The business customer services are waiting to. The lady I am dealing with emails me each afternoon after 4 to tell there have been none in the delivery.
Bought mine in Guildford on Saturday . there were a few in the City last week (Cheapside & Fleet St).
Still playing with it. Hanging on to Tmob at the moment to get HSDPA switched on. do they ever answer the phone? i assume 150 is a free call or i'm going to run out on mins very soon!!
not free
150 is only free on certain tarifs - sorry - I got caught out at the begining with that too.

O2 Trion (UK) Anyone been able to get hold of one?

Today was supposed to be the day it launched, but O2 say it is TBC. However it has been available to order from their website since Friday. All very strange.
birmingham o2 store in the bullring have some in stock , all the best
Thanks for that, the Oxofrd Street (London) stores are hopeless. One said what is that, the other siad it had been cancelled, i told him that was the Zinc and he went to check with his manager.
They are clueless!!!!!
asked yesterday, who said just keep calling each day! nothing yet in oxford area.
Just been informed by O2 that the offical release date has been moved from 23rd April to 30th April
Which is a joke, as you can buy it on their website!!!!
But it says "Pay Monthly - £89.99 - Up to 14 days delivery" so i guess thats so it can take orders, without fullfilling them for a while. cheeky!
what sort of deals are you guys hoping to get? im upgrading from the xda mini s.
I would hope to get the handset free and pay around £35 a month including insurance...
I was on O2 Max £75 a month but at half price for 12 months (on a 12 month contract)
If they will do tha deal again then i will go with it, but i really want them to throw in a few more texts as well.
I also have a data bundle as well.
What are you guys getting, i like the idea of free insurance?
called today-still not available. will try again tmrw.
Called 8 times today, stock sheet was updated today at 2pm, no sign of it
Nothing in Exeter- they not even aware of this XDA!!!
Spoke to 202- nothing in stock, they don't know when will be available.
The thing is that they are not going to do ANY BETTER deals then those posted online... I haven't upgraded my phone (EXEC) for 7 months or so, paying my bill by DD and I'm getting same prices as everyone else.
The other thing is that I'm happy with my EXEC but I need a new phone for my missus so Trion seems to be perfect...
Will try next week
I got told it will be tomorrow. So lets see.
Spoke to O2 at around 3pm. Said that there was stock and that my Trion was sent today - should be here tomorrow (or Wednesday). I was told that stock was available yesterday as the person I spoke to issue one yesterday.
just orderd!!!
I was told that it will rel. on 30 so today i called to upgrade my contract with o2 trion and i got it!!!! it is in stock and will ship asap!
lets see i will let others know about it. I mean o2 packing etc. but on £35/m you have to pay £90/-
Why if i called 10 times today would they say they did not have it in stock?
Are they really that stupid?
@ theraq
If you were on an upgrade because your contract was due for renewal, why didn't you threaten to go elsewhere.
I did it with Vodafone back in Feb including sending a fax declaring my intentions to terminate the contract. I got a telephone call the next day with an offer of the V1605 free on a £25 p/m contract if I were to continue with Vodafone.
What kind of deal are you guys getting from O2?
DD, 8 months over contract, one of the oldest tariffs (35 quid/m but I've never paid less than 60-70), 3 years with O2.
What should I ask for? Send them an fax?
Ordered yesterday - and arrived at 9am this morning. Good service.
Yes, I have one now. Really annoying customer service. Was to be delivered on the 21th, then the, 24th and then 26th. Finally got it Saturday morning on the 28th.
My initial impressions were good. However, I'm now having it door-to-door replaced. I've found a random issue with it whereby you will receive a text message and the messing software will not respond to the keyboard. The keyboard does work, because should I press Shift, then the 'C' notification appears. Should I press Space then the Start menu pulls down. It as if the messenging 'window' is not selected. The only way to get the keyboard working again is to soft reset the device. In doing so, you lose the text message you were responding to. Nice bit of data loss on a brand new device there. Hopefully the replacement will work. To test, I would do a hard reset but they want the device.
Will let you know what happens tomorrow.

Vodaphone, No stock till mid December!!!

Went into the Vodaphone store in Taunton today, the assistant was playing with an HD2 as I walked in.They had 3 HD2 in stock but they would only do a 24 month contract.
Rang up new customers number and was told on line and phone would be out of stock until mid December. They said HTC had only sent them part of what they had promised. The lady put me on a priority to call when stock arrived.
18 month contract, free fone, 900 minutes, unlimited landline calls, unlimited texts, unlimited data for £39.18 inc vat
Bummer. I ordered mine from Voda's call centre on Saturday (£30pm, 24 month, phone free) and it came yesterday. Must have been one of the lucky last ones.
Now if only I can get the battery life to improve.
Ordered as an upgrade for my wife last Thursday.
Friday morning received "we are sorry........... and expectin stock in 5-6 work days" email.
This morning received "Dear Customer, ...... We have received unprecedented demand for the HTC HD2 ..... Currently we expect these to arrive early in December........ " email.
Then in the afternoon received a suprise email stating that the item has been dispatched by royal mail special delivery today. It did not have a tracking code, but got the order no and address right. So, hopefully will get it tomorrow.
I did not bother complaning about device availibility because the upgrade deal (online) was on 12 months contract @ £25 per month and £100 for the phone so total cost worked out for £400.
t-Mobile Upgrade frustration
I've been trying to upgrade from a HTC Touch Diamond to the HD2 for a few days as my upgrade date is available now but T-mobile are saying there is no stock, due in Friday, Monday, 27th November etc.
Current cost to stay on Flext 30+W&W and upgrade is £141 - they say to wit awhile until deals become available. Don't want to wait though!
I upgraded from Diamond on Monday was told no stock will have to wait till 1st Dec. From Vodafone
Whoop whoop.... after vodafone stating i'd have to wait till mid december my HD2 is now at home waiting for me....
talk about happy bunny.
life is good
I signed up with a new 2 year contract with Vodafone Business last Friday, but I was told on Monday that stock would be in on Wednesday. I received a call from their Customer Care team this morning to ask if everything was going OK with my call plan! I explained that I had yet to receive the phone and the gentleman was apologetic and explained that they had a very few units available and that he would get one out to me tomorrow.
My number won't be transferred until Monday but apparently all Vodafone phones are not SIM locked so I'll be able to use it straight away with my existing O2 SIM and at least I won't have to carry two phone with me on Monday!
I'm looking forward to getting this phone, my last upgrade from an O2 Orbit to and Orbit 2 was a bit of a disappointment as there was little speed advantage. The reviews I've so far read seem pretty promising.
kjt57 said:
Went into the Vodaphone store in Taunton today, the assistant was playing with an HD2 as I walked in.They had 3 HD2 in stock but they would only do a 24 month contract.
Rang up new customers number and was told on line and phone would be out of stock until mid December. They said HTC had only sent them part of what they had promised. The lady put me on a priority to call when stock arrived.
18 month contract, free fone, 900 minutes, unlimited landline calls, unlimited texts, unlimited data for £39.18 inc vat
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VFUK customer relations have told me that some are due into stock on 27th November...

Anyone got DHD from t-mobile store?

Hi, has anyone already got a DHD from any T-mobile stores in UK? though it's already available from online, but my address is not accepted (uni address, and it's the only address i can use).
I live in Guildford and when i phoned the stores both in this town and in London they told me there won't be any stock untill November...OMG i can't wait that long!
ps the reason i chose tmobile is they offer unlimited internet in a low price cause i brows alot and don't need too many mins or texts.
Last Friday I was told T-Mobile stores in the UK would 'probably be getting stock within 7 days'. 'though they also said they'll be fulfilling online pre-orders first.. and I still haven't got mine
November is only next week though, so might not be all that long a wait!
can't understand why htc didn't just simply put another evo4 in eu market, DHD's got planty of problems revently, just saw the Engadget Review of DHD, got mostly nagative review.
Go for online shops
Acaelus said:
Last Friday I was told T-Mobile stores in the UK would 'probably be getting stock within 7 days'. 'though they also said they'll be fulfilling online pre-orders first.. and I still haven't got mine
November is only next week though, so might not be all that long a wait!
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Many retail shops do the same, i dont used to go for retail shops because the single mobile price may include shoprent, employee sal, transport charge, EB etc better go for online shops better try this i had good experience with this site
We have been told we should get stock either end of this week or beginning of next week depending on stores delivery schedule
T-mibile stores get delivery on either Wednesday or Friday, I was told today it might arrive on next friday ,if not, it could be anytime in Nov and they even compared 'emself to vodafone(which already got DhD in store before a week) by "V's got DHD early but some devices have prob"
get it from carphonewarehouse or phones4u, they give better deals anyway. £25 a month on t mobile, free phone.
i have owned a t_mobile DHD for about 10 days now, received from T-Mobile in london. Nice phone, battery sucks
Engadget is an Apple`s dog. Don`t trust them.
Yeah mine is from e2save which is part of carphonewarehouse next day delivery last week and is sim free model on 25 a month for 600mins unlimited tx unlimited internet which t mobile give 3gb allowance on this handset which is a lot. Seems a high demand for this handset. Been a iPhone owner for years and I carnt describe how happy I am with this phone,
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I have bought one from Carephonewarehouse today. 30£/m, handset for 30£ and plenty good stuff including 90 international (mobile) minutes.

(Q) anyone ordered from phones4u...if so...

The reason I asked is because I ordered my Samsung galaxy note from phones4u on Thursday, as I read on google the release date was the 3rd. I saw it on phones4u with a deal with orange. and I bought it.
Anyhow, I was told the following day (Friday) after calling them that the phone was on pre-order, and it would be with me at 11.11.2011 at the latest!
So basically I am confused, I've read on various forums that others ordered it around the same time and received it the next day, and this is all from phones4u!
Anyone else in a similar situation?
sstanton86 said:
The reason I asked is because I ordered my Samsung galaxy note from phones4u on Thursday, as I read on google the release date was the 3rd. I saw it on phones4u with a deal with orange. and I bought it.
Anyhow, I was told the following day (Friday) after calling them that the phone was on pre-order, and it would be with me at 11.11.2011 at the latest!
So basically I am confused, I've read on various forums that others ordered it around the same time and received it the next day, and this is all from phones4u!
Anyone else in a similar situation?
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Hey man, did you get your phone yet?
I upgraded my vodafone contract early with phones4u yesterday to the Note (from Galaxy S). They said 3 - 5 working days yada yada. I went on the online chat today just to ask if they had a more accurate date so I could arrange to be in, but the woman told me it's not released until the 17th... I'm assuming she was confusing the Note with the Nexus and gave up in the end.
Got my phone from phones4u. Just walked in to my local store and walked out with the phone, simples. This was on the release day and not online, I think you will have better luck by going in store.
Dialaphone woes
I ordered mine over a week ago from Dialaphone (subsidary of Phones4U) they gave me a delivery date of 11th November, but emailed me late last night to say no stock. Hmm.. I did an anonymous cold call to them earlier in the week, they said same thing but failed to let me know that my phone was never going to arrive today.
Luckily I ordered one from Handtec, and it arrived within 24hrs yesterday. When the Dialaphone one eventually arrives I will tell them to shove it!
Crap customer service, but Handtec saved the day with 100% satisfaction.
PS the SG Note is a dream to use!
Yeah I just walked in to phones4u on release day and bought it there and then on a brand new orange contract.
Phones4u are now saying they're awaiting stock, but still saying the "release date" is the 17th. Oh well. If I'm luck I'll get it by Friday!
Wondering if this is because I'm going through the upgrades section. I know phone companies keep their stock for new customers and for upgrades completely separate sometimes. Suppose it means they can get new customers on to contracts as quickly as possible, and keep those existing customers on hold for a while.
Either way, I can't fecking wait.
Spoke to phones4u this morning, as today (17th November) is the day they claimed that the Galaxy Note was being "released".
I have been told that they've got stock and that it's being delivered to me on Monday, so fingers crossed!
I also asked about email confirmation, as I didn't get any - at all. Apparently this is because the upgrades process is "nearly completely manual". Suppose that would make sense, and also explain why it's difficult to get stock levels accurate.
Really hope it's here by Monday!
I had the same issue going through phones4u to upgrade my orange contract and the online chat system is useless, i was told that there was no stock of the handsets by the online people, but when i spoke to an account manager they said there where plenty and it was orange who did not want me to get the deal phones4u had offered as it was reserved for new customers!!
So basically i told orange i would go to another company ie vodafone or someone like that and they soon changed there tune so now today the 17th i am waiting for royal mail to drop mine off........
still no joy with phones4u. Just phoned them and apparently they've had trouble getting the transaction to go through the till, but it should be being dispatched by special delivery this afternoon. at which point I should FINALLY get some form of email confirmation.
